Final Design E-Portfolio Main Criteria A-B-C

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My e-Portfolio Design

Ilhan Valani Grade 8 Da Vinci

Unit details:

Kc ( Key Concept) Communities

Rc (Related Perspective

Gc ( Global Fairness and Development

Context )

Statement Of Communities can have many different perspectives that

Inquiry : influence the way ideas develop and new discoveries are

Design problem statement -

How population growth affects teaching careers

Design audience -
Teachers ( Age - 21-60 )
Contents -

Criterion A
Strand i. Explain and Justify the need
Strand ii. Identify and prioritize the research
Strand iii Analyse existing products
Strand iv. Develop a detailed design brief that summarizes the analysis
of relevant research

Criterion B
Strand 1: Develop a Design Specification
Strand 2: Success Criteria
Strand 3: Present the chosen design
Strand 4: Develop planning drawings/diagrams

Criterion C
Strand 1: Construct a logical plan
Strand 2: Demonstrate technical skills
Strand 3: Follow the plan to create the solution
Strand 4: Justify any changes made to the design
Criterion A
Design problem statement
How population growth affects teaching careers

Strand i. Explain and Justify the need:

It is a major problem because there is loads of competition in jobs especially in

teacher jobs and the person who is worthy to get that job doesn't and many face
lots of issues because of this.

The Age group that is getting affected by this issue is between age 25 to 60 (
Teachers )

This problem is mostly occurring in major and popular cities where there are lots of

The middle class is getting affected by this because Middle class people , Most want
to teach so that they can earn as in cities the costs of living is high and salary is
low. So all people try to work and Many try to get a job in the teaching career and
The person who is worthy of the Job doesn't get it at times and many People Suffer
because of it.
If this problem gets no solution, then The Competition will keep increasing , Worthy
teachers won't get the jobs and this might lead to many issues such as
Unemployment and Poverty.

I think my solution will spread awareness of these issues and propose some
solutions which can help.

The cause of this problem is Overpopulation. As there are a lot of people in the city
and all need to earn their living they need to get the job and competition occurs


There is no one focusing on this problem right now but there are some websites
which state what happens because of competition -

According to the Harvard Business Review, "The way leaders communicate about
competition can make employees experience anxiety or excitement about
competing." Leaders need to invest energy into fostering excitement instead of
"creating anxiety by singling out and highlighting low performers."

Strand ii. Identify and prioritize the research-

Identify and prioritize the primary and secondary research needed to
develop a solution to the problem.

What will I Priority(1-5) Priority(1-5)

research? How will I How will I Why will I When will I
gather the gather the research do this?
information? information? this

How Asking 5 Internet. , I 2 It will help October 2020

overpopulat Teachers Will try to me
ion affects through google and determine
teacher google forms find out this issue’s
jobs. if they have some relevancy
experienced sources that and
it or seen will be severity.
anyone else helpful for
facing the my solution

My primary research questions to ask target audience:

- Your Name ( Optional )
- Where Do You Teach
- Have You Ever Seen or known anyone facing difficulty or competition during
getting a job in the teaching career ?
- Have You Ever Faced difficulty or competition while getting a job in the
teaching career ?
- How do you think more applicants and increased competition affected
teachership jobs
- What Do You think Is the solution to This Problem

My primary research:
I conducted a google form survey from October to November, 2020. It is a link that
I have shared to my target audience that includes a form to answer with short


These are the results I collected: 10 People Responded and the answers say 98%
Faced or saw this Issue Occurring.

My conclusions- This Is a real existing issue which you can see in the data and it
needs a solution

After Going through the results I can see that most of the teachers like 96% Are
facing this issue and one of the responses by one of the teachers was In some
instances the candidate worthy of the position misses out on it. The candidate's
confidence and motivation decreases significantly after seeing numerous
candidates for the same job. Some use underhanded methods to secure the job.
Thus overall, the teaching industry is losing out on genuine and trustworthy
future teachers. And another one was to reduce the salary and perks given to
teachers. This is often observed in teachers working in other countries where
teachers from developing countries are paid less compared to the ones coming
from a developed nation. These Responses show that the problem is real and is
occurring and we need a solution for it.

