BS 5975 1996 Falsework
BS 5975 1996 Falsework
BS 5975 1996 Falsework
Short link chain for |
lifting purposes Ð |
Safety Ð |
Part 6: Chain slings Ð Specification for |
information for use and maintenance to |
be provided by the manufacturer |
The European Standard EN 818-6:2000 has the status of a |
British Standard |
ICS 53.020.30 |
BS EN 818-6:2000
National foreword
This British Standard is the official English language version of EN 818-6:2000.
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee
MHE/1, Chains and fittings, which has the responsibility to:
Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the EN title page,
pages 2 to 13 and a back cover.
The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document
was last issued.
BSI 04-2000
ICS 53.020.30
English version
European Committee for Standardization
Comite EuropeÂen de Normalisation
EuropaÈisches Komitee fuÈr Normung
2000 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national
Ref. No. EN 818-6:2000 E
Page 2
EN 818-6:2000
Foreword Contents
This European Standard has been prepared by Page
Technical Committee CEN/TC 168, Chains, ropes,
webbing, slings and accessories Ð Safety, the Foreword 2
Secretariat of which is held by BSI. Introduction 3
This European Standard shall be given the status of a 1 Scope 3
national standard, either by publication of an identical 2 Normative references 3
text or by endorsement, at the latest by July 2000, and
conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at 3 Terms and definitions 3
the latest by July 2000. 4 Hazards 3
This European Standard has been prepared under a 5 Safety requirements 4
mandate given to CEN by the European Commission
Annex A (informative) Guidance to assist
and the European Free Trade Association, and
the manufacturer to prepare documented
supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s).
information for the use and maintenance of
For relationship with EU Directive(s), see informative chain slings 5
annex ZA, which is an integral part of this standard.
Annex B (informative) Bibliography 13
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations,
the national standards organizations of the following Annex ZA (informative) Relationship of this
countries are bound to implement this European European Standard with EU Directives 13
Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland,
Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
The other parts of EN 818 are:
Ð Part 1: General conditions of acceptance;
Ð Part 2: Medium tolerance chain for chain
slings Ð Grade 8;
Ð Part 3: Medium tolerance chain for chain
slings Ð Grade 4;
Ð Part 4: Chain slings Ð Grade 8;
Ð Part 5: Chain slings Ð Grade 4;
Ð Part 7: Fine tolerance chain for hoists, Grade T
(Types T, DT and DAT).
Annexes A and B of this European Standard are for
information only.
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Annex A (informative) For the same reasons, chain slings should not be
galvanized or subjected to any plating processes
Guidance to assist the manufacturer to without the approval of the manufacturer.
prepare documented information for the A. Chain slings of Grade 4
use and maintenance of chain slings Chain slings of Grade 4 may be used in acidic
A.1 Use of chain slings conditions. The following precautions should be
A.1.1 Chain sling selection
a) the working load of such a chain sling should not
A.1.1.1 General be greater than 50 % of the working load limit;
The relevant parts of EN 818 and EN 1677 define b) the chain sling should be thoroughly washed in
working load limit using the term General Lifting clean water immediately after use;
Service. This reflects the fact that lifting accessories c) the chain sling should be given an inspection by a
can be and are used in a wide variety of circumstances competent person each day before use.
in terms of configuration, types of load, methods of
attachment. Design considerations and working load A. Conditions in which the chain sling is
limit ratings are given in the relevant parts of EN 818 likely to be subjected to attack (chemical,
and EN 1677 take account of these circumstances. abrasive etc.)
EN 818-4 and EN 818-5 permit an alternative method of The manufacturer of the chain sling should be
rating where a chain sling is to be used exclusively for consulted, particularly if the chain sling is to be
a single specific lifting application where all of the exposed to highly concentrated chemicals combined
circumstances of use are known. with high temperatures.
A.1.1.2 Use in adverse environments A.1.1.3 Use in exceptionally hazardous
A. High and low temperature conditions
The rating of lifting accessories in European Standards
Care should be taken to take account of the maximum assumes the absence of exceptionally hazardous
temperature which can be reached by the chain sling conditions. Exceptionally hazardous conditions include
in service. This is difficult in practice but offshore activities, the lifting of persons and lifting of
underestimation of the temperature involved should be potentially dangerous loads such as molten metals,
avoided. Table A.1 summarizes the necessary variation corrosive materials or fissile materials. In such cases
in WLL due to temperature. the degree of hazard should be assessed by a
Chain slings of Grades 4 and 8 will not be adversely competent person and the working load limit adjusted
affected by temperatures down to 240 8C and no accordingly.
reduction from the working load limit is therefore
necessary on this account. Where chain slings are to
be used at temperatures below 240 8C, the
manufacturer should be consulted.
