SGV TA10 2 - Online
SGV TA10 2 - Online
SGV TA10 2 - Online
HOÀNG VĂN VÂN (Tổng Chủ biên) – HOÀNG THỊ XUÂN HOA (Chủ biên)
Với sự cộng tác của DAVID KAYE
(Tái bản lần thứ hai)
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III
GLOSSARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Tieng Anh 10 is divided into two volumes: Tieng Anh 10 Volume 1 and
Tieng Anh 10 Volume 2.
The Teacher’s Book gives full procedural notes for teaching different parts
of each unit and suggestions for the teaching techniques which teachers
could use depending on their teaching contexts. It also provides the
answer keys to the exercises in the Student’s Book and the audio scripts.
The Workbook mirrors and reinforces the content of the Student’s Book.
It offers further practice of the language and skills taught in class, and four
additional tests for students’ self-assessment.
The CD includes the audio for the listening activities and recording of the
reading passages.
Student’s Book Volume 2 consists of 5 units. At the beginning of each unit,
the language points and subskills to be taught are clearly stated. Each unit
has five sections that should be taught in eight 45-minute lessons. These
theme-based units are designed to provide students with memorable
lessons and enjoyable learning experience.
The LANGUAGE section comprises of three sub-sections: Vocabulary,
Pronunciation and Grammar. In the Vocabulary and Grammar
subsections, some of the vocabulary items and the grammar points
presented in GETTING STARTED are now practised in more depth and
The SKILLS section consists of four sub-sections: Reading, Speaking,
Listening, and Writing. Those four skills are practised around the main
topic of the unit, and each skill focuses on a different aspect of the topic.
This section is intended to develop students’ reading abilities.
It provides them with language and ideas about the topic through the
reading text, which they can use later in the Speaking or Writing lessons.
Although the division between the stages is not explicit, the Reading
subsection follows a three-stage teaching procedure: pre-reading, while-
reading and post-reading. On average, there are four or five activities in
each Reading lesson. The first activity is actually the pre-reading stage.
It introduces the topic of the reading text, providing students with an
opportunity to brainstorm on the topic or activating their own knowledge
about it. It also helps get students involved in the reading lesson. The
next two or three activities are the while-reading stage. The most useful
reading skills of skimming, scanning, understanding word meaning in
context, referencing, etc. are practised through various types of tasks
such as 'deciding the best title for the text', multiple choice, true/false,
comprehension questions and gap-filling. The last activity in the reading
The Speaking sub-section follows Reading, so students can use the ideas
and apply the language they learn in their speaking activities. There
are three or four activities in this subsection. Although much of the
needed vocabulary and grammatical structures for the speaking tasks
are presented and practised in Sections 1 and 2, the speaking activities
are organised and sequenced in such a way that they are closely linked
with the preceding activity as a preparation for the one following it. The
activities become less and less controlled in the flow of the lesson. The
language and ideas are built up through the continuation of activities and
examples are given when necessary, so that in the last activity students
are fully prepared for their free production of the language on the given
topic. In all speaking activities, students are encouraged to apply and
share their own knowledge and experience to talk about the topic;
therefore, the learning is highly personalised.
Like Reading, the Listening sub-section also consists of four or five activities
representing the three stages of the lesson: pre-listening, while-listening,
and post-listening. The first activity is to draw students’ attention to the topic
of the lesson, making them interested in the content of the listening text.
This is also a chance for students to share with their peers their background
knowledge related to the topic. The following two activities provide
students with practice of the skills of listening for gist and/or listening for
details. There are also tasks that help students learn new vocabulary or the
new meaning of the vocabulary learnt previously in meaningful contexts.
The most common task types are true/false, multiple choice, comprehension
questions, etc. The last activity, which can be considered as a post-listening
one aims at checking students’ listening comprehension and asking them to
express their opinions of the content of the listening text.
When students learn to write in English, the two biggest problems they
usually experience are lack of ideas and lack of necessary language to
express ideas. The Writing subsection prepares students to cope with
both of those. It often begins with a pre-writing activity that presents the
topic and gives students an opportunity to brainstorm ideas related to
the given topic. In the following activity, useful phrases are presented and
practised so that students can use them later. Sometimes, a model text
is presented with one or two tasks for students to study its structure and
format before producing their own text. This approach to writing gives
students some guidance so that they feel more confident and are better
prepared for the writing task.
The vocabulary and grammar activities focus on the main vocabulary and
grammar points learnt in the unit and are aimed at checking students’
understanding of the meaning and use of those words or structures.
Students are also given a chance to apply them in their own speech in
the last activity of this subsection, which can be a free discussion or some
other communication activity.
The Project is the last part of the unit. It is aimed at providing students
with an opportunity to apply the language and skills they learnt
throughout the unit to perform a task in a realistic situation. Students
are asked to do a survey or research to get real information about their
friends, their neighbourhood or to broaden their knowledge about the
real world. The project tasks often involve teamwork so that students’
collaborative skills are developed and their team spirits are enhanced.
Much of the work for the Project is to be done outside the class, at home
or during break time. The teacher can also put aside some class time for
students to share the results of their project work.
Unit 6: Words and phrases Stress in The Passive voice Reading for
Gender related to gender two-syllable words with modals general ideas
equality and specific
Equality information about
gender equality in
Unit 8: Words and phrases Stress in three- Relative clauses: Reading for
New Ways to related to syllable adjectives defining and general ideas
- Electronic devices and verbs non-defining and specific
Learn clauses with information about
that can help us
learn ‘who’, ‘that’, new ways to learn
‘which’ and English
- Using the Internet
to learn English
Unit 10: Words and phrases Stress in words of Conditional Reading for
Ecotourism related to the more than three sentences types general ideas
importance, benefits syllables 1 and 2 and specific
and principles of information about
ecotourism the benefits and
of ecotourism
Talking about equal Listening for Writing about the Gender equality Do a survey about
job opportunities specific information disadvantages of in the United gender equality in
about wage working mothers Kingdom the class / school
Talking about how Listening for Writing about the New ways to learn Do a survey to find
electronic devices specific information advantages of in the USA out how students
can help us learn about instructions electronic devices use electronic
on how to access as learning tools devices to learn
and use online English
English language
Talking about the Listening for Writing about The World Wide Prepare a
environmental gist and specific environmental Fund for Nature presentation about
impacts of human information in a problem and give (WWF) environmental
activities student’s talk on some problems of the local
environmental practical advice on area and an action
impacts and their how to preserve the plan to deal with
effects environment them
Talking about what Listening for Writing a travel Problems with Do a survey to
tourists can do on gist and specific brochure ecotourism in Viet find out students’
an eco tour information about promoting Nam experience in
ecotourism an eco tour and Africa ecotourism
Unit *(1'(5(48$/,7<
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Words and phrases related to gender equality
Stress in two-syllable words
The passive voice with modals
Reading for general ideas and specific
information about gender equality in
Talking about equal job opportunities
Listening for specific information about
wage discrimination
Writing about the disadvantages of being a
working mother
Gender equality in the United Kingdom
Lan: Can we start working on the class project
‘Equal Opportunities in Education’?
Mi h
Minh: Ib li
believe d di
gender i i ti iin
Quang: OK, let’s see what information we have education starts at home because parents
found on our topic. treat boys and girls differently.
Minh: Please go ahead, Quang. Quang: I couldn’t agree more. Gender discrimination
Quang: Well, according to a United Nations report, should be eliminated so that everyone has
sub-Saharan Africa had only 82 girls equal opportunities in education.
enrolled per 100 boys in secondary school
in 2010. I suppose this is an example of Read the conversation again. Decide if the
gender discrimination in education. following statements are true (T), false (F) or
not given (NG). Tick the correct boxes.
Lan: Yes, I agree. Not all girls can go to school.
I guess they may be kept home to do T F NG
housework. 1. Lan, Quang and Minh are
working on the class project ‘Equal
Quang: Sure. In rural areas, girls might be forced
Opportunities in Employment’.
to work at home and in the fields.
2. Quang is talking about the enrolment
Minh: Some people say that girls perform worse rate in secondary school in
at school than boys, so they shouldn’t be sub-Saharan Africa in 2013.
allowed to go to school. 3. Lan thinks girls may be kept
Quang: I’m afraid I disagree. I think girls do better home to do housework.
at school than boys and more women than 4. In general, girls do better than
men have college degrees. boys at all levels of education.
Lan: Exactly. In Viet Nam, there are slightly 5. Minh believes gender
more boys than girls in both primary and discrimination in education starts
secondary schools, but more women than at home because parents treat
men earn college degrees. boys and girls differently.
By the end of this unit, Ss can
use lexical items related to the topic Gender Equality
pronounce correctly two-syllable words with stress on the first or second syllable in isolation
and in context
understand and use the passive voice with modals
read for general ideas and specific information about gender equality in employment
exchange opinions about equal job opportunities for men and women
listen for specific information about wage discrimination
write about the disadvantages of being a working mother
understand and talk about the present situation of gender equality in the United Kingdom
Lead-in: Inform the class of the lesson objectives: Ask Ss to work individually first and then in pairs
getting to know the topic, the vocabulary related to to decide if the statements are true (T), false
Gender Equality and the passive voice with modals. (F) or not given (NG). Encourage Ss to provide
Ask Ss what they think about when they see or reasons for their answers.
hear the words ‘gender’, ‘equality’ and ‘gender Ask them to refer back to the conversation
equality’. Elicit Ss’ answers. to get the necessary information. Check Ss’
answers and give explanations.
Suggested answers
I think of men and women.
I think of the word same. 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. NG 5. T
I think that men and women should be treated
the same way and given the same opportunities.
The enrolment rate in sub-Saharan Africa is taken
Ask Ss to look at the picture and answer from The Millennium Development Goals Report
questions about it: 2012 (United Nations)
Suggested questions Report%202012.pdf
- Who do you see in the picture?
- Where do you think they are?
- What are they doing?
Play the recording. Ask Ss to listen and read.
Read the conversation again and answer the 4. We do not allow any kind of _________________
questions. against women and girls.
1. What was the enrolment rate in sub-Saharan
5. Our family members have _________________
African in 2010?
2. Why can’t girls go to school according rights and responsibilities.
to Quang? 6. Most parents don’t want to find out the
3. What is the enrolment rate in schools in
_________________ of their babies before birth.
Viet Nam?
4. Who earns more college degrees in Viet Nam?
5. Why should gender discrimination be
Match each word with its definition. Then
practise reading the words out loud.
c. make somebody do
3. eliminate (v)
the things they don’t want 3URQXQFLDWLRQ
4. enrol (v)
d. having the same quantity Listen and repeat.
or value as other people
Complete the following sentences using the Listen again and put a mark (') before the
words given in . stressed syllable.
1. This year, more girls are expected to
Put the words in the right box according to
_________________ in the first grade. their stress patterns.
2. Many young people are not interested in sports.
Stress on first syllable Stress on second syllable
I have to _________________ my sons to play
tennis or go swimming.
3. The Vietnamese government has done a lot to
_________________ hunger and poverty.
Ask Ss to read the conversation again and think 3URQXQFLDWLRQ
of the answers to the questions. Have them
work with a partner and switch roles to ask and Play the recording and let Ss listen and follow.
answer. Play it again with pauses for Ss to repeat each
Check the answers and provide the correct ones word chorally.
if necessary. Give the meaning of the words if necessary. Help
Ss distinguish two-syllable words with stress on
Key the first or second syllable.
1. Only 82 girls enrolled per 100 boys in
secondary school. Notes:
2. Because they might be forced to work at 3 Explain that many two-syllable nouns
home and in the fields. and adjectives have stress on the first
3. There are slightly more boys than girls in syllable. For example, nouns: artist,
both primary and secondary schools. driver, brother, sister, women and children;
4. Women do. adjectives: friendly, famous, lovely, harmful
5. Gender discrimination should be eliminated and useless.
so that everyone has equal opportunities in Some exceptions: asleep, alone, hotel,
education. guitar, mistake and machine. (These
adjectives and nouns have stress on the
second syllable.)
/$1*8$*( Many two-syllable verbs have stress on
9RFDEXODU\ the second syllable. For example, remove,
dislike, become, escape, forget, relax and
Ask Ss to work individually, read the words and enjoy.
phrases in the box, then discuss and find the Some exceptions: cancel, copy, answer,
meaning for each of them (a-f). enter, offer, listen, happen and open. (These
If Ss need support, ask them to use the context verbs have stress on the first syllable.)
of the conversation to help them choose the
correct meaning for each word. Check answers Ask Ss to work in pairs and take turns reading
as a class. the words.
Key Play the recording again. Ask Ss to put a mark (')
1. d 2. f 3. e 4. a 5. c 6. b before the stressed syllable in each word.
Have Ss work individually to put the words in
Ask Ss to work individually first, and then check the right box according to their stress patterns.
with a partner. Make sure that Ss have the right Check as a class.
answers by going over all the answers in class.
Allow Ss to look up the words in the glossary, if Key
Stress on first syllable Stress on second syllable
'woman, 'gender en'rol, per'form
1. enrol 2. force
3. eliminate 4. discrimination 'treatment,
5. equal 6. gender 'housework, 'equal
• Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?
What can you do now?
• Elicit answers: I can use some words
and phrases related to the topic Gender
*UDPPDU Rewrite the following sentences, using the
passive voice.
C hoose the right modals in brackets to 1. Our class might choose Lan to represent us in
complete the sentences. the School Youth Union.
1. Some people think married women (shouldn’t / 2. Will they teach Korean in our school next year?
mustn’t) pursue a career.
3. The students must follow the instructions strictly.
2. We (must / should) stop when the traffic lights
are red. 4. Very young children shouldn’t eat sugary food.
3. ‘(May / Mustn’t) school boys study needlework 5. They should give men and women equal rights
and cookery?’ ‘Yes, of course.’ to education and employment.
4. Remember to bring a raincoat with you. It 6. Hopefully, scientists will discover a planet
(might / would) rain later. similar to the Earth.
5. (Will / Shall) you talk to your parents before you 7. I think we can reduce discrimination against
decide to join the police forces, Mai? women and g girls.
6. You (mustn’t / won’t) pick those flowers. Don’t Do you know ...?
you see the sign?
The Passive Voice with Modals
7. My brother is good at cooking and he (can /
might) cook very delicious food. Active Voice Passive Voice
Rule modal + V modal + be + past participle
Do you know ...?
Modal Verbs They may build
Example A new bridge may be built.
a new bridge.
can could may might will
would must shall should ought to - We use the passive voice when the agent of
the action is not known or not important.
- If the agent is known, it can be indicated by a
ead the following sentences from GETTING
phrase beginning with by.
STARTED. Underline the passive voice with
modals. Check with your partner. Example:
1. I guess they may be kept home to do housework. A new bridge may be built by the local people.
2. They might be forced to work at home and in
the fields.
3. Some people say that girls perform worse at
Match each of the words with its meaning.
school than boys, so they shouldn’t be allowed
Use a dictionary if necessary.
to go to school.
4. Gender discrimination should be eliminated so that a. the act of controlling
1. preference (n)
everyone has equal opportunities in education. something; a restriction
b. the state of feeling sad
2. sue (v)
and alone
6.,//6 c. a greater interest in
3. pursue (v) someone / something than
5HDGLQJ someone / something else
*HQGHUHTXDOLW\LQHPSOR\PHQW d. follow a course or
4. loneliness (n) activity in an effort to
Look at the symbols. What do they stand for?
gain something
e. bring somebody to court
5. limitation (n) because they have done
something harmful to you
Explain to Ss that modal verbs are special verbs that behave differently from other verbs. They are used
to express ability, advice, duty, permission, possibility, prohibition or request.
Let Ss read the sentences individually and ask them to pay attention to all modal verbs used in the
sentences. Have them choose the answers and discuss the meaning of each modal with a partner.
Go over all the answers in class.
1. shouldn’t (advice) 2. must (duty) 3. May (permission)
4. might (possibility) 5. Will (request) 6. mustn’t (prohibition) 7. can (ability)
may, might, can, could possibility We can / could / may / might / go out for dinner tonight.
She can’t go out in such cold weather.
can’t, mustn’t, may not prohibition You mustn’t cheat in the exams.
You may not wear slippers to school.
Ask Ss to read the sentences. Have them underline the passive voice with modals. Let them work with a
partner before checking answers as a class.
1. may be kept 2. might be forced 3. shouldn’t be allowed 4. should be eliminated
Have Ss work in pairs first, and then write down the correct answers. Observe and offer help if necessary.
1. Lan might be chosen (by our class) to represent us in the School Youth Union.
2. Will Korean be taught in our school next year?
3. The instructions must be followed (by the students) strictly.
4. Sugary food shouldn’t be eaten by very young children.
5. Men and women should be given equal rights to education and employment.
6. Hopefully, a planet similar to Earth will be discovered (by scientists).
7. I think discrimination against women and girls can be reduced (by us).
• Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now?
• Elicit answers: I can pronounce two-syllable words with stress on the first or second syllable.
I can use the passive with modal verbs and the new vocabulary related to Gender equality.
Quickly read the text. Choose the best title for it. Read the statements. Decide if they are true
a. Brenda Berkman’s Childhood (T), false (F) or not given (NG). Tick the correct
b. A Woman Who Did a ‘Man’s Job’
c. Gender Equality in Employment T F NG
Ask Ss to scan the text to find answers to the
5HDGLQJ questions.
