Rotor - Wind Collector: Ian Woofenden

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word power

Wind Collector
Ian Woofenden
2005 Ian Woofenden

Derivation: Contraction of rotator from Latin rota, wheel. example, just adding 1 foot to a 10-foot blade will increase
The rotor of a wind generator is the blades and hubthe the swept area by 20 percent.
visible part that rotates. (The moving part of the alternator The formula for the area of a circle is pi (roughly 3.14)
is also called a rotor, but thats not what Im talking about multiplied by the radius squared. So a 6-foot-diameter
here.) The blades travel around the hub, describing a circle rotor sweeps about 28 square feet (3 x 3 x 3.14). Double the
known as the swept area. Just as the area of a solar-electric diameter to 12 feet and the swept area quadruples to about
or solar hot water panel is what collects the suns energy, 113 square feet (6 x 6 x 3.14). Double it again and the swept
the swept area of a wind turbine is its collector. area will quadruple again.
A wind generators blades take the horizontal motion Why is this important? A small collector will gather
of the wind and translate it into rotary motion to drive the a small amount of energy; a larger collector will gather
more. Just as two, 100-watt PV modules will generate twice
as much electricity as one, doubling your swept area will
roughly double the energy into your batteries or onto the
grid, all other things being equal.
Understanding how to choose the right size wind
generator for a given application is difficult. Wind nerds
Diameter argue ad nauseam about average wind speed, wind
distribution, efficiency, capacity factor, and other techie
Hub details. Looking at the collector size cuts through much of
this technical fog.
As wind-energy journalist Paul Gipe says, Nothing
outside the wind itselfis more important in determining
a wind machines capability of capturing the energy in
the wind than the area swept by the rotor. So if youre
confused about what to expect from a wind generator, look
first at the rotor size. Dont expect a small rotor to deliver a
lot of energy. It takes a big collector to capture big energy.
Swept Area
See Mick Sagrillos wind-generator comparison article
for the square footage of most home-scale North American
generator. But dont assume more blades are better. Fewer wind generators, and Hugh Piggotts article on estimating
blades generally mean higher rpm, which is what you want energy from the rotor size. Next column, Ill talk about how
for generating electricity. More blades generally mean more a wind generator furls.
torque, which is what you want for doing mechanical work,
like pumping water. Most modern wind-electric generators Access
have three bladesa good compromise between speed Ian Woofenden, PO Box 1001, Anacortes, WA 98221
and rotor balance. Water-pumping windmills use a large [email protected]
number of blades to do their low-speed work.
Judging and comparing the size of different wind Apples & Oranges 2002: Choosing a Home-Sized Wind
generators is not particularly intuitive. Even from a distance, Generator, by Mick Sagrillo in HP90, and on the HP Web
its pretty easy to make a good guess about a persons height. site
Basketball player Wilt Chamberlain was never confused
with jockey Willie Shoemaker. But judging the swept area Estimating Wind Energy, by Hugh Piggott in HP102
of a wind generator based on its blade length isnt as easy,
and comparing different rotors is even more difficult. For

104 home power 106 / april & may 2005

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