Aerospace Engineering

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Preamble :This course provides fundamentals of aerospace engineering and understanding of

flight instruments. To educate students the fundamental aerospace disciplines necessary to
carry out the design of an aerospace vehicle or systems.

Prerequisite : Nil

Course Outcomes: After completion of the course the student will be able to
CO1 Explain the characteristics of atmosphere
CO2 Discuss airfoil theory, 2D, 3D or Finite aero foils
CO3 Explain perform analysis of flight dynamics of aircrafts
CO4 Understand different flight instruments
CO5 Discuss the principles of wind tunnel testing

Mapping of course outcomes with program outcomes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
CO 1 3 2 1
CO 2 3 2
CO 3 3 2 1
CO 4 3 1
CO 5 3 1

Assessment Pattern
Bloom Continuous Assessment Tests
End Semester Examination
Category 1 2
Remember 10 10 10
Understand 20 20 20
Apply 20 20 70



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Mark distribution

Total Marks CIE ESE ESE Duration

150 50 100 3 hours

Continuous Internal Evaluation Pattern:

Attendance : 10 marks
Continuous Assessment Test (2 numbers) : 25 marks
Assignment/Quiz/Course project : 15 marks

End Semester Examination Pattern: There will be two parts; Part A and Part B. Part A
contain 10 questions with 2 questions from each module, having 3 marks for each question.
Students should answer all questions. Part B contains 2 questions from each module of which
student should answer any one. Each question can have maximum 2 sub-divisions and carry
14 marks.

Course Level Assessment Questions:

Course Outcome 1 (CO1):

1. What is meant by Standard atmosphere? Explain how the variation of pressure and
density at different altitudes can be calculated.
2. With the help of a diagram explain the variation of temperature in different regions of

Course Outcome 2 (CO2):

1. Derive the expression for induced drag.
2. Write a summary of different drags that are acting on a 3D aerofoil.
3. With sketches compare the maximum lift produced by different high lift
arrangements with that of a plane aerofoil.

Course Outcome 3 (CO3):

1. Derive the general two-dimensional translational equations of motion of an airplane
in accelerated flight.
2. Explain how Froude’s momentum theory can be used to calculate the efficiency of a
3. Show that at the velocity for minimum power required the airplane is flying at the
angle of attack that corresponds to a maximum Cl 3/2 /Cd.

Course Outcome 4 (CO4):

1. Explain the working of vertical speed indicator of an aircraft.
2. Explain the working of turn and bank indicator of an aircraft.
3. Explain the working of air temperature indicator of an aircraft.

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Course Outcome 5 (CO5):

1. Explain the working of an indraft wind tunnel.
2. A low subsonic wind tunnel has a diffuser of area ratio 9. At a test section velocity
of 30m/s and a temperature of 330K, the diffuser is found to have 90% efficiency. If
the pressure at the inlet to the diffuser is 1.195 x 105N/m2. Calculate the head loss in
the diffuser.
3. Explain the working of supersonic wind tunnel.

Model Question Paper




Maximum: 100 Marks Duration: 3 hours


Answer all questions, each question carries 3 marks

1. Explain the variation of temperature in various regimes of earth’s atmosphere.

2. Draw the pressure distribution around a 2-D aerofoil.
3. Explain span efficiency factor.
4. What is meant by aerodynamic center?
5. What are the various propeller coefficients?
6. Derive an expression for circular velocity.
7. Define the terms Range and Endurance of an aircraft?
8. How aerodynamic balancing of control surfaces is done in aircraft?
9. What do you mean by wind tunnel balances?
10. What is meant by range and endurance of an aircraft?
(10 X 3 = 30 marks)


Answer one full question from each module

Module 1

11. a) What do you mean by temperature, pressure and density altitudes? (4 marks)

b) Consider an airplane flying at an altitude where the pressure and temperature are
25.37 Kpa and 216.66 K, respectively. Calculate the pressure and density altitudes at
which the airplane is flying. (10 marks)

12. a) Explain how lift coefficient can be obtained from pressure coefficient. (4 marks)

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b) An aircraft having wing span 9.6m and wing area 17m2 produces a lift of 80,000N
when flying at 120m/s. Calculate the induced drag when flying at sea level, Assume
e=0.8 (10 marks)
Module 2

13. a) An aircraft having wing span 9.6m and wing area 17m2 produces a lift of 80000N
when flying at 120m/s. Calculate the induced drag when flying at sea level, Assume
e=0.8 (10 marks)

b) Write some methods to reduce the wing tip vortices. (4 marks)

14. a) Explain Prandl’s lifting line theory? (4 marks)

b) Explain how the prandl’s lifting line theory can be used to calculate the
aerodynamic characteristics of a finite wing. (10 marks)

Module 3
15. a) Derive the expression for thrust required for a level unaccelerated flight. (8 marks)

b) Obtain the condition for minimum thrust required for a level unaccelerated flight
(6 marks)

16. a) What do you mean by power off glide? Derive the expression to find glide angle.
(7 marks)

b) Derive the Brequet range equation for a propeller driven airplane (7 marks)