My secondary research:

This Website Talks about if there is a teacher shortage , BALANCING

This website talks about Teachers and the job market , and says Anyone
over 50 in teaching is invisible.

This website talks about How Teachers Can Deal with Workplace
Competition. This website gives many tips to teachers and it can be very

This website talks about Competing in a Competitive Job Market.

Strand iii Analyse existing products

My Website

Strength There is no website which addresses the specific issue which is

competition in teacher jobs due to overpopulation

Weakness My Website isn't complex, It doesn't have a certification of

legitimate source. It doesn't Have Complex ui which attracts

Opportunit We Have a big opportunity as if we cover topics which other

y websites don't then we can get greater volume in visits and the
information can spread fast.

Threat The Website Doesn't Have A Domain , There are several websites
that are Working on this topic.

Other Websites

Strength Popular , Trusted Source Tag , Higher Search Ranking.

Weakness Does Not Have Specific Information/Details about the Topic ,

Competition in teachers jobs due to overpopulation.

Opportunity They have higher search ranking which means they have a big
user database. If they constantly keep updating their information ,
they can spread information faster and earn more with ads.

Threat Too Many Ads , Slow Loading Speeds , No Space For Comments .

Strand iv. Develop a detailed design brief that

summarizes the analysis of relevant research

In India Overpopulation is a major issue which causes lots of issues such as

poverty and hunger. In this a big problem occurs is teacher jobs. In India
the population is 1.2 billion which is very high and that shows how many
people are there in india. If the population increases , the country needs
more jobs and females mostly prefer teacher jobs. At this point there are
300-500 applications going for each teacher job vacancy. Overpopulation
also causes another major problem, that is if a teacher is worthy for the job
, she/he doesn't get it. This is a major issue in india and it needs an solution
My e-portfolio (Criterion B - Developing

Strand 1: Develop a Design Specification

Develops detailed design specifications which explain the success criteria

for the design of a solution based on the analysis of the Research.

MY SOLUTION: Website for awareness -

Cost The Website Will be Free of Cost As I

Will be Using Html and Will Be
Hosting On and it will be Free
of cost to customers Which means no
ads will be displayed too.

Aesthetics It won't be much into aesthetics like

it will be simple to look but the
content will matter. The Most used
colour will be block and white.

Function The Content will be Presented in

simple language yet understandable.

There will also be images to make

the website look more interactive.

Ergonomics It Will be clean and neat for everyone

Quality The website will be coded using
HTML , CSS and Java and it will be
made to look simple yet

User Target Audience is Going to be the

people who are in the teaching

Environment This site is going to give all

information about the problem ,
where it is occurring and then it will
also propose many solutions which
we got by collecting data from
many target audiences through a
google forum.

Strand 2: Success Criteria -

For Success Criteria Design a rubric based on design

specification which will help to evaluate the solution.

ASPECT 1-2 3-4 5

Cost The Price should Price Should Be Price Should Be Nil To

be none so that None To Reach Reach All Our Target
it can be brought More Audience Audience.
to the people.
Aesthetics Must Be Should use a colour Must Have Proper
Readable , in the background Text , Background
The Text to make the Colour , Must
Should have a website look better. Have Header ,
proper size Footer.
which will be
easy to read.

Function The Text Should The Text should The Text should be
Match the have a proper font interactive , have
background so it which can be read quotes.
will be easy to easily and convey
read. the message.

Ergonomics Must have a Must be Organised Must be in a

simple yet clean Properly , The Text structured way
and neat design , Images , Links , and the
so it's easy to Quotes , header information and
read. and footer. the solution both
should have a
header. It Should
be easy to

Quality HTML Basic Should use HTML Should Use HTML ,

Code to show and Css so that the CSS and Java To
the text. text can be Convey and engage
conveyed with the audience in a
aesthetics. proper way.

