Bio P1 MS
Bio P1 MS
Bio P1 MS
Biology paper 1
1-28 80
1. Name two branches of biology that an oncologist needs to study in details. (2marks)
Physiology; first 2 correct responses.
2. (a) State two causes of seed dormancy. (2marks)
Chemical growth/ growth/ germination inhibitors;
Hard/ impermeable seed coat;
Low/freezing temperatures; rej unfavorable temperature
Under developed/immature embryo;
Low concentration of hormones/enzymes;
Meristematic tissues;
Cambium tissues;
3. (a) A form one student trying to estimate the size of onion cells observed the following on the microscope’s
field of view. If the student counted 20 cells across the field of view, calculate the actual size of 1 cell.
(3 marks)
Cell size = ;
Diameter = 3mm
If 1 mm = 1000
3 x 1000 = 3000 ;
i) What was the aim of the experiment? (1mark)
Transpiration / loss of water through leaves
0 0 3 2
i , c , pm , m
4 0 3 3
a) Explain how the above cell organelle is adaptation to its function. (1mark)
i) Has numerous chloroplast to increase surface area for photosynthesis;
ii) Has thick inner wall and thin outer wall to control opening and closing of stomata for
gaseous exchange;
11. A student set up an experiment to investigate a certain process. Study it and answer the questions that
follow. The cubes are of the same size and shape.
Cell sap of cube A is hypertonic to salt solution/salt solution is hypertonic to cell sap of the cube A; water
molecules move out of cells of the cube by osmosis making cube A lighter; cell sap of cube B is hypertonic
to distilled water/distilled water molecules move into cube B by osmosis making cube B heavier;
The set up was then placed in sunlight for five hours and leaves were tested for starch.
14. state two functions of enzyme thrombokynase in blood clotting process (2marks)
i) neutralize the anticlotting factors called heparin;
ii) taken part in coversion of prothrombine to thrombin;
15. The illustration below show different types of neurons along reflex arc.
2 Relay;
iv) Using an arrow, show the direction of nerve impulse transmission on the diagram. (1mark)
16. Give two physiological changes that occur in the body to lower carbon (IV) oxide level back to normal
after a vigorous exercise. (2marks)
Breathing heavily;
Increased heartbeat;
17. The scheme below shows a process that takes place in the human gut.
Trypsinogen + substance K Trypsin
a) Name substance K (1mark)
b) In which part of the gut does the process occur (1mark)
c) Name the substrate that is acted upon by trypsin and the product formed. (2marks)
Substrate protein;
Product peptides;
18. What is meant by the following terms? (3 marks)
i) Genetic counselling
Involves giving the professional advice on genetic disorder and disease to enable the counselee to
make an informed decision;
Stimulate the ovarian tissues/theca walls to of the graafian follicle to secrete oestrogen;
Causes the graafian follicle to develop into ovary;
(b) The table below shows differences in air breathed in and out.
Amount of oxygen reduced because some have been consumed in by the body tissues while the
volume of carbon (IV) oxide increased in exhaled air because body tissues release it as waste
product hence higher than the inhaled;
24. An experiment was set to investigate a certain aspect of response. A seedling was put on a horizontal
position as shown in figure M below. After 24 hours, the set up was as shown in figure N.
when a plant lie horizontally on the ground, unilateral gravitational pull causes auxins to accumulate
on lower side of the shoot; higher auxine concentration on lower side stimulates faster cell elongation
and growth on the lower side; resulting in the stem curving upwards;
25. a) What is alternation of generations (2marks)
Where a plant goes through two generations sporophyte (spore producing stage) and
gametophyte (gamete producing stage) stage to complete its life cycle;
10 | P a g e
Biology paper 2
2. The table below shows the result of a study that was done on urban males of the same age group. It revealed a
drastic fall in the sperm production over a period of 30 years in a certain European city.
d) Highlight three roles of Oestrogen in regulating the menstrual cycle in female humans. (3marks)