Nerea David

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Subject/Verb agreement D Complete the animal facts with the correct form

of the verb in brackets.


D Look at examples 1-7 from the article on page

145 and choose the correct option.
1 On ly one of these an ima ls bother/bothers to study us.
2 People iSlare used as tools to solve the puzzles of
closed doors and empty wate r dishes.
3 All dog owners think/thinks that their dog is a good
j udge of character.
4 Sniffing objects get/gets smells to the dog via receptor
cells in the nose.
S Six mill ion seem/seems an enormous amount.
6 The good news is/are that this behaviour now seems
to act as a greeting.
7 When information. reassu rance or guidance is/are
needed, dogs seem to inspect our faces. Despite the saying 'as blind as a bat', the
majority of bats (1) ................... (be) able to
fJ Match the examples in Activity 1 with the see perfectly well.
following rules. The name 'mouse' comes from the Sanskrit
A singular verb is used after for 'little thief' . People (2) ........... ....... .
A nouns which end in s but are not plural. (have) provided food for them ever since
B express ions of quantity, measurement, time farming began. However, although everyone
and distance. (3) ................... (seem) to believe that mice
C words/ expressions such as everyone, anything, hardly like cheese, most (4) ................... (prefer )
anyone, only one of, more than one. chocolate.
D abstract/uncoun table nouns. Rabbits are the world's third most popular
E an -ing clause as the subject. pet. All modern rabbits (5) ................... (have)
A plural verb is used after been bred from the European wild rabbit.
F nouns which are plural but don't end ins. 85 percent of cats' time (6) ................... (be )
G wo rds/expressions such as both of, al( plenty of, the spent doing nothing.
majority of
Medical advice (7) ................... (have) suggested
D Choose the correct alternative in each of these that owning a pet is good for your health.
sentences. Both may be possible. Current news (8) ........ ........... (be) claiming
The police has/hove charged him with animal cruelty. that dogs can be successful at detecting
2 We gave her advice on looking after her dog but she cancer.
didn't take it/them.
3 1,000 pounds is/are a lot of money to pay for a puppy.
4 Both my sisters understand/understands what a D Complete these sentences so that they are
commitment having a pony can be. true for you.
S Everyone has/have fa llen in love with my new kitten. Some of my friends.
6 Neither of them know/knows how to train a 2 The news t hese days.
dog properly.
3 People who live in towns.
7 Our family has/hove always had a variety of
4 The majority of footba ll fans.
different pets.
S The staff at the school I go/went to ..
8 There is/are a coup le of dog bowls over th ere.
6 Most of my fami ly .

146 Unit 14 Saywhatyou mean

Open doze (Part 2)
Complete all the gaps, even EXAM FOCUS p.20 I
if you have to guess. Then
go back and check th at it
o Read the article and answer the questions in pairs.
makes sense and that the 1 What is unusual about Kanzi?
spellin g is correct. 2 In what way do scientists disagree abou t w hy animals can't speak?
3 Which grou p of animals are scientists particularly interested in studying, and why?

If) For questions 1-8, read the text and think of the word which best fits
each gap. There is an example at the beg inning.

The majority of mammals Despite their inability to

(0 ) .. J!r.e...... able to understand talk, some animals - around
some language , even though six species in all - can hear
they can't 'talk back'. Kanzi, a asound,copyit and then
bonobo ape, can recognise reproduce it (4) ".. , "."."". order
about 3,000 words, which to interact socially. Interestingly.
(1) ................. a very imp ressive the animals that can do this
number and more than any are dissimilar b oth to humans
other mammal understands, and to (5) "" ". " other. This
apart (2) ................. humans, diverse group includes animals
So why is it that most mammals (6) """"."."." as parrots and
can understand but not speak? whales,
Scientists are divided on the Scientists have been studying
issue, (3) .".".""".,,. some believe the b rain pathways of this
that it is due to physical factors group of animals with great
like tongue control, others are interest. As a result (7) "".,,""
convinced that the key could this research, they hope that
be genetic, they will soon gain some
insight (8) """,.".,,"" our own
unique talent for language,

D Check you r answers. Which answers relate to subject/verb ag reement?

m Discuss these questions.

