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Biology paper 1

HAWK 2, JUNE 2023

Instructions to candidates
(a) Write your name and index number in the spaces provided above
(b) Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above
(c) Answer all the questions in the spaces provided
(d) Additional pages must not be inserted
(e) This paper consists of 11 printed pages
(f) Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed as indicated and
that no questions are missing.

For examiners use only.

Question Maximum score Candidate’s score

1-28 80

1. Name two branches of biology that an oncologist needs to study in details. (2marks)
Physiology; first 2 correct responses.
2. (a) State two causes of seed dormancy. (2marks)
 Chemical growth/ growth/ germination inhibitors;
 Hard/ impermeable seed coat;
 Low/freezing temperatures; rej unfavorable temperature
 Under developed/immature embryo;
 Low concentration of hormones/enzymes;

(b) Name the tissue in plants responsible for:

(i) Primary growth. (1mark)

Meristematic tissues;

(ii) Secondary growth. (1mark)

Cambium tissues;

3. (a) A form one student trying to estimate the size of onion cells observed the following on the microscope’s
field of view. If the student counted 20 cells across the field of view, calculate the actual size of 1 cell.
(3 marks)

Cell size = ;

Diameter = 3mm

If 1 mm = 1000

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3 mm = ?

3 x 1000 = 3000 ;

Cell size = 150 ;

4. Name the causative agent of the following diseases. (2marks)

i) Candidiasis Candida albican;
ii) Cholera Vibro cholerae
5. (a) State two adaptations of the alveolus to its functions (2marks)
 Numerous to increase the surface area for exchange of gases
 Moist to dissolve respiratory gases;
 Thin membrane for faster diffusion of gases;
 Well supplied with blood capillaries for efficient supply of nutrients and removal of metabolic
waste products;
(b) What is the significance of the cartilage found in the human trachea being incomplete? (1mark)
To keep the trachea open thus preventing it from collapsing;
6. Suggest three reasons why green plants are included in a fish aquarium. (3marks)
 To provide shelter;
 To provide food;
 To provide oxygen;
 To help remove carbon (IV) oxide;

7. Give two reasons why accumulation of lactic acid during vigorous exercise leads to an increase in heartbeat.
Lactic acid is poisonous to the tissue; and must be removed, thus increase in heart beat increases the
of oxygen; to tissues to oxidise/break down lactic acid;
8. A teacher set-up the apparatus below to investigate a certain phenomenon. The cobalt (II) chloride paper
was placed on the upper and lower surfaces of the leaf as shown.

i) What was the aim of the experiment? (1mark)
Transpiration / loss of water through leaves

ii) What observations were made after 2hrs? (2marks)

The lower cobalt II chloride paper turned pink faster than the upper cobalt II Chloride paper.
9. Below is the dental formula of a mammal.

0 0 3 2
i , c , pm , m
4 0 3 3

(a) What is the total number of teeth? (1mark)

30 teeth
(b) (i) What is mode of feeding in the mammal? (1mark)

(ii) Give one reason for your answer above. (1mark)

Lacks lower canine/upper canine and incisor;

10. The diagram below represents a cell organelle


a) Explain how the above cell organelle is adaptation to its function. (1mark)
i) Has numerous chloroplast to increase surface area for photosynthesis;
ii) Has thick inner wall and thin outer wall to control opening and closing of stomata for
gaseous exchange;

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b) State the function of the part labeled X. (1mark)
Contain chlorophyll pigment that traps light energy for photosynthesis;
c) Explain how dark stage of photosynthesis is dependent on the light stage. (2marks)
Requires ATP; from light stage
Requires Hydrogen Ions; (H+) (OWTTE)

11. A student set up an experiment to investigate a certain process. Study it and answer the questions that
follow. The cubes are of the same size and shape.

(a) (i) Name the process being investigated. (1mark)


(ii) What observations would be made after 40 minutes? (1mark)

Potato cube A tilt upwards while B tilt downwards;

(b) Account for your observation. (2 marks)

Cell sap of cube A is hypertonic to salt solution/salt solution is hypertonic to cell sap of the cube A; water
molecules move out of cells of the cube by osmosis making cube A lighter; cell sap of cube B is hypertonic
to distilled water/distilled water molecules move into cube B by osmosis making cube B heavier;

(c) Suggest a control experiment for this experiment. (1mark)

Using isotonic solution;

Using boiled potato cube;

12. Which one of the cell organelles would be found in large numbers in;
a) An enzyme secreting cell (1mark)
Golgi bodies/Apparatus rej Golgi body/ apparator
b) A rapidly respiring cell in comparison to other cells in the same organism (1mark)
Mitochondria rej Mitochondorion
13. The diagram below represents an experimental set up to investigate a certain scientific concept. The potted
plant was first destarched by keeping it in dark for four days.

