Speed and AgilityTraining Program
Speed and AgilityTraining Program
Speed and AgilityTraining Program
Boston, MA 02114
1. Safely recondition the knee for the demands of sports activity
2. Provide a logical sequence of progressive drills for pre-sports conditioning
3. Provide objective criteria for safe return to sports
Phases of Training
Straight ahead running phase
Direction change running phase
Unrestricted direction change and impact phase
Full Range of Motion
Strength at least 80 % of uninjured limb
Thigh girth within inch of uninjured limb
Symmetrical quadriceps and hamstring flexibility
Perform and pass functional tests
Functional Tests
Before starting the running sequence you must be able to:
1. Hop forward on both legs at least 2 feet
2. Hop to either side at least 1 foot
3. Hop up and down on both feet 10 times
4. Jog with no limp for 100 yards
Criteria to Progress
Do not progress to the next step in the phase until the present step is pain free, and you can
perform with proper technique and without difficulty (muscle soreness or fatigue). Add only
one new step in the progression per workout.
Running Progression
Continue current workout from above (Step 4): Run and speed 100 yd runs for 3
reps each. Run full speed 50-yard run for 5 reps
Shuttle Run
Box Drill
Agility Drill