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NorthStar 4e Reading & Writing Level 4 Answer Key


2, page 87 2, page 104

Check: 1, 3, 6, 7 1. (Paragraph 4) The problem is that we often
look for human traits when we study animal
behaviour. But what may be clever for us
UNIT 4 needn’t be a viable attribute in other members of
the animal kingdom.
2. (Paragraphs 16 and 17) The British scientists
VOCABULARY, pages 92-93 point out that the bees beat the babies in a
1. controversy 7. apparently learning test because the lab tested
2. category 8. perception characteristics that bees have been perfecting
3. behavior 9. unique during aeons of evolutionary development.
4. obvious 10. approach In comparisons of intelligence among species
5. unconscious 11. acquired it’s hard to avoid dealing trump cards to one
6. cognition 12. achieve species or another.
3. (Paragraph 20) With more emphasis on a
bottom-up method, they would study the
MAIN IDEAS species’ neural networks in attempts to perceive
what uses these networks can have.
2, page 97 4. (Paragraph 23) This [investigations of their
Main Ideas: 2, 5, 8 brains’ neural circuitry] has contributed toward
answering questions about whether some of our
human qualities can also exist in other species
DETAILS, page 98 and help lay the groundwork for better
1. f 5. a comparisons.
2. c 6. g
3. d 7. e
4. b STEP 1: ORGANIZE, page 105
R1 R2
WHAT IS Using Diverse
MAKE INFERENCES, pages 98-99 INTELLIGENCE? extreme meanings
Answers may vary. Suggested answers: perception to for different
1. “apparently,” “most” / The predictions are not invent jobs. species
proven. It is only what Ms. Standley reports. It is (Recognizing
also not clear whether these dogs were trained something
as seizure alert dogs. The use of “most” is and then
vague. Again, there is no documentation. deciding to
2. “thought” / It is based on von Osten’s belief, act.)
not on proof.
3. “wasn’t really” / Hans was counting but not in PROBLEMS Using human Looking for
the way people thought he was counting. WITH standards human
4. “believe,” “obvious,” “as far as I’m concerned,” ASSESSING (Clever Hans traits and
“think” / This is the author’s opinion and it may ANIMAL can count qualities
not be shared by everyone. INTELLIGENCE he is smart; (the use of
5. “to my knowledge,” (not) “hugely,” “some,” He is not tools)
“think” / This is the author’s opinion and she really Brain
admits that it may be based on incomplete counting weight of
knowledge. he is a dumb mammals
animal) For
COMPREHENSION, pages 102-103 intelligence
1. a 4. a is linked to
2. c 5. a language,
3. b 6. c but we

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NorthStar 4e Reading & Writing Level 4 Answer Key