The set up was then placed in sunlight for five hours and leaves were tested for starch.

a) What scientific concept was being investigated? (1mark)

Whether Carbon (IV) oxide concentration is necessary for photosynthesis;
b) i) Give the results likely to be obtained after starch test for A and B.

A brown colour of iodine solution retain/pesist/remain; (1mark)

B iodine solution turn blue –black; (1mark)

iii) Account for the results in leaf A in b (i) above. (1mark)

No phosynthesis took place in leaf A, no starch formed while in leaf B photosynthesis took
place leading to formation of starch hence reactive to iodine;

14. state two functions of enzyme thrombokynase in blood clotting process (2marks)
i) neutralize the anticlotting factors called heparin;
ii) taken part in coversion of prothrombine to thrombin;
15. The illustration below show different types of neurons along reflex arc.


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i.) Identify the three neurons marked 1, 2 and 3. (3marks)


2 Relay;


iv) Using an arrow, show the direction of nerve impulse transmission on the diagram. (1mark)
16. Give two physiological changes that occur in the body to lower carbon (IV) oxide level back to normal
after a vigorous exercise. (2marks)
 Breathing heavily;
 Increased heartbeat;
17. The scheme below shows a process that takes place in the human gut.
Trypsinogen + substance K Trypsin
a) Name substance K (1mark)
b) In which part of the gut does the process occur (1mark)

c) Name the substrate that is acted upon by trypsin and the product formed. (2marks)
Substrate protein;
Product peptides;
18. What is meant by the following terms? (3 marks)
i) Genetic counselling

Involves giving the professional advice on genetic disorder and disease to enable the counselee to
make an informed decision;

ii) Test cross

Across between individuals of unknown genotype with a recessive individual;

iii) Variation
Observable differences among members of the same species;
19. The diagram below represents a certain organism.

State the phylum and class to which it belongs. (2mks)

Phylum Chordata;
Class Mammalia;
20. a) Explain the importance of transport in plants. (2marks)
 elimination of metabolic waste products;
 supply nutrients and synthesized materials to the required tissues;

b) What is the role of root hairs in plants? (1mark)

Absorption of water and dissolved mineral salts;

21. Small birds like the European robin puff up (swell up) their feathers during winter. Explain the significance
of this behavioral response. (3 marks)
To reduce heat loss; since the feathers trap more air; that act as insulator against heat loss/ that is a
poor conductor of heat;
22. a) During which phase of meiosis does crossing over occur? (1mark)
prophase I
b) State the functions of the following male hormones.

i) Follicle stimulating hormone. (1mark)

 Stimulate the ovarian tissues/theca walls to of the graafian follicle to secrete oestrogen;
 Causes the graafian follicle to develop into ovary;

ii) Luteinizing hormone. (1mark)

 causes the maturation of the ovum and ovulation;

 causes the the remains of graafian follicle to change into corpus luteum;


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23. (a) Which substance in the cigarettes smoke may cause lung cancer. (1mark)

(b) The table below shows differences in air breathed in and out.

Gas Volume of air Volume of air

breathed in breathed out

Oxygen 21.00 16.00

Carbon (IV) oxide 0.04 4.00

What is the reason for the differences? (2marks)

Amount of oxygen reduced because some have been consumed in by the body tissues while the
volume of carbon (IV) oxide increased in exhaled air because body tissues release it as waste
product hence higher than the inhaled;

24. An experiment was set to investigate a certain aspect of response. A seedling was put on a horizontal
position as shown in figure M below. After 24 hours, the set up was as shown in figure N.


a) Name the response exhibited. (1mark)


b) Explain the curvature of the shoot upwards. (3marks)

when a plant lie horizontally on the ground, unilateral gravitational pull causes auxins to accumulate
on lower side of the shoot; higher auxine concentration on lower side stimulates faster cell elongation
and growth on the lower side; resulting in the stem curving upwards;
25. a) What is alternation of generations (2marks)
Where a plant goes through two generations sporophyte (spore producing stage) and
gametophyte (gamete producing stage) stage to complete its life cycle;

b) Explain why leaves of Pteridophytes are referred to as Fronds. (1mark)

