Media Information Literacy Reviewer Introduction To M.I.L. The Influence of Media and Information To Communication

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Visual Arts
5. Physical Medium
INTRODUCTION TO M.I.L. 6. Digital or Interactive


- Encompasses various channels. COMMUNICATION
- Physical Objects that we are using to communicate.
Information Communication
- Data that has been organized, processed, presented in - Act of transferring information from one place to another.
meaningful context. - Latin word “working as one”.
- Knowledge Communication Process
- Data 1. Sender - Source of message.
Literacy 2. Message - Meaning produce by the sender for the receiver.
- Ability to read, write, and understand written and printed 3. Receiver - The one who receives the message.
Media Literacy
- Ability to evaluate media content in various form. Indigenous Media
- Understanding how media constructed. - Variety of media expression produced by indigenous people
Information Literacy with information appropriate with their culture.
- Ability to evaluate information effectively. Characteristics of Indigenous Media
Technology Literacy 1. Oral tradition of communication
- Ability to understand and use with various digital tools 2. Store Information in memories
effectively. 3. Information exchange in face to face
Media and Information Literacy 4. Information is contained within the borderline of the
- Ability to access, critically evaluate and effectively utilise community
media and information in various form. Forms of Indigenous Media
Communication Mediums 1. Folk or traditional media
1. Conversation 2. Gatherings and social organizations
2. Public Speaking 3. Direct Conversations
3. Documents, Letters, or Mails 4. Records 5. Oral Instructions
Libraries the manufacturing of various products (including books
- Is a place where artistics, literacy, musical, and reference through the printing press).
1. Printing Press
materials are kept for use and not for sale.
2. Telegraph
Types of libraries 3. Motion Picture
- Academic Library
- Public Library Electronic Age
- School Library - (1930s-1980s) - The invention of the transistor ushered in
the electronic age. People harnessed the power of
- Special Library transistors that led to the transistor radio, electronic circuits,
Internet and the early computers. In this age, long distance
- Global computer network providing a variety of information communication became more efficient.
and communication facilities. 1. Transistor Radio
Evaluation criteria that will help you to assess online 2. Large Electronic Computers
3. LCD projectors
resources : 4. Mainframe Computers
1. Currency
2. Relevance New Age or Information Age
3. Authority - (1900s-2000s) - The Internet paved the way for faster
communication and the creation of the social network.
4. Accuracy
People advanced the use of microelectronics with the
5. Purpose invention of personal computers, mobile devices, and
wearable technology. Moreover, voice, image, sound and
EVOLUTION OF MEDIA data are digitalized. We are now living in the information age
1. Laptop
2. Facebook
Pre-Industrial Age
3. Google Meet
- (Before 1700s) People discovered fire, developed paper Functions of Communication of Media
from plants, and forged weapons and tools with stone, 1. Monitoring Function - This is to inform the citizens on what
bronze, copper and iron. is happening around them.
1. Cave Paintings 2. Information Function - This is to educate the audience on
2. Clay Tablets the meaning and significance of the facts.
3. Papyrus 3. Opinion Function - This is to provide a platform for public
Industrial Age political discourse. It is to facilitate public opinion and
expression of dissent.
- (1700s-1930s) - People used the power of steam, 4. Watchdog Role of Journalism - It denounces the
developed machine tools, established iron production, and wrongdoing of the government and the private which leads
to increasing of accountability and spearheading positive Media Language
changes. - Are the codes, conventions, formats, symbols and
5. Channel for Advocacy of Political viewpoints narrative structure that indicate the meaning of media
messages to an audience.
- Are the information sent from the source to receiver.
Print Media
- Paper publication 3 Types of Media Codes :
Broadcast Media
- Traditional forms of media that include radio and television 1. Symbolic Codes
Online Media - Are social in nature. Such codes exist beyond
- Is a medium which use internet to send information the media product themselves but can be
interpreted in similar ways in the everyday life of
Content the viewer
- Is the idea that is delivered to the audiences, in a form of - Setting
images still and moving, audio, documents and files. - Mise En Scene
- Acting
- Color
Delivery mode of content in different types of media
2. Technical Codes
- Are all the ways in which equipment is used to tell a
1. Live streaming allows a creator to share creation and idea
story in a media text like camera techniques,
in real time.
framing, lighting, etc.
2. Webinars create a room for seminars, trainings, lectures,
- Camerawork
and discussion using online media.
- Lighting
3. Podcast is known as “new radio” merged from the word
- Audio
iPod and broadcast.
3. Written Codes
4. Infographics is a visual presentation of information and
- are the formal written language used in a media
product. These include language style and textual
5. E-books are electronic version of printed books.
layout like headlines, captions, speech bubbles, etc.

- pertains to the technical and symbolic ingredients or codes
and conventions that media and information professionals
may select and use in an effort to communicate ideas,
information and knowledge

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