Magnetic Poles (Year 3) Full Colour - S2WAC1731

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Magnetic Poles

Before the children complete the worksheet, have them play the ‘Attract or Repel’ game.

‘Attract or Repel’ Game

Each child will take on the role of a magnet pole – either north or south.
Supply them with a mini white board or a piece of paper with either an S (south)
or an N (north) written on it (there are printable versions on the next page).

The children will then walk around the room (it works particularly well in the
playground or in the hall) and you will then call out ‘repel’ or ‘attract’.

When you call ‘attract’, the children will need to find

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an opposite pole – so a north child will need to find | | | | | |

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It can be help | | | | |
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ful to explain
a child holding an ‘S’ for south and the south children it

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as like they ar
e stuck togeth
er. | | | | |

need to match up with a north. They will attract

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or ‘pull’ to each other by standing shoulder to shoulder.

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ibe it
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A good way to descr

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When you call ‘repel’, the children will need to find a

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at th ere is
is to pretend th
ba llo on
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an indestructi ble child of the same pole as themselves. So, a north will
between them and
rd th ey try find a north and a south will find another south. They
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matter how ha
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ey jus t ke ep will then need to ‘repel’ off each other.

to burst it, th
sh ing ’ aw ay
bouncing or ‘pu
from each ot he r!
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Keep playing the game until the children are confident in

what poles they need to find to attract and repel.
Magnetic Poles
Magnets have two poles – a north and a south.

Opposites attract!
A north pole will be attracted to (pull towards) a south pole,
and a south pole will be attracted to a north pole.

Matching poles will repel each other.

A south pole will repel (push away) another south pole
and a north pole will repel another north pole.

1. Tick whether you think these pairs of magnets will repel or attract each other.

Attract Repel

2. Complete the statements using the words below.

north south attract repel

• When you hold two magnets together, the south pole will

........................... the north pole.

• A south pole will always ............................... another south pole.

• When you hold two ............................... or two ...............................

poles together, they will repel each other.
Magnetic Poles
Magnets have two poles – a north and a south.

Opposites attract!
A north pole will be attracted to (pull towards) a south pole,
and a south pole will be attracted to a north pole.

Matching poles will repel each other.

A south pole will repel (push away) another south pole
and a north pole will repel another north pole.

1. Tick whether you think these pairs of magnets will repel or attract each other.

Attract Repel

2. Complete the statements using the words below.

north south attract repel

• When you hold two magnets together, the south pole will

attract the north pole.


• repel
A south pole will always ............................... another south pole.

• north
When you hold two ............................... south
or two ...............................

poles together, they will repel each other.

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