M. Stanley Livingston
Associate Director, National Accelerator Laboratory
Particle accelerators are among the most useful tools for re-
search in nuclear physics and in high-energy particle physics.
T h e rapid growth of these research fields has been due, in
large measure, to the development of a sequence of electronu-
clear machines for acceleration of ions and electrons. T h e high-
intensity and well-controlled beams from these machines can
be used to disintegrate nuclei, produce new unstable isotopes,
and investigate the properties of the nuclear force. Modern
high-energy accelerators can produce excited states of the ele-
mentary particles of matter, forming new unstable particles
with mass values much higher than those of the stable parti-
cles. Fundamental questions can be asked of nature, and an-
swered by experiments with these very high-energy particles.
T h e field of high-energy particle physics is on the threshold of
a significant breakthrough in our understanding of the parti-
cles of nature and the origins of the nuclear force.
Energies achieved with accelerators have increased at an al-
most exponential rate during the past 35 years. T h e field has
been characterized by a sequence of new concepts or inven-
tions, each leading to a new machine capable of still higher
energy, and each stimulating the development and construc-
tion of a new generation of accelerators. At times, the new de-
velopments came so fast that it was difficult to determine
which laboratory or machine held the current energy record. A
chronology of the major new steps in the development is in-
cluded as an appendix, which lists the new concepts, first op-
erations of new types of accelerators, and new energy records.
Also included in the Appendix is a graph of the growth of en-
ergies achieved by accelerators during the years 1930 to 1968,
with extrapolations into the future.
iv] Preface
D u r i n g the next few years many of the known techniques for
p r o d u c i n g high voltage were studied to see if they could be ex-
2] Particle Accelerators: A Brief History
Cockcroft and W a l t o n of the Cavendish Laboratory were in-
spired by R u t h e r f o r d to search for a device of modest size and
energy which might still be sufficient to disintegrate nuclei,
a n d chose to develop the voltage-multiplier circuit to higher
voltages; they planned their system to operate at 700 kV or
higher. T h e n in 1929 G. Gamow, 1 0 a n d also E. U. C o n d o n and
R. W. Gurney, 1 1 using the new theoretical tools of wave me-
chanics, showed that protons of relatively low energy (as low as
500 keV) should have a reasonable probability of penetrating
the potential barriers of light nuclei. T h i s more modest goal
seemed feasible and justified Cockcroft and Walton's choice.
Accordingly, they initiated experimental studies of nuclear
disintegration when they h a d achieved only 500 kV. T h e y
used the lightest practicable target (metallic lithium) a n d ini-
tially employed a scintillation-counting technique, similar to
that used by R u t h e r f o r d in his early alpha-particle experi-
ments, to observe the charged fragments of disintegration ( H e
nuclei). T h e y observed the disintegration of Li by these 500-
keV protons early in 1932. T h e i r results were reported in a
series of papers in the Proceedings of the Royal Society,12
which gave full details of the technical development, voltage
calibrations, and experimental observations. T h e s e papers are
classics in nuclear physics a n d have brought e n d u r i n g fame to
the authors, who were awarded the Nobel Prize in physics for
A major contender in the race for high voltage in the early
years was the electrostatic generator. R . J . Van de Graaff
started the development of the belt-charged generator at
A close second in the race to achieve nuclear disintegration
was Ernest O. Lawrence, who with his students at the Univer-
sity of California built the first cyclotron. T h e significance of
this development was in the use of resonance acceleration, in
which high-speed particles were produced without the need
for high voltages. T h i s new principle avoided many of the
technical limitations encountered in the use of direct high
voltages due to breakdown of insulation, and opened the way
to a new category of accelerators capable of very much higher
particle energies.
Lawrence conceived the idea on reading a paper by R.
