Photocatalytic Degradation of H S in The Gas-Phase Using A Continuous Flow Reactor Coated With Tio - Based Acrylic Paint
Photocatalytic Degradation of H S in The Gas-Phase Using A Continuous Flow Reactor Coated With Tio - Based Acrylic Paint
Photocatalytic Degradation of H S in The Gas-Phase Using A Continuous Flow Reactor Coated With Tio - Based Acrylic Paint
To cite this article: Eduardo Borges Lied, Camilo Freddy Mendoza Morejon, Rodrigo Leonardo de
Oliveira Basso, Ana Paula Trevisan, Paulo Rodrigo Stival Bittencourt & Fábio Luiz Fronza (2018):
Photocatalytic degradation of H2S in the gas-phase using a continuous flow reactor coated with
TiO2-based acrylic paint, Environmental Technology, DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2018.1440010
DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2018.1440010
Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Federal University of
Technology – Paraná, Medianeira, Brazil; bPostgraduate Program of Chemical
Engineering, West Paraná State University, Toledo, Brazil; cCenter for Natural
Sciences, Federal University for Latin American Integration, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil;
Postgraduate Program of Agricultural Engineering, West Paraná State University,
Cascavel, Brazil; eDepartment of Chemistry, Federal University of Technology –
Paraná, Medianeira, Brazil
*E-mail: [email protected]; phone number: +55 (45) 98402 8181; postal adress:
Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Câmpus Medianeira, Av. Brasil, 4232.
CEP 85884-000 – Caixa Postal 271 – Medianeira, PR, Brasil
For the photocatalytic degradation of the hydrogen sulphide (H2S) in the gas-
phase it was developed a rectangular reactor, coated with acrylic paint supported
on fiber cement material. The surface formed by the paint coverage was
characterized structural and morphologically by scanning electron microscopy
with energy dispersive X-ray (SEM-EDX) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis.
The flow rate and the inlet concentration of H2S were evaluated as operational
performance parameters of the reactor. Removal efficiencies of up to 94% were
obtained at a flow rate of 2 L min-1 (residence time of 115 s) and inlet
concentration of 31 ppm of H2S. In addition, the H2S degradation kinetics was
modelled according to the Langmuir-Hinshelwood (L-H) model for the inlet
concentrations of 8 to 23 ppm of H2S. The results suggest that flow rate has a
more important influence on photocatalytic degradation than the inlet
concentration. It is assumed that H2S has been oxidized to SO42-, a condition that
led to a deactivation of the photocatalyst after 193 minutes of semi-continuous
The hydrogen sulphide (H2S) is a corrosive and toxic compound that has a
of approximately 0.5 ppb [1, 2]. H2S can be released as a by-product of various
processes, from animal recycling industries [3,4], to meat processing industries [5], oil
refining, production of cellulose and paper [6], waste treatment plants [7] and others.
[11,12] or the adsorption technologies [13-15]. Despite some favorable aspects, these
methods do not have long-term stability. Also, they are non destructive and require
In this regard, Yu et al. [17], Li et al. [18] and Kataoka et al. [2] point out that
the development of an efficient H2S removal technique is highly desired, becoming the
focus of interest in many studies. Furthermore, the growing public concern about
last years, it is possible to verify great interest in the oxidation processes, especially
through heterogeneous photocatalysis, due to its potential to degrade a wide range of
Poon [19] the main advantage of photocatalysis is the need only of photonic energy to
activate the chemical conversions, a characteristic that contrasts with the conventional
In this context, attention should be given to TiO2 because it is the most studied
semiconductor for photocatalytic applications and also because it is the oxide that
presents the best balance of efficiency, chemical stability, low toxicity and price. These
show expressive numbers, which reflects the technical feasibility of the use of this
sulphide (H2S) using heterogeneous photocatalysis [1, 17, 18, 24-27] in which it is seen
as a promising technique, once the authors of those studies have been able to achieve
dimethyldisulphide [22, 29, 30], n-octane, n-hexane and n-decane [23], acetaldehyde
In most of the studies carried out in photocatalysis the TiO2 is used in the form
of powdered particles. On the other hand, for many applications, the most suitable form
is a thin film strongly bonded to a substrate such as glass or ceramics [24, 33-35]. The
use of TiO2 for photocatalysis has a wide and diverse application, and this
semiconductor can be incorporated into formulations of other products, in order to make
properties [36, 38, 39]. There are several reports that show the application of paints with
photocatalytic properties for the treatment of gaseous pollutants, differing mainly with
respect to the type of paint used, and most used types are acrylic paint [38, 40, 41],
