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LIM HUA KANG 1801347
MOO PUI YEE 1804999
NYO SHEN JIE 1801499
SI WAI KEE 1804350
TAN XUE JUN 1803985

A project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the

requirements for the award of Bachelor of Engineering
(Honours) Civil Engineering

Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science

Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman

April 2022


I hereby declare that this project report is based on my original work except for
citations and quotations which have been duly acknowledged. I also declare
that it has not been previously and concurrently submitted for any other degree
or award at UTAR or other institutions.

Signature :

Name : Chong Joo Yee

ID No. : 1803201

Date : 15/4/2022

Signature :

Name : Eric Lee Chen Yii

ID No. : 1804506

Date : 15/4/2022

ACE Construction Bhd


Signature :

Name : Ken Lai Wen Jian

ID No. : 1902817

Date : 15/4/2022

Signature :

Name : Lim Hua Kang

ID No. : 1801347

Date : 15/4/2022


Signature :

Name : Moo Pui Yee

ID No. : 1804999

Date : 15/4/2022

ACE Construction Bhd


Signature :

Name : Nyo Shen Jie

ID No. : 1801499

Date : 15/4/2022

Signature :

Name : Si Wai Kee

ID No. : 1804350

Date : 15/4/2022

Signature :

Name : Tan Xue Jun

ID No. : 1803985

Date : 15/4/2022

ACE Construction Bhd


Signature :

Name : Wong Seng Hong

ID No. : 1800141

Date : 15/4/2022

ACE Construction Bhd


The copyright of this report belongs to the author under the terms of the
copyright Act 1987 as qualified by Intellectual Property Policy of Universiti
Tunku Abdul Rahman. Due acknowledgement shall always be made of the use
of any material contained in, or derived from, this report.

XUE JUN, WONG SENG HONG. All right reserved.

ACE Construction Bhd



The project handled by our group is Project K which consists of 206 units of
double-storey semi-detached houses located at Beranang. The name of the
project is known as Loisirs Housing Project proposed by Gamura Land. The
duration of the project will be 24 months to complete from pre-construction
phase to construction phase and lastly post-construction phase and the overall
cost for this project will be RM177,987.576.03 including markup cost of 20%
and corporate taxes.
In Earthwork, the objectives are to perform site clearance, excavation of
earth material and building platform for structural construction with minimize
the time consumptions and cost. The duration of earthwork is required for 8
months and overall cost is RM 2,904,137.22. For feasibility study, earthwork
will focused on volume computation of cut and fill activity. In sustainability,
Earthwork have to focus on erosion and sediment control, machinery,
manpower issues and weather consideration.
There will be intermediate lot size, corner lot size and side lot size for
the design of Double Storey Semi-detached House. The dimension for each of
the lot sizes is calculated as (12.19m × 27.43m), (16.31m × 27.43m), and
(17.68m × 25.91m) respectively. All the design for architectural and structural
modelling will follow the requirement in the Uniform Building by By-Law 1984.
According to BIM department, the construction for this project will be carried
out with the duration of 22 months including the designing. There are two
phases for the construction which the first phase will only complete 100 units
of houses and 6 units of show houses while second phase will complete the rest
of 100 units.
The project's EIA can help improve beneficial impacts while avoiding
environmental damage and costs for environmental remediation. The purpose
of an EIA is to identify, anticipate, and assess the environmental impacts at the
project site and nearby, as well as to suggest mitigation measures to mitigate
those impacts. It gives the project proponent a concept of the project's final
shape, which must be in accordance with the government's plan and suitable for
the project site. The Loisirs Housing Project is set to begin construction in

ACE Construction Bhd


September 2022 and be completed in September 2024.

The traffic impact assessment is carried out to identify the potential
traffic impacts and propose the mitigation measures to the reduce the impacts.
The overall cost for TIA is RM 48622 and it takes 3 months to complete the

ACE Construction Bhd



The material recommended to be used for constructing the proposed housing

project are all listed in the Bill of Quantity attached in the Appendices.
Meanwhile, the strategy that adopted for promoting the proposed project will be
via traditional physical sales by showcasing the architectural model and promote
the development via the internet channel. On the other hand, the operational
plan of this project will be emphasized on the implement of the Green Building
Concept and Corporate Social Responsibility in the housing project.
Next, the main strength of the Loisirs housing project is the good
housing community which provides several security features for residents.
Besides, the weakness of this housing project is the cash flow problem because
this housing project at the early was no investors. Moreover, the major
opportunity provided by this housing project is the greenery surrounding it. The
threat to this housing project is too many competitors around the area because
Beranang as a new area under the development phase has attracted a lot of strong
The recommended design to mitigate the environmental impact are
natural light window, LED light and small field that provided in the architectural
design. The eco-friendly designs are corporate social responsibilities of
developer when construct the building.
The selling price recommended for intermediate house and corner house
in phase 1 are RM 940,000 and RM 988,000 while in the phase 2 are
RM968,000 and RM 1,150,000 in phase 2 respestively. The selling price
recommended for intermediate showhouse and corner showhouse in phase 1 are
RM 1,335,000 and RM 1,390,000 respectively while in the phase 2 are RM
1,363,000 and RM 1,418,000 respectively. The recommended selling price is
lower than the average market price that is RM 1,095,000 for intermediate house
and RM 1,428,000 for corner semi-detached house in Beranang area.

ACE Construction Bhd




1.1 Project Background 1
1.2 Company Background 3
1.2.1 Company History 4
1.2.2 Company Vision and Mision 4
1.2.3 Services 5
1.3 Project Team and Structure 5
1.4 Project Activities 10
1.5 Overall Schedule 13
2.1 Industry Analysis 18
2.2 Product Analysis 22
2.3 Market Demographic and Volume (Market potential,
demand) 27
2.3.1 Target Market 28
2.4 Consumer Preferences 31
3.1 Introduction 37
3.2 Strength 37
3.2.1 Good Housing Community 37
3.2.2 Marketing 38

ACE Construction Bhd


3.2.3 Housing Area and Design 38

3.2.4 Cutting-edge Software 39
3.3 Weakness 39
3.3.1 Leisure and Recreation Facilities 39
3.3.2 New Company 40
3.3.3 Cashflow 40
3.4 Opportunities 41
3.4.1 Surrounded by Greenery 41
3.4.2 Easy Access to Major Towns 41
3.4.3 Opening of International Borders 41
3.5 Threats 42
3.5.1 Many Competitors 42
3.5.2 Risks of Inflation 42
3.5.3 Rising Covid Cases 43
3.5.4 Investment Risks 43
4.1 Operation Plan 45
4.1.1 General Approach to Operations 45
4.1.2 Corporate Social Responsibility 46
4.2 Marketing Plan 48
4.2.1 Pre-launce Sales and Early Bird Promotion 49
4.2.2 Sales Agents and Online Listing 49
4.2.3 Physical Sales 50
4.2.4 Company Website 51
4.2.5 Sosial Media Advertizing 51
4.2.6 Billboard Advertizing 52
4.3 Exit Plan 53
4.3.1 Rebate and Discount 53
4.3.2 Early Bird Promotion 54
4.3.3 Focus on Advertisement 55
4.4 Design for Mitigating Environmental Impact 56
4.4.1 Natural Light Window 56
4.4.2 Using LED Lighting in Interior Design 57
4.4.3 Small Field 57

ACE Construction Bhd


5.1 Overall Cost Estimation 58
5.2 Discount Rate and Internal Rate of Return 59
5.3 Cashflow Diagram 60
5.4 Break Even Analysis and Profit Margin 61
5.5 Justification on Costing 63
5.5.1 Land Acquisition 63
5.5.2 Class B: Environmental Protection and
Enhancement 66
5.5.3 Class C: Traffic Management and Control 74
5.5.4 Class E: Demolition and Site Clearance 77
5.5.5 Class F: Earthwork 78
5.5.6 Class G: Geotechnical Work 82
5.5.7 Class P: Drainage Work 83
5.5.8 Class U: BIM 84
5.5.9 Justification on Market Plan 103
5.5.10 Justification on Exit Plan 104
6.1 Recommendation of Architecture Plan 105
6.2 Recommendation of Environment Care 106
6.3 Recommendation of Earthwork 106
6.4 Traffic Impact Assessment 107
6.5 Recommendation of Exit plan 107
6.6 Overall Schedule and Costing 107
6.7 Marketing Plan and Channel Recommendation 108
6.8 Operation plan 108
6.9 Recommendation of Selling Price 109

ACE Construction Bhd



Table 1: Job Scopes of Each Position Involved. 6

Table 2: Date and Duration of Construction Works. 15
Table 3: Ratings for different categories (Prop Social, 2022). 20
Table 4: Summary of Market Analysis. 21
Table 5: Amenities and Facilities nearby. 23
Table 6: Semi-detached house price in Selangor (VPSD, 2021). 28
Table 7: Pricing Criteria and Estimated Total Cost 9 (Appendix A). 34
Table 8: Pricing criteria and estimated total cost (Appendix A). 36
Table 9: Pre-launch and early bird selling price (Phase 1) (Appendix A).
Table 10: Fixed and Varible Costs. 61
Table 10: Land Values in Beranang Area (Appendix D). 64
Table 11: Bill of Quantity on B100 (Appendix G). 67
Table 12: Bill of Quantity on Water Quality Assessment (Appendix G).68
Table 13: Bill of Quantity on Air Quality Assessment (Appendix G). 69
Table 14: Bill of Quantity on Noise Level Measurement (Appendix G). 70
Table 15: Bill of Quantity on Preparation of Environment Report
(Appendix G). 71
Table 16: Total Cost for the Preliminary EIA (Appendix G). 72
Table 17: Bill of Quantity on Report Generation for Class C (Appendix H).
Table 18: Number of Surveyors Allocated for Different Hours for Traffic
Volume Collection. 76
Table 19: Total Cost Allocated for Traffic Management Team (Appendix
H). 76
Table 20: Overall Cost for TIA Assessment (Appendix H). 77
Table 21: Bill of quantities of Class E, site clearance (Appendix F). 78
Table 22: Bill of Quantities of Class F, Earthwork (Section 1) (Appendix
F). 78
Table 23: Bill of Quantities of Class F, Earthwork (Section 3) (Appendix
F). 80

ACE Construction Bhd


Table 24: Bill of Quantities of Class F, Earthwork (Summary) (Appendix

F). 82
Table 25: Bill of quantities of Class G, Geotechnical Work (Appendix F).
Table 26: Bill of quantities of Class P, Drainage Work(Appendix F). 83
Table 27: Bill of Quantity for Class U (Appendix E). 84

ACE Construction Bhd



Figure 1.1: Proposed Site Location from Google Map. 1

Figure 1.2: Labelling of Types of Units. 2
Figure 1.3: Board of Advisors. 8
Figure 1.4: Project Team Organization Chart. 9
Figure 1.5: Gantt Chart for Overall Scheduling. 17
Figure 2.1: LEKAS camera 14 at Eco Hill, Semenyih. 25
Figure 2.2: Site Location. 27
Figure 2.3: Architecture Plan A. 27
Figure 2.4: Architecture Plan B. 28
Figure 2.5: Average household size in Malaysia (DOSM, 2020). 30
Figure 2.6: Principal state statistic of population in Malaysia (DOSM,
2020). 30
Figure 2.7: Average price trend of primary (Left) and secondary (right)
markets (DOSM, 2020). 33
Figure 4.1: Flow Chart of Property Development. 46
Figure 4.2: Gantt Chart for marketing plan. 48
Figure 5.1: The Net Present Value for the Discount Rate (Appendix A: S3).
Figure 5.2: Cashflow Diagram. 60
Figure 5.3: Net Cash Flow Table from 2022 to 2024. 61
Figure 5.4: Land Value in Beranang Area from iProperty. 65
Figure 5.5: Land Value in Beranang from Property Guru. 65
Figure 5.6: Maximum Monthly Salary paid for Professionals. 67
Figure 5.7: Criteria in Determining on Requirement of TIA. 74
Figure 5.8: Rate of site clearance (DEMOLITION & SITE
Figure 5.9: Rate for fill excavation (View of Construction Cost for Soil
Excavation, 2021). 79
Figure 5.10: Bill of Quantities of Class F, Earthwork (Section 2). 79
Figure 5.11: Turfing rate (Construction Basic Price, 2019). 80

