Module 6 Social Work Lesson 1 The Discipline of Social Work

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Module 6 Social Work of life and social justice for all social members?

If YES, then welcome to

the profession of Social Work.

Lesson 1 The Discipline of Social

What I Know

General Instructions:
Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.
The following statements enable you to reflect on and figure out your
Helen Keller level of understanding about Social Work as a profession. Answer if the
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- statement is TRUE or FALSE.
- 1. Social Work is a profession that deals with the person’s
interaction with their environment
What I Need to Know 2. The principal mission of social work profession is to develop
human being and assist other institutions in attaining the
Learning Competencies:
basic human needs of the people and in empowering the lost,
1. identify the goals and scope of social work
(HUMSS_DIASS 12-Ie-16) the least and the last.
2. demonstrate comprehension of the principles of social work 3. Among the distinctive goals of social work is curing which
(HUMSS_DIASS 12-Ie-17)
refers to the heart of social work
3. discuss the core values of social work
(HUMSS_DIASS 12-Ie-18) 4. Caring refers to the heart of social work and it focused on the
well-being or the welfare and comfort of the individual and
Good day learners! Are you willing to confront realities of social problems community.
and human needs? Are you concerned with the plight of the many who 5. Changing involves active participation of the social workers in
experience hardships of poverty and the tears of hunger and pain? Do you
social reforms. It holds on the belief that the political,
want to be involved in shaping a society that strives to ensure a high quality
economic and social structures contribute in the worsening of Scenario 2: Community Immersion
social conditions.

What Is It

Definition, Goals and Scope of Social Work

Photo credits: Sorronda, 2017

Scenarios in relation to Social Work.
Scenario 1: Typhoon Victims Grade 12 – HUMSS Students of MONHS in their Community Immersion doing
charity and giving service to the community by helping the residents in cleaning
the coastal areas in Barangay Punta Blanca.

Photo credits: Obordo, 2017

Relief goods distributed to the victims of Typhoon Vinta
Definitions of Social Work
• The National Association of Social Workers (NASW, n.d.),
What ’s More defined social work as the professional activity of helping
individuals, groups or communities enhance or restore their
capacity of their personal interaction with their environment
Guide Questions:
and creating societal conditions beneficial to the mission.
1. What can you say about the picture/s? What makes it social • The United Nations of Economic Social and Cultural
work? Write your answer on the box. Organization (UNESCO, 2000), considers social work as a
field within human services and a part of services of the
Name: • The International Federation of Social Works (IFSW,
2006), defines social work as a practice-based and
__________________________________________________________ academic discipline that promotes change and social
development. (Retrieved from

• Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW), as cited

in Cox & Pawar, 2006) defines social work as a practical
profession designed at helping people addresses their
problems and matching them with the resources they need
to lead healthy and productive lives.

• The International Association of Schools of Social Work

(IASSW), states that social work profession promotes
social change, problem solving in human relationships, and
the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance well-
being. (IFSW & IASSW, 2004 as cited in Co & Pawar,
Volunteers of the Philippine Red Cross (PRC) form part of an
active corps of capable, caring by sharing their resources, time, and
II. Goals of Social Work
efforts to alleviate human suffering.
The primary mission of social work profession is to develop human beings 2. The Goal on Curing
and assist other institutions in attaining the basic human needs of people Curing refers to the aspect of treating people with problems in their
and in empowering the lost, the least, and the last. These goals are social environment (EXAMPLE. Counselling and therapy)
outlined and described below:

1. The Goal on Caring

Caring refers to the heart of social work and it centers on the well-
being or the welfare and comfort of the individual and community.

Social Anxiety Disorder -anxiety -

Caring services -service/
3. The Goal on Changing 5. International Social work
Changing refers to the active participation of the social workers in 6. Social work as community organizer
social reforms (EXAMPLE: promoting social change and justice). 7. Women welfare
8. Crisis intervention
9. Criminal justice

