Verma 2021
Verma 2021
Verma 2021
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Drag and lift are two important parameters to evaluate the aerodynamic performance of a passenger
Received 16 October 2020 vehicle. Lesser drag and lesser lift (greater downward force) is required for satisfactory performance of
Received in revised form 11 November 2020 a car. The addition of spoiler at rear part of car is used to achieve the requirements. Lip-type spoiler is
Accepted 12 December 2020
frequently used for small car. A small car with lip-type spoiler at different directions is investigated com-
Available online xxxx
putationally. Computational fluid dynamics is applied to obtain drag and lift. Decreasing trend of drag is
found with increase in spoiler angle, while lesser lift is found at small spoiler angle and further increase in
lift is found with increase in spoiler angle. However the lift at greater spoiler angle is less than the lift of
Aerodynamic performance
Lip spoiler
base car (car without spoiler). A compromise of drag and lift is required to achieve satisfactory perfor-
Spoiler angle mance of car in term of power requirement and fuel economy (due to drag force) as well as stability
Drag of the car (due to lift). The spoiler angle 60-100 is found optimal one to use benefits of both reduced drag
Lift and lift.
Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Technological Advancements in Materials Science and Manufacturing.
2214-7853/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Technological Advancements in Materials Science and
Please cite this article as: R.P. Verma, N. Kumar Chaudhary and S. Avikal, Effect of direction of lip spoiler on the aerodynamic performance of a small pas-
senger vehicle, Materials Today: Proceedings,
R.P. Verma, N. Kumar Chaudhary and S. Avikal Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig. 3. (a) Lip spoiler mounted on the vehicle (b) 3D CAD model of vehicle (c) 3D CAD model of Lip Spoiler (d) 3-D model of the car with lip spoiler.
R.P. Verma, N. Kumar Chaudhary and S. Avikal Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig. 5. (a) Mesh Generation of control volume (b) Mesh Generation of the vehicle Body.
3. Aerodynamics analysis and simulation ture the flow behavior of the rear side. The dimensions of control
volume is 6.5L 1.5L 1.5L where L = 5.2 m. Aerodynamic analy-
A virtual wind tunnel (control volume) was constructed around sis was performed in ANSYS FLUENT environment. The body was
the model that depicts the real life wind tunnel as shown in Fig. 4. placed in the control volume with spacing of 4.0L downstream
An extension was left at the rear end of the model in order to cap- and 1.5L upstream.
R.P. Verma, N. Kumar Chaudhary and S. Avikal Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
Table 1
Boundary conditions and air properties applied in CFD analysis.
Boundary Conditions
Velocity inlet Magnitude and direction 50 m/s
Turbulence Specification Method Intensity and viscosity ratio
Turbulence intensity 2%
Turbulent viscosity ratio 10
Pressure outlet Gauge pressure magnitude 0 Pascal
Gauge pressure direction Normal to boundary
Turbulence specification method Intensity and viscosity ratio
Back flow turbulence intensity 5%
Back flow turbulence viscosity ratio 10
Wall zones No slip
Air properties Fluid type Air
Density 1.175 kg/m3
Kinematic viscosity 1.8247 105 kg/(m.s)
Fig. 6. (a) Drag coefficient and (b) lift coefficient of base car and car with spoiler.
The meshing of control volume and vehicle body is presented in force [1–5]. Fig. 7 shows the streamline flow of the air over the
Fig. 5. Default Mesh sizes in ANSYS was assigned to control volume vehicle. The size of recirculation zone behind the rear end of vehi-
and then finer sizes were applied at the surfaces and edges of inter- cle was found to increase with increase in spoiler angle.
est to capture strong flow gradients. A trial analysis was performed It is fact that a smaller angle of wind collision gives higher drag
to locate the high gradient regions and the results were used to force due to generation of small recirculation zone behind the rear
refine the mesh. The meshed control volume is presented in end of the vehicle [4–6]. A smaller recirculation zone behind the
Fig. 5a. The surface mesh of generic passenger car (Fig. 5b) was rear end implies that there is higher pressure behind the spoiler
composed of 248,076 nodes and 1,355,372 tetrahedron elements. than the rear end of the vehicle. The rear spoiler redirects the air-
Realizable k-e turbulence model and non-equilibrium wall flow behind the vehicle, which in turn increases the negative lift of
function were used in the analysis. The convergence criteria were the vehicle. In case of vehicle, a negative lift force stabilizes it at
kept as residuals should be below 1 103. The applied boundary high speed, increases capability to produce cornering force, gives
condition is presented in Table 1. ‘Velocity-inlet’ term is used to better traction and improves braking performance [10–12].
specify the inlet of the wind tunnel, while ‘pressure-outlet’ is used The drag coefficient (CD) should be less to avoid excessive drag
for the outlet of the wind tunnel. friction. Also the lift coefficient (CL) should be less for stabilization
of vehicle at high speed (negative CD should be greater). The spoiler
angle 20 shows lesser CL (greater negative CL), but the CD is more
4. Result and analysis
(Fig. 6). A minimum 60 spoiler angle was found suitable in view
of both less drag force and less lift.
Fig. 6 shows the drag coefficient and lift coefficient of car at dif-
ferent spoiler angles obtained in analysis. A steep decrease in CD
was observed with the use of spoiler. The CD continuously 5. Conclusion
decreased with increase in spoiler angle upto 100 (Fig. 6a). While
the negative CL increases with the use of spoiler. But by increasing This study presented how the angle of lip spoiler at definite
spoiler angle after 20, the negative CL was observed to decrease height can influence the drag and lift of a car. Based on the observa-
with increase in spoiler angle and there is not much change in neg- tions, it can be concluded that at a particular height the spoiler that
ative CL was observed after 60 (Fig. 6b). Negative CL is required for possess smaller angle gives higher drag force. With the increase in
stabilization of vehicle, while less CD is favorable to reduce drag spoiler angle, the drag force decreases. Similarly, greater downward
R.P. Verma, N. Kumar Chaudhary and S. Avikal Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig. 7. Streamline flow pattern of (a) base car (b) car with spoiler 20 (c) car with spoiler 40 (d) car with spoiler 60 (e) car with spoiler 100.
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