understand assessing animal intelligence. Because for

animal humans, intelligence is so linked to language,
language the fact that we don’t understand animal
(dolphins) language makes it very hard to accurately
assess their intelligence.
OTHER Forensic Bees: R: Are all of these apparently amazing things
ABILITIES VS. dogs: Instinct that animals are capable of doing really a sign of
INTELLIGENCE Extreme intelligence or are there other explanations for
perception their actions?
Clever Hans: TG: Sometimes there is. For example, forensic
Learned dogs that work at airports looking for explosives
reflexes or illegal drugs aren’t really showing intelligence.
They are just using extreme perception to signal
items they have been trained to point out. They
STEP 2: SYNTHESIZE, pages 106-107 don’t have any idea that these things are bad or
Answers will vary. Suggested answers: dangerous, just that they are rewarded to find
Reporter: Today we lucky to have with us two them.
animal experts, Temple Grandin and Gita GS: Yes, similarly a recent test of intelligence
Simonsen. They are both especially interested in across species (including humans) found bees
the question of animal intelligence. Ms. Grandin, to be smarter than all other species including
how would you define animal intelligence? humans. However, the explanation might not be
Temple Grandin: Let me start by saying that intelligence, but rather it was their instinct that
many people confuse extreme perception with allowed them to outscore everyone on the test.
intelligence. Many animals have extreme R: Thank you both very much. I am afraid we
perception at least compared to humans, but have run out of time. I know I have learned a lot
that alone doesn’t make them intelligent. I think and I am sure our viewers have, too. Thanks
seizure alert dogs are a good example of animal again.
intelligence because they use their extreme
perception to figure out when someone is going
to have a seizure. This is not something they REVIEW, page 108
need to do or have been taught to do, but R1
something that they choose to do. This is what 1. achieve assess accomplish attain
2. acquire obtain need gain
shows intelligence. 3. apparently seemingly allegedly visually
Gita Simonsen: I definitely agree that seizure 4. approach method attempt procedure
alert dogs are showing intelligence, but, in my 5. behavior ability action conduct
6. category section group aspect
opinion, intelligence in animals differs from
7. cognition understanding instinct intelligence
species to species. 8. consensus disagreement debate
R: How can animal intelligence be assessed? controversy
TG: One problem that we have in assessing 9. obvious clear evident possible
10. thought awareness observation
animal intelligence is that we too often use perception
human standards. 11. cautious involuntary unintentional
GS: Yes, I agree. For example, those animals unconscious
12. unique singular normal solitary
that are able to imitate human behavior and
show human-like traits are thought to be R2
13. confront remind challenge present
intelligent. 14. discern differentiate figure out dislike
TG: In the case of the “counting” horse, Clever 15. sensory auditory visual habitual
Hans, many people judged him to be intelligent 16. trait characteristic path feature
when they thought he was able to correctly solve 17. viable usable applicable achievable

mathematical problems. However, as soon as

they realized that he was getting unconscious
cues from the audience, he was considered a
“dumb” animal. I don’t agree with them. I think
Clever Hans was showing intelligence because
he was able invent a job for himself.
GS: That’s a good point. However, let me say
one more thing about the problems with

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NorthStar 4e Reading & Writing Level 4 Answer Key

EXPAND, pages 108-109

1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Mind R1-6 psychologist Someone Psychic
psych- who is trained
to study the
2. know/learn R1-2, 10 cognition understanding; cognizant
cogni- R2- 3, 13 recognizing/ identifying/
recognize identify;
cognitive relating to
3. dict- say/tell R1-2 predict to say dictation
something will
4. act- do R1-10 actions something actor
R2-25 active done; busy,
5. taken R1-2 perceptual relating to misconception
cept- R2-14 concepts perception;
6. number R2-23 numerous many numeral
7. nov- new R1-2 novel new novice
8. feeling R1-4 sense feeling about
sens- R2-3 sensory something;
relating to
9. one R1-3 percent an amount century
cent- hundred equal to a
number of
parts in every
100 parts
10. know R1-6 unconscious unintentional; scientist
sci- R2-7 sciences study of
physical world
11. nerve R2-20 neural of nerves neuron

2, pages 110-111
GRAMMAR 1. incorrect / corrections: in which
2. correct / alternative: in which
1, PAGE 110 3. incorrect / corrections: which/that
1. that humans lack 4. incorrect / correction: whose
2. a person about to have a seizure 5. correct / alternative: that
3. the afternoon he was able to figure out how 6. correct / alternative: which
Clever Hans was able to answer the questions 7. incorrect / corrections: who/that
4. that, who, when / nouns 8. incorrect / corrections: in which/where

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NorthStar 4e Reading & Writing Level 4 Answer Key

3, pages 112-113 Answers will vary. Suggested answers:

Answers will vary. Suggested answers: 5. Clever Hans really was intelligent, even if he
1. Cleve Hans was trained by a retired school couldn’t count, because he was able to train
teacher who had taught science for many years. himself to appear to count.
2. The afternoon when Cleve Hans was ready to 6. Animals that recognize things and choose to
perform in front of an audience was cold and act on them are showing true intelligence.
3. Binti the gorilla is best known for an amazing
incident which / that occurred on August 16, REVISE
4. I spoke with a man who / that had trained 1, pages 119-120
dolphins and killer whales. Answers will vary. Suggested answers:
5. Psychologists study many animals which / 1. We shouldn’t just look for human traits when
that live in zoos. studying animal intelligence because they are
6. I saw my friend whose dog could predict not a good indicator of true animal intelligence.
seizures before they started. 2. Bøckman feels that until we can understand
7. We saw the dolphin which / that performed animal language we cannot assess their
some spectacular feats. intelligence because of the connection for us
8. The psychologist who developed a new test between intelligence and language.
for animal intelligence had studied at the 3. Many studies focusing on the neural circuitry
University of Berlin. OR The psychologist who in the brain are helping scientists to better
had studied at the University of Berlin developed compare traits across species including “human
a new test for animal intelligence. like” traits in animals.
9. The morning when the dogs saved Mrs.
Standley was sunny ands hot.
10. The contraband which / that was discovered UNIT 5
by the forensic dog was in an old brown
VOCABULARY, pages 124-125
1. b 5. c 9. b
WRITE 2. a 6. b 10. a
3. b 7. c 11. b
1, pages 115-116 4. c 8. a 12. c
1. Gita Simonsen is the author of the article How
Smart are Animals?
2. Scientists are facing problems in assessing MAIN IDEAS
animal intelligence.
3. Tests are based on the animals ability to 2, page 130
imitate human behavior, on proportional brain Answers will vary. Suggested answers:
weight, tests are assumed to be flawed if Marriage: Marriage is not seen as a lifelong
humans do not come out on top, and the small commitment. People assume they will have
size of some animal brains makes it hard to many marriages to a wide variety of people who
study neural pathways.. will enhance their lives.
4. Simonsen concludes that scientists need to Family structure / Relationships: Because
develop better tools, methods and theories for people live for hundreds of years there can be
comparing the brain skills in different species, 10 or 20 generations of the family living at the
but we are well on our way. same time.
Careers: People will change their careers many
2, pages 116-117 times and their careers will be vastly different.
1. a Longevity: No one seems to know how long the
2. b human lifespan can be with the Process, but so
3. b far, no one has died in the 400 years since the
4. a Process was invented.

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DETAILS, page 131 3. c

Answers will vary. Suggested answers: Evidence: He says he wants the marriage to go
MARRIAGE First marriage Has been 4. c
married Evidence: She thinks from time to time of the
Assumes she’ll seven times. men she will marry after she and Leo have gone
be married their separate ways. Perhaps she’ll stay with
again to a Leo for ten years, perhaps for fifty. No one stays
variety of men. married forever. Fifteen, twenty years, that’s the
FAMILY Has to deal Has great usual. Sixty or seventy tops. She even has
STRUCTURE/ with multiple relationships thought about the jobs of her future husbands.
RELATIONSH stepchildren, with all of 5. a
IPS much older his ex-wives Evidence: Marilisa is disturbed by the idea of
than her, and and having the same husband for hundreds of years,
ex wives. children. but, at the same time, is disturbed by the idea of
CAREERS Has not yet Has had at having many different husbands. She also
chosen a least fifteen worries about the “vast amount of time” that is in
career, but or twenty front of her.
knows she has careers, all
lots of time to of them very
decide and that different. READING SKILL
she will have
the opportunity Does this so 2, page 137
to have many he always Answers will vary. Suggested answers:
careers. has a 1. Will a doubled lifespan cause overpopulation?
challenge— What benefits will come from a doubled
doesn’t get lifespan?
bored. 2. How will marriage and family be affected by a
LONGEVITY Has had her Faithfully longer lifespan?
first Prep, but does his Will people stay married to the same person
has not yet Process and their whole lives or have multiple marriages?
undergone the has been 3. At what age will people retire?
Process. alive for Will there be enough jobs for young people?
almost four
Sees an hundred
unlimited future years. STEP 1: ORGANIZE, page 138
Answers will vary. Suggested answers:
Still vigorous EFFECT
and Marriage Positive Marriage Negative
youthful. Effect Effect
R1 you will be able to R1 extremely large
have many different age difference
MAKE INFERENCES, pages 131-133 and interesting between spouses
Answers will vary. Suggested answers: spouses
1. c
Evidence: She didn’t look a day over thirty and R2 you won’t feel you R2 multiple brief
was constantly around. In addition, Leo still was have to stay in a marriages
fond of her. He thought Katrin and Marilisa could loveless marriage out
become friends, but Marilisa thought that would of inertia
be very difficult.
2. b Careers Positive Careers Negative
Evidence: He winks and laughs at her and Effect Effect
jokes about being able to play with her when R1 you can “reinvent” R1 no negative effects
Leo is done with her. yourself by changing
careers and finding a
fresh challenge