ACE Construction Bhd


Figure 5. 12: Rate for project signboard and hoarding (Preliminaries

Rates, 2021). 81
Figure 5.13: Rate for cabin site office (40ft Container Site Office -
Commercial Properties for sale in Miri, Sarawak, 2022) 81
Figure 5.14: Rate for cabin guard house (G4' Portable Guard House
Suitable for Security / Park / Outdoor / Factory, 2022) 82
Figure 5.15: Rate for cabin portable toilet (Portable Toilet Cabin for sale,
2022) 82
Figure 5.16: Sample price from concrete pipe manufacturer (Concrete
Pipe Culvert, n.d.) 84
Figure 5.17: Price of concrete and steel (Quantity Surveyor Online,
2021). 90
Figure 5.18: Price of brickwall (Quantity Surveyor Online, 2021). 90
Figure 5.19: Price of ceiling. (Quantity Surveyor Online, 2021). 91
Figure 5.20: Cost estimation provided by Banley Renovation. 92
Figure 5.21: Price of aluminium casement window x top hung (Shopee,
n.d.) 92
Figure 5.22: Price of aluminium powder coated casement window 2
panels (Shopee, n.d.). 93
Figure 5.23: Price of window casement triple middle transom (Shopee,
n.d.). 93
Figure 5.24: Price of window casement multi sash horizontal (Shopee,
n.d.). 94
Figure 5.25: Price of interior single 2 panel wooden door (Lazada, n.d.).
Figure 5.26: Price of 3 panel patio door (Alibaba, n.d.). 95
Figure 5.27: Price of ceramic tiles (HOMA2U, n.d.). 96
Figure 5.28: Price of cement and sand screed and coats (Quantity
Surveyor Online, n.d.). 96
Figure 5.29: Price of ceramic wall tiles (HOMA2U. n.d.). 97
Figure 5.30: Price of cement and sand rendering (Quantity Surveyor
Online, n.d.). 97
Figure 5.31: Price of emulsion pant and weather bond (Quantity Surveyor
Online, n.d.). 98

ACE Construction Bhd


Figure 5.32: Price of supply and installation of mild steel balcony railing
(Quantity Surveyor Online, n.d.). 98
Figure 5.33: Price of aluminium u channel frameless glass railing
(Alibaba, n.d.). 99
Figure 5.34: Price of CFA Fully Aluminium Swing gate Mono (Lazada,
n.d.). 99
Figure 5.35: Price of sitting wc and washbasin (Heap Wah, n.d.). 100
Figure 5.36: Price of double bowl kitchen sink (Heap Wah, n.d.). 100
Figure 5.37: Price of shower points (Heap Wah, n.d.). 101
Figure 5.38: Price of electrical appliances. 102

ACE Construction Bhd




1.1 Project Background

The proposed site is located at Beranang, which is a small town in Hulu Langat
District, Selangor with neighbouring towns such as Semenyih, Kajang and
Sepang. Beranang is located 35km in the south direction of Kuala Lumpur,
13km of Kajang and 30km north of Seremban. Although the site location is
slightly far away from major towns and cities, there are still some major
highways that can connect Beranang to its neighbouring towns and cities such
as Jalan Broga and Kajang-Seremban Highway (LEKAS Highway).

The project handled by our group is Project K consisting 206 units of

double-storey semi-detached houses and the actual coordinate of the site is
2°53'33.82"N, 101°51'2.56"E covering an area of 158585.57m including all

units with access roads. The duration of the project will be 24 months which is
2 years to complete all the phases from pre-construction phase to construction
phase and lastly post-construction phase.

Figure 1.1: Proposed Site Location from Google Map.

ACE Construction Bhd


The name of the project is known as Loisirs Housing Project and is

proposed by Gamura Land which is the owner of the project. The project is then
assigned to ACE Construction Group Sdn Bhd to develop the area and the office
of the company is located at No. 8 Jalan Sungai Long, Bandar Sungai Long
Cheras, 43000, Kajang, Selangor.

The types of building being built will be double-storey semi-detached

houses. There will be a total of 206 units with 170 units of intermediate units
(horizontal row), 30 units of intermediate units (vertical row) and 16 units of
corner lots which will be asking for a higher price compared to all the
intermediate units for horizontal row. For the intermediate units (horizontal
row), each unit will take up 334m (3595 square feet) whereas for intermediate

units (vertical row), each unit will take up 458m (4930 square feet) and lastly

for corner lots, it will take up 447m (4811 square feet) for each unit.

Figure 1.2: Labelling of Types of Units.

ACE Construction Bhd


After performing financial analysis after considering all the costs needed
for the project, the estimated total cost required for the project including tax will
be RM149,612,107.60 and there will be a 20% markup cost which is
RM177,987,576.03 topped from the the estimation cost inluding taxes to deal
with uncertainties and mitigated risks in the future. In terms of the selling price
of the units, there units will be sold in two phases and in the first phase, the
project team will foresee a 25% of the total units to be sold and the second phase
will sell out the remaining 75% of the units.
During the first selling phase, the selling price for the intermediate unit
is RM940,000 and for the corner unit is RM988,000 in order to make a profit
after deducting all the costs such as land acquisition cost, contract cost,
manpower cost, machinery cost, material cost, etc. For the second selling phase,
the selling price of the intermediate unit will be RM968,000 and for the corner
unit will be RM1,150,000. Other than that, the project team will also release a
few showhouse units to be sold to the public selling at a higher price ranging
from RM1,335,000 to RM1,418,000 depending on the type of units and selling

1.2 Company Background

ACE Construction Group Sdn Bhd is a construction company that provides
services about development, earthwork, construction, Civil Engineering and
infrastructure work. In Malaysia, ACE construction group is a newly established
company that is able to run the whole project in one hand inclu
preliminary planning, design of construction, building platform, structural
building, infrastructure works and maintenance on built structures. The services
provided by ACE construction group will be the most effective and advanced
time and budget as much as possible. In the past completed project, ACE
construction group has constructed a great reputation in the construction
industry as we have a group of design crews that are highly professional,
qualified and experienced although ACE construction group is a 9 year old

ACE Construction Bhd


1.2.1 Company History

ACE construction group established in 2013 which combined Advance
Construction and Celestia Earthwork. Before both companies incorporated,
Advance Construction was in charge of the construction industry including
structural and machinery services while Celestia Earthwork is a Construction
Company that is responsible in earthwork industry and infrastructure work.
Nevertheless, Advance construction and Celestia Earthwork have different
nature depending on the industry in- charged for but during 2012 both company
leaders had the intention to establish an incorporated company. During April of
2013, both companies were finally combined as a new corporate company
named as ACE construction group. In the next few years, ACE construction
group has invited other companies to this group to maximize the variety of
industry and quality of services. Until today, ACE construction groups have the
ability to handle a project from the preliminary step until the project is

1.2.2 Company Vision and Mision

The company visions are listed as follows:
To develop and build the buildings and houses using advanced
technology to enhance the effectiveness of construction works.
To provide comprehensive service from design, consultancy,
construction, earthwork and infrastructure.

The company missions are listed as follows:

To provide stable and sustainable construction services to fulfil the

development needs of a country.
To provide a safer working environment for all staff and construction
To provide opportunities to all employees to realize their own potentials
and roles in different kinds of fields in the construction industry.

ACE Construction Bhd


1.2.3 Services

vision is to provide a completed and comprehensive service to clients. At the

highest professional and quality that can competence to international standard.

Our services are detailed below.

Commercial analysis
Project planning and management
Architectural design and modelling services
Consultant services in traffic, environment and earthwork
Residential and commercial construction
Resorts and hotels construction
Civil Engineering work
Infrastructure construction and maintenance

1.3 Project Team and Structure

Generally, the proposed development is governed by the five main division
namely the division of feasible study and conceptual design, building
information modelling (BIM), Earthwork, traffic impact analysis (TIA) and
environmental impact assessment (EIA). In the feasible study and conceptual
design, the main objective is to evaluate the viability or practicality of the
proposed project, define the project scope to meet the indicated needs and cost
estimation. Meanwhile the BIM is mainly focusing on enhancing the project
performance for better outcomes by generating a 3D model for visualization
during the pre-construction stage. Next, the earthwork is responsible in
providing a levelled surface of foundation for structure to build on and yet
fulling the cost effectiveness requirements. Besides, traffic impact analysis is
aiming to evaluate the traffic impacts caused by the proposed development and,
if required, design of appropriate mitigation strategies. Additionally, the main
purposes of conducting the environmental impact assessment is to identify the
potential impacts generated by the proposed development to the environment,

ACE Construction Bhd


social and health related issue. All the works are guided by the respective
advisor of the division.
The proposed development project (Project Code: SMY01) are led and
managed by the chief executive manager, Ir. Nyo Shen Jie and the project
manager for this project is Ir. Eric Lee Chen Yii. The assigned consultant in
structural engineering in BIM is Ir. Moo Pui Yee and the architect in-charge of
the design is Ir. Wong Seng Hong. In the traffic impact analysis, the assigned
senior traffic engineer is Ir. Chong Joo Yee, and the transport planner is Ir. Tan
Xue Jun. Whereas, for the earthwork division, the senior geotechnical engineer
in-charged is Ir. Lim Hua Kang and the land surveyor involved is Ir. Si Wai
Kee. Eventually, we also assigned Ir. Ken Lai Wen Jian as the environmental

Table 1: Job Scopes of Each Position Involved.

Position Job Scopes

Chief Executive Direct all the operations for each department in

Manager the project.
Make sure every head of department guides the
workflow of each department according to the
work plan.

Project Manager Plan the manpower distribution for the project.

Follow up the project progress with the head of
Make sure the project can be completed before
the deadline.
Manage the relationship with clients, suppliers
and sub-contractor for better cooperation.

Structural Prepare progress report

Engineer Update the working progress to the project
Design the structural building of semi-detached
Select and calculate the appropriate construction
materials and quantity of materials

Architect Design the semi-detached houses according to

the budget given by the client
Prepare drawing layouts for structural engineers

ACE Construction Bhd


Senior Traffic Prepare the project report of traffic impact

Engineer analysis
Supervise the assigning engineering staff that in-
charge of traffic impact analysis
Analyze the existing and future traffic condition

Transport Planner Studying and analyzing the routes for

transportation services
Design and evaluating the traffic services to be

Geotechnical Explore and survey the construction site

Engineer Perform the laboratory tests for the soils, rocks
and groundwater for the development site

Land Surveyor Measure the features and characteristics of land

Prepare the land survey report to the geotechnical
engineer before any cut and fill activities

Environmental Prepare the environmental investigation reports

Engineer Design the environmental protection measures

ACE Construction Bhd



Figure 1.3: Board of Advisors.

ACE Construction Bhd



Figure 1.4: Project Team Organization Chart.

ACE Construction Bhd


1.4 Project Activities

Design and planning are the most important phase before starting the
construction. It is the process to articulate and define the targets for the project
and appraise the feasibility of the plan. Before designing the project, the person
in charge such as the chief executive manager, project manager and architecture
will need to discuss what to be built. This planning phase normally takes time
before going to the design phase. Although the planning only known as small
percentage of the overall project but it may cause huge impact to the
construction phase if the planning does not carry out in detail. In the early
planning, the site and building assessment, early engineering evaluation, land
use analysis and also other assessment needed to be done by each of the
subgroup such as Environment Impact Assessment (EIA), Traffic Impact
Assessment (TIA), Earthwork, and Building Information Modelling (BIM).
In pre-construction phase, the architecture will need to design the
architecture plan. After the discussion, the most suitable architecture plan will
be chosen to be used based on the information given by each of the subgroup,
comparation of each of the plan designed, and also the requirement of the clients.
After choosing the suitable architecture plan, the next step will be the interior
designing which according to the needed of the clients and suitable materials to
be used. The structural modelling and analysis by using the Autodesk Revit will
then follow on after the interior design and there will be a cost estimation for
the buildings. For this project, it will be the design and planning for Double
Storey Semi-detached House at the location of 2°53'33.82"N, 101°51'2.56"E.
The environment impact assessment is conducted by Gamura Land Sdn
Bhd. The environment impact assessment is carried out and submitted to
Department of Environment (DOE) for development approval before starting
any construction activity. The objectives of this assessment are to analyse the
impacts that imposed on the environment at the vicinity of the development site
and propose the mitigation measures to reduce the environmental damages
induced by the development project. This assessment is conducted according to
the Environmental Quality Act 1974. The consultant team from Gamura Land
Sdn Bhd will identify and collect the data of all the potential resources from the
development surrounding that are harmful to the environment.

