Updated T-Arch214 Architectural-Interiors 110621

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COURSE TITLE: Architectural Interiors
COURSE TYPE: Lecture and Studio
COURSE CREDIT: 3 Units (2 Lecture, 1 Studio)


This course prepares the students to understand the theories and principles in architectural interiors. This
is achieved by helping students realize their full potential individually and in collaboration with diverse
people, industry, and nation building. The course covers the fundamental tools of space planning, design
and analysis, as well as the proper use of color combination and lighting schemes in interior designing.
The furniture, furnishings and other interior elements’ role in interiors will also be covered.


By the end of the semester, student can:

CLO1. Apply the basics of interior space planning concepts in relation to anthropometrics,
proxemics and ergonomics.
CLO2. Design interiors with the application of color and decorative elements, interior lighting,
and proper materials.
CLO3. Integrate an attitude in interpreting, judging and evaluating interior designs and
programming processes.
CLO4. Demonstrate patriotism through integration of Philippine architecture in actual interior
designing and programming activities.


Learning Outcomes for Midterm Period:

Course Learning Outcomes Topic Learning Outcomes
CLO1. Apply the basics of interior space TLO1. To keep abreast with the developments in the
planning concepts in relation to field of arhitectural practice.
anthropometrics, proxemics and ergonomics.
- Apply the basics of interior space planning
concepts in relation to anthropometrics,
proxemics and ergonomics.
TLO2. Students can understand that an essential
factor in this course is to review anthropometrics,
proxemics and ergonomics and its essence to the
interior space.

CLO2. Design interiors with the application of TLO3. The ability to work effectively and
color and decorative elements, interior independently in multi-diciplinary and multi-cultural
lighting, and proper materials. Teams.
- Students can identify the appropriate colors,
decorative elements, interior lighting and
materials essential to create a harmonious
interior space.
TLO4. Use of concepts and principles from
specialized fields and allied disciplines into
architectural design problems.

- Formulate an approach in integrating

occupant behavior analysis and special
functional interrelationship in the process of
space planning.



Teaching-Learning Activities
No and
/ Assessment Strategy

Outcome Technology
s Date Online Module Activities Enabler
Module 1 • Upload course syllabus
CLO1 / 4.5
• Introduce course Schoolbook
Week 1 requirement details MS Teams
• Introduce course overview PowerPoint
• Student/Faculty interaction
• Gospel reading
• Introduction to fundamental Schoolbook 1.5
Week 2 /
tools of space planning, MS Teams
design and analysis PowerPoint
Module 2 • Research Topic
CLO1 • Gospel reading
TLO1 Week 3 • Color basics, identification
TLO2 MS Teams / 4.5
system and schemes
• Minor Plate
• Gospel reading Schoolbook
Week 4
• Colour illusions and MS Teams
/ 1.5
advanced scheme principle PowerPoint


• Gospel Reading
• Minor plate 102 Schoolbook /
Week 5
• Natural and artificial lighting MS Teams 4.5
system PowerPoint
• Student/Faculty interaction
• Gospel reading
Module 3 Schoolbook
Week 6 • Materials for interior
CLO2 MS Teams
• Submission of Minor Plate / 1.5
TLO3 PowerPoint
• Gospel reading
Week 7 • Materials for interior / 1.5
MS Teams
• Submission of Minor Plate
• Gospel reading
Week 8 MS Teams
• Midterm week PowerPoint /
TOTAL 6.0 12.0 6.0 27.0

Learning Outcomes for Final Period:

Course Learning Outcomes Topic Learning Outcomes
TLO5. Students can comprehend and interpret different
CLO3. Integrate an attitude in principles, systems and materials to create an interior
interpreting, judging and evaluating space with in-depth analysis.
interior designs and programming
TLO6. Integrate natural lightings, indicative utility
location and consider materials for interiors.

TLO7. A recognition of professional, social and ethical


CLO4. Demonstrate patriotism through

integration of Philippine architecture in - Students can evaluate and reflect Philippine
actual interior designing and architecture in an interior space given the
programming activities. parameters and inspired by the works of renown
Filipino architects.

