Ben Edwards - Liber Genus I - Medusa (PF2)

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Medusas are expert infiltrators, with a head of Hit Points

snakes for hair. 8

Many people know the medusas are horrific

monsters that can turn you to stone with a
glance, yet few know that medusas are fairly
prevalent within settlements and organisations
throughout the world. Due to their reputation Speed
medusas hide their true identities from 25 feet
everyone, secretly moving their way up the
leadership ladder of any organisation they Ability Boosts
infiltrate. They prefer to use poison over their Dexterity
petrifying gaze, although now and again an Intelligence
adversary proves too troublesome or intelligent Free
to succumb to the indirect method.
Ability Flaw
You Might… Wisdom
• Seek out and acquire powerful magical
artefacts. Languages
• Manipulate others through their fears or Common, Elvish
secrets. Additional languages equal to your
• Ensure that you are the one calling the Intelligence modifier (if it’s positive). Choose
shots and leading your chosen group. from Draconic, Halfling, Osiriani, Tien,
Undercommon, Vudrani, and any other
Others Probably… languages to which you have access (such as
• Are wary of your gaze, lest you turn them the languages prevalent in your region).
to stone.
• Assume that if they cannot see you, you Traits
are less dangerous. Medusa
• Believe that your kind are only found out Humanoid
in the wilderness.
Physical Description You can see in darkness and dim light just as
Medusas have a similar body structure to that of well as you can see I bright light, though your
humans, with matching proportions that allow vision is darkness is in black and white.
them to blend in. Their skin tones can also vary
similarly to humans from pale to extremely dark. Society
However, a few medusas have pale green or blue As widespread as medusas are, by their nature
skin tones instead. The most striking feature is they are solitary and adopt the culture of the
one kept hidden – a head of snakes instead of society around them. To this end, there is no
hair. typical medusa society; however due to their
Medusas reach maturity in their 14th year and ability to turn others to stone with but a gaze,
can live up to 110 years old. The typical medusa medusas typically favour blind or undead
stands around 5’ 7” tall. creatures as guardians or allies due to their
resistance if not outright immunity to these

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The only known medusas are female,
necessitating a male humanoid mate for As part medusa, you can select from among the
procreation. Whether this is because all medusas following ancestry feats.
are female by birth, or tradition dictates that Faux Pas Feat 1
males are killed off is unknown. Once a child MEDUSA
reaches maturity they are often encouraged to Trigger You critically fail when you Make an
leave and find their own place in the world Impression
around them. You can turn a faux pas to your advantage. Make
a Deception check against the target of your
Alignment and Religion Make an Impression. Use this result as the result
Medusas have a wide variety of personalities, of your Make an Impression roll instead.
although most have a more chaotic bent.
However, those that reach leadership positions Magic Sense Feat 1
tend to be more lawful. While in common MEDUSA
knowledge medusas are painted as horrible Your senses instinctively alerts you to the
monsters, most medusas are merely looking out presence of magic. You can cast 1st-level read
for themselves and tend to be more neutral than aura cantrip as an arcane innate spell at will. A
evil or good. As for the gods, medusas follow any cantrip is heightened to a spell level equal to half
god that meets their personal beliefs but worship your level rounded up.
of gods that favour independence and self-
reliance are quite common. Medusa Lore Feat 1
Names You have some genetic memories from your
Achaikos, Aniketos, Chares, Dareios, Euanthe, medusa ancestors. You gain the trained
Hesiodos, Kyriakos, Origenes, Ptolemais, Timaeus proficiency rank in Deception and Diplomacy. If
you would automatically become trained in one
of those skills (from your background or class, for
example), you instead become trained in a skill of
your choice. You also become trained in Medusa
You are able to distil a number of poisons from
yourself. Each day during your daily preparations Snake Fangs Feat 1
you can create a number of poisons equal to your MEDUSA
level without the normal monetary cost in
The snakes on your head are particularly
alchemical reagents or needing to attempt a
aggressive. You gain an unarmed snake fang
Crafting check. These poisons must be your level
melee attack and are trained in it:
or lower and you must have the formula for the
Melee snake fangs (agile, finesse), Damage 1d4
poison you create. These items have the infused
trait and remain potent for 24 hours or until your
next daily preparations, whichever comes first.
Vizier Feat 1
Snake Sight
You gather secrets and whisper in the ears of
The snakes on your head constantly warn you of others. You can use the Gather Information
impending danger. You gain All-Around Vision. action to uncover a secret about a creature with
a DC appropriate for the level of that creature.
You can then use that secret only once to
automatically succeed at a Coerce action with
that creature.
Biting Snakes Feat 5 Focus Gaze Feat 13
Trigger A creature ends its turn adjacent to Prerequisites Petrifying Gaze
you Frequency once per day
Your make a snake fangs Strike against the You fix your glare at a creature you can see within
creature. 30 feet. The target must immediately attempt a
Fortitude save against your petrifying gaze. If the
Lickspittle Feat 5 creature was already slowed by petrifying gaze
MEDUSA before attempting its save, a failed save causes it
A flunky becomes indispensable to you, hanging to be petrified for 1 hour. After attempting its
around and doing you bidding. The lickspittle is save, the creature is then temporarily immune
helpful to you, allowing you to make simple until the start of the medusa's next turn.
Requests of them such as purchasing basic
equipment with your funds or finding a room at Persistent Gaze Feat 17
an inn. They do not travel with you to places that MEDUSA
are obviously dangerous, including most Prerequisites Focus Gaze
adventure locations, but they’ll wait for you at Your gaze is more powerful than before. When a
the nearest settlement. When you Lie, your creature fails against your Focus Gaze, it is
lickspittle can back you up, granting you a +1 petrified permanently instead of for 1 hour. In
circumstance bonus to your Deception check. addition, you can use this ability at will.

Petrifying Gaze Feat 9

You feel your eyes begin to change as other
creatures begin to slow around you. When a
creature ends its turn in the aura (10’), it must
attempt a Fortitude save vs your Class DC. If the
creature fails, it becomes slowed 1 for 1 round. Poison Condenser Item 5
The medusa can deactivate or activate this aura MAGICAL MEDUSA TRANSMUTATION
by using a single action, which has the Price 100 gp
concentrate trait. Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
A Poison Condenser is a small glass vial with a
Serpent Venom Feat 9
tarnished copper band around its neck.
The snakes on your head have become able to Activate 1 minute (interact); Requirements two
produce venom. Your snake fangs Strike now doses of the same poison poured inside; Effect
deals serpent venom: The DC of the poison is increased by +2, but only
one dose remains.
Serpent Venom (poison) Saving Throw Your Class
DC, Fortitude; Maximum Duration 6 rounds;
Stage 1 1d6 poison damage and enfeebled 1 (1
round); Stage 2 2d6 poison damage and
enfeebled 2 (1 round)
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