3.1. Overview
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Roger R. Hemminghaus
Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer
Diamond Shamrock P.O. Box 696000, San Antonio, Texas. 78269-6000. Phone: 210 641-6800
Highest Standards of Performance, Business Excellence Continuously Improving Processes, Practices and
We will adhere to the highest standards for the safe operation Products
of facilities and the protection of our environment, our We will extract, make, use, handle, package, transport and
employees, our customers and the people of the communities dispose of our materials safely and in an environmentally
in which we do business. responsible manner.
We will strengthen our businesses by making safety, health We will continuously analyze and improve our practices,
and environmental issues an integral part of all business processes and products to reduce theirriskand impact
activities and by continuously striving to align our businesses throughout the product life cycle. We will develop new
with public expectations. products and processes that have increasing margins of safety
for both human health and the environment.
Goal of Zero Injuries, Illnesses and Incidents
We will work with our suppliers, carriers, distributors and
We believe that all injuries and occupational illnesses, as well customers to achieve similar product stewardship, and we will
as safety and environmental incidents, are preventable, and provide information and assistance to support their efforts to
our goal for all of them is zero. We will promote off-the-job do so.
safety for our employees.
We will assess the environmental impact of each facility we Open and Public Discussion, Influence on Public Policy
propose to construct and will design, build, operate and We will promote open discussion with our stakeholders about
maintain all our facilities and transportation equipment so the materials we make, use and transport and the impacts of
they are safe and acceptable to local communities and protect our activities on their safety, health and environments.
the environment.
We will build alliances with governments, policy makers,
We will be prepared for emergencies and will provide businesses and advocacy groups to develop sound policies,
leadership to assist our local communities to improve their laws, regulations and practices that improve safety, health and
emergency preparedness. the environment.
Goal of Zero Waste and Emissions Management and Employee Commitment, Accountability
We will drive toward zero waste generation at the source. The Board of Directors, including the Chief Executive
Materials will be reused and recycled to minimize the need Officer, will be informed about pertinent safety, health and
for treatment or disposal and to conserve resources. Where environmental issues and will ensure that policies are in place
waste is generated, it will be handled and disposed of safely and actions taken to achieve this Commitment.
and responsibly. Compliance with this Commitment and applicable laws is the
We will drive toward zero emissions, giving priority to those responsibility of every employee and contractor acting on our
that may present the greatest potentialriskto health or the behalf and a condition of their employment or contract.
environment. Management in each business is responsible to educate, train
Where past practices have created conditions that require and motivate employees to understand and comply with this
correction, we will responsibly correct them. Commitment and applicable laws.
We will deploy our resources, including research, develop-
Conservation of Energy and Natural Resources, Habitat ment and capital, to meet this Commitment and will do so in a
Enhancement manner that strengthens our businesses.
We will excel in the efficient use of coal, oil, natural gas, We will measure and regularly report to the public our global
water, minerals and other natural resources. progress in meeting this Commitment.
We will manage our land to enhance habitats for wildlife.
3.2.4. Measurement
Many organizations adopt targets for safety performance using measurable in-
dexes. Typically, these include safety and loss prevention statistics and PSM
activities, such as:
• reduction of hazardous inventories;
• lost-time accident rate;
• reportable releases; and
• property losses.
The measurements to be used and corresponding goals should be clearly
stated in the PSM program documentation.
3.4. Auditing
3.5. References