CLO5. Demonstrate ability to design

simple furnitures using recycled materials
but workable, durable, and functional.
Incorporate the underlying principles of TLO8. Application of research methods to address
the ecology of the Theory of Architecture Interior design problems that will alleviate the life of not
and its prime movers within the milieu of just common people but the indigents as well.
the basic desires of man and the trinity of
architecture in the process of explicating
theoretical propositions.
Module No
and Teaching-Learning
Learning Activities /Assessment

Outcomes Strategy



Date y Enabler
Online Module Activities
• Gospel reading
• Research Topic Schoolbook
Week 9 /
• Furniture, furnishings MS Teams 1.5
and other materials as PowerPoint
Module 4
• Gospel reading
• Submission of Research
TLO5 Schoolbook
Week • Continuation of furniture, MS Teams / 1.5
10 furnishing and other PowerPoint
materialsas interior
Week 11 • Gospel reading Schoolbook
• Project simulation MS Teams 1.5
• Student/Faculty Interaction PowerPoint
Dec 6-
Week • Gospel reading /
MS Teams 1.5
12 • Discussion of Major Plate
Week • Gospel reading
Module 5 MS Teams / 1.5
13 • Continuation of Major Plate
CLO4 PowerPoint
TLO3 • Gospel reading
TLO5 Week • Preparation for a
MS Teams / 1.5
14 clientpresentation
• Continuation of Major Plate
• Gospel reading Schoolbook
Week /
• Presentation of Final MS Teams 4.5
Output(Airside) PowerPoint
TOTAL 0 0 4.5 18.0

Enabling Assessment (Research, Minor Plate, Quiz) - 40%
Class Participation/Attendance _ 15%
Summative Assessment (Major Plate) - 45%
Total 100%
Enabling Assessment (Research, Minor Plate, Quiz) - 40%
Class Participation/Attendance _ 15%
Summative Assessment (Major Plate) - 45%
Total 100%

Overall Final Grade = Midterm + Final



1. Office365 Activation. Please ensure that your Office365 account is working. Your Office365 account is
needed to access both Schoolbook and MS Teams where your asynchronous and synchronous classes will be
2. Enrollment in an E-Class. You will automatically be enrolled in your e-class which is based on your
enrollment data.
3. Enriched Virtual Blended Learning Model. This course adopts the enriched virtual blended model. This
means that there will be a mix of face-to-face, synchronous, and asynchronous activities. Majority of
teaching-learning activity and assessments are undertaken online. The total number of onsite classes shall be
30% of the number hours allotted for the whole semester.

4. Online Asynchronous Sessions.

a. Schoolbook (SB). Schoolbook shall be the only platform for asynchronous sessions.
b. Modules. Modules are self-paced learning resources for asynchronous sessions. These can be
accessed in Schoolbook.
c. References. Each page section may contain uploaded references. These learning resources
may be downloaded.
d. Asynchronous Activities. You are expected to read the modules as soon as they are uploaded.
The learning content of the modules complement the online synchronous and face-to-face
e. Asynchronous Engagement. Your activities in the course can be tracked by your professor.
This includes the time you spend in reading the lessons and answering the assessments.
f. Schoolbook Forum. All general concerns about the lessons and assessments in asynchronous
sessions must be posted in the Schoolbook Forum. Response shall be made by your teacher
within 48 hours.
g. Schoolbook Messaging. This shall be the mode of communication for private and/or
confidential communications. Response shall be made by your teacher within 48 hours upon
receipt of the same unless it falls on weekends or holidays, which shall be handled promptly
the following working day.
5. Online Synchronous Sessions
a) MS Teams. MS Teams shall be the only platform for all online synchronous sessions.
b) Gospel Reading and Prayer. Each online synchronous session shall start with a Gospel reading and
prayer. Your teacher may assign you, in advance, to do this.
c) Synchronous Meeting Schedule. The meeting schedule shall follow the time indicated in your
official registration. The dates of synchronous meetings are identified in the learning plan. A
scheduled synchronous class shall push through regardless of the number of attendees.
d) Non-use of Official DLSU-D Office 365 account. All students are required to join the MS Teams
session using their official Office 365 account. Guest accounts will not be allowed to join the
e) Excuse from online synchronous classes. Students may be excused due to valid reasons such as
disruptions of internet connections, serious illness, death in the family, and any other reasons
analogous to the foregoing. Students will only be excused upon submission of proof of excuse before
the next synchronous OR face-to-face meeting.
f) Attendance. Attendance at online synchronous meetings is required. Students shall be excused from
attending synchronous classes if he/she has face-to-face classes on the same day.
g) Tardiness. A student who came 1 minute to 15 minutes after the start of the synchronous meeting is
considered late. Three tardy attendance is equivalent to one absence.
h) Absence. A student is considered absent if the log-in time is beyond the class’s first fifteen minutes.
40% absence in the entire semester means a 0.0 grade in this course. The duration of students’
attendance in the meeting can be verified through the Insights feature of MS Teams.
i) Review-Feedback-Preview. Synchronous sessions shall utilize the Review-Feedback-Preview
Model. Synchronous sessions are spent for discussion of difficult topics in the uploaded modules, a
review of important concepts in the previous modules, feedback of students on the concepts learned,
feedback of the teachers on the activities submitted by the students, and a preview of the succeeding
modules/topics to be uploaded.
j) Turning on of camera. Turning on of camera is required during synchronous meetings, specifically
at the start, end, and during interactions between students and teacher.
k) Attire. Students should wear attire as prescribed by the Student Manual.
l) Recording of synchronous meetings. Upon agreement among the students, all synchronous classes
shall be recorded by the teacher. Only the teacher shall record MS Teams meetings. Students may
access the recording at the MS Teams.
m) Office 365 Photo. Modify the settings of your Office365 account and upload your photo so that
during MS Teams meeting, even if your camera is turned off, your teacher can recognize you.
n) Microphone use. Microphone must be muted and only unmuted when permitted by the teacher

