Sulman - Pop Cycle Form
Sulman - Pop Cycle Form
Sulman - Pop Cycle Form
4.NBT.5 Multiply a whole Students will be able to Unit 4: Multiply by 1 digit Multiplying Two Digit and One Digit
number of up to four digits by multiply two-digit numbers numbers. Numbers
a one-digit whole number, and
by one-digit numbers using
multiply two two-digit
numbers, using strategies the standard multiplication
based on place value and the algorithm, demonstrating
properties of operations. both fluency and
Illustrate and explain the understanding of the
calculation by using
equations, rectangular arrays, process.
and/or area models.
CSTP Element(s) Focus for POP Cycle (In semesters 2, 3, 4, copy pertinent elements from ILP for POP Cycle focus.)
NT pedagogical skills Skills are developing Skills are applied as Skills are refined as NT Skills are polished as
are newly formed and as NT investigates NT makes combines elements NT expands ability to
just coming into and examines increased relevant into a cohesive and add new methods and
prominence pedagogical and suitable use unified pedagogical strategies into
practices of pedagogical repertoire pedagogical repertoire
CSTP Initial Rating Rating Description (Identify both teacher and student rating for
Element CSTP 1 and 2.)
T&S – T - Asks questions that focus on factual knowledge and
1.5 Promoting critical thinking through
Emergin comprehension.
inquiry, problem solving, and g S - Some students respond to questions regarding facts and
reflection comprehension.
Focus Students Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student Focus Student 3: Your Choice
Summarize critical w/ILP/504
needs and how you
will address them The use of visuals will help this I will give the student the Allowing the student to pick the
during this lesson. particular learner understand the problems for the Blooket ahead Blooket mode and give him
process of multiplication as I of time to allow her to use her challenge problems will give him
describe it with academic own whiteboard and slow down if a sense of autonomy and
language. needed, due to her 504 challenge in the lesson.
accommodations and needs.
Inquiry Focus/Special Will incorporating technology websites such Great start of questions and thinking about the
Emphasis as Mathigon allow my students to better needs of your students. Have they used
What is your inquiry focus Mathigon before? Will learning a new program
visually see the correct process of
and/or special emphasis? skew the results of their understanding if they
multiplying two-digit by one-digit numbers? are learning a new program and a new
How will you incorporate the
inquiry focus and/or special concept at the same time?
emphasis into the lesson?
What specific feedback do you (Additional Questions:
want from your ME? Will using a website such as Blooket allow my
students to be assessed in a manner that allows
them to do so more confidently?
Will beginning the lesson with an open-ended,
inquiry-based number talk question help my
students in their understanding of this math
Inquiry Focus/Students N/A I will watch the general class and provide
What specific feedback feedback as a whole.
regarding your focus students
do you want from your ME?
Specific Feedback How can I better move through my lesson in an Do you plan your lessons and have bullet points
What additional specific efficient way so that I can grow in my time as you go to help you track?
feedback do you want from management skills?
your ME regarding lesson
Instructional Planning - Pre-assessment- 2 quick question as a Looks like a great theory based progression of
How is the lesson warmup (prior to lesson) understanding a new concept. Is the number
structured (opening, body, - Welcome Students talk going to be a number that will be used
and closing)?
- Morning Meeting during the practice problems of the lesson?
What varied teaching
- Number Talk Warm Up
strategies and differentiated
instruction will help students - Directed and Guided Instruction in
meet lesson goals? What Mathigon Are all students able to easily access blooket?
progress monitoring strategies - Exit Ticket in Blooket
will be used? How will results - Results will show me how much
inform instruction? more I should review this skill in
the future and if particular
students need extra support.
Classroom Management I will utilize tools and previously Are there any tools within you are
How will you maintain a established routines throughout the lesson.
using such as from the collaborate tab? Will
positive learning students be logging in through Clever or pushing
environment with a For my closure, I will have a prepared Blooket as the link out?
welcoming climate of an exit ticket.
caring, respect, and How will you handle students who cannot get
into the link or glitches?
How will you close your
How will you assess
student learning and
prepare them for the next
POP Cycle, Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 1 of 3
Part 3A: ME Observation of Lesson Delivery Part 3B: NT Reflection on
Lesson Delivery
Teacher Actions Student Actions
Muting all students to allow for students Students were engaged and wanting The use of anchor charts, and helpful
to learn to give all other students space to answer. When listening to other phrases such as “Many Zoos Many
to answer and think. students answer, it encouraged others Animals” for 2 digit by 2 digit
What to answer and try a new and different multiplication can be a helpful tool in the
information way of answering the number talk. future in aiding in my students’ memory
can you of the proper computational steps.
provide the
Having all students mute and During my lesson, I forgot to send out
CSTP 1: Raising their hands and entering
allowing students who do not the link for
Engaging All their answers in their chat. Students ended up having to just view
normally get to talk, to answer.
