8a1 Manya Design Journal 2023-2024
8a1 Manya Design Journal 2023-2024
8a1 Manya Design Journal 2023-2024
Manya Kapur
8a1, 2023-2023
Global context: Scientific and techincal innovation
Statement of inquiry: Digital platforms can be designed to foster positive
societal impact and engagement.
Key concept: Communication
Related concept: form and function
Inquiry Questions!!!
Analyse at least 2 existing websites which are about the same or similar
problems to yours.
You have to add the following evidence in the journal under A3.
You many use mind map or table format to show your analysis.
Use graphics and pictures of the product being analyzed.
Analyse the components of the website. What was the colour and
format scheme like? What did the structure look like?
Number Category Priority Success criteria Testing
1. Aesthetics High Since I want the To make
website to be sure my
aesthetically pleasing idea is good,
but also connected to I will take a
topic I’ll have colours survey to
like black and beige make sure
shades. The font for that people
the titles will be bold, like the idea
and the information behind the
will be big enough to aesthetics.
2. Copy Mediu Along with This will also
m information about the be add to
problem itself, the the survey
website will also
include some
campaigns and
donation centers
3. Location Mediu The location of the Added to
m website I am creating the survey,
will be displayed on however I
social media platforms, am going to
such as facebook and do some
Instagram, to get more research
audience. about
where the
location of
the website
is going to
4. Audience High My website will be To make
aimed at teens sure the my
learning about the target is
world problems, and alright, I will
adults who would like take a
to understand the survey
problems and help about it
others understand
asweel. Or anyone
who wants to know
about the problem
5. Size Mediu My website will Survey
m include 2 or 3 pages
6. Function High The purpose of my I will ask
website is to raise people if
awareness about the they think
problem of lack of that I should
education in Hyderbad focus more
. It should highlight the on other
effects and factors like
consequences of lack solution,
education in hyderbad. and reasons
education is
lacking in
7. Time High The product will be For a certain
ready on 15 of deadline, I
December will ask my
B ii: develop design specifications
Design 1:
Design 2:
Design 3:
Design 4:
Design 5:
B3: For your presentation of B3 submit the copy to your design
I chose the first design cause I feel like the template will include all the
information about the lack of education in certain areas of Hyderabad,
while it has all the elements that will grab attention of the audience and
have interactions throughout the website. The shade I would like would
be neutral and dark shades in the background. And the image under the
title would be related to education and kids unable to find education.
The title will be eye catching and emphasis on the lack of education in
Hyderabad. Then comes the information that explains the poverty cycle
and why it impacts the education of young students. Then there will be
another section in which the most asked questions about lack of
education in Hyderabad will be answered. Finally then comes the
interactive part of the website, it will have a quiz which has 6 to 7
questions each is 1 point. Then there is going to be a small comic and
few donation sites. Then there would be a image carousel with images
emphasizing importance of education.
B4: Elaborating and describing in detail the design.
C1: create a plan
Copy the success criteria and testing methods from your B1 into this
table. Then use your testing method to get data about how well you
achieved your success criteria. It is okay if you were not successful, the
point is to document everything.
Success Criteria Testing method Data
Since I want the To make sure my idea I asked my friend Jolie
website to be is good, I will take a to review the website
aesthetically pleasing survey to make sure and she said the the
but also connected to that people like the background color is a
topic I’ll have colours idea behind the good and is pleasing
like black and beige. aesthetics. to the eye. Along with
The font for the titles her I even asked Iven,
will be bold, and the she said The website's
information will be style is minimalist,
big enough to read. mainly dark, neutral
colors, and
appropriate images.
Along with This will also be add They even stated that
information about the to the survey it was a good idea
problem itself, the including donation
website will also centers information
include some and campaigns.
campaigns and
donation centers
The location of the Added to the survey, This is published on
website I am creating however I am going to google sites.
will be displayed on do some research
social media about where the
platforms, such as location of the
facebook and website is going to be.
Instagram, to get
more audience.
My website will be To make sure the my Jolie and Iven, agreed
aimed at teens target is alright, I will that the target
learning about the take a survey about it audience was
world problems, and supposed to be teens
adults who would like and adults who want
to understand the to know about the
problems and help topic.
others understand
asweel. Or anyone
who wants to know
about the problem
My website will Survey They said 2 pages was
include 2 or 3 pages enough, one with
easily. information and
images, and the other
with donation was a
good idea.
The purpose of my I will ask people if I think it is necessary
website is to raise they think that I to add a sub-heading
awareness about the should focus more on so that readers can
problem of lack of other factors like have a deeper
education in solution, and reasons understanding of the
Hyderbad . It should why education is website content but
highlight the effects lacking in Hyderabad. otherwise it was
and consequences of good- Iven.
lack education in
The product will be For a certain deadline, He told us that the
ready on 15 of I will ask my teacher. deadline in 13
December. December.
Show your website to 3 or more classmates and get their opinions on the design,
function, and information presented. Write a paragraph summary of the information
gathered and a reflection on their experiences.