ACE Construction Bhd


Before entering the construction stage, the report of environmental

impact assessment is completed in pre-construction stage and checked by the
relevant government department for further advice and actions taken to the
development site. This assessment consumes about 3 months and RM 132400
to accomplish all the required objectives.
The traffic impact assessment is conducted by Signal Consultant Sdn.
Bhd. The traffic impact assessment is carried out and submitted to approving
authority for development planning permission according to Road Engineering
Association Malaysia (REAM). The objectives of traffic impact assessment are
to identify the potential impacts from the development site that imposed on the
transportation system and propose the solutions and transport plans to mitigate
the impacts. The scopes of traffic impact assessment include the existing traffic
conditions, travelling trip forecast and mitigation methodology for all potential
negative impacts.
Same goes with environmental impact assessment, report of traffic
impact assessment is completed in the pre-construction stage. It consumes about
3 months and RM 48622 to finalize the analysis. In the scenario of this
assessment report that not acceptable by the approving authority, this report is
returned to the developer for any comments or measures to improve the traffic
condition and submitted to approving authority again for evaluation.
Site preparation is conducted by Advance Studio Sdn Bhd, a consultant
company that propose planning for earthwork related issues. Before starting
construction activities, the overall site layout for unused area in the development
site for accommodation of construction site offices, temporary stores for
equipment, temporary toilet and other construction facilities are planned and
completed in the pre-construction stage.
Earthwork consultation team cooperates with construction team for site
preparation issue. Besides confirm the build up area for all the developed semi-
detached houses with construction team, they also collect the contour profiles
data and propose the ground level to build the semi-detached house to the
construction team as a reference. The main scopes of earthwork company are
excavation, levelling and grading for site preparation. Removal of any stones or
unused materials by excavation is to clear the site for better construction
environment. Then, levelling is carried out to examine a specific point

ACE Construction Bhd


that relative to the datum according to the benchmark. Lastly, performs grading
to remove or add the soils to the shape the land that suits the proposed level for
construction. Site preparation consumes about 8 months and RM 2904137.
For construction, it is classified into three phase which are the pre-
construction phase, construction phase, and post-construction phase.
Preconstruction sphase is the beginning stage before any construction
project. In this stage, the construction site needs to be prepared by the project
team and make sure it is ready for the construction by site investigation such as
soil test, site surveying, topography surveying, etc. After the investigation, the
plans will be review by the city authorities. When the plan, budget, design and
timeline has been finalized, the project team will proceed to gather the required
resources or labour for the construction.
In the construction phase, all the planning will be pay off and this is the
center stage that belongs to the contractor and subcontractors. As the center of
communications for the project, the project will be interim into the actual
construction by the construction manager and contractor. After that, the quality
control inspections will be carried out by the architecture, engineers and project
manager then proceed with respond to Request for Information (RFIs), review
and approve technical submittals in order to make sure the project carry out by
the contractor according to what has been designed.
Post-construction phase is also known as the last step after the process
of designing and finishing of the project. In this phase, all of the work has been
finished and come to the complete of the project. All the equipment rentals need
to be returned, cleaning up the worksite, and also move the subcontractor that
have finished their work to another project is needed in this phase. A post-
project review need to be carried out in this stage to detect whether there are any

When handover the project to the customer, site clearance should occur
to ensure the existing roadside drains bounding the site are clear of any building
debris etc. Upon completion of works, all temporary buildings, temporary works,
temporary installation, and equipment shall be removed or cleared away. The
site must ensure to be cleaned and in tidy condition. Furthermore, before
handing over of the works, all floors, paving, staircase shall be scrubbed out and
also cleaned out all the gutters, gulley, manholes, sumps, and drains.

ACE Construction Bhd


Contractor shall also clean all glass panes and leave every part of the completed
works included in this contract in a clean, sound and tidy condition.
Final inspections mainly concern fire safety compliance and engineering
works, for examples road works, water supply connection, sewerage services
work, electricity power connection etc. The final inspection application for the
scope of Water Authority (PBAN), Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), Jabatan
Kerja Raya (PBT/JKR), Fire and Rescue Department (JBPM), Department of
Safety and Health (DOSH), Indah Water (IWK) should be done and submit the
information required by them. The application is accomplished by testing and
accreditation report for the scope of water supply, energy, roads and ditches,
fire, machinery, and sewerage. For TNB, the substation is handed over to TNB
upon the completion of the substation before the date of final inspection.
Then, Form G (clearances letter) is only required from some authorities, which
are G11 Department of safety and health, G13 Water authority, G14, 15
Sewerage Services Department, G16 Tenaga Nasional Berhad and G17
Relevant authorities or public works on road and drainage. Two copies of CCC
and Form G should be deposited within 14 days after the CCC is issued.

1.5 Overall Schedule

The total duration of the Loisirs housing project was predicted to complete in
24 months. There are 3 phases included in this project which are pre-
construction, construction, and post-construction. The pre-construction phase
includes environmental impact analysis, traffic impact analysis, and building
information modeling. It will start on 1st September 2022 and be completed on
30th November 2022 which is the duration of 91 days for each pre-construction
After the completion of the pre-construction phase, the construction
phase will start with the earthwork construction which includes site clearance,
mobilization of machinery, preliminary work, excavation, and retaining
structure. The earthwork construction will start from 1st December 2022 until
14th June 2023.
After the earthwork construction, the building's structural construction
will start. For the building structural construction will separate into 2 phases
based on the market analysis and exit plan. In the 1st phase, 106 units of

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double-storey semi-detached houses will be completed which include 6 show

houses. The start of the 1st construction phase was located from 1st December
2022 until 31st December 2023. After the 1st construction phase, the market
analysis shows that there will be at least 53 units of houses sold out, then the 2nd
phase of construction only will proceed. The 2nd phase of construction will start
from 1st January 2024 until 30th June 2024.
The last phase of construction works was the post-construction. The
duration of the post-construction was 62 days starting on 1st July 2024 and
ending on 31st October 2024. The works in this phase include site clearance,
completion inspection, and project closeout.
Lastly, the marketing department will start the work on 1st September
2022 until the end of the housing project including market analysis, pricing, and
market strategy. The detail of the whole project date and duration was shown in
table 1.5 and Figure 1.5.

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Table 2: Date and Duration of Construction Works.

Construction Works Start End Duration
Sampling & Testing 01/09/22 30/09/22 30
Report Generation 01/10/22 31/10/22 31
Report Reviewed by DOE 01/11/22 30/11/22 30
Preliminary Study and Existing 01/09/22 23/09/22 23
Traffic Condition
Proposed Development Detailing 24/09/22 04/10/22 11
Future Traffic Condition Analysis 05/10/22 29/10/22 25
Traffic Impact Analysis 30/10/22 19/11/22 21
Finalization (TIA Report 20/11/22 30/11/22 11
Architectural Plan 01/09/22 07/10/22 37
Architectural Modelling 08/10/22 21/10/22 14
Structural Modelling & Analysis 22/10/22 30/11/22 40
Construction ShowHouse (6 units) Phase 1 (100 units) Phase 2 (100 units)
Start End Start End Start End
Site Clearance 01/12/22 31/12/22 31 31

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Mobilizations of Machinery 24/12/22 31/12/22 8 8

Preliminary Work 01/01/23 31/01/23 31 31
Excavation 24/01/23 17/07/23 175 175
Construction of Retaining 15/03/23 14/06/23 92 92
Foundation 15/06/23 31/08/23 01/01/24 29/02/24 78 60 138
Sewerage Work 01/07/23 15/09/23 15/01/24 15/03/24 77 61 138
Drainage Work 15/07/23 30/09/23 01/02/24 31/03/24 78 60 138
Structural Framework 01/08/23 15/10/23 14/02/24 15/04/24 76 62 138
Block & Mortar Work 15/08/23 31/10/23 01/03/24 30/04/24 78 61 139
Roof Trusses Installation 01/09/23 16/11/23 15/03/24 15/05/24 77 62 140
Flooring & Painting 12/09/23 04/12/23 23/03/24 31/05/24 84 70 154
Sanitary and Plumbing Fitting 20/09/23 26/09/23 8/11/23 08/12/23 09/05/24 08/06/24 7 31 31 69
Electrical Installation 23/09/23 30/09/23 21/11/23 12/12/23 24/05/24 15/06/24 8 22 23 53
Internet Telecommunication 24/11/23 21/12/23 01/06/24 22/06/24 28 22 50
Trucking and Cabling
Door & Window Installation 27/09/23 04/10/23 09/12/23 31/12/23 09/06/24 30/06/24 8 23 22 53
Furniture 01/10/23 04/10/23 4 4
Site Clearance 01/07/24 15/07/24 15
Completion Inspection 16/07/24 31/07/24 16
Project Closeout 01/08/24 31/08/24 31

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Market Analysis 01/09/22 20/10/22 50

Pricing 15/10/22 15/11/22 32
Marketing Strategic 01/11/22 30/09/23 334

Figure 1.5: Gantt Chart for Overall Scheduling.

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2.1 Industry Analysis

Industry analysis is one of the primary tasks in understanding our own position
among the company in the same industry to assist us in planning of effective
business strategies. Our industry is residence area constructed with semi-
detached double-storey houses in Beranang, Selangor. By referring to the online
sales of property on website like iProperty, Property Guru, Edge Prop and more,
we obtained the information such as price, location, and the facilities available
for the nearby residences. The proposed development location is surrounded
with more than 10 residences. The nearest residence will be the Summer Breeze
Residences and Springfields Residences which are just about 1 km away from
site. Both residences are part of the Setia Ecohill 2.
Summer Breeze Residences are mainly semi-detached double-storey
cluster houses with area about 2100 square feet which is approximately 195m2.
According to the current latest property sale data, Q3 2021, from Valuation and
Property Services Department Malaysia (JPPH), cluster house in Hulu Langat,
Selangor has lower number of property transaction in comparison with double-
storey semi-detached house. Cluster housing are private properties consisting of
a group of dwelling units with joint community facilities such as swimming
pools and so on (Lee, 2020). It has relatively small housing size compared to
semi-detached house which makes it requires lower construction cost and more
affordable for consumer. Therefore, cluster house is said to be the best
alternative for consumer who cannot afford a semi-detached house. However,
as the space are smaller, the area of activities will be limited if more than 4
members are staying in a unit. The average selling price of the property in
Summer Breeze Residence is about RM320/sq ft.
Meanwhile, for Springfields Residence, it mainly consists of terrace
house that is about 2000 square feet that is approximately 185 m2. Terrace house
are smaller than cluster house where all the houses are linked side by side and
the only open area of the house will be the parking space infront of the house.

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The residents in Springfields Residence also share the same privilege as the

including a cycling path, eight nature-themed parks and the 360 Club House.
The average pricing of house in Springfields Residence is RM420/sq ft. The 360
Club House consists of multiple facilities including the swimming pool, sauna
room, jacuzzi, gymnasium, studio, futsal court, badminton courts, basketball

Besides, nearby the site there is a self-sustaining Eco Majestic township

that consist of 9 precincts that are gated and guarded. Among the 9 precincts, 7
of it were completed meanwhile the remaining three, namely the Mellowood,
Stoneridge and Cheerywood are still under construction. Mellowood and
Cheerywood are terraces houses meanwhile the Stoneridge are consisting of
semi-detached house and bungalow. The under-construction price for the semi-
detached house of 2886 square feet in Stoneridge are approximately RM480/sq
ft. The price is slightly higher than the median price because of its luxury design
with the concept of colonial style. They also collaborate with some retailer or

residents with essentials and conveniences. For the completed precincts, three
of them are apartments, two are terrace houses and the remaining two are
bungalow and semi-detached house respectively. For the complete semi-
detached house in the precinct known as Tenderfields, the average price is about
RM381/sq ft.
Further to the North of the Eco Majestic, there is Setia Ecohill 1 that
consists of about than 5 residences that are built with double-storey semi-
detached house namely the Stagnia, Aravia, Merrum, Satori Villa and Zen
Garden. The other type of housing in Setia Ecohill are such as Linked semi-
detached house, bungalow, apartment and so on. There are also Business Park
and commercial in the area. The facilities that Setia Ecohill 1 provides to their
residents are including the adventure park, landscape park, jogging track,
playground, 24 hours CCTV surveillance and card access system. The average
price of the current existing semi-detached house in Setia Ecohill 1 is about
RM351/sq ft. Additionally, the Setia Ecohill are now introducing the two new
Japanese themed residences of Hanami Residences and Yumena Residences.
The Hanami Residences are currently only open for registration meanwhile the

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Yumema Residences has market price approximately about RM428/sq ft. The
Yumena Residences are estimated to be completed on the third quarter of 2023.
Other than that, we have Bandar Tasik Kesuma that are less than 3km
away, selling a total of 72 units of semi-detached house known as Almas. Each
unit of the semi-detached house covers up to 2595 square feet and build with 4
bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. The average selling price is approximately
RM341/sq ft. Apart from that, there are also terrace units and apartment known
as the Alphinia and Baiduri Apartment respectively in Bandar Tasik Kesuma.
The facilities that they have are jogging tracks and playground. Besides, the
location of the town is also relatively nearer to all the facilities and amenities
such as the schools and university, as well as the healthcare center relative to
our proposed development. However, they do not provide 24-hours security
services, thus, the safety of the residents is not secured. The main road that
enters the housing area are expected with traffic congestion as well, especially
during the peak hours when students are going home, as the Sekolah
Kebangsaan Bandar Tasik Kesuma was located just near the main road.
Through the comparison of the pricing range of the nearby residences
with similar type of house, we obtained the average market price of
approximately RM360/sq ft. In summary, Bandar Tasik Kesuma is said to be
occupied with the most retailer shops but with lower rating in term of safety,
cleanness, and quietness as shown in Table 2.1. For Eco Majestic, it is said to
be the most secured in term of the safety of the community and the environment
is also clean and filled with greens as well as beautiful in-town structures.
Residences in Setia Ecohill are also filled with various facilities and security
services. The summary is described in Table 4.