Wideröe, 2 2 who described an experiment in which charged
particles traversed tubular electrodes, in resonance with a ra-
diofrequency electric field applied to the electrodes, and
emerged with energies twice what the applied voltage would
have given them (see Chapter 2). Lawrence speculated on
variations of this resonance principle, including the use of a
magnetic field to deflect the particles in circular paths so they
14] Particle Accelerators: A Brief History
would return to the first electrode, where they could utilize the
radiofrequency field in many successive traversais; the device
would also be more compact in physical size. He discovered
that the equations of motion predicted a constant period of
revolution, so the particles would be accelerated on each tra-
versal of the gap between electrodes if their motion was in res-
onance with the applied radiofrequency field. T h e concept of
magnetic resonance was first published in a brief note by Law-
rence a n d Ν. E. E d l e f s e n 2 3 in 1930, without experimental
I was a g r a d u a t e student at the University of California at
this time, a n d this p r o b l e m was suggested by Professor Law-
rence as the subject for a research investigation to demonstrate
the validity of the resonance principle. T h e study was success-
ful and resulted in a doctoral thesis 2 4 dated April 14, 1931,
which was not published. T h i s first model used small-sized
laboratory e q u i p m e n t including a m a g n e t with 4-in. poles. A
flat brass chamber (sealed with wax) which fitted between the
poles of the magnet h a d a single hollow electrode shaped like a
capital D to which the radiofrequency potential was applied.
Hydrogen ions were formed at the center by flooding the
chamber with gas at very low pressure a n d ionizing it with
electrons from a cathode. R e s o n a n t ions that reached the edge
of the c h a m b e r after m a k i n g scores of revolutions of increasing
radius were observed in a shielded collector cup; their energies
were confirmed by deflection in a transverse electric field. Cy-
clotron resonance was observed for hydrogen ions (H2 + ) over a
wide range of radiofrequencies a n d magnetic fields. T h e most
energetic particles obtained were hydrogen ions of 80,000 eV,
when the radiofrequency potential applied across the accel-
erating g a p was only 1000 V.
Lawrence moved rapidly to extend this first success to a ma-
chine capable of p r o d u c i n g nuclear disintegrations. In early
193J h e was awarded a grant by the National Research Coun-
cil (for $1000) to build a larger machine. A n d he arranged that
FIG. 6. T h e first operating cyclotron built by E. O. Lawrence and M.S.
Livingston at the University of California in 1931-32. It produced 1.2-
MeV protons.
16] Particle Accelerators: A Brief Histoiy
T h e machine that won the next heat in the race for high-
energy particles and took the energy record away from the cy-
clotron was the betatron, an electron accelerator. T h e initial
motivation for the development of electron accelerators has
been somewhat different from that for proton accelerators. In
would return to the first electrode and reuse the electric field in
the gap. He found that the equations of motion predicted a
constant period of revolution in a uniform magnetic field, re-
gardless of particle energy, so the ions would remain in reso-
nance with an accelerating field of fixed frequency. Charged
particles could be m a d e to traverse the same set of electrodes
many times, gaining energy on each traversal of the gap be-
tween them; the orbit radius would increase as the velocity in-
creased. T h i s was the cyclotron resonance principle a n d the
resonance frequency is now called the cyclotron frequency.
I started experimental work that summer. I first reassem-
bled and recalibrated the 4-in. laboratory magnet used by
Edlefsen, built a replacement for the glass vacuum chamber,
a n d studied the broad "resonance" which Edlefsen h a d ob-
served when the magnetic field was varied. I soon f o u n d that
this effect was due not to hydrogen ions b u t probably to heavy
ions f r o m the residual gas, which were accelerated once in the
radiofrequency field a n d reached the unshielded detection
electrode at the edge of the chamber.