*HQGHUHTXDOLW\LQHPSOR\PHQW Let them highlight the key words both in the
Lead-in : Focus Ss’ attention on the heading of the questions and in the text.
section Gender equality in employment. Ask them to Have Ss take turns asking and answering in
guess what the text is about. pairs. Check answers as a class.
Inform the class of the lesson objectives: reading
for general ideas and specific information about Key
gender equality in employment.
1. She wanted to become a firefighter.
Have Ss look at the symbols and answer the
2. She sued New York City and the FDNY for
questions. gender discrimination and won.
Key 3. They became the targets of laughter
They are the symbols of genders, gender and anger from the co-workers and local
equality and gender discrimination. people. They were unwelcomed at meals,
faced loneliness and even violence.
Have Ss match each of the words with its 4. They had to do exactly the same jobs as all
meaning. other male firefighters.
Encourage them to work individually first, 5. It is a documentary made in 2006 in
and then check with a partner. Let Ss use a which Brenda Berkman and other female
dictionary, if necessary. firefighters were the subjects.
6. It shows that gender differences cannot
Go over all the answers to make sure they have
prevent a person from pursuing a job.
the correct answers.
Ask Ss to work in pairs and get ready to report
1. c 2. e 3. d 4. b 5. a
their answers to the class. Call on some Ss
to present their opinions. Give comments if
Ask Ss to read the text quickly and find the
repeated words and their collocations (e.g. necessary.
firefighter / firefighter’s / firefighters, female
/ women / women’s, male / man’s / gender
discrimination / gender differences).
Explain to Ss that repeated vocabulary in the
text may imply its main idea or title. • Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?
What can you do now?
Have Ss skim the text to choose the best title.
• Elicit answers: I’ve learnt about the
difficulties women may have when
pursuing a ‘man’s jobs’. I can read for
b. A Woman Who Did a 'Man’s Job' general ideas and specific information
about gender equality in employment.
Ask Ss to check if the statements are true (T),
false (F) or not given (NG). Have them refer back
to the text if necessary. Ask them to underline
the key words in the statements and relevant
words / phrases in the text.
1. F 2. NG 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. F
6SHDNLQJ a. Work in groups. Discuss if you agree
or disagree with the statement ‘Married
(TXDOMRERSSRUWXQLWLHV women should not pursue a career’, using
sentences 1-6 as reasons for your agreement
Read the following phrases and sentences. or disagreement.
Write A if it expresses an agreement and b. Note down your group’s discussion.
write D if it expresses a disagreement. Add Report the results to the class.
two more expressions / sentences.
1. Women should stay at home, doing housework
1. ______ I don’t think that ... . and looking after their husbands and children.
2. It is boring and tiring to do housework.
2. ______ I agree (that ...).
3. Women often become passive and dependent on
3. ______ Yes, but ... . their husbands.
8. __________________________ Example:
Lead-in: Inform Ss of the lesson objectives:
• Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?
What can you do now?
exchanging opinions about equal job
• Elicit answers: I can use expressions
opportunities for men and women. of agreements or disagreements to
express my opinions about equal job
Introduce the topic by asking questions such opportunities for men and women.
as Whose parents both work? Which of them
is more qualified? Which of them earns more
money? Which of them does more housework?
and Do you think they (should) have equal
opportunities for jobs?
1. D 2. A 3. D
4. A 5. A 6. D
7. Very true, but ... ; Sure, but … (D)
8. That’s for sure. / Exactly. / I couldn’t agree
more. (A)
On average, women work more than men,
6DPHZRUN−VDPHSD\ but they earn much less. I can give you some
information. Women perform sixty-six per cent
Lead-in: Inform Ss of the lesson objectives: listening
of the world’s work, produce fifty per cent of the
for specific information. Write Same work – same pay
food, but earn ten per cent of the income and
on the board and check Ss’ understanding. own one per cent of the property.
The topic implies that those who are equally In families where both parents work, for
qualified and perform the same work should be example, men and women spend about equal
given the same pay (regardless of their genders). amounts of time working, but women still have
Let Ss look at the picture and elicit their answers to spend more time on housework.
to the question. Ask them to use the caption as So, how are governments addressing the
suggestion. problem of inequality in wages? As far as I know,
many countries now allow and encourage
Suggested answers
women to join the army, the police forces and
The man looks happy but the woman looks sad the fire services. On the other hand, more and
because she gets less pay / money.
more men are now working in jobs like nursing,
cleaning and childcare …
Play the recording, ask Ss to listen and repeat the
words one by one. This activity familiarises Ss
with the key words essential for understanding Ask Ss to read the instruction and the
the listening passage, so make sure they know sentences 1- 4. Make sure that they understand
the meaning of each word. the sentences. Provide help with the new
vocabulary, if necessary.
Tell Ss that they’re going to listen to a talk on Play the recording once or twice again
(gender) discrimination. Ask them to read all (depending on Ss’ level) for Ss to fill the gaps.
the statements and guess if they are true (T) or Ask Ss to work with a partner to compare their
false (F). Make sure that Ss understand all the answers.
statements. Explain if there are any new words. Invite representatives from some pairs to read
Play the recording and let Ss do the activity. the completed sentences to the class. Give the
Check their answers. Play the recording again correct answers, if necessary.
if many Ss in the class have incorrect answers,
pausing at the place where they can get the Key
correct information. 1. discrimination happens 2. paid more
3. perform 66% 4. own 1%
Key 5. encourage women 6. like nursing
1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. T
Audio script
• Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?
Hello, and thank you for inviting me to talk What can you do now?
about gender equality. Well, first, let’s begin • Elicit answers: I’ve learnt about wage
with equality in wages. discrimination against women. I can talk
Wage discrimination happens when workers are about gender equality / inequality in
equally qualified and perform the same work, but wages and employment.
some workers are paid more than others. Very often,
wage discrimination affects women negatively.
• Finally
• First
• Clearly
• Second
:ULWLQJ Tell Ss to write a draft first, then write a
short text (of about 150 words) about the
:RUNLQJPRWKHUV disadvantages of being a working mother.
Have Ss write the text in class. When they finish,
Lead-in: Inform Ss of the lesson objectives:
ask them to exchange it with a partner for peer
writing a short text with detailed explanations as comments / correction. Walk around and offer
supporting ideas. help if necessary.
Alternatively, have Ss write the text at home.
Write the phrase Working mothers on the board. T collects Ss’ papers in the next lesson. Give
Focus on the pictures and the instructions.
feedback in class.
Elicit Ss’ opinions about the pictures. Give
suggestions if necessary by asking questions
like Who are these people in the pictures? What Suggested writing
are the women doing? Are they busy? Are they Mothers should be strongly discouraged from
housewives? Do they work? etc. Ss can talk about working outside the home.
the good sides / advantages as well as the bad
First, women have traditional roles as
sides / disadvantages of being a working mother.
housewives and housekeepers. They should
The focus of this activity is to develop a well- stay at home, doing housework and looking
structured text, already taught in Unit 5. Explain after their husbands and children. In extended
that writers often provide / give detailed families where more than two generations live
explanations to support ideas in a text. together, women are also the main caregivers
Give Ss time to read the sample writing about for elderly people.
the advantages of a working mother and put Second, working mothers do not have enough
the detailed explanations in the appropriate time. Men’s work finish at the office, but
blanks. women’s work is extended to their households.
After an eight-hour working day, these
Key exhausted women have to do household
1. b 2. c 3. a chores, take care of their husbands and children
without having any time to relax.
Finally, working mothers cannot be good
Ask Ss to read the sample writing again and workers. Tiring and boring chores at home
complete the outline. Help Ss analyse the negatively affect women’s tasks in their working
place. They cannot concentrate or work as
structure of the text. effectively as those who do
not have to worry about taking kids to school,
Key picking them up after school and doing
A. 2. Life is getting expensive, so women’s housework.
salaries are becoming important. Clearly, mothers should not be encouraged to
B. 2. They discover strengths and weaknesses, work outside the home.
become more knowledgeable and look
for good ways to educate children.
C. 1. Children see parents work hard and
share domestic responsibilities, and they
learn from them.
• Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?
Give Ss some time to read the text again and What can you do now?
discuss the words in pairs. Offer help if Ss cannot • Elicit answers: I’ve learnt about the
give the answer. E.g.: These words are used to link advantages of being a working mother.
/ connect or sequence the ideas in writing. I can write about the disadvantages of
being a working mother.
Focus on the instructions and the pictures. Give
Ss time to read the suggestions.
Call on some Ss to say what they will write as
the topic sentence, supporting ideas 1, 2, 3, and
concluding sentence.
*HQGHUHTXDOLW\LQ9LHW1DP Focus on the instructions and the pictures. Elicit
answers from Ss by asking the class questions
Lead-in: Inform the class of the lesson objectives:
like Who do you see in the pictures? What is the
further skill development.
man doing? Are there many men teaching young
kids? What is the woman doing? Is her job popular
Focus on the instructions and the pictures.
with women?
Inform Ss that they will have more chances to
Give Ss time to read the text. Pre-teach some
practise speaking.
words that might be new to Ss (e.g. high-
Give them some time to read about the income, remarkable, undergraduate courses).
achievements Viet Nam has made in addressing Walk round to monitor the class and offer help,
gender equality. if necessary.
Give Ss more freedom by allowing them to add Have Ss check their answers with a partner first,
more achievements from reliable sources. then check as a class.
1. Much has to be done to achieve (gender equality / 6. Children _______________________ to play violent
gender inequality) in employment opportunities. video games.
2. Employers give (challenge / preference) to
Rewrite the following sentences, using the
university graduates.
passive voice.
3. People have (encouraged / eliminated) poverty
and hunger in many parts of the world. 1. Each student must write an essay on gender
4. Both genders should be provided with equal equality.
(rights / incomes) to education, employment 2. They can open this exit door in case of
and healthcare. emergency.
5. Internet (access / development) is available 3. They should give men and women equal pay for
everywhere in this city. equal work.
6. A person looking after someone who is sick, 4. They might give my mother an award.
disabled or old at home is a (caretaker / housekeeper).
5. The Vietnamese government will make more
7. We should not allow any kind of (discrimination /
progress in gender equality.
education) against women and girls.
6. People may consider obesity a serious
8. People in this country have made good
health problem.
(wage / progress) in eliminating domestic
Lead-in: Inform the class of the lesson objectives:
reviewing pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar.
Ask Ss to put the two-syllable words in the box Give time for Ss to make their own choice. Have
in the correct columns according to their stress
them check in pairs, then with the whole class
patterns. Help them review the stress patterns
to make sure they all have correct answers.
of two-syllable words.
Key 1. c 2. f 3. e 4. d 5. a 6. b
Stress on first Stress on second
syllable syllable Ask Ss to do this activity orally first, and then
write down their answers.
symbol, letter,
challenge, income infect, suggest 1. An essay on gender equality must be
written (by each student).
2. This exit door can be opened in case of
workforce, army improve, become
3. Men and women should be given equal
pay for equal work.
4. My mother might be given an award.
Play the recording. Ask Ss to listen and repeat the 5. More progress will be made (by the
words. Vietnamese government) in gender equality.
6. Obesity may be considered a serious health
The words in italics are among the most
commonly used in the unit. Have Ss decide
which words best complete the sentences.
Alternatively, extend this activity by asking Ss
to make their own sentences with each of the
words. • Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?
What can you do now?
• Elicit answers: I can pronounce
Key two-syllable words related to Gender
equality, use some key words of the same
1. gender equality 2. preference topic and the passive voice with modals.
3. eliminated 4. rights
5. access 6. caretaker
7. discrimination 8. progress
Have Ss do the survey in class or during the break. Ask them to go
round and ask the questions to get information for their project.
Encourage Ss to do the survey with Ss from another class to get
more information.
Ask Ss to make comments on their findings.
Provide some time for the class to compare their findings with
their partners’. Ask them to present the final results to the class.
• Ask Ss: What have you learnt?
What can you do now?
• Elicit answers: I can do a survey
and give a presentation on gender
equality in my class and school.
By the end of this unit, Ss can
• use lexical items related to traditions, cultural characteristics and superstitions
• pronounce correctly two-syllable words of different parts of speech but with
the same spelling
• use comparative and superlative adjectives
• use articles
• read for specific information about superstitions in Viet Nam
• compare traditions and customs between two countries and discuss those in
Viet Nam
• listen for key information about the wedding traditions of a small community in
the USA
• write about the typical characteristics of the Vietnamese people
• understand and communicate about gift-giving in the UK and the idea of
success in the USA and Viet Nam
Lead-in: Inform the class of the lesson objectives: getting to know the topic, vocabulary
about wedding traditions and customs in Viet Nam, and two grammar points.
• Introduce the topic by asking Ss to compare the two photos of a traditional
wedding and a modern one in Viet Nam. Then elicit more ideas from Ss’
background knowledge.
• Elicit any topic-related words that Ss may know: rituals, costumes, decorations, …
• Encourage and accept different comments and opinions.
Tell Ss that they are going to listen to a conversation in the school library between
two friends, Kevin and Maria.
• Have Ss predict what Kevin and Maria are talking about.
• Encourage all kinds of predictions.
• Tell Ss not to worry about the new words or grammar points because these will be
dealt with later.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read the conversation at the same time.
Have Ss discuss their answers in pairs. Then check their answers.
a. The Vietnamese weddings
Ask Ss to read the conversation again and • Check the answers as a class.
answer the questions. • If possible, consider teaching some related
• Set time for this activity, based on Ss’ level of words or phrases.
proficiency. – to be / get engaged to sb
• Ask Ss to work in pairs. Ss in each pair take turns – to propose to sb: to ask sb to marry you
asking and answering the questions. – to arrange / plan a wedding
• Call on different Ss to answer these questions. – to make a toast to the bride and groom
– the newly-wed couple
1. Because he is preparing for his
1. g 2. e 3. d 4. b 5. a 6. c 7. f
presentation about the similarities
and differences between a traditional
Vietnamese wedding and a modern one.
2. They follow the same core procedure
Introduce and explain the requirement of this
activity: to choose the correct word for the
which consists of the proposal ceremony,
context in each sentence.
the engagement ceremony and the
wedding ceremony. • Set a time limit for completing the activity.
3. The modern weddings are less complicated. • Encourage Ss to exchange their answers with a
partner to see if they understand the contexts
4. Yes, they get some help from their parents
and meaning of each sentence.
and the attending guests.
• Elicit answers from the whole class and give
5. Students’ answers.
more explanation to help Ss understand
correctly, if necessary.
Write five sentences comparing the two weddings in the table below. Use the comparative form of
the adjectives in the box and than.
Explain the activity. Ask Ss to listen to the up, ask all the groups to stick their paper on the
sentences and practise saying them correctly. board or around the classroom.
• Pay attention to the stress of the underlined • Give Ss time to look at other groups’ sentences
words consisting of two syllables. to see if they have interpreted and presented
• Have Ss listen and put a mark (') before the the information from the table in the same way.
stressed syllable. • Check all groups’ sentences and encourage Ss to
• Check if Ss have marked the stress correctly and come up with sentences using other comparatives
let them practise in pairs saying these sentences. in addition to the suggested answers.
• Invite some Ss to read these sentences in front • Give Ss time to write the correct sentences into
of the class and correct mistakes, if there are any. their notebook.
Suggested answers
1. Mr Smith’s wedding was more crowded
1. There is an 'increase in the number of
than Mr Long’s (wedding).
young people in Viet Nam who marry later
in life. 2. Mr Smith’s wedding reception was more
expensive than Mr Long’s.
2. In Viet Nam, guests often give money as
a wedding 'present to the newly-married 3. Mr Smith was older than Mr Long when he
couple on their wedding day. got married.
3. In big cities, the birthrate has de'creased 4. Mr Long’s engagement period was longer
over the past few years. than Mr Smith’s.
4. In reality, it is difficult to meet the 'perfect 5. The service at Mr Smith’s wedding was
life partner. better than at Mr Long’s wedding.
Ask Ss to look at the picture and describe it. Ask The aim of this activity is for Ss to reflect on
some guiding questions to facilitate them (e.g. their experience and express their opinions.
Is this an altar? / How do you know that? / Can you
see the peach blossoms? / What is it laid on the
• Tell Ss to work in pairs.
altar?) and encourage all possible answers. • Have Ss read the questions and practise asking
• Ask Ss to read the statements and help them and answering them.
to understand the meaning. Ss decide if these • Encourage Ss to give reasons to support their
statements are true for them. opinions.
• Ask Ss to work in groups and exchange their • Ask several Ss to report what they learn about
answers. Encourage Ss to give explanations or their partners from their discussion in pairs.
reasons for their behaviour.
• Elicit answers from the whole class, encouraging
different viewpoints and explanations.
• Tell Ss that they will read a text on a topic /(6621287&20(
related to the things they have just discussed.
Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?
Key Elicit answers: I have learnt more about
some superstitious beliefs of Vietnamese
Students’ answers
people; I know more about the rituals
during Tet holiday; I have also practised
my reading skills.
Ask Ss to read the questions. Help them to
understand the questions if necessary.
