Thermal Energy Storage - Exercises 2022-2023

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Thermal Energy Storage

Selected exercises in reader

Prof.dr. H.A. Zondag


Mechanical Engineering / Energy Technology

Exercise answers

2a) What are critical issues in the heat loss of solar water tanks? Mention at least 2 typical
problems found in real solar water tanks and explain what goes wrong.

2b) Calculate the heat loss in W/K through the top, the bottom and the wall of a well
insulated cylindrical water vessel, assuming a homogeneous vessel temperature of 60 C,
a tank diameter of 60 cm, a tank height of 80 cm, an insulation thickness of 5 cm, an
insulation conductivity of 0,07 W/mK and an ambient temperature of 20 C (both for the
air and the walls). Assume that the thermal resistance through the insulation is dominant
(ignore the other resistances). Ignore the thermal capacity of the insulation.

• Atop=Abottom=0.25D2=0.283 m2,
• h=/d=1,4 W/m2K => UAtop=UAbottom = 1,4*0,283= 0.396 W/K
• UAside=2L/ln(ro/ri)=2.28 W/K
• Answer: UAtotal=UAside+UAtop+UAbottom=3.072 W/K
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Exercise answers

2c) For the problem in b), calculate the time required for the vessel to cool down to 30C,
assuming that the vessel continues to be fully mixed throughout the cooling down
process. If you could not solve 2b), then assume for this calculation a total heat loss
for the vessel of 2 W/K. You may use Cpwater=4200 J/kgK and water=1000 kg/m3.

Answer: UAtotal=UAside+UAtop+UAbottom=3.072 W/K

T(t)=Tinf + (Tinit-Tinf)*exp(-tUA/MCp)
time = -MCp/UA* ln((T-Tinf)/(Tinit-Tinf))

UA (W/K) 3.072 Tinf (C ) 20

T (C ) 30 Tinit (C ) 60
D (m) 0.6 Vol (m3) 0.226195
H (m) 0.8 MCp (J/K) 950019.8
t (hours) 119.087

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Exercise answers

Chapter 2e
Derive a formula for the charge power as a function of time for the fully mixed water
vessel, assuming a vessel initially at Tlow (in C) and a constant charging volume flow
 (in m3/s) with a temperature Thigh (in C).

For charge:

= m Cp (Thigh − Ttank )  Ttank = Thigh + (Tlow − Thigh ) exp[ −tm Cp / MC p ]

MC p
P = m Cp (Thigh − Ttank ) = m Cp (Thigh − Tlow )exp[ −tm Cp / MC p ]
For discharge:

= −m Cp(Ttank − Tlow )  Ttank = Tlow + (Thigh − Tlow ) exp[ −tm Cp / MC p ]

MC p
P = m Cp(Ttank − Tlow ) = m Cp (Thigh − Tlow )exp[ −tm Cp / MC p ]
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Energy balance solar pond

Chapter 2i: Solar pond Upper Convective Zone


Lower Convective Zone

qg + qsl + qext
- −

q in W !
/ Mechanical Engineering Tundee, 2010 21-3-2023 PAGE 4
Exercise answers

Chapter 2j+k: Solar pond

In a solar pond, the height of the UCZ, NCZ and LCZ are respectively 0.2 m, 0.4
m and 1.5 m (total depth 2.1 m). The bottom of the pond is at 90C, the
ambient temperature is at 30C. For the calculations, you may use the
characteristics of normal water.

j) Calculate the heat loss in W/m2K from the LCZ through the top assuming
stationary conditions (you may ignore the thermal capacity of the NCZ and
UCZ). Answer: U=k/L_NCZ=0.6/0.4=1.5 W/m2K

Answer: k) How long does it take to cool the LCZ down to 70C?
T = T + (T0 − T ) exp[ −tUA / VC p ]
= Tlow + (Thigh − Tlow ) exp[ −tU / H LCZ C p ]
H LCZ C p T − Tlow
= t = − ln
U Thigh − Tlow