1 Which method of animal communication do you think is th e most interesting?
2 Which animals would you most like to be able to comm unicate w ith?

Unit 14 Say what you mean 14 7

Essay (Part I) Young people are increasingly
proofread ing communicating using technology
WRITING REFERENCE p.IBO instead of talking face-to-face. Do you
think this is a problem?
o Read the sentences 1-8. What type of spelling mistake
I think there are both positive and negative
(A-D) does each sentence conta in ? Correct the errors
points in the rise ofyoW1g people's use of
and compare your answers with another student.
technology for cornmW1ication purposes.
A missing letter C wrong vowel
Firstly it has become a lot easier to contact
B extra letter D wrong vowel order
friends extrernly quickly by phone or on
I think that young people are definately spend ing too much social networking sites. This means making
time on social networking sites.
arrangments is easier, particularly during
2 The goverment should do more to protect people's online privacy. holidays when you can't cornmurlicate with
3 It's neccessary to see someone's face if you want to your friends at college every day I beleive
communicate with them properly. this helps to make my relationships with
4 Chatting online is a great way to make freinds. friends stronger.
5 Most of my friends are too dependant on their mobile phones -
However, yOW1g people's safety has been
it's like an addiction.
put at risk becaus of the increase in this
6 It's suprising that so many people don't take online security very type of commurlication. The internet has
become a place where bullies can post
7 It's rude when people anser their phone when they're having horrible and very hurtful! messages
dinner with someone in a restaurant. without having to identify themselves. This
S If I don't recieve many messages daily I feel depressed. can affect vulnerable people very badly

fJ Work in pairs. Look at the sentences in Activity 1 again Another negative point is that young
and answer the questions. people's communication skills are sufering.
They don't bother with the correct
, Do you think the spelling errors cause any confusion?
punctuation and often use abbreviations
2 Which ofthe sentences do you agree with' when texting. Sometimes this makes it hard

D Read the exam task and student's essay and follow the to understand what they are trying to say
instructions. Overall, I'm convinced that cornmW1icating
, Correct the eight spelling mistakes in this essay. using tecnology is very benefitial, it brings
people closer together and helps young
2 Decide if you agree with the points made and compare your
people to stay in touch with friends who
ideas with another student.
live far away But more needs to be done to
In your class you have been talking about the importance make sure that young people's safety and
of communication. Now your teacher has asked you to privacy are protected.
write an essay.
Write your essay using all the notes and give reasons for
your point of view.
D Work in pairs. Turn to page 160 and
do the exam task.

Young people are increasingly communicating

using technology instead of talking face-ta-face.
1:1 Write your essay in 140-190 words
Do you think this is a problem? and then check your work using the
writing checklist on page 179.
Write about:
1 relationsh ips
2 communication skills Remember to leave enough time to check your
3 . Secvr.i.±.y............ (your own idea) work for spelling, punctuation and grammar