• Get Ss to look at the options and predict the
answers based on the answer options given and
Ss’ background knowledge.
• Set a time limit for Ss to read the text and
answer the questions.
• Ask Ss to exchange their answers in pairs or
groups and encourage them to discuss the
reasons for their options. Elicit answers and
explanations from the whole class. Explain the
reasons for the choice of options if necessary.
• Ask Ss to read the text again to see if they still
find it difficult to understand any part of the
reading text and assist them if necessary.
• For stronger classes, ask Ss to summarise the
main content of the reading and present their
summaries to the whole class.
1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A
6SHDNLQJ • Move around to assist or listen to different pairs
to detect errors / problems.
• Call on several Ss at random and have them
This activity is designed to get Ss further tell the whole class what they learnt about the
involved in the unit topic and practise their
other country from the conversation with their
speaking skills.
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures and elicit any
words related to the topic: e.g. superstitions • Give feedback on Ss’ performance: e.g.
about black cats, fish and chips – a traditional pronunciation, ideas, using body language,
food, figure skating – a national sport, samovar – turn-taking.
a traditional way of making tea.
Have Ss read the instructions and explain what
• Tell Ss that they will do a quiz about two they are supposed to do. The aim of this activity
countries: the UK and Russia. Elicit any is for Ss to reinforce the use of comparative and
background knowledge about cultural aspects superlative adjectives in speaking.
of these two countries.
• Ask Ss to do the quiz individually and then check • Ss work in 4 groups. Each group will cover one
their answers in pairs. Encourge Ss to explain of the four categories: Foods, Drinks, Sports,
their choices. Festivals.
• Members of each group brainstorm ideas and
Key vocabulary and then rank things in order of
1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a popularity.
• Call on several groups to report their group’s
Explain the activity and instruct Ss to do it. The ideas and ranking, and then give feedback.
aim of this activity is for Ss to get to know about
the culture of a country and practise sharing
and giving responses to new information.
• Divide the whole class into two big teams of
equal number of members: Team A and Team B. Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?
• Each team (then further divided into smaller What can you do now?
groups) will read about one country, either the Elicit answers: I know more about traditions
UK or Russia. and customs of the UK and Russia and can
• Set a time limit for this activity and walk around talk about them;
the classroom to monitor, facilitate and assist Ss I can give a mini-talk about some cultural
when necessary. aspects of Viet Nam.
• Ss note down the most interesting things about
the country that they read and then share the
information with other members of their group.
• Ss are expected to use superlative adjectives to
share their ideas with their group members.
• One member of each group should take notes
of the opinions.
• Ask several groups at random to report their
Suggested ideas:
Foods: Chung cake (square sticky rice
cake), Pho (rice noodles), Nem
(spring rolls)
Drinks: tea, coffee, soft drinks, fruit juice
Sports: football, volleyball, table tennis,
tennis, wrestling
Festivals: Tet holiday, Christmas,
Mid-autumn festival
Listen to the talk and check your answers in .
&XOWXUDOGLYHUVLW\ 1. December 2. two or three 3. approval
4. wedding meal 5. visiting relatives
This activity helps Ss to get ready for listening to
a talk about the wedding traditions of the Amish
community in Pennsylvania, the USA. In this activity Ss reflect orally on the
• Ask Ss to look at the photo of an Amish information they have just listened to.
wedding and elicit Ss’ impressions about this • Have Ss work in pairs to name the things they
community. have learnt about the Amish wedding customs
• Ask Ss to read a number of statements about and talk about whether they find anything
the Amish community. unusual or interesting.
• Help Ss to understand these statements if • Ss practise speaking in pairs, exchanging their
necessary. opinions.
• Ask Ss to work in pairs and exchange their • Call on some Ss at random and have them
predictions. express their opinions to the whole class.
• Elicit Ss’ predictions about this community,
accepting different opinions. Audio script
• Pre-teach the following vocabulary items to Today, I will talk about the Amish weddings. Most
Pennsylvania Amish weddings take place from
facilitate Ss’ listening: approval (n),
late October through December. Traditionally,
newly-wed (n), to signify(v). they are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so there
In this activity Ss listen and check their is time in between to get ready for and clean up
predictions in the previous part. after each. Even so, it can get pretty busy during
the ‘wedding season’, with some Amish going to
• Have Ss listen to the CD for the first time and try two or three weddings in one day!
to note down the information that helps them
While parents do not select who their children
to check their answers. will marry, approval must be given. The couple
• Ask Ss to share with their friends to see if they planning to marry are announced at a church
have the same answers or not. service. The wedding service itself, held in the
• Let Ss listen to the CD for the second time home of the bride’s parents. After the service, the
and try to note down information they didn’t benches are put together to form tables for the
wedding meal for about 200 - 300 guests. In the
understand the first time.
afternoon, the young people enjoy singing, and
• Elicit answers from Ss and ask them to give after that those who have stayed through the day
clues to their answers. join the evening meal.
• Let Ss listen again and pause at certain places if After spending the night at the bride’s home, the
necessary to help Ss hear the information they need. next day the newly-weds help with the clean-up
from the day before. The couple then spends
upcoming weekends visiting relatives, sometimes
Key 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T stopping at five or six houses between a Friday
and Sunday night. Wedding gifts are usually
given to them at this time. By the next spring, the
The aim of this activity is to let Ss listen to the couple is usually ready to move into a home of
talk to complete the missing information, using their own, and the groom will begin growing his
no more than three words. beard. This is an Amish tradition that signifies a
• Ask Ss to skim the given text, paying attention man is married.
to the context around the gaps, and predict the
information needed for each gap: e.g. parts of
speech; their meaning.
• Ask Ss to share their predictions in pairs.
• Elicit Ss' predictions. Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?
• Let Ss listen and fill in the gaps. Let them listen What can you do now?
again, if necessary. Elicit answers: I have learnt about the
• Ss should check their answers in pairs. wedding customs of the Amish community
in the USA; I can practise my listening skills.
• Elicit Ss’ answers and give them the correct ones.
Introduction: ______________________________
Characteristic 1: ____________________________
Evidence: __________________________________
Characteristic 2: ____________________________
Evidence: __________________________________
Characteristic 3: ____________________________
The following jumbled-up paragraphs are from Evidence: __________________________________
a text about typical American characteristics.
Put them in order to make a meaningful text. Characteristic 4: ____________________________
Evidence: __________________________________
Sample outline
Explain the activity. The aim of this activity is to
A typical Vietnamese woman is hard-working,
help Ss to reinforce and develop their ability to skillful, and devoted to her family.
think in a logical way when rearranging sets of
Characteristic 1: hard-working
jumbled paragraphs to form a well-structured text.
Evidence: working both at work and at home
• Ask Ss to do this individually.
Characteristic 2: skillful
• Set a time limit for this activity and assist Ss if
necessary. Evidence: household chores like cooking,
sewing, or decorating the house
• Ask Ss to compare their answers with a partner
and explain any different answers. Characteristic 3: devoted to family
• Elicit answers from the whole class and correct Evidence: her biggest concerns: family and
them if necessary. children
Key In short, the above mentioned characteristics
1. b 2. d 3. f 4. c 5. e 6. a are typical of the majority of Vietnamese
Example 1:
Student A: I don’t get presents on Christmas Day, but
I get lucky money on New Year’s Day.
Student B: Oh, really? I get presents on both
Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.
Student A: Lucky you!
Example 2:
Student A: Do you give presents to your mother on
Mother’s Day?
Student B: No, I don’t. But I give her flowers on
Women’s Day.
Student A: I do, too.
1. for/who/presents/do/buy/you/often
Read some information about gift-giving in
the UK. Read about each occasion and talk _____________________________________________?
to a partner if you have a similar or different 2. presents/on/buy/what/do/you/occasions
custom in Viet Nam.
• People in the UK often receive presents on 3. shopping for presents/which shop/you’re/do
Christmas Day and on their birthday.
• On Christmas Eve (24th December), parents you usually/when/go to
often put presents for their children in _____________________________________________?
Christmas stockings and leave them in the
children’s bedrooms when they are asleep. 4. the most/present/expensive/what’s/you’ve/given
Children believe that the presents are from
Santa Claus who comes in through the _____________________________________________?
chimney. 5. on/presents/what/receive/you/occasions/do
• On their 18th birthday, when people become
adults legally, they may also receive a silver _____________________________________________?
key as a present to symbolise their entry into
6. get/what/you/normally/do/presents
the adult world.
• Chocolate eggs are often given to children as _____________________________________________?
presents at Easter, which is celebrated on a
Sunday between 22nd March and 25th April. 7. received/what/ever/is/the/you’ve/present/best
• The most popular presents for mothers on _____________________________________________?
Mother’s Day are chocolates and flowers.
Mother’s Day is on a Sunday, and usually falls
in the second half of March or the beginning
of April.
Explain the activity to Ss. The aim is to help Ss to learn about gift-giving in
the UK and then practise comparing and contrasting it with gift-giving in
Viet Nam.
• Ask Ss to read the text individually and, for each occasion, highlight the
similarities and differences with the customs in Viet Nam.
• Have Ss study the sample conversation, assisting them if necessary.
• Ask Ss to work in pairs and role-play a conversation, using the information
that they have highlighted.
• Call on some pairs at random to perform their conversations in front of
the whole class.
• Give feedback on their performance.
Explain the activity. This activity helps Ss to practise asking and answering
about giving and receiving presents. In order to do this, Ss are also
expected to be able to use language correctly to make questions (this can
be challenging for some students).
• Ask Ss to work individually to put the jumbled-up words and phrases to
make questions about giving and receiving presents.
• Ss get into pairs to compare the questions and discuss or explain if they
have different word orders.
• Ask Ss to read aloud or write on the board those questions and correct
any mistakes.
• Ss take turns asking and answering these questions in pairs.
• Walk around to facilitate Ss when they need help.
• Call on several Ss at random to report what they have learnt about their
partner, and then give feedback.
1. Who do you often buy presents for?
2. On what occasions do you buy presents?
3. Which shop do you usually go to when you’re shopping for
4. What’s the most expensive present you’ve given?
5. On what occasions do you receive presents?
6. What presents do you normally get?
7. What is the best present you’ve ever received?
1. export
2. protest
3. contrast
4. import
5. object
Complete the passage with one of the words /
phrases from the box.
&XOWXUH /22.,1*%$&.
• Explain the activity. The aim of this activity is to 3URQXQFLDWLRQ
help Ss to get to know about the American and • The aim of this activity is to help Ss to reinforce
Vietnamese ideas of success. and revise the stress patterns in words with the
same spelling.
• Divide the class into two big groups. Each group
will read one reading passage to get the main idea. • Ask Ss to tell the differences in stress patterns
of the words that have the same spelling, but
• Ask one student from group A to work with one belong to different parts of speech.
student from group B to form a pair and exchange
• Play the CD once and ask Ss to put the mark
the information that they have just read. before the stressed syllable in the words given.
• In each pair, Ss find out the similarities and • Let them listen to the sentences again, if
differences of the idea of success between these necessary.
two nations.
• Ask Ss to check their answers with other classmates.
• Ask several pairs to report their findings. • Elicit answers from the whole class.
Key • Let Ss listen again and pause to help them to
notice the stress of the target words.
1. For the Americans, success means
providing their family with a decent Key 1. ex'port 2. 'protest
standard of living, and ending their career 3. 'contrast 4. im'port 5. ob'ject
in a higher and more prosperous position
than when they began it. Success is also
the result of hard work and self-reliance. Audio script
2. For Vietnamese, success goes along with 1. Thanks to globalisation, we can ex'port more
a high-status job with good income and products to other countries.
respect at work. 2. There was a big 'protest against the war.
3. There is a big 'contrast between the two
3. Both the Americans and Vietnamese
associate success with earning a lot of
money. 4. Nowadays, Viet Nam doesn’t im'port many oil
products from other countries.
Successful people in both cultures are 5. People don’t ob'ject to cross-cultural
expected to have high positions in their marriages any longer.
The Americans rely more on themselves,
while the Vietnamese expect more respect
from other people. • The aim of this part is to help Ss revise some of
the vocabulary from the unit.
• Ask Ss to work on their own first.
• Then ask Ss to compare answers with a partner
/(6621287&20( to see if they have the same answers.
Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? • After that, elicit answers from the whole class
What can you do now? and correct the wrong ones.
Elicit answers: I know more about gift-giving • Ask Ss to read the text again and practise
in the UK; I can communicate about giving retelling the story in pairs or groups if there is
and receiving gifts; I can talk about the ideas enough time.
of success for the Americans and for the
Vietnamese. Key
1. wife 2. get married 3. engaged
4. reception 5. honeymoon 6. wedding
7. bridegroom 8. best man 9. bride
10. bridesmaids
3. Pho is _______________(famous) dish in Viet Nam. 3. Where’s money I gave you on first of this
month? ______________________________________
4. Cities are a lot _________________ (polluted) than
they were in the past. 4. For my birthday, I got book, DVD and latest CD
by my favourite band. ________________________
5. It was _________________ (delicious) food I have
ever eaten. 5. On the radio, I heard song that I really liked.
As part of an education exchange
programme, a group of foreign students will
visit your school for two months. Your group
will have to prepare a presentation for them
in which you will describe some aspects of
Vietnamese culture (e.g. The rituals for certain
festivals, table manners, typical characteristics of
the Vietnamese people …) and some Dos and
Don’ts to help them avoid embarrassment
during their stay in Viet Nam.
Don’t be the first visitor to someone’s house
on the first day of the Tet holiday unless you’re
Remember to invite other people to share the
meal / snack with you before you start eating it.
Ask Ss to name the two grammar points learnt
in this unit.
Ask them to do the two activities to reinforce Key
these grammar points.
1. We are having a great time in Ha Noi.
Ss work on the acivities individually and then 2. Let’s go to Nha Trang for a week next
compare answers with a partner. summer.
Check the answers with the whole class and 3. Where’s the money I gave you on the first
explain any points if necessary. of this month?
4. For my birthday, I got a book, a DVD, and
the latest CD by my favourite band.
Key 5. On the radio, I heard a/the song that
1. harder, easier 2. more / less dangerous I really liked.
3. the most famous 4. more polluted
5. the most delicious
The aim of this part is for Ss to further explore
the topic beyond what has been presented
throughout the unit.
Ask Ss to read the project instructions and give
further explanation if necessary. Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?
What can you do now?
Ss work in groups. Each group may choose one
aspect: e.g. the rituals for certain festivals, table Elicit answers: I have learnt more about
manners, typical characteristics of the Vietnamese cultural aspects of Viet Nam. I can give a
people. presentation about those cultural aspects.
Ask Ss to do some research at home: e.g.
searching information from the Internet,
interviewing people who know about customs,
observing people's behavior, taking photos.
Ss collect all this information, and then make an
outline for their presentation. Ss may practise
their presentation at home.
In class, let Ss give their presentations in groups.
Walk around, observe, and assist, if necessary.
Then, choose several groups to deliver their
presentations to the whole class.
Encourage Ss to give feedback on the
performance of each presenter and then give
further feedback.
*(77,1*67$57(' 7KLVXQLWLQFOXGHV
SHUVRQDOHOHFWURQLFGHYLFHV Words and phrases related to
• Electronic devices that can help us learn
Listen and read. • Using the Internet to learn English
Hung: I’m preparing for a class discussion on Pronunciation
personal electronic devices. Do you think Stress in three-syllable adjectives and verbs
smartphones, laptops and tablets are useful Grammar
for learning? Relative clauses: defining and non-defining
Phong: Definitely. They’re the modern devices that clauses with ‘who’, ‘that’, ‘which’ and ‘whose’
have changed the way we learn. SKILLS
Hung: Oh, yeah? I think people use smartphones • Reading for general ideas and specific
mostly for communication. information about new ways to learn
Phong: Sure, but smartphones can also be used to
• Talking about how electronic devices can
take photos or record students’ work, which
help us learn
can be later shared with the class.
• Listening to instructions on how to access
Hung: That’s true. How about laptops? and use online English language materials
Phong: Oh, they’re excellent learning tools, too. • Writing about the advantages of
You can store information, take notes, write electronic devices as learning tools
essays and do calculations. COMMUNICATION AND CULTURE
Lam: You can also access the Internet, download New ways to learn in the USA
programmes, and information that can help
you understand the material and widen
your knowledge.
By the end of this unit, Ss can
• use lexical items related to the topic New ways to learn
• pronounce correctly three-syllable adjectives and verbs in isolation and
in context
• understand and use defining and non-defining relative clauses with
‘who’, ‘that’, ‘which’ and ‘whose’
• read for general ideas and specific information about new ways to learn
• talk about how electronic devices can help us learn
• listen to instructions on how to access and use online English language
materials for specific information
• write about the advantages of electronic devices as learning tools
• understand and talk about electronic devices used among children in
the USA
Lead-in: Inform the class of the lesson objectives: getting to know the topic New ways to learn,
the vocabulary related to electronic devices as learning tools, and the use of relative clauses
with ‘who’, ‘that’, ‘which’ and ‘whose’.
Begin by asking Ss if they have ever seen or owned any personal electronic devices and how
these devices can be used. Ask Ss to look at the pictures and talk about them.
Have Ss answer some questions about the pictures, e.g. What devices do you see in the
pictures? What are the people doing with the devices?