Morales and Sheafor (1998, 8th edition) identified and described the
fields included in the area of social work, which are as follows:
1. Social Work as a Primary Discipline
In terms of child welfare, social work offers:
a. The adoption and services to unmarried parents – the difficult
decision of unmarried parents whether to keep the baby or place
the child for adoption
b. The foster care – removes the children from their homes and
The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) is a human placing them temporarily in a foster care
development measure of the national government that provides c. The residential care – a group care home or a residential
conditional cash grants to the poorest of the poor, to improve the treatment center for children
health, nutrition, and the education of children aged
-18.0 d. The support in own homes – provides support services in order
to keep children in their own homes
e. The protective services – protect the child from child abuse,
maltreatment, and exploitation by one or both parents
III. Scope of Social Work
To supplement your understanding in the value of social work, it is
important to study the scope of social work. The scope of social work Family services, social work offers:
includes: a. Family counselling – utilize the three approaches to this type
1. Child development Social Work of counselling namely:
2. Medical Social Work 1. family case work, involves helping individual members of
3. Clinical Social Work the family change their behaviour to make them more
4. Social work administration and management effective contributors in the family:
2. family group work, the process by which the family a. The support for people in their own homes program consists
examines its relationships and resolves their problem with the of helping older people remain in their own homes by linking
help of the social worker: and lastly, them with community programs that bring health care
3. family therapy, focuses on transforming the structure of the services into their homes.
family to make it more supportive to its members b. The support for people in long-term care facilities program
a. Family life education - an intervention to strengthen the family refers to nursing home care services into their homes.
through educational activities that seek to prevent family Community services, social work offers:
a. Community organization
b. Family planning – assisting the families plan the number,
b. Community planning
spacing, and timing of the births of children to fit with their
c. Community development

Income maintenance, social work offers: 3. Social Work as a Secondary

a. Public assistance – refers to the provision of the financial aid Discipline Industry, social workers act
to the poor. Services include cash grants, food stamps, as:
general assistance such as hospital and medical care, and a. Support to both the managers and the employees of the
supplemental security income. companies. They make themselves available to the
b. Social insurances – social provisions that are funded by employees with social problems for individual, family, and
employers and employees through contributions to a specific group counselling
program. b. Provide information to the managers as basis for
c. The other income maintenance programs include cash in kind management decisions that might have an impact on the
benefits, emergency support funds, and other resources social atmosphere in the working environment
which can be used by the poor for food and shelter. Medical and health care, social workers:
a. Attend to the social and psychological factors that are
2. Social Work as an Equal contributing to the medical condition of the patients
b. Link patients with community resources
Partner Aging, social work
c. Provide necessary counselling, and link with self-help groups
Schools, the primary tasks of social workers in schools, (as cited by
Morales and
Sheafor, 1998, 8th edition)
a. Facilitate the provision of direct educational and social
services and provide direct social case work and group work
services to selected students;
b. Act as a pupil advocate, focusing on urgent needs of the
selected group of students;
c. Consult with school administrators major problems; Service
d. Consult with teachers about techniques for creating a climate Social Justice
in which children are freed and motivated to learn by Importance of human relationships
interpreting social and cultural influences in the lives of
e. Organize parent and community groups to channel concerns
about students and the school to improve school and SOCIAL
community relations. WORK

IV. Core Values of Social Work

The National Association of Social Workers (NASW, n.d) stated that the Competence
mission of the social work profession is rooted in a set of core values. Dignity and Worth of the people
These core values include: service, social justice, dignity and worth of the
person, importance of human relationships, integrity, and competence
(Morales and Sheafor, 1998, 8th edition ).

“ Social work originates from humanitarian ideals and democratic philosophy and has What I Can Do
universal application to meet human needs arising from personal- societal interactions and
to develop human potential. Professional social workers are dedicated to service for the
welfare and selfrealization of human beings; to the development of resources to meetJournal Writing: Do you see yourself as a social worker by profession in
individual, group, national and international needs and aspirations; and to the achievementthe future? What particular core values of social work that you are willing to
of social justice apply in your life? Why? Your teacher will rate your work using the
(IFSW as cited by Morales and Sheafor, 8 th
following reflective writing rubric:
Description Points Points Obtained
Criteria Melegrito, Ma. Lourdes F., PhD. Arleigh Ross D. Valdez, PhD., Violet B.
Valdez, PhD., Carl G. Fernandez, RSW,MSW.,Discipline and Ideas in the
The content was well
Content thought of; guide 7. Applied Social Sciences, Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House Inc.,
questions were 2016.
thoroughly answered.
Demonstrate a
conscious and WEBSITE
Debt of reflection thorough
understanding of the 7
subject matter. This
reflection can be used
for as an example of
other students
Use of language that is
precise and engaging,
with notable sense of
Use of language voice, awareness of 6
audience and purpose,
and varied sentence
Total: 20

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