photocatalysts is ceramic or cement material, although the literature points out different
processes that can be used to connect the photocatalyst to the surface. However, as
already said, most photocatalytic applications for materials involve the mixing of TiO2
into concrete, mortars and ceramic materials [19, 41, 46-48]. As photocatalysis is a
phenomenon that happens on a surface, solutions such as coating (paints) are also
interesting because they can be applied on existing structures and at the same time,
H2S in the gas-phase using a rectangular reactor coated with white TiO2-based acrylic
paint supported on fiber cement (ceramic). The coating (photocatalyst) on the support
material was characterized in order to obtain information about the surface morphology,
TiO2 present in the photocatalyst. The performance of the reactor was evaluated respect
to the inlet concentration of H2S and the flow rate. In addition, the kinetics of the
Experimental part
Experimental apparatus
consists of the following parts: air compressor (1); flow regulator (2); flowmeter (3);
container with H2S generating solution (4); valve (5); photocatalytic reactor (6);
photocatalyst (Fotosan® + fiber cement) (7); transparent surface (8); UV lamp (9); UV
closed chamber (10); silicone hose (11); H2S monitoring system (12); analyser housing
entrance (13); analyser housing exit (14); Alphasense® electrochemical sensor, H2S-BE
model (15); computer (16); wifi communication (17); analyser housing (18).
Concentrations of H2S, in the inlet flow, may be variable and are obtained by
altering the pH of the sulphide solution or by the dilution achieved by varying the inlet
gas flow rate. Ultraviolet radiation is emitted by four mercury vapor lamps of 250 W
The concentrations of H2S at the inlet and outlet of the piston flow reactor were
(H2S-BE sensor) and the amount of H2S degraded from the gas-phase was evaluated by
Where [ ] and [ ] are the concentrations (ppm) of H2S at the inlet and outlet
The photocatalyst was obtained from commercial acrylic white paint supported
on a fragment of fiber cement material (Figure 2). The photocatalyst was used without
further pretreatment and all chemicals used were made from analytical grade reagents.
Figure 2. (a) Upper face with acrylic white paint (photocatalyst) supported on fiber
cement material and (b) bottom face without paint coating on a 5x magnification.
The photocatalyst was used to cover 0,0435 m2 of surface area (upper face) on
the support of fiber cement material, as shown in Figure 2 (a). The bottom face (Figure
Canela et al. [1]. The experiment for gas generation consists in the pH control of a
solution was prepared by the addition of 0,6 g of sodium sulphide and 1,44 g of sodium
conditions, when the airflow produced by the compressor passes through the
The study of the kinetics of the photocatalytic degradation reaction of H2S was
=− (2)
Where k is the reaction rate constant; K is the adsorption constant; C is the H2S
into the model, and the quality of its fit to the linearized model was analyzed (R2),
according to equation 3:
1 1 1 1
= + ∙ (3)
Where Ceq is the H2S concentration in the equilibrium. Thus, according to equation 3
The reaction rate per unit area can be defined as shown by the Equation 4:
[ ] [ ]
= (4)
Where r is the rate of reaction per unit area; Q is the gas flow rate; [ ] is the H2S
The X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis were performed using a X’Pert Pro MPD
diffractometer from Panalytical with X-ray tube with Cu target (wavelength (λ) = 1,54
Å), 40kV and 45mA. Angular 2θ range from 10° to 120° was used.
The identification of the crystalline phases was done by using the software X-
PertHighScore (Panalytical) and the identified phases were obtained in the Inorganic
Crystal Structure Database (ICSD). The crystallite size was calculated by the well
= (5)
Where D is the particle size, k is the particle form factor, λ is the wavelength of the
radiation to be used (1,54 Å), β is the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the peak,
In order to perform the analysis it was necessary a previous spraying the paint,
subjected to a drying process. After that, it was made the subsequent spraying in an
Molecular analysis of the surface of the photocatalyst was performed using the
the painted sample in a form of pellet to be analysed by FTIR. The pellet consists of a
mixture of a transparent matrix in which the sample is attached. The alkaline powder
used was potassium bromide (KBr). The analyses were conducted on an Infrared
according to ASTM E1252 standards. A small amount of the sample coating was
removed using a sharp blade and then macerated with KBr (optical accessory). The
mixture was pelletized on a hydraulic press at 7000 kg of load. The FTIR measurement
was carried out using the following conditions: acquisition range of 4000 to 400 cm-1; 4
scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Qualitative chemical analisys was made using an
energy dispersive X-ray (SEM-EDX). The equipment used for the chemical and
microscope Tescan, model VEGA 3, with X-ray dispersive energy detector Oxford.