• Tell Ss that they are going to listen to a conversation between friends. Have Ss make
predictions about the topic and the content of their conversation.
• Play the recording. Have Ss listen and read at the same time.
Ask Ss to work individually first, and then in pairs /$1*8$*(
to decide if the statements are true (T), false (F)
or not given (NG). 9RFDEXODU\
• Encourage Ss to provide reasons for their Ask Ss to work individually, read the phrases (1-5),
answers. then find the meaning for each of them (a-e).
• Checks Ss’ answers as a class and give
explanations, if necessary. • Provide support if necessary by guiding Ss to
use the context of the conversation to choose
Key 1. F 2. F 3. NG 4. T 5. F 6. T the correct meaning for each phrase.
• Check answers as a class to make sure Ss have all
Ask Ss to refer back to the conversation to find the correct answers.
the adjectives which describe the devices used
as learning tools. Have Ss discuss their meaning Key
with a partner. 1. e 2. d 3. b 4. c 5. a
personal, electronic, modern, excellent, useful, Ask Ss to work individually first, and then check
mobile, digital, perfect, great with a partner. Make this activity more practical
and fun by giving each group one of the devices
and ask them to find out if they can do any of
Notes: these things on it.
1. personal: your own Key
2. electronic: having many small parts that 1. A, B, C 2. A, C 3. A, C
control and direct a small electric current
4. B 5. B 6. A, B, C
3. modern: of or relating to the present time or
recent times
4. excellent: exceptionally good
5. useful: being of practical use /(6621287&20(
6. mobile: able to be moved easily • Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?
7. digital: showing information by using figures What can you do now?
8. perfect: being complete and without • Elicit answers: I can use words and
weaknesses phrases to talk about personal
9. great: superior in quality or degree electronic devices that help us learn.
1. They are talking about smartphones,
laptops and tablet computers.
2. They have changed the way we learn.
3. They use them to take photos or record
their work, which can be later shared with
the class.
4. Because they can be used to store
information, take notes, write essays and do
5. He does his assignments and projects, and
studies English.
3URQXQFLDWLRQ Key 1. that 2. which 3. that
Play the recording and let Ss listen. Play it again 4. which 5. whose
with pauses for them to repeat each word chorally. • These words are relative pronouns. They are
• Give the meaning of the words if necessary. used in relative clauses to define or identify
Focus on the stress patterns of three-syllable the nouns preceding them / to introduce
adjectives and verbs. information about the nouns before them.
• Ask Ss to work in pairs and take turns reading the • Defining relative clauses: 1, 3, 5
words. Call on some Ss to read them out loud. • Non-defining relative clauses: 2, 4
Notes: Notes:
English three-syllable adjectives and verbs • T can teach ‘whom’ to more able classes.
often have stress on the first syllable, but there • John Vincent Atanasoff (October 4, 1903 –
are many exceptions. June 15, 1995) was an American physicist
Three-syllable adjectives and inventor, best known for inventing the
• Three-syllable adjectives are often stressed first electronic digital computer.
on the first syllable, e.g. 'general, 'delicate,
'excellent, 'wonderful, 'favourite, 'curious. Ask Ss to read the explanations Do you know …?
• Some adjectives have primary stress on and check their understanding. Offer help
the last syllable if there is a long vowel or if necessary. Have Ss work in pairs to match
a diphthong in it and secondary stress on
sentence parts (1-6) with sentence parts (a-f) to
the first syllable, e.g. obso'lete, Vietna'mese,
' ' make meaningful sentences.
• Some adjectives do not follow the stress Key 1. e 2. d 3. a 4. f 5. c 6. b
pattern of the noun from which they are
derived and are stressed on the second • Ask Ss to read Watch out! and discuss with
syllable, e.g. 'gene - ge'neric, 'symbol - a partner. Check for comprehension. Elicit
sym'bolic, 'instinct - ins'tinctive. explanations from Ss about the two examples.
Three-syllable verbs
• Three-syllable verbs often have stress on Notes:
the first syllable, e.g. 'organize, 'modernize, In the first example, the clause ‘who came to
'signify, 'specify, 'compensate, 'decorate visit us’ is a defining relative clause. If we omit
'compliment, 'constitute. it, it is not clear what man we are talking about.
• But many verbs, especially those with In the second example, we use ‘That’ to define
prefixes, have stress on the second syllable, the noun ‘man’, so the relative clause only
e.g. con'tinue, con'sider, re'member. provides additional or extra information. We
• If the prefix consists of two syllables, its can omit ‘who came to visit us’ without causing
first syllable usually gets secondary stress, any confusion.
e.g. under'stand, decom'pose, contra'dict,
' ' '
corre'spond. Have Ss give oral answers to a partner first, and
then write down the correct answers. Observe
Play the recording again. Ask Ss to put a mark (') and help if necessary.
before the stressed syllable in each word.
Key 1. which / that 2. whose 3. which
Key 4. who / that 5. whose 6. who
1. 'concentrate 'similar con'tribute 'digital
2. intro'duce 'excellent 'recognise Vietna'mese
3. under'stand 'personal 'interest sym'bolic /(6621287&20(
• Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?
What can you do now?
*UDPPDU • Elicit answers: I can pronounce
three-syllable adjectives and verbs and use
5HODWLYHFODXVHV defining and non-defining relative clauses
with ‘who’, ‘that’, ‘which’ and ‘whose’.
Ask Ss to read the sentences taken from
GETTING STARTED and check their answers
with a partner. Check Ss’ answers as a class.
1. instruction a. the ability of a device or Read the text again. Answer the following
programme to understand a questions.
human voice
1. How convenient are digital lessons?
2. effective b. a software programme 2. What can you do with speaking electronic
designed to do a particular job dictionaries?
3. voice c. detailed information on how 3. How can software help improve your pronunciation?
recognition to do or use something 4. How can English learners use mobile devices as
recorders or cameras?
4. portable d. producing a successful result
5. Why do you need to choose a device that suits
5. media player e. easy to carry or to move your learning style?
6. application / f. a device that stores and plays
app sound and pictures Discuss in pairs / groups.
How can school students use personal electronic
devices to learn English?
Quickly read the text. Choose the best title
for it.
a. Advanced Electronic Devices
b. New Ways to Learn English
c. Software Programmes
In the age of technology, you can take
advantage of new applications which are very
useful for learning English.
One way is to download free digital lessons and
put them in your media player or other similar
mobile devices. Then you can listen and study
anywhere because these devices are portable.
5HDGLQJ 1. We can download them in mobile devices
'LJLWDO(QJOLVK and study anywhere.
Lead-in: Inform the class of the lesson objectives: 2. We can see words on the screen and hear
skimming and scanning a text for general ideas and them spoken.
specific information. 3. We can choose to practise with native
Draw Ss’ attention to the heading of the section English speakers of different accents and
Digital English. Ask them to guess the possible genders.
content of the reading text. 4. They can use them to record real-life English
speech, lessons, songs or English language
Let Ss look at the pictures and answer the
films from television or the Internet.
questions. Write some key words (e.g. phones,
tablets, devices) on the board if necessary. 5. Because it will make learning English easier,
faster, more effective and more enjoyable.
Suggested answers
The students are using smartphones / phones
and tablets to study English in the classroom.
This is a post-reading activity that gives Ss an
I think we’re going to read about electronic opportunity to apply what they have read in the
devices that / which help us learn English. text to talk about their own and their classmates’
actual experience with electronic devices as
learning tools.
Have Ss match each of the words with its
meaning. They work individually first, and then • Arrange Ss into groups of 3 or 4 and let them
check with a partner. discuss the question. Walk round to monitor the
class and offer help if necessary.
• Let Ss use a dictionary if necessary. Go over the
answers to make sure they have matched them • Give enough time for one or two groups to
correctly. report the results of their discussion to the class.
Work in pairs. Read the arguments and Work in pairs. Discuss how useful electronic
explanations in again. Decide on the two devices are in learning, using the arguments
most effective ways of using electronic devices. in .
Explain why.
Useful expressions: Example:
1. The two most effective ways of using electronics Student A: I think electronics make school life
easier and more enjoyable.
are ____________ because ______________________
Student B: Exactly. Students who hate
homework can have fun doing it on
2. We think / believe ___________________ is an tablets.
effective way of using _______________ because Student A: And when they type on tablets they
___________________________. can change or add more things any
3. In my opinion, ________________________________ time they want.
Work in groups. Answer the following
questions. Note down your partners’ answers
and report them to the class.
1. What electronic devices do you have?
2. How often do you bring them to school?
3. How useful are they for your learning?
Lead-in: Inform the class of the lesson objective:
talking about electronic devices that can help
us learn. /(6621287&20(
• Introduce the topic by asking questions such as • Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?
Do you have any personal electronic devices? Do What can you do now?
you bring them / it with you to school? How useful
are they / is it? How do they / does it help you learn
• Elicit answers: I can talk about how
electronic devices can help us learn.
your subjects? I can give a report about how my
classmates use the devices to learn
Write Go digital on the board. Give Ss time school subjects.
to read through the arguments in favour of
using electronic devices in learning and match
arguments 1-4 with explanations a-d.
• Let them work with a partner if they need more
1. d 2. b 3. c 4. a
/LVWHQLQJ click on the search engine button. Instantly, you
see hundreds of webpages on the screen and
7ULSOHt(uDW\RXUILQJHUWLSV open the ones you like.
Lead-in: Inform Ss of the lesson objective: listening Many sites offer exciting lessons, activities and
for specific information about using electronic quizzes for English learners of all ages and levels.
devices to study English. There are pictures, games and explanations,
• Write Triple ‘E’ at your fingertips on the board and which are useful for learning vocabulary and
ask Ss to guess what it means in pairs. grammar.
Do you want to improve your listening, speaking
Have Ss look at the pictures and elicit their and pronunciation? Practise online with native
answers to the questions in the instructions. speakers. Choose the sites where you can record
• Ask them to use the caption to help them guess. your own voice and listen to yourself. Everything
is so fast and convenient. Just one click away.
Suggested answers Obviously, technology has made learning
English easy and efficient and increased your
The students are learning English with chance of success.
computers. Maybe they’re searching the
Internet for information or using a webpage
to study. Ask Ss to read the instructions and the
I guess we’re / I’m going to listen about new sentences 1-5. Make sure that they understand
ways / how to learn English using the Internet the sentences. Provide help with the new
and electronic devices. vocabulary if necessary.
• Play the recording once or twice again
(depending on Ss’ level) for Ss to fill the gaps.
Ask Ss to read all the statements and guess if
they are true (T) or false (F). Make sure that Ss • Ask Ss to work with a partner to compare their
understand all the statements before listening. answers.
• Invite representatives from some pairs to report
• Explain if there are any new words. Give the their answers to the class. Give feedback and
Vietnamese equivalents if necessary.
correct any wrong answers.
• Play the recording and have Ss do the activity.
Check their answers. Key
• Play the recording again if many Ss in the class 1. easily and effectively
have incorrect answers, pausing at the places 2. access and take
where they can get the correct information. 3. learning vocabulary
4. native speakers
Key 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T 5. chance of success
Audio script
Inform Ss that this is a post-listening activity.
Well, I guess sometimes you may feel • Ask Ss to work in groups of 3 or 4 and discuss
disappointed by your bad grades and get tired the question. Ss note down their group members’
of things like books, blackboards, cassettes answers and get ready to report. Have some Ss
and CD players. present their reports to the class.
No worries. I’ll show you how to learn English
easily and effectively just with your fingertips.
Have you heard of Triple ‘E’? It means Easy /(6621287&20(
Effective English.
• Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?
How can learning English be easy but What can you do now?
effective? The secret is so simple: use
electronic devices to access and take • Elicit answers: I’ve listened to instructions
advantage of online English language on how to access and use online English
materials. language materials. Now I can talk about
There are many good websites on the Internet. how to use electronic devices to study
All you need to do is type some key words and English online.
:ULWLQJ Ask Ss to read the sample writing again. Remind
them of the structure of a short text that starts
8VLQJHOHFWURQLFGHYLFHVLQ with a topic sentence, followed by supporting
OHDUQLQJ ideas 1, 2, 3 and ends with a concluding sentence.
Lead-in: Inform Ss of the lesson objective: writing a • Tell Ss to write a draft first, then write a short text
short text with detailed explanations as supporting (of about 150 words) about the advantages of
ideas. electronic devices as learning tools.
Write the phrase Using electronic devices in • Ss write the text in class. When they finish, ask
learning on the board. Focus on the pictures and them to exchange it with a partner for peer
the instructions. comments / correction.
• Elicit Ss’ ideas about the pictures. Give suggestions • Walk round and offer help if necessary.
if necessary by asking Who are these people in the • Alternatively, have Ss write the text at home.
pictures? What are they doing? What devices are Collect Ss’ papers in the next lesson. Give
they using? What are they using them for? feedback on some papers in class.
• Ss can talk about the positive sides / advantages as
well as the negative sides / disadvantages of using Suggested answer
electronic devices in learning. I strongly support the use of personal electronic
• The focus of this activity is to develop a short devices in learning because I see a lot of
text (already taught in the writing sections of advantages.
Unit 5 and Unit 6). First of all, they can be used for both research
• Explain that writers often provide detailed and study. Students can use them to download
explanations or examples to support an idea in a and store information and textbooks. This can
paragraph or a text. help them save learning time and make their
Give Ss time to read the sentences about backpacks lighter.
some advantages and disadvantages of using Second, students can study better with
electronic devices in learning. modern technology because there are many
useful learning applications on smartphones,
• Have them compare their answers with a laptops, tablets and other media players such as
partner first, and then ask some Ss to read out
dictionary, spelling, translation, pronunciation
loud their answers to check as a class.
and other apps.
Key A: 2, 4, 6 D: 1, 3, 5 Last but not least, mobile devices can help
students communicate with each other or relax
Give Ss time to read the text about the by listening to music and playing games when
disadvantages of using electronic devices in class. they are bored or tired of studying.
In conclusion, personal electronic devices bring
• Elicit their answers about the use of linking more good than harm to students. I suggest
that teachers allow and encourage the use
of these devices in learning both inside and
Key outside of class.
They use linking words / phrases to connect
ideas. (Some linking words are provided in the
writing section of Unit 6 already.)
First of all,
Last but not least, • Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?
In conclusion, What can you do now?
• Elicit answers: I’ve learnt how to write
a short text with supporting ideas and
detailed explanations. I can write about
the advantages of personal electronic
devices as learning tools.
&20081,&$7,21 &XOWXUH
$1'&8/785( Lead-in: Focus on the pictures. Ask questions like
Who do you see in the pictures? How old do you think
&RPPXQLFDWLRQ they are? What are they doing? Is it good for them to
use these devices at an early age?
WRXVHRUQRWWRXVH" Focus on the instructions. Give Ss time to read
Lead-in: Inform the class of the lesson objective: the text about how electronic devices are used
further skill development. After reading some among children in the United States.
comments on electronic devices and a text about
how children in the United States use electronic • Have Ss read and answer the questions in pairs.
devices, Ss have more chances to practise speaking. Then check Ss’ answers as a class.
Listen again and put a mark (') before the 4. That’s Peter, ____________ father has just come
stressed syllable. back from the Philippines.
5. The woman ____________ you have just spoken
9RFDEXODU\ to is my favourite English teacher.
Complete the text with the appropriate 6. People ____________ work involves using a
words from the box. computer for most of the day may suffer from
a. devices b. dictionary c. technology headaches.
d. electronic e. learn f. advantage
Combine each pair of sentences into one.
Electronic dictionaries are now common Use comma(s) if necessary.
in English classes. They can be very easily 1. Shakespeare was a famous playwright. His
birthplace was Stratford-upon-Avon.
downloaded into your personal (1) ___________
2. His grandmother had a great influence on his
device that you carry with you everywhere.
life. She was a hard-working woman.
This new technology is wonderful, but it
3. Tom has hundreds of books. They are all in
can affect your learning. People may think a foreign languages.
dictionary is the best way to (2) ___________
4. Lan is interested in physics. I don’t like it.
new words. In fact, learning new vocabulary by
5. I will always remember the teacher. He taught
translating slows down your learning process. me how to read and write.
A (3) ___________ should only be used when all 6. The girl looked very upset. Her electronic
other ways of finding out the meaning have dictionary broke down.
failed. There are other ways of understanding
new vocabulary, such as looking at the parts of
the word or using context to guess its meaning.
Modern (4) ____________ has entered your life
and you should try to take (5) _____________ of it.
Electronic dictionaries in mobile (6) __________
are a great learning tool, but you need to think
how to use them effectively.
/22.,1*%$&. *UDPPDU
3URQXQFLDWLRQ Focus on the instruction. Give Ss time to read
the sentences. Remind them to use ‘which’, ‘that’,
Lead-in: Inform the class of the lesson objectives:
‘who’ or ‘whose’ to fill each gap.
reviewing pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar.
• Set a time limit and get Ss to do the activity
Ask Ss to listen and repeat. Help them review the individually. Call on some Ss to tell their
stress patterns of three-syllable adjectives and answers. Write the correct ones on the board.
Play the recording again. Ss listen and put a 1. which / that 2. who
mark (') before the stressed syllable.
3. which 4. whose
Key 5. who / that 6. whose
Three-syllable Three-syllable
adjectives verbs Ask Ss to pay attention to the instructions.
