Theories in Psychology
Theories in Psychology
Theories in Psychology
Sigmund Freud Psychoanalytic Theory is a ● Freud identified the three ● Free association is when The study of Sigmund Freud
process of psychological theory levels of mental life – a patient is mandated to basically became the foundation
therapy which was based on the unconscious where it verbalize its every of most psychological theorist
perspective of the hostility that we’ve tackled. Freud
influences behavior, thought that comes into
exerted by the patient when it is greatly provided how our
in the process of making the emotions and attitude its mind, it doesn’t behaviour is shaped by past
patient conscious of its while preconscious is the matter if its relevant to experiences which most people
unconscious thus this gives events that are not the issue. The purpose of believe now. With that, it
importance on the role of associated with anxiety this is for the patient to somehow explains why there are
intrapyschic events which but merely forgotten, and arrive the unconscious by certain people who behave that
means the processes occurring conscious is the starting with the present way because they struggle to
in the mind, unconscious drives move forward rather they
awareness at any time. conscious idea and it
and early childhood struggle between Eros and
development, childhood ● Freud also tackled about follows. Thanatos which are powerful
experiences, repressed feelings, the three provinces of the ● Dream analysis is the drives that causes a person to
erotic feelings, and unconscious mind – id is the pleasure transformation of the compulsively repeat primitive
conflicts affects adult principle, ego is the manifest content of behaviour. Personally, Freud
behaviour/ reality principle and it dream to a more dormant dreams analysis was the most
experiences anxiety and content. He described impactful for me since I like to
know the interpretation of my
superego moral and that dreams are wish
dreams mostly, and how Freud
idealistic principle. fulfilments thus some of explained that it is the wish
● He also presented it are expressed in fulfilments made mereally
infantile stage, which is manifest content. reflect on it. Psychoanalytic
accompanied by Oedipus really identified how our
complex, oral stage childhood and our unconscious
during childhood shaped the
which is focused on the
way we think and act as adults.
mouth, anal stage which He also proposed defense
is focus on destroying mechanisms, to think about it
objects, and phallic stage and observe other people, Freud
when genital area provided us with accurate study
becomes the leading of it that would help us
understand other people more.
erogenous zone.
● There are different types
of defense mechanism
that Freud proposed that
would help a person
avoid or won’t feel
anxiety. Most people
often use repression
wherein the ego protects
itself by repressing its
● Three stages of
development which are
infancy – partly brought
by the attempt of the
parents to punish or
discourage sexual
activity in their young
children. Genital period
– wherein they enter
diphasic sexual life on a
second stage which has
the basic differences in
the infancy period. And
lastly, maturity – wherein
a person reaches physical
maturity but not fully
psychological maturity.
Individual Psychology presents Adlerian Theory – people are ● Family Constellations Alfred Adler is one of my
an optimistic view of people born with weak, inferior bodies expresses the childbirth personal favorites provided that
Alfred Adler while he gave emphasize on the thus it leads them to either feel his study or theory was
order. It explained that
notion of social interest wherein inferior or grow in a feeling of approached differently when it
a feeling of oneness with all unity with others. comes on explaining the
human kind. In individual 1. Striving for success of CHILD is more likely to behavior of the person. It has
psychology Adler explained that superiority – a have immense feeling of more of an optimistic view
people as being motivated by psychologically power and superiority, is compared to Freud’s. Adler gave
social influences and by their very anxious, overly more of basis of why there are
unhealthy individual
striving for success or critical of others but people who acts either
superiority, with that Adler strives for superiority self-centered and socially
mostly they are protective and a good
immensely believe that people concern. I believe and agree that
self-centered and often organizer while the
are responsible for who they we all have a final goal thus
are. The notion Adler presented masks their selfishness SECOND BORN even if its hard to grasp because
is more of the present behaviour on fake concerns CHILD are motivated, it is fiction, it motivates us to
is shaped by people’s view of meanwhile a cooperative and thrive to what will make us
the future. averangely competitive, lessen our feeling of inferiority
psychologically healthy
they ate also easily or less, whether it maybe for
individual moves toward ourselves or the whole
success for all humanity, discouraged. And
community. His safeguarding
mostly want to contribute YOUNGEST CHILD is
tendency also helped me
to human society realistically ambitious understand not just the actions
however both are but depends on others, of other people but mine as well
motivated by their final meanwhile ONLY hence helps me reflect wether if
goal which has a CHILD is socially I aim for superiority or success.
