Chapter 9 PED
Chapter 9 PED
Chapter 9 PED
Unit - 9
and Sports
The word personality is derived from the Latin word persona, the
mask used by actors in the Roman theatre for changing their
appearance for performing in front of their audience according
to the given role.
Extroverts : Extroverts have a tendency to be friendly, outgoing, talkative and social in nature.
They usually prefer social contacts. They are generous, supportive and courageous. They may be
called happy, go, lucky persons. They show interest in present reality than future. They do not
have hesitation. They express their feelings openly. They take decision and act upon it quickly.
They are not affected easily by difficulties and troubles.
Ambiverts : There are only few persons who are pure introverts or pure extroverts.
The remaining majority of persons possess both the qualities or traits of introverts
and extroverts such persons are called as ambiverts.
Big Five Personality Theory
1) Openness : Persons who like to learn new things, new concepts and enjoy new experiences usually
remain on the top in openness. Openness includes traits like being imaginative, insightful and
having a variety of interests.
2) Conscientiousness :sPersons who have a high degree of conscientiousness are reliable and prompt.
Such persons remain organised, systematic, laborious and complete in all respects.
Types of Motivation
1) Intrinsic Motivation : Intrinsic motivation is internal. It occurs when people are compelled to do
something out of pleasure, importance or desire. Motivation is always intrinsic when the force comes
from within oneself. For example, when a person indulges in any sports to have mastery, to display
superiority or to gain social approval, it is an intrinsic motivation.
2) Extrinsic Motivation : Extrinsic motivation is external. It occurs when external factors compel the
person to do something. Motivation is always extrinsic, when external forces, positive or negative
produce a behavioral change. Reward, punishment, praise, blame or cash prize are examples of
extrinsic motivation. In fact, extrinsic motivation includes factors that motivate the individual in
achieving the goals.
Techniques of Motivation
Cognitive The active processing and interpretation of
Approach information influences the persistent and purposive
drive for action by an individual. It is based on the
notion that desired motivation can be achieved by
an individual through active processing and
interpretation of information.
Expectancy theory and Goal Setting theory is widely
used as a cognitive approach for motivation.
The goal setting concept maintains that a stronger
drive for actions and behaviour is fuelled by quality
of information on time set for task attainment
along with task difficulty level and specificity of the
Teaching coaching pedagogies used
in sports training for planned
outcome is largely responsible in
guiding and maintaining the desired
behaviour of athletes.
Adequate communication and
maintenance of positive relationship
during training is an essential
component influencing the
motivation of athletes towards a
consistent action or behaviour.
Let us discuss few techniques of motivation using a pedagogical approach
a) Guided Discovery Method : Athletes are highly motivated if allowed to find solutions to the
problems by themselves rather than if they are just made to do things as per instruction.
b) Valuable Feedback System : To persuade athletes to push harder for a longer period of time,
they must be provided with a strong support system. Assisting athletes with feedback which can
provide them with specific direction to move in is an effective means towards effective
d) Individualized Training Program (ITP/IEP) : All athletes are unique and respond differently to
the vast variety of training demands. Each athlete is a unique individual and should have a
training programme designed for their abilities and capabilities and which is within attainable
limits of the athletes. Individualized training programmes or individualized education
programmes are very essential in sports to help athletes to set their own targets, challenges and
difficulty levels which will not only help them to avoid burnout, but also keep them motivated.
Social Support
Strategy Participation in sports and taking
up exercise is greatly influenced by
an understanding of the social
networking and perception of
people around them. Conducive
exercise environment, creating drive
among people to initiate and
maintain sporting behaviour is
deeply affected by the societal
pressure or support provided to the
Facilitation Approach
a) Incentives and Rewards : Drive towards an action to maintain it for a long term may
sometimes need external support. Awards and rewards work effectively as a motivation
force for athletes to pursue sports with consistency and continuity.
b) Valance of Reward : Many time prizes and awards are used extrinsic sources of motivation
to maintain a desired action or behaviour. But, at times, even these may prove to be
ineffective. It is essential to understand that external factors like prize money or medals do
motivate athletes, but the most important aspect is to understand the need and
expectation of the individual athlete, this is known as „valance‟ of the reward or valuing
the award.
c) Performance appraisals : Motivation or the driving force for any desired behaviour to last
over a long period of time may need support of being recognised and praised for the
current and past endeavours.
d) Quality Support and Facilitation : Motivation for an action is influenced by the amount of
facilitation made available for athletes, but the impact is larger only if the quality of
support is of a high standard.
Exercise Adherence is a
Adherence combination of two words
'exercise' and 'adherence'.