In order to obtain better images at large magnifications. The sample was coated
Figures 3 (a) and (b) show the X-ray diffractograms and the infrared spectra,
Figure 3. Results of (a) X-ray diffraction and (b) infrared spectroscopy of the acrylic
paint sample.
Figure 3 (a) indicates that the pigment that composes the paint is related to the
crystallographic phase TiO2-rutile with a peak of greater intensity in 2θ = 27°, as also
interpreted by Nogueira [49]. No other crystalline TiO2 phase was identified. The
crystal structure of rutile consists in TiO6 octahedra bonded by the vertices (corner-
shared) in a tetragonal cell [50]. Peaks of lower intensity in 2θ = 36°, 41º, 54º and 69º
also refers to rutile phase. Also, Borges et al. [51] when analyzing a painted sample did
not identify the anatase crystalline phase, only the rutile phase which is more
photostable. Thus, the results of XRD confirm that commercial paints have their
Also, according to Figure 3 (a) the low intensity peaks are characteristic of
impurities present in the sample, which may be due to spurious phases detected by X-
ray fluorescence analysis in % of mass, just as like as Al2O3 (0,86), SiO2 (1,03), Cl
(Scherrer equation), with a density of 4,23 g cm-3. Allen et al. [36] calculated the
density and obtained the value of 4,0 g cm-3. In other studies, the TiO2-rutile particle
In Figure 3 (b) the FTIR spectra of the coating paint of the fiber cement material
fragment are shown. The values and intensities found in the infrared spectrum are
chemical composition of polyester resin. In fact, the main bands observed are, mainly
due to the resin, in 1730 cm-1 of the ester group (C=O), 1159 cm-1 (C–O), 698 cm-1 (C-
vibrational enlargement of the OH groups surface bound to the Ti atoms (≡Ti-OH) near
the 3600 cm-1 region. These results confirm the presence of hydroxyl ions in the
structure of the photocatalyst, and this fact is of great relevance considering that these
ions constitute oxidizing agents in the photocatalytic phenomena [56-58, 64, 78].
The gravimetric procedure for the impregnation of acrylic paint on the fiber
incorporation of the photocatalyst (paint) to the support (fiber cement) reached 1,61% in
and topography, as well as the elemental composition of the surface formed in the fiber
cement material. Electron micrographs and EDX spectra are shown in Figures 4 and 5,
Figure 4. Micrograph of the surface of the fiber cement material without the
impregnation of acrylic paint with magnification of (a) 20x and (c) 1650x and
micrograph of the same surface impregnated with acrylic paint using magnification of
(b) 20x and (d) 1650x.
Observation of the microstructure by SEM (Figure 4) shows that the surface has
a large amount of pore sizes (Figure 4 (c)) in the range of 20-800 µM. The acrylic paint
was able to form a film and partially cover the cavities and pores (Figure 4 (d)) in the
Generally, in the paints the resin surrounding the pigment particles deforms
during the film forming process, however in some cases the resin cannot deform
particles that was observed by Tryba et al. [59] while also using acrylic paint. The
emergence of pigment particles is a favorable factor for the use of the photocatalytic
Marolt et al. [38] points out that the development of photocatalytic paints raises at least
two fundamental questions that need to be addressed: (a) Are TiO2 nanoparticles
photocatalytic activity? (b) Will the integrated TiO2 nanoparticles destroy the polymeric
possible that the deformation of the previously mentioned film increases the degradation
the authors, the TiO2 particles are covered with binder (resin), and after irradiation the
TiO2 nanoparticles on the surface are exposed and the photocatalytic activity of the
Based on this, Marolt et al. [38] clarifies that there is a more efficient and
involves merely changing the content of the organic binders (resin), since the intention
would be to make the initial content of the binder insignificant in the activation of the
photocatalytic process.