It was now my responsibility to demonstrate true cyclotron
resonance. T h e Physics D e p a r t m e n t glassblower built for m e a
sequence of flat glass chambers in which electrodes were
m o u n t e d on greased-joint seals. Glass was traditionally used
for vacuum systems in the laboratory, b u t this thin, flat glass
c h a m b e r defied o u r technical skills. I then built a c h a m b e r
formed of a brass r i n g a n d flat brass cover plates, using red
sealing wax for a vacuum seal, in which the several electrodes
could be m o u n t e d (Fig. 11). T h e radiofrequency electrode was
a single hollow D-shaped half-pillbox facing a slotted bar
placed across the diameter of the chamber called a " d u m m y
D." T h e rf potential was developed by a simple Hartley oscil-
lator; the need for a more efficient rf circuit came later with the
effort to increase energy. A 10-W vacuum tube was used as an
oscillator a n d provided u p to 1000 V o n the electrode, at a fre-
quency that could be varied by changing the n u m b e r of turns
25] Ernest Lawrence and the Cyclotron
FIG. 11. Vacuum chamber of the first resonance accelerator, used by Liv-
ingston to demonstrate cyclotron resonance for a doctoral thesis at the
University of California in 1931. Now at the Lawrence Hall of Science in
(«> ( b )
This was just two weeks before the thesis deadline date, but I
made it and presented my thesis 4 dated April 14, 1931. Inci-
dentally, I was a poorly prepared candidate. In following
Lawrence's enthusiastic lead I had been working nights, week-
ends, and holidays in the laboratory, with no time for reading
or studying. At my oral examination some members of the
FIG. 15. Vacuum chamber of the 27>/2-in. cyclotron with lid removed,
showing the single D electrode and the collector cup set for 10-in. radius.
Magnetic of electric Radius of
Type field field orbit
Electron synchrotron Increasing Constant Constant
Synchrocyclotron Constant Decreasing Increasing
Proton synchrotron Increasing Increasing Constant
Linear Zero Constant Infinite
M icrotron Constant Constant Increasing
We shall illustrate phase stability with the electron synchro-
tron, one of the simpler types of synchronous accelerator. In
the synchrotron the electrons are retained in circular orbits of
approximately constant radius in a ring-shaped transverse
magnetic field. Acceleration takes place at one or more gaps
around the orbit, across which a radiofrequency electric field is
41] Synchronous Accelerators
at the gap with the wrong energy will also oscillate in phase
and in energy around the equilibrium values. Furthermore,
the equations of motion show that these oscillations are
damped to smaller amplitude as particle energy increases. Ac-
celeration continues until the magnetic field reaches its maxi-
mum, which determines maximum energy. Note that the other
phase of the rf, when voltage is rising, is unstable. An electron
crossing the gap slightly off this phase will have its phase mis-
match amplified and it will be lost from resonance. So the par-
ticles become bunched tightly around the equilibrium phase
and, as the motion is damped, occupy a smaller fraction of the
phase angle and have smaller azimuthal and radial spreads.
This oscillation in phase and energy about the equilibrium
values is analogous to the hunting in phase of the armature of
a synchronous electric motor, which led McMillan to the
choice of the name "synchrotron."
A virtue of the electron synchrotron is that the energy radi-
ated by the electrons owing to their transverse acceleration in
the magnetic field is automatically compensated by phase
shifts to larger phase angles and higher values of volts-per-
turn. 3 (The radiation loss reaches 4.5 MeV per turn in the
Cambridge Electron Accelerator synchrotron, for example,
with no reduction in the phase stability.)
Seldom has a new scientific principle been exploited with
such promptness. T h e reason was that it was announced just at
the end of World War II when scientists returned to their lab-
oratories from their wartime assignments, eager to resume re-
search activities and equipped with new skills and experience.
Many new technical devices and materials were available,
which had been developed during the war in fields such as
microwave radar, electronics, and nuclear physics. Experience
in wartime crash programs was carried over to speed up accel-
erator developments. But most significant was the increased
national prestige of scientists, which brought prompt and
generous financial support from their governments.
