MVP Baseball School Home Training Plan

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MVP Baseball School Home Practice Plan

Infielders - Alone/With Parent


Rest Short Toss Long Toss Rest Short Toss Long Toss

(See Throwing (See Throwing (See Throwing (See Throwing

Program) Program) Program) Program)

Fielding Fielding Fielding Fielding Fielding Fielding

Ladder Drill Forehand Cone Self-Short Hop Through/Funnel Dry Ball Drills Choose Your
Drill Drill Hands Own Drill

Hitting Hitting Hitting Hitting Hitting Hitting

Pick One: Pick One: Pick One: Pick One: Pick One: Pick One:

Balance Balance Balance Balance Balance Balance

Direction Direction Direction Direction Direction Direction
Quickness Quickness Quickness Quickness Quickness Quickness
Vision Vision Vision Vision Vision Vision

Strength Conditioning Strength Conditioning Strength Conditioning

Training Program Training Program Training Program


Rest Short Toss Long Toss Rest Short Toss Long Toss

(See Throwing (See Throwing (See (See Throwing

Program) Program) Throwing Program)

Fielding Fielding Fielding Fielding Fielding Fielding

- Ground Ball in - QB Drill - Line/Gap - Ground Ball in - QB Drill - Line/Gap
Place Footwork Place Footwork
- Circle Up - Circle Up
- Ground Ball - Diving Drill - Ground Ball - Diving Drill
Play Thru - QB Drill Bad Play Thru - QB Drill Bad
Read - Ball At Fence Read - Ball At Fence
- Do or Die - Do or Die

Hitting Hitting Hitting Hitting Hitting Hitting

Pick One: Pick One: Pick One: Pick One: Pick One: Pick One:

Balance Balance Balance Balance Balance Balance

Direction Direction Direction Direction Direction Direction
Quickness Quickness Quickness Quickness Quickness Quickness
Vision Vision Vision Vision Vision Vision

Strength Conditioning Strength Training Conditioning Strength Conditioning

Training Program Program Training Program


Rest Short Toss Long Toss Rest Short Toss Long Toss

(See (See Throwing (See Throwing (See Throwing

Throwing Program) Program) Program)

Fielding Fielding Fielding Fielding Fielding Fielding

- Framing - Blocking - Catcher Pop - Framing - Blocking - Catcher Pop
Up Up
- Glove-Hand - Pass Ball - Glove-Hand - Pass Ball
Transfer - Live Throw to Transfer - Live Throw to
- Bunt Field Bases - Bunt Field Bases
- 1st, 2nd, 3rd Footwork - 1st, 2nd, 3rd Footwork
Throw - Tag Technique Throw Footwork - Tag Technique

Hitting Hitting Hitting Hitting Hitting Hitting

Pick One: Pick One: Pick One: Pick One: Pick One: Pick One:

Balance Balance Balance Balance Balance Balance

Direction Direction Direction Direction Direction Direction
Quickness Quickness Quickness Quickness Quickness Quickness
Vision Vision Vision Vision Vision Vision

Strength Conditioning Strength Training Conditioning Strength Conditioning

Training Program Program Training Program


Rest Short Toss Long Toss Rest Short Toss Long Toss

(See Throwing (See (See (See Throwing

Program) Throwing Throwing Program)
Program) Program)

Fielding Fielding Fielding Fielding Fielding Fielding

PFP Drills PFP Drills PFP Drills PFP Drills PFP Drills PFP Drills

Band Work Band Work Band Work Band Work Band Work Band Work

Strength Conditioning Strength Conditioning Strength Conditioning

Training Program Training Program Training Program
Throwing Program

Short Toss Day

Short Toss days are submaximal effort days, meaning throws should be 75-85 percent.
The goal here is to get the arm in shape to throw after a long period of time off. Think of
it like running a marathon. When training for a marathon, you start slow, running a
greater distance each time you go out to run. We are building our arm strength up.

Everything below is contingent upon HOW YOU FEEL. If the arm feels good, continue
to throw and get into positional throwing by the end. If the arm begins to fatigue, SHUT
IT DOWN. There is no point in pushing through fatigue. This is where injuries occur.