In this regard, it should be noted that acrylic paint used to forming the
photocatalytic film shown in Figures 4 (b) and (d) were diluted in water in a ratio of 10:
TiO2 content in the paint is high, approximately 48% of TiO2, which gives it the visual
appearance of matte paint, a feature which explains why matte paints have a high
18% [42, 45, 52] and 10% [40]. Thus, when the TiO2 concentration in the paint
formulation is high (40 to 50%), the resin fraction becomes insufficient to completely
fill the voids between the TiO2 particles, so the film becomes weaker and porous. Sousa
et al. [52] also reported that the paint used in their study showed a concentration of
pigment volume above the critical value, so the surface became very porous, since high
content of pigment proportionally means low resin content, and as the resin is
responsible for the permeability of the paint, the higher the pigment content the more
porous the film, which according to Ângelo et al. [43] makes the access of the
photocatalyst to the pollutant easier. On contrary, the lower the pigment content, less
The influence of PVC was also investigated by Tryba et al. [59], where the
authors concluded that non-photocatalytic organic paints had a much lower amount of
paints had a rather high amount of carbon, which in this case would be the composition
Figure 5 (a) shows the EDX spectrum of the surface of the fiber cement
supporter without the paint coating, while Figure 5 (b) shows the spectrum of the same
surface with the paint coating. As expected, Ti is present in the sample with paint. The
detection of Al and Si in greater intensity in Figure 5 (b) only reveals the use of these
Figure 5. EDS spectra of the surface of the fiber cement material (a) without and (b)
with the impregnation of acrylic paint.
The TiO2 (pigment) present in the ink formulation of this work was probably
produced from the sulphonation process [34, 36] as it identifies the sulfur peak (S) in
the spectrum of Figure 5 (B). This process has the intermediary TiOSO4, so the
presence of S can be the result of traces of the sulphate ion on the TiO2 surface. These
traces of sulfur may eventually reduce the photocatalytic properties of TiO2, however
this assumption can only be confirmed by tests of photocatalytic activity, although the
studies by Noda et al. [60] and Noda et al. [61] showed that photocatalytic activity
remains significant.
performed by Tryba et al. [59] revealed the presence of Ca, Mg, C, O, Ti, Si, K, Al and
trace of S.
acrylic paint + fiber cement, made by the EDX technique, where the elements are
The mapping of elements by EDX image aims mainly to show the distribution of
titanium (Ti) and calcium (Ca). It is possible to identify from the images that the
titanium presented higher concentration in the cavity regions of the surface of the fiber
cement (Figures 6 (b) and (c)), so it is inferred that the formation of the paint film was
affected by the morphology of the support, because in cavity regions the presence of Ti
although these regions show concentrations of Ti, but in smaller proportions, which
The results of the photolysis test, the experiment with absence of UV radiation
(in the dark) and the photocatalytic activity assay are presented in Figures 7 (a), (b) and
(c), respectively. The objective was to evaluate the possible existence of H2S
degradation phenomenon only with the presence of UV radiation and the influence of
phenomena that may occur in the absence of UV radiation as well as the characteristic
Figure 7. Experiments carried out to verify the effects of (a) photolysis for UV
radiation; (b) absence of UV radiation; and (c) photocatalytic activity (Q = 5 L min-1).
Figure 7 (a) shows that direct irradiation test did not lead to the reduction of the
[ ]
H2S concentration values ( [ ] = 1), and the small variations over
time are attributed to a small instability of the H2S generating solution itself and the air
In other works [1, 24, 62] the authors also report that photolysis has negligible
or even non-existent effect, since they suggest and prove in their studies that H2S has
low UV absorption. Barnes et al. [63] pointed that absorption by H2S occurs in the
region between 190 and 270 nm. The incident radiation supplied by the ultraviolet lamp
used in the present work, has its emission spectrum between 290 and 400 nm, according
Before carrying out the photocatalytic activity assays, one must be sure that the
step related to the study of the phenomenon is the exclusive chemical reaction of
photocatalysis and not the adhesion of H2S mass to the catalytic surface. Therefore, it is
From this purpose, possible evidence of the effect of adsorption was investigated
using low flow rates. The results expressed in Figure 7 (b) suggest that in the tested
effect of lowering H2S concentration was found as a function of time. This was
surface in the absence of radiation. Thus, the photocatalytic activity assays started
without the need to perform any procedure related to the establishment of H2S
adsorption equilibrium.
with time after the beginning of "UV on" irradiation, and soon the H2S concentrations
are restored during "UV off". This behavior suggests the significant occurrence of H2S
excitation, so the pair e-/h+ can react with compounds in contact with the surface of the
photocatalyst and initiate oxidation or reduction reactions [50, 58, 64, 66]. Canela et al.