44] Particle Accelerators: A Brief History
Synchrocyclotron development started even before that of
the electron synchrotron, in late 1945. In this case the problem
was the relativistic limitation of fixed-frequency cyclotrons,
due to the increasing mass and decreasing orbital frequency of
the ions. T h e 184-in. magnet at the University of California
had originally been conceived as a giant standard cyclotron by
Professor Lawrence and his coworkers. A paper by Bethe and
Rose 7 in 1938 had disclosed the relativistic limitation, but
Lawrence and his group were confident that with sufficient rf
voltage they could push the energy up to 100 MeV. T h e mag-
net was assembled and used for other experimental purposes
during the war but was not completed as a cyclotron. At the
end of the war, when McMillan proposed the use of frequency
modulation, it became obvious that this method would result
in higher energies, and plans were made to convert the 184-in.
magnet into a synchrocyclotron.
McMillan (and Veksler) proposed that the applied fre-
quency be modulated (reduced in frequency) cyclically, to
match the decreasing orbital frequency of the ions in the uni-
form magnetic field as mass increased. T h e equilibrium phase
47] Synchronous Accelerators
T h e proton synchrotron is the culmination of phase-stable
accelerators and has produced the highest energies. T h e
synchrocyclotron requires a solid-core magnet; at relativistic
energies the weight and cost of the magnet increase roughly as
the square or cube of a magnet dimension such as pole-
face diameter; power cost also increases about as the square of
the diameter. For energies in the GeV range the weight and
cost of the magnet would become exorbitant. T h e obvious
method of reducing magnet cost is to use a ring magnet cover-
ing only a narrow annular band, and to use a pulsed magnetic
field. In both McMillan's and Veksler's papers the possibility
of acceleration of protons in a ring-shaped magnet was im-
plicit, although neither paper was primarily concerned with
this more complicated application of the principle.
Actually, the first proposal of a proton accelerator using a
ring magnet was made in 1943 by Prof. M. L. Oliphant of the
University of Birmingham, to the British Directorate of
Atomic Energy. Because of wartime activities and security re-
strictions the proposal was not published or acted upon at that
51] Synchronous Accelerators
T h e earliest proposal for an electron linear accelerator was
made by G. Ising 16 in Sweden in 1925. He suggested resonance
acceleration of electrons down a linear array of tubular elec-
trodes of increasing length, using a spark-gap oscillator and
transmission lines to supply the radiofrequency fields of the
proper phase to the electrodes. But Ising did not build a work-
ing model. This speculation prompted Wideröe to perform
the first experiment in which radiofrequency resonance was
observed, in an elementary linear accelerator, as described in
54] Particle Accelerators: A Brief History
FIG. 22. Basic structure of positive-ion linear accelerator. As the drift-
tube length increases, the outer diameter decreases to maintain resonance.
(From Particle Accelerators by M.S. Livingston and J· P. Blewett. Copy-
right 1962 by McGraw-Hill Book Company. Used by permission of
McGraw-Hill Book Company.)
B R O O K H A V E N , 1952
I was fortunate to have had a direct association with the
conception and development of the alternating-gradient prin-
ciple at Brookhaven, starting in 1952. It now appears useful to
record my memory of the history of this development, and to
identify the sequence of events and the major contributors.
As general background, I should note that I served as chair-
man of the Brookhaven Accelerator Department, on leave from
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, from the date Brook-
haven was organized in 1946 through the period when the de-
sign of the cosmotron was essentially complete in 1948, when I
returned to MIT. But I retained a strong professional interest
62] Particle Accelerators: A Brief History
FIG. 24. Early sketch of a synchrotron magnet with very high gradients.
See reference 4.2. T h e back-legs of the gradient magnets would be located
alternately on the inside and outside of the orbit.
FIG. 25. Cross section of a quadrupole magnet for the focusing of linear
particle beams.
When the CERN delegation, consisting of Odd Dahl, Frank
Goward and Rolph Wideröe, arrived in Brookhaven, the AG
concept had been developed sufficiently to be presented to
them as a significant improvement over the cosmotron design.