A. Acidic conditions
A. Chain slings of Grade 8
Chain slings of Grade 8 should not be used either
immersed in acid solutions or exposed to acid fumes.
Attention is drawn to the fact that certain production
processes involve acidic solutions and fumes and in
these circumstances the manufacturer's advice should
be sought.
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A.1.2 Chain sling verification before first use When using two-, three- and four-leg chain slings the
and in service attachment points and chain sling configuration should
be selected to achieve angles between the chain sling
A.1.2.1 Before first use
legs and the vertical within the range marked on the
Before first use of the chain sling it should be ensured chain sling. Preferably all angles to the vertical
that: (angle b in Figure A.1) should be equal (but
a) the chain sling is precisely as ordered; see A.1.3.5). Angles to the vertical of less than 158
b) the manufacturer's certificate is to hand; should be avoided if possible as they present a
significantly greater risk of load imbalance.
c) the identification and working load limit marking
on the chain sling correspond to the information on All multi-leg chain slings exert a horizontal component
the certificate; of force (see Figure A.1) which increases as the angle
between the chain sling legs is increased. Where hooks
d) full details of the chain sling are recorded. or other fittings are threaded on a loop of chain,
A.1.2.2 Before each use e.g. case chain slings and drum chain slings, the
Before each use the chain sling should be inspected horizontal component of force is much greater and
for obvious damage or deterioration (see A.2.1). If consequently the angle of such legs should not exceed
faults are found during this inspection, the procedure 308 to the vertical. Care should always be taken to
given in A.2.1 should be followed. ensure that the load to be moved is able to resist the
horizontal component of force without being damaged.
A.1.3 Handling the load The hook to which the chain sling is attached should
A.1.3.1 Preparation be directly above the centre of gravity.
Attention should be given to any specific instructions A.1.3.4 Method of connection
provided for the handling of the load. Before starting A chain sling is usually attached to the load and the
the lift, it should be ensured that the load is free to lifting machine by means of terminal fittings such as
move and is not bolted down or otherwise obstructed. hooks and links. Chains should be without twists or
A.1.3.2 Mass of the load knots. The lifting point should be seated well down in
a hook, never on the point or wedged in the opening;
It is essential that the mass of the load to be lifted is
the hook should be free to incline in any direction so
known. If the mass is not marked the information
as to avoid bending. For the same reason, the master
should be obtained from the consignment notes,
link should be free to incline in any direction on the
manuals, plans etc. If such information is not available
hook to which it is fitted.
the mass should be assessed by calculation.
The chain may be passed under or through the load to
A.1.3.3 Centre of gravity form a choke hitch (see Figure A.2) or basket hitch
The position of the centre of gravity of the load should (see Figure A.3). Where it is necessary, due to the
be established in relation to the possible points of danger of the load tilting, to use more than one chain
attachment of the chain sling. To lift the load without it sling leg in a basket hitch, this should preferably be
tilting or toppling the following conditions should be done in conjunction with a lifting beam.
met. When a chain sling is used in a choke hitch, the chain
a) For single leg and endless chain slings the should be allowed to assume its natural angle and
attachment point should be vertically above the should not be hammered down.
centre of gravity.
b) For two leg chain slings the attachment points
should be either side of and above the centre of
c) For three and four leg chain slings the attachment
points should be distributed in plan around the
centre of gravity. It is preferable that the distribution
should be equal (but see A.1.3.5) and that the
attachment points should be above the centre of
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EN 818-6:2000
1. Loading of leg
2. Horizontal component of force
3. Load 10 t
The hatched area indicates angles greater than 608 to the vertical at which chain slings should never be
Figure A.1 Ð Variation of chain sling leg loading with leg angle
for a load of 10 t
Chain sling legs may be attached to the load in several Where choke hitch is employed the working load
ways. limit (WLL) of the chain sling should be no more
a) Straight leg than 80 % of that marked.