Table 3: Ratings for different categories (Prop Social, 2022).

Rating Categories
(1- Very Bad/ 2- Bad/ 3- Moderate/ 4- Good/ 5-
Cleanliness Safety Traffic Quietness
Gallery Development
3 3 2 4
Sdn. Bhd.
Setia Ecohill Sdn. Bhd. 4 4 4 4
Eco Majestic Sdn. Bhd. 4 5 3 4

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Table 4: Summary of Market Analysis.

Developer Residences Facilities/Ammenities Median
Gallery Almas & Central Park with
Development Aronia, jogging track and
Sdn. Bhd. Bandar Tasik playground
Kesuma SMK and SK Bandar
(Completed) Tasik Kesuma (500m
Tesco Semenyih
Petrol stations
Ferona & Mini market
Azara, Banks
Bandar Tasik Convenience stores
Kesuma Nursery and
(Newly Pharmacies
Completed) 337.57
10 min to Starfield
golf club
10 min to LEKAS
Setia Ecohill Stagnia, Aravia, Adventure Park
Sdn. Bhd. Merrum, Satori Landscape Park
Villa and Zen Jogging track
Garden, Playground 351.38
Setia Ecohill 1 24 hours CCTV
(Completed) surveillance
Card access system
Hanami and Cycling path,
Yumena, Eight nature-themed
Setia Ecohill 1 parks
(Under 360 Club House
Construction) Tesco Semenyih
Summer Breeze,
Tenby International
Setia Ecohill 2
(Completed) 320.45
SJKC Ton Fah

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Eco Majestic Tenderfields, 24-hours security

Sdn. Bhd. Eco Majestics Jogging track
(Completed) Playground
Tenby International
School 381.25
AEON Mall Eco
Parks around Swan
Eco Majestics
SMK Engku Hussain
SJKC Ton Fah
*Consider as SMK and SK Bandar 479.96
outliers, Tasik Kesuma
excluded in Walking distance to
average price retailers in town like
computation Subway, Starbucks,
and Guardian
Average Price (per sq ft) RM 360

Other than the market price of semi-detached house near the proposed
development, we have also investigated the online listing about the land cost to
estimate the land value of the proposed development. We obtained that the land
cost per square feet ranged from as low as RM18 to RM48. From the listing, we
can assume that bigger land would sell at lower price. Eventually we obtained
that the estimated land value in Beranang is about RM 36 per square feet by
taking the average land cost of Mantin, Kampung Sepapan, Bandar Tasik
Kesuma and other nearby area.

2.2 Product Analysis

Product analysis is the examination of our own product in term of cost,
accessibility, facilities available, quality and many more aspect that would affect
the consumer decision in buying houses. The proposed development is 206 units
of double-storey semi-detached house located in Beranang, Selangor with land
size of 40 ft x 90 ft, which, covers a total land area of 3600 square feet with
build-up size of about 3040 square feet. Double-storey semi-detached house are
the intermediate of bungalow and linked house. It provides more privacy with

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bigger secluded yard than townhouse or linked house as it only has one direct
neighbor, but the price is cheaper as compared to bungalow. According to the
listing online, the range of land size of the semi-detached house in Beranang is
from about 2700 ft up to 6300 ft with average value of 3600 square feet.
Meanwhile, the build-up size is ranged from approximately 2200 ft to 3200 ft
with average value of 2600 square feet. The land size of the proposed
development is just at the average level which means that it provides sufficient
land area of a standard semi-detached house in Beranang, Selangor. Looking
into the build-up area, it is slightly higher than the market average, which means
that the indoor space of movement will be larger for the residents. More people
can fit into the house without feeling cramped or uncomfortable. Family
members living in a house will also have their own spaces especially for those
who have more than four family members.
The location of the proposed development is in Beranang which is a
town in Hulu Langat district in Selangor. It is considered as one of the peaceful
places in Malaysia filled with greenery. The neighboring towns are Semenyih,
Kajang and Sepang. The major roads that connect Beranang to the surrounding
major towns and cities are the Kajang-Seremban Highway, Jalan Semenyih and
Jalan Broga. In addition, Semenyih which is just 10 to 20 mins away is a town
filled with many recreations area such as the broga hills and Sungai Lalang
Hotspring. The distance between Beranang and Kuala Lumpur (KL), the largest
city in Malaysia, is only about 45km and can be reached in less than 1 hour. At
the surrounding of the proposed site, there are also many facilities and amenities
available such as educational, healthcare facilities, grocery and so on. However,
there are no hospitals in town, but the nearest hospital will be the Kajang
Hospital which is only 20 mins driving distance from the proposed development.
Table 5 shows some of the amenities and facilities nearby the site.

Table 5: Amenities and Facilities nearby.

Infrastructure / facility Distance
Shopping mall/ Grocery Store
Jaya Grocer Eco Majestic 2.8 9
Ecohill walk mall 6.2 10

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Econsave Rinching 7.0 10

Lotus Semenyih 7.3 11
Education Institution
SK Bandar Rinching 7.1 9
SMK Bandar Rinching 8.5 11
SMK or SK Bandar Tasik Kesuma 6.6 9
SJK(C) Ton Fah Eco Majestic 4.8 9
Sekolah Rendah Islam Al Khawarizmi 7.2 9
Sekolah Rendah Islam Pertama NUSAYBAH 6.2 8
SJK(T) Ladang Rinching 7.1 8
SJK(T) Ladang Semenyih 10.4 13
University of Nottingham Malaysia 11.0 13
Kolej Profesional Mara Beranang 2.8 4
Unifield International College 11.9 15
SMK Khir Johari 4.8 8
Eco Majestic 9 & 10 Shop Lots
(McDonald's Eco Majestic DT, Ali Habi Eco
5.2 8
Majestic Nasi Arab, No.1 Café, Ha-Dija
Korean Street Food, etc.)
Bandar Tasik Kesuma Shop Lots
5.5 8
Double S Warisan Bonda Nasi Ayam
Berempah, etc.)
Convenience Store
KK Super Mart 3.9 7
7-Evelen 3.9 7
Karisma Kmart 4.3 8
Dobi 3.9 7
Kajang hospital 16.7 22
Mosque 5.7 8
Setia Eco Park 7.3 10
Clinic 3.1 6
Police Station 4.9 8
Public library 8.5 15
Badminton Court 5.4 8
Cycling Park 3.8 5

The two main roads that used to access to the proposed development site is
Kajang-Seremban Highway (LEKAS) and Jalan Semenyih. Kajang-Seremban
Highway is an expressway that connects Kajang, Selangor to Seremban, Negeri

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Sembilan where Beranang is located between the two places. Meanwhile, Jalan
Semenyih is one of the major road or state road in Selangor. Figure 2.1 shows
the road traffic condition at 5:29 PM on working day. Kajang-Seremban
Highway near Beranang is usually very smooth with low congestion rate.
According to Road Traffic Volume Malaysia (RTVM) 2019, the road
performance of Jalan Semenyih is at level of services C where the flow is stable
and not very congested.

Figure 2.1: LEKAS camera 14 at Eco Hill, Semenyih.

Besides, concern about the safety of the residents, the proposed

development also provides 24-hours security services guarding the entrance of
the residence. The security guards will also be patrolling around the residence
area from time to time to monitor the safety of the residence and report any
suspicious activities found in the residence. Additionally, the access to residence
is monitored by the security guards via checking the credentials of the visitor
and record down the log of visitors, for instance, the plate numbers, date, time,
and the identification card number of all the non-residents entering the
residential area for tracing purpose if any criminals happened. In the case where
the residents fall into any emergency situation, they could call the security
guards to assist them in the evacuation or any other security events.
Other than safety, some of the residents might concern about the hygiene
and quietness of the area. Since the proposed development are guarded and
gated, people that conduct activities inside the residential area will mostly be
the residents, hence, the cleanliness of the area will be most likely be satisfying
or even at a higher grade if all the residents are responsible and caring for the

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environment. Furthermore, the location is far away from noises as it is not

located directly beside the main road or highways. Instead, the location of the
proposed development is surrounded by mostly other residential area. In other
words, the place will less likely be crowded as in places nearby the shop lots,
schools and so on. Additionally, since semi-detached house will only be
connected directly to one side of the neighbours, it further enhances the
peacefulness and quietness unless the linked neighbour makes loud noises.
On the other hand, the proposed development will be pricier than the
terrace houses or other type of houses that have smaller space. However, for
people who wanted a detached house but unable to afford semi-detached house
will be the best alternative. For our proposed development, one unit of
intermediate house is about RM900,000 meanwhile the selling price for corner
lots is about RM1,000,000 per unit. For the price per square feet for intermediate
house and corner lot are RM xxx and RM xxx respectively. The price per square
feet of semi-detached houses in Beranang provided by other seller is ranged
from RM 300 to RM480 per square feet with average value of RM360 per
square feet. Most of the semi-detached houses provide by the other companies
are unfurnished. For the surrounding area of the proposed site, majority of the
houses are terrace house or linked houses, but there are still several double-
storey semi-detached houses as well such as in Bandar Tasik Kesuma. Setia
Ecohill and Eco Majestics which some of it had been fully sold.
Limited renovation is one of the limitations of semi-detached type of
house as the house is directly connected to one side of the neighboring house.
The residents are required to obtain the consent of the neighbour for any kind
of modification of his house structure. If fail to do so, the renovation cannot be
proceeded else legal issue will take place. But minor renovation at the interior
or the secluded yard is still acceptable. Besides, at the surrounding of the
proposed development site is lacking rail system type of public transportation
such as MRT or LRT and the nearest MRT station will be about 30 km away
which is approximately 22 mins driving distance. Transportation via MRT is
time saving, convenience and cost saving. Unfortunately, the only accessible
public transport approach around the area will be by bus. T450 is the only
available bus at that area that travels between Beranang and Kajang with total
of 43 stops. It operates daily from 5:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. and departing point

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is at Sekolah Kebangsaan Beranang (Kj599) until it reaches Bandar Kajang

(Kj508) which is the ending station.

2.3 Market Demographic and Volume (Market potential, demand)

demand, we must understand the market potential, customer preferences and our
target market. The proposed development was located at Beranang, Selangor
which is 10km away from Semenyih, Selangor. Specifically, the coordinates of
the proposed site are 2°53'33.82"N and 101°51'2.56"E. The surrounding area of
the site was shown in Figure 2.2. Based on the market potential, we have
provided with the architectural plans as shown in Figure 2.3 and Figure 2.4 done
by architect, Ir. Wong Seng Hong. And, eventually the second architectural plan
as in Figure 2.3 was chosen.

Figure 2.2: Site Location.

Figure 2.3: Architecture Plan A.

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Figure 2.4: Architecture Plan B.

2.3.1 Target Market

Upon understanding the pros and cons of our proposed development project, we
could eventually identify our target market based on what we could provide to
the buyers. Firstly, we will target the market who are financially independent
and those with sufficient monthly income to cover the monthly payment for the
housing. According to the Valuation and Property Services Department (2021),
semi-detached houses in Hulu Langat District are priced around RM1,000,000
per unit as listed in the table below.