Exercise means any
movement that makes your
muscles work and requires
your body to burn calories,
whereas adherence means
"to stick".
Reasons to Exercise
Enhanced Physical Appearance : Not only can exercise help you feel better, but it also helps us to look better as
well. However, genetics play a major role in our physical or overall appearance.
Improved Psychological/Emotional Health : Improved psychological/emotional health is also one of the reasons to
exercise. In fact, exercise has been proven to provide a mood booster as it releases chemicals like endorphins into
our brain that help us to feel happier and can ease the effects of depression, ADHD and anxiety
Feel More Energized : One of the reasons to exercise regularly is that it gives us more energy or we feel more
energized. Indeed, a workout can help oxygen flow more freely throughout the body and give us a much needed
burst of energy. This burst of energy not only occurs during exercise, but also after exercise
Decreased Risk of Diseases : Decreasing the risk of diseases is also one of the reasons to exercise.
As a matter of fact, exercise builds up and improves circulation of white blood cells, which we
need to get rid of harmful bacteria that cause us to fall sick
For Controlling Body Weight : Controlling body weight is another reason to exercise. If it is
done regularly, it helps to control and manage our body weight
For Improved Social Relations : Improved social relations is also one of the significant
reasons to exercise. For good social health, social relations are essential. By joining an
exercise group or a class such as dance, hiking club or volleyball team, our social relations are improved.
Benefits of Exercise
1) Reduced Risk of Heart Diseases : Regular exercise gradually reduces the stress related hormones from
circulating in the blood stream. This increases the blood vessel path, which in turn lowers the risk for
developing plaque that can lead to various heart diseases such as coronary heart diseases.
2) Helps in Keeping Correct Body Posture : By doing exercise, the strength of muscles
increases, which in turn, keeps the body posture in correct position. Also postural
deformities do not occur. If there is any postural deformity, it is removed by engaging in exercise.
3) Improves Mood : Exercise makes most of the individuals feel good and when they feel good their good
energy seem to elevate. It is considered that it is due to the release of hormones called endorphins.
4) Boosts Memory : Regular physical exercise boosts memory and ability to learn new things. In fact,
regular exercises increase hippocampus cells which are responsible for memory and learning.
5) Reduces Depression : Research studies indicate that regular physical exercise can greatly reduce
depression and in some cases prevent the symptoms of depression. As a matter of fact, aerobic and
anaerobic exercises seem to be equally effective in producing antidepressant effects.
6) Improves Mental Alertness : Stress, tension and fatigue negatively affect concentration,
comprehension and memory. Since exercise is the best way to reduce stress and improve
energy levels, a regular exercise will enhance mental alertness. By improving the
circulation of blood and consequently that of oxygen and nutrients, our brain can think better.
Strategies for Enhancing Adherence to Exercise
1) Goal Setting : A moderate bout of acute exercise (20-30 min) is considered to be
beneficial for improving positive psychological effects of exercise. Exercise
performed above lactate threshold (LT) is perceived as unpleasant and the
participant may like to discontinue it due to overexertion and discomfort.
Therefore, along with setting of SMART – Specific, Measurable, Attainable,
Realistic, Time based – goals.
2) Adding Variety to Exercise : Lack of new variety of exercise may lead to boredom
and dropping out. Boredom can be tackled with the addition of a variety of
exercises and moves that address the same body issues, without loss of
therapeutic benefits.
3) Social Support Enhancement : Increasing social support refers to engagement of
friends or other members who can contribute towards positive participation in
physical activity, exercise and sports because social interaction may help fuel goal
achievement and thus produce good results
4) Contract : While acute bout of exercise has been associated with positive effects,
chronic exercise habits or regular exercise behaviour are important for maintaining
these benefits. Therefore, promoting participants for signing an intent to comply
through a written contract which has specified expectations, responsibilities and
contingencies for behavioural changes have found to be more effective in exercise
adherence among the participants.
5) Reinforcement Interventions : Positive as well as negative reinforcement approaches
have found to be effective in exercise adherence. Use of incentives and rewards for
appreciating attendance and participation or awarding with badges have been
proved effective in maintaining exercise behaviour among participants as well as
motivation from many to initiate and engage in physical activity.
6) Feedback : Providing feedback to the participants in physical activity provides much
needed direction and energy for prolonging and continuing exercise behaviour.
7) Process Orientation : Exercise programmes based on outcome goals or product goals
like weight loss, physique and appearance etc. are found to be effective in the initial
stages of exercise adoption, but it is difficult to maintain the drive with prolonged
exercise behaviour.
