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• What is psychrometrics?
• Psychrometrics in daily life and food industry
• Psychrometric chart
– Dry bulb temperature, wet bulb temperature, absolute
humidity, relative humidity, specific volume, enthalpy
– Dew point temperature
• Mixing two streams of air
• Heating of air and using it to dry a product

• Psychrometrics is the study of properties of mixtures
of air and water vapor
• Water vapor
– Superheated steam (unsaturated steam) at low pressure
– Superheated steam tables are on page 817 of textbook
– Properties of dry air are on page 818 of textbook
– Psychrometric charts are on page 819 & 820 of textbook
• What are these properties of interest and why do we
need to know these properties?

Psychrometrics in Daily Life
• Sea breeze and land breeze
– When and why do we get them?
• How do thunderstorms, hurricanes, and tornadoes form?
• What are dew, fog, mist, and frost and when do they form?
• When and why does the windshield of a car fog up?
– How do you de-fog it? Is it better to blow hot air or cold air? Why?
• Why do you feel dry in a heated room?
– Is the moisture content of hot air lower than that of cold air?
• How does a fan provide relief from sweating?
• How does an air conditioner provide relief from sweating?
• When does a soda can “sweat”?
• When and why do we “see” our breath?
• Do sailboats perform better at high or low relative humidity?
Key factors: Temperature, Pressure, and Moisture Content of Air 4
Do Sailboats Perform Better at low or High RH?
• Does dry air or moist air provide more thrust against the sail?
• Which is denser – humid air or dry air?
– Avogadro’s law: At the same temperature and pressure, the no. of
molecules in a given volume is the same, no matter what the gas is
– Air has ~80% N2 and ~20% O2 (Ratio of N2:O2 = 4:1)
– If 10 molecules of water are added to air, 8 molecules of N2 and 2
molecules of O2 are displaced
– Atomic weight gained by air = 10 x 18 = 180
– Atomic weight lost by air = 8 x 28 + 2 x 32 = 288
– Thus, there is a net decrease in weight and hence density
– So, humid air is less dense than dry air

Thus, there is more thrust for the sail with dry air and hence sailboats perform better at low RH
Psychrometrics in the Food Industry
• Heating or cooling of air
– To heat or cool a product
• Mixing different streams of air
• Drying a food product using hot and dry air
– Drier the air, better the drying efficiency

Psychrometric Chart: 6 Quantities
• Dry bulb temperature, Tdb (°C)
– Temperature recorded by a regular thermometer
• Wet bulb temperature, Twb (°C)
– Temp. of a thermometer with air blowing over a moist wick on its bulb
• Moisture content or specific humidity, W (kg water / kg dry air)
– Amount of moisture in air (also called, absolute humidity)
• Relative humidity (RH),  (%)
– Ratio of amount of moisture in air to max. amt. of moisture air can hold
• Specific volume, V’ (m3/kg dry air)
– Volume of moist air per unit mass of dry air (specific volume = 1/density)
• Enthalpy, H (kJ/kg dry air)
– Energy content of air
Note 1: Each psychrometric chart is created at some constant pressure
(most are for atmospheric pressure). So, psychrometric charts can not be
used to analyze processes in which the pressure changes.
Note 2: Human comfort zone is at ~70-80 °F & ~40-60% RH
Measurement of Wet Bulb Temperature
• Place a moist wick over the bulb of a mercury thermometer
• Blow air at high speed over the wick
• High energy water molecules from the wick evaporates since
vapor pressure of water vapor near the wick is higher than that
of the bulk surrounding air
• Latent heat for evaporation (of high energy water molecules)
is removed from the wick, causing a decrease in temperature
• As the temperature of the wick decreases, sensible heat from
air flows to it
• Equilibrium is attained when latent heat lost from the wick
equals sensible heat flowing into the wick
Note 1: If the relative humidity of the surrounding air is 100%, moisture will NOT evaporate
from the wick and hence the reading of the wet bulb & dry bulb thermometers will the same
Note 2: Greater the difference between Tdb & Twb, lower the RH of the surrounding air
Note 3: This evaporative cooling principle provides cooling of water in an earthen pot
Dew Point Temperature (Tdp)
• It is the temperature at which moisture in a mixture
of water vapor and air begins to condense (or form
“dew”) when cooled

Q: Why does a soda can “sweat”?

Q: When and why do we “see” our breath?
Hygrometers to Measure RH (and Twb, Tdp)
• Psychrometer
– Two thermometers; one has moist wick (sling or mounted with fan)
• Mechanical
– Metal-paper coil (paper strip attached to metal coil; coil changes
shape with moisture; dial rotates similar to that in a bimetallic
thermometer; inexpensive & not very accurate)
– Hair tension (human hair attached to spring & dial; hair swells as RH
• Electronic
– Change in electrical resistance of LiCl or semiconductor
• Chilled mirror
– Optoelectronic mechanism; very accurate
• Capacitive, resistive, thermal conductivity, gravimetric
• Other (Change in weight, volume or transparency of a material)
High RH: Sweating; promotes growth of mold during storage of foods
Low RH: Static electricity 10
Hygrometers (contd.)

wet bulb temp.

wet wick dry bulb temp.
handle is rotated

Sling psychrometer 11
Psychrometric Chart (Low Temp.)

‐10 °C to +55 °C

Sensible heat factor
Page 819 of textbook

Moisture Content 
(g/kg dry air)
Dry bulb Temperature (°C)
Specific Volume (m3/kg dry air) 12
Psychrometric Chart (High Temp.)

