Mastering The Industrial Internet of Things (Iiot)

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September 2017

Mastering the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

IIoT offers major opportunities for industrial companies,
but only if you handle them right.
2 Roland Berger Focus – Industrial Internet of Things

Management summary

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the networking, via These were the questions we asked as
the internet, of objects fitted with sensors that are able
we put together this study. We offer
to collect data. By extension, the Industrial internet of
Things (IIoT) refers to the application of the internet of a structured view of IIoT and the layers
Things to the manufacturing industry. of companies operating within it. First,
In the next three to five years, the IIoT is forecast to be-
we offer ­guidance on how to define a
come a multibillion-dollar industry. Technology is ad- future role for your company (Step 1).
vancing rapidly as platforms such as Predix from Gener- We then outline the options for your
al Electric and MindSphere from Siemens enable
manufacturers to connect more and more devices to offering (Step 2) and what to consider
rich cloud services. Just as the internet transformed the when choosing an IIoT platform (Step 3).
way people interact with each other, IIoT platforms are
transforming the way we interact with machines – and
We also identify where you can leverage
the way machines interact with each other. IIoT to create additional value for your
core offering (Step 4). Finally, we look
This process of change is the source of uncertainty for
companies, particularly those in the engineered prod-
at some of the key success factors for
ucts and high-tech industries. Not only is the new land- mastering the process, based on our
scape difficult to navigate, it is hard to know where to
insights from companies that started
position yourself within it. What will its impact be on
your traditional business? What should your new busi- adapting their business models early on.
ness model look like? Should you develop your own IIoT
platform or choose an existing one? How can you har-
vest additional value through new digital services? And
what should you keep in mind when embarking on this
challenging journey?
Industrial Internet of Things – Roland Berger Focus 3


1. The lowdown – layer by layer ................................................................................................. 4

A structured view of IIoT and the layers of companies operating within it.

2. How to navigate the new landscape, step by step ................................................... 6

Our four-step approach will enable you to successfully navigate the
process of adapting your business model and prepare for the new challenge.

3. Three success factors ................................................................................................................. 12

By analyzing companies that set out early on the path to transformation, we can identify
three key success factors for shaping a future-oriented and profitable IIoT offering.
Cover photo: chombosan/istockphoto
4 Roland Berger Focus – Industrial Internet of Things

Chapter 1:

The lowdown –
layer by layer
A structured view of IIoT and the layers
of companies operating within it.

1 Cloud Service
providers (IaaS)

2 Industrial Cloud
platforms (PaaS)

3 Industrial apps/software
providers (SaaS)

4 OEMs and others

enab­ling connectivity of
equipment to the cloud

5 End-users connecting
devices and using
value-adding apps
Industrial Internet of Things – Roland Berger Focus 5

We identify five layers within IIoT: (1) cloud service platforms are most valuable at scale, we expect to see
providers; (2) operators of industrial cloud platforms; concentration in this part of the market, ultimately leav-
(3) providers of industrial applications and software; ing a small set of leading platforms in each vertical in-
(4) OEMs and other firms enabling equipment to be dustry. The third layer comprises the providers of indus-
connected to the cloud; and (5) end users who connect trial apps and software. These businesses play an
their devices to the cloud and make use of value-adding essential role in enabling innovations in services and
applications. business models. Companies operating here are trans-
The first layer – cloud service providers such as Amazon forming the way we interact with machines. The fourth
Web Services – is currently investing billions in infra- layer is made up of OEMs and other companies who en-
structure and cloud platforms. They supply computer able equipment to be connected to cloud platforms and
and storage services and constantly enrich their plat- use cloud-based industrial apps and services. Compa-
form functionality to enable further innovation. The nies in this layer need to decide whether to build their
second layer consists of industrial cloud platforms such own IoT platform or leverage existing platforms. Then
as MindSphere (developed by Siemens), Predix (GE) or they must decide which services and business models to
the Bosch IoT Suite. A current priority for these compa- develop to enhance their existing offering. The final lay-
nies is making it easy to connect to equipment in green- er consists of end users, who connect their devices to
field and brownfield applications. They also aim to IIoT. These are the companies that leverage cloud-based
make it as simple as possible for customers to use high- services and business models to in­crease the efficiency
end-level services such as predictive maintenance. Since of their operational equipment. A

A: Industrial IoT ecosystems are currently developing along five business layers
Cloud ecosystem examples

Rail Power plants Manufacturing plants

Amazon Web Services Amazon Web Services Amazon Web Services
1 Cloud service
Open Telekom Cloud Open Telekom Cloud Open Telekom Cloud
providers (IaaS)
Microsoft Azure Microsoft Azure Microsoft Azure