148 Unit 14 Say what you mean

D Choose the correct word. D Choose the correct word to complete the
sentences. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
ItlThere is unlikely to be time for questions
after the presentation.
ahead down in into of off on over through
2 A high percentage of people is/are unable to
remember their own mobile phone number. We went ............ the plan for his escape many times.
3 It/There is some evidence that owning a 2 The climb was called. because of bad weather.
pet is good for your health.
3 The prison officers had to give ............ to the prisoners' demands.
4 Both cats and dogs is/are unable to
4 The effect of the medicine soon began to wear .. ........ and my
recognise human faces.
headache returned.
5 On ly one of my brothers has/have a problem
5 He insisted ......... carrying all my equipment because I was so tired.
with remembering people's names.
6 I've never been involved .. ........ a serious accident
6 Neither my brother nor my sister like/likes cats.
7 She seems confident ............ her ability to pass the test
7 The police has/have found my
grandmother's missing dog. 8 They had been ............ a lot of difficult times so they deserved their success.
8 Information on ways to improve your 9 We were asked to hand ............ our documents to the police for them to check.
memory is/are avai lable on the website. 10 The instructor told us ............ for not using the equipment safely, like he
9 I think there/it should be possible to adapt taught us.
to someone else's culture. 11 The search for the missing boy turned .......... a murder hunt
10 ItlThere may be a problem with our computer. 12 Against everyone's advice the team went .. ...... with the bike race.
13 The computer network has gone ............ so I can't send any emails
fJ Choose the correct word to this afternoon.
complete these sentences. 14 The police succeeded .. ........ catch ing the thief very quickly and efficiently.
1 My students take no notice when I shout at 15 He was suspected ............ the crime even though there were no witnesses.
them. It's like water off a duck's ..

A head B back C feathers
Cycling to work means I get exercise too,
11 There is a mistake in each of the following sentences.
Underline the mistakes and correct them. There may
so I'm killing two ...... .. with one stone. be more than one possibility.
A birds B ducks C rats
If Sarah had listened to her parents she will never have becorne a
3 In her school sports club, Jo was a big fish world champion.
In a little
C pond 2 If my fathe r doesn't speak Russian, he wouldn't have got the job in Moscow.
A river B lake
3 If I had saved more money I wou ld been able to go on holiday next month.
4 Dan put the cat among the ............ when he
resigned. 4 If I were younger I work much harder.
A blackbirds B owls C pigeons 5 If only that ca r doesn't cost so much, I would buy it
5 Actions ............ louder than words. 6 I wish my brother help me more with my homework.
A speak B say C talk 7 Suppose we will not go to the party this evening.
6 He's very quiet and never seems to have 8 I'd rather you come home before midnight
much to ............ for himself.
A spea k B say C talk 9 You aren't allowed using Facebook in the college library.

7 I wish you would speak more clearly and not 10 It was a waste oftime doing all that research. We needn't to do it.
......... Iike that 11 They have just have their car stolen .
A whisper B mumble C mutter 12 We're getting a friend looked aher our house while we're away.
8 He really does ............ rubbish sometimes. 13 After trying several times we could finally get tickets for the show.
A say B speak C talk 14 I need to remind me of my passwords.
15 You shouldn't blame myself for losing your wallet - it wasn't my fau lt.

Progress test 3 149

Multiple-choice doze (Part I) Open doze (Part 2)
D For questions 1-8, read the text below and
decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each
m For questions 9-16, read the text below and
think of the word that best fits each gap.
gap. There is an example at the beginning. Use only one word in each gap. There is an
example at the beginning.
Watch your (body) language
Most research now shows that as much as 70--80 Life without limits
percent of human interaction may be non-verbal. Tim Shieff shouts from a rooftop nine metres
This kind of communication has been (0) .. nll,,, ..... us. 'You should see the view from
(0) .. studied since ancient times in an here! It's awesome! ' Just a (9) ................. seconds
(1) ................. to understand people's characters, earlier Tim was down among the shoppers , on the
and experts have endlessly (2) ................. the streets of his hometown . Then he suddenly began
significance of the way we move and position our climbing up a series of walls (10) ................. he
bodies. (3) ................. many feel that the study of reached a rooftop world, (11) ................. is invisible
body language can be over-simplistic, there is to the rest of the city's residents. Then , with a
some evidence to show that some postures and leap, he was over a 3.6 metre gap to the next
movements indicate our emotional states of mind . building , landing on a flat roof and pausing for a
The (4) ................. people shake hands, for one-armed handstand .
example, can be a good indicator of the power This is nothing extraordinary for Shieff. The
balance between them . Pulling the person 22-year-old is a world champion of freerunning ,
towards you or grabbing hold of someone's elbow which he defines (12) ................. 'the way you
can show you want to (5) ................. control. create a path without following the normal options
Personal space is another interesting area. presented to you'.
The vast (6) ................. of westerners feel Shieff (13) ................. to be a breakdancer, and
uncomfortable if a friend stands closer than 45 now combines dance moves with those from
centimetres, although this will (7) ................. from gymnastics and acrobatics to create
country to country. (14) ................. own very individual style of
And finally, it is likely that, if someone is (8) ........... . movement. It was after he (15) ................. seen the
to you, they will copy the way you stand or move. TV programme Jump London that he became
If you're trying to make somebody relax, it can inspired to discover rooftops.
also help to 'mirror' their movements in this way. Shieff agrees that it is a risky sport but adds that it
is a calculated risk, based (16) ................. years of
0 A highly B deeply C widely D strongly practice, and he is always in control.
1 A act B action C attempt D approach
2 A talked B argued C disagreed D discussed
3 A But B Although C However D Nevertheless
4 A way B style C custom D manner
5 A be B take C bring D stay
6 A number B quantity C majority D amount
7 A vary B alter C compare D contrast
8 A attracted B appealed C approved D fascinated

