AOT305 - Ktu Qbank PDF
AOT305 - Ktu Qbank PDF
AOT305 - Ktu Qbank PDF
PCC 3 1 0 4
Preamble: The course is meant to give the learners about compressible flow and its behaviours around
various profiles.
Prerequisite: Aerodynamics I
Course Outcomes: After the completion of the course the student will be able to
Assessment Pattern
Bloom’s Category Continuous Assessment Tests
End Semester Examination
1 2
Remember 10 10 10
Understand 20 20 20
Apply 20 20 70
Mark distribution
Total Marks CIE ESE ESE Duration
150 50 100 3 hours
End Semester Examination Pattern: There will be two parts; Part A and Part B. Part A contain 10 questions
with 2 questions from each module, having 3 marks for each question. Students should answer all questions.
Part B contains 2 questions from each module of which student should answer any one. Each question can
have maximum 2 sub-divisions and carry 14 marks.
1. Derive Euler equation for a three dimensional Flow field and derive equivalent Bernoulli equation
applied to compressible fluid.
2. Derive an expression for the pressure, temperature, density ratio across a normal shock .
1. A wedge of flow deflection angle of θ is placed in a supersonic flow at an angle of attack α. Sketch the
streamline and wave patterns if α =0 deg, α > θ, θ = α, α < θ.
2. A C-D Nozzle expands to a variable back pressure. Sketch the streamline and waves when it works as
an under, over and optimum expanded nozzle.
2. Write the conservation equations and hence sketch Fanno line and derive the condition for maximum
entropy point?
3. Write the conservation equations and hence Rayleigh line and derive the condition for maximum
enthalpy and entropy point.
1. Write the energy equation and hence construct Prandtl velocity ellipse and indicate the important points.
2. Determine the Mach number of an aircraft when the dynamic (velocity) temperature of air at entry to the
engine equals the static temperature.
3. For a given Mach number, the oblique shock is weaker than a normal shock wave, why?
4. Explain under expanded over expanded and optimum expanded nozzles.
5. A wedge is placed in a supersonic flow at an angle of attack. Sketch the streamlines and the wave patterns
if the wedge angle is less than the angle of attack.
6. Sketch the Fanno line for a choked flow in h-s plane. If the duct is extended sketch the new Fanno line.
7. Sketch and explain super critical aerofoil.
8. Explain transonic area rule briefly.
9. Explain the boundary layer interaction with shock wave.
10. Explain Newton’s sine square law.
Answer any one full question from each module. Each question carries 14 Marks
Module 1
11. Derive Prandtl’s relation for stationary normal shock wave. (14)
12. (a) A normal shock wave moves into a still air at 800m/s. The air ahead of the shockwave is at 101325
Pa, 288K. Find the velocity of the air after passage of the shockwave. (10)
(b) Why an expansion shock wave never exist? (4)
Module 2
13. (a) Derive the relationship connecting flow deflection angle, shock wave angle and Mach number?
(b) Air with Mach number M=2.5 is deflected with inward corner of a wall. The wave angles formed at
the corner is 60 deg. Determine the deflection angle and final Mach number.
14. The supersonic inlet contains an oblique shock followed by a normal shock wave. If the free stream
Mach number and the flow deflection angle are 3 and 18 deg respectively, find the stagnation
pressure, stagnation temperature, static pressure, temperature and density downstream of the normal
shock wave?
Module 3
15. A convergent divergent nozzle of area ratio of 3 is discharges in to an atmosphere of 1bar and
288K.Find the total pressure required for optimum expansion. If the total pressure is increased 1bar
from optimum expansion find the Mach number after expansion of the air through the Prandtl Mayer
expansion, Find the leading Mach wave and trailing Mach wave angles?
16. (a) Derive an expression for Prandtl Mayer angle. (4)
(b) Air at a Mach number 2 encounters a convex corner, the flow deflected to an angle of 10 deg. If the
upstream pressure and temperature are 1bar 288K, find the final pressure temperature and Mach
number of air. (10)
Module 4
17. Derive an expression for lift drag and pitching moment coefficients over an aerofoil by taking the
compressibility in account. (14)
18. (a) Explain transonic area rule with sketches. (8)
(b) Explain are the design considerations is to be made while design a supersonic aircraft.
Module 5
19. Explain the Near-normal Shock interaction with laminar and turbulent boundary layer with suitable
sketches. (14)
20. Derive the pressure, density and temperature ratio across a shock wave if the free stream Mach
number is infinity?
NORMAL SHOCK AND OBLIQUE SHOCK WAVES: Shock Polar, Reflection of oblique shocks, Interaction of
oblique shock waves, introduction to slip line compression corner effect – incident shock interaction.
Isentropic and non-isentropic flow through variable area passage and their operating characteristics. (Nozzles
and Diffusers). Area- Mach number relation Internal flow and Stall in subsonic inlets (Simple numerical
EXPANSION WAVES: Prandtl-Meyer expansion, Maximum turning angle, Simple and non-simple regions.
Rayleigh flow, Fanno flow, Expansion waves, (Simple numerical examples).
SUPERSONIC CHARACTERISTICS AND CONSIDERATIONS: Critical Mach number, drag divergence, Mach
number, Shock Stall, Supercritical Aerofoil Sections, Transonic area rule, Swept wing, Aerofoils for supersonic
flows supersonic wings Lift, drag, Pitching moment and Centre of pressure for supersonic profiles, Shock -
expansion theory, wave drag, Design considerations for supersonic aircraft- aerodynamic heating, (Simple
numerical examples).
Module 5
BOUNDARY LAYER EFFECTS IN SUPERSONIC FLOW: Some boundary-layer effects in supersonic flow:- Near-
normal Shock interaction with laminar and turbulent boundary layer, Shock wave boundary layer interaction in
supersonic flow, Introduction to hypersonic flows:-Basic hypersonic shock relation, similarity parameters,
Hypersonic shock expansion wave relations.