Students my screen. On one hand this helped
Students jumping into the
In what ways them to stay on task with me, but on the
Muting all students upon entering number talks.
were students other, the level of engagement could be
engaged? How to establish this routine.
Students are all willing to get off higher by allowing them to try the
were their mics and explain their strategies themselves on their own
students not Asking questions first, and having whiteboard, rather than just watch me.
engaged? students process the information
before sharing out. Students were answering on
How did
students whiteboards.
contribute to Questions about the process to
Students sharing how they might
their learning? get students thinking before they
solve the problem.
How did are solving.
teacher and/or
students Calling on students who have not
monitor spoken yet, and using a lot of first
learning? names to engage students.
How were the
focus Asking for “different” ways
students engaged encourages students to not
and repeat others' answers.
throughout the
Calling on students who have not Students are raising hands to not just I would also like to utilize that chat more
CSTP 2: answered. speak out. in the future, so that way students that
Effective are shy and are not wanting to get onto
Learning Making sure that who is called on is Students were referencing each other the mic, can still have the ability to
Environment answering, and no one is getting cut off. in their answers showing they were share their response in a format that
How did listening to each other. feels like it is less social pressure for
students and Highlighted to be fair to who was called them.
teacher on.
contribute to an
Teacher scaffolded the lesson to lead Students are entering their answers in I do think that my students need more
into the skill of 2 x 1 multiplication. the chat while solving on their own practice on this skill as shown in their
whiteboards or chosen medium. Blooket results. Moving forward these
Subject Matter Teacher highlighted the previously skills will be practiced during warm ups
What actions learned skill of 1 x 1 multiplication to Students are raising hands to explain and spiral review.
of the NT support the 2 x 1 problems being their thinking and how they chose to
contributed to presented. solve the problem.
assimilation of Teacher asked students to show Students identified the mistakes they
subject multiple ways of solving the problem made, and why it was made and how
matter? before showing how she would solve to correct it.
How did the problem.
construct Teacher visibly showed the direction
knowledge of with drawing tools on how we multiply
subject and the steps.
ons did
have and
were they
addressed by
the teacher?
Students were given a multiplication Students are using the tools as For skills such as these, I want to make
chart next to the problems so they can needed. more available a visual or anchor chart
reference without being singled out. that students can refer to when
Experiences Students participated writing at home, practicing. This way, they can ensure
How were Students were given individual links for and answering in the chat pod. that they are practicing the steps
students Blooket so they are learning and doing Students are also raising their hands correctly.
supported their own problems. and answering on the mic.
differentiated Students cannot see others
instruction? achievements therefore they can focus
How did individually and work at their own pace.
participate? Teacher encouraged students to work
How did the and practice.
NT contribute
to student
Teacher had multiple spots to check for Students using blooket to solve I have been and will continue to use
understanding from the students. problems. Blooket. This platform helps to engage
Assessing my students and get them excited about
Student Teacher asks for not only the answer, Students are solving problems on their practicing something even if it is hard for
Learning but the process for the answer. own but using the mic to ask them. However, it is important to realize
How did questions. that this is not a good website to use
students Showed students the data at the end, when formally assessing my students.
demonstrate and showed them what it means, giving Students are reflecting on the data and
achievement students ownership of the data. how they did. Students seem to want
of lesson to improve based off the lesson.
objectives? Explained to students how we will
In what continue to work on this skill and Students were able to see how they
ways did improve. Highlighted that improvement personally did, and how they did in
students takes time and practice. comparison to the class.
struggle or
What teacher
contributed to
POP Cycle, Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 2 of 3
The class report on the Blooket, showed that my class as a whole got 89% of the problems correct.
To what degree
did students
achieve lesson
To what degree did Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student Focus Student 3: Your Choice
focus w/ILP/504
students achieve
Z got 89% of the problems correct. Sa got 85% of the problems correct. Su got 92% of the problems correct.
I would make sure to include visuals and/or an anchor chart for students to refer to as they practice this skills for the
What would you do
first time.
differently next
1. Students followed routine and expectations well.
What were the
2. Students were engaged with the assessment at the end of the lesson.
three top Lesson
3. Students were able to properly participate in a verbal discussion on the skill topic.
1. I would like to utilize visuals and helpful phrases more when teaching on this skill in the future.
What were three
2. I need to make sure that I give more opportunities for my students to participate that are more shy.
top areas for
3. I believe that this lesson, since being taught for the first time needs to be slowed down, more scaffolding
improvement? would be more appropriate in the future.
This skill will continue to be practiced during warmups and spiral reviews.
What are the next
Other Comments/Notes
All parts of this form should be transcribed (typed; not hand-written) into a single document
and submitted to course instructor. Information from this POP Cycle should be summarized on
the NT ILP as appropriate.
POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project,
2017. Page 3 of 3