20 °C to 120 °C

Page 820 of textbook

Moisture Content 
(g/kg dry air)
Dry bulb Temperature (°C) 13
Constant Dry Bulb Temperature

Sensible heat factor
Dry bulb Temperature (°C)
Const. Wet Bulb Temp. & Const. Enthalpy

Sensible heat factor
Moisture Content 
Constant Moisture Content or Humidity Ratio

(g/kg dry air)

Sensible heat factor
Constant Relative Humidity

Sensible heat factor
Constant Specific Volume

Sensible heat factor
Specific Volume 
(m3/kg dry air) 18
Lines of Constant Psychrometric Parameters

Sensible heat factor
Moisture Content 
(g/kg dry air)
Dry bulb  Specific Volume 
Temperature (°C) (m3/kg dry air) 19
Dew Point Temperature

Dew point temp. of air at “A” is 
determined by moving horizontally to
the left and intersecting the 100%

Sensible heat factor
RH line (saturation temp. line) &
reading the temp. at that point. A
Note: Tdb = Twb at this point
< *

Moisture Content 
(g/kg dry air)
Cooling Air Below its Dew Point Temperature

When warm air contacts a cold surface
that is below its dew point temp.,
moisture from the air condenses onto

Sensible heat factor
the surface of the cold surface
< *

Moisture Content 
(g/kg dry air)
Psychrometric Chart (Determining Properties)
Given any two properties on the
chart, the condition of air-
watervapor mixture can be
identified on the chart and hence
the remaining properties can be

Moisture Content (g/kg dry air)
Exception: Constant enthalpy
and constant wet bulb
temperature lines are the same.
Thus, given enthalpy & wet bulb
temperature, we can not identify
the point that depicts the
properties of the air-watervapor
mixture on the chart and hence
the remaining properties can not
be determined.
Dry bulb Temperature (°C) 22
Mixing Two Streams of Air

A: ma kg/s
B: mb kg/s B
C: Conditions of mixture

Sensible heat factor
. . .
LA to C:  [mb/(ma + mb)]*LA to B
. . . C
LB to C:  [ma/(ma + mb)]*LA to B A
* *
Example: L = 10 cm

Moisture Content 
A to B
. .
ma = 6 kg/s, mb = 2 kg/s

(g/kg dry air)
Then, LA to C = [2/(2+6)]*10 = 2.5 cm
LB to C = [6/(2+6)]*10 = 7.5 cm
Dry bulb  Specific Volume 
Temperature (°C) (m3/kg dry air) 23
Spray Dryer “Atomization” involves
Air + Tiny breaking up a liquid
Wet Product product into tiny droplets
Particles Heater
of Product Blower by forcing the product &
compressed air into an
Hot atomizer (disc with
Dry Air multiple slots at periphery
B that spins at a high rpm) at
Cyclone Ambient air the TOP. This increases the
Separator surface area of the product,
Moist Product
A thereby increasing the rate
(Atomized) of heat transfer, and thus
the rate of evaporation. In
Dry this lab, we are using a
Product nozzle at the CENTER
instead of a true atomizer
at the TOP.
Spray dryer calculations involve:
1. Energy balance equation for air between
points ‘A’ & ‘B’
(heater adds energy to air at point ‘A’)
2. Water balance equation for air between
C points ‘B’ & ‘C’
(product adds moisture to air at point ‘B’)
Warm Moist Air + Dry Product
Heating of Air (Constant Moisture Content or Humidity Ratio)

Q: Why do we feel dry in a heated

Sensible heat factor
. V
Note : m a 

Moisture Content 
*A > *B

(g/kg dry air)
. .
Energy Balance : m a (H A )  Q  m a (H B )
Dry bulb 
Temperature (°C) 25
Drying of Product (Constant Enthalpy & Wet Bulb Temp.)

Adiabatic Process (Q = 0)
If Q = 0 & work done = 0, 

Sensible heat factor
then, H = Constant
Part of sensible heat of air 
is converted to latent heat 

of water vapor; thus, temp. 
drops; m.c. inc.

Moisture Content 

(g/kg dry air)
. . .
Water Balance : m a ( WB )  m p (% moisture)  m a ( WC )
Dry bulb 
Temperature (°C) 26
Heating Ambient Air & Drying a Product

A: Ambient air
B: Heated air
C: Exit air (after heating product)

Sensible heat factor

Moisture Content 
*A > *B

(g/kg dry air)
Energy Balance

Dry bulb 
Temperature (°C) 27
Further Applications of Psychrometrics:
Heating, Cooling, Humidification, and Dehumidification

(Latent Heat Addition)
Cooling & Humidification Heating & Humidification

Sensible Cooling Sensible Heating

Cooling & dehumidification Heating & dehumidification

(Latent Heat Removal)

• Psychrometric chart (6 quantities + dew point temp., Tdp)
– Dry bulb temperature, Tdb (°C)
– Wet bulb temperature, Twb (°C)
– Moisture content or specific humidity, W (kg water / kg dry air)
– Relative humidity,  (%)
– Specific volume, V’ (m3/kg dry air)
– Enthalpy, H (kJ/kg dry air)
• Mixing of two streams of air
– Straight line split in the inverse ratios of mass flow rates
• Heating of air
– Const. m.c. line (horizontal line); energy balance
• Drying of a product
– Const. enthalpy (inclined line – const. Twb); water balance

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