They perform both photosynthetic and reproductive functions;

26. Explain why the shortest food chains are always the most efficient
Low energy losses by respiration, excretion, defaecation hence the end consumer receive a lot of
27. In a prolonged drought period, forage was scarce. It made animals reach out for higher forage and this way
the giraffes got the stretched long necks.
(a) What is the term used for a characteristic such as the long necks outlined? (1mark)
Acquired characteristics/traits;
(b) What is the name given to the theory that describes the evolution of such structures like the long
necks? (1 mark)
Use and disuse of body structures;
(c) State and explain the limitation of the theory you named in (b) above. (2marks)
Acquired characteristic/traits that do not affect the genotype of an individual is never

10 | P a g e

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NAME MARKING SCHEME ADM NO.___________________
STREAM ___________________________________ SCHOOL _____________________
INDEX NO ___________________________________ DATE ________________________

Biology paper 2

HAWK 2, JUNE 2023

Instructions to candidates
(a) Write your name and index number in the spaces provided above
(b) Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above
(c) This paper consist of two section A and B
(d) Answer all the questions in section A in the spaces provided.
(e) In section B answer question 6 (compulsory) and either question 7 or 8 in the spaces provided.
(f) Additional pages must not be inserted
(g) This paper consists of 11 printed pages
(h) Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed as indicated and
that no questions are missing.
For examiner’s use only
Question Maximum score Candidate’s score
1 8
2 8
3 8
4 8
5 8
6 20
Total score 80
1. Study the experimental set up below and use it to answer the questions that follow.

a) What aspect of respiration is being demonstrated? (1mark)

Carbon (IV) oxide is released during respiration
b) State the roles of the following in the experiment:
i) Sodium hydroxide. (1mark)
To remove carbon (IV) oxide from air.
ii) Black clothing covering the bell jar (1mark)
To bock light hence no photosynthesis occur
iii) Polythene bag enclosing the plant. (1mark)
To ensure soil micro-organism do not respire thus interfering with the result.
c) i) What observation would you expect to make in the lime water in the jar B and D? (1mark)
B – Colorless lime water persist
D – White precipitate is formed.
ii) Account for the results in c) i) above. (2marks)
The plant respired in darkness to release carbon (IV) oxide which reacted with lime water to form a white
insoluble substance in D unlike in B

2. The table below shows the result of a study that was done on urban males of the same age group. It revealed a
drastic fall in the sperm production over a period of 30 years in a certain European city.

Year 1973 1978 1983 1988 1993 1998 2003

Number of sperms ×106/cm3 of semen 92 84 79 74 70 57 52

a) Calculate percentage decrease in sperm production over the 30 years period of study (2marks)


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= 43.38%
b) Other than testosterone, name another hormone that influences the production of sperms (1mark)
Follicle stimulating hormone

c) Suggest two reasons for the decrease in sperm production (2marks)

 Nutrients/ zinc/vitamin c deficiency in the diet

 Smoking/ drug abuse
 Excessive alcohol consumption
 Obesity
 Environmental toxins/ radiation/ heavy metal pollution
 Stress/ excessive physical/ mental exertion
 Overheating from tight underpants

d) Highlight three roles of Oestrogen in regulating the menstrual cycle in female humans. (3marks)

It stimulates the repair and healing of the uterine wall

It inhibits the production / release of follicle stimulating hormone
It stimulates the pituitary gland to release luteinizing hormone
3. (a) What is active transport? (1mark)
Movement of molecules/ions against the concentration gradient by use of enegy/ATP
(b) What is the role oxygen in the process of active transport? (1mark)
Required in respiration to generate energy/ATP;
(c) Outline three roles of active transport in the human body (3marks)
 Reabsorption of sugar and salt in kidney tubules;
 Absorption of digested food from the alimentary canal into bloodstream;
 Pumping of ions by Na+/k+ pump across the nerve cell membrane;
 Secretion of waste products into the tubular fluid by kidney tubular cells.
(d) The diagram below shows a red blood cell that was subjected to a certain treatment.

Account for the shape of the cell (2marks)

It was placed in a hypotonic solution; lost water by osmosis and became crenated;


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