significance because it mature but exaggerated Adler also greatly presented
birth order that was greatly
blends the personality frelings of superiority.
explained thoroughly. In my
and renders all behaviour ● Early Recollections as opinion the family constellation
understandable. Adler reckon are the is accurate because it did gave
Furthermore, inferiority recalled nemories which me a way to understand my
it has a striving force as gives clues in order to siblings more, as well as early
compensation for feeling understand the style of recollections. Although, I’m a
that way and the force life of the parents. These bit torn wether on focusing on
Freud’s dream interpration or
itself is innate, without memories are accurate
Adler’s dream but both gives me
this one cannot strive for with the present life style a better understanding not to
superiority or success. of an individual and the over dwell on it.
2. Subjective Perceptions – subjective account of it
the individual bear bits and pieces to
expectations of their understand the final goal
future. Fictionalism, the and current style of life.
most important fiction ● Dreams, in contrast to
which is the goal of the Freuds explanation, it
superiority or success. gives out clues on how to
Fictions have a powerful solve future problems.
influence on people’s But dreams are disguised
lives. Furthermore, to trick the dreamer and
physical inferiorities to make its own
3. Unity and self-interpretation
Self-Consistency of difficult
Personality –each person ● Psychotherapy came
has is individually from the deficiency of
unique and indivisble. coursge and overstate of
Thus they behave in feelings of inferiority,
certain ways and and weak social interest.
communicate differently Its psychotherapy is to
like organ dialect strengthen coursge and to
wherein the body’s organ eliminate the feeling of
expresses one’s opinion inferiority and to give
more than words. emphasize on social
Social Interestas refereed by
Adler came from the german
term Gemeinschaftsgefühl
which means feeling of oneness
with all humanity which thrives
people to cooperate with the
community for social
advancement rather than
something personal.
Safeguarding Tendencies was
also presented by Adler as a
behavior that protects the
individual from feeling public
1. Excuses – most common
tendency that uses the
statement “yes, but” and
“if only” to artificially
inflate their worth
2. Aggression are
subdivided into 3 parts;
(1) Depreciation which
undervalue the
achievement of others.
(2) Accusation blame
others for its own failure
and (3) self-accusation
which torture and guilt
3. Withdrawal is
safeguarding in a
distance which has 4
modes; (1) Moving
backward (reverts to a
secure period in life), (2)
Standing still (not doing
anything), (3) Hesitating
(procastunations), (4)
Constructiong obstacles
(act of showing that what
they built, they can
Carl Jung Analytical Psychology of Carl ● Jung presented the levels ● Word Association Test – Carl Jung’s theory was more
Jung base on the premise that of psyche which are the: Jung uses this is to complex to absorb but the most
occult phenomena can and do conscious - has a uncover feeling-toned interesting one as well. It
influence the lives of the people. presented a lot on how to
He believed that an individual relationship with the ego complexes. In understand behavior and it
has specific emotionally toned which Jung saw ego as conducting the test 100 mostly focused on the
experiences that came from the the center of stimulus words will be unconscious state of mind and
ancestors which is called how our past generation
consciousness. Personal listed down chose and
collective unconscious. influenced on the way our
Furthermore, developed unconscious is all about arranged to bring out an behavior was shaped. With that,
collective unconscious are the repressed, forgotten, emotional reaction from he did concluded two different
called archetype (the notion of or subliminally perceived the patient. attitudes that we mostly use now
self-realization that can be experiences of an ● Dream Analysis – people on how we identify ourselves to
achieved by attaining a balance individual. Personal used symbols to other people which are
between different opposing unconscious contents are represent a variety of introverts and extroverts, it
forces of personality). made it easier to observe and
called complexes (an concepts that tries to
understant why some people
emotionally toned grasp countless things rather focus in their inner world
conglomeration of beyond the span of and other be influenced and
associated ideas). And human understanding. influence their surroundings.
collective unconscious The purpose of this was Jung’s archetype is a great
are the ones inherited to uncover components relation to an individual’s
and pass on from one from both personal and personality which for me that
these archetypes regards also in
generation to another. collective unconscious
his dream analysis, that in our
● Jung presented the and to blend subconscious, gives us meaning
Archetypes (ancient consciousness in order to to help us understand ourselves
images that came from facilitate the process of more. Jung’s theory and his
the collective self-realization. application amused me so far. It
unconscious) which are: ● Active Imagination – a broaded my knowledge more.