2 Industrial cloud Siemens General Electric

Others (e.g. Bosch, AXOOM)
platforms (PaaS) MindSphere Predix

3 Industrial apps/software
providers (SaaS) HaCon ThetaRay Plataine

4 OEMs and others who

enable connectivity of Siemens General Electric Bosch Rexroth
equipment to the cloud

5 End users who connect

devices and use Renfe Exelon Bosch
value-adding apps

Source: Roland Berger

6 Roland Berger Focus – Industrial Internet of Things

Chapter 2:

How to navigate
the new landscape,
step by step
Our four-step approach will enable
you to successfully navigate the process
of adapting your business model.
Industrial Internet of Things – Roland Berger Focus 7

STEP 1: DEFINE YOUR ROLE In the end, it's rather simple: focus on what you are good
The first step for companies as they embark upon their at and build a partner ecosystem for the skills you do not
change journey is to decide on what role they wish to bring to a solution.
play within IIoT. A carefully defined starting position To help them decide whether they should build up a
and business model will form the basis for all their fu- ­c apability internally or partner with a third party,
ture strategic decisions. companies should ask themselves the following
In chapter 1, we outlined the various roles for compa- ­questions:
nies in the engineered products and high-tech indus- • Does the capability in question add specific
tries. Businesses must make sure that they understand value to my offering?
the different roles and options available to them. In • Will I need this capability for a number of
many cases, this will depend on what sort of business future offerings?
they are and the sector they operate in. • Is this capability difficult to source from a
For traditional industrial companies in particular, it can third party?
be difficult to define a future-oriented IIoT-based port-
folio that enhances their current core offering. Most If the answer to any one of the above questions is yes,
IIoT-related skills, such as developing digital services, the company should consider building up the capability
do not yet form part of their core business. A key task for itself. If the answer to any of the questions is no, it may
these companies is therefore to work out which capabil- be better to search for partners who can provide the nec-
ities will prove to be true differentiators in their future essary capability at scale and with lower costs.
offering. These are the capabilities that they should start This approach has proven valuable in practice. One of
building up within their organizations. Then, an ecosys- our clients, a large vehicle manufacturer, used the ma-
tem of partners can provide the other components of a trix to reach an important strategic decision. They de-
compelling offering. cided to invest in building up specific skills in predictive
A useful tool in deciding which capabilities to build up maintenance analytics for a specific part of their portfo-
in-house and which to source is the matrix shown in lio, with the goal of increasing the profitability of their
Figure B. The horizontals represent different possible long-term service contracts. This specific focus led the
roles and areas of activity for companies: IoT applica- company to invest in a clear use case for their portfolio,
tion, IoT platform, IoT gateway, devices, sensors/chip which proved to be highly successful.
sets. The verticals represent the different sectors: In- Traditionally, manufacturing companies tend to think
dustry 4.0, connected buildings, smart grids, and so on. in terms of their vertical. Part of the broader strategic
We show the matrix as it might appear for one compa- question for such players is whether they should move
ny; other companies may have different verticals or away from this niche mindset and think across different
even different horizontals. The color of the matrix box- sectors. GE, Siemens and Bosch, for example, now ad-
es indicates whether the area is one where the company dress vertical segments that were not previously a core
should compete with its own solution, form a partner- part of their traditional offering – segments such as in-
ship with a third party, or refrain from addressing it. dustrial manufacturing. Other companies, too, may find
Obviously, the coloring will look different for each it useful to consider playing the game horizontally rath-
­company. er than just vertically as in the past.
8 Roland Berger Focus – Industrial Internet of Things

B: In each ecosystem, players have to carefully choose their position in the IoT stack and actively
form partnerships.
IIoT positioning of an industrial company (example).