U=1.5 W/m2K => 473 hours

/ Mechanical Engineering U=1 W/m2K => 710 hours 21-3-2023 PAGE 5
Exercise answers
Problem 2 m-q Oil vessel
A cubic storage tank with sides of 4 m is filled with oil. The tank is
initially at ambient temperature ( 20C ). The tank is charged by
means of a heat exchanger (UA=500 W/K), that is located at the
bottom of the tank. The heat exchanger medium is also oil (inflow
temperature 200C, flow rate 50 l/min).

m) Assuming that the heat exchanger medium is coming in at 200C, and the tank temperature at the
bottom is still 20C, calculate the outflow temperature of the heat exchanger.

T1 − T2 − T + Tc ,out q / C p T1  UA   

q = UA = UA c ,in = UA  = exp   Tout = Tv + (Tin − Tv ) exp  − UA 
 T   T   T  T2  C   C p 
ln  1  ln  1  ln  1   p 

 T2   T2   T2 

n) If the tank is charged to 150C, assuming heat losses from the tank can be neglected, calculate the
charging time for the case that the tank is perfectly stratified (20C at the bottom throughout the
charging). If you could not solve the previous question, assume the outflow temperature was 160C.

t = Q / P = MC p Ttank /( C p T flow )

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Exercise answers
o) For the same case as above, calculate the charging time to 150C for the case that the tank is fully mixed.

 UA   UA 
Tout = Tv + (Tin − Tv ) exp  −   q = C p  (Tin − Tout ) = C p  (Tin − Tv ) * (1 − exp  − )
 C p   C p 
   UA   

 C p  t 1 − exp  − 
 UA     
  C 
= q = C p  (Tin − Tv ) * (1 − exp  −  )  Tv = Tin + (Tstart − Tin ) exp  −
dTv p
MC p 
dt  C p  
MC p

 
 
p)The tank is now insulated with k=0.075 W/mK, d=5cm. You may ignore the thermal resistances due to
radiative and convective heat transfer. For a tank charged to 150C, calculate the self-discharge time down to
T=40C due to heat loss, assuming the tank is fully mixed throughout the discharge process.
k 2 1 W W
Square tank => UA = 6 L = 96m 2  1 = 144
d 2 m2 K K
Tvessel = Tambient + (Tstart-Tambient)*exp[-UAt/MCp]
t=-ln((Tvessel-Ta)/(Tstart-Ta))*MCp/UA=1.87*64*2000*850/144=393 hours

q) If the same heat exchanger is used for water instead of oil, what will be the effect on UA? Explain, taking
into account both internal and external heat transfer.

For water; UA will be higher, due to lower viscosity and higher conductivity;
/ Mechanical Engineering both internal and external 21-3-2023 PAGE 7
Exercise answers

2r) A parabolic trough plant is fitted with a dual tank HiTEC XL

molten salt storage (the two tanks each have a height of 8m and
a volume of 300 m3). The hot tank is at 350C and the cold tank
at 250C. The ambient temperature is 30C. What is the storage
capacity in the system (in GJ)?

Q = *Cp*V*ΔT = 1992*1447*300*(350-250) = 86 GJ

2s) In the parabolic trough plant above, thermal oil is running through the troughs, and is charging the
storage via a counterflow heat exchanger. If the oil is entering the heat exchanger at 375C at a flux  of
110 m3/hour, calculate the UA value for the heat exchanger in W/K, assuming that the capacity flows
(Cp) of the oil and the molten salt through the heat exchanger are equal (you may ignore thermal
losses in the hot salt system).

Answer: (Cp)oil= (Cp)molten salt => Toil=Tmolten salt =>

Heat exchanger Toil,in=375C, Toil,out=??, Tsalt,in = 250C, Tsalt,out=350C
=> Toil,out=275C => T1=T2=25C => Tlm=25C
P=CpΔToil = 110/3600*850*2000*100=5.2 MW
P=UA*Tlm => UA = 5.2*106/25 = 208 kW/K

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Exercise answers

3b) A concrete plate of 10C and 20 cm thickness is suddenly immersed into a

60C water flow. Assume h is large. Calculate the time required for the
temperature at 1cm into the plate to reach 30C.