With the word association test
the persona (personality medium that requires the
where you’ll get an emotional
that people show in the person to start off with reaction, for me, is helpful on
world), shadow (the any vision and purely the way how I will converse
representation of our concentrate until that with other people because I may
unlike qualities we wish impression starts to say something that triggers a
to hide), Anima (it is the move. Its purpose is to person on something
feminine side of both reveal the archetypes that emotionally and knowing that
genders), Animus (the comes from the when they breath differently
masculine side), great unconscious. when they hear the word is
already something.
mother (represents two ● Psychotherapy – in this
forces which are fertility therapy Jung identified
and nourishment), wise four basic approaches (1)
old man (it symbolizes confession of a
wisdom and humans pathogenic secret, the
pre-existing knowledge cathartic method by
in life), hero (a powerful Breur. (2) Interpretations,
person that leads to our explanation, and
ideal personality), and elucidations by Freud
self (unites all the that gives the patients
archetypes). insight of what causes
● Jung also identified the their neuroses but leave
attitude (the them incapable of
predisposition to act in a solving social problem.
characteristic direction) (3) Patients as social
which are introversion beings unfortunately this
those who are mostly approach leaves patients
tuned in their inner merely socially well
worlds and extroversion adjusted. (4)
those who are influenced Transformation, the
by their environment. therapist must be
Both introversion and transformed to a healthy
extroversion are being before undergoing
accompanied by psychotherapy.
functions – thinking,
feeling, sensing and
● Jung presented the
different stages of
development –
childhood which divides
into three phases (1)
anarchic pahese (chaotic
and sporadic
consciousness), (2)
monoarchic phase
(beginning of logical and
verbal thinking), and (3)
dualistic phase (objective
and subjective), youth
the period wherein
increased activity,
maturing sexuality
growing consciousness,
and recognition that
problem-free childhood
is gone, middle life
retain the social and
moral values of their
early life and become
rigid and fanatical to
preserve their physical
attractiveness. Old age.
● Self-Realization is a
psychological rebirth
which is a process of
becoming a whole
Object Relations Theory was ● Object relation theories ● Play Therapy wherein Melanie Klein’s theory is
constructed on attentive presumes that the Klein provided each similar to Freud’s. I
Melanie Klein observation on young children. believe that the basis of
mother-child relationship child with a variety of
She emphasized the significance her study was Freud’s
during the first 4-5 small toys, pencil and
of the first 4 to 6 months after Psychoanalytic theory.
birth hence infants direct their months is the most paper, paint, crayons, She mainly focused on
drives to an object. She also critical time for etc,. She believed that the breast of the mother
gave emphasize on sn infant personality development young children express and penis of the father
relationship with the mothers ● Internal Psychic their conscious and when it comes to
breast. To add, Margaret Mahler representation is an unconscious wishes understanding and
firmly believed the children’s important part of any through play therapy. shaping the behaviour of
sense of self-identiy rests ln a the infant. Similar to
relationship of early Furthermore, expressing
three-step relationship with their Freud although with
mother. While Heinz Kohut said significant objects like negative transference Klein she gave
that the development of sense of the breast of the mother feelings in play therapy. emphasize the feminine
self shown in early infancy. And or penis of the father The aim of play therapy position while Freud has
Mary Ainsworth developed a ● The psychic is to reduce the less position when it
method to measure the type of representation was depressive anxieties and comes to female that’s
attachment style an infant to its introject by infants into persecutory fears and why his theory was
caregiver. viewed a bit sexist.
their own psychic diminish harshness of
Melanie Klein’s theory
structure then project internalized objects. was refined by the
them to an external studies of Mahler, she
object (another person). explained psychological
However, internal birth which means that
pictures are not precise the child becomes an
individual, separate from
representation of the
its parent that leads to a
external object but sense of an identity, this
residue of earlier begins at the first week
interpersonal experiences of postnatal life and the
● It exists at birth, the ego, next 3 years. Another
can sense destructive and who refined her theory
loving forces which are was Kohut, he explained
that infants need adult
the nurturing and
caregiver to gratify and
frustrating breast. Infants satisfy their basic
have a way to deal with psychological needs.
nurturing and frustrating These views gave
breast; they split these emphasize on the study
objects into good and of Klein and how an
bad alongside infant built its sense of
self, through its
differentiating their own
projection of object onto
ego that gives them a parents/caregiver
dual image of the self.