In this case, lower terminals are connected directly c) Basket hitch
to the attachment points. Selection of hooks and The chain sling is passed through or under the load
attachment points should be such that the load is as in b) but in this case the lower terminals are
carried in the seat of the hook and tip loading of the connected directly to the master link or to the hook
hook is avoided. In the case of multi-leg chain slings of the lifting machine. Generally this method
hook tips should point outwards unless the hooks requires two or more chain sling legs and should not
are specifically designed to be used otherwise. be used for lifting loads which are not held together.
b) Choke hitch Where the load geometry permits, a single leg chain
sling can be used provided that the chain sling
In this case, chain sling legs are passed through or
passes through the load directly above the centre of
under the load and the lower terminal back hooked
gravity of the load. Examples of basket hitches are
or reeved onto the chain (see Figure A.2).
given in Figure A.3.
This method can, therefore be used where no
d) Wrap and choke or wrap and basket hitch
suitable attachment points are available and has the
additional advantage that the chain sling legs tend to These methods are adaptations of b) and c),
bind the load together. designed to provide extra security of loose bundles
and involve taking an extra loop of chain completely
around the load.
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If two or more chain sling legs are used in a choke In the case of two-, three- and four-leg chain slings, if
hitch or a wrap and choke hitch care should be taken: the legs subtend different angles to the vertical the
a) if it is important to avoid imparting a torque to greatest tension will be in the leg with the smallest
the load, to align the chokes; or angle to the vertical. In the extreme case, if one leg is
vertical, it will carry all the load (see Figure A.5).
b) if it is important to avoid the load rolling or
moving laterally when first lifted, to ensure that If there is both a lack of symmetry in plan and unequal
(at least) one leg passes either side of the load. angles to the vertical the two effects will combine and
may either be cumulative or tend to negate each other
Packing may be required where a chain comes into
(see Figure A.5).
contact with a load in order to protect either the chain
or the load or both, since sharp corners of hard The loading can be assumed to be symmetric if all of
material may bend or damage the chain links or, the following conditions are satisfied:
conversely, the chain may damage the load because of a) the load is less than 80 % of marked WLL; and
high contact pressure. Packing, such as wooden b) chain sling leg angles to the vertical are all not
blocks, may be used to prevent such damage. less than 158; and
In order to prevent dangerous swaying of the load and c) chain sling leg angles to the vertical are all within
to position it for loading, a tag line is recommended. 158 to each other; and
When loads are accelerated or decelerated suddenly, d) in the case of three- and four-leg chain slings, the
high dynamic forces occur which increase the stresses plan angles are within 158 of each other.
in the chain. Such situations, which should be avoided,
arise from snatch or shock loading e.g. from not taking If all of the above parameters are not satisfied then the
up the slack chain before starting to lift or by the loading should be considered as asymmetric and the
impact of arresting falling loads. lift referred to a competent person to establish the safe
rating for the chain sling. Alternatively, in the case of
A.1.3.5 Symmetry of loading asymmetric loading, the chain sling should be rated at
In EN 818-4 and prEN 818-5 working load limits are half the marked WLL (see Figure A.5).
given for chains slings of Grades 8 and 4 in a range of If the load tends to tilt, it should be lowered and the
sizes and for different configurations. These WLL attachments changed. This can be accomplished by
values have been determined on the basis that the re-positioning the attachment points or by using
loading of the chain sling is symmetrical. This means compatible shortening devices in one or more of the
that when the load is lifted the chain sling legs are legs. Such shortening devices should be used in
symmetrically disposed in plan and subtend the same accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
angles to the vertical (see Figure A.4).
A.1.3.6 Safety of lift
In the case of three leg chain slings, if the legs are not
symmetrically disposed in plan the greatest tension will Hands and other parts of the body should be kept
be in the leg where the sum of the plan angles to the away from the chain to prevent injury as the slack is
adjacent legs is greatest. The same effect will occur in taken up. When ready to lift, the slack should be taken
4 leg chain slings except that the rigidity of the load up until the chain is taut. The load should be raised
should also be taken into account, with a rigid load the slightly and a check made that it is secure and
majority of the mass may be taken by only three or assumes the position intended. This is especially
even two legs with the remaining leg or legs serving important with basket or other loose hitches where
only to balance the load (see Figure A.5). friction retains the load. Reference should also be
made to ISO 12480-1 for planning and management of
the lifting operation and the adoption of safe systems
of working.