Assume early regime since small temperature variation near edge of material.

T (t , x ) − T  x  30 − 60  0.01 
= erf    = 0.6 = erf  −7 
T0 − T  4t  10 − 60  4  7.7  10 t

0.6=Erf(0.6) (see graph)

 0.01  1
= t =    −7
= 90( s )
 0.6  4  7.7  10
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Exercise answers

3c) A concrete plate of 10C and 20 cm thickness is suddenly immersed into a

60C water flow. Assume h=50 W/m2K. Calculate the time required for the
temperature at 8 cm into the plate to reach 50C.

Assume late regime since temperature variation far into material

h=50 W/m2K => Bi=hL/k=50*0.1/1.7=2.94 => 1/Bi=0.34
8 cm into material, half width plate = 10 cm => x/L=0,02/0,1=0,2.
From Graph below left: (T-Tinf)/(Tc-Tinf)=0.98 => (Tc-Tinf)/(Ti-Tinf)=1/0.98*(T-Tinf)/(Ti-Tinf)=0.21
From Graph right: Fo=1.2=t/L2 => t=15584 s = 4.3 hours. Check: assumption late regime is correct.

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Exercise answers

Chapter 3 e - i: Insulated cylinder

e) A concrete cylinder with a diameter of 20 cm and a length of 2 m is heated up
from 20C to 100C. Calculate the amount of heat stored in the cylinder.

Q=Cp*DT*rho*V=Cp*DT*rho*pi/4*D^2*L =>

Q=920*(100-20)*2400*pi/4*0.2^2*2 = 11.1 MJ

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Exercise answers

Chapter 3 e - i: Insulated cylinder

f) A concrete cylinder with a diameter of 20 cm and a length of 2 m is heated up
from 20C to 100C. The cylinder then is cooled down again by a 20C
airflow. Assume h=10 W/m2K, ignore irradiance effects and ignore the effect of
the top and bottom sides of the cylinder. Calculate the time required to cool the
cylinder core to 50C.

Bi=hR/k=10x0.1/1.7= 0.59
1/Bi 1.7
a= k/(rho Cp) 7.70E-07 m2/s

(Tc-Tinf)/Ti-Tinf)=(50-20)/(100-20) 0.375
figure: Fo 1.2

time = Fo R2/a 1.56E+04 s

4.33 hours

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Exercise answers
Chapter 3 f-i: Insulated cylinder
g) Repeat this calculation assuming the lumped capacitance model would be

T = T + (T0 − T ) exp[ −thA / VC p ] =
D 2 LC p T − Tlow
T = Tlow + (Thigh − Tlow ) exp[ −thA / VC p ] = t = −4
hDL Thigh − Tlow
T 50 C
Thigh 100 C
Tlow 20 C
h 10 W/m2K
D 0.2 m
L 2 m
rho 2400 kg/m3
Cp 920 J/kgK
t 1.08E+04 s 3.01 hours

Shorter than in f) due to less resistance

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Exercise answers

Chapter 3 f-i: Insulated cylinder

h) Calculate the amount of heat still left in the cylinder at the time calculated under f).

Bi 0.59
Bi2Fo 0.42
Q/Qi 0.7
Still left Q/Qi 0.3
Qi 11.10 MJ
Qleft 3.33 MJ

Order of magnitude check assuming homogeneous temperature (upper limit for cooling)
Qleft MC p (T − Tlow ) 50C − 20C
= = = 0.375
Qi MC p (Tinit − Tlow ) 100C − 20C
In reality less (0.3) because wall cooled down more than center
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Exercise answers

Chapter 3 f + i: Insulated cylinder

i) A concrete cylinder with a diameter of 20 cm and a length of 2 m is heated up
from 20C to 100C. The cylinder is cooled down again by a 20C airflow. The
cylinder is insulated with 4 cm insulation material with k=0,05W/mK. Assume the
effective heat transfer is fully determined by the insulation. Calculate the time
required to cool the cylinder core to 50C for the insulated case.