chip sets

Compete with own solution Partner with other firm(s) Do not address

Source: Roland Berger

Industrial Internet of Things – Roland Berger Focus 9

STEP 2: DEFINE YOUR OFFERING taken a different approach, establishing a presence

An immediate task for companies is to decide on their from its strong position in discrete automation and ex-
IIoT offering. Companies have two options. panding from this to other vertical industries. Trumpf
The first is for companies to strive to increase the com- created its IIoT platform AXOOM largely on its core
petitive advantage of their own products and services. strength in manufacturing and focusses the platform on
A number of industrial companies are currently pursu- optimizing the manufacturing process.
ing this strategy, seeking out ways to differentiate or im- Another important factor in the decision will be the
prove their offering by launching IIoT services. German technical investment. Does the IIoT platform – Predix,
filtration specialist Mann+Hummel, for instance, has MindSphere, Bosch IoT Suite, or an alternative solution
introduced an air filter connected to IoT that is able to – offer additional functionality that justifies the price?
share information about air quality and to trigger events It may in the case of industry-specific predictive mainte-
as necessary. nance services, or where the platform offers plug-and-
The second option is for companies to sell their own play connectivity to a broad set of proprietary assets,
digital services. If they decide to develop digital services such as the MindConnect functionality from Siemens.
such as predictive maintenance, they can often leverage The bigger the platform and the broader its reach, the
the new software and successfully sell the application to greater the economies of scale and the more valuable
a wider audience. Alternatively, they can develop specif- the platform for a company. For this reason, we expect to
ic digital services that are designed for mass use, there- see concentration within each vertical industry, with a
by creating a new revenue stream. For example, Bosch is limited number of platforms ultimately emerging as the
actively developing microservices on its IIoT platform to leading solutions. This is similar to what we saw with
provide a feature-rich ecosystem, aiming to generate mobile operating systems, where a process of consolida-
revenue streams for digital services. Trumpf follows a tion has left only two major players competing for lead-
similar strategy, introducing digital services on its ership: Google with Android and Apple with iOS.
­AXOOM platform that can also be purchased for use in What happens in each vertical depends on many factors.
third-party machines. Take the energy equipment industry, for example, with
its consolidated structure consisting of a small number
STEP 3: CHOOSE YOUR PLATFORM of large players, especially in the area of energy genera-
Having decided their offering, companies must then tion. Here, we are likely to see companies such as GE
chose whether to create their own IIoT platform or use leveraging their strong installed base to create a leading
one provided by a third party (this refers to the second IoT platform. Other industries, such as building tech-
layer of IIoT A ). This decision will depend partly on nology, are more fragmented and so we will probably see
which ecosystem offers the largest addressable market new players such as Google entering the market. In
and how easily the company can monetize its own IIoT these industries, it is far more difficult to predict who
offerings. Alternatively, can the company develop its will eventually win, although the logic of economies of
own ecosystem, one that is unlike those currently on of- scale and the value of concentration apply here, as in all
fer? GE Predix, for example, was the first major player to other industries.
enter the market and so has been able to build up a Choosing to build their own IIoT platform could be an
strong presence in some vertical markets. Siemens has option for some players in the engineered products and
10 Roland Berger Focus – Industrial Internet of Things

C: IIoT enables companies to establish new types of digital services.

Example: key IIoT use cases
N ew
ser vice


–> Tracking and early detection of ano­malies in machines through –> Tracking of anomalies in the operation of sold products
advanced data analysis (big data, artificial intelligence) by the vendor
to optimize costs, e.g. predictive maintenance for a turbine –> Information/action in case of faults, e.g. information on
asset status/"traffic lights"

Analysis platform Data Analysis platform Data Thing
Thing Vendor (e.g.
! ! machine)
Alert Alert


–> Connection of multiple parti­ci­pants in a supply chain in order to –> Optimize a product through integration of data, e.g. if the track
optimize it, e.g. send notice of delayed delivery and automatically in the next station is busy, slow down train to reduce energy
reschedule production consumption/costs

! IIoT IIoT !
Alert platform platform Alert
Train "No track
available" station
Vendor 1 Vendor 2 Vendor 3
Slow down train to reduce
Delayed delivery –> Reschedule production energy consumption

Source: Roland Berger

high-tech industries. But this avenue is open only to ness is always a scale game. After all, it makes no sense
those companies who are willing to make the substan- for individual companies to build their own platforms
tial investments necessary. They will need to build-up an unless they can gain scale at least within their own ver-
internal software business. Small or medium-sized en- tical – and across several verticals is better still.
terprises, even those in the famous German Mittelstand,
are unlikely to have the necessary resources to develop STEP 4: IDENTIFY THE ADDED VALUE
and maintain their own platforms. The platform busi- Step 4 for companies is to identify where they can lever-
Industrial Internet of Things – Roland Berger Focus 11

age IIoT to create additional value for their core offering.