User The Users The Users The Users Should be

should be Should Be Age all teachers ,The age
Teachers Age 20-60 dosent matter.
Environm The site should The Website The site should Help
en t give solutions to should aim to help teachers on The
the user and fix the problem for Physical and the
should make the teacher yet mental side. And
them satisfied. make them should help fix their
satisfied problem completely
and make them


1. Presenting the chosen design

I am choosing The Sketch 1 for the final sketch, because it is

simple to use. It Looks good and fits all needs for the
Website Will be Made using these - HTML, CSS, and Java Script.

This is a Sample site and the Final site will somewhat look
Similar to this.
The Text can easily be readable and the Colours are
simple. Pictures will also be added to make the website
look more interactive.

The Colours , title,categories , Text are all temporary And Might

Change in the Final Website.

Strand 4: Develop planning drawings/diagrams

Font is Arial which is basic and easy to read.

The website is styled in a blog-like format to make it easy to read

and process the images.

The Text Is set in a proper size which is easily readable.

The website will be simple and won't have any Different stuff
like popup or live chat.

● Website is built using Html , Css and Javascript.

● IDE Used to make the website is Sublime Text 3

● Simple knowledge of HTML and CSS to make it look simple

but not complicated

● The Website Will Be Set as Such That It Will Work On Any

Device Type.

● Colors: The Colours will be Black and white to Make it

simple and easy.

Criterion C -
Strand 1: Construct a logical plan

Date Planned Process Tools Materials( Time to

Step **if complete

1 January 15 Organise and Word - 3 hr

2021 Research the Google
information for
the website.

2 January 16 Research and find Sublime - 2 hr

2021 the application Of Text 3
HTML and Css + Google
Java. Word

3 January 17 Create A Plan For Word - 45 min

2021 The Website Google

4 January 18 Create The Sublime - 35 min

2021 Website Layout Text 3

5 January 19 Website Sublime - 1 hr 30

2021 Introduction , text 3 min
Information about Google
the topic w3schools

6 January 20 Finish the website Sublime - 1 hr 30

2021 Text text 3 min

7 January 21 Colours , Ui , Sublime - 1 hr

2021 Format , Font , text 3
Text Size Google

8 January 22 Share/Send Email - 20m

2021 Website Sublime
text 3
9 January 23 Collect Feedback Form - 15m
2021 Email


Website Used For Help In Coding -

Websites to use for topic research:


Software to use:
Sublime Text 3

This Website Talks about if there is a teacher shortage , BALANCING

This website talks about Teachers and the job market , and says Anyone
over 50 in teaching is invisible.

This website talks about How Teachers Can Deal with Workplace
Competition. This website gives many tips to teachers and it can be very

This website talks about Competing in a Competitive Job Market.

- Basic HTML
- CSS styling
- CSS graphics
- JavaScript Quiz and math
- HTML formatting

- Basic design:
- Pages from the navigation bar:
- Homepage (brief detail)
- Detailed in depth look (more detail for those interested)
- Additional page for any javascript things such as quizzes or calculating your “options” based on
your living condition through a survey
- About (about us page)

Strand 2: Demonstrate technical skills -

Strand 3: Follow the plan to create the solution
Date Process Progress report Time
St to
ep comple

1 January 15 Organise and I Did some research and 3 hr

2021 Research the noted the key points in a
information for notepad.
the website.

2 January 16 Research and I visited w3schools and 2 hr

2021 find the learned a lot from there.
application Of
HTML and Css +

3 January 17 Create A Plan For I Read the main points 45 min

2021 The Website from the websites and
sorted what I will write.

4 January 18 Create The I Started taking help from 35 min

2021 Website Layout w3schools and I created
the basic layout of the

5 January 19 Website I Worked On The text of 1hr 30

2021 Introduction , introduction. min
about the topic

6 January 20 Finish the Finished the text part 1 hr

2021 website Text 30 min

7 January 21 Colours , Ui , Worked on the aesthetics 1hr

2021 Format , Font , of the website.
Text Size
8 January 21 Send out website Sent out the website to the 20min
2021 teacher

I Made A Form For Accessing My Website -

Website Images -
Thank You
Ilhan Valani
Grade 8 Da Vinci
Design E Portfolio

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