● Compared to Freud,
Klein believed that the
superego exists earlier
than theorized and it
grows along with oedipal
● In the early female
Oedipus complex, the
little girl acquires
feminine position toward
her parents. She has
positive feeling both for
her mother’s breast and
for her father’s penis
which a little girl
believes feed her babies
● A little girl could
possibly develop
hostility to her mother
because she thinks it will
be against her and steal
her babies
● Mostly the female
Oedipus complex is
resolved without rivalry
or jealousy toward their
● A little boy acquires a
feminine position as well
in its early oedipal years.
In that time, it has no
fear on being castrated
for having sexual
feelings to his mother.
Later, the boy places its
destructive drive to his
father who he fears that
will castrate or bite him.
● Male Oedipus complex is
resolved when the boy
builds good relations
with its both parents thus
feel comfortable that his
parents have sexual
Psychoanalytic Social Theory ● Horney firmly believed ● Horneyian Therapy – the Just like to Adler,, Horney is
was base on the premise that that social and cultural goal of this therapy is to a personal favorite. Her
Karen Horney social and culture conditions theory is quite similar to
influences were more help patients moderately
specifically on childhood Adler when it identified
important than biological grow in the direction of
experiences, which largely when shaping the behavior
responsible on shaping an ones self-realization. Its aim is or personality is through
individual’s personality. ● Childrern who fail to for the patients give up social and cultural instead of
According to Horney an meet their needs for their idealized biologica ones. Horney
individual who did not receive safety and satisfaction self-image, eliminate completely disregarded the
their basic needs for love and lack warmth and their neurotic search for idea of Freud. Horney
affection during childhood affection glory, and divert their provided the concepts in
develop basic hostility toward depth of why a person
● People who are inable to self-hatred to an
their parents and as a deferred to reaching
consequence suffer from differentiate tactics in acceptance of the real self-realization. Her theory
anxiety. In this theory, Horney their relationship with self. focused on the real self, why
organized how people combat others generates basic sometimes we struggle
anxiety through (1) moving conflict: that is, the discovering it. Idealized
toward people, (2) moving incompatible tendenies self-image and self-hatreds
against people, or (3) moving and its neurotics is a great
to move toward, against,
away from people. An explanation to actually
individual’s compulsive and away from people self-realization is difficult. It
behaviour generates basic ● 3 Neurotic trends are the gives us a gateway to also
intrapsychic conflict that tendencies which are to understand ourselves more
possibly move toward (protect with the intrapsychic
oneself in the feeling of conflict. I agree with
Feminine Psychology – psychic helplessness), moving Horney, when she explained
differences between men and that personality are more of
against (appeared as
women are result of cultural and a social and cultural
social expectations. Men who ruthless), and moving influence, because I believe
overpower and rule women and away (need for privacy, that the biological ones,
women who envy men happens independence, and we’d outgrow. Furthermore,
because of neurotic self-sufficiency). I also agree with her
competitivness present in the ● Healthy people solve feminine psychology and
societies. Horney insisted to their basic conflict how she fought on why do
stop bothering regards on what we need to insist why we
through the three
is feminine and what is not. need to put a label on whats
neurotic treends, whereas feminine and what is not.
neurotic complusively
adopt only one of these
● Intrapsychic conflict are
experience by both
healthy and neurotic
individual and have
become part or their
belief system wherein
intrapsychic is divided
into two (1) idealized
self-image (will develop
feelings of security and
self-confidence, and
tendency to move toward
self-realization) and (2)
self-hatred (people with
neurotic search for glory
thus never happy with
oneself. Mostly
expressed through
self-accusation by saying
if they only knew me. Or
self-contempt by
ridiculing oneself.
Another is
self-frustration is
designed to actualizr an
inflated self-image.
Self-torture by inflicting
harm on self, and
self-destruct can either
by physical or