3 Middle Ages
3 Middle Ages
3 Middle Ages
Why is it called the Middle Ages? Why are Middle Ages sometimes
called dark ages? Were dark ages really dark? Why is it the age of
Faith? So, join me as I discuss with you the events during the
middle ages and its contribution to science and technology.
Greek was the language of philosophy, encountered Greek philosophy for the first
and therefore of science, in the time, and a systematic effort to translate
Mediterranean world from the time of the Greek works received royal support and
Greek city states through the period of late encouragement. The wide variety and
antiquity. In the 7th century A.D., however, large number of Greek texts that were
a new world power emerged. The rise of translated proved to be of lasting
the Islamic Empire brought Muslim culture significance.
to North Africa, Spain, Persia and India.
During this period of expansion, Arabs
➡ identify the causes of, and developments during the Islamic Golden Age and its
contribution to science and technology.
➡ discuss the causes, main events and consequences of the Crusades, Great Famine,
Black Death and the Hundred Years of War.
➡ identify various technologies that were developed during the middle ages in Europe.
Lecture Notes
Early Middle Ages (500-1000). This era is Bulgars, Alani, Suebi and Franks because
often considered, to begin with the “fall of they hated the regime of Roman Empire.
Rome” and end sometime in the 11th
century. It encompasses the reigns of Epidemic diseases also strike in this period
Charlemagne who is known for being first like smallpox that began to affect the
Holy Roman Emperor. This era is Western Europe, caused by “variola virus”.
sometimes referred as Late Antiquity Bishop Gregory of Tours described the
because this is a time where the transition symptoms of smallpox. Plague of
from classical antiquity, ancient Greek (Era Justinian, a disease from black rats, struck
of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle), to Middle during the reign of King Justinian who
Ages in both mainland of Europe and the trying to rebuild his empire in the middle
Mediterranean world. It is also called as of 6th century. It was the first documented
Migration Period a movement of barbarian pandemic in history that originated from
people including Goths, Vandals, Huns, China and Northeast India.
Inside the
church, the
hierarchy was
according to
their rank. First is
the Pope, he is
Church Hierarchy. https://
the supreme
www.thegreatcoursesdaily.com/ leader
medieval-farming-technology- Heavy Plough. https://www.thegreatcoursesdaily.com/
transforms-europe/ medieval-farming-technology-transforms-europe/
The highest in hierarchy in the European variety of reasons. These included fighting
society are the Monarchs which are the pagans, the suppression of heresy and the
Kings and Queens, Dukes, and other royal resolution of conflict between Catholic
who is a member in the ruling class. This groups.
followed by the nobles and barons. They
are the members of counts, prince and What are the impacts of these crusades?
princesses or also known as the aristocrats. Some of the impacts of the crusades may
Next are the knights, the military forces in thus be summarized in general terms as
the middle ages. Their first priority and follows:
responsibility is to protect the nobles. Last
in the rank is peasant. They composed of • an increased presence of Christians
farmers, laborers, artisans, slave in which in the Levant during the Middle
they serve in their landlord’s land in Ages.
exchange for their protection in times of
wars and other benefits. • the development of military orders.
The Crusades. These were a series of • a polarization of the East and West
religious wars in western Asia and Europe based on religious differences.
initiated, supported and sometimes
directed by the Catholic Church between • the specific application of religious
11th and 17th century. The crusades goals to warfare in the Levant,
differed from other religious conflicts in Iberian peninsula, and Baltic region,
which participants considered them as a in particular.
penitential exercise that brought
absolution. Historians contest the
• the increased role and prestige of
definition of the term with some restricting
the popes and the Catholic Church
it to armed pilgrimages to Jerusalem. The
in secular affairs.
most well known crusades are those
fought against the Muslims of the eastern
• the souring of relations between the
Mediterranean for the Holy Land between
West and the Byzantine
1096 and 1271. Crusades were also fought
Empire leading, ultimately, to the
from the 12th century against the Iberian
latter’s destruction.
Moors, the Ottoman Empire and for a
For SLSU use only 26
is from the Russian Plains to the east, bite of infected fleas and rats. Many
Ireland to the the Alps to the south. One of people believed that the Black Death was
the reason of the famine is the climate in a kind of divine punishment and also they
Europe that was constantly changing. believed that the only way to overcome
Besides the weather issues, the way the plague was to win God’s forgiveness.
society was organized made it difficult to
handle the famine. In a feudal society the
nobility was responsible for the care of the
peasants (serfs) on their land; however,
some of the nobility did not manage their
land very well. Most of the nobility did not
properly care for the soil that made it hard
to grow food.