They were impressed with the potentialities of alternating
gradients, and on their return they stimulated studies of AG
orbit stability in British and European laboratories. By the
time they were ready to proceed to the University of Califor-
nia, we realized that the development at Brookhaven had oc-
curred so rapidly that other United States laboratories had not
yet been informed. It seemed particularly important that the
Berkeley group should not have to learn of this basic develop-
ment through their CERN visitors. So Leland Haworth made
a long-distance telephone call to Berkeley to inform them of
the AG concept before the CERN delegation arrived.
Later we learned that the Berkeley staff were in the embar-
rassing position of being unable, owing to security classifica-
tion, to describe their own developments of focusing in the
cyclotron by azimuthally varying fields, as originally proposed
by L. H. Thomas 1 in 1938. T h e use of such sector focusing in
cyclotrons has since led to the development of a category of
high-intensity "isochronous" cyclotrons in the energy range
from 50 to 100 MeV. By the time these two lines of develop-
ment merged a few years later, it became evident that Thom-
68] Particle Accelerators: A Brief History
In the United States, I started a design study late in 1952 at
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, with the assistance of
members of the M I T and Harvard Physics Department staffs.
It resulted in a laboratory report 7 dated June 1953. This was
the earliest relatively complete design study for an AG acceler-
ator, but it was dropped when financial support for the AGS at
Brookhaven was authorized by the U. S. Atomic Energy Com-
mission in 1954. However, the Cambridge group promptly
transferred their interest to electrons and designed the first
multi-GeV electron synchrotron using AG magnetic focusing,
which was later constructed and is now in operation as the 6-
GeV Cambridge Electron Accelerator at Harvard.
Both the Brookhaven and the CERN groups initiated de-
sign studies in 1953 for AG accelerators in the energy range of
25 to 30 GeV. This energy was ten times that of the cosmotron,
the highest-energy accelerator then in operation, and five
times that of the bevatron, which was under construction. T h e
collaboration between the two groups, which started in 1952,
continued with exchange of staff and design information. As a
result the two machines have striking similarities. Theoretical
groups at both laboratories were concerned with the effects of
magnet misalignments and with beam behavior at phase tran-
sition, and both groups wished to check the theory with a
working model before committing the final design. A compro-
mise acceptable to both was for Brookhaven to build an elee-
FIG. ¡28. T h e 28-GeV alternating-gradient proton synchrotron (CPS) at
the CERN Laboratory in Geneva.
Research scientists in the field of particle physics are clamor-
ing for accelerators of still higher energies, and designs are in
process in several countries. In all of these design studies the
decision has been simply to enlarge the orbital dimension of
the AG proton synchrotron. In general, the basic design con-
cepts and technical features of the present 30-GeV machines
are believed to be capable of extension to energies of several
hundred GeV. T h e transverse dimensions of magnets and vac-
uum chambers do not increase with increasing energy. All the
scientific and engineering problems of machines of 200- to 300-
GeV energy appear to be solvable. T h e major problem is that
of cost, which is nearly proportional to energy and is estimated
at present to be about $1,000,000 per GeV for the machine and
basic laboratory facilities for research utilization.
Plans are under way in the United States for an accelerator
of 200-GeV energy or higher. A design study at the Lawrence
Radiation Laboratory of the University of California at Berke-
ley for a 200-GeV machine provided the first basis for plans in
the United States. T h e National Accelerator Laboratory at
Oak Brook, Illinois, under the direction of R. R. Wilson, has
prepared a revised design study and a proposal for construc-
tion for the machine, which has been submitted to the Atomic
Energy Commission and the U. S. Congress. A site has been
chosen at Weston, Illinois, and the staff of this National Ac-
celerator Laboratory has been assembled. In Europe a group
at CERN has submitted a preliminary design for a 300-GeV
machine to their governments, and approval is anticipated.
More speculative designs exist for energies up to 1000 GeV.
T h e only known limit is cost. Scientists in the field are con-
vinced that these new machines are necessary to further
progress in particle physics and the study of nuclear forces.