Module 4
17. a) What is meant by static and dynamic stability of an aircraft. (7 marks)

b) With Sketch, explain the working of airspeed indicator. . (7 marks)

18. a) Explain the working and functions of different gyroscopic instruments used in
aircrafts. (7 marks)

b) With the help of diagram, explain the working of different control surfaces of
aircrafts. (7 marks)

Module 5
19. a) Explain the types of engines used for subsonic aircraft. (7 marks)

b) Define orbital velocity? Derive the expression for it. (7 marks)

20. a) Explain the working of an Indraft wind tunnel. (7 marks)

b) Briefly explain important space missions of ISRO. (7 marks)

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Module 1
The atmosphere - characteristics of troposphere, stratosphere, thermosphere, and ionosphere
- pressure, temperature and density variations in the atmosphere. Application of dimensional
analysis – aerodynamic force – model study and similitude. 2D aero foils -Nomenclature
and classification- pressure distribution in inviscid and real flows- momentum and
circulation theory of aero foil- characteristics.

Module 2
3D or finite aero foils – effect of releasing the wingtips- wing tip vortices- replacement of
finite wing by horse shoe vertex system, lifting line theory-wing load distribution – aspect
ratio, induced drag calculation of induced drag from momentum considerations. Skin
friction and from drag- changes in finite wing plan shape

Module 3
Propellers – momentum and blade element theories –propeller coefficients and charts.
Aircraft performance-straight and level flight –power required and power available graphs
for propeller and jet aircraft. Gliding and climbing –rate of climb-service and absolute
ceilings-gliding angle and speed of flattest glide takeoff and landing performance – length
of runway required- aircraft ground run- circling flight – radius of tightest turn-jet and
rocket assisted take –off high lift devices-range and endurance of airplanes-charts for piston
and jet engine aircrafts.

Module 4
Flight Instruments-airspeed indicator, calculation of true air speed-altimeter, gyro horizon -
direction indicator-vertical speed indicator –turn and back indicator-air temperature
indicator. (Brief description and qualitative ideas only). Ideas on stability-static and
dynamic stability- longitudinal, lateral and directional stability- controls of an aero plane-
aerodynamic balancing of control surfaces- mass balancing (Qualitative ideas only).

Module 5
Principles of wind tunnel testing –open and closed type wind tunnels-wind tunnel balance
supersonic wind tunnels. Study of subsonic, Transonic, and supersonic aircraft engines
(Description with figures only).Elementary ideas on space travel-calculation of earth
orbiting and escape velocities ignoring air resistance and assuming circular orbit.

Text Books:
1. Anderson, Fundamentals of Aerodynamics, McGraw-Hill, 2010
2. A.C. Kermode, Mechanics of flight, Prentice Hall, 2007
3. EHJ Pallett, Aircraft Instruments and Integrated systems, Longman,1992

Reference Books:
1. Houghton and brock, Aerodynamics for Engineering Student, Hodder & Stoughton,1977

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Course Contents and Lecture Schedule

No. Topic No. of Lectures

1 Module 1
The atmosphere - characteristics of troposphere,
1.1 stratosphere, thermosphere, and ionosphere - pressure, 3
temperature and density variations in the atmosphere.

1.21.2 Application of dimensional analysis – aerodynamic force –

model study and similitude
2D aero foils -Nomenclature and classification- pressure
.21.3 distribution in inviscid and real flows- momentum and 3
circulation theory of aero foil- characteristics.
2 Module 2
3D or finite aero foils – effect of releasing the wingtips-
wing tip vortices- replacement of finite wing by horse shoe
vertex system, lifting line theory-wing load distribution –
2.1 7
aspect ratio, induced drag calculation of induced drag from
momentum considerations. Skin friction and from drag-
changes in finite wing plan shape
3 Module 3
Propellers – momentum and blade element theories –
propeller coefficients and charts. Aircraft performance-
3.1 4
straight and level flight –power required and power
available graphs for propeller and jet aircraft.
Gliding and climbing –rate of climb-service and absolute
ceilings-gliding angle and speed of flattest glide takeoff
and landing performance – length of runway required-
1.23.2 aircraft ground run- circling flight – radius of tightest turn- 4
jet and rocket assisted take –off high lift devices-range
and endurance of airplanes-charts for piston and jet engine
4 Module 4
Flight Instruments-airspeed indicator, calculation of true
air speed-altimeter, gyro horizon -direction indicator-
4.1 4
vertical speed indicator –turn and back indicator-air
temperature indicator.
Ideas on stability-static and dynamic stability-
longitudinal, lateral and directional stability- controls of
4.1 3
an aero plane- aerodynamic balancing of control surfaces-
mass balancing
5 Module 5

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Principles of wind tunnel testing –open and closed type

wind tunnels-wind tunnel balance supersonic wind
tunnels. Study of subsonic, Transonic, and supersonic
5.1 7
aircraft engines. Elementary ideas on space travel-
calculation of earth orbiting and escape velocities ignoring
air resistance and assuming circular orbit.

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