9 Art Oprea D

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48 Calculation of emission factor


Oprea D., PhD student
Technical University of Moldova

nitrous oxide (N2O) and ozone (O3) taken together
In the last decades much attention is drawn account for 3 percent.
energy and environment problem, emissions, energy The group of artificial substances (man-made):
sustainability and another. chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) and their substitute,
Rapid energy production growth leads to hydro-fluoride-carbons (HCFC, HFC) and other
environmental impacts which can also constrain substances, as well as per-fluoride-carbons (PFCs)
development. Energy production, whether from and sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) are also attributed to
depreciable fossil and nuclear fuels or large – scale direct GHG.
exploitation of hydroelectric or biomass resources, There are other photo-chemically active gases,
leads to many of the most severe environmental such as carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides
impacts faced by developing and industrialized (NOx) and non-methane volatile organic compounds
nations alike. These include air pollution, (NMVOC) (include substances such as: propane,
radioactive waste, siltation of river basins, butane and ethane), which are not attributed to
deforestation and soil erosion, etc. direct GHG, but have an indirect contribution to
In the past, environmental issues have been greenhouse effect. Such gases influence the
considered secondary to economic growth in formation and destruction of ozone in the
developing and industrialized nations. atmosphere in the presence of solar rays (ultraviolet
Air Pollutant consists of CO2, CO, NOx, radiation) and are considered to be ozone precursors
SOx, Pb Particles; in the troposphere.
- NOx control is performed by controlling the Though GHG are considered to be natural
combustion process have control after burning components of the air, their presence in atmosphere
process. is strongly affected by anthropogenic activities.
- Control during combustion can reduce NOx Increased concentrations of GHG in atmosphere
emissions by 15-50% by controlling the amount of (caused by emissions of anthropogenic origin)
air. contribute strongly to greenhouse effect thus
- Control by the amount of fuel accounts for 40- leading to additional warming of the atmosphere.
60% NOx emissions reductions. The GHG concentration in atmosphere is
- Reduction of NOx by ammonia solution injection. determined by the difference between GHG
- Total reduction of NOx can be 80-90%. emissions and removals. It has been stated with
The main source of GHG is CO2 which is as a certainty that GHG concentration in atmosphere
result of burning fuel, energy companies Contribute have increased significantly in comparison with pre-
one third of CO2 - global emissions. industrial period. Thus, since 1750 the
Carbon plants emit 24 kg C / GJ, fuel oil concentration of CO2 increased by 35 percent,
plants produce 20 kg C / GJ whiles natural gas concentration of CH4 - by 143 percent, and
combustible plants emit 14 kg C / GJ [7]. concentration of N2O – by 18 percent.
The most important greenhouse gas in the To control their effect or reduce it,
atmosphere is water vapors (H2O), responsible for investigations have to be made and their causes
approximately 2/3 of the total greenhouse effect. highlighted.
The content of water in the atmosphere is not
directly influenced by anthropogenic activities, but 1. EMISSION FACTOR
rather it is determined by the cycle of water in
nature, expressed in a simpler way, as a difference The purpose of this work is to find a method
between evaporation and precipitations. for calculating greenhouse gas emissions for
Carbon dioxide (CO2) has a 30 percent share in renewable sources of energy. Despite, these sources
the greenhouse effect, while methane (CH4), are considered clean, it is obvious that biomass for
example in any combustion process results in
greenhouse emission.
Calculation of emission factor 49

The problem of greenhouse gas calculation is UEF i - Emission Factor for Pollutant i (kg/GJin),
studied in most countries of the world. There are Einput - Energy Input (GJ).
various methods and programs for calculating these In general, an emission factor is dependent on
emissions, such as GEMIS, MARKAL, EMPEB the fuel used except SO2 [9]. For SO2 emission
etc. Unfortunately all these methods do not take into factor has the form:
consideration emissions from renewable energy 1
sources as their results always indicates zero EFSOě = 2C S (1 − α S ) 10 6 (1 − β ) (1.2)
pollution from them, which is not always the reality.
As an example, combustion process of biomass where:
will be analyzed, which is also considered • EFSO2 - specific emission factor;
renewable source of energy. The by-product of • CS - sulfur content in fuel, %;
combustion process will be examined taken into • α S - sulfur content in the ashes;
consideration greenhouse gases. • Hu - heat capacity of gas;
For each of the impacts considered, • A century - the efficiency of secondary
environmental controls in the form of regulations reduction in%;
can be applied to reduce environmental discharges • β - the possibility to provide secondary
or other effects. The type of regulation depends on measures, in%
the evaluated impact. Table 1 lists the regulatory Calculation methodology of the emission [2],
options available for each impact [1]. one determined the following values and constrains:

Table 1. Regulatory Controls Available

Cm = Cν ⋅
22,4 273,15 + t 1,013⋅ 105

M pol 293,15

[mg / m N]


Air Pollution Emission limits Cm - mass concentration of the pollutant, in ppm,
Required control device Cv - volumetric concentration of the pollutant, in
Chemical content of fuel
Water Supply and Water intake limit
Mpol - molar mass of the pollutant, in kg/kmol,
Pollution Wastewater volume
discharge limit
22,4l - molar volume under normal conditions, in
Pollutant concentration m3/kmol,
Required equipment t - temperature, °C
Chemical content of fuel pb - barometric pressure, in Pa.
Land Use Land use restriction Thus the mean value becomes:
Land restoration n

requirement ∑ (C )
[mg / m N ]
m i
Solid Waste Waste quantity limit [(C ) ]
m med i = i =1 3
Required control technique n
Chemical content of fuel where:
Occupational Health and Required control program n - is the simultaneous registered traffic values,
Safety i – specie of the pollutant.
Resources applicable Emission factors and emission inventories have
long been fundamental tools for air quality
The regulations can be imposed singly or in management. Emission estimates are important for
combinations. It is possible to designate regulations developing emission control strategies, determining
that will apply only to specified facilities, specified applicability of permitting and control programs,
types of facilities, in designated geographical areas, ascertaining the effects of sources and appropriate
after a specified starting date, or to new, existing, or mitigation strategies, and a number of other related
all facilities. This gives the user flexibility to apply applications by an array of users, including federal,
different regulatory control programs. state, and local agencies, consultants, and industry.
The proposed basic equation, using air Data from specific source of emission tests or
pollution as an example is as below [1]: continuous emission monitors are usually preferred
UEM i = UEFi ∗ Einput (1.1) to estimating a source's emissions because those
data provide the best representation of the tested
source's emissions. However, test data from
UEMi - Uncontrolled emissions of Pollutant i
individual sources are not always available and/or
they may not reflect the variability of actual
50 Calculation of emission factor

emissions over time. Thus, emission factors are where: fk (yj) is a linear function, and input variables
frequently the best or only method available for yj, kkj, kko constants.
estimating emissions, in spite of their limitations. For example the emissions of a substance
Emission factors may be appropriate to use in a during combustion of fuel Ej compute GEMIS of
number of situations such as making specific source relation:
emission estimates for area wide inventories. These
EJ = kj * Q (1.6)
inventories have many purposes including ambient
dispersion modeling and analysis, control strategy where:
development, and in screening sources for kj so-called emission factor,
compliance investigations. Use of emission factor Q is the heat in the process of bringing fuel.
may also be appropriate in some permitting The emission factor kj are either stored in a
applications, such as in applicability determinations data file or are computed. The size issue can be
and in establishing operating permit fees. further adjusted for specific conditions such as the
For the purpose of Electricity production from concentration of solid particles in the exhaust gas
renewable or for the purchase of green electricity, can be adjusted by the effectiveness of dust
emission factors given in table 2 can be used. separators. The advantage of linear algorithms of
the program is to simplify and speed up the
Table 2. Emission factors for local production of computation, as each individual process chain can
electricity from renewable sources: easily superimpose. This solution represents a
certain compromise between calculation accuracy
Electrical Standard LCA and the benefits to the user.
Energy Source factor emission Program GEMIS defines the products as
emission factors (T inputs and outputs of processes. Products contain
(T CO2/MWhe) CO2- the necessary information for calculating the energy
eq/MWhe) and environmental characteristics of processes.
Solar 0 0,020 – 0,050 Standard database GEMIS version 4 includes
Wind 0 0,007 features over 750 basic types of products.
Hidroenergy 0 0,024 Types of products are defined as:
- Carriers of Energy - products entering or
leaving a process, other than fuel, it can be
2. GEMIS - GLOBAL EMISSION electricity, steam, hot water,
MODEL FOR INTEGRATED - Solid and Liquid Fuels (Solid / liquid fuels)
- the type of energy carrier
- Materials - products entering or leaving a
process than carriers of energy (chemical
Another method for calculating greenhouse gas compounds, building materials, industrial and
emissions is GEMIS method [10]. agricultural products, semi-finished products, food,
GEMIS (Global Emission Model for Integrated drinks, etc.)
Systems) is a computerized life-cycle analysis - Resources - products that can be converted
model, LCA database, and cost-emission analysis into energy or materials
system. GEMIS evaluates environmental impacts of (fuel, water, wind, ore bearing materials), also
energy, material and transport systems, i. e. air contain information about the quality of
emissions (SO2, NOx, particulates, CO, NMVOC environmental influences,
etc.), greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O etc.), - Gases - Sub-Categories fuels (natural gas,
solid/liquid wastes, and land use. It can be used to LNG, LPG),
analyze local, regional, national and global - Gaseous emissions (Emissions into air) -
energy/material/transport systems, or any scope of Theoretical GEMIS calculated pollutant emission
sectoral or cross-spectral sub-system (e.g., a plant, from fuel element analysis,
facility, or special life-cycle). Furthermore, GEMIS - Waste (Residuals) - solid or liquid waste
can determine the economic costs of scenario products of processes, data on the major waste are
options. listed in the database, the user can also freely enter
Program GEMIS is linear, it is worth looking your own data on five types of waste.
quantities x1 counts type equations GEMIS defines a process as a specific
x1=fk(yj)= ykjyj + kko (1.5) activity, which aims to transform the input product
for the product output. However, it may be used
Calculation of emission factor 51