1 lnro ri  1
Rt = + +
hi Ai 2kl ho Ao
a= k/(rho Cp) 7.70E-07 m2/s
Rt= 0.54 K/W
h_eff_inner =(1/Rt)/Ai= 1.49 W/m K
Bi=hR/k 0.09
1/Bi 11.44
(Tc-Tinf)/Ti-Tinf)=(50-20)/(100-20) 0.38

figure: Fo 5.50
time = Fo R2/a 71428.57 s
19.84 hours
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Exercise answers

Chapter 3 f + i: Insulated cylinder

i) A concrete cylinder with a diameter of 20 cm and a length of 2 m is heated
up from 20C to 100C. The cylinder is cooled down again by a 20C airflow.
The cylinder is insulated with 4 cm insulation material with k=0,05W/mK.
Assume the effective heat transfer is fully determined by the insulation.
Calculate the time required to cool the cylinder core to 50C for the insulated
case. Small internal thermal gradient for Bi<0.1

Answer II: Biot <0.1 => lumped capacitance

T = T + (T0 − T ) exp[−thA / MC p ] =
T = Ta + (T0 − Ta ) exp[−thA / MC p ] =
VC p
t=− ln{(T − Ta ) /(T0 − Ta )}

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Exercise answers

Chapter 3 j t/m n: Pebble bed

j) A rock bed consists of spherical pebbles (characteristics similar to marble, see
table) with a diameter of 10 cm in a simple cubic arrangement. The length of the
bed along the flow is 5m. The bed cross section is 1 x 1 m2. The bed is initially
uniformly at 20C, and is heated by a hot air flow (inflow temperature 50C, flow
rate 0.2 m3/s). Assume that the heat transfer between the air and the particles
equals h=25 W/m2K.
Calculate the volumetric heat transfer coefficient (in W/m3K).


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Exercise answers

Chapter 3 j t/m n: Pebble bed

l) For the case above, calculate the time required for the core of a pebble at the
entrance of the bed to increase from 20C to 30C. D=10cm, h=25W/m2K.

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Exercise answers

Chapter 3 j t/m n: Pebble bed

m) For the time calculated in the previous question, calculate the amount of
energy stored in the pebble.
Bi 0.50
Bi^2*Fo 0.10
Q/Qi 0.40
rho_part 2700 kg/m3
vol_part 5.24E-04 m3
Qi 31.8 kJ
Q(t) 12.7 kJ

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Exercise answers
Chapter 4 b and e
b) Calculate the ground thermal conductivity for the case shown in the graph.
Assume a temperature difference between the incoming and outgoing water of
4 C, a flowrate of 2 m3/hour and a borehole length of 100 meter. The thermal
capacity of water is 4200 J/kg/K, the density of water is 1000 kg/m3.
q=CpxDTxPhixRho/L 93.3 W/m q
4 (T (ln[t ]) )
dT/d(ln(t))= 1.4 K
k 5.26 W/mK
d) For an ATES system, assume a cold well temperature of 6C and a hot well of
18C, and an aquifer height of 50 meter. In addition, assume that the aquifer
material is sand saturated with water (porosity of35%, conductivity 2 W/mK,
volumetric heat capacity 2.2 MJ/m3K). If the cold demand is 1000 GJ, what are
the thermal and the hydraulic diameter of the aquifer?
Thot (C ) 18 Q (J) 1.00E+12
Tcold (C ) 6 Vwater (m3) 2.0E+04
H (m) 50 Dhydraulic (m) 38.0
porosity 35% DThermal (m) 31.1
Cp*rho (J/m3K) 2.20E+06 21-3-2023 PAGE 20
Exercise answers