Table 6: Semi-detached house price in Selangor (VPSD, 2021).

By using the figures obtained, we will be able to estima te the median

multiple, which is one of the recommended measures used in identifying the

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affordability of the market. Median multiple can be computed by dividing the

medium housing price by the medium gross monthly household income which
is the untaxed income of a given household. If the median multiple value is less
than or equal to 3, the housing is said to be affordable (UIR & FCPP, 2021).
Therefore, by assuming the median multiple as 3, we can estimate the affordable
housing price by using the following formula:

Affordable housing price=Median household income×12×3

Based on the household income estimates and incidence of poverty report

published by Department of Statistics Malaysia (2020), it shows that the median
monthly household gross income of Selangor citizens is approximately
RM9,668. As a results, the affordable housing price will be about RM348,048.
However, by comparing it with the medium price per unit of a semi detached
house, it would be better if we target those with higher median gross monthly
household income. By taking the median multiple as 3, our targeted market is
expected to have a minimum household income of more than RM27,777 per
month. Alternatively, it is suggested by National House Buyers Association to
all the property buyers to understand loan limits and for any home loan, it shall
not exceed 33.33% of their debt service ratio (Chang, 2020).

Besides, since the proposed development is a two-storey semi-detached

house designed with 4 rooms per unit, it would be more logical to target the
household with more than 3 members. The most suitable market to be targeted
in this case would be family buyers or married couples with children. Based on
the latest statistics provided by Department of Statistic Malaysia (2020), the
average household size has decreased from 4.2 to 3.8 since 2010 to 2020 as
shown in Figure 2.x1. Selangor is also the state in Malaysia that is having the
highest number of households as shown in Figure 2.x2. Therefore, we can
conclude that our targeted household size is valid. In addition, this area is also
provided with facilities that are conducive for the growth of children such as
schools, healthcare centers and so on. Several grocery stores, convenience stores
and hardware stores can also be reached easily such as the Jaya Grocer Eco
Majestic, Emart24 Eco Majestic and Mr DIY Eco Majestic which are only
approximately 4km away from the proposed development and can be reached

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in less than 10 minutes. However, this area has limited public transport facilities
and hence, it is better to target families that have their own vehicles.

Figure 2.5: Average household size in Malaysia (DOSM, 2020).

Figure 2.6: Principal state statistic of population in Malaysia (DOSM, 2020).

Furthermore, we will also be targeting the market of investors. This

group of people will usually prioritize the investment return figures, either from
the capital growth or rental. The proposed development area is a potential place
for investment buyers because of the greenery surroundings which make people
think that the living cost is low. It is especially suitable for people who like to
stay nearer to nature with a peaceful and quiet environment. Additionally, it is
not too far away from cities as well. There are several highways or major roads
that are connecting the area to the surrounding cities such as Cheras and Kajang.
Other than that, Selangor is also a state known to be composed of a population
with mixed races. As a result, there will be a variety of local dishes to be

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explored by the residents. Since Beranang is a neighborhood with Semenyih

which is a place well known with many recreational areas as well as good dishes,
they can always visit the places in a very short time. The availability of facilities
also makes it a potential place for investment. For instance, they have a variety
of schools, hospitals, and clinics available in that area. Lastly, most of the
housing in Beranang are freehold properties which in the long-term will led to
greater capital appreciation. Transfer of ownership is also easier for a freehold
property as it does not require the consent from the government authorities.

There is still another market that we could target which is the retirees
and senior citizens who are born in the baby boom generation with ages ranging
from 61-year-old to 76-year-old. Beranang is located near to urban forests which
is one of the main reasons that makes it a good spot in improving the
psychosocial well-being, as well as the social interactions of the retirees or
senior citizens. Elderly people usually look towards peaceful and safe places for
them to carry out their daily activities because it makes them feel stress and
problem free. Moreover, there are also CCTV cameras to be installed in the
common areas with 24-hours security control to keep the residential area safer.
Besides, most of the elderly people requires regular health check up to monitor
their health, fortunately, there are also healthcare facilities available nearby our
proposed development area such as the Kajang Hospital which is only about
20km away. Other than the environment, the structure of the house is also one
of their considerations. To make their life easier, we allocated few of the
bedrooms and bathrooms on ground floor, especially for those who have joint
problems on their legs, they do not need to walk up or down the stairs. The floor
will also be constructed with materials that are less slippery to reduce the
chances of falling and avoid injuries.

2.4 Consumer Preferences

on their demographics or their individual taste. With all the target market
identified, we can further narrow down the scope of consumer preference. There
are many considerations from consumer especially when comes to buying
houses, it does not solely involve huge amount of expenses but also requires

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long-term commitment. According to Mang, Zainal and Radzuan (2020), the

five main factors that are concerned by the consumers in buying houses are the
structure of the house, space availability, affordability or other finance problem,
housing location and neighborhood.

Firstly, since our targeted market are families with more than three
family members, it will be more comfortable if they have bigger space for their
daily activities which also provide the individual family members with
additional privacy. In this case, double storey houses will be preferable due to
its availability of space and a greater number of rooms. Elderly grandparents
can be allocated on ground floor meanwhile the children and parents can stay
on the first floor. With multiple bathrooms, family members will feel more
efficient as they do not need to fight for the bathrooms as well. In addition,
some of the elderly parents who used to live in villages will prefer to have their
own garden for them to farm some vegetables or flowers as a hobby to fill their
free time.

Besides, buying property is not a random option but requires many

considerations before making the purchase especially in terms of financial.
Customer will definitely prefer housing with reasonable prices. Housing price
that are too low might lose their trust meanwhile price set too high will make it
became unaffordable. Moreover, consumer especially investors would favour
higher capital growth rate in term of house pricing to obtain higher return in the
future. According to Tawil, et al. (2018), the trend of average pricing of the
primary and secondary market are leading by detached and semi-detached
houses as shown in Figure 2.7. Thus, detached house will be their first choice,
followed by semi detached house and the third choice will be the terraced house.

ACE Construction Bhd


Figure 2.7: Average price trend of primary (Left) and secondary (right)
markets (DOSM, 2020).

Housing location is one of the main factors to consider when buying

houses because it will indicate the availability and accessibility of facilities and
amenities. Certainly, consumer will prefer location of housing area that are close
to the amenities such as schools, clinic, shopping mall and public transport.
Based on the survey carried out by Sarip and Lee (2015), the most preferable
amenities by the potential home buyers in Malaysia are the comprehensive
amenities such as shopping mall, food and beverage retails, bank, grocery store
and so forth, followed by educational facilities like kindergarten and collage and
lastly, the healthcare facilities which are the clinics, hospitals, and other
healthcare services provider. At the surrounding of our proposed development,

desires as listed in Table 5.

Other than the availability of facilities and amenities, consumer

especially for people that like to conduct activity outdoors will also prefer clean
and well-maintained environment that would promote better air quality as well
as no unpleasant odor. Some even prefer quiet environment, where they will not
be disturbed by the noises of traffic, construction activities and so on. Noises
could affect sleep and cause distraction. Another factor that would affect the

development. Most of them would rather have a smooth traffic than a congested
traffic that wastes all the time by making the traveling journey to be longer.
Besides traffic condition, better traffic accessibility also makes travelling to the
destinations faster comparing those who living in some isolated or inaccessible
locations. The proposed site is near to the Kajang-Seremban Highway and Jalan
Semenyih which connects to many places such as Kajang Town and Broga.

Lastly, the preferable neighborhood by the majority is guarded and gated

residences with 24/7 security services and time-to-time patrolling system (Sarip
& Lee, 2015). The main reason of the security services is to monitor the safety
of the residences and ensure that there are not any criminal incidents happening.
To further enhance the safety of the residents, the main entry point should be

ACE Construction Bhd


guarded, and the log of visitors should be recorded. Suspicious visitors should
not be allowed to enter the residences. Additionally, devices like CCTV
cameras can be installed at the public area within the residences for more simple
and efficient monitoring by the security guards. The log of visitors and CCTV
recorder can eventually use as evidence or tracing equipment if there are
criminals happening in the area.

2.4 Price
Based on our industrial analysis, around the proposed development, most of the
houses are terrace type of houses but there are also several residences with
selling semi-detached house as well. The average price of semi-detached house
selling around the proposed development is about RM360 per square feet,
ranging from RM 300 to RM 480 per square feet and the corner lots can even
go up to RM 500 per square feet. The pricing criteria of the proposed
development will include the compliance cost, land cost, operating fees and
infrastructure fees. The total cost computed will be marked up by 20% for more
conservative estimation. The proposed development is 15.16 hectare which is
about 1,707,000 square feet. Therefore, we can estimate the land purchasing
price to be about RM 61,452,000.

Table 7: Pricing Criteria and Estimated Total Cost 9 (Appendix A).

Category Total Estimated Cost (RM)
Compliance Cost 243,926.00
Land Acquisition 61,452,000
Structural Fees 67,570,357.32
Earthwork 2,904,137.72
Environmental Impact Assessment 132,400.00
Traffic Impact Analysis 48,622.10
Infrastructure Fees 5,882,799.00
Operating Fees 3,643,100.00
Total 141,877,342.14
Total (Mark up 20%) 170,252,810.57
Corporate Tax 7,734,765.464
Total Cost (Including Tax) 177,987,576.03

ACE Construction Bhd


By including the land cost, there are total of 8 categories of cost to be

considered namely the compliance cost, structural fees, earthwork cost,
environmental impact assessment cost, traffic impact assessment cost,
infrastructure fees and operating fees. The total estimated cost covers up to
RM141,877,342.14. To make it more conservative, the total cost is then marked
up by 20% there for eventually the totalcost excluding tax is estimated to be
RM170,252,810,57 for the overall project. By including the tax of 17% for the
first charchable income of RM600,000 and and 24% for the remining
chargeable income. Since the tax are fixed, therefore markup is not required.
Eventually, we obtained that the corporate tax are estimated to be
RM7,734,765.46. As a result, the total estimated cost is including the taz will
be about RM177,987,576.03 for the overall project.

From internal rate of return (IRR) analysis, with interest value of 6%,
we obtain that the average annual return to be 19.35%. Whereas the net present
value of interest rate of 6% is estimated to be RM14,790,685.55 with cash flow
diagram as shown in Figure 2.8.

Figure 2.8: Cash flow diagram (Appendix C).

The pricing criteria is based on the average price obtained from the
market analysis. By taking RM360/sqft, for one unit of the proposed
development of the intermediate house with build-up area of about 3100sqft the
market price is approximately RM1,116,000. Hence, our selling price should be
lower than the market price to make it affordable and not overpriced.

ACE Construction Bhd


Subsequently, by limiting the price, and adjusting around the cost estimated,
eventually we have come out with the finalize pricing of the houses as shown in
Table 8.
Table 8: Pricing criteria and estimated total cost (Appendix A).
House Type/ Phase Cost Per Unit Total Cost (RM)
Intermediate House (Phase 1) 940,000 50 47,000,000.00
Corner House (Phase 1) 988,000 2 1,976,000.00
Intermediate Showhouse (Phase 1) 1,335,000 1 1,335,000.00
Corner Showhouse (Phase 1) 1,390,000 1 1,390,000.00
Intermediate House (Phase 2) 968,000 136 131,648,000.00
Corner House (Phase 2) 1,150,000 12 13,800,000.00
Intermediate Showhouse (Phase 2) 1363000 3 4,089,000.00
Corner Showhouse (Phase 2) 1418000 1 1,418,000.00
Total Revenue 202,656,000.00

As a result, the final estimated net profit from the proposed development
including the corporate tax is about RM24,668,423.97 with estimated profit
margin of 12.17%.

ACE Construction Bhd




3.1 Introduction
SWOT Analysis is a method to assist people in analyzing for people to do best
right now and developing a strong future roadmap. SWOT also identifies an
aspect that will let people down in their business. There are four areas to conduct
an analysis for the business which are the word consist in SWOT include
strengths, weakness, opportunities, and treats. This analysis method investigates
both internal and external issues. It means what is happening inside and outside
of a company or business and some of the issues can be controlled (MindTools,

3.2 Strength
Strength is an internal factor in SWOT analysis. It is a thing that a company
needs to perform exceptionally well or in a way that sets a company apart from
competitors. This can enable the company owner to carry out the mission of the
company (MindTools, n.d.).