Set a time limit and have Ss do the activity
'adjective, e'lectric 'graduate, de'velop individually.
e'ffective, 'wonderful con'tinue, con'sider • Call on six students to write their answers on the
board. Underline any mistakes and ask other Ss
con'venient, 'similar 'dedicate, recom'mend to correct them. Provide help, if necessary.
1. Shakespeare, whose birthplace was
9RFDEXODU\ Stratford-upon-Avon, was a famous
Inform Ss that the words in the box are among playwright.
the most commonly used in the unit. Ss decide 2. His grandmother, who was a hard-working
which words best complete the sentences. woman, had a great influence on his life.
• Alternatively, extend this activity by asking Ss to 3. Tom has hundreds of books, which are all in
make their own sentences with each of the words. foreign languages.
4. Lan is interested in physics, which I don’t like.
Key 5. I will always remember the teacher who
1. d 2. e taught me how to read and write.
3. b 4. c 6. The girl whose electronic dictionary broke
down looked very upset.
5. f 6. a
Focus on the project objective and questions:
preparing for the class discussion on the topic
Personal electronic devices in class – to use or not /(6621287&20(
to use.
• Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?
• Ask Ss to choose between using or banning What can you do now?
electronic devices in the classroom, and provide
reasons for their choice. • Elicit answers: I can give a presentation
on the use / ban of electronic devices in
• Have Ss make a list of possible rules of limiting the classroom. I can talk about possible
the use of the electronic devices (if they select rules of using the devices in class.
using the devices).
Provide enough time for Ss to present their ideas
to the class.
Complete these sentences with suitable words
Rewrite the following sentences using the
from the box.
passive voice.
inequality pay right 1. You must keep this door shut.
discrimination gender 2. Someone will serve refreshments.
3. People must not leave bicycles in the hall.
1. Women are demanding equal ____________ for
4. You should shake milk before you use it.
equal work.
2. I think this is a clear case of ____________ against 5. People may keep books for two weeks.
Complete these sentences. Use the comparative
3. Education for all means that everyone has the or superlative form of the adjectives in
____________ to receive education. brackets. Add any other words if necessary.
4. ____________ equality means that both men and
1. The problem is not so complicated. It’s _________
women are treated equally.
(simple) you think.
5. Women in developing countries are fighting
against gender ____________. 2. That theatre over there is ________ (old) building
in the city.
Choose the correct 3. Health and happiness are _________ (important)
words in the following money.
4. That was ________ (beautiful) painting I’ve ever seen.
1. Using an (electric / electronic) device such as a 5. I like the countryside. Living in the countryside is
laptop, you can learn English effectively. ________ (healthy) and _________ (peaceful) living
2. To play audio tapes and CDs, you just need a in a city.
cassette or CD (player / recorder).
3. Watching and listening to English (radio / Combine each pair of sentences into one with
television shows) is an excellent way to learn a suitable relative pronoun. Use comma(s) if
English. necessary.
4. A (tablet / desktop) is a mobile computer that is 1. Tom works for a company. It makes electronic devices.
also useful for language learning. 2. Linda told me her e-mail address. I wrote it on a
5. Language translation (touch screen / software) allows piece of paper.
you to translate from one language into another. 3. I don’t like people. They are never on time.
4. What was the name of the girl? Her mobile
phone was stolen.
5. Mr Brown is retiring next month. He has worked
Sort out the words according to their stress for the same university all his life.
patterns and read them aloud. The ones in
the first row have been done as examples.
Review 3 is aimed at revising the language and skills Ss have learnt and practised in Units 6-8.
T may introduce the review by asking Ss if they remember what they have learnt so far in
terms of language and skills. T then summarises Ss’ answers and adds some more information,
if necessary.
/$1*8$*( *UDPPDU
Language review can be used as a self-assessment Elicit the form and use of the passive voice, and
test or revision for Ss. Ss do the activities, and the meaning of the modals: must, will, should,
then T checks the answers as a class. T may may. Ask a student to write his / her answers
conduct each activity separately. on the board while other Ss do this activity
individually. Checks Ss’ answers.
Ask Ss to do this activity individually, and then 1. This door must be kept shut.
compare their answers with a partner’s. Write 2. Refreshments will be served (by someone).
the correct answers on the board. Ask Ss to raise 3. Bicycles must not be left in the hall.
hands if their answers match. 4. Milk should be shaken before it is used.
5. Books may be kept for two weeks.
1. pay 2. discrimination 3. right
4. Gender 5. inequality
Elicit the form and use of the comparative
and superlative of adjectives. Ask Ss to do this
activity individually, and then compare their
Ask Ss to do this activity individually. Ask a student answers with a partner’s. Ask a student to write
his / her answers on the board. Then check the
to write his / her answers on the board. Read each
answers as a class.
one and ask the class if they agree or not, then
confirm the correct one. Key
1. more simple (or simpler) than
Key 2. the oldest
3. more important than
1. electronic 2. player 3. television shows 4. the most beautiful
4. tablet 5. software 5. healthier (or more healthy); more peaceful than
Ask Ss to do Activities and individually, and Play the recording once for Ss to listen and
check their answers with a partner’s. Give the choose their answers. Play the recording again
correct answers and explanations if necessary. for Ss to check their answers. Then give the
correct answers. Alternatively, play one or more
Key times for Ss to choose the correct answers.
1b: 1. d 2. c 3. b 4. a
2: Audio script
1. It helps students learn English in a more In countries around the world, people meet
stimulating way. and greet each other in different ways:
2. Because it can engage students In Finland, people greet each other with a
and provide them with interactive handshake. Close friends and family members
opportunities. often hug and kiss when they meet.
3. Because with it teachers can make In Japan, people usually bow when greeting
grammar or vocabulary presentations and each other. When greeting family or friends, a
save them for using again. small head bow is used. But when greeting a
4. They can download gap-fill exercises, superior, people are expected to use a deeper,
multiple-choice quizzes or games. longer bow to show respect.
5. They can drag and drop their answers into In Korea, when men greet each other, they
the gaps with their fingers. bow and shake hands. But women do not
often shake hands. Like in Viet Nam, when you
address someone with his or her full name, the
family name comes first, then the first name.
6SHDNLQJ In the United States, when people meet each
Ask Ss to work in groups, reading about different other for the first time, they shake hands.
customs in four countries. Then ask Ss to discuss Hugging and kissing are best left for friends
the three questions that follow. Ask Ss to share and family members in informal situations. In
their opinions with their partners. these cases, men usually kiss women, but men
kissing other men is not common.
1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. F
Ask Ss to use the points given in Dos and Don’ts
(or their own ideas) to write about what customs
a visitor to Viet Nam should know. Ask Ss to
write the draft first in class, and then they may
write their final versions at home.
By the end of this unit, Ss can
Lead-in: Inform the class of the lesson objectives: getting to know the topic Preserving the environment,
vocabulary related to Environmental impacts, and the use of indirect speech to report what was said.
Focus Ss’ attention on the picture and the title of the lesson. Explain the words environment (our surroundings
including land, soil, plants, animals, air, water and humans) and environmental impact (the negative effect on
the environment). Help Ss understand more about the topic by asking: How important is the environment
to the people living in it? What will happen if the environment is damaged or destroyed? What are some of the
environmental impacts of human activities? Write possible answers on the board.
Tell the class that they are going to listen to a conversation between Nam and his father. Ask Ss to
predict what the speakers are going to talk about. Play the recording for them to listen and read the
conversation at the same time. Remind Ss not to worry about the unfamiliar words or grammar points,
but try to work out the general idea of the conversation.
• An editor: a person who oversees the
preparation of a text in newspapers,
magazines, scholarly journals, and books.
_______________________ ______________________
Complete the sentences with the words from deforest protect consumption
confuse contaminate
the box. preservation deplete pollute
pollute greenhouse effect
deforestation depletion fossil fuels Verb Noun
global warming preserve damage 1. ____________ protection
Ask Ss to work in pairs to label the photos. Allow two minutes for the pairs to look up the words and
phrases in a dictionary to confirm their meaning.
• Check answers as a class. Have Ss note down the words in their notebooks.
a. greenhouse effect b. pollution c. deforestation d. polar ice melting e. fossil fuels
A sk Ss to work individually. Allow enough time for them to check the information. Remind Ss to underline
the key words in the questions, and use them to scan for the relevant information in the conversation.
• Elicit answers from different Ss.
1. He is writing a letter for the school newsletter.
2. The editor asked Nam to write some practical advice on environmental preservation.
3. It means the negative influence or effect on the environment.
4. Because he thinks if we can see the impacts on the natural environment, we will know how to protect it.
5. They are deforestation, pollution, global warming, fuel depletion, polar ice melting and the rise of
sea levels.
6. Open answers.
Go through the words in the box and check Ss’ understanding.
• Ask Ss to complete the sentences individually. In a weaker class, get them to work on the sentences in
pairs. Check answers as a class.
1. preserve 2. Deforestation 3. Fossil fuels 4. pollute
5. greenhouse effect 6. Global warming 7. Depletion 8. Damage
Read the information in Do you know …? and go through the nouns and verbs with the class.
• Elicit or explain the meaning of the words. Ask Ss to work individually. Check answers as a class.
1. protect 2. preservation 3. contaminate 4. consumption
5. deforest 6. pollute 7. deplete
Ask Ss to read the sentences first for comprehension, and then underline the key words and phrases.
These words are often used together as collocations, and can be used to figure out the missing words.
• Check answers as a class or have Ss compare their completed sentences.
1. consumption 2. consume 3. preserve 4. preservation
5. polluted 6. pollution 7. Contamination 8. contaminate
Focus Ss’ attention on the instructions and the word box. Play the recording and pause after each word
for them to repeat chorally and individually. Elicit the meaning of the words, and help Ss identify the
syllables in each word.
• Ask Ss to read quickly the sentences in the VOCABULARY section , and underline three-syllable
nouns. Ask Ss to add two more words selected from of the VOCABULARY section.
Suggested answers
energy, atmosphere
Focus Ss’ attention on the instruction. Have them read through Do you know …? Check understanding of
the activity. Play the recording once through for Ss to listen. Play the recording again for them to do the
activity. Check answers as a class.
Focus Ss’ attention on the instructions, and ask them to read Do you know…? Check understanding.
• Ask them to read the conversation in GETTING STARTED again and find the speakers’ names to fill the gaps.
• Explain to Ss that the opening (') and closing (') quotation marks are needed for writing reported
• There is a comma before the closing quotation marks if the reporting verb follows the statement.
'I’m writing some practical advice on environmental preservation,' said Nam.
• The reporting verb said can go before or after the subject. The reporting verb is often placed before
the subject when the reporting clause (said Nam) comes after the quotation. This word order is not
used when the subject is a pronoun: ‘I want to write about environmental preservation’, he said.
(not ‘said he’).
'I want to write about environmental preservation,' said Nam / Nam said.
‘I want to write about environmental preservation,’ he said.
• Verbs in reported speech usually go back one tense, and imperative verb forms change to
The tense used for a that-clause depends on the time we are reporting what was said or thought.
If the situation described in the that-clause is in the past when it is reported, then a past tense is used.
When we report offers or orders in imperative form, we use a to-infinitive after the reporting clause.
• Say or tell can be used in reported speech. Say does not need an object, but tell does.
'I want to write an article,' said Nam. → Nam said (that) he wanted to write an article.
'Focus on your topic,’ Nam’s father told Nam. → Nam’s father told him to focus on his topic.
Read the instructions and analyse the first
sentence as an example. Remind Ss of the
changes to the verb form and pronoun.
1. Nam said (that) pollution was one of the /(6621287&20(
problems in his neigbourhood. Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?
2. The editor said (that) more people were aware What can you do now?
of the preservation of natural resources. Elicit answers: Now I can identify and
3. The students told their teacher (that) they pronounce three-syllable nouns. I know the
were discussing the protection of the natural difference between nouns and verbs having
environment. the same root. I can use reported speech to
4. Nam’s father told him to use the web search report what people have said.
engine to find the information that he needed.
5. Nam said (that) it was confusing because
there were too many web pages about the
6. Scientists said (that) air pollution was one
of the causes of the greenhouse effect.
Lead-in: Focus Ss’ attention on the photos and the
instructions. Ask What can you see in the photos?
What is the environmental impact in each photo?
a. noise pollution b. water pollution
c. air pollution d. soil pollution
Key c
T F c d
Human Type of
3. Using a lot of fertilizers can reduce soil activity pollution
fertility. a series of
fossil fuel burning problems such as
4. Water pollutants are things such as by motor vehicles, acid rain,
air pollution
detergents, pesticides, oil, other chemicals factories, aircrafts greenhouse
and rubbish blockages in rivers that make and rockets effect, global
water contaminated. warming and
health problems
fertilizers and
5. Noise pollution can increase heart rate pesticide sprays,
and damage hearing. harmful rubbish
and chemicals
thrown in the
6. Environmental pollution needs to be taken rivers
care for the sake of the environment and
loud and
the people that live in it.
annoying sounds
from factory
machinery, motor
Work in groups. Discuss the types of vehicles, aircraft,
pollution in your neighbourhood and their and musical
consequences. instruments
Focus Ss’ attention on the instruction. Write all 6SHDNLQJ
the highlighted words from the reading text
on the board. Go over the definitions with the (QYLURQPHQWDOLPSDFWVRIKXPDQ
whole class. Check comprehension and have Ss DFWLYLWLHV
match the words. Alternatively, ask Ss to work in Lead-in: Inform the class of the lesson objectives:
pairs. practise speaking about environmental impacts
of human activities. Ask them to focus on the title
and the photos by asking: What are the types of
1. ecosystem 2. pesticides 3. inorganic environmental pollution caused by human activities?
4. vegetation 5. fertilizer 6. pollutants Can you label the photos with specific types of
C heck the answers and have different Ss write
them on the board.
ecosystem: hệ sinh thái; pesticide: thuốc trừ
sâu; inorganic: vô cơ; vegetation: cây cỏ;
Suggested answers
fertilizer: phân bón; pollutant: chất ô nhiễm a. soil pollution b. water pollution
c. air pollution d. noise pollution
Ask Ss to read the instructions carefully, and
underline the key words in the sentences Focus Ss’ attention on the instructions and the
provided. table. Ask them to work individually and read
• Encourage them to underline the parts of the the text carefully before they complete the
reading text relevant to the statements. table. Remind them to refer back to the reading
text to get the necessary information.
• Check answers as a class, and encourage Ss to
justify their choices by referring to the relevant • Encourage them to share their ideas with a
information in the reading text. partner. Check answers as a class and write them
on the board.
1. F 2. F 3. T Human Type of
4. T 5. T 6. T activity pollution
1. Environmental pollution is one of the a series of
impacts of human activities. environmental
fossil fuel burning problems such as
2 . The greenhouse effect is a result of air
by motor vehicles, acid rain,
pollution. air pollution
factories, aircrafts greenhouse
and rockets effect, global
warming and
Have Ss discuss in groups of 3 or 4. Ask health problems
them some guiding questions before their contaminated
discussion: What type of pollution is there in your fertilizers and
vegetation and
neighbourhood? What are the causes and effects? pesticide sprays,
the decrease of
harmful rubbish
How can you help reduce this type of pollution? soil pollution soil fertility
and chemicals
thrown in the
to the negative
/(6621287&20( utilization of land
Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? loud and annoying
What can you do now? sounds from
and health
factory machinery,
Elicit answers: Now I can identify different noise problems such
motor vehicles,
types of pollution and understand the pollution as stress, the
aircraft, and
causes and negative effects of pollution on increase of heart
our environment and health. rate and hearing
Listen again. Complete the sentences with
Look at the photo and describe what you see. one or two words from the talk.
1. The natural environment has been seriously
_________________ and degraded by human
activities through many decades.
2. The burning of fossil fuels by factories and
motor vehicles has led to air pollution and
resulted in acid rain, greenhouse effect and
3. Deforestation for land use has affected the
_________________ and led to the extinction of
rare animals, extreme floods and land erosion.
4. They have changed and degraded the
natural environment and led to various
5. We should _________________ the burning
of fossil fuels, and encourage forestation to
Listen to a student’s talk. What is he talking replace deforestation.
about? Tick the correct box. 6. People should make _________________
to protect the environment for the next
a. How to Overcome Natural Disasters generation.
b. Natural Resource Depletion Ask and answer the following questions.
c. Environmental Degradation 1. What is the definition of environment in the
d. Deforestation and Its Effects
2. What has led to air pollution?
Listen again. Tick the words you hear. Look 3. What has led to soil pollution?
up the meanings of unfamiliar words in a 4. What has deforestation caused?
dictionary. 5. What should we do to reduce water pollution?
degraded resulted 6. What should we do to preserve the forests?
erosion civilization 7. What should people do to preserve the
sewage aquatic environment for the next generation?
This activity focuses on speaking about • Play the recording twice, pausing before and
environmental impacts. Give enough time for after the second listening for Ss to read and
Ss to read the conversation individually. Check check their answers.
comprehension as a class. Have Ss practise the • Tell Ss to go through the answer options and
conversation in pairs. Monitor the activity and select the most appropriate one. Check answers
select some pairs to act out the conversation in as a class and ask Ss to explain why it is the
front of the class. correct choice.
