Phase 2 Ipcrf Development Plan
Phase 2 Ipcrf Development Plan
Phase 2 Ipcrf Development Plan
Department of Education
Region I
KRA 2, KRA 2, Objective 8 To gain Apply new learning on the February Human Planned and
Objective 5 Participated in collegial practical classroom management 2022 – Resources School delivered
Established discussions that use approaches of principles relevant to March Head/Head teaching
safe and secure teacher and learner managing sustaining fairness, respect, 2022 Teacher and strategies to
learning feedback to enrich students’ and care in the learning Master Teacher/ cater the needs
environments teaching practice engagement environment. Resource Speaker of students.
to enhance in the
learning teaching- Undergo Attended all
through the learning structured collegial
consistent process mentoring or technical discussions
implementation assistance of School/Head that uses the
of policies, Teacher on planning and teacher and
guidelines, and delivering teaching strategies. -Local/Personal learner
procedures. Funds feedback to
enrich teaching
and learning
Learning through LAC focused
on addressing educational
Professionalis Innovation, To explore Trying new work by applying February HRTD Funds, /
m and Ethics specifically on mechanisms strategies to ensure 2022 – MT /LD Team
demonstrating an of productivity at work. March
ability to think understandin 2022
“beyond the box”. g the whole Participating in
Continuously nature of a Learning Action
focuses on improving situation and Cells (LAC)
personal productivity come up with
to create higher value strategies to
and results. ensure
at work.
(add rows, if
KRA 2, Objective 6 KRA 2, Objective 7 To gain practical Apply new insights May 2022 – LD Team
Maintained learning Maintained supportive approaches that gear on implementing June 2022
environments that learning environments towards the creation teaching approaches
promote that nurture and inspire of a learning that engage students
fairness, respect, and learners to participate, environment that in a sustained
care to encourage cooperate and engages students in learning atmosphere
learning. collaborate in continued doing participative, promoting
learning collaborative, and participation,
cooperative learning collaboration, and
tasks cooperation
HRTD Funds
KRA 3, Objective 9 KRA 3, Objective 11 To craft and Undergoing May 2022 – Immediate
Designed, adapted, and Adopted and implement programs mentoring and June 2022 Supervisors
implemented teaching implemented learning responsive to the coaching
strategies that are programs that ensure needs of learners with
responsive to learners relevance and varied levels of Trying a work that LD Team
with disabilities, responsiveness to the abilities and skills aims to address the
giftedness needs of all learners needs of learners
and talents. through provision of
programs and other
feasible forms of
learning projects
LD Team
KRA 3, Objective 10 KRA 3, Objective 12 To improve
Adapted and used Utilized assessment educational outcomes Undergoing
culturally appropriate data to inform the with the utilization of structured
teaching strategies to modification of teaching effective analysis of mentoring and May 2022 –
address the needs of and learning practices assessment results coaching June 2022
learners from indigenous and programs. reflecting students’
groups. performances. Immediate
Undergo structured
mentoring in
introducing school
policies and
KRA 4, Objective 15 procedures
Complied with and To craft and contributory to Immediate
implemented school implement school teaching and Supervisors
policies and policies and learning process
procedures consistency procedures that
to foster harmonious engage learners,
relationships with parents, and other
learners, parents, and stakeholders through
other stakeholders consistent
cooperation and
collaboration of LD Team
group’s objectives and
Self-Management Results Focus, To attain an Trying new work by May 2022 – HRTD Funds, /
specifically on delivering independent mode of applying effective June 2022 MT /LD Team
error-free outputs most executing duties and strategies in
of the time by responsibility while executing work
conforming to ensuring quality, responsibilities
standard operating effectiveness, and
procedures correctly efficiency of work Participating in
and consistently and output. Learning Action
producing very Cells (LAC)
satisfactory quality
work in terms of
and completeness with
no supervision
Professionalism and Innovation, To explore Trying new work by February 2022 HRTD Funds, /
Ethics specifically on mechanisms of applying strategies to – March 2022 MT /LD Team
demonstrating an ability understanding the ensure productivity
to think “beyond the whole nature of a at work.
box”. Continuously situation and come up
focuses on improving with strategies to Participating in
personal productivity to ensure productivity at Learning Action
create higher value work. Cells (LAC)
and results.
(add rows, if necessary)
Becoming champion
in nurturing fairness,
respect, and care
within the
instructional setting.
Attending LAC
sessions on creating
a supportive learning
environment that
collaboration, and
cooperation in
attaining learning
KRA 4, Objective 14
Reviewed regularly
personal teaching
practice using
existing laws and
regulations that apply to
the teaching
profession and the
responsibilities specified
in the Code of
Ethics for Professional
Professionalism and Innovation, specifically To explore Trying new work by HRTD Funds, /
Ethics on demonstrating an mechanisms of applying strategies to MT /LD Team
ability to think “beyond understanding the ensure productivity
the box”. Continuously whole nature of a at work. August 2022 –
focuses on improving situation and come up May 2023
personal productivity to with strategies to Participating in
create higher value ensure productivity at Learning Action
and results. work. Cells (LAC)
(add rows, if necessary)