Time: 15-25 minutes

Distance: Start at 5 yards and gradually move back until you reach 30 yards
(MAXIMUM 30 Yards)


Infielders Outfielders Catchers

Fielding Ground Ball Ground Ball Play Thru It Throw to 1st

Throw on the Run Fly Ball Throw to 2nd

Double Play Turn at 2nd Line/Gap Footwork Throw to 3rd

Relay Throws Bunt Coverage Throws

Long Toss days are going to be Maximal effort days. The goal here is to increase arm
strength by increasing the distance of our throws. DO NOT BEGIN LONG TOSS UNTIL

There are two phases of the Long Toss Day:

1) Going Out Phase - During this phase we want to focus on getting as much air
under the ball on ALL of our throws (even at 15 yards). The arc of the ball should
be in the form of a rainbow.

Continue to gradually increase the distance until you CAN’T get the ball there in
the air. Again, throw the ball as high as you can. Once you have reached your
maximum distance, it is time for the second phase, Coming In Phase.

2) Coming In Phase: Once you have reached maximum distance, for example, 80
yards, come in at 10 yard increments of 6-8 throws. These throws should be on a
direct line to your partner. It does not matter if it takes 20+ hops. We are working
on the acceleration phase of the throw. Continue to come in until you reach the
20 yard line. At the 20 yard line, continue to throw as many maximum effort
throws as you can until fatigued (Usually the ball starts to sink down or is not as
hard). Once fatigued, you are DONE!

80 Yards: 6-8 Throws
70 Yards: 6-8 Throws
60 Yards: 6-8 Throws
30 Yards: 6-8 Throws
20 Yards: As many until fatigued

*IMPORTANT - If you are fatigued prior to getting to 20 yards...STOP!!!

Conditioning Program

Dynamic Warm Up

Jog to Backpedal - 20 Yards x 2

10 Yards of Exercise then Jog 10 Yards

Walking Knee Hug

Quad Pull
Toe Touch
Figure 4
Lateral Lunge

20 Yards Each
Pogo Jumps
Pogo Jumps for Height
Forward Skip
Backward Skip
Sideways Skip
Skip for Distance

*Every Conditioning Day pick one option from sprinting section AND one option
from Plyometric Section

Beginner Option 1 Option 2

Drop to Base X 5 Broad Jump X 10 Reps Heidens 3-4 Sets X 8-12

(Rest :20 Between Reps) each Leg
(1-2 min Rest between

Drop - Hold - Jump X 5 3 Consecutive Broad Jumps X 6 Lateral Tuck Jump 3-4
Reps Sets X 20 Jumps
(Rest :45 Between Reps) (1-2 min Rest between

Drop - Jump x 5 5 Consecutive Broad Jumps X 4 Scissor Jumps 3-4 Sets X

Reps 10-20 Jumps
(Rest 1:00 Between Reps) (1-2 min Rest between

Drop - Jump - Jump x 5


Pick One for ALL SPRINTS: Standing, Push Up, Half Kneeling

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

10 Yard Sprints X 6-10 10 Yard Sprints X 8-12 10 Yard Sprints X 8-12
Reps Reps Reps
(Rest :30 Between Sprints) (Rest :30 Between Sprints) (Rest :30 Between Sprints)

30 Yard Sprints X 3-5 Reps 60 Yard Sprints X 3-5 Reps Flying Sprints X 6-8 Runs
(Rest :45-1:00 Between (Rest 1:00-2:00 Between
Sprints) Sprints) Jog 15-20 Yards, gradually
building up speed, get to
top speed, maintain for
40-60 Yards

(Rest 2:00-3:00 Between

Strength Training
Cats/Camels x 10
Hip Circles x 10 each
T-Spine x 10 each
Hamstring x 10 each
Calf Raises x 15

*Objective here is to create as much tension in the whole body as possible.
Squeeze every muscle

Plank x :30 - 1:00

Side Plank x :30 - 1:00 each side
Glute Bridge Hold x :30 - 1:00
Split Squat Hold x :30 - 1:00 each leg
Rotational Stability x :10 Hold each side x 5 - 8 Reps

*Objective is to have slow and controlled movements. Going too fast won’t let the
muscles work as long. Full range of motion is the key.

3-5 Rounds of Each

Reverse Lunge x 20+ Reps each leg
Push Ups x 15+ Reps
Glute Bridge/Single Leg Glute Bridge x 20+ Reps
Lateral Bear Crawl x 3 Right/Left x 5 Total
Banded Row (If you have bands) x 15+ Reps

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