Focus Ss’ attention on the instructions. Ask Key c
them to work in groups of 3 or 4.
• Allow groups enough time to select the type
of pollution and prepare their conversation.
Encourage them to write the main points or
Audio script
ideas expressed by each speaker. Help Ss with
any problems and remind them that they can The environment is the natural world in which
add their own ideas while discussing. people, animals and plants live. The natural
environment has been seriously affected and
Have Ss act out their conversations in front of
the class. Discuss their performance as a class. degraded by human activities through many
Alternatively, have Ss discuss and act out their decades. For instance, the burning of fossil fuels
conversations in groups. by factories and motor vehicles has led to air
pollution and resulted in acid rains, greenhouse
effect and global warming. The use of harmful
/(6621287&20( chemicals in agriculture has led to serious soil
Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? pollution and health problems. Deforestation
What can you do now? for land use has affected the ecosystem and led
Elicit answers: I can talk about types of to the extinction of rare animals, and extreme
pollution, its causes and negative effects floods and land erosion. Harmful rubbish and
on the environment and human health. sewage dumped in rivers and oceans has
polluted the water and harmed aquatic animals.
There are many human activities having serious
impacts on the natural environment. They have
changed and degraded the natural environment
/LVWHQLQJ and led to various health problems.
3UHVHUYLQJWKHQDWXUDOHQYLURQPHQW We should do something immediately to protect
our environment. For instance, we should
Lead-in: Focus Ss’ attention on the topic. Check control the burning of fossil fuels and encourage
comprehension and ask Ss to brainstorm ideas on
forestation to replace deforestation. In addition,
what to do to preserve the natural environment.
there should be appropriate places to dump
Write their ideas on the board to avoid repeating
the same information. harmful rubbish and chemicals to reduce the
rate of water pollution, a threat to human health
Focus Ss’ attention on the photo and elicit and a danger to aquatic animals.
their descriptions of the photo. Write the To minimize the rate of environmental
information on the board. degradation and to raise awareness of its threats,
Suggested answers the preservation of the environment should
be included in education and mass media.
The people are planting a tree.
People should make every effort to preserve the
environment for the next generation.
This activity focuses on listening for gist. Ask Ss
to read the instructions and the titles. Ensure
that they understand the task and vocabulary.
• Check comprehension and explain degradation
(loss or decrease of quality).
are extracts from a student’s talk giving Choose one of the following limited natural
some practical advice on reducing water and resources to write three paragraphs similar
electricity consumption at home. Quickly to those in : paragraph 1 to introduce
read the text and match the headings (a-d) the type of pollution, paragraph 2 to give
with the paragraphs (1-4). some practical advice and paragraph 3 to
a. Your participation in environmental
b. Your actions to reduce water consumption Natural resource Advice
c. Your actions to reduce electricity
− reducing the use of fossil fuels
d. Introducing the environmental problem
fossil fuels, for energy
1. Fresh, clean water is very important to
non-renewable − research and replace fossil fuel
life because no one can live long without it. Yet
it is one of the limited and most endangered resources: coal, energy with other renewable
natural resources on our planet. Water keeps oil, natural gases fuels such as water, sun, etc.
the Earth green, and we can transform producing energy − raise awareness on the
flowing water to electricity or energy. Our problems in the public and in
modern world has consumed a lot of water and education
electricity. So, what do you think will happen if
water runs out? The following advice can help
to reduce your water and electricity
consumption at home. − careful planning of land use for
2. When you leave a room or your home, public facilities and in
unpluging electronic devices like television, absorbing carbon
agriculture; proper
radio, computer is an easy way to save dioxide (CO2) and
deforestation plans to replace
electricity because these devices still consume other harmful
the trees cut down
energy even though they are off. gases; reducing
− raise awareness on the
3. When you use water, you also consume energy. air pollution, heat,
problems in the public and in
Turning the tap off until you need water to rinse floods, etc.
your hands or brush your teeth, and washing education
full loads of laundry instead of smaller ones can
help to reduce electricity and water
consumption as well.
4. The above advice is very simple and not new.
However, if you follow at least one of the
tips, you can be proud of taking part in the
preservation of water, one of the very important
and limited natural resources on the Earth.
This activity focuses on listening for specific
information. /(6621287&20(
• Ask Ss to read the instructions and the words Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?
provided individually. Check understanding of the What can you do now?
task and the vocabulary.
Elicit answers: Now I can identify the
• Play the recording again for Ss to do the task. Allow
negative effects of human activities on the
two minutes for them to discuss the meaning of the
environment, and I can suggest ideas about
words in pairs, or to look them up in a dictionary.
how to protect it.
• Check answers as a class.
degraded (lower in quality); resulted (caused
an outcome); erosion (condition in which :ULWLQJ
the earth’s surface is worn away by the action
of water and wind); sewage (waste matter
from home, carried away in a system of HOHFWULFLW\FRQVXPSWLRQ
pipes); aquatic (of water or living in water);
awareness (knowledge of something) Lead-in: Focus Ss’ attention on the topic of the writing.
Ask different Ss about their monthly water / electricity
bills of their homes by asking: How much does your
This activity focuses on listening for specific
information. Focus Ss’ attention on the family pay for water / electricity? Ask different Ss to give
intructions. Allow enough time for them to read some practical advice on reducing their bills, and write
the sentences. Check comprehension. the information on the board.
• Ask Ss to guess the word(s) and complete the Ask Ss to look at the picture and read the caption.
sentences. Then play the recording again for Elicit answers from different Ss. Write their answers
them to check. Alternatively, play the recording on the board.
all the way through for Ss to listen and complete
the sentences.
Focus Ss’ attention on the instructions and the text.
Remind them to underline key words and phrases.
• Check answers as a class. Check comprehension.
Key 1. affected 2. global warming • Allow enough time for Ss to read through the text
3. ecosystem 4. health problems and do the matching individually. Give vocabulary
5. control 6. friendly materials explanations or offer help if necessary.
• Ask Ss to share their answers with their partners.
Allow time for Ss to read the instruction and
the questions. Remind them to underline the • Check answers as a class.
key words and phrases in each question. Check
comprehension. Notes:
• Play the recording again, pausing at times. Tell Ss Natural resources: all the land, forests,
to note down the answers during the pauses. minerals, etc. existing naturally in a place that
• Check answers as a class. can be used by people.
1. The natural world in which people, animals
and plants live. 1. d 2. c 3. b 4. a
2. The burning of fossil fuels by factories and
motor vehicles. Ask Ss to focus on the instructions and underline
3. The use of harmful chemicals in agriculture.
the key words. Check comprehension.
4. The extinction of rare animals and extreme
floods and land erosion. • Allow them enough time to read the information
5. We should dump harmful rubbish and and do the matching individually.
chemicals at appropriate places. • Check answers as a class.
6. We should replace deforestation with
forestation. Key
7. We should make every effort to preserve the
environment for the next generations. a. 3 b. 1 c. 4 d. 2
Focus Ss’ attention on the instructions and the • Ask representatives of different groups to read their
table. Check understanding. Explain the structure drafts to the class. Correct the errors, if necessary.
of the model to make sure Ss can use it. • Ask Ss to use the group drafts and write their
• Ask them to work in groups of 3 or 4 to select own texts individually. If there is not enough
one of the natural resources and discuss the time, assign the task for homework.
information in the table. Encourage the groups to • Ask different Ss to write selected paragraphs on
write complete sentences using the information the board for the class to give comments.
• Circulate and offer help with any vocabulary or /(6621287&20(
grammar question. Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?
What can you do now?
Elicit answers: Now I know what the
&20081,&$7,21 natural resources are and how to write
practical advice on preserving them.
Lead-in: Inform the class of the lesson objectives: Audio script
further develop Ss’ communication skills and ability
A: What can you see in this photo?
to discuss environmental problems and solutions.
B: Forest trees are being cut down.
A: What do you call this environmental theat?
Focus Ss’ attention on the instructions and the B: Well, it is deforestation.
photos. Check comprehension.
A: What are the effects of deforestation?
• Ask different Ss to describe how the action will
affect the environment in each photo. Put the B: It can lead to a series of environmental
information in two columns on the board. problems such as climate change, global
warming, and extreme floods.
A: What should we do to prevent deforestation?
Key B: We should control deforestation and have
Photo a: A man is spraying pesticides. appropriate forestation plans to replace the
This can cause soil pollution. trees cut down.
Photo b: Forest trees were cut down. This is
deforestation and it will result in
climate change, global warming,
extreme floods and erosion. Ask Ss to work in pairs to read the instructions. Check
understanding of the task and allow enough time for
Tell Ss that they are going to listen to two speakers the groups to brainstorm ideas and prepare.
talking about one of the photos in . Focus their • Call on representatives of different groups to report
attention on the instructions and the questions, their ideas to the class.
and remind them to underline the key words in the
questions. Check comprehension. &XOWXUH
• Play the recording twice, pausing before the
second listening for Ss to note down the answers. Ask Ss to focus on the picture of the animal and the
abbreviation. Check comprehension.
• Check answers as a class.
• Have them make their predictions individually.
Key • Check answers as a class.
1. Photo b.
2. Deforestation. Key
3. Climate change, global warming, and A panda.
extreme floods. • It comes from China.
4. Control deforestation and have proper • WWF is for World Wide Fund for Nature
forestation plans. (fomerly World Wildlife Fund)
Verb Noun
Allow enough time for Ss to read the questions
and underline the key words individually. Key
Then ask them to read the text and underline 1. In 1961.
information. Monitor the activity and offer help
2. A non-government organisation.
with vocabulary, if necessary.
• Encourage Ss to share their answers in pairs or 3. Because it was the only giant panda, an
groups. endangered species, in the Western world
at the same time as the organisation is
• Call on different Ss to report their answers to the established.
4. 'Stop the degradation of the planet’s natural
environment and build a future in which
/(6621287&20( humans live in harmony with nature, by:
Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? - conserving the world’s biological diversity
What can you do now? - ensuring that the use of renewable natural
Elicit answers: I have improved my resources is sustainable
communicative skills in English; I know more - promoting the reduction of pollution and
about the World Wide Fund for Nature. wasteful consumption.'
5. It is the world’s largest independent
conservation organisation.
Lead-in: Inform the class of the lesson objectives: 9RFDEXODU\
reviewing the pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar
learnt in the unit. Ask Ss to focus on the instruction and the words
in the box. Tell them that these words are nouns
Play the recording, pausing after each word for Ss or verbs. Encourage them to re-read Do you
to repeat chorally and individually. know …? on page 40 in the Student’s Book to
Play the recording again, pausing after each help them identify the class of the words.
word for Ss to listen, and put a stress mark before • Check answers as a class.
the stressed syllable.
• Check answers as a class.
Verb: preserve protect consume
• Ask different Ss to read out the words to the rest
of the class. emit deplete erode
Noun: animal pollution energy
resource threat disposal
1. po'llution 2. e’rosion
3. ‘energy 4. ‘animal Allow enough time for Ss to read the instruction
and the sentences individually. Check
5. con’sumption 6. a'wareness comprehension and offer help with any unfamiliar
7. 'poverty 8. de'pletion vocabulary if necessary.
9. so'lution 10. pro'tection • Ask them to work individually and encourage them
to share the answers with their partners.
• Check answers as a class.
*UDPPDU Focus Ss’ attention on the instruction and
sentences. Check comprehension, and remind
Ask Ss to read the instructions and look at the them to reread Do you know …? on page 40.
photo. Elicit some descriptions of the photo from
the class by asking: Where are the people in the • Ask Ss to do the task individually. Circulate and
photo? What are they doing? Why are they doing it? offer help if necessary.
• Allow enough time for Ss to read the text, and do • For peer review, call on different Ss to write their
the task individually. Circulate and offer help with sentences on the board for the class to comment.
any unfamiliar vocabulary. Check comprehension.
• Check answers as a class. Key
1. Mr Jones was very sad and said that all
that rubbish was killing fish and other sea
Key creatures.
'All this rubbish is killing fish and other sea 2. Nick said that they could clean the beach
creatures.' together.
'We can clean the beach together.' 3. Mary told them she would ask their friends
and neighbours to come and help them.
'I will ask our friends and neighbours to come
and help us.' 4. Mr Jones told his children he was so happy
to hear that.
'I’m so happy to hear that, children.'
5. Mr Jones gave the family’s friends
'Protect yourselves from germs' neighbours gloves and told them to protect
themselves from germs.
Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?
What can you do now?
Elicit answers: I can pronounce three-
syllable nouns related to the environment;
identify nouns and verbs with the same
root and use them in sentences, and use
352-(&7 reported speech to report what people
have previously said.
Lead-in: Inform the class of the lesson objectives:
further explore the topic and develop their
communicative skills.
Ask Ss to read the instructions and check Ask Ss to read Do you know …? on page 30 Unit
understanding of the activity. Point out that they 3, Tieng Anh 10, Student’s Book for the information
should first select a typical pollution problem on how to make an effective presentation.
that they want to discuss. Then they should • Since the project is rather demanding, allow
brainstorm all the necessary information, and enough time for its completion or so assign it as
arrange it in a logical order. Finally, they should homework.
discuss, and decide on some practical advice .
Encourage them to write a draft to share with
other groups before they write the final advice.
Have more able Ss write a plan including specific
action points, e.g. organise tree-planting days
twice a year.
• Encourage Ss to search for some pictures or
photos to support their ideas.
*(77,1*67$57(' 7KLVXQLWLQFOXGHV
Words and phrases related to the importance,
benefits and principles of ecotourism
Stress in words of more than three syllables
Conditional sentences Types 1 and 2
• Reading for general ideas and specific
information about the benefits and
principles of ecotourism
• Talking about what tourists can do on
an eco tour
• Listening for gist and specific information
about ecotourism
Phillip island • Writing a travel brochure promoting
an eco tour
By the end of this unit, Ss can
• use words and phrases related to the topic Ecotourism
• pronounce words of more than three syllables with the correct stress
• use conditional sentences Types 1 and 2 to talk about present or future
activities, and events that are real / probable or unreal / not probable
• read a text about the benefits and principles of ecotourism for main
ideas and specific information
• talk about what tourists can do on an eco tour
• listen to a news report about ecotourism for gist and specific
• write a travel brochure for an eco tour
Lead-in: Inform the class of the lesson objectives: getting to know the topic, some
vocabulary related to ecotourism, and the use of conditional sentences Types 1 and 2.
Ask Ss to look at the map of Australia and the pictures, and guess what tourists can
do there. Tell Ss that they are listening to a conversation at a travel agent’s.
Suggested answer
Tourists can go scuba-diving, ride camels in
the desert, and see kangaroos and penguins.
Listen and put a mark ( ) before the syllable
with the primary stress.
a. sustainable b. preservation
/$1*8$*( c. environment d. environmental
9RFDEXODU\ e. ecology f. ecological
g. relaxation h. scuba-diving
How do we form adjectives from nouns or
verbs? Use a dictionary and complete i. ecotourism j. eco-friendly
the table.
7. relax (v)
This activity focuses on comprehension. Let Ss /$1*8$*(
work in pairs to practise asking and answering
the questions. 9RFDEXODU\
Explain to Ss that some suffixes can be added
Key to verbs (V + -ing, -ed, -able) or nouns (N + -al,
-ial, -ical) to form adjectives. Have them use a
1. Because both Mr and Mrs Collins love
dictionary to look for the adjective form of the
given words.
2. Ecotourism means travel to areas of natural
or ecological interest to observe wildlife Key
and learn about the environment.
3. Tourists can see different kinds of animals Nouns / Verbs + suffixes Adjectives
like crocodiles, snakes, frogs, birds, 1. culture (n) + -al cultural
butterflies and other rare animals; go 2. nature (n) + -al natural
scuba-diving to see the coral reefs; or go 3. environment (n) + -al environmental
camping. 4. ecology (n) + -(i)cal ecological
4. They would have to pay 6,000 dollars for 5. interest (v) + -ing / -ed interesting, interested
two people. 6. sustain (v) + -able sustainable
5. A two per cent discount. 7. relax (v) + -ing / -ed relaxing, relaxed
This activity introduces the grammar point: Ask Ss to read the sentences and pay attention
conditional sentences. Ask Ss to find the to the context, that is, the words surrounding the
conditional sentences used in the conversation missing adjectives. For examples, for sentences 1,
and write them in the space provided. 3, 4 and 5, they should consider which adjectives
can go with the nouns that follow. For sentences
Key 2 and 6, they should decide whether to use the
adjectives ending in -ing or -ed.
- If you also want to go on a camping safari,
you’ll need another three days.
- But if we could take the seven-day tour,
1. sustainable 2. relaxing / interesting
how much would it be per person?
3. cultural; natural 4. ecological
- … if you book early and pay two months
before departure, you’ll get a two per cent 5. environmental 6. interested
Activities and focus on the stress patterns of
This activity helps Ss to review the verb forms
in conditional sentences that they have learnt words of more than three syllables.
previously. Have Ss listen and put a mark (') before the
syllable with the primary stress. Explain to
• Have Ss work in pairs and underline the verbs in them that when an affix is added to a word, the
both the main clauses and if-clauses.
primary stress may shift to another syllable.
Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. 1. If Kim (live) in the a. I (tell) him the truth.