other auxiliary input products (such as auxiliary Equations used in GEMIS and that of the
power), and may occur in the secondary outputs (eg proposed method had been discussed in this paper.
emissions of harmful substances). Like processes, Comparison of results from the proposed method
products can be detected by filters, which greatly and GEMIS will be carried out in the next paper to
facilitates the work as the standard version 4.3 show its effectiveness.
includes over 9500 processes.
GEMIS includes the following basic types of Bibliography
• transformation of energy (Energy 1. Raport "Evaluation of electro-energy sector
conversion), combustion, heat exchangers, turbines, emissions by model ENPEP" The Institute of Power
etc. Engineering of the Academy of Sciences of
• conversion of material (conversion), Moldova, Chisinau 2008.
production of steel, chemical products, etc., 2. I. Ionel, S. Ionel, F. Popescu, G. Padure.
• incineration (Combustion) Method for determination of an emission factor for
• mining and acquisition of materials a surface source. Politehnica University of
(Extraction), such as oil, ores, fuels, Timisoara, Bv. M Viteazu No 1, 300223, Timisoara,
• transport of goods, persons (Freight Romania, ISPE Timisoara, Bv Gh Lazar, 18-20,
transport service, transport Person) Timisoara, Romania.
• handling of waste (Waste treatment facility 3. Optoelectronics and advanced materials – rapid
• cash (Monetary services) communications Vol. 2, No. 12, December 2008, p.
• dispatcher (Mixer) - not a real process, but 851 – 854.
the sum of several processes, the contribution of the 4. Anexă tehnică la instruc iunile pentru modelul
main process is quantified (in%), such mix of SEAP, Factorii de emisie,
electricity produced in power plants of various http://eumayors.eu/mm/staging/library/seap_ta_lan
types and used as the entry product in the primary g/docs/technical_annex_ro.pdf
process. 5. P. Todos, I. Sobor, D. Ungureanu. Energia
GEMIS analyze the above processes all sub- regenerabilă. Studiu de fezabilitate,
processes that chain, auxiliary energy consumption Chisinau 2002.
and consumption of materials. For these processes 6. V. Arion. Strategii si politici energetice.
are in the data base characteristics and constants, Chisinau 2004.
like the products: 7. Global Status Report 2007.
Each process has its own code name, which 8. National Inventory Report, Greenhouse Gas
must briefly comment on the nature and process by Sources and Sinks in the Republic of Moldova
which the compiled script. Two different processes 1990-2005. p. 28.
may not have the same name. Process list contains 9. www.arpmnv6.ro/fondul_de_mediu.htm.
the names of processes in different colors to 10. GEMIS - the calculation program,
distinguish the data source. http://www.oeko.de/service/gemis/en/.

The proposed calculation method is good
because it introduces a new approach, namely: it
calculates not only emissions but also take into
account efficiency of equipment for the reduction of
the effects of emission, and the second factor is that
one can evaluate the effects of emission not only
during production but also through the entire period Reccomended for publication: 19.07.2010.
of development of the source. For example, if we
have a bio-fuel plant - the emissions occur, but it
takes into consideration the emissions from
industrial production equipment (LCA-Life
Assessment cycle). The actual emission = emission
due to material + production process emission -
emission captured.

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