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1. Centre of gravity
2. High tension in this leg
3. Load P
Figure A.5 Ð Asymmetric loading
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EN 818-6:2000
A.1.3.7 Multi-legs chain slings with less than the full If the chain slings are to be left suspended from a
number of legs in use crane hook, the chain sling hooks should be engaged
As a general principle, chain slings should be used only in an upper link to reduce the risk of chain sling legs
for the purpose for which they have been designed. In swinging freely or snagging.
practice, however, occasions may arise when a lift If it is likely that chain slings will be out of use for
needs to be made using a smaller number of legs than some time they should be cleaned, dried and protected
the number of legs in the chain sling. In such cases the from corrosion, e.g. lightly oiled.
WLL should be reduced from that marked on the chain
sling by applying the relevant factor given in Table A.2. A.2 Maintenance
Legs that are not in use should be hooked back to A.2.1 Inspection
reduce the risk of such legs swinging freely, or During service, chain slings are subjected to conditions
snagging when the load is moved. which affect their safety. It is necessary therefore to
ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, that the
Table A.2 Ð Working load limit (WLL) factors chain sling should be safe for continued use.
Types of chain sling Number of Factor to apply If the tag or label identifying the chain sling and its
legs used to marked WLL working load limit becomes detached and the
two-leg 1 1/2 necessary information is not marked on the master
link itself, or by some other means, the chain slings
three- and four-leg 2 2/3 should be withdrawn from service.
three- and four-leg 1 1/3 The chain sling should be withdrawn from service and
referred to a competent person for thorough
A.1.3.8 Working load limit (WLL) examination if any of the following are observed:
Taking into consideration A.1.3.1 to A.1.3.7 and the a) the chain sling markings are illegible,
cumulative effects of de-rating, the method of chain i.e. information on the chain sling identification
slinging should be decided and a suitable chain sling or and/or the working load limit;
chain slings selected, having a WLL equal to or greater
b) distortion of the upper or lower terminals;
than the mass to be lifted.
c) chain stretch;
A.1.3.9 Landing the load
If the chain links are elongated or if there is any lack
The landing site should be prepared. It should be of free articulation between the links or noticeable
ensured that the ground or floor is of adequate difference in the leg length of multi-leg chain slings,
strength to take the weight taking account of any the chain may have been stretched.
voids, ducts, pipes etc. which may be damaged or
d) wear;
collapse. It should also be ensured that there is
adequate access to the site and that it is clear of any Wear by contact with other objects usually occurs on
unnecessary obstacles and people. It may be necessary the outside of the straight portions of the links where
to provide timber bearers or similar material to avoid it is easily seen and measured. Wear between adjoining
trapping the chain sling or to protect the floor or load links is hidden. The chain should be slack and
or to ensure the stability of the load when landed. adjoining links rotated to expose the inner end of each
link. Inter-link wear, as measured by taking the
The load should be landed carefully. Care should be
diameter indicated (d1) and one at right angles, (d2)
taken to avoid trapping the chain sling beneath the may be tolerated until the mean of these diameters has
load as this may damage it. Before allowing the chain been reduced to 90 % of the nominal diameter (dn)
to become slack, the load should be checked to ensure (see Figure A.6) provided .
that it is properly supported and stable. This is
especially important when several loose objects are in d1 + d2
$ 0,9 dn
basket hitch and choke hitch. When the load is safely 2
landed the chain sling should be removed by hand. e) cuts, nicks, gouges, cracks, excessive corrosion,
The chain sling should not be dragged out with the heat discoloration, bent or distorted links or any
lifting machine since it may thereby be damaged or it other defects;
may snag and cause the load to topple over. The load f) signs of ªopening outº of hooks, i.e. any noticeable
should not be rolled off the chain sling as this may increase in the throat openings or any other form of
damage the chain sling. distortion in the lower terminal.
A.1.3.10 Storage of chain slings The increase in throat opening should not exceed 10 %
When not in use, chain, slings should normally be kept of the nominal value or be such as to allow the safety
on a properly designed rack. They should not be left hatch, if fitted, to become disengaged.
lying on the ground where they may be damaged.
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818-6:2000 |
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