150 Progress test 3

Word formation (Part 3) Key word transformation
Q For questions 17-24, read the text below. Use (Part 4)
the word given in capitals at the end of some
of the lines to form a word that fits the gap
m For questions 25-30, complete the second
sentence so that it has a similar meaning to
in the same line. There is an example at the
the first sentence, using the word given. Do
not change the word given . You must use
between two and five words, including the
Memory Champions word given. Here is an example.
Do you have what it takes to
become a memory champion?
I'd strongly advise you not to get a dog just yet.
You would need the
(0) ...........10 remember up ABLE
I wouldn't get a dog just yet ....... .. you.
to 1000 numbers in a sequence
25 You mustn't cycle without wearing a helmet
in under an hour, plus several
other seemingly (17) .. POSSIBILITY
You ...... ................... cycle without wearing a helmet
26 Someone had already called the police so it wasn't
The 'mind sport' of Memory was
necessa ry for you to call them .
created in 1991. Today there
are (18) .............. from thirty COMPETITION
Someone had already called the police so you
countries participating in the sport ......................... them.
with the aim of becoming the next 27 My parents would prefer me not to travel alone.
World Memory Champion. RATHER
None of even the most My parents ......................... travel alone.
(19) ............... ....... memory SUCCESS 28 My grandfather would love to do extreme sports but
champions would claim to be (20) SPECIAL he's too old .
........................ gifted at memorising WISHES
things. So how do they do it? My grandfather ......................... extreme sports but
Well, apparently the brain is he's too old.
better at remembering (21) VISION 29 'Don't forget to text me when you arrive; Jake's mother
........................ images so memory said.
champions spend a lot of time REMINDED
training their brains to translate Jake's mother ............. ............ when he arrived.
abstract symbols into pictures. It's 30 I cou ldn't finish the race.
important to have a good MANAGE
I ......................... fin ish the race.
(22) ........................ in order to create IMAGINE
memorable images which the
brain can store and then instantly
recall at a later date.
Training your brain in this way
can be very (23) ........................ for HELP
anyone who needs to learn a lot
of information in a short time.
Some people also believe that
this kind of training can be an EFFECT
(24) ........................ way of preventing
memory loss as people get older.

Progress test 3 151

Unit 3, Speaking focus, Activity 7
Student A
Your photos show people preparing or receiving gifts. Compare the photos and say what makes people happy about giving
or receiving gifts.

What makes people happy about giving or receiving gifts?

Unit 5, Speaking focus, Activity 5

Task I
Student A: Look at the photos, which show people shopping for food. Compare the photos and say what the advantages
and disadvantages are of shopping in these different ways.
Student B: Do you prefer to go shopping in town or shopping on line7

What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping in these different ways?

152 Visuals for Speaking tests

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