Model Exit Exam On Road and Transpotion Stream
Model Exit Exam On Road and Transpotion Stream
Model Exit Exam On Road and Transpotion Stream
17. Design of horizontal alignment, vertical alignment, super-elevation , sight distance and
grades of alignment, is worst affected by
a) Wight of vehicle b) height of vehicle c) length of vehicle d) Speed of vehicle
18. Traffic Engineering studies focus on
a) Design and planning of control devices of the road
b) Traffic operation
c) Analysis of the level of service of the road
d) Analysis of traffic flow characteristics
e) All
19. Which one of the following determines the level of service of the road intersection
a) Delay
b) Density of vehicle
c) Speed of the vehicle
d) Travel time follow
20. As per recommendation of ERA-2013 manual the minimum traffic volume study is carried
out for rural road is 7 days continuously at least three times in different seasons during
a) Harvesting
b) Public holidays
c) The payment of salaries and wages
d) Normal condition
21. In the design of curves without spiral curve the location of super elevation runoff with
respect to the point of commencement according to ERA manual is
a) 2/3 on the curve and 1/3 on the tangent
b) 1/3 on the curve and 2/3 on the tangent
c) 3/4 on the curve and 1/4 on the tangent
d) None
22. When we use lane widening?
a) On the curve with the radius less than 250m
b) On high fill greater than 3m
26. Which one of the following is the transport policy instrument to reduce the transport related
a) Taxation of car based on its age.
b) Taxing of the most polluting fuel at high level
c) Constructing infrastructure for cycle and pedestrian
d) All of the above
27. What is the main cause of traffic crash/accident in urban area?
a) Improper planning
b) Traffic congestion
c) Drinking and driving
d) Over-speeding
e) All except b
28. What is the source of data for trip production?
a) House hold interview data
Determine the following: The Free flow speed, the jam density ,the Speed-flow relationship,
the flow-density relationship and the maximum flow
3) A speed trap of 100 meters length was placed on freeway segment. The time that took a
sample of 10 vehicles to transverse the trap (i.e. from entering until leavening it) are :
Vehicle No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (Sec) 4.1 5.3 4.9 6.6 3.8 5.9 6.4 6.1 7 5.8
Calculate the time-mean speed & the space-mean speed?
4) Traffic is arriving at a two-lane street at the rate of 420 vph. At 6:00 p.m, a traffic accident
closes one of the two lanes. The capacity of each lane is 300vph. The lane is reopened at 6:15
p.m with full capacity of both lanes. During the lane closure, the opened lane operates with
full capacity. Perform the following tasks:
a) Determine the maximum queue length (number of vehicles)
b) Determine the maximum delay
c) Determine the time at which the queue will be completely dissipated
5) Determine the optimum cycle length and appropriate actual green times by Webster method
for an intersection that has four legs as shown in Table 1. Assume a yellow period is 3 sec and
all red phase (R) =0
Table 1. Traffic Flow Equivalent to PCU
Road Traffic Turning Saturation
Approach Movement flow
Left Through Right
6) Draw the shockwave in the time- space diagram. Show all the types of shock waves on the
7) The table below shows 15-minute volume counts during the peak hour on an approach of an
Determine the PHF and the design hourly volume of the approach
8) Define the following terms and cite examples of how they are used.
• Average annual daily traffic (AADT)
• Average daily traffic (ADT)
• Vehicle-miles of travel (VMT)
• Peak hour volume (PHV)
9) If the traffic volume count on a road is 150 and daily factor is 1.1 and seasonal factor is 1.2
then Compute ADT ?
10) The projected AADT of proposed facility is 33,000 vehicle per day. If the proportion of
AADT in the Design hour is 16 percent and the peak hour directional distribution is 65:35,
estimate the directional design hourly volume DDHV?
11) Which one is true about capacity in traffic engineering?
a. Dependent of the demand
b. It speaks about the physical amount of vehicles and passengers that a road can afford
c. Independent on road characteristics
d. All
12) What are the factors that highway capacity depends on?
a. Traffic conditions
b. Control conditions
c. Road way characteristics
d. All
14) Except one, factors affect the free-flow speed of the facility
a. Lane widths
b. Lateral clearances
c. Number of lanes (freeways)
d. Type of median (multilane highways).
15) A Class I two-lane highway has a base free-flow speed of 100 km/h. Lane width is 3.6 m and
shoulder width is 1.2 m. There are six access points per kilometer. The roadway is located in
rolling terrain with 40 percent no-passing zones. The two-way traffic volume is 800 veh/h,
with a PHF of 0.90. The directional split is 6040. Traffic includes 5 percent trucks and 10
percent recreational vehicles. What is the level of service?
a. level of service C
b. level of service D
c. level of service E
d. level of service
16) Which of the following is Input parameter for determining capacity of signalized
a. data on intersection geometry,
b. traffic volumes
c. conditions, and signalization
d. all
Part I. Choice the Best Answer
1. For the following Flexible pavement layer which one is not true?
a. Capping layer is optional layer and we provide only when sub grade strength is weak.
b. The main use of sub base layer is facilitating drainage.
c. Sub grade is foundation on which the vehicle load and the weight of the pavement
layers finally rest
d. Surface layer is resist distortion under traffic.
e. Base course resist mainly tensile strain and withstand load applied on it.
2. Pavements are normally designed and constructed, during the design life to provide, a riding
quality acceptable for both private and commercial vehicles with acceptable maintenance.
Which one of failure is encountered only in design of flexible pavement?
a. Fatigue cracking c. Rutting
b. Thermal Cracking d. Faulting & joint deterioration
3. _______is a traffic type made due to improvement of existing road quality and standard?
a. Normal traffic c. Developed traffic
b. Generated traffic d. Diverted traffic
4. Among the following laboratory test which one is used for both subgrade materials and
unbounded pavement materials?
a. CBR test c. Toughness & Abrasion Test
b. Gradation test d. Soundness test
5. What type of pavement type you recommend, if the bearing capacity of the sub grade is weak,
ground water table is rear to sub grade layer and high traffic volume.
a. Convectional flexible pavement c. Rigid pavement
b. Full depth asphalt d. non
6. Among the following which one is not the basic idea behind pavement design?
a. to prepare a suitable subgrade
b. providing necessary drainage,
c. to provide reasonably smooth & skid resistant surface
d. Control of rutting
7. Which one of the following is not an element of highway geometric design?
A. Cross section C. horizontal alignment
B. Vertical alignment D. None
8. The choice of design controls and criteria is influenced by _______
A. The functional classification C. design speed
B. Design vehicle D. All
9. Among the following which statement is false?
A. Traffic volume is number of vehicles that pass a point along a roadway during a
specified time period.
B. Trunk road links locally important cites.
C. Main access road links centers of provincial importance’s
D. Geometric design features are the road cross-section and horizontal and vertical
E. None
10. _______is the average of 24-hr counts collected over a number of days greater than one but less
than a year.
11. Design speed primarily depends on
A. Horizontal alignment C. vertical alignment
B. Functional classification D. radius of curves
12. _______ is the portion of roadway provided for movement of vehicles
A. shoulder C. normal cross fall
B. Median D. travel lane
13. Which one is affected by traffic volume?
A. Number of lane C. alignment and gradient
B. Lane width D. All
14. Which one is correct?
A. Shoulder is used for lateral support of the pavement structure.
B. Median is the portion of a highway separating opposing directions of the traveled way.
C. Sometimes we may provide un equal-width travel lanes
D. all
15. Among the following which statement is false about the function of shoulder?
A. Accommodation of stopped vehicles for emergency use
B. To separate opposing directions of the travelled way
C. Main access road links centers of provincial importance
D. Provides additional space for bicycle use
E. None
17. Which one of the following is not an element of highway geometric design?
A. Cross section C. Vertical alignment
B. horizontal alignment D. None
18. Raising of outer edge of a road with respect to inner edge, is known
A. Super elevation C. Banking
B. Cant D. All the above
19. For a vehicle moving with a speed of 80 km per hour, the brake reaction time, in ordinary
cases, is
A. 1 sec C. 2.0 sec
B. 1.5 sec D. 2.5 sec
20. Horizontal curves on highways are provided
A. To break the monotony of driving
B. To discourage the tendency to increase speed
C. To decrease the mental strain on drivers
D. All the above
21. Bottom-most component of a flexible pavement, is
A. Sub-grade C. Base
B. Sub-base D. Base course
22. For a properly designed vehicle, the resistance generally ignored, is
A. Wind resistance C. Grade resistance
B. Rolling resistance D. Axle resistance
23. Los Angeles testing machine is used to conduct
A. Abrasion test C. Attrition test
B. Impact test D. Crushing strength test
24. When the width of car parking space and width of street are limited, generally preferred parking
system is
A. Parallel parking C. 65° angle parking
B. 45° angle parking D. 90° angle parking
25. The function of an expansion joint in rigid pavements is to
A. Relieve warping stresses C. Resist stresses due to expansion
B. Relieve shrinkage stresses D. Allow free expansion
26. Penetration test on bitumen is used for determining its
A. Grade C. Ductility
B. Viscosity D. Temperature susceptibility
38. Wheel load configuration helps in knowing the ______ required for the design of pavements.
A. Number of wheels C. Contact pressure
B. Load distribution D. Load factor
39. Which of the below is not an example of rigid pavement?
A. Lean cement concrete C. Continuous reinforced concrete
B. Jointed plain concrete D. Pre-stressed concrete
40. In which of the below types of pavement can joints be eliminated completely?
A. Continuous reinforced concrete pavement
B. Jointed reinforced concrete pavement
C. Pre-stressed concrete pavement
D. Jointed plain concrete pavement
41. Rigid pavements are stiffer than flexible pavements due to ______
A. Low modulus of rigidity C. High modulus of rigidity
B. Low modulus of elasticity D. High modulus of elasticity
42. Which are the two major parameters considered in the Marshall Mix design?
A. Workability and stability C. Density and durability
B. Density and stability D. Durability and stability
43. The polished stone value test is used to test which of the below properties?
A. Roundness C. Abrasion
B. Crushing D. Durability
44. In the crushing test, what is the compressive load subjected to the specimen?
A. Gradual 40 kN C. Rapid 40 kN
B. Gradual 40 tonnes D. Rapid 40 tonnes
45. What is used as a charge for the Los Angeles abrasion test?
A. Electric supply C. Aggregates
B. Steel balls D. Drum
46. The ______ test can be conducted in-situ as well as in the laboratory.
A. CBR C. Triaxial
B. Unconfined compression D. Direct shear
47. Which of the below is not a problem associated with black cotton soil?
A. Excessive volume changes C. Difficult to pulverize
B. Round particles D. Considerable shrinkage
48. What can be added to black cotton soil to improve its properties?
A. Lime C. Geotextiles
B. Cement D. Bitumen
49. Which type of failure has resulted when the Areas of HMA pavement with the portion of
aggregate extending above the asphalt binder are very small?
69. Which type of pavement layer is optional layer in the flexible pavement?
a) Base Course
b) Subgrade
c) Sub base
d) Capping Layer
24. Assume you are highway engineer to select highway alignment road from Adama to Finfinnee.
What are the factors controlling alignment you may consider for your selection.