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MUSIC Beeed 11

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MUSIC: Its Philosophy, Values, “the kind of language which has pedagogical skills - select

Objectives and Its Humble the power tocommunicate men appropriate songs for her
Beginnings of Music inner thoughts, ideas, and various aims. techniques in
attitudes to his fellowman.” teaching desirable level
“Music is the soundtrack of your of music understanding
Living would be irksome if it FIVE FACETS OF MUSIC
“Music is the science or art of were one of the TEACHING
ordering tones or sounds in continuous works. Esthetic 1. Singing is an activity that is
succession, – Merriam-Webster diversion erases our cares and very common in a music
Dictionary worries and momentarily classroom.
relieves us from our conflicts  Proper Breathing -
“Music is that form of interhuman with the adverse realities of our diaphragmatic
communication in which humdrum existence. breathing proper control
humanly organized, the non- Music as a Socializing Force of the breath
verbal sound is perceived as Music activities bring men to  Good sitting or standing
vehiculating primarily affective close together. Music is a force position - flexible
(emotional) and/or gestural that can draw people together, singing tones
(corporeal)- Philip Tagg, Institute stimulate in them group feeling,  Proper position of the
of Popular Music, University of civic pride, religious and throat, the jaw, the lips,
Liverpool, 2002 nationalistic fervor, and and other muscles -
neighborliness. tone production.
“Music, art concerned with Music as a Power for World  Resonance of the voice
combining vocal or instrumental Peace - The nature of musical - up in the head
sounds for beauty of form or art is such that it is unrestricted  A clear diction -
emotional expression, usually by nationalistic barriers. conveys message of the song
according to cultural standards - the message that everyone 2.Listening- one phase of the
Gordon Epperson regardless of color, language, or work which can provide
creed can comprehend and enrichment in his life not only in
PHILOSOPHIES AND VALUES appreciate. As a means of his childhood but also in
OF MUSIC Expressing beauty and truth, adulthood.
music offers no prejudice or
MUSIC AS SELFEXPRESSION- intolerance. Types of Music for Listening
An expression is a necessity in Music breaks down racial Story Music - tells a story
the very structure of music. prejudices and intolerance and Program Music – descriptive; it
expression in music is aimed to promotes international may describe places etc
release the beauty and the understanding.Music brings Pure or Absolute Music- written
meaning of the musical an intercultural understanding for its purely esthetic value
“Music is a means of escape- MUSIC AS A THERAPHY - Creative Work - clear concept
emotional release, one means of One of the simple procedures not just the old-fashioned and
which is music indirect therapy is music therapy. simple-faceted building or
“Man expresses his deepest making toy instruments
emotions through music-varied As A Music Teacher - must have
emotions are expressed desirable qualities
eloquently.  Enthusiasm and
Music enables man to  Willingness to help
communicate with nature for it is  Self-discipline for
exemplary purpose ELEMENTS OF MUSIC.
main elements includes rhythm, famous musical compositions Modality: Modes ancient
dynamics, pitch, melody, memorable melody or theme. Medieval/Renaissance
harmony,tone color, texture, THEME – basis of extended Tonality - "home" key
form. musical work Atonality- AVOIDS any sense of
Rhythm- TIME in music. Beat CONJUNCT- easy to sing or a "home"
pulse of music play Texture refers to the number of
ASPECTS OF RHYTHM: DISJUNCT- difficult to sing or individual musical lines.
DURATION: how long a sound play). Monophonic (single-note) one
(or silence) lasts. PITCH- position of a note sounding at a time
TEMPO: the speed of the BEAT. single sound in the complete Homophonic texture -two or
Tempo indications - Italian terms range of sound. more notes sounding at
Largo = large (slow) frequency of vibration the same time, prominent
Adagio = slow sound wave- vibrations of air melody supported by a less
Andante = steady ;walkingtempo molecules intricate harmonic
Moderato = moderate frequency- how fast the cycle of accompaniment
Allegro = fast (happy) the wave Polyphonic - two or more
Presto = very fast The higher the frequency, the independent melodies
METER BEATS - recurring higher the pitch and vice versa, polyphonic texture canon and
accent patterns. the lower the frequency, the fugue
Meter- patterns used by lower the pitch. manner of writing is called
conductors. Pitch is measured- number of COUNTERPOINT.
BASIC TERMS RELATING TO times a sound wave can repeat Imitation is a special type of
RHYTHM in one second. Hertz (Hz for polyphonic texture "voice" to
Syncopation: an off-the-beat short). "voice".
Ritardando:- gradually TIMBRE - specific tone or MUSICAL FORM- combination
SLOWING DOWN quality that a certain instrument of the musical elements
Accelerando:- gradually or voice has.
SPEEDING UP is also known as tone color or BASIC FORMS
Rubato: freely and expressively tone quality, Strophic Form: a design in
Timbre - do not have VOCAL music
DYNAMICS - loudness (or anything to do with the sound's Through-composed- no repeat
quietness) pitch, loudness, or length. or return of any large-scale
piano [p] – QUIET musical section.
forte [f ] = LOUD Harmony- two or more pitches Binary Form - a two-part
pianissimo [pp] = (very quiet) are sounded together at the Ternary Form a three-part form
mezzo-piano [mp] = (moderately same time. featuring a return of the initial
quiet) requires a chord music after a contrasting section.
mezzo-forte [mf ] = (moderately relationship between different form is CONTRAST
loud) pitch frequencies
fortissimo [ff ] = (very loud) two or more notes are played RUDIMENTS OF MUSIC -
simultaneously. structure of music the parts of
BASIC TERMS RELATING TO VERTICALIZATION of pitch. music theory used to define
DYNAMICS melody and harmony.
Crescendo: LOUDER
Diminuendo : QUIETER
Accent: punching DISSONANCE: a harsh- NOTES- represent the pitch and
A melody is collection of musical Sounding duration of a sound
tones that are grouped together CONSONANCE: a smooth- REST- absence of a sound.
as a single entity. sounding DOTTED NOTE- one half of its
LINEAR/HORIZONTAL Dissonant chords - musical simple value
Pitch - highness or lowness "tension" "released" consonant
TIME SIGNATURE- written as a
fraction bottom number the kind
of note used as a unit of timeTop
number the number of units in
each measure

THE STAFF- set of five lines and

four spaces. Spaces pitch
names. based on the clef.

G-Clef (Treble Clef). higher


F-Clef (Bass Clef).


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