3.2.1 Good Housing Community

The first strength of the Loisirs housing project was the good housing
community with provides several security features for residents such as 24 hours
CCTV system, fencing, security, and a guardhouse. Firstly, the boundary
fencing around the housing area and the guardhouse located near the automatic
boom barrier. These can prevent people other than residents from entering the
housing area easily and also promote community harmony without completely
covering up the secured area. Furthermore, the 24 hours CCTV system which
can record incidents happening around the housing area, collecting important
detail about what happened and possibly even catching the culprits in the act. It

only needs to observe the situation of the housing project through the CCTV
monitor which can decrease the frequency of patrols. Furthermore, there are 44
streetlights provided in the residential area. These streetlights will help in

ACE Construction Bhd


reduces crime and improve security because they provide good lighting at night.
Furthermore, the good lighting also assists the CCTV recording to capture
recognized facial characteristics from 10 meters.

3.2.2 Marketing
Furthermore, the marketing department will be the second strength of the Loisirs
housing project. Nowadays, most people will get their information online via a
smartphone or computer. Therefore, there is several digital marketing provided
by the marketing department which includes a website, listing online, virtual
tours & 360-degree photos, and social media advertisement. All digital
marketing will help people shorten their discovery process, feeling of
professionalism of the company, and offer a special user experience. Other than
digital marketing, traditional marketing also provided by the marketing
department includes agents, billboards, and architecture models to promote the
housing project. The total marketing budget for this housing project was located
around 3million. Moreover, there are also a lot of analyses conducted such as
industry analysis, product analysis, target market, consumer survey, and RPL
analysis. These analyses will help the other department more understand the
current market and create a suitable housing product.

3.2.3 Housing Area and Design

The next strength of the Loisirs housing project was the housing design. Firstly,
each unit provides a minimum of 40ft x 90ft of land size with a total land area
of 3600 square feet. It also provides a build-up size of around 3040 square feet.
The larger land size and build-up size will give more personal privacy between
family members and avoid people feeling oppressed. Based on the market
analysis, the housing project targets family buyers and married couples with
children. Therefore, the larger area provided will be a selling point. Besides, the
design of the balcony glass door and the larger glass window. These glass doors
and glass windows will let the natural light exposure into the house. Based on

people reduce stress, eyestrain, and fatigue. Moreover, the electrical fee also
will decrease due to adequate natural light and will reduce the frequency to turn
on the electric light.

ACE Construction Bhd


3.2.4 Cutting-edge Software

The other strength of the Loisirs housing project was the Autodesk Revit
software which using by Building Information Modelling Department. In this
housing project, Revit was played a very important role due to it has strong
technology to plan, design, construct, and manage buildings & infrastructure.
All the plan drawings and modeling in this housing project were prepared by
Revit in a short time. Furthermore, the documentation file needs to provide for
the site engineer such as floor plans, elevations plan, detail of reinforcement
structure, etc. also created by Revit. Besides, Revit also created the
documentation file to perform for customers. For example, the walkthrough of
individual units & whole sites, a 3D view of housing design, and photorealistic
renderings. The documentation file that is created with Revit will be easier and
faster compared to using AutoCAD or other software. This is because the
structural engineer just needs to do a simple click and drag in Revit to produce
all the documentation. Therefore, it helps in reducing the project duration due
to the easy operation steps.

3.3 Weakness
Weaknesses are internal negative factors that take away from strengths. These
are a characteristic that impedes a company from fulfilling its objective and
reaching its greatest potential.

3.3.1 Leisure and Recreation Facilities

The first weakness in the Loisirs housing project was the absence of leisure and
recreation facilities. As shown in the bird-eye view created and provided by the
BIM department, the leisure and recreation facilities were totally not provided
in this housing project. However, recreation facilities provide a safe and
inclusive atmosphere and give opportunities for exercise and enjoyment. These
facilities also offer a convenient and enjoyable way for a resident to stay fit and
healthy. Furthermore, they also contribute significantly to environmental
sustainability. In a variety of ways, leisure facilities could be an environmentally
accountable lead in the community. Therefore, the lack of leisure and recreation
facilities in a housing project will be a weakness.

ACE Construction Bhd


3.3.2 New Company

ACE Construction Group Sdn Bhd which was established in 2016 with around
5 years of experience, will be known as a new company in the construction field.
The main issue faced by a new company is the worker problem. The company
will lack time to train newbies and the difficulty to employ skilled &
experienced workers and. As a result, most of the workers in the construction
industry are most likely to be 45-54 years old which is the age near retirement
(ManpowerGroup, 2020), hence these workers will stick to the original
-hop. This problem might make costly errors,
generating delays and financial stress which will leave a negative impression on
the client. The second issue that was faced by a new company was the
relationship with material suppliers. Most of the material suppliers will not trust
a new company. Therefore, the construction material that is provided will be at
a higher price. Furthermore, the cooperation between sub-coordinator is also
one of the issues. The poor communication situation will occur due to only a
few times of collaboration.

3.3.3 Cashflow
The final weakness of the Loisirs housing project was the poor cash flow.
Maintaining healthy cash flow was difficult due to the complexity of the
construction project, hence the situation that will be faced by Loisirs housing
project was the high capital investment. At the early stage of this housing project,
there was no investor, and needed to get a loan from a bank. In this stage, the

wish to see. Although there was a negative status cash flow, the payments for
employees, contractors, suppliers, and other expenses still need to be paid on
time. Otherwise, the construction project will no longer proceed. Furthermore,
the cash flow of a construction project was also affected by building material

in Malaysia, the price of mild steel has increased by up to 41% and the price of
sand increased by up to 20%, since October 2020 (Rachel, 2021).

ACE Construction Bhd


3.4 Opportunities
Opportunities are the chances of something positive that can happen in the
environment or external factors that the project could exploit to its advantage.
Through analyzing the external influences, it can help to explore the future
potential and opportunities of the project.

3.4.1 Surrounded by Greenery

As a small town located in Hulu Langat, Selangor, Beranang is a quiet and
peaceful town surrounded by greenery. With hilly areas around and major
landmarks nearby such as Broga Hill, Congkak River recreational centre and
Sungai Gabai Waterfalls, it will attract population nearby and tourists to stay in
the town. Besides, Beranang will also be a preferable choice for people who
love nature to visit and improve the economic activities in the area nearby. This
will provide a better value for investors and homeowners. Moreover, living in
an area surrounded by greenery can calm people down and improve the mental
health of people after working for a long day.

3.4.2 Easy Access to Major Towns

Although Beranang is located slightly far away from major towns and cities, the
town still has an easy access to major towns such as Cheras, Kajang, Kuala
Lumpur connected by major highways such as Malaysia Federal Route 1,
Highway 31 and Kajang-Seremban Expressway (LEKAS), Jalan Semenyih and
Jalan Broga. All the major highways will be able to save time and provide
convenience for people to travel around with greater safety, comfort and lower
operating costs for vehicles. Besides, there are also complete facilities nearby
such as schools, healthcare centers and convenience stores nearby to fulfill the
requirements needed by the residents nearby.

3.4.3 Opening of International Borders

After years of pandemic, the government has opened the international borders
on 1st of April for foreigners and residents to enter Malaysia again. The opening
of borders can kick-start the recovery of tourism and the economy of the country.
Besides, investors will also be encouraged to invest in real estate again which
can stimulate the economy and the price growth of the properties in the country.

ACE Construction Bhd


According to Juwai IQI co-founder Kashif Ansari, there will be high chances
that the cross-border investment in Malaysian residential real estate will rise in
the short and long term and he anticipated an increase in the cross-border
residential demand throughout 2022 as the border reopens (Sharen, 2021).

3.5 Threats
Threats refer to factors that have the potential to affect the sales and value of the
project. External environment and forces can affect the success of the project.
Therefore, identifying the threats can help to expose the barriers and develop
strategies to overcome the issues.

3.5.1 Many Competitors

As a new area yet to be developed, Beranang has attracted many new developers
such as Gallery Development Sdn. Bhd., Setia Ecohill Sdn. Bhd., Eco Majestic
Sdn. Bhd., etc. As a new company in the industry with 5-year experience, ACE
construction group can only compete through good marketing skills and project
launch. The project launched for ACE construction has a good housing
community and good after-sales service to secure targeted investors and home
buyers. Besides, the property price of the project by ACE construction group is
expected to be higher than other developer due to several reasons such as high
cost of construction and larger built-up area. Therefore, the project is expected
to target families who prefer larger space and provide cozy space for living.

3.5.2 Risks of Inflation

As a result of high unemployment rate, high commodity prices and supply
disruptions, the annual inflation rate in 2021 has showed an increase of 2.5%
(Tan,2022). For new housing projects, inflation will increase the cost of
construction which will reduce the profit margin of the company and indirectly
causing the house to be more expensive. To make things worse, the new
minimum wage will be increased to RM1500 starting from 1st of May 2022
(Bernama,2022). Moreover, for areas like Beranang, the average income of
people is lower than that as compared to people from major townships. Inflation
will also erode the purchasing power of people and increase the cost of

ACE Construction Bhd


borrowing. This will then reduce the number of targeted customers and affect
the sales of the project.

3.5.3 Rising Covid Cases

Rising covid cases and fear of covid mutation such as the XE variant will also
slow down the economic recovery of the country. After more than 2 years
battling with the pandemic, Malaysia has entered the Covid-19 endemic phase
to save the economy. However, reopening all economic activities will still bring
risks to the country. Although the vaccination rate in the country is high, high
covid cases will still increase the hospitality rate and bring risks such as virus
mutation. As a result of the pandemic, contractors are also required to bear more
contingency costs and might face shortage of labour in the short term due to the
earlier hiring freeze imposed by the government due to high number of covid
cases in the past period (Esther,2022).

3.5.4 Investment Risks

Buying property has been one of the favourite investment methods by
Malaysians back in the days. However, due to huge demand, developers in
Malaysia had launched a lot of new projects in the past few years making the
supply to surpass the demand especially in places away from town. This will
increase the risks for investors to purchase properties especially in poorer
locations. Although property investments are said to be a hedging tool for
inflation due to the higher compound growth rate, location and external factors
such as government policies such as no more extension for Home Ownership
Campaign (HOC) will affect the price of the property. Not only that, as there
are more choices for investors in the current situation, developers might face a
hard time selling it at a good price. Besides, based on PropertyGuru (2020), the
annual growth for the properties for Beranang is only 0.3% however as it is
located just next to Semenyih, it will still have room for growth as for Semenyih
area, it has an average annual growth of 8.6%.

ACE Construction Bhd


Table 9: Summary of SWOT Analysis.

- Good Housing Community - Leisure and Recreation
- Marketing Facilities
- Housing Area and Design - New Company
- Cutting-edge Software - Cash Flow

- Surrounded by Greenery - Many Competitors
- Easy Access to Major Towns - Risks of Inflation
- Opening of International - Rising Covid Cases
Borders - Investment Risks

ACE Construction Bhd




4.1 Operation Plan

The first step of the property development process after the business owner
purchases land is to appoint a developer company. The business owner must
make sure the developer company is registered and holds a valid license to
develop the land. As a result of the developer needs to apply for an

the Ministry of Housing and Local Government (KPKT). This license plays the
role of letting the housing developer conduct development work as well as
advertising and selling properties. After that, the purchased land must make sure
was registered under name of the business owner at the land office. Next, the
business owner also needs to delegate power to the developer company. This

represent on behalf of someone in private matters, business, or other legal

matters, often against the other preferences.

4.1.1 General Approach to Operations

Moreover, the town planner needs to design a development proposal
plan. After the development proposal plan is completed, it needs to submit along
with the appropriate detailed documents to the One-Stop Centre (OSC) for
planning permission. The town planner needs to submit five drawings including
of layout plan, building plan, road & drainage plan, earthwork plan, and
landscape plan. These drawings and plans need will be submitted to the
authorities under OSC such as Land Office, Local Authority Planning
Development, Local Authority Building Development, Local Authority
Engineering Department, and Technical Department. Next, the OSC Secretariat
will start to evaluate all the layout plans.
After the approval of the layout plan was approved, the developer will
move on with getting a bridging loan and end loan. The bridging loan is a short-
term loan that offers additional capital for project development for a period
ranging from two weeks to three years. It was depending on the requirement of

ACE Construction Bhd


larger or longer-term financing. Besides, the end loan is a long-term loan that is
used to repay a short-term construction loan or other types of interim finance.
Next, the construction process will proceed after obtaining all the
approval of the layout plan and loan. The construction process includes of
engagement of professionals, sales, and tender exercise work. The architect will
issue a Certificate of Practical Completion once the construction is completed
on or before the agreed completion date without any postponements or
extensions of time. Lastly, the developer needs to apply for transferring the
subdivided titles to the individual purchasers in Form 14A (Shamsudin, n.d.)