6. Onsite / Face-to-face (F2F) Sessions.

a. Face-to-face engagement. Your engagement in face-to-face classes is graded based on your
class participation.
b. Classroom. F2F classes shall be held at the classroom indicated in your Certificate of
Registration. Should there be changes in the classroom venue, information will be given in
c. Gospel Reading and Prayer. Each F2F session shall start with a Gospel reading and prayer.
Your teacher may assign you, in advance, to do this.
d. F2F Meeting Schedule. The meeting schedule shall follow the time indicated in your
official registration. The dates of F2F meetings are identified in the learning plan.
e. Attendance. Attendance in F2F meetings is required.
f. Tardiness. A student who came 1 minute to 15 minutes after the start of the face-to-face
meeting is considered late. Three tardy attendance is equivalent to 1 absence.
g. Absence. A student is considered absent 15 minutes after the official class schedule.
h. Excuse from F2F classes. Students are excused in the F2F classes based on the provisions in
the latest version of the Student Handbook.
i. Uniform. Wearing of uniform is optional. Civilian attire should follow the policy on dress
code as stipulated in the latest version of the Student Handbook.

7. Assessment and Grading System.

a. Formative assessments. These are ungraded assessments. These may be considered as practice
assessments that leads towards achieving outcomes without fear of receiving a failing grade.
b. Enabling assessments. These will comprise most of your graded assessments. These are designed to
achieve topic learning outcomes, that leads towards achieving the course learning outcomes. Only
one enabling assessment shall be allowed during the week. Please pay attention to the duration and
number of attempts. As a general rule, quiz-type enabling assessments shall be open for only a
minimum of 24 hours, while output-based enabling assessments shall be open for at least 6 days.
c. No. of Attempts. All enabling assessments, whether given onsite or online, shall have a maximum of
3 attempts only. Summative assessments shall be given a maximum of 2 attempts.
d. Summative assessments.
i. There shall be two summative assessments (midterm and final exams) for the entire semester.
These are designed to
achieve the course learning outcomes.
ii. Online summative assessments shall be uploaded on SB and shall be accessible for a minimum of
1 day for quiz type and
a minimum of 6 days for output-based assessments.
iii. Summative assessment maybe given through online or face-to-face.
iv. Output-based summative assessment shall be given to students at least fifteen days prior to
scheduled Summative Exam
e. Lifeline. Only students with (1) valid reason as stated in the Student Handbook and IRR, and (2)
given their proof of excuse on or
before the next synchronous/F2F session, shall be given a lifeline on the enabling and summative
f. Rubric. All online non-quiz or non-discrete types of assessment (essay, drop box, output-based, etc.)
shall have a rubric or criteria for rating the students’ tasks. A student may refuse to answer these
types of assessment in the absence of a rubric or criteria for grading, and the assessment shall be
deemed invalid and shall not be part of the student’s grades.
g. Grading. All online assessments should be checked and graded by the teacher before the submission
of midterm and final grades.
h. Grading system. The following shall be the basis for the computation of grades per term for fully
online and enriched virtual blended classes (see table above):
i. Enabling Assessments: 40%
ii. Class Participation: 30%
iii. Summative Assessments: 30%
i. Gradebook. Students can see the breakdown of grades in their Assessment tab.

