Venn Diagram Aspe Joniza BSSW 1final

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Micro, mezzo, and macro social

work all work to promote social
Micro social work is defined justice and human well-being,
as working closely with with particular attention to
individuals, families, and vulnerable communities.
small groups to counsel and However, while their core
provide one-on-one support *Working closely with *Careers can be support mission is essentially the same,
as clients navigate complex individuals, families, and group counsellor and micro, mezzo, and macro social
small groups to council community health worker
challenges and systems. and provide. *Primarily focused on work achieve this mission
*clinical *working closely
valuable mixed
helping vulnerable through different means and
This means that the social social and engages
method tool for
populations at the large
work , group , organizational , and
worker should build medical
directly with the creating small small community levels.
professional relationship to social work scale This Venn Diagram covers
institutional and *Provided on
the client in order to *Activities like
can be individual *It caters intermediate scale ,
about its definition ,examples ,
counselling , therapy ,
accomplish easily the goals referral, or direct Collaboration ,
the whole involving neighborhoods , careers , activities, similarities
nation but
and objectives of the assistance Communication ,
at the same
institutions or other and differences of the three.
*Perform Coordination, smaller groups.
activity given at this level. behavioral and case *A mixed time it also *organizes
management method on promote social caters small community
which caters wellbeing
services groups like groups, lead
The broadest scope of social individual as farmers or classes
well as the fisherfolks
work , address systematic issues national
affecting local state, national Address systematic issues, affecting local
*Taking a broad This practice work on the small portion
and international communities. state , national and international
view of the
communities of the community , it focuses on helping
systematic causes
This means that social work at
of social injustice at vulnerable populations , organizational
the broadest
this level provide services scope of social
a large scale and small community levels.
community and
nationally. Example of this is an *The working umbrella provide
Like for example a substance abuse
international justice social social worker who designs and
worker who works for a non- implements a harm reduction-focused
profit that supports women’s needle exchange program and/or a
rights to reproductive health drug prevention and counseling
care, education, and political program for a local community.

It is very important that social workers can Social work professionals have a vital role in REFERENCES
work on two or more of these types of social facilitating social welfare processes. The
practice of social work in any given setting  USC School of Social Work. (2014, March
work practice. For example, a school social 4). Introduction to social work (extended
and field of practice needs understanding of
worker whose responsibilities are primarily at human development and behavior, of social,
version) [Video file]. Retrieved
level reader’s
may also attention
engage in with
educational economic,
a great quote fromyour and
the culturalattention
document institutions
or use withandspace
this athe
emphasizeyour the
v=jJXRB1V5eVw point.attention
text t
programming at the school like the College of interaction of all these various factors. Micro,
 bchilds. (2012, July 20). Macro, mezzo and
Arts and Sciences (ex. drug prevention mezzo, and macro social work this field of micro social work [Blog post]. Retrieved
practice promote social cohesion, social from
programs, anti-bullying campaigns, or justice and social development. They mat macro-mezzo-and-micro-social-work/
reproductive health seminars), which is in differ in different scales and population or  Gray, M., & Bernstein, A. (1996). Social work:
A beginner's text. Cape Town, South Africa:
mezzo-level social work. worker’s career number of clients but they have the same Juta. Retrieved from
combines macro and micro social work. goals.

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