1. I (be) surprised if you (fail) the exam. You’re
working so hard. 2. If I (be) you, b. there (be) less air
2. We (help) you to do the housework if we (have) pollution.
time. 3. If people (not, start) c. I (travel) abroad on
3. John and Ann (feel) disappointed if nobody wars, my own.
(come) to their party.
4. If more people (use) d. she (work) on a farm
4. If I (need) money to buy a dictionary, you (lend) public transport, with a lot of animals.
me some?
5. You (change) your e. if the Sun (stop)
5. If you (throw) plastic bags into the sea, the fish appearance shining.
(eat) them and (die).
6. If I (be) 10 years older, f. the world (be) a
6. You (cause) a forest fire if you (make) a campfire better place to live.
and then (leave) it unattended.
7. The birds (be) scared and (fly) away if the 7. We (go) to the beach g. if you (have)
a chance?
birdwatchers (make) loud noises.
8. I (take) the laptop back to the shop if you (not 8. Life on Earth (be) h. if the weather (be)
know) how to fix it. impossible fine.
Explain to Ss that conditional sentences Type 1 Explain to Ss that conditional sentences Type 2
are used to describe present / future activities are used to describe present or future activities
or events that are real / very likely to happen. In or events that are unreal or unlikely to happen.
the main clause, different modal verbs (can, may,
might, will) can be used, which can modify the
• Ask Ss to join the first part and second part
together and make a meaningful sentence.
meaning of the main verb.
Then have them decide on the correct verb form
• Have Ss first choose a suitable verb for each in each case.
sentence from the word box, and then use the
correct form of this verb (present tense in the Key
if-clause or modal verb in the main clause to 1. d lived; would / could work
complete the sentence). 2. a were; would tell
3. f didn’t start; would be
4. b used; would be
1. leaves
5. g Would you change; had
2. will / may / might not get
6. c were; would / could travel
3. fail
7. h would / could go; was / were
4. will / may / might get
8. e would be; stopped
5. pay
6. will / may / might eat • Have Ss discuss the meaning of each sentence,
7. will call and explain the difference between would and
8. can / may / might go could.
1. will be; fail
2. will / may / might help; have
3. will / may / might feel; comes
4. need; will you lend
5. throw; may / might eat; die
6. will / may / might cause; make; leave
7. will / may / might be; fly; make
8. will take; do not know
Pablo, a farmer from Costa Rica: Costa Rica is one of the world’s best ecotourism destinations.
We have beautiful beaches, thick rain forests, exciting volcanoes, and exotic wildlife. The local
government and tour guides tell us that ecotourism is good for us, but the fact is, I don’t really
know what it is. But I do know that when tourists come here, there are more jobs for us, and I can
earn more. However, there are bad things as well. We have to change our way of life. To entertain
tourists, we have to change our usual foods to suit their tastes or adapt dances and traditions to suit
their needs.
Ask Ss to read each situation carefully and 6.,//6
decide which statement is the cause, and which
is the effect. Explain that the ‘effect’ should be 5HDGLQJ
the main clause of the conditional sentence. For *RJUHHQ
example, in sentence 1, he can’t get a good job is
the effect, so it is the main clause. Lead-in: Inform the class of the lesson objectives:
skimming and scanning a text for main ideas and
Key specific information.
2. If Nancy lived near the park, she would /
could go running there every morning.
Ask Ss to look at the tourist map of Costa Rica
and the details given in the legend (in the
3. If Nam could swim, he would / could go to bottom left corner of the map). Have Ss work in
the swimming pool alone. pairs and guess what tourists can do or see in
4. If Tom had a passport, he would / could Costa Rica.
travel abroad.
5. If there weren’t so many tourists visiting Suggested answer
the national parks, the environment there Tourists can swim in the sea, visit marine
would not be badly damaged. national parks, see the volcanoes, watch the
6. If tourists didn’t throw litter in the river, the monkeys in national parks, etc.
water would not be polluted.
7. If these students worked hard, they would / Ask Ss to read the two opinions quickly and find
could pass the exam. the main idea of each opinion.
8. If Hoa didn’t have so much homework,
she would / could go out with her friends • Have Ss choose the best title for the text from
tonight. the three options.
b (Pros and Cons of Ecotourism)
• Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?
What can you do now?
• Elicit answers: I can pronounce words of
more than three syllables with the correct
stress pattern. I can identify the verb forms
of conditional sentences Types 1 and 2,
and can use them correctly.
Where to go: Central Highlands
7UDYHODQGHQMR\ What to do and see: go biking in the forests,
Read this conversation between two friends. watch wildlife, go kayaking, visit Don Village,
Then practise it with a partner. enjoy cooking and staying overnight with local
ethnic families
Hoa: Hi, Peter. Packing your bag? Are you going
somewhere? What else to do: attend Gong culture festival in
Dak Lak Province
Peter: Yeah. We’ve booked an eco tour to Bach Ma
National Park near Hue City. Where else to visit: coffee plantations to enjoy
fresh coffee
Hoa: Wow! What are you going to see or do there?
Ask Ss to read the text again and underline the five
words from Activity . Encourage Ss to guess the /(6621287&20(
meanings of these words from the context and • Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?
match them with the correct definitions in the table. What can you do now?
• Elicit answers: I have learnt what
Key 1. e 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. d ecotourism means and how it can help to
solve some environmental problems. I can
Have Ss work in pairs and list the positive and also talk about some positive and negative
negative effects of ecotourism mentioned by effects of ecotourism.
the two speakers.
Positive effects: more money for the local
government to preserve nature; tourists’ 7UDYHODQGHQMR\
awareness of how to protect the environment; Lead-in: Inform the class of the lesson objectives:
more jobs and higher income for local people talking about ecotourism activities.
Negative effect: changing local people’s way of life Ask Ss what they think the heading of the
speaking section (‘Travel and enjoy’) means and
Explain to Ss how to do Activity : Read each guess the topic.
statement, underline key words, and then scan Marco’s
and Pablo’s opinions to find similar ideas or synonyms. Suggested answer
Tourism and what activities tourists can enjoy
Key doing while travelling
1. Marco and Pablo (Marco: They [Tourists]
stay with local families; Pablo: There are • Ss practise the conversation in pairs.
more jobs for us…) Have Ss identify the main ideas in the dialogue.
2. Marco (I think ecotourism can help to solve Ask them to complete the table with the
this problem…)
information from the conversation.
3. Pablo (To entertain tourists, we have to
change our usual foods to suit their tastes Where Peter will go Bach Ma National Park
and adapt dances and traditions to suit
their needs.) What he will do and see explore the forests, watch the birds, look
4. Marco (More and more hotels are built at the plants, spend a night at an old villa
while forests and beaches are destroyed.) What else he will do if visit Hue, enjoy the local food
5. Marco (Tour guides and travel brochures he has more time
educate tourists about the protection of the Where else he may visit Lang Co Beach
6. Pablo (I don’t really know what it is.) • Explain to Ss that when making their own
7. Marco (Marco gave examples of sustainable conversations about the three tourist
ecotourism and its benefits.) destinations, they should use the four questions
in the table.
Have Ss discuss in groups of 3 or 4. Ask them some Notes
guiding questions before they start their discussion:
What do tourists need when they visit a place? What 1. Cát Cát Village is a village of the H’ Mong people.
do local people do to provide good services for tourists It is famous for its beautiful terraced rice fields
(such as food, water and vehicles)? (ruộng bậc thang) and festivals featuring unique
community cultures.
Suggested answer 2. Đôn Village in Dak Lak Province is home to
To some extent, the answer is yes. The money the M’Nong, Ede and Thai ethnic minority
from ecotourists may be used to preserve groups. It is famous for its stilt houses,
nature. However, the local people have to use elephant rides for tourists and interesting
up their resources (such as energy sources, festivals.
food and water) to provide good service for 3. The Gong Culture (or The Space of the Gong
tourists. More tourists mean more vehicles, Culture, Không gian Văn hoá Cồng chiêng) in
more water and food consumption, and more
waste. Even though the discharge of waste Central Highlands is home to cultures that
and consumption of natural resources by value gongs. It is included in the UNESCO list
tourists are minimised, air, water and noise of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity
pollution is unavoidable. (Di sản Văn hoá Phi vật thể của nhân loại).
Where to go: Can Gio Biosphere Reserve Listen again and answer the questions.
(Ho Chi Minh City) 1. Why couldn’t Ba Duc attract more tourists to his
What to do and see: watch birds at sunrise or old house before 2000?
sunset, take a boat to Dam Doi to see bats 2. How many tourists now visit his garden every day?
hanging on trees, watch crocodiles hunting
3. When did Tu Binh start ecotourism activities to
for food
attract visitors?
What else to do: swim in the sea, enjoy seafood
4. What do tourists do with the small fish they
Where else to visit: Monkey Island catch in Tu Binh’s fish pond?
5. How many tourists now visit his farm every day?
Put Ss into groups of 4 or 5. Have each group Activity focuses on listening for gist in a news
choose one ecotourism destination in Viet Nam, report. Play the recording without pauses.
find information about it, and introduce this Have Ss listen and choose the caption that best
place to other groups. Their presentation should summarises the main idea.
include interesting information about the
destination and ecotourism activities there. Audio script
While many sights in Viet Nam are hardly known
• For more able classes, ask Ss to choose to tourists, some farmers in the Mekong Delta
destinations in other countries for their have attracted hundreds of foreign visitors to
presentations. their ecological gardens.
Ba Đức’s old house in Tiền Giang Province is one
example. Before 2000, no visitor spent more
/(6621287&20( than 15 minutes at his house, and very few
• Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? tourists returned for a second visit. Then Ba Đức
What can you do now? had an idea. He thought if tourists had more
• Elicit answers: I have learnt about some activities to do while visiting his house, they
interesting activities for ecotourists in would stay longer. He then turned his
different places in Viet Nam. I can talk 2.5-hectare farm into an ecological garden, with
about these destinations and ecotourists’ a fish pond where tourists can go fishing. His
activities. wife started cooking home-made meals for the
visitors and even teaching them how to cook
local specialities. At present, Ba Đức welcomes
around 100 visitors a day.
/LVWHQLQJ Similarly, Tư Bình of Vĩnh Long Province turned
(FRWRXULVPLQWKH0HNRQJ'HOWD his 2.1-hectare fish pond into an ecotourism
destination in 2005. Tourists can now catch fish
Lead-in: Inform the class of the lesson objectives: in the pond, but then they have to release the
listening for gist and specific information. small ones back into the pond. He also kept
several exotic birds and raised some African
• Ask Ss some questions about the Mekong Delta: ostriches. Bird watching and ostrich riding
- Where is the Mekong Delta? What is it famous for? became very popular activities for tourists to
- Name some provinces in the Mekong Delta. enjoy on his farm. Tư Bình now runs a very
successful ecotourism business with around 300
Suggested answer visitors every day.
The Mekong Delta is in South Viet Nam. It is
famous for its fertile land, vast rice fields and
fruit orchards. This area includes 12 provinces
and one city: Cần Thơ City, Tiền Giang, Hậu a (How the Mekong Delta became an
ecotourism destination)
Giang, Vĩnh Long, Sóc Trăng, An Giang, Đồng
Tháp, Long An, Bến Tre, Trà Vinh, Cà Mau, Bạc
Liêu, and Kiên Giang. Have Ss underline key words in the questions
and focus on these words while listening.
Can G 1
k so
e s
! a es.
y p e
sibl e. S als. nch
e s pon wildlif anim ee bra e.
R le w . Do
e he
ACT pect th ching t break use a
a t n ’t
c a
Bios p h e r
r may
whi ’t litte e.You
o n
D ’t sm o k
from the
If you want to get away Departure information
of our
busy city, you can join one
- Leaves HCMC at 6 a.m. every Sunday 3
eco tours … - Goes back to the city at 6 p.m. same day.
What you can do or see… Boat rides to dam Doi
e or sunset Adults: VND 400,000
- Watch birds at sun-ris
Children: VND 200,000 6
Visiting Monkey Island
- Take a boa t to Dam Doi
- Visit Monkey Island
ting for food
- Watch crocodiles hun
Save for food 4
ABC TraveTrl uong Son St.,
Chi Minh City
District 12, Ho
Phone: 555555
Fax: 5555 55 5
[email protected]
Email: ABCTr
This activity focuses on listening for specific :ULWLQJ
information in the news report about the two
farmers’ ecotourism places. Ask Ss to guess what /HWuVJRRQDQHFRWRXU
kind of information they may need to write in Lead-in: Inform the class of the lesson objectives:
the gaps. preparing a travel brochure promoting an eco tour.
• Have Ss listen and complete the gaps. Explain to Ss that a travel brochure provides
tourists with information about a destination. It
Key could be a small booklet or just one page. Ask
1. Ba Đức: Ss to read through the different sections in the
- garden area: 2.5 hectares brochure and match the numbered parts (1-6)
- activities for a. visiting the old house with the content definitions (a-f).
b. catching fish Key
c. enjoying home-made meals 1. c 2. e 3. d 4. a 5. f 6. b
d. cooking local food / learning how to cook
local food
2. Tư Bình: The focus of this activity is on designing a
brochure. Ss can make a brochure by hand or
- fish pond 2.1 hectares with the help of some software available in their
area: computer (such as Microsoft Word or Microsoft
- activities for a. catching fish Publisher).
b. watching birds • Put Ss into groups of 4 or 5. Ask them to choose
c. riding ostriches one destination (Sa Pa or Central Highlands) and
design a travel brochure for it. Encourage Ss to
look for some other travel information (prices,
Have Ss discuss in pairs which activities duration of stay, departure times) and pictures
mentioned in they would enjoy doing the about the chosen destination to make their
most and give reasons. brochure informative and attractive.
2. Many African countries, with their numerous national parks and safaris, have
benefited from ecotourism. However, ecotourism activities have had some negative
impacts on the environment and people there.
One of the worst impacts is the massive loss of land. Parks and game reserves require vast
land, and the local people’s best pasture lands have been taken away.
In Kenya, the tourism industry has employed better educated people from other
countries. As a result, ecotourism has not provided more jobs for the local people.
In Tanzania, hunting in some game reserves is allowed. Camping requires firewood for
cooking and heating. These activities have caused danger and harm to the environment.
&20081,&$7,21 Key
$1'&8/785( Principles of ecotourism VN Africa
Lead-in: Inform the class of the lesson objectives: a. Reduce the impact of tourism activities X X
on the local nature and culture.
further skill development.
b. Increase tourists’ environmental and X NG
&RPPXQLFDWLRQ cultural awareness and respect.
Explain to Ss that they need to go back to the c. Provide financial benefits for the NG NG
conservation of local destinations.
previous sections of the unit and choose one
place of their interest to practise speaking. Help d. Provide financial benefits for local NG X
Ss to complete the diagram with appropriate
information about that place. e. Provide positive experiences for both X X
visitors and hosts.
Destination: Sa Pa - Principle a: In neither places, there are strong
- The most enjoyable activities on the tour: visit measures to limit tourists’ activities that may
Cat Cat Village, go camping in the forest harm the environment (littering, cutting tree
branches, hunting).
- The benefits for me: know more about local - Principle b: In VN, tourists have little or no
people’s life and traditions, relax more, enjoy nature access to environmental information or local
- The benefits for the environment and local people: cultural activities.
more jobs and income for the local people, more - Principle d: In Africa, ecotourism has not
money for the local community to preserve nature provided more jobs for the local people.
- Principle e: In VN, tourists have little or no
Have Ss work in pairs and practise the model understanding of the local culture; in Africa,
conversation, using their notes in . local people are deprived of their best land.
/22.,1*%$&. The focus of this activity is on using conditional
sentences Type 2 to talk about present or future
Lead-in: Inform the class of the lesson objectives:
activities that are unreal or unlikely to happen.
reviewing pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar.
• Ask Ss to read situations carefully and write the
3URQXQFLDWLRQ conditional sentences with the same meaning.
• Help Ss to review the pronunciation rules for
words ending in -ity, -ic, -ical, -tion on page 98 Key
(Student’s Book). 1. If I could swim, I’d go scuba-diving with you.
• Have Ss put a stress mark before the syllable (or: I’d go scuba-diving if I could swim.)
with the primary stress in each word, and then 2. I’d go on an eco tour to Phu Quoc National
say these words aloud. Park if I had any holiday left. (or: If I could
Key manage an eco tour to Phu Quoc National
Park, I’d go on one.)
ac'tivity conser'vation
3. If Sue had Tony’s email address, she would
tra'ditional desti'nation
send him a message. (or: Sue would send
eco'nomic eco'nomical
Tony a message if she had his email address.)
under'standing degra'dation
4. I’d make a cake for you now if there were
eggs in the fridge. (or: If there were eggs in
9RFDEXODU\ the fridge, I’d make a cake for you now.)
The six words in the box are the ones most 5. Phong would / could travel abroad if he had
commonly used in the unit. Ask Ss to write them enough money. (or: If Phong had enough
in the gaps, using the plural forms of the nouns money, he would / could travel abroad.)
when necessary. 6. If I drove too close to the animals on safari,
Key they would get scared. (or: The animals on
safari would get scared if I drove too close
1. conservation
to them.)
