S1 Science Rev Ex Unit 5 - Energy

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1 Science
Revisiom Exercise
U*it 4 Ceils, E{rxxaaare Repa"odaaetiom axad Herec}iff
Nanaae: Class: 1_ ( )

1. Ti-ie diagrai:r below slion s a iigl-it microsco,te.


(a) State the use of parts a anci E. (i mark)

(b) Describe how parts C and D are used to fbcus on an image. (2 rnarks)

Joirn iolloived tlie proceduie beiow to prepare a slide cior-iion skin tissue ior obsenatiol undei the light

1. Cut the onion scale leaf into the size of lcur X 1cm.
2. Use a pair of lbrceps to ... .
J. Spread the piece of onion skin on a slide.

1 Piace a cover slip over the onion skin rvitl"i a pair of iorceps.
6. Cbserue the slide by using the lou,est magnification olthe microscope.

(c) Complete steps 2 and 4 oithe above procedure. (2 marks)

2. Use a pair" of iciceps ro

(d) State the importance of step 5 in the preparation of the slide for observation. (1 mark)

(e) 'Ihc llicloscope Lrsed by John has clilferent eyepieccs ancl ob.jectives rvith the lbllorving ntagnilicatiotrs.

N4agnification olthe eyepieces: 10.\, I5X

i\4a-enification of the objectives: 4X, 10X,40X

What is tlie total magnification John used in observing the onion skin cells? Shorv your calculation
(1 mark)

The photonricrograph beloiv sltort,s tlte image of John's obseryatiort


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N4ake a biological dra'Ning of cell X John obseryecl. (3 ma-rks)

2. The diagran-i belorv sirou,s the ir:a-ie reproductive system and the associated organs

(a) Label on the diagrani on the ans] ier s?teet the structuie in whicil sperins are produced. {2 ;eralks)
(b) The genetic eontent in the nucleus of a spenn is diflferent ficmr that in the nuclei of other types oi ceiis
founcl im the male body.
(i) State the difference. (1 mark)

(ii) State ihe impccance ofltire difflere;rce stated i*pafi. (b) ii). (2 marks)

(c) State TWG differences between a sperm and an ovuln. Show your answer in a table. (3 marks)

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