It is clear that the principle of alternating-gradient focusing
has played an essential part in the development of multi-GeV
75] Alternating-Gradient Focusing
O n the technical side, the AEC decision led to f u r t h e r dis-
cussions between Harvard and M I T scientists, in which an
electron accelerator was seriously considered as an alternate
possibility. Although protons were clearly superior for studies
of strong nuclear interactions, the prospects of a large proton
accelerator at Brookhaven reduced the attractiveness of a
lower-energy proton m a c h i n e in Cambridge. Also, the M I T
g r o u p working with their 300-MeV synchrotron wished to con-
tinue their electro- a n d p h o t o p r o d u c t i o n studies of mesons.
For a time a hybrid machine for 6-GeV protons and 2.5-GeV
electrons was considered. But soon it became clear that o u r
best h o p e for a u n i q u e facility in C a m b r i d g e would be a high-
energy electron machine.
I was personally convinced that A G magnetic focusing
could be applied to an electron synchrotron, despite the very
fast cycling rate required. T h e AG magnet lattice with field-
free straight sections between magnet sectors was ideal for in-
stallation of an rf system having many high-Q resonant cavi-
ties to develop the large value of the volts-per-turn ratio
needed to compensate for radiation losses. T h e fast cycling a n d
the high source intensity possible with electrons should in-
crease average beam current and largely compensate for the
lower production cross section for nuclear processes t h r o u g h
the electromagnetic interaction. And we hoped that theoreti-
cal interpretations might be simpler when the known electro-
magnetic interaction was involved. D u r i n g the winter and
early spring of 1954,1 drew sketches a n d calculated parameters
for a sequence of AG electron synchrotrons with increasing
energies, which were discussed by the H a r v a r d - M I T group.
82] Particle Accelerators: A Brief History
ters for 6-GeV protons and 2.5- and 5.0-GeV electrons, with
rough cost estimates. T h e Cambridge Joint Accelerator Com-
mittee used the 5-GeV electron design data from this report
and recommended it to the Harvard-MIT group in an un-
numbered report in May 1954. This became the clear choice of
the Cambridge group. It was presented to the Harvard Nu-
clear Physics Committee and approved unanimously at a
meeting on June 7, 1954. During the summer the design stud-
ies continued, and the energy being considered rose to 6.0
GeV. Representatives of the Joint Accelerator Committee
(Livingston and Ramsey) prepared a "Proposal for a 5- to 6-
BeV Electron Accelerator," dated August 17, 1954 (later given
the number CAP-2), which included parameters and cost esti-
mates, and submitted it to the AEC.
On August 18, I sent a request to Johnson at the AEC for
funds to continue the design study during the interval before
the proposal could be acted upon. This request was deferred
from month to month, and the local design group was reduced
to a few part-time people.
During this interval our understanding with the AEC Re-
search Division was that they would recommend construction
of two university accelerators, one at Cambridge and another
at Princeton (later Princeton-Pennsylvania) and that we
could expect Congressional action in the spring of 1955.
During the Physical Society meetings in New York in Janu-
ary 1955,1 heard some disturbing rumors of a change in policy
and planning within the AEC. When traced down they proved
to be valid. Following a recommendation by the General Ad-
visory Committee, the AEC had removed the construction
items for the two accelerators from their budget, and was re-
questing only design funds for the coming fiscal year. Further-
more, Johnson had decided that the AEC would make a new
survey of all accelerator requests throughout the country, and
would support only the most promising with design funds.
