A Detailed Lesson Plan
A Detailed Lesson Plan
A Detailed Lesson Plan
(Word Stress)
I. Objective
At the end of the 60 minutes discussion, the students are able to:
c. appreciate the importance of using the correct/proper stress in pronouncing words. and;
Materials: Manila Paper, Construction Paper, Marker and Handouts for the activity
A. Preliminaries
o Prayer
-Requesting everyone to please stand.
- (Students Standing)
-Raya, Please lead the prayer.
- Amen. - Raya: Lord, Thank you for this day,
o Greetings Amen!
- Good morning Class!
- Please be seated.
o Checking of Attendance
- Okay, Let us check your attendance. As I call - All Students: Good morning Sir!
your name, kindly say present if you're here.
- Justin?
- Peter?
- Daphne?
o Motivation - Present!
- Now, what is syllable/syllables in
- Present sir
Filipino? Yes Clara?
- Thank you. I want you to give me a - Present!
sample of Filipino word/s that has its
- Yes Jake?
- Ok very good. Now, can someone
translate the word maganda in an English
word and also count if how many syllables
- It's Pantig sir.
are in there. Rosseane?
- Okay, so who can give me the syllables
of the word " BEAUTIFUL"? Yes Lianna?
- Okay, you all answered it correctly. Now,
notice how the words are pronounced. - The word 'MAGANDA' sir has three
Do all syllables receive the same degree syllables or pantig.
of emphasis? We'll figure it out later
B. Lesson Proper
- The English word of MAGANDA sir is
o Activity BEAUTIFUL.
- At this point, we will have an activity
first. I want you to find a partner and
answer this right after.
- It has three (3) syllables sir
Activity 1: Stress But Don't Stress!
Sentence#1: I got a B'tell to the Hottle.
Sentence#2: They will desert the desert
by tomorrow.
competition ooOo
- Next!
Sudden Accomodation
Ignore Below
Organization Dermatological
Diagnosis Apologetic
Oblivion Invade
V. Assignment
____1. Honor
____2. Syllabication
____3. Legal
____4. Sixteen
____5. Ceremony
____6. Diplomatic
____7. Pretty
____8. Administration - Yes sir!
____9. Creative
- None sir!
- Goodbye sir! see you again tomorrow.