Observation 3 Map Lab 3
Observation 3 Map Lab 3
Observation 3 Map Lab 3
7-G1.2.1 Locate the major landforms, rivers and climate regions of the Westeren Hemisphere.
7-G2.1.1 Describe the landform features and the climate of the region (within the Western or
Eastern Hemispheres) under study.
Learners will be able to find and locate on a map with coordinates, landforms of the
Western Hemisphere. The students will be able to do this with 80% accuracy or better
after the two days.
Technology: (High tech, mark all that apply; indicate if no technology is being used)
o Teacher laptop o Digital camera
o SMART Board o Document camera
o LCD projector o Digital microscope
o SMART Senteos (class set) o Video camera
o Computers o Scanner
o iPad or tablet o Color printer
o iPod or mp3 player(s) o Calculators
o Early childhood learning technologies o FM system
o Webcam o Other______________
Bibliography/References: (in APA format)
Teacher research/planning
Source of learning materials
Map Lab 3 Direction Sheet.PNG - Google Drive
Map Lab 3 Questions (1-6) (2).PNG - Google Drive
Map Lab 3 Questions (7-10) (1).PNG - Google Drive
Map Lab 3 recording Sheet.PNG - Google Drive
The Students have been doing worksheets and activities with the western hemisphere for
the last week, so they should be familiar with the maps and the region of the world.
How do you know students are ready for this lesson? What are their developmental skills levels,
interests, learning strengths and special needs?
Learning strategies that help students understand content or build skills to apply knowledge
Instructional materials are selected, designed, implemented and individualized as necessary to support
all students in meeting the lesson learning objectives.
Include a variety of whole group, small group, and independent learning opportunities
The students who need help with reading will have the directions read aloud to them.
There will be other documents given to certain students who need help with reading.
This doc will have the answers available for them so that they can check your answers.
There is also a student who has a hearing problem so I will be talking in a microphone.
Special Concerns (including medical, behavioral, and/or environmental):
The concern that I have for this lesson is that the students may have a hard time
understanding the polling of the points and how to use coordinates.
Targets all knowledge and skills that are indicated in learning objectives which are driven by the
Includes a variety of formats
Identified in lesson where the assessment is being administered (FA) or (SA)
Formative: The students will turn in their map labs, and I will look them over,
this will tell me if the students understand the content or not. I will also be asking
the students questions throughout the two days, making sure they are on task and
understanding the content.
During Lesson: (General guidelines for the lesson; your plan/“script” begins under Part 1)
Provides multiple instructional strategies including technology:
o to help students develop an understanding of content areas and their connections
o to build skills to apply knowledge
Provides clear understanding of the concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline
Demonstrates clear understanding of content knowledge for teaching across curricular content areas
Displays clear understanding of the aspects of UDL by providing information in multiple formats,
multiple ways to respond, and multiple ways to engage.
I will start off the class with a class starter. The students will answer the question in their Chrome Books.
After a short time, I will pull sticks and have the students tell me their answers. As a whole class, we will discuss
the answers and talk about the questions.
Transition: (This is a bridging statement or question to help students connect what occurred during
Engagement to what will occur during Instruction/Exploration. It is NOT a direction or instruction.)
I will start to pass out the map labs as the students are giving me the answers for the class starter.
At the start of the first day, I plan on going slow and really looking over the directions of the map lab.
So, I will first give the directions for the map lab as a whole talking about how to plot and what some of the
questions the map lab will ask the students.
From here I will put the map lab on the doc camera, and we will slowly start to go through the first questions.
I will step by step walk the students through the first 3, 4, or 5 questions. This all depends on if the students really
understand the content or not.
If they understand it by question 2 or 3 I will ask the student to do the next question on their own but to not move
on the questions after that because we will come back as a whole group and discuss the answer. This will be the
end of the first day.
The second day starts, and the students will do their class starters and then get their map labs out. I will ask the
students who understand the content and who need more help. The students that need more help will be allowed
to come to the front of the class and work through the rest of the problems with me while the other students will
work independently in the seats finishing the map lab.
Transition: (This is a bridging statement or question to help students connect what occurred during
Instruction/Exploration to what will occur during After Lesson. It is NOT a direction or instruction.)
Once the students understand the content in the smaller group, I will send them to their seats
and have them try it on their own. For the rest of the class, I will walk around, ask questions,
and help students who are still having a tough time.
Focus for next lesson: (should align with Areas for Growth)