2. destinations
3. impacts, environment 7. I could / would go to the concert if I didn’t
4. ecology have so much homework to do. (or: If I
5. exotic didn’t have so much homework to do, I
could / would go to the concert.)
• For more able classes, ask Ss to make their own 8. If Nam had a camera, he’d take pictures
sentences with these words. of his trip. (or: Nam would / could take
pictures of his trip if he had a camera.)
The focus of this activity is on using conditional
sentences Type 1 to talk about present or future
activities that are real or very probable.
• Let Ss read through the eight cues to grasp the
general idea of the story they are going to create.
• Ask Ss to make sentences, with the main clause of
the previous sentence (the effect) becoming the
if-clause (the cause) of the next sentence.
3. If I miss the lesson, I will not do the test well.
4. If I don’t do the test well, I’ll feel very sad.
5. If I feel very sad, I’ll go to the gym.
6. If I go to the gym, I’ll keep fit.
7. If I keep fit, I’ll look attractive.
8. If I look attractive, I’ll be very happy.
Work in groups of 8 to 10. Carry out a survey to find out who in your group has been on an eco tour
and who has never been on one. Use the following survey table as a guide.
Student’s Has been on an eco tour Has never been on an eco tour
name Where? When? Enjoyed it? Wants to go? If yes, where? If no, why?
Activity helps Ss to review how to use 352-(&7
conditional sentences Types 1 and 2, and modals
correctly. Give Ss some hints about how to Lead-in: Inform the class of the lesson objectives:
explain each type of conditional sentences. further explore the topic in a collaborative way.
Hints: For this project, Ss carry out a survey on their
- For Type 1, the modal verb ‘might’ should be group members’ eco tour experiences.
used because it expresses probability. • Have Ss work in groups of 8 to 10. One student
Example: is responsible for taking notes of everybody’s
answers to complete the survey table. Ss can
If your test score is high… ⇒ The test score also copy the table onto a large sheet of paper
might be high. to make sure there is space for all answers, and
their tables can be displayed. Other Ss take turns
- For Type 2, the verb ‘is’ or ‘isn’t’ should be used to asking each other the questions. Encourage Ss
express a present activity or event that is unreal to think of more questions to ask.
or not probable.
- Have you ever been on an eco tour?
If your test score was high… ⇒ The test score
isn’t high. If yes, where was it? When did you go? Did you
enjoy it? What did you do there? Why did / didn’t
If the air was not polluted… ⇒ The air is polluted.
you enjoy it?
- If you have never been on an eco tour, do you
Key want to go on one? Where do you want to go?
3. The computer isn’t working. Why do you choose this destination? (or: Why
don’t you want to go on an eco tour?)
4. It might snow tonight.
5. This golden block might be made of pure gold.
6. My father isn’t here now.
Let the groups display their survey tables on the
board or classroom walls.
7. The air is polluted.
8. John might call. • Have one representative of each group present
the group’s findings to the whole class.
- There are 10 members in my group. Only two of
us have ever been on an eco tour. They went to
/(6621287&20( (Sa Pa and Tam Dao) last year and they enjoyed
the trip a lot.
• Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?
What can you do now? - The other 8 members want to go on an eco
tour next year. Some want to go to the Central
• Elicit answers: I can pronounce words of
Highlands; others want to go to the Mekong Delta.
more than three syllables with the correct
stress pattern. I can use conditional
sentences Types 1 and 2 to talk about
present or future activities or events
that are real / probable or unreal / not
probable. /(6621287&20(
• Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?
What can you do now?
• Elicit answers: I can conduct a survey on
ecotourism. I have learnt to cooperate
with others when working in groups.
Complete these sentences using the correct Rewrite these sentences using reported
forms of the words in brackets. speech.
1. The _________ world is the world of trees, rivers, 1. ‘People are cutting down the rainforests.’
animals and birds. (nature) ⇒ Mary said ___________________________.
2. Drinking water in this area is highly _________ by 2. ‘Car pollution is a big problem in my city.’
waste. (pollute) ⇒ Tom said ____________________________.
3. Governments are nowadays playing an active 3. ‘Chemicals are destroying the ozone layer.’
role in _________ protection. (environment) ⇒ Scientists say ________________________.
4. All countries around the world should make 4. ‘Shut the door but don’t lock it.’
plans for _________ development. (sustain)
⇒ He told me __________________________.
5. Scientists are studying the _________ effects of
5. ‘Burning gas, oil, and coal can cause acid rain.’
global warming. (ecology)
⇒ Our teacher explained _______________.
Complete the following Put the verbs in brackets in the correct forms.
sentences with suitable 1. If tourists (not throw) rubbish in the river, the
words from the box. water would be cleaner.
protect acid rain pollution 2. We (go) camping this Sunday if the weather is fine.
global warming deforestation 3. Many people would be out of work if that
factory (close down).
1. Air __________ is threatening the health of older
4. If there (be) too much noise in my office, I won’t
people and children.
be able to do any work.
2. All efforts should be made to reduce the
5. People will suffer from noise pollution if they
negative impacts of __________ on climate
(build) an airport in this area.
change and human health.
3. __________ and land use for agriculture are Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tenses.
destroying rare plants and wildlife. 1. What you (do) if you go to Cuc Phuong National Park?
4. The ozone layer helps __________ us from the 2. I (be) grateful if you’d send me the brochure.
sun’s rays.
3. If I (be) you, I (go) to Ha Long Bay.
5. __________ has a terrible effect on forests and life
in rivers and lakes. 4. We will reduce air pollution if we (use) public
5. Sorry, I can’t call her. If I (know) her number, I
3URQXQFLDWLRQ (phone) her.
Sort out the words according to their stress
patterns and read them aloud. The ones in
the first row have been done as examples.
The aim of Review 4 is to revise the language and skills Ss have learnt and practised in Units 9-10.
T may ask Ss what they have learnt so far in terms of language and skills, then summarise their
answers and add some more information, if necessary.
/$1*8$*( *UDPPDU
Language review can be used as a self-assessment Elicit the form and use of the reported speech.
test or revision for Ss. Ss do the activities, and Remind Ss of the changes to pronouns,
then T checks the answers with the whole class. possessive adjectives and verbs. Ask a student to
T may conduct each activity separately. do the task on the board while other Ss also do
this activity individually. Checks Ss’ answers, or
9RFDEXODU\ ask them for explanations, if necessary.
Ask Ss to do this activity individually, and then
compare their answers with a partner’s. Write
the correct answers on the board. Remind Ss of 1. Mary said (that) people were cutting down
the use of suffixes to form adjectives from nouns the rainforests.
or verbs. 2. Tom said (that) car pollution was / is a big
problem in his city.
Key 3. Scientists say (that) chemicals are
1. natural 2. polluted destroying the ozone layer.
3. environmental 4. sustainable 4. He told me to shut the door but not to lock it.
5. ecological 5. Our teacher explained (that) burning gas,
oil, and coal could / can cause acid rain.
Ask Ss to do this activity individually. Ask a Elicit the form and use of conditional sentences
student to write his / her answers on the board. Types 1 and 2.
Check the answers as a class.
Ask Ss to do this activity individually, and then
compare their answers with a partner’s. Ask a
Key student to write his / her answers on the board.
1. pollution 2. global warming Check the answers as a class.
3. Deforestation 4. protect
5. Acid rain
1. didn’t throw 2. will go
3. closed down 4. is 5. build
Ask Ss to do this activity individually, then compare
their answers with a partner’s. Show the correct Ask Ss to do this activity individually, and then
answers on the board. compare their answers with a partner’s. Write
the correct answers on the board, and give
Key explanations if necessary.
Ask Ss to do Activities and individually, and Play the recording about Cuc Phuong National
check their answers with a partner’s. Give the Park, while Ss fill in the missing information.
correct answers and explanations if necessary.
Play the recording again for Ss to listen and
check their answers. Alternatively, play the
Key recording one or more times for Ss to work out
1 b. the answers. Provide the correct answers, and
give any explanations if necessary.
1. rubbish dump (n) landfill (n)
6SHDNLQJ 1. 135 2. tourists and scientists
Ask Ss to work in pairs, choosing one of the 3. 2000; 450 4. most impressive
destinations for ecotourism in Viet Nam. Ask 5. 1000
each pair to report their choice and explain the
Ask Ss to work in pairs and answer the three
questions. Then ask Ss to discuss their answers
Ask Ss to use the information given (or their
own ideas) to write a paragraph about one of
with a partner’s. Ask Ss to present their answers
the different environmental problems and give
to the class. advice on how to solve them. Ask Ss to write
the draft first in class, and then write their final
versions at home. Ss may start their writing
like this:
Today, people are producing too much waste.
The city landfills are nearly full. So we should do
more recycling and …
digital (adj) /ˈdɪdʒɪtl/ kĩ thuật số Unit 8
disadvantage (n) /ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪdʒ/ nhược / khuyết điểm Unit 8
discharge (v) /dɪsˈtʃɑːdʒ/ thải ra, xả ra Unit 10
discrimination (n) /dɪˌskrɪmɪˈneɪʃn/ phân biệt đối xử Unit 6
diversity (n) /daɪˈvɜːsəti/ sự đa dạng, phong phú Unit 7
eco-friendly (adj) /iːkəʊˈfrendli/ thân thiện với môi trường Unit 10
ecology (n) /ɪˈkɒlədʒi/ hệ sinh thái Unit 10
ecosystem (n) /ˈiːkəʊsɪstəm/ hệ sinh thái Unit 9
ecotourism (n) /ˈiːkəʊˌtʊərɪzəm/ du lịch sinh thái Unit 10
editor /ˈedɪtə(r)/ biên tập viên Unit 9
educate (v) /ˈedʒukeɪt/ giáo dục Unit 8
education (n) /ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn/ nền giáo dục Unit 6
educational (adj) /ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃənl/ có tính / thuộc giáo dục Unit 8
effective (adj) /ɪˈfektɪv/ có hiệu quả Unit 6
eliminate (v) /ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt/ xóa bỏ Unit 6
encourage (v) /ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ/ động viên, khuyến khích Unit 6
engaged (adj) /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒd/ đính hôn, đính ước Unit 7
engagement (n) /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒmənt/ sự đính hôn, sự đính ước Unit 7
enrol (v) /ɪnˈrəʊl/ đăng kí nhập học Unit 6
enrolment (n) /ɪnˈrəʊlmənt/ sự đăng kí nhập học Unit 6
entertain (v) /entəˈteɪn/ tiếp đãi, giải trí Unit 10
equal (adj) /ˈiːkwəl/ ngang bằng Unit 6
equality (n) /iˈkwɒləti/ ngang bằng, bình đẳng Unit 6
exotic (adj) /ɪɡˈzɒtɪk/ từ nước ngoài đưa vào; đẹp kì lạ Unit 10
export (n) /ˈekspɔːt/ sự xuất khẩu, hàng xuất Unit 7
export (v) /ɪkˈspɔːt/ xuất khẩu Unit 7
fauna (n) /ˈfɔːnə/ hệ động vật, quần thể động vật Unit 10
favourable (adj) /ˈfeɪvərəbl/ thuận lợi Unit 7
fertilizer (n) /ˈfɜːtəlaɪzə(r)/ phân bón Unit 9
fingertip (n) /ˈfɪŋɡətɪp/ đầu ngón tay Unit 8
flora (n) /ˈflɔːrə/ hệ thực vật, quần thể thực vật Unit 10
force (v) /fɔːs/ bắt buộc, ép buộc Unit 6
fortune (n) /ˈfɔːtʃuːn/ vận may, sự giàu có Unit 7
nhiên liệu (làm từ sự phân huỷ
fossil fuel (np) /ˈfɒsl ˈfjuːəl/ Unit 9
của động hay thực vật tiền sử)
funeral (n) /ˈfjuːnərəl/ đám tang Unit 7
garter (n) /ˈɡɑːtə(r)/ nịt bít tất Unit 7
Gemini (n) /ˈdʒemɪnaɪ / ˈdʒemɪni/ Chòm sao Song tử Unit 7
gender (n) /ˈdʒendə(r)/ giới, giới tính Unit 6
global warming (np) /ˈɡləʊbl ˈwɔːmɪŋ/ sự nóng lên toàn cầu Unit 9
government (n) /ˈɡʌvənmənt/ chính phủ Unit 6
greenhouse effect (np) /ˈɡriːnhaʊs ɪˈfekt/ hiệu ứng nhà kính Unit 9
/ˈhæŋkətʃɪf /
handkerchief (n) khăn tay Unit 7
high status (np) /haɪ ˈsteɪtəs/ có địa vị cao, có vị trí cao Unit 7
property (n) /ˈprɒpəti/ tài sản Unit 6
proposal (n) /prəˈpəʊzl/ sự cầu hôn Unit 7
protect (v) /prəˈtekt/ bảo vệ, che chở Unit 9
protection (n) /prəˈtekʃn/ sự bảo vệ, che chở Unit 9
protest (n) /ˈprəʊtest/ sự phản kháng, sự phản đối Unit 7
protest (v) /prəˈtest/ phản kháng, phản đối Unit 7
pursue (v) /pəˈsjuː/ theo đuổi Unit 6
qualified (adj) /ˈkwɒlɪfaɪd/ đủ khả năng/năng lực Unit 6
rebel (v) /rɪˈbel/ nổi loạn, chống đối Unit 7
rebel (n) /ˈrebl/ kẻ nổi loạn, kẻ chống đối Unit 7
remarkable (adj) /rɪˈmɑːkəbl/ đáng chú ý, khác thường Unit 6
right (n) /raɪt/ quyền lợi Unit 6
ritual (n) /ˈrɪtʃuəl/ lễ nghi, nghi thức Unit 7
Sagittarius (n) /ˌsædʒɪˈteəriəs/ Chòm sao Nhân mã Unit 7
Scorpio (n) /ˈskɔːpiəʊ/ Chòm sao Thiên yết Unit 7
sewage (n) /ˈsuːɪdʒ/ nước cống Unit 9
software (n) /ˈsɒftweə(r)/ phần mềm Unit 8
solution (n) /səˈluːʃn/ giải pháp, cách giải quyết Unit 9
soul (n) /səʊl/ linh hồn, tâm hồn Unit 7
sue (v) /sjuː/ kiện Unit 6
superstition (n) /ˌsuːpəˈstɪʃn/ sự tín ngưỡng, mê tín Unit 7
superstitious (adj) /ˌsuːpəˈstɪʃəs/ mê tín Unit 7
không gây hại cho môi trường;
sustainable (adj) /səˈsteɪnəbl̩/ Unit 10
bền vững
sweep (v) /swiːp/ quét Unit 7
syllable (n) /ˈsɪləbl/ âm tiết Unit 8
take place /teɪk pleɪs/ diễn ra Unit 7
Taurus (n) /ˈtɔːrəs/ Chòm sao Kim ngưu Unit 7
technology (n) /tekˈnɒlədʒi/ công nghệ Unit 8
touch screen (np) /tʌtʃ skriːn/ màn hình cảm ứng Unit 8
tour guide (n) /tʊə ˈgaɪd/ hướng dẫn viên du lịch Unit 10
treatment (n) /ˈtriːtmənt/ sự đối xử Unit 6
vegetation (n) /ˌvedʒəˈteɪʃn/ cây cỏ, thực vật Unit 9
veil (n) /veɪl/ mạng che mặt Unit 7
dự án hoặc công việc kinh
venture (n) /ˈventʃə(r)/ Unit 7
violence (n) /ˈvaɪələns/ bạo lực; dữ dội Unit 6
violent (adj) /ˈvaɪələnt/ có tính bạo lực, hung dữ Unit 6
Virgo (n) /ˈvɜːɡəʊ/ Chòm sao Xử nữ Unit 7
voice recognition (np) /ˌvɔɪs rekəɡˈnɪʃn/ nhận dạng tiếng nói Unit 8
wage (n) /weɪdʒ/ tiền lương Unit 6
wealth (n) /welθ/ sự giàu có, giàu sang, của cải Unit 7
wedding ceremony (np) /ˈwedɪŋ ˈserəməni/ lễ cưới Unit 7
wedding reception (np) /ˈwedɪŋ rɪˈsepʃn/ tiệc cưới Unit 7
workforce (n) /ˈwɜːkfɔːs/ lực lượng lao động Unit 6
Chịu trách nhiệm xuất bản :
Chủ tịch Hội đồng Thành viên MẠC VĂN THIỆN
Tổng Giám đốc kiêm Tổng biên tập GS. TS. vũ văn hùng
Biên tập lần đầu : lê thị huệ – trần thu Hà – Keisha K. Night – Elizabeth Hoplin
Biên tập tái bản : TrầN THu Hà
Biên tập mĩ thuật : nguyễn bích la
Thiết kế sách : nguyễn kim dung – PHAN HƯƠNG – NGUYỄN THỊ PHƯƠNG DUNG
Trình bày bìa và minh hoạ : nguyễn bích la
Sửa bản in : nguyễn văn nguyên
Sách được biên soạn, biên tập, thiết kế với sự cộng tác của Tập đoàn Xuất bản Giáo dục Pearson.
Trong sách có sử dụng một số hình ảnh từ Internet.
Bản quyền thuộc Nhà xuất bản Giáo dục Việt Nam – Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo,
Tập đoàn Xuất bản Giáo dục Pearson.