S1 Science Rev Ex Unit 5 - Energy
S1 Science Rev Ex Unit 5 - Energy
S1 Science Rev Ex Unit 5 - Energy
1 Science
Revisiom Exercise
U*it 4 Ceils, E{rxxaaare Repa"odaaetiom axad Herec}iff
Nanaae: Class: 1_ ( )
(b) Describe how parts C and D are used to fbcus on an image. (2 rnarks)
Joirn iolloived tlie proceduie beiow to prepare a slide cior-iion skin tissue ior obsenatiol undei the light
1. Cut the onion scale leaf into the size of lcur X 1cm.
2. Use a pair of lbrceps to ... .
J. Spread the piece of onion skin on a slide.
1 Piace a cover slip over the onion skin rvitl"i a pair of iorceps.
6. Cbserue the slide by using the lou,est magnification olthe microscope.
(d) State the importance of step 5 in the preparation of the slide for observation. (1 mark)
(e) 'Ihc llicloscope Lrsed by John has clilferent eyepieccs ancl ob.jectives rvith the lbllorving ntagnilicatiotrs.
What is tlie total magnification John used in observing the onion skin cells? Shorv your calculation
(1 mark)
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2. The diagran-i belorv sirou,s the ir:a-ie reproductive system and the associated organs
(a) Label on the diagrani on the ans] ier s?teet the structuie in whicil sperins are produced. {2 ;eralks)
(b) The genetic eontent in the nucleus of a spenn is diflferent ficmr that in the nuclei of other types oi ceiis
founcl im the male body.
(i) State the difference. (1 mark)
(ii) State ihe impccance ofltire difflere;rce stated i*pafi. (b) ii). (2 marks)
(c) State TWG differences between a sperm and an ovuln. Show your answer in a table. (3 marks)