[1] and Kato et al. [16] proposed the complete oxidation of H2S to sulphate through the
following mechanism:
+ ℎ (6)
ℎ + → + (7)
ℎ + → (8)
+2 +2 → (9)
+8 → +2 +4 (10)
+4 → +2 +4 (11)
problem, since it accumulates on the surface of the catalyst, covering the active sites
and leading to a progressive deactivation of the catalyst, aspects that will be discussed
In Figure 8 it is shown the L-H model adjustment for H2S degradation using the
With regard to the L-H model, a good adjustment (R2 ≈ 0.94) of the
experimental results was obtained, with values of 7,7 ppm min-1 and 0,03 ppm-1 for k
and K, respectively. This indicates that L-H expression can be used to describe the rate
of photocatalytic degradation of H2S. The literature reports several papers that use the
L-H model as the main assumption to describe the mechanisms involved in the
of an apparent rate constant and the Langmuir adsorption term, and therefore the mass
transfer phenomenon does not give any control to the general photodegradation kinetics
The volumetric flow rate was investigated in the range of 2 to 14 L min-1, while
photocatalyst dose and UV radiation were kept constant. H2S removal efficiencies were
calculated using Equation 1 and the reaction rates determined by Equation 4. The results
Figure 9. (a) Conversion of H2S as a function of the inlet flow rate to the reactor; (b)
reaction rate per unit area as a function of the inlet flow.
Figures 9 (a) and (b) show the results of photocatalytic oxidation using different
flow rates, where is evident that lower flow rate results in higher conversion. The
maximum removal efficiency of 94% was obtained with the flow rate of 2 L min-1
and 55 s. The results of Figure 9 (a) indicate that, increasing the flow rate to 5 L min-1,
the conversion can be greater than 85%. This means that mass transfer limitations do
not affect very strongly under these conditions. However, from flow rates above 5 L
Some authors [22, 24, 25, 27, 41] have reported the same behavior and attributed
the reduced conversion to a problem of contact time of the contaminant with the
reaction surface, a condition that is verified in different ranges of flow rates, as is the
case of Guillard et al. [22] ~ 0,005 to 0,09 L min-1, Brancher et al. [24] 0,4 to 2,5 L min-
, Martinez et al. [41] 1 to 5 L min-1, Alonso-Tellez et al. [27] 0,1 to 0,98 L min-1, Kako
et al. [25] 0,096 to 1,25 L min-1, Jo [68] 1 to 4 L min-1 and Yu & Brouwers [69] 1 to 5 L
min-1. In summary, these authors conclude that lower flow rates result in greater
efficiencies in H2S conversion, a favorable condition due to the longer contact time.
Even under higher operating conditions, the residence time is reduced, so this time
would be insufficient for the contact between the gas stream and the photocatalyst,
It is possible to understand these results based on the literature [70, 71, 66].
These authors have reported that the effect of the flow rate on the photocatalytic
In a first situation, in low flow rate ranges, the increase of the flow contributes to
the increase of the efficiency of the process, because in theory, increasing the flow rate
would increase the rate of convective mass transfer [72]. This demonstrates that mass
transfer to the catalyst surface may limit the process. In this sense, the theoretical
numbers from 24 to 174, so that the flow in the reactor can be described as laminar (Re
<2100). This suggests that reaction rates may theoretically be dependent on mass
transfer, although the observed results point to a negative correlation between the H2S
degradation efficiency and the flow rate. This indicates that the reaction rate was
controlled by the kinetics, regardless of the the Reynolds number, conclusions also
reported with even smaller values of Reynolds number, such as: 2 to 19 [71], 29 to 59
[72], 21 to 105 [70].The hypothesis that mass transfer are not relevant to the process is
strengthened by the analyses of the fluid dynamics of the reactor obtained by computer
simulation (CFD) using the software Comsol Multiphysics 5.0. The results, is the speed
Figure 10. Example of internal velocity profile (m s-1) to the photocatalytic reactor in
different cutting planes: (a) three-dimensional view “xyz”, and (b) side view “zy” (vinlet
= 0,528 m s-1; Q = 5 L min-1).
From Figures 10 (a) and (b) it is evident that flow preferably takes place in the
lower and central portions of the reactor (occurrence of preferential flow). Therefore,
range of 152 to 928, which are above to the previously calculated values of
issue. So, the use of literature references on the subject has its relevance in the sense
that the statements and conclusions of the literature serve as parameters for the results
of this work.
In this sense, it is possible to demonstrate, based on other authors, that the mass
transfer phenomena did not produce effects on the reaction speed on the studied
conditions of this work. Zhang et al. [73] were able to demonstrate that reaction rate
constants were smaller than the mass transfer coefficients. For these results, speeds
were above 0,60 m s-1, so the authors concluded that mass transfer effects were not
important under those conditions. In addition, Obee & Brown [74] also reported that the
effects of mass transfer were not significant at speeds above 0,10 m s-1.
In a second hypothesis, in which the values of flow rates are intermediate, its
variation does not have considerable theoretical effect in the efficiency, which means
that the phenomenon is controlled by the kinetics of superficial reaction. However, the
results of Figures 9 (a) and (b) show that the behaviour is likely to more accurately
express a third hypothesis, which occurs at ranges that exhibit relatively high flow rates.
Therefore, the increased flow rate decreases the residence time for the transfer of
contaminants from the gas-phase to the surface of the catalyst, which implies in
decreasing efficiency.
ppm, while other operating conditions such as flow, relative humidity, temperature and
UV radiation were kept constant. The H2S degradation efficiencies were calculated
using Equation 1 and the reaction rates determined by Equation 8. The respective
Figure 11. (a) Conversion of H2S as a function of the i concentration variation on the
reactor; and (b) reaction rate per unit area as a function of affluent concentration.
Figures 11 (a) and (b) express the effect of the inlet concentration on the H2S
degradation rate using acrylic paint. The degradation rate (degradation efficiency) vs
This result is consistent with other authors [1, 18, 23], both for low and high
values of inlet concentration. Using TiO2 fixed on support of nickel material, Li et al.
[18] studied the influence of the inlet concentration on the H2S degradation in a range
from 53 to 408 ppb. The conversion values obtained for the studied range showed that
Concerning the fact that the conversion was little affected, other authors report
that the concentration did not affect the conversion, as is the case of Rochetto and
Tomaz [23], who studied the influence of the concentration on the n-octane degradation,
using values between 60 and 110 ppm in the incoming current, with a residence time of
24 s. The conversion values obtained for the studied range showed that the inlet
In another study Canela et al. [1] also showed no decrease in reaction rate with
increasing H2S concentration even at high concentrations. The authors evaluated the
oxidation rate for H2S as a function of the input concentration (30 to 855 ppm) and a
flow rate of 0,2 L min-1. The reaction was found to be of a first-order, such that
intervals in which the photocatalyst was used in the experiments without significant loss
of efficiency were quantified, for this it was considered that deactivation was reached in
a condition that efficiency was below 10%. Thus, it was possible to determine that
deactivation of the photocatalyst occurred after 193 min (3,21 hours) of semi-
continuous use.
reported in other works [1, 27] where the authors characterized the formation of
spectroscopy technique. In other similar works [16, 25] the authors were able to obtain
degradation tests.
In general, as already mentioned in the text, the literature proposes that the
mechanism for photocatalytic degradation is that H2S sulfur atom was mainly oxidized
( ) + [16].
The accumulation of SO42- on the surface of the photocatalyst indicates that this
factor is the reason to the deactivation of TiO2, constituting a problem inherent for the
explaining that the SO42- ion does not exist in the gaseous phase and presumably these
Yu et al. [17] reported that 66% of the sulfur atoms of the destroyed H2S were
recovered as sulphate. The authors did not identify peaks of elemental sulfur (S),
hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and sulfur dioxide (SO2). The characterization results used by
these authors suggest that the main product of the photocatalytic degradation of H2S is
Photolysis experiments showed that only UV radiation was not able to promote
of 2 L min-1, the velocity per unit of calculated surface area was 0,042 mol m-2.min-1,
while for 14 L min-1 the velocity reached a value of 0,017 mol m-2 min-1. The results
suggest that the flow has more influence on the degradation than the inlet concentration.
The kinetic study showed good adjustments for the L-H model, so it was
considered that these models adequately represent the kinetics of H2S photocatalytic
degradation. The constants of the L-H model were estimated in k = 7,7 ppm min-1 and K
= 0,03 ppm-1.
From the realization of the deactivation process it is assumed that the H2S was
oxidized to SO42-. As the literature suggests, the SO42- species accumulate gradually on
the surface during the photocatalytic reaction causing the photocatalyst to undergo a
deactivation process throughout its use, which in this work took place in 193 min.
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