8. Self-Care.
a. Schedule. There are two schedules of Self-Care week during the First Semester SY2022-2023. The
first is on Sept. 26 to Oct. 1, and the second is on Nov. 28 to Dec. 3. During these weeks, there shall
be no synchronous meetings, F2F classes, new modules, new assessments, and deadlines.
b. Prerogative. Students may avail of the self-care program, whether online or onsite, provided by the
different units of the University.
9. Data Privacy.
a. On camera. Your teacher may require you to engage in synchronous session by turning on your
camera. These type of engagement activities include, but not limited to the following: chat
participation, participating by audio/voice, participation in poll and games, clicking links, and other
online engagement activities.
b. Recording of synchronous session. Your teacher shall inform you, at the start of the meeting, that
the synchronous meeting is being recorded.
c. Access to the MS Teams recording. Only students who are officially enrolled shall be part of the
MS Teams and have access to all the resources including the recording. Students are not allowed to
record the meetings. Students are not allowed to download the recordings. Screen recording is not
d. Guests. Inviting people, that are not part of the class, in synchronous meetings is strictly prohibited,
unless approved by the subject teacher.

e. Posing as another person during a synchronous activity is strictly prohibited.

10. Copyright and Plagiarism.

a. Using of any illegally obtained software and other technology tool is strictly prohibited.
b. Students are encouraged to use their original photos, videos, and other resources. Otherwise,
students can use royalty-free resources or embed the sources in their submissions to avoid
copyright infringement and/or plagiarism.
c. Giving of password to Schoolbook and Office 365 is strictly prohibited. Likewise, accessing
Schoolbook and Office 365 account other than the students’ personal account is also strictly
prohibited. Violating students will be reported to the Student Welfare and Formation Office
d. This subject shall abide by the policies pertaining to intellectual property, copyright, and
plagiarism as stipulated in latest edition of the Student Handbook.
e. Any plagiarized work, whether in part or full, shall mean a grade of 0.0 for the assessment.

11. This course shall abide by any institutional policies that may be released after the approval of this syllabus.
Any such policy shall be posted within the e-class at the forums section, news feed. It will also be briefly
discussed during the soonest synchronous meeting.

Call number or e-provider Reference Material

G 155.A1 .C168 2019 Cantillon, Zelmarie, (2019) Resort spatiality : reimagining
sites of mass tourismRoutledge
NA 2000 .L218 2019 Lamunière, Inès(2019) Teaching architecture: a
dialogueBirkhäuser Verlag
NA 1995 .F531 2019 Fisher, Thomas(2019) The architecture of ethics
https://www.scribd.com/book/300150285/Best- Foreman, Richard (2016) Best Interior Design Ideas : 50+
Interior-Design-Ideas-50-Secret-Tips-to- Secret Tips to Home Decorating on a Budget:
Home-Decorating-on-a-Budget justhappyforever.com

https://www.scribd.com/book/498157746/Rock Rockett, Jane (2017) Rockett St George: Extraordinary

ett-St-George-Extraordinary-Interiors Interiors

https://www.scribd.com/book/496049875/Gree Porter, Lori Dennis and Courtney(2021) Green Interior

n-Interior-Design-The-Guide-to-Sustainable- Design: The Guide to Sustainable High Style
High-Style Allworth
https://www.scribd.com/book/289159744/Beco Dean, Michael (2015) Become An Exceptional Designer:
me-An-Exceptional-Designer-Effective- Effective Colour Selection For You And Your ClientMichael
Colour-Selection-For-You-And-Your-Client Dean

Prepared by:
Syllabi Committee
Architecture Department

Endorsed by: Approved by :

Ar. Joselito B. Cillo Ma. Estrella Natalie B. Pineda, MSManE,

Chair, Architecture Department Dean, CEAT

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