Chapter 4e
e) For the aquifer above, what is the maximum power if the maximum water
velocity through the ground is taken as 1.5 m/hour, and the borehole
diameter is 50cm?
DT 12 C
D 0.5 m
H 50 m
area 78.54 m2
flow 0.032725 m3/s
power 1649 kW

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Exercise answers
Chapter 5 b: PCM melting
b. Calculate the time required to solidify 1 cm of molten n-hexacosane on a 20C
metal plate. Do the same calculation for a Na2SO4x10H2O. Then repeat the
calculation assuming a 10x increase
H of the conductivity using graphite.
s(t ) =
Answer: 2kt (Tph − Tunload )
n-hexacosane Na2SO4x10H2O Na2SO4x10H2O + graphite 85vol%Na2SO4x10H2O
+ 8%vol graphite + 7vol%air
DH 257 KJ/kg DH 252 KJ/kg DH 252 KJ/kg 252 KJ/kg
Rho 770 kg/m3 Rho 1485 kg/m3 Rho 1485 kg/m3 1262 kg/m3
k 0.21 W/mK k 0.544 W/mK k 5.44 W/mK 5.44 W/mK
Tmelt 56 C Tmelt 32 C Tmelt 32 C 32 C

t 1309 s t 2866 s t 287 s 244 s

21.8 min 48 min 4.8 min 4.1 min
0.36 hours 0.80 hours 0.08 hours 0.07 hour

5e) What methods are available to increase the conductivity of a layer of PCM?
Assume that the heat transfer of a PCM can be improved from k=0.2 W/mK to
k=20 W/mK. How much would this change the time required to melt a layer of this
PCM? Explain.
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Exercise answers
5d) Derive the equation for the specific power (in W/m2) transferred to a melting layer of PCM as
a function of time, assuming as initial state a solid layer of PCM at a fixed melting temperature
Tph for the PCM immersed in a large bath with a fixed temperature Ta, and assuming that the
external heat transfer is high and that convection in the molten PCM can be ignored. The
PCM has a melting enthalpy DH (in J/kg).

For DH>>CpDT
(DH in J/kg)
s(t ) k (Tph − Tunload )
H = q(t ), q(t ) = =
t s (t )
k (Tph − Tunload ) k (Tph − Tunload ) Bejan, 1993
 =  H = = t =
1 2
s ( t ) ds dt s ( t )

2kt (Tph − Tunload ) k (Tph − Tunload ) Hk (Tph − Tunload )

s(t ) = q(t ) = =
H s (t ) 2t 21-3-2023 PAGE 23
Exercise answers
Chapter 5 f
F) If a 85% solution of ethylene glycol is cooled from 10C down to -54C, indicate as
detailed as possible the composition of the final product. Use Figure 35 to find your

Answer: According to Figure 35, at a temperature of - 54C and an overall concentration

of 85%, 43% =(1-0.85)/(1-0.65) of the ethylene glycol solution is in liquid form (lever
rule), with a concentration of 65% glycol, while 57% is in solid form (lever rule) with a
concentration of 100% glycol. Note that 43%*65%+57%*100% = 85%, which is logical
since the total amounts of ethylene glycol and water do not change.

Use the lever rule at fixed temperature!

(horizontal, not vertical!!)

Two phase region glycol(s) + liq

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Chapter 6
a) A heat storage is based on the reversible reaction MgCl2x2H2O(s)+2H2O(g)
MgCl2x4H2O(s) in an evacuated setup. Calculate the energy stored in the
reaction above per kg of MgCl2x4H2O.
MM (g/mol) Hf (kJ/mol) S (J/mol/K)
MgCl2.2H2O 131,2488 -1279,72 179,9
MgCl2.4H2O 167,2796 -1898,99 264
H2O(g) 18 -241,818 188,825