Figure 4.1: Flow Chart of Property Development.

4.1.2 Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is defined as a strategy for a company to
take action as part of corporate governance, which has the objective to guarantee

ACE Construction Bhd


that the company's actions are both ethical and useful to society. CSR can be
divided into four categories which are Environment Responsibility, Human
Right Responsibility, Philanthropic Responsibility and Economic
Responsibility. Moreover, the Green Building is said to be closely related to
CSR because it is having aims to minimize the environmental impact caused by
the development. Green Building is said to be a technique of constructing a
building using materials and process that is environmentally friendly.
The objective of applying the Green Building concept in the
development is not only to minimize the damage caused to the environment in
the construction stages but also in the operation stages. Nowadays, it cannot be
denied that the concept of Green Building is essential to developers from
numerous perspectives. The statement of essential of the Green Building
concept has been proved that the consumers are more willing to purchase houses
that come with some greenery facilities such as a recreational park, garden and
for those housing that adapts to the energy-saving plan such as hybrid solar

developers to imply CSR in their projects. The evidence to support the statement
of encouragement on CSR by the Malaysia Government is the implementation
of the Government-Linked Company (GLC) Transformation Programme in
2005 which aims to promote CSR among the GLCs. Thus, it cannot be argued
that it is crucial to imply the CSR in the proposed project for developers whereas
to give a max consideration to protecting the existing environment, providing
society-benefits facilities to the residents and minimizing the wastage of

in Table 8 by categories.
Table 10: CSR Elements.
CSR Elements Features in Proposed Project
Environment -Larger Glass Door at the Balcony to allow
Responsibility adequate natural sunlight to pass through to act as
a natural light
Social Amenities -There are Adventure Park and Ecohill Adventure
Park located nearby the housing area which is
about 410 m and 470 m away respectively

ACE Construction Bhd


Safety of Residents -The two Guard Houses are provided at the

Entrance and Exit
-The CCTV will also be installed around the
Housing area

Quality of Workplace -Air-conditioner is provided in both Guard Houses

to ensure a comfortable environment for the
-Provide a work shift for the Security to avoid
working overtime

4.2 Marketing Plan

Marketing plan is a series of outlined strategies that are used to market or
advertise the product. To reach the proposed development project to more
people. The sales strategies involved in the marketing proposed development
consisting of multiple channel and different pricing criteria according to the
phase when the buyer purchases the property from us. The marketing strategies
and timeline is shown in Figure 4.2.

Figure 4.2: Gantt Chart for marketing plan (Appendix I).

The marketing strategies that we will be implied for the proposed development
will be the traditional physical sales by showcasing the architectural model,
announcement of pre-launching on company website, time-to-time updates of
construction progress on website, recruitment of sales agents and creating online
listing, production of attractive photography, videography and 3D virtual tour,
advertising on social media, and lastly advertising on billboard. The main target

ACE Construction Bhd


of our plan is to use the minimize cost to reach as more possible consumer as
possible. The estimated sales, to be conservative, is estimated to be 25% during
construction stage in phase 1 and the remaing houses are expected to be sold
during phase 2 construction stage.

4.2.1 Pre-launce Sales and Early Bird Promotion

To lengthen our marketing time and promote gaining revenue at the early stage,
we will be announcing the launching of our project during the pre-construction
phase on our own company website. Upon the finalizing of housing price, the
additional announcement will be done with a clearly stated lower pricing
criterion as known as the early bird selling price and the proposed discount rate
for the housing price will be 5% of the actual selling price after completion of
the project. However, the early bird price will only be provided in phase 1 early
construction stage as the customers are baring some risks of uncertainty as the
project are not constructed yet. To maximize our profit, the early bird phase
should not be too long, and it is only limited to the first 25 buyers and the early
bird sales will be starting from 1/12/2022 until 30/2/2023. The remaining buyers
that fail to purchase during the early bird period in pre-launching phase will still
be provided with 3% discount from the actual selling price as well.
shows the discounted price for the early bird and pre-launching phase.

Table 9: Pre-launch and early bird selling price (Phase 1) (Appendix A).
Type of House Actual Selling Pre-launch Early bird
Price (RM) Selling Price Selling Price
Intermediate House 940,000 911,800 893,000
Corner House 988,000 958,360 938,600
Intermediate Showhouse 1,335,000 1,294,950 1,268,250
Corner Showhouse 1,390,000 1,348,300 1,320,500

4.2.2 Sales Agents and Online Listing

However, if the announcement were made only on the company website, the
exposure and reach to client will be very small and not efficient. Therefore, once
the construction phase has started, the online listing will be posted on the
property listing website. A real estate listings site is a website that allows people

ACE Construction Bhd


to search for homes for sale or rent. A property listing site, unlike a real estate
marketplace, normally does not allow you to advertise your home without using
an agent. Property listing websites were the very first sites where multiple
agents, not simply those affiliated with a single organization, could list a
property. Buyers and renters can search through listings on the property listing
site to find a suitable property, read information, request a tour, or contact the
property owner. Therefore, we will start to recruit agents to help us in creating
the listing on the websites. Additionally, since the showhouse will be
constructed prior to other houses, upon the completion of the showhouse which
is estimated to be around 1/10/2023, agent will be allowed to showcase the
completed showhouse to the potential buyers. The interest rate that would be
provided to each of the agents by selling one unit of the houses will be 1.5% of
the final negotiated selling price per unit. The benefits of recruiting agents are
that it is more cost effective as no fixed payment or salary will be provided for
them unless they have successfully sold any houses which then they will be paid
with the commission based on their effort. Besides, agents are usually
experienced and experts in the market that they particularly serve. They have

Agents will be recruited until all the houses are completely sold.

4.2.3 Physical Sales

Besides, the traditional physical sales by showcasing the architectural model
would be one of the best choices during the pre-construction or construction
phase as during these two periods, the proposed development are not
constructed, and consumer will not be able to visualize the structure of the house
and they will fill with lots of uncertainty especially when comes to buying
property which required many considerations. Thus, by using the model, it
enables the visitors to visualize the product model physically and directly to
understand the potential of the products. The model can be showcased either in
our firm or ant public area. For instance, exhibition booths at several shopping
malls in the Beranang region. We aggressively illustrate how our product or
service satisfies the requirements in this phase a criterion of a potential client.
In addition, we will pay close attention to what you have to say our customers'
requirements, and then act and react appropriately. Our salespeople will give the

ACE Construction Bhd


details of the product during the display. In our project, the product is the unit.
In addition, the salesman can bring clients to the show house in order to pique
their attention.

4.2.4 Company Website

Apart from that, due to the pandemic, many real estate firms started to
understand the importance of having a website and methods in utilizing the
digital platforms. Based on the statistic, more than 70% of real estate firms will
have a website in 2022. However, a plain website might not be attractive in term
of showcasing our proposed development. Thus, for the company website of
ACE Construction Sdn. Bhd., we will develop with some interesting method to
attract the attention for the clients to have a look and gain their interest about
our project such as the 3D virtual tour, attracting photography and videography.
3D virtual tour nowhere means a unique trait, but rather one that is underutilized.
3D Virtual Tours allow viewers to engage to the proposed development without
the need for them to be physically here. This is rather a safe and convenience
way to showcase our house especially in the pandemic time like the current
situation. Besides, having glamorous and appealing photography of the property
on the online listing or the company website would be impressing for the visitors
as well. Similarly, good and high-quality cinematic videography is also a
powerful tool for marketing that enables customers to visualize the houses and
also its surrounding. The production of these photography and videography
should be done after the complete construction of the show house to add more
content to whatever we could show and let the consumer to thoroughly visualize
the houses. The estimated completion of the productio
started by the production of the photography which requires the least time and
can be utilized in many places such as the social media, company website, online
listing and billboard.

4.2.5 Sosial Media Advertizing

The social media to be involved in marketing the proposed development are
Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. It is better to start advertising when we have
collected the photography footage as for the content of the advertisement to
represent our company projects, property photo is one of the things that we

ACE Construction Bhd


should post on social media to encourage people to have a look to our company.
Eye-catching photographs not only promote "likes" and "shares," but they also
drive your followers to contact you. It's worth noting that nearly all photo-based
real estate material is accompanied by writing that "sells" the property and also
includes facts and contact information. Besides that, one of the most valuable
features of corporate social media posts is the chance to share success stories
with clients. When it comes to choosing an agent or organization, consumers
have a lot of options, thus the more proof we can show of our delighted
customers, the better. That's why we see so many images documenting a client's
journey from start to finish, culminating in their closing day.

4.2.6 Billboard Advertizing

For the billboard advertising, we will be renting the billboard after the
production team have come out with the design which is estimated to be done
by end of November. The billboard will be put up starting from 1/12/2023 until
the end of the project which is 30/9/2024. Since putting up a billboard can be
very costly, therefore the period of renting the billboard will be only 10 months
starting from the late construction phase of phase 1 until the end of the project.
Companies that wish to get the word out about the business may consider using
billboards and other display advertising forms. A billboard strategically placed
along a highway can alert drivers that they can refuel their bodies and vehicles
at a nearby exit. A display ad on a busy city street, on the other hand, can alert
pedestrians and drivers to a pleasant treat or a discount right around the corner.
Because these displays are so crucial to advertising, we can profit by leasing
space on these vertical landscapes to businesses looking to promote their
products and services. Here's a closer look at our unconventional real estate
investment strategy.
The first strategy we consider for the billboard is the location. Our goal
was to raise awareness in the Semenyih area as well as their test growth market.
We selected to advertise in locations where there is a lot of activity in the real
estate market. If the company had chosen to advertise in stagnating or decaying
housing markets, no matter how innovative their marketing effort was, it would
have failed to deliver. Outdoor advertising is ideal for the real estate market.
One of the most critical aspects of a successful campaign is knowing where to

ACE Construction Bhd


advertise. Second consistent messaging is important when using billboard to

advertise our property. The key to successful branding is consistency. We
developed a solid rapport with the audience by using consistent brand message.
The corporation also employed graphic aspects that reflected its corporate
identity, making the home readily recognizable. For decades, billboards have
been a commercial staple. They provide widespread, recurrent exposure since
people frequently travel the same route. As a result, billboards improve brand
equity by building a good, consistent image of your company in the minds of
your customers. Last but not least, we will keep the message to the customer.
We didn't try to brag about how brilliant or innovative our consumers were. We
let our audience come to their own conclusions. The organization realized that
the most effective message is one that emphasizes the customer's wants.
Customers, especially when launching a new brand, need to understand how
what you're providing affects their daily lives. The elimination of real estate
middlemen, guaranteeing that home sellers keep every penny of their sales
proceeds. We used billboards to communicate a critical message and form
meaningful connections with our target demographic. That is one of the most
appealing aspects of billboard advertising. It establishes trust and enables us to
speak to the same set of people on a regular basis.

4.3 Exit Plan

In order to deal with current market that are unstable and competency among
each property company, some alternative ways must be prepared to avoid low
performance and unsatisfied sales. The exit plan consist of rebate and discount,
early bird promotion and advertisement.

4.3.1 Rebate and Discount

The first initiative is provided the rebate to the client have completed the order.
The discount or rebate is a form of price reduction to offer a client and can be
used to attract them to our real estate. Rebate may help our marketing to increase
the sales as some of the buyers will wait for the price reduction event of property
and proceed to purchasing step when the time has come. From our views,
discount or rebate can stimulate our sales and marketing performances that can

ACE Construction Bhd


maintain or increase our project reputation. The rebate and discount will be
initiated after phase 1 and around 5% to all clients in phase 2.

By discount on original prices, new and repeated clients will be attracted

by deducted price as saving money on purchasing is the fastest way to draw
them. Our market and client community can be expand to another new level.
With discounted price, clients will more likely to our real estate when doing
comparison with those offered by others companies. As reputation is built by
clients, when price have been discounted or gift a rebate voucher, clients will
more willing to make business with our pro
clients put their trust on our project and company brands with making business
with us, the reputation naturally increased. Clients will introduced to their
friends and project exposure to more community. Hence, discount and rebate

reputations and expand property market (Miksen, 2019).