First priority would go to the National Laboratories, second to
84] Particle Accelerators: A Brief History
T h e conceptual planning for an accelerator in the hundred-
GeV energy range became possible with the discovery of the
principle of alternating-gradient focusing in 1952 (Chapter 4)
which led to the design and construction of the 28-GeV CPS at
89] The 200-GeV Accelerator
At the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, authorization of
the 200-GeV design study in 1963 resulted in a major effort ex-
tending over four years with an average professional staff of 35
persons. E . J . Lofgren headed the study and Lloyd Smith led
the theoretical section. T h e culmination was an Interim Re-
port presented to the AEC in December 1964, followed by a
"Design Study for a 200-GeV Accelerator" 8 in J u n e 1965. T h e
design study covered the scientific, technical, and engineering
features of the accelerator and the associated facilities, and in-
cluded a preliminary engineering cost estimate and time
schedule for completion. T h e cost of the facility plus basic ex-
perimental equipment was estimated to be $350 million, with
a continuing annual operations cost of $50 to $60 million.
T h e L R L "Design Study" was a description of a single in-
tegral design that was feasible, with realistic cost estimates.
During the study many alternative concepts were considered
and evaluated. Although a fixed set of parameters was chosen,
it was recognized that changes and improvements could be ex-
pected with further developments. T o make the cost estimates
meaningful, a single site was selected, in the Sierra Nevada
foothills above Sacramento. It was conceived that the acceler-
ator would be designed and its construction supervised by an
expanded staff coming primarily from the LRL, but after
completion it would become a National Laboratory available
to all qualified scientists.
Following publication of the L R L "Design Study" and dur-
ing the following year before the AEC announced the selection
of another site for such an installation, work continued on pos-
sible improvements, optimization of parameters and refine-
ment of cost estimates. A summer study held in 1966 explored
further the instruments and facilities needed for experimental
use. Work went on at Berkeley for two more years, until the
94] Particle Accelerators: A Brief History
T h e studies at LRL, Brookhaven, and other laboratories
also included surveys of the purposes of high-energy physics
and theoretical justifications for higher energies. Considerable
effort went into preliminary planning and feasibility studies
of beam-separation and beam detection equipment in the
hundred-GeV range. In December 1964, a Brookhaven Re-
port 10 edited by L. C. L. Yuan presented statements by about
25 leading theoretical scientists in the field. These statements
were unanimously favorable, and even urgent, in their ad-
vocacy of the need for new accelerators in the higher energy
In the spring of 1964, the National Academy of Sciences-
National Research Council established a physics survey com-
96] Particle Accelerators: A Brief History
T h e choice of Weston, Illinois (35 miles west of Chicago) as
the site for the 200-GeV laboratory was made by the Atomic
Energy Commission after extensive site-selection studies. 13
T h e search for the site started in April 1965, when the AEC
issued a press release inviting statements of interest in propos-
ing sites for this new scientific facility. A total of 125 proposals
were ultimately received, relating to more than 200 different
locations, one or more from each of 48 states. By September
1965 the Commission had reduced the list to 85 proposals re-
lating to 148 sites. T h e AEC then requested the National
Academy of Sciences to enlist a site evaluation committee com-
posed of eminent scientists to review and evaluate the site pro-
posals and make recommendations to the AEC. T h e chairman
of this committee was E. R. Piore. T h e committee visited and
studied the sites which met the basic selection criteria, and in
March 1966 reported to the Commission recommending six
99] The 200-Ge V Accelerator
Following selection of the Weston site, the URA moved
promptly to select a director and initiate activities. T h e first
scientist asked to direct the design study declined, and Profes-
100] Particle Accelerators: A Brief History
FIG. 32. Site plan for the 200-400 GeV*accelerator to be built by the
National Accelerator Laboratory at Weston, Illinois.
T h e purpose of the 1967 summer program was to develop
concepts for a new design for a 200-GeV accelerator, signifi-
cantly simpler and of lower cost than that proposed in the
L R L design report. T h e leader in this conceptual study was
the new director, R. R. Wilson, who brought to bear his recent
experience in building the Cornell 10-GeV AG electron syn-
chrotron at a lower cost per GeV than previous electron
synchrotrons of this type. Some of these simpler and lower-cost
concepts became part of the new design from the start, such as
a compact magnet structure which embodied a girder-type
support in its construction, and a minimal-size magnet tunnel
enclosure without overhead crane or magnet foundation piers.