In psychology, the term aggression refers to a
range of behaviors that can result in both Meaning of
physical and psychological harm to oneself,
others or objects in the environment. This type of
social interaction centers on harming another
individual either physically or mentally.
In fact, aggression in the field of sports and
games comes out of frustration, which arises due
to goal blockage. Along with this, situational
and personal factors play a vital role in causing
a person to behave aggressively.
It can be seen that aggression comes from a
number of sources but first of all it is more
essential for us to understand the clear- cut
meaning of aggression.
Types of Aggression in Sports
Hostile aggression is inflicting or causing harm whether it is physical or
psychological on someone else. It is sometimes referred as reactive
Hostile aggression and can be accompanied by anger. In hostile aggression, the
main aim is to cause injury to other sportsperson. A good example of hostile
Aggression aggression is a bowler throwing a bouncer deliberately to
shake up the concentration of a batsman.
Instrumental aggression is displaying aggressive behaviour in the
Instrumental pursuit of a non-aggressive goal, It is also known as channelled
aggression and is not accompanied by anger. This type of
Aggression aggression comes in contact sports. For example, a rugby player
using aggression to tackle his opponent to win the ball.
Assertive behaviour is different type of aggression/ aggressive
behaviour. This is defined as behaviour that involves the use of
Assertive legitimate physical or verbal force to achieve one's purpose. For
example, sledging in cricket to cause psychological discomfort for the
Behaviour batsman. In assertive aggression or assertive behaviour, the intention
is to establish dominance rather than to harm the opponent.
Psychological Attributes in Sports
Attributes are perceived to be essential for performance effectiveness and athlete
development, where athletes abilities to perform, understand and manage training and
competition environment and other important factors have many positive effects. From several
attributes which are considered to be essential, self-esteem, mental imagery, self talk and goal
setting is being discussed :
1) Self-Esteem :
a) Confidence : High self-esteem is closely linked to
confidence in one's abilities. Athletes with healthy
self-esteem are more likely to believe in themselves
and their capacity to perform well.
b) Resilience : Individuals with strong self-esteem
tend to bounce back from setbacks more easily.
They view failures as temporary and are less likely
to be discouraged by them.
2) Mental Imagery :
a) Visualization : Mental imagery is a powerful tool that involves creating a
mental picture of a desired outcome. Athletes can use this to enhance their
performance by mentally rehearsing their actions before physically
executing them.
b) Stress Reduction : By visualizing success and positive outcomes, athletes can
reduce anxiety and nervousness, leading to better performance under
How to practice Imagery :
Mental imagery techniques have been implemented with various different models and
On of the very popular model is PETTLEP framework. PETTLEP model for mental imagery
intervention framework is an acronym representing a seven point checklist of guidelines to
be followed when devising an imagery intervention that can provide an effective execution
of imagery interventions for athletes.
These are Physical, Environment, Task, Timing, Learning, Emotion, and Perspective. Mental
Imagery intervention and training can be effective in enhancing performance.
3. Self Talk Self-talk is defined as overt or covert personal
dialogue in which the athlete interprets feelings,
perceptions, and convictions and gives himself
instructions and reinforcement. Self-talk is an
effective technique to control thoughts and to
influence feelings. Thoughts and feelings can
influence self-confidence as well as performance.
Sports scientists support for the use of self-talk
strategies to improve performance in exercise and
sport tasks.
Skill acquisition
of Self Creating and changing
Focusing attention or
4. Goal Goal setting is a mental training technique that
Setting can be used to increase an individual‟s
commitment towards achieving a specific
standard of proficiency on a task within a
specified time.
It is a process of establishing a level of
performance proficiency which should be
reached within a prescribed time period is
known as goal setting.
Goal setting works because it focuses attention
on specific task demands, increases effort and
intensity, encourages persistence when adversity
is encountered, and promotes the development
of strategies and problem solving to move
toward goal achievement.
Types of Goals
1) Outcome Goal : Give priority and importance to the final outcome of a
sporting event. Examples of outcome goals may include winning a
sport, losing the desired amount of weight, or scoring a top rank in
2) Performance Goal : Focus on achievements of athletes relatively
independent of other competitors or teammates. Performance goals
may help us in quantifying our efforts and measuring the progress and
also achieve outcome goals in the process.
3) Process Goal : Focus on specific behaviour or task throughout a
competition, training or specific task demans in productive ways, such
as occupying their minds with key verbal cues that lock in optimal
performance images and plans.
Principles of Goal Setting
Make goals specific, measurable, and observable
Clearly identify time constraints
Develop persistence
of Goal Mobilization of efforts
Increased motivation