4.3.2 Early Bird Promotion

The second alternative way is provided early promotion during second phase.
The promotion will be given to clients at second phases that have ordered and
paid deposit for buying our real estate. This early bird promotion will initiate
when first phase of real estate sales are not over 60%. Promotion is provided
around 5 to 8% based on the quantity of unit sell in phase 1. The first phase of
construction will provide 50 units of intermediate and 2 units of corner of double
storey semi-detached house. If the sales of unit is around 40% or below which
is 20 units or below, the promotion will be given up to 8% for the second phase
clients. If sales of unit is around 50% and about 26 unit of first phase unit, the
early bird promotion will be given up to 5% and below.

If the sale of our property are quite low, this kind of promotion stimulate
the increment of sales growth. The total sales unit is 206 included intermediate
and corner lot of double storey semi-detached house. In first phase, we only
offer 52 unit which is 25% of our total sales unit. By given low rate of
promotion, profits of whole project can maximized but with good sales
performance in phase 1. Offer with lesser units in first phase is to prevent bad

ACE Construction Bhd


sales performance but it will produce bigger pressure in second phase as we

need to offer out remaining 75% of total sales unit. The early bird promotion
launched at second phases, buyers that have interested will consult and enquiry
for unit price. This can attract more people and introduce to more people. In the
early stage of phase 2, the early bird promotion can provide up to 8% and more.
This is a business practises to attract more buyers and try to settle the remaining
unit in phase 1. The higher rate of promotion can attract the market attention
and exposure our project to real estate market. For middle stage of phase 2, we
will lower the promotion rate as long duration of high promotion rate will affects
our overall profits of this project. It also will against our objective to maximize
the profits. In short, promotion based on stages in phase 2 can effectively
maximize project profit and performance. (Chng, 2021)

4.3.3 Focus on Advertisement

In real estate industry, there have the complex and competency relationship
between each real estate company. One of the way is to design the attractive
advertisement for promoting our real estate unit. This alternative way will
initiate when marketing have low sales as below 65% of our unit in first phase
on sales. Advertisement can have more attractions on people that have interested
on buying new houses and let people to acknowledge the re
likes where it is and what is offer of sales.

Nowadays, advertisements have a lot of tools and media can be utilized.

Beside the traditional ways of advertisement. The popular network tools is
social media. Since most of the buyers are between 24 to 60 years old or above,
social media will become the media for them to receive latest news. Our
property details can post on each media social such as Facebook, Instagram,
Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube, for the purpose to promote and publicize to
public. The most popular social media in the world is Facebook. The monthly
active users of Facebook have exceed 2.9 million from world population. The
powerful of Facebook is the background data collector, big database. For
example, Facebook have co
It means that Facebook can identified the target users and promote the relevant
advertisement to specific users. The advertisement tools in Facebook is

ACE Construction Bhd


perfectly suit with real estate business. Besides Facebook, YouTube is the
second top of monthly active user in the world. The role of YouTube is a
platform for video sharing and users will watch video everyday on it. YouTube
actually is under a parent company, Google which having the world largest
YouTube. Type of videos watched by users will transmit to background data
collector. After AI (artificial intelligence) analysis, it will conclude out the
search by them. By creating a channel to
promote our projects, YouTube users can search for project information and
further planning at that area. On YouTube, we can put advertisement through
the YouTube advertisement tools. User that have recently searched for the
keywords will be watching our advertisements. Hence, Facebook and YouTube
are very suitable for real estate business and elevate company reputation (Lua,

The next advertisement tool is organize seminar. The seminar is aimed

to the community that have interested on investment or buying new real estate.
Normally, the seminar will educate and guide the participants about the real
estate investments and tips of buying real estate in lower taxes and avoid for
unnecessary additional charges. In order to attract people to join seminar, there
will have buffets or meals will provided and provide them with a cosy ambience
to discuss about the procedure for choosing a suitable real estate. The
participants will introduce to their friends and recommend our real estate to

4.4 Design for Mitigating Environmental Impact

Mitigating the environmental impact by adding the design which environmental
friendly is our corporate social responsibilities to be practiced.

4.4.1 Natural Light Window

Natural lighting, often known as daylighting, is a technique that uses the
windows to efficiently bring natural light into the room. Implementing natural
light window into the architecture plan design can minimise the need for
artificial lighting during the day. So, it will conserve energy to put a dent in the

ACE Construction Bhd


electric bill and reduce the carbon footprint. Natural lighting has been shown to
improve the health and comfort of building inhabitants. Increasing the quantity
of natural light that enters a home not only lowers the amount of energy required
to power the house, but it also improves the health of everyone who lives there.

4.4.2 Using LED Lighting in Interior Design

LED lights are significantly more environmentally friendly than their traditional
ones in a variety of ways. The majority, if not all, of the power they require is
transformed into light, whereas fluorescent and incandescent bulbs convert the
majority of this into heat. They often have a lower wattage than compact
fluorescent lamps (CFLs), which means they take less energy to fully illuminate.
As a consequence, users may obtain the same amount of light while using less
LED lights also have a far longer lifespan - in fact, they generally last
for 50,000 hours, which is 50 times longer than an incandescent bulb, 20 times
longer than a halogen lamp, and 10 times longer than compact fluorescent lights
(CFLs). This means that any LED lighting installed should last for years before
it needs to be replaced, resulting in significantly less waste going to trash.

4.4.3 Small Field

In every house, there are a small field at the side that can plant grasses or trees.
For example, planting grass at the small field. Grasses have a purpose other than
aesthetics. Keeping a healthy, thick grass is also good for the environment.
Unlike hard surfaces like concrete, asphalt, and wood, grass helps to clean the
air, trap carbon dioxide, prevent erosion from rainwater runoff, enhance soil,
reduce noise pollution, and lower temperatures.
Grass, like all living plants, absorbs carbon dioxide and emits oxygen.
While oxygen is necessary for human existence, collecting carbon dioxide is
also critical, since too much CO2 may lead to high air temperatures and other
environmental hazards. Grass not only absorbs CO2 from the environment, but
it also retains dust, keeping it out of the air and human lungs. Less dust in the
air implies better breathing, but it also means cleaner cars, houses, and windows.

ACE Construction Bhd




5.1 Overall Cost Estimation

Table 12: Overall Cost Estimation Throughout the Construction Year
(Appendix B).

Year 2022 2023 2024 Total

Total Cost 76,324,612 37094252.66 28458477.44 141,877,342
Estimated Total Cost (+20%) 91,589,534 44,513,103 34,150,173 170,252,811

E. Revenue from Selling Unit

Semi-detached house 17,233,667 84,785,667 100,636,667 202,656,000
Total 202,656,000
Net income before tax -74,355,868 40,272,564 66,486,494 32,403,190
Total 32,403,190
F. Corporate tax (24%) 0 4640859 3093906 7734765
Total 7734765
Net income after tax -74,355,868 35,631,704 63,392,588 24,668,424
Net profit 24,668,424
Profit Margin 12.17

The total cost needed for the whole construction project is RM 170,252,811
before including the corporate tax. The total cost needed for this residential
semi-detached house development that sum up with the corporate tax that relate
to the earned profit is RM177,987,576. The overall cost is marked up with 20%
to mitigate the risk of incremental cost for the materials and services in the
future throughout the construction period. The categories of costs to be included
are compliance cost, land cost, operating fees, infrastructure fees and the
government tax. The compliance cost are improvement service fund and utility
charges or sewerage distributions which costs RM243926. The land cost is RM
61452000 based on the market analysis. The operating fees include the interests
for bank loan, machinery fees, engineering consultation fees, structural fees,
environmental impact assessment fees, traffic impact assessment fees,
showhouse and marketing fees. The total operating fees is RM 71,914,958. The
infrastructure fees include the drainage system, sewerage system, road and

ACE Construction Bhd


pavement, water reticulation system and guard house which overall costs RM
5,882,799. Besides, 10 million is loaned from the bank throughout the project
to maintain the cashflow.
There is a total of 206 units houses to be sold in this project. The selling
price for the intermediate house and corner house in phase 1 is RM 940,000 and
RM 988,000 respectively while in the phase 2 is RM 968,000 and RM 1,150,000
respectively. The selling price for the intermediate showhouse and corner
showhouse in phase 1 is RM 1,335,000 and RM 1,390,000 respectively while
in phase 2 is RM 1,363,000 and RM 1,418,000 respectively. The target selling
units in the phase 1 are 50 intermediate houses, 2 corner house, 1 intermediate
showhouse and 1 corner showhouse which are 54 units that accounts for 25%
of the total units. The target selling units in the phase 2 are 136 intermediate
houses, 12 corner houses, 3 intermediate showhouses and 1 corner showhouse
which are 152 units that accounts for 75% of total selling units. The total
revenue from the 206 unit of semi-detached houses is RM 202,656,000 and the
earned profit after deducting the total marked up cost is RM 24,668,423.97.

5.2 Discount Rate and Internal Rate of Return

The discount rate, i also can be known as interest rate. The discount rate is the
rate to determine the present value provided with the future value and the
interest rate is the rate to determine the future value provided the present value.
The net present value can be defined as the differences or changes between the
cash inflows and cash outflows. As shown in the figure 5.2 below, the net
present value decreases as the discount rate increases. When the discount rate is
6% provided the future value of this project is RM 24,668, 426, the net present
value of this project is RM 14,790,685 as attached in the appendix, excel sheet

ACE Construction Bhd



-5000000 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

Discount Rate, i (%)

Figure 5.1: The Net Present Value for the Discount Rate (Appendix C).

Internal rate of return can be defined as the discount rate which turns the
net present value of this semi-detached houses to become zero. The objective of
this rate is to predict the annual rate of return to be earned in the investment of
this project. According to the appendix A(excel sheet S1, B19), The internal rate
of return in this project is 19.35% to turn the net present value of RM 24,668,426
to become zero. This project creates 19.35% of annual rate of return to the

5.3 Cashflow Diagram

Figure 5.2: Cashflow Diagram (Appendix C).

ACE Construction Bhd


2022 2023 2024

Year 0 Year 1 Year 2
"+" CF 17,233,667.00 84,785,667.00 100,636,667.00
"-" CF -91,589,534 -49153962 -37244079

NET CF = -MYR 74,355,867.00 MYR 35,631,705.00 MYR 63,392,588.00

Figure 5.3: Net Cash Flow Table from 2022 to 2024 (Appendix C).

As shown in the figure above, the cash in is increasing year by year throughout
the project period. In the year of zero, the income from the selling units is RM
17,223,667 and the spending cost is RM 91,589,534 which generates the
negative cashflow in the year of zero. In the next year, the income from the
selling units is RM 84,785,667 which generates the positive cashflow of RM
35,631,705. In the last year, the income from the selling units is RM
100,636,667 and the spending cost is RM 37244079 which also generates the
positive cashflow of RM 63,392,588. The total net cashflow is RM 24,668,426
which is a positive income.

5.4 Break Even Analysis and Profit Margin

Table 10: Fixed and Varible Costs.
Fixed Costs Variable Costs
Land Acquisition Compliance Costs
Environment Impact Assessment Structural Fees
Traffic Impact Assessment Earthwork
Operating Fees Infrastructure Fees

A break-
break-even point. In other words, it indicates when will have sold enough units
to cover all of the costs. In this project, 206 units of double-storey semi-detached
house were built. The break-even point had calculated as shown below:
1 unit of an intermediate double storey semi-detached house = RM 940,000
Let x = number of units of houses
Total Revenue = 940,000x

ACE Construction Bhd


Total fixed costs = RM 65,276,122.10

Variable costs per unit = RM 76,601,220.04 / 206 units
= RM 371,850.58 per unit
Total costs = RM 65,276,122.10 + RM 371,850.58 x
Total revenue = Total costs
RM 940,000 x = RM 65,276,122.10 + RM 371,850.58 x
x = 114.89 units (Rounded to 115 units)
Therefore, 115 houses must be sold to reach the break-even point where
the total costs and total revenues are equal. Any sales after the break-even point
(115 units) will yield a profit. The break even graph is shown as below.

Break-Even Analysis





0 50 100 150 200 250

Fixed Costs Revenue Total Costs

Figure 5.4: Break-even Chart.

Profit Margin is the profitability of this semi-detached housing

development project. The formula of profit margin is shown as below:

ACE Construction Bhd


Category J - Revenue Cost Per Unit Unit Total Cost Remarks

Intermediate House (Phase 1) 940,000 50 47000000
Corner House (Phase 1) