KLC 20 Meat Production

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Mixing Instructions

Client Uganda
With KLC 20 with CARO
Intended for Indigenous for Meat production
Batch weight 1.000 kg 0,1

EAfrica.201 EAfrica.302 EAfrica.303 EAfrica.304

Version: 27-8-2019 Starter Grower Grower Finisher

0-4wks 4-8 wks 8-11 wks >11 wks

Code Ingredient Unit (kg)

969564 KLC 20 + Caro 250 250 230 200

C02627 MAIZE 8,5%CP 400 520 630 660
C02673 WHEAT BRAN 30 50
C02778 LIMESTONES 15 15 15 10
KN660C MAIZEBRAN 150 85 125 130
KN788 DICALPHOS 18,5P/26CA 5
Total 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000

001 Crude Protein % 22,0 19,9 16,6 15,6
002 Crude Fat % 7,0 5,7 4,9 5,0
003 Crude Fibre % 4,2 3,9 3,3 3,2
098 ME Poultry Kcal 2857 2906 2956 3001
016 Total lysin % 1,22 1,08 0,85 0,77
017 Total Methionin % 0,53 0,50 0,45 0,42
019 Total Methionin + Cystin % 0,91 0,85 0,75 0,71
020 Total Treonin % 0,83 0,75 0,62 0,58
048 Calcium % 0,93 0,79 0,75 0,55
049 Total Phosphor % 0,57 0,48 0,41 0,39
052 Sodium % 0,19 0,18 0,17 0,15
050 Chloride % 0,32 0,32 0,30 0,27
999 Essential vitamins & trace minerals IU/kg Added Added Added Added

Note: Mixing directions can change depending on the price and quality of local available raw materials.

For the best results; start with the Koudijs Galdus 2mm pre-starter (minimum 150 gram/bird total, preferably more).
In case of no oil; replace the oil with maize. Note that FCR is likely to increase.

Important remarks:
- To achieve good results, follow up on the mixing instructions! Do not alter or change without consult.
- Always make sure all birds have access to enough feed.
- Ensure proper quality of the limestone used. Quicktests are available, ask your local representative for more information.

- To avoid drop in feed intake; ensure the change of feeds (from Starter to Grower feed etc.) happens gradually.
- Be biosecurity wise; use disinfection materials, keep separate shoes for the bird houses only.
- For more management related issues, ask for the Koudijs Management Guide.
- Make sure birds always have access to fresh, cool and clean water.


KLC 20 Meat production.xlsm Page 1/2

KLC 20 Meat production.xlsm

Factory mixing instructions

Client East Africa
With KLC 20 with CARO
Intended for Kuroiler / Sasso for Meat production
Batch weight 1.000 kg

EAfrica.201 EAfrica.302 EAfrica.303 EAfrica.304

Version: 27-8-2019 Starter Grower Grower Finisher
Code Ingredient Unit (kg) 0-4wks 4-8 wks 8-11 wks >11 wks

969564 KLC 20 + Caro 250 250 230 200

C02627 MAIZE 8,5%CP 400 520 630 660
C02673 WHEAT BRAN 30 50
C02778 LIMESTONES 15 15 15 10
KN660C MAIZEBRAN 150 85 125 130
KN788 DICALPHOS 18,5P/26CA 5
Total 1000 1000 1000 1000

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