DH kJ/mol -135,634
DS -293,55

DH kJ/kg (=DH/MM) 810,8

Answer: Energy stored = 811 kJ/kg

b) For the case above, calculate the equilibrium temperature for the reaction
under standard conditions.
Answer: T = 189°C. T=DH/DS= 462,0 K
189,0 C
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Exercise answers

Chapter 6
c) Calculate the equilibrium vapor pressure for the evaporation of water at 15C.

pH 2O = exp[ −( DH − TDS ) / RT ]
= exp[ −44012 + 288 * 118.915) /(8.31 * 288)] = 0.017bar

Hf (kJ/mol) S (J/molK)
H2O (l) -285.83 69.91
H2O(g) -241.818 188.825
DH (kJ/mol) DS (J/mol/K)
44.012 118.915
T (C ) T (K) p (bar)
10 283 1.22E-02
15 288 0.01690819
20 293 0.02314127

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Exercise answers

Chapter 6 d: Mg(OH)2  MgO+H2O

Calculate the equilibrium temperature for Mg(OH)2  MgO+H2O under
standard conditions and under p=10 mbar.

Answer: DH (kJ/mol) DS (J/mol/K)

H2O(g) -241,818 188,825
MgO -601,7 26,94
Mg(OH)2 -924,54 63,18
81,022 152,585

CaO -635,09 39,75

Ca(OH)2 -986,09 83,39
109,182 145,185

Standard conditions:
T = DH / DS = 81  103 / 152,6 = 531K = 258C
10 mbar:
T = DH /( DS − R ln p ) = 81  103 /(152,6 − 8,31ln[0,01]) = 425K = 152C

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Exercise answers
Chapter 6e: Mg(OH)2 + CaO MgO+ Ca(OH)2, with
Mg(OH)2 as low temperature salt in the evaporator. What is
the system pressure for Tevaporator=40C? And what
temperature step can be obtained with Mg(OH)2 + CaO
MgO+ Ca(OH)2 if no pressure drop occurs in the system?

Mg(OH)2 + CaO <=> MgO+ Ca(OH)2 DH DS
Mg(OH)2(s)<=>MgO(s)+H2O(g) 81,022 152,585
Ca(OH)2(s) <=>CaO(s)+H2O(g) 109,182 145,185
pMg (OH )2 = exp[−( DH − TDS ) / RT ] = exp[−(81000 − 313 152, 6) / (8,31 313)] = 2,8  10−6 bar
TCa (OH )2 = DH / ( DS − R ln p ) = 109200 / (145, 2 − 8,31ln[2,8 10 −6 ]) = 434 K =
DT = 434 − 313 = 121C
=>System pressure: 2,8x10-6 bar. DT=121C.
Warning: it is easy to make mistakes with the signs in these formulas:
Good check: equilibrium temperature should increase with increasing
pressure (see figure)!
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Exercise answers
MM (g/mol) Hf (kJ/mol) S (J/mol/K)
Chapter 7 a & b: TC heat storage MgCl2.2H2O 131.25 -1279.72 179.90
system MgCl2.4H2O 167.28 -1898.99 264.00
H2O(g) 18.00 -241.82 188.83
a) A heat storage is based on the reversible H2O(l) 18.00 -285.83 69.91
reaction MgCl2x2H2O(s) + 2H2O(g) 
DH_H2O (kJ/mol) 44.012
MgCl2x4H2O(s) in an evacuated setup. DS_H2O (J/mol/K) 118.92
Calculate the temperature step between T_H2O=15C=288(K) 288.00
evaporator and sorbent bed, assuming that peq_H2O (bar)=exp(-(DH-TDS)/(RT)) 0.0169
DH_MgCl2.2->4H2O per mol H2O 67.8
on discharge of the storage the H2O is DS_MgCl2.2->4H2O per mol H2O 146.8
evaporated at 15°C and that no pressure Teq_MgCl2 (K) = DH/(DS-Rln(p)) 375.3
Teq_MgCl2 (C) = DH/(DS-Rln(p)) 102.3
drop occurs within the system.
DT=Teq-Tevap (C ) 87.3
Answer: 87.3°C. Evaporator: calculation water vapor pressure:
Use data H2O(l)→H2O(g) evaporation!
b) Calculate the difference between charging
equilibrium temperature and discharging MgCl2x2H2O bed: calculation equilibrium temperature:
equilibrium temperature in the sorbent bed, Data MgCl2x2H2O+2H2O(g) → MgCl2x4H2O reaction!
for the case in which the evaporator is at T_H2O=15C=288K 288 p+2mbar p-2mbar
peq(bar)=exp(-(DH-TDS)/(RT)) 0.0169 0.0189 0.0149
15°C, and 2 mbar pressure drop occurs in
Teq_MgCl2 (K) 375.3 377.3 373.2
the vapor circuit of the system, both for DT=Teq-Tevap (C ) 87.3 89.3 85.2
charging and for discharging.
Answer: 4.1°C.
/ Mechanical Engineering 21-3-2023 PAGE 29
Exercise answers