This involves answering the question: How can IIoT be D: How to increase the value added by the IIoT at
of use to you and your business? each step of the way
A number of possibilities exist. Perhaps the most radical The case of digital services for industrial assets
is to adopt an entirely new revenue model, such as pay
per use. For example, instead of selling its newest Velaro
trains to the Spanish national railroad operator Renfe, INCREASING
Siemens is selling the effective use of the train, bearing CUSTOMER VALUE
the risk of defects itself. New revenue
In fact, IIoT enables a whole range of new digital ser-
vices that can have a major impact on industrial compa-
nies. Predictive maintenance, vendor asset monitoring,
Prognosis Predictive
supply chain integration and optimization, product/sys- (e.g. big maintenance
tem optimization – all of these services are now possible data contracting
as a result of the technological transformation. Many of
them have been around for some years already, but their
easy integration into cloud services provides a new effi-
ciency lever, especially if integrated with analytics that predictive
make effective use of all available data sources. C Solution maintenance
In the area of predictive maintenance, for example, proposals
(e.g. lifetime
Daimler is using an IBM solution to optimize its internal prognosis)
production by collecting and analyzing machine data.
Remote anomaly
This has delivered productivity improvements of around Sources/ detection with
25 percent. Volvo has also implemented cloud-based IoT reasons solution proposal
technology to optimize its inbound and outbound sup- of failures
(e.g. smart lists)
ply chain by means of increased integration with its part-
ners. In the area of product/system optimization, Cater-
pillar is partnering with Uptake to offer customers the Qualified remote
anomaly detection
opportunity to track their operational efficiency, moni-
(e.g. KPIs that fall outside
tor their fleets and optimize fleet performance. a tolerance range)
But it's not just about picking the digital service that
suits you and sticking to it. Companies can also com-
bine digital services and new revenue models to create Remote condition
new forms of offerings. Figure D presents an example
anomaly detection
from a real-life study for a major industrial automation (e.g. red/green traffic
company. As you move up the steps, the value added by light)
IIoT increases, each area of added value building on the
layers lower down. D Source: Roland Berger
12 Roland Berger Focus – Industrial Internet of Things

Chapter 3:

Three success factors

By analyzing companies that set out early on
the path to transformation, we can identify three
key success factors for shaping a future-oriented
and profitable IIoT offering.
Industrial Internet of Things – Roland Berger Focus 13

#1 INCREASE YOUR SPEED companies and enables small- and mid-cap businesses
Companies that can effectively speed up the progress of to buy your product. The result is a larger addressable
their transformation achieve greater and longer-lasting market than with traditional revenue models.
success. The first and most obvious way to do this is to An example of one company that has successfully fol-
ensure that IIoT is a matter of priority within the organi- lowed this approach is US-based 3D design company
zation. The CEO must become its "chief storyteller" – a Autodesk. It decided to offer its Fusion 360 model on a
role effectively modeled by former GE CEO Jeff Immelt, subscription basis, drastically reducing the entry barrier
or Bosch CEO Volkmar Denner, for example. for users. This has allowed the company to address new
In practice, we find that companies benefit from setting markets, such as home-based 3D printing.
up an independent external unit (or new company) fo-
cusing on IIoT, reporting directly to the CEO. The idea is #3 LEVERAGE YOUR CUSTOMERS
to create a healthy digital service business that is sepa- The third key success factor is to leverage your custom-
rate from your core activities and so not at risk of getting ers. Companies need to speak to their customers early
bogged down by them, and later integrate back into the on and get them involved in the service generation pro-
business. cess. Our experience with successful clients and part-
Another important point is that companies should pri- ners shows that as much as 90 percent of innovation in
oritize talent over location. In other words, they should companies can come from customer requests.
identify where the best talent is located – the IIOT A useful approach here is to actually co-develop projects
hotspots for their specific vertical – and set up develop- with customers. Pilot projects that are run with existing
ment teams in those locations. Ensuring speed also customers result in pragmatic, customer-oriented prod-
means choosing your battles. Identify the areas where ucts rather than products that look great on paper (or on
you can really add value for your customers. Write only the screen) but are of little real use to anyone.
the code that really matters. The rest – parts that are Companies will want to focus on their most progressive
more generic or that add less value – can be sourced customers. Traditional customers are important, of
from third parties. If you try to do everything yourself, course, but they are less likely to come up with fresh
reinventing the wheel each time, you risk ending up with ideas that lead to real innovation. Instead, companies
a product that is no more than a lower-quality copy of should look for inspiration and input from exciting new
something that already exists on the market. players, whose mindset is more likely to be shaped by
the possibilities of the latest technology and digital
#2 EXPAND YOUR MARKET transformation. On a practical level, it is a good idea to
A second key success factor for companies seeking to start with a basic offering and extend functionality over
master IIoT is to expand the market that you target with time. This way you can ensure that there is customer de-
your product, service or platform. Pursue a blue ocean mand for your products before expanding them. Again,
strategy, aiming for differentiation and low cost simul- close co-development with customers will be extremely
taneously. This can open up a new market space and at helpful. Indeed, successful companies often find that
the same time stimulate new demand. One their cus­to­mers in many ways turn out to be the best
successful strategy can be to introduce a usage-based product managers.
revenue model. This lowers the entrance barrier for
14 Roland Berger Focus – Industrial Internet of Things

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Industrial Internet of Things – Roland Berger Focus 15

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Roland Berger, founded in 1967, is the only leading global consultancy of German
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Looking forward to the next 50 years, we are committed to supporting our clients as
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