Other simplifying concepts were provided by visiting acceler-
ator experts and scientists. Several significant alternative solu-
tions were developed and presented by visitors from LRL,
which had several months' lead in searching for cost reduc-
tions following the AEC requirement of a reduced-scope accel-
erator discussed in the hearings in February. T h e theme of the
study became a search for new and different solutions to design
problems, with the emphasis on reduction of cost without ex-
cessive loss of quality or reliability.
T h e program started on J u n e 15, 1967, with 20 accelerator
scientists attending the first week, including Wilson and
Goldwasser. Additional members arrived later and others
came for a few weeks, with an average attendance of about 25.
Credit for this development should be distributed among the
large number of scientists and engineers who contributed. A
total of 63 persons were involved in the study during the sum-
mer and fall, of whom 30 eventually joined the NAL staff.
103] The 200-GeV Accelerator
solved this problem and made it possible to plan for the use of
a 10-GeV "booster" synchrotron as an injector into the 200-
GeV accelerator. T h e booster is operated at a fast cycling rate
so that successive booster output pulses can be used to fill the
main ring completely. This concept has been adopted at the
NAL, with the booster operating at 15 pulses per second and a
sequence of 13 pulses (0.8 sec) used to fill the main ring. T h e
result is a high-intensity circulating beam in the main ring, at
the cost of a slightly lower cyclic repetition rate (15 to 20 per
minute) than might otherwise be achieved.
106] Particle Accelerators: A Brief History
1919—1921 S c h e n k e l , G r e i n a c h e r ; v o l t a g e - m u l t i p l i e r circuit.
1924 Ising; p r o p o s a l of electron linac w i t h d r i f t tubes, spark-gap
1925 Sorensen; cascade t r a n s f o r m e r at 750 kV for ac electrical test-
1928 L a u r i t s e n ; cascade t r a n s f o r m e r for X-rays at 750 kV.
W i d e r ö e ; r a d i o f r e q u e n c y r e s o n a n c e w i t h heavy ions in two-
s t e p linac.
1930 Brasch a n d L a n g e ; s u r g e g e n e r a t o r , 2.4 MV, d i s c h a r g e in
T u v e et al.; Tesla-coil r e s o n a n c e t r a n s f o r m e r , 1—2 MV.
V a n d e G r a a f f ; electrostatic g e n e r a t o r , 1.5 MV.
1931 L a w r e n c e a n d L i v i n g s t o n ; d e m o n s t r a t i o n of cyclotron reso-
Sloan a n d L a w r e n c e ; l i n e a r accelerator, 1.2-MeV H g ions.
1932 Bellaschi; s u r g e g e n e r a t o r , 6 MV, for ac testing.
U r b a n et al.; t h u n d e r s t o r m p o t e n t i a l s in Alps.
1932 C o c k c r o f t a n d W a l t o n ; voltage m u l t i p l i e r , 0.5-MeV p r o t o n s ;
L a w r e n c e a n d L i v i n g s t o n ; cyclotron, 1.2-MeV p r o t o n s ; disin-
1933 T u v e , H a f s t a d , a n d D a h l ; electrostatic g e n e r a t o r , 0.6-MeV
1934 L a w r e n c e a n d L i v i n g s t o n ; cyclotron, 5.0-MeV d e u t e r o n s .
T u v e , H a f s t a d , a n d D a h l ; electrostatic g e n e r a t o r , 1.2-MeV
protons and deuterons.
1935 H e r b et al.; p r e s s u r e electrostatic g e n e r a t o r , 0.7-MeV p r o t o n s .
1936 L a w r e n c e a n d Cooksey; cyclotron, 8.0-MeV d e u t e r o n s .
110] Appendix: Chronology
FIG. 34. Energies achieved by accelerators from 1932 to 1968. The linear
envelope of the individual curves shows an average tenfold increase in
energy every 6 years.
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120] Index