Chapter 7 c & d: TC heat storage system

c) Assume LiBr(s) is in contact with water in an evaporator that is kept at 40C
(see figure below). Assume that the pressure drop in the system can be
ignored. At what pressure and at what temperature in the LiBr storage will the
system stabilize?
Evaporator: water vapor pressure: pH 2O = exp[( − H evap + TSevap ) / RT ]
Data H2O evaporation!
H per H 2O
LiBr bed: equilibrium temperature: T=
Data LiBr reaction! S per H 2O − R ln pH 2O

Pvap(40C)=0.073 bar; Teq(LiBr)=124C

Hf (kJ/mol) S (J/molK) DH (kJ/mol) DS (J/molK)
H2O (l) -285.83 69.91 44.012 118.915
H2O(g) -241.818 188.825
LiBr (s) -351.213 74.27 69.549 153.495
LiBrxH2O (s) -662.58 109.6
LiCl (s) -408.61 59.33 62.152 145.315
LiClxH2O -712.58 102.84

/ Mechanical Engineering 21-3-2023 PAGE 30

Exercise answers
Chapter 7 h (open sorption system):
Calculate the maximum temperature rise in the air that can be obtained by flowing 30C air with
50% relative humidity through the Li2SO4 bed (ignoring thermal capacity of the bed).
Open system => check which limit is most restrictive for the temperature
Molar mass Hf S0
step: heating up of the air or the thermochemical equilibrium temperature. g/mol kJ/mol J/mol/K
H2O(g) 18,02 -241,818 188,825
H2O(l) 18,02 -285,83 69,91
DH_dehydration Li2SO4.H2O 57.192 kJ/mol Li2SO4 109,94 -1436,49 115,1
DS_dehydration Li2SO4.H2O 140.325 J/mol/K Li2SO4x1H2O 127,96 -1735,5 163,6

DH_evaporation H2O 44.012 kJ/mol

DS_evaporation H2O 118.915 J/mol/K
T air_inlet 303 K
pvap_saturated = exp(-(DH-TDS)/RT) 0.042 bar
pvap_air = pvap_saturated*RH 0.021 bar
amount of water Mol_w per m3 = p/RT 0.83 mol
energy per m3 Q= Mol_w*DH_reaction 47724 J/m3
thermal capacity air = rho*cp 1200 J/m3/K
Tmax Cp_air limit: Q/Cp +Ta 69.6 C
Tmax Teq limit: DH/(DS-Rln[p])= 58.5 C
max temp rise limit Teq =>DT= Teq-Tair_inlet 28.7 C  For an open system, you have to be able to calculate
the two limits (‘T_eq approximation’ and ‘Cp air
In open systems, often the thermal mass of the air is limiting the temperature approximation’); the calculation of the ‘real’ open system
step, but for the present case (low DH), the equilibrium temperature is the requires additional calculations that I will notPAGE
21-3-2023 ask. 31
most limiting aspect, limiting the temperature rise to 28.7C

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