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NorthStar 4e Reading & Writing Level 4 Answer Key

R2 economic R2 fewer job openings;

productivity will go up; corporations and Toward Immortality
you can try different universities will Suffixes Example Definition Example
careers stagnate without from Text or of a New
youthful talent and Synonym Adjective
ideas with the
Family Structure Family Structure Same
Positive Effect Negative Effect Suffix
R1 No positive effects R1 have to deal with Paragraphs 1–
multiple ex-wives / 2
husbands and -al personal individual minimal
stepchildren Paragraphs 3–
R2 more quality time R2 large age 4
with loved ones; watch difference in siblings -ic emphatic forceful narcotic
future generations would create different -ical practical sensible tropical
grow up set of social Paragraphs 5–
relationships 7
-less loveless without love homeless
-ing remaining still left smoking
REVIEW, page 139 Paragraphs
Answers may vary. Suggested answers: 10–13
Positive Negative Neutral -ly inevitably Without happily
awesome chilly disparate doubt
fond impetuous immeasurably -ed limited restricted skilled
punctually insufferable inevitably -some worrisome troublesome awesome
vigorous loveless tolerable -ant constant steady elegant
emphatic presumptuous ultimately -ful youthful young hopeful
worrisome utterly
EXPAND, pages 139-141 1, page 142
Answers in the last column may vary. Suggested 1. Yes, it happened three years ago.
answers: 2. No, he has been an architect . . . not he is.
Death Do Us Part 3. Yes, they are still searching because the verb
Death Do us Part
Suffixes Example Definition Example of
is in the continuous form, searching, and the
from Text or a New sentence states since the beginning of recorded
Synonym Adjective history, which is when they started searching.
with the 4. simple past in a, present perfect in b, and
Same Suffix
present perfect continuous in c.
-ing shimmering sparkling speeding 2, pages 144-145
-ive impulsive impetuous active 1. have been searching 8. discussed
Paragraphs 2. has been 9. has been doing
-able insufferable intolerable comfortable
3. have not been 10. have had
-al ideal perfect Traditional 4. took 11. have enjoyed
Paragraphs 5. attended 12. completed
6-15 6. didn’t actually start 13. has been working
-ent Ancient very old different
7. have gone
-ous serious sincere curious
-ible permissible allowable invisible
-ic romantic passionate emphatic
-y misty foggy dirty

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NorthStar 4e Reading & Writing Level 4 Answer Key

3, page 146 UNIT 6

1. has met 6. have been studying
2. visited 7. have figured
3. has had 8. attended VOCABULARY
4. has been talking 9. has been doing
5. met 10. has written 1, page 156
1. decision 7. sell
2. modestly 8. boring
WRITE 3. pride 9. appreciate
4. amusement 10. saddened
1, pages 148-149 5. uncertain 11. respond
1. Circle: My life has been an endless roller 6. order 12. scared
coaster ride filled with immeasurable happiness
and sadness. 2, pages 156-158
2. The next paragraphs will probably be about 1. donate / challenge / manage
this happiness and sadness. Reasons: personal; medical research
3. TOUCH: shakes awake 2. passion / thrilled / inspired
SMELL: bitter coffee, burnt toast Reasons: environmental and personal
SIGHT: alarm robot, meteor shower 3. passion / satisfaction / inspired
TASTE: sour milk, bitter coffee Reasons: religious and personal
SOUND: loud crack 4. proposal / devoting
Reasons: mandatory and personal
5. admiring / determined
REVISE Reasons: political and personal

1, page 150
His home is being compared to a lonely cloud MAIN IDEAS
because it floats in the sky.
2, page 162
His punctuality is being compared to a Swiss Answers will vary. Suggested answers:
watch because a Swiss watch is precise and 2, 3, 5