She claimed to have seen a vision from Middle Ages Catholic theology taught that
God. She led the French to a victory at unnecessary work was unworthy of the
Orleans in 1429. She led the French to dignity of man, and so great efforts were
several more victories before she was made to develop labor-savor machinery.
captured by the English and burned at the The monasteries were centers of
stake. The French were inspired by Joan of technological innovation.
Arc's leadership and sacrifice. They
According to many historians, the first
continued to fight back. They pushed the
important technological revolution took
English army out of France taking
place during these years. It was a
Bordeaux in 1453 signaling the end of the
revolution mainly because of two favors:
Hundred Years War.
(1) several technologies from Antiquity
that had been forgotten were used again
on a large scale and a series of new
inventions brought medieval technology
to a more advanced stage that of the
Romans, and (2) many of the tools and
machines developed during these times
remained practically unchanged until the
Industrial Revolution.
Hundred Years of War. https://www.history.com/
topics/middle-ages/hundred-years-war Despite the acquisition of many
techniques from the East, the Western
world of 500–1500 was forced to solve
The Technology Revolution
most of its problems on its own initiative.
The Middle Ages were one of the most In doing so it transformed an agrarian
outstandingly inventive periods in the society based upon a subsistence
whole of human history. It was then that economy into a dynamic society with
the foundations of modern sciences were increased productivity sustaining trade,
laid and the same time saw what had been industry, and town life on a steadily
justly called the first industrial revolution. growing scale. This was primarily a
Much of this process involved recovering technological achievement, and one of
the knowledge and achievements of the considerable magnitude.
ancient world. The history of medieval
Horseshoe, horse collar & stirrup. With no
technology is thus largely the story of the
large slave labour force to draw on,
preservation, recovery, and modification of
Europe experienced a labour shortage
earlier achievements. Both were made
that stimulated a search for alternative
possible by the beliefs on the material
sources of power and the introduction of
world and on the mutual responsibilities of
labour saving machinery. The first
men towards each other that are inherent
instrument of this power revolution was
in Catholic theology. In ancient civilization,
the horse. By the invention of the
there were plenty of slaves carry out
horseshoe, the padded, rigid horse collar,
laborious work, and so there was no
and the stirrup, all of which appeared in
incentive to build machines, but in the
the West in the centuries of the Dark Ages,
the horse was transformed from an Norse mill requires a good head of water
ancillary beast of burden useful only for to turn the wheel at an adequate grinding
light duties into a highly versatile source of speed without gearing for the upper
energy in peace and war. Once the horse millstone (the practice of rotating the
could be harnessed to the heavy plough upper stone above a stationary bed stone
by means of the horse collar, it became a became universal at an early date). Most of
more efficient draft animal than the ox, and the Domesday water mills were used for
the introduction of the stirrup made the grinding grain, but in the following
mounted warrior supreme in medieval centuries other important uses were
warfare and initiated complex social devised in fulling cloth (shrinking and
changes to sustain the great expense of felting woolen fabrics), sawing wood, and
the knight, his armour, and his steed, in a crushing vegetable seeds for oil. Overshot
society close to the subsistence line. wheels also were introduced where there
was sufficient head of water, and the
competence of the medieval millwrights
in building and earthworks and in
constructing increasingly elaborate trains
of gearing grew correspondingly.
found in areas that suffer from drought or possible this fusion, with the result that the
from a shortage of surface water and also molten metal could be poured directly
in low-lying areas where rivers offer little into molds ready to receive it. The
energy. Windmills have thus flourished in emergence of the blast furnace was the
places such as Spain or the downlands of result of attempts to increase the size of
England on the one hand, and in the the traditional blooms.
fenlands and polders of the Netherlands
on the other hand. The first type of
windmill to be widely adopted was
the post-mill, in which the whole body of
the mill pivots on a post and can be turned
to face the sails into the wind. By the 15th
century, however, many were adopting
the tower-mill type of construction, in
which the body of the mill remains
stationary with only the cap moving to turn
the sails into the wind. As with the water
mill, the development of the windmill
brought not only greater mechanical Blast Furnace. https://c8.alamy.com/comp/
power but also greater knowledge of D89H6G/blast-furnace-1-D89H6G.jpg
of what
onto a
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gx5OdXDALc https://www.famousinventors.org/
Muslim poet, astronomer, musician and
engineer Abbas Ibn Firnas is the Leonardo
In the 1800’s, photographic plates were
Da Vinci of the Islamic world. The 9th
added to the camera obscura to capture
Century inventor was 65 when he made his
images permanently. The result? The
famous attempt at controlled flight in a
camera. All modern cameras—and indeed
rudimentary hang-glider he built. He
the eye itself—use the same physical
launched himself off the side of a mountain
principles as the camera obscura.
and according to some accounts remained
airborne for several minutes before landing
Islamic scholar Badi al-Zaman Abu al-Izz
badly and hurting his back. This was
Ismail ibn al-Razzaz al-Jazari was born in
probably the world’s first parachute jump.
1136 in Diyarbakır in what is today central-
Ibn Firnas lived for another 12 years after
southern Turkey. He was a brilliant inventor,
this event. In these final years he reflected
who made a significant contribution in
on what went wrong on that faithful day
engineering in 1206 by devising the
and he reached the conclusion that his
world's first crankshaft - the most important
design did not include a mechanism to
single mechanical device after the wheel.
slow his descent. A bird uses its tail and
This conceptually simple device transforms
wings in unison to slow its speed and stall
continuous rotary motion into a linear
just above the ground before touching
reciprocating motion, but it is now used in
down. Ibn Firnas realized that he forgot to
a huge number of modern machines,
design a tail.
including automobiles.
The scholar Alhazen or Abu Ali al-Hasan
ibn al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham from Basra
was the first person to describe how the
eye works. He carried out experiments with
reflective materials and proved that light
enters the eye, rather than leaving it, as
Greek scientists had believed. In addition,
Alhazen identified the principles that
underpin photography when he built what
could amount to the first camera obscura
on record. This enclosure consisted of a
“dark room” into which light entered
through a pinhole-size aperture, projecting
Arabic Numerals. Arabic numbers, or more Hygiene. History lives in everything, and
precisely Hindu-Arabic numbers, were personal hygiene is no exception. When it
invented sometime in fifth century in India. comes to hygiene in the Arab and Middle
From India they spread westwards, Eastern culture, there is a long and rich
together with the spread of Islam, reaching history that is often forgotten. The Arab
the Mediterranean around the eighth hamman (public bathhouse)
century. is greatly believed to have inspired
Europeans to readopt the culture of
Europe picked up these numbers from the bathing during the twelfth and thirteenth
Arabic civilization, that is why we call them centuries. So, what did Arabs use to
‘Arabic’. But it took a long time before maintain personal hygiene in the past?
Europeans widely adopted Arabic numbers
in their practice due to difficult Toothbrush. Islam was the first global
relationships with Islam, and also to the low religion that promoted bodily hygiene. The
levels of literacy and numeracy in Europe at Prophet Mohammed popularized the first
the time, together with a more general toothbrush around the 7th century (600).
cultural backwardness in comparison with Using the twig of Miswak tree, he cleaned
the Arabic civilization. However, with the his teeth and freshened his breath.
development of international trade in Substances similar to Miswak are used in
Europe from the eleventh century to modern toothpaste.
thirteenth century, several key financial and
organizational innovations were
introduced. This is when the first
international companies appear, together
with the earliest examples of banking and
international finance. This new economic
complexity raised the need for a higher
level of computing power, especially to
solve calculations of interest and exchange
rates. It is at this stage that merchant-
bankers, who were already literate and
numerate, realized that Hindu-Arabic
numerals suited their needs better than
Roman ones. Arithmetic with Hindu-Arabic
numerals became part of the required
training for merchant-bankers. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Miswak-tree-and-
The medieval time period played a large to new technologies--or new uses--or new
role in social evolution. Without the social modes. It is this interplay of
inventions and discoveries of the Middle technology and society throughout the
Ages, today’s technology would not be Medieval Age that it so interesting. By now,
nearly as advanced as it is. Science would you should see why the older term "Dark
still be based on the Church’s ideas and Ages" is inappropriate. All the foundations
ideals, travel and transportation would be for our modern society were laid in the
slower, agriculture would be harder, Medieval Age.
architecture wouldn’t be as diverse as it has
been throughout time. Even the simple But, technology did not develop solely in
invention of linen undergarments allowed Europe. Many technologies, instead, were
people to design more comfortable and the result of inventions that were
suiting clothes and fabric. transferred from the East such as China,
India, and the Muslim world.
The impact of a technology on society is
always unexpected because technologies -END OF THE LESSON-
are rarely "the end of the story." They lead
Reflection: If you were one of those who lived in the late middle ages where the people
suffered from the the effect of bubonic plague and you have the capacity to do something
in controlling the epidemic, how and what are you going to do to help out the government
and the community?
Self Assessment #3: The result of this test will reveal how much you understand the lesson
and will be recorded as part of your performance. Go to your Google Classroom; click the
link to redirect you in the Google Form to answer this test. Say aloud your promise of
honesty (below) before taking the quiz.
In taking this quiz, I (your name) understand that I may not work with anyone else,
including conferring with others (student, or anyone else); exchanging information, answer
or ideas; or in aiding or being aided by others in the completion of this test. I understand
that failure to follow this rules is considered cheating, and may subject me to a significant
reduction in my grade at the discretion of the professor. I certify that I have personally
prepared the answers to this test in accordance with the above stated rules.
1. What period of time is covered by the Middle Ages? (A) 500 BC to 500 AD (B) 1 AD to
1500 AD (C) 500 AD to 1500 AD (D) 1000 AD to 2000 AD
2. Which is not the acceptable name for the Middle Age time period? (A) Renaissance
(B) Dark Ages (C) Medieval Times (D) None of these
3. Which event marks the beginning and end of medieval time period? (A) The split of
Roman Empire to the Black Death (B) The Siege of Constantinople to Hundred years of
War (C) The Fall of Roman to the Renaissance (D) The Viking raids to Voyage of Columbus
4. Which of the following did NOT Charlemagne do during his rule? (A) Promoted education
(B) Spread Christianity (C) Promoted Scholasticism (D) Provided unity and a government
5. Which of the following is true of the Black Death? (A) The virus was carried by rats and
transmitted by fleas. (B) It was also known as the Bubonic plague. (C) It sometimes started
with tumors that would grow under the armpit and groin (D) All of these.
6. Which of the following statements about The Great Famine is INCORRECT? (A) It was one
of the longest-running famines in European history. (B) It occurred because of adverse
weather conditions and poor economic planning with the communal way of farming.
(C) Parents sold their children to save them from hunger. (D) Cannibalism became wide
7. Which of the following is INCORRECT about the High Middle Ages? (A) The revival of
commerce led to higher standard of living and the population increased. (B) The series of
holy wars against Muslims weakened. (C) More castles and churches were built. (D)
Trading between cities helped rejuvenate Europe; new merchants and craftsmen were
8. Europeans acquired "new" learning during the late middle ages. – What is meant by the
word new in this sentence? (A) Most knowledge learned during this time was entirely new
to the whole world. (B) Many of the ideas had been lost to Europeans, but were well
known to Muslim civilizations that were willing to share this knowledge. (C) Only certain
segments of the population in Europe were learning this new knowledge. (D) Muslim
civilizations would not share their knowledge, so Europeans had to discover it on their
9. How were the Islamic scholars able to preserve many classical works of antiquity from
Greece? (A) After learning how to speak Latin, they gave several lectures in Greece, which
led to the preservation of many classical works of antiquity from Greece (B) They started
their own university, which resulted in the preservation of many classical works of antiquity
from Greece. (C) They tried to gather and translate most of the world's knowledge into
Arabic, which resulted in the preservation of many classical works of antiquity from
Greece. (D) Islamic scholars traveled the Silk Road, spreading classical knowledge Greece.
10. Which statement about the Golden Age of Islam is a fact rather than an opinion?
(A) Muslims were the best early mathematicians. (B) Islamic art was more abstract than
Greek art. (C) Islamic society preserved Greek and Roman culture. (D) Muslim artists had
more talent than European artists.
Create a group vlog about the current pandemic that the world is facing including the
Philippines; relate this to the epidemic happened during the Middle Ages. Discuss in the
vlog the origin, causes and effects, action of the Philippine government (from LGU to
National Government) to reduce (if stopping the spread of the virus is not yet possible) the
number of infected people. Log in to Google Classroom for further instructions.
4 3 2 1
Content It covers all the It includes basic It includes essential The content
topics in depth with knowledge of the information about includes minor
details and topic. The content the topic but it has details and it has
examples. The seems to be good. 1-2 mistakes in the several mistakes in
knowledge of the facts. the facts.
topic is excellent.
Originality The product shows The product shows The product uses The product uses
great originality. certain originality. It ideas from other ideas from other
The ideas are shows the use of people (quoting people without
creative and witty. new ideas and of them), but there is quoting them.
shrewdness. little evidence of
original ideas.
Use of There are no any Three or fewer Four mistakes in More than four
Language mistakes in spelling mistakes in spelling spelling or mistakes in spelling
or grammar and or grammar and grammar and or grammar and
punctuation punctuation. punctuation. punctuation.
Videography A lot of different Several (3-4) and One or two Little effort has
(Interest) shots, camera different shots, different shots, been made to
angles, sound camera angles, camera angles, provide variety to
effects, and an sound effects, and/ sound effects, and/ the video.
adequate use of or an adequate use or an adequate use
zooming providing of zooming of zooming
variety in the video providing variety in providing variety in
the video the video
Videography The overall quality Most of the quality The quality of the The quality of the
(Clarity) of the video and of the video and video is not very video and the focus
the focus were the focus were good but the focus were not very good.
excellent. excellent. was excellent.