Passive Voice
Passive Voice
Passive Voice
La voz pasiva es una categoría gramatical que hace posible ver la acción de una frase de
dos formas, sin cambiar los hechos mencionados.
Active: We keep the butter here
Passive: The butter is kept here (by us)
La voz pasiva de los tiempos continuos requiere el uso de las formas continuas de to be,
los cuales no son muy usados.
Active: They are repairing the wall
Passive: The wall is being repaired (by them)
Las formas: auxiliar (modal) + (combinación de) infinitivo se hacen pasivas cuando el
infinitivo es pasivo.
Active: You must / should close the door
Passive: The door must / should be closed
Active: He ought to have asked them
Passive: They ought to have been asked
1 [email protected]
Passive: He wants his car to be washed
Con verbos como: advise, beg, order, recommend, urge +objeto + infinitivo + objeto, se
puede hacer de dos maneras:
- poniendo el verbo principal en voz pasiva como en el anterior
- o bien advise, beg, etc + that ...... should + infinitive passive
2 [email protected]
Conditional would keep would be kept
Cond. Perfect would have kept would have been kept
Pres. Infinitive to keep to be kept
Perfect Inf to have kept to have been kept
Pres Part/Gerund keeping being kept
Perfect Part. having kept having been kept
Cuando una oración cuyo verbo puede ir seguido tanto por objeto directo como por el
indirecto: give, ask, tell, send, lend, teach, pay, show, etc; puede realizarse la pasiva de dos
de igual modo
active : People said that he was jealous of her
passive: It was said that he was jealous of her
He was said to be jealous of her
Let o infinitives
active: They let us go let se usa sin to
passive: We were let go
3 [email protected]
There is / was
Se usa para hablar de acciones que no sabemos o no queremos hacer nosotros mismos y
precisamos que alguien las haga por nosotros. Esta fórmula se puede utilizar en cualquier
tiempo verbal.
Ej: They are having /getting their house painted this summer
John could have / get his beard shaved
Aun cuando el significado es igual el uso de get es más informal que el de have
Como las oraciones de voz pasiva no siempre necesitamos mencionar el complemento agente.
Ej: Is John having his car fixed?>>> No lo arreglará él, sino un mecánico.
He is fixing his car >>>Si lo arregla él
NAME:............................................................. Nº:................ COURSE:...............
4.- We use this flat only on special occasions when we get guests.
4 [email protected]
5.- This author has written a special edition of his book for children.
6.- Did Peter’s idea about the party interest you in that moment ?
7.- The judge gave him the details of his uncle’s death.
8.- A thief stole my car and brought it back only when I offered a reward for it.
9.- The government has called out troops and will send them to Bosnia.
10.- Members can keep books for two weeks. Then they must return them to the library.
11.- You must not hammer nails in the walls without permission.
15.- The judge gave her two weeks in which to pay the fine.
19.- He will send you the book you asked him for
20.- The thieves have broken the safe to steal the money.
Active Passive
Present Simple Am / is /are + past participle
They collect apples every summer. Apples are collected every summer.
5 [email protected]
Past Continuous Was / were + being + past participle
They were repairing the bathroom. The bathroom was being repaired.
Note: Passive forms of the present perfect continuous, past perfect continuous, future
continuous or continuous infinitives are not normally used.
6 [email protected]
agent. The sentence “The novel “Oliver Twist” was written in 1861 by Charles
Dickens makes perfect sense without the agent, but the agent adds important
2. To say that something unpleasant She had her bag stolen last week.
happened to the subject, more usual He has her leg broken in the accident
to use have in this pattern.
3. To say that the subject completes an
action rather than leaving it in the I must get this work done this afternoon.
middle or leaving it until later, more Let’s get the room tidied and then we can go
usual to use get in this pattern. out.
Used said /reported /believed /thought /understood /known
1. When talking about information that has been received, we often use these verbs in the
passive form because it is not known who provided the information or because it is the
information, and not the person who provided it, that is important.
2. These verbs can be used to report information in these patterns.
7 [email protected]
in another country. He is believed /known to have resigned.
It is believed /known that he has resigned.
It is thought that she has been doing her job He is thought to have been doing her job very
very badly. badly.