2, page 150 DETAILS

Paragraph 1: Waterfalls are being compared to Answers will vary. Suggested answers:
cascades of diamonds because they shimmer. THE BENEFITS OF EXAMPLE OF JUSTIN
Paragraph 2: Leo is being compared to a boy COMMUNITY LEBO
because he looks so young. SERVICE
Paragraph 34: Unknown husbands are being Encourages people to Justin spent his free
compared to swords that fall between Marilisa use their free time time in the summer
and Leo because they will destroy her marriage. constructively. making bicycles for the
children at the
3, page 151 Kilbarchan Home for
The metaphor is They are vague chilly Boys.
phantoms. She uses this metaphor because Opens volunteers’ Justin built bikes for all
both her unknown future husbands and eyes to the great kinds of people in need:
phantoms are not real and they are scary like variety of people in women in a women’s
ghosts. need by providing shelter, people with
opportunities to meet AIDS, and people in a
4, page 151 new and different housing project.
An example of personification is: The words types of people.
skewer her. She uses this personification One successful Justin continued to
because hearing the words hurts, as it would community service build bikes after the
hurt if something sharp were pressed into a experience leads to Kilbarchin project.
person. performing other

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NorthStar 4e Reading & Writing Level 4 Answer Key

Volunteers learn they Justin learned that his READING SKILL

can help solve real bikes helped fulfill the
social problems and needs of the boys at 2, page 168
needs. Kilbarchin and the other Some Take the Time Gladly
people who received Paragraph and Persuasive words that
them. number of words or evoke negative
Helps people to find Justin found out he phrases emotions
out who they are, what could take on a big 1 (2) grumble
their interests are, and project and complete it. indignation
what they are good at. He found out he was 2 (1) resistant
good at rebuilding 7 (1) frustrating
9 (2) ridiculous
Problems with Mandatory Volunteering
1. a 4. b
Paragraph and Persuasive words that
2. b 5. c
number of words evoke negative
3. c
1 (1) terrible
3 (5) not a good
Answers will vary. Suggested answers:
not want
1. Constructive 1. Volunteering is
5 (2) oxymoron
way to spend time. a personal
2. It’s an
STEP 1: ORGANIZE, page 169
activity (personal
choice). Paragraph Issue
2. Gets kids 3. Many students 22 Dedication to work
involved in the already 23 Time commitment
community. volunteer. 24 Personal enrichment
3. Some people 4. Students may
would not know become resentful SOME TAKE THE TIME GLADLY (R2)
how great an and never Paragraph Issue
experience volunteer again. 2 Time commitment
volunteering is 5 Personal enrichment
required. VOLUNTEERING (R2)
5. Many students Paragraph Issue
don’t have time. 2 Personal choice,
6. The quality of Dedication to work
work can suffer. 3 Personal choice, Time
4 Time commitment

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NorthStar 4e Reading & Writing Level 4 Answer Key

REVIEW 5. supports / Supporters believe mandatory

volunteering can benefit the community despite
2, page 171 the fact that critics feel that mandatory
1. donations 7. opposition volunteers may do a bad job and therefore
2. inspired 8. pride cause more harm than good.
3. passionate 9. admired
4. challenge 10. fulfilling
5. proposed 11. indignant WRITE
6. resentful
1, pages 180-181
1. He / She is against cutting school sports.
EXPAND, pages 172-173 2. Arguments to Cut School Sports: low team
1. a 5. c 9. c participation, low audience participation, high
2. b 6. c 10. b cost
3. c 7. c 3. Counter Arguments: many teams have high
4. b 8. b participation numbers so cut back on number of
teams, audience participation numbers are not
the only way to measure student support and
GRAMMAR interest there is a devoted fan base; sports help
spread school spirit, cost is worth the long term
1, page 176 benefits
1. He chose to work on bikes and donate them. 4. Answers will vary.
They learn to love it and continue after the 5. Answers will vary.
school requirements are fulfilled.
It is a good idea to get students to go out into
the community. REVISE
2. The concessions introduce a negative
opinion. 1, page 184
3. No. If the sentence starts with a concession, Introduction 1
there is a comma. If the concession is in the Thesis: It is important to support the proposal
middle of the sentence, there is no comma. for a mandatory community service program so
4. The other clauses express the writer’s main that young people will learn the value of giving to
idea. others. / Technique 1

2, pages 177-178 Introduction 2

1. supports / Supporters of mandatory Thesis: This is why I support a program of
volunteering say it is a good way for students to mandatory community service in our university. /
get valuable experience even though they are Technique 3
not paid.
2. supports / Critics of mandatory volunteering Introduction 3
maintain that a school should not require a Thesis: A mandatory community service
student to do anything after school except program in our school will give students a
homework, though they say that volunteering is valuable experience and also help solve
better than just sitting around watching TV or important problems in our community. /
playing video games. Technique 2
3. supports / Although opponents argue that
volunteering is a personal choice, and so it 3, pages 185-186
shouldn’t be mandatory, supporters note that Conclusion 1
schools have many required classes that may Restatement of thesis: I believe that if students
not be a student’s personal choice. try volunteering, many of them will discover that
4. opposes / Critics worry that a bad community service can be an enjoyable and
volunteering experience will stop people from rewarding experience. / Technique 3
volunteering again in the future in spite of the
fact that supporters maintain that most student Conclusion 2
volunteers have successful experiences and Restatement of thesis: Isn’t this called a win-
many continue to volunteer later in life. win situation? / Technique 2

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NorthStar 4e Reading & Writing Level 4 Answer Key

software allowed him to take note of those that

Conclusion 3 generated the most discussion.
Restatement of thesis: Last year I started 5. F/ paragraph 7
tutoring an elementary school student whose Rewrite: The participants were six to eight
parents don’t speak English. At first, he was students from around the world including some
resentful that he had to stay after school and do from Princeton.
more schoolwork. Truthfully, it was also hard for 6. F/ paragraph 9
me knowing he did not want to be there. But as Rewrite: His audience became as visible to him
the year progressed, I got to know him and the as the students in a traditional lecture hall as he
kind of books he liked to read. He began to look got to know them by sampling their comments
forward to our weekly sessions and was eager on the forums and in the live, seminar-style
to see what books I had brought for him. Now discussions.
we are not just reading friends but we are real 7. T/ paragraph 11
friends. I know I have made a difference in his 8. F/ paragraph 13
life and he has certainly made a difference in Rewrite: Professor Duneier’s next online course
mine. / Technique 1 will be in February.

UNIT 7 MAKE INFERENCES, pages 196-197

1. Concerned
2. Very concerned
VOCABULARY 3. Very concerned
4. Very concerned
2, page 191 5. Somewhat concerned
1. anticipation 7. collaboration 6. Not very concerned
2. diversity 8. analyze 7. Not very concerned
3. crucial 9. significantly 8. Somewhat concerned
4. issue 10. via 9. Concerned
5. virtual 11. subsequent
6. assumption 12. enhance COMPREHENSION, page 201
1. Tommy discovers a book, which is important
because they no longer existed at that time; all
MAIN IDEAS reading is done from a computer screen.
2. Margie is excited about the discovery.
2, PAGES 194-195 3. Margie thinks they had fun in the “old days.”
1. b 4. Answer will vary. Possible answer: He may
2. c fear that books would disappear.
3. a

DETAILS, PAGE 195 2, page 202

1. T / paragraph 2 15 Margie 29 Margie
2. F/ paragraph 5 16 Tommy 30 Tommy
Rewrite: Within a few hours of the first class 17 Margie 31 Margie
having ended, it was obvious from the number of 18 Tommy 32 Margie’s mother
comments and questions that students were 19 Margie 33 Margie
interested. 20 Tommy 34 Margie’s mother (Mrs. Jones)
3. F/ paragraph 4 21 Margie 35 Margie
Rewrite: The fact that professor Duneier 22 Tommy 36 Tommy
recorded his lectures in an empty classroom 23 Margie 37 Narrator
made it difficult because there was no audience 24 Tommy 38 The mechanical teacher
to provide crucial interpersonal cues. 25 Margie 39 Narrator
4. F/ paragraph 6 26 Tommy 40 Narrator
Rewrite: Although it was impossible to answer 27 Margie 41 The mechanical teacher
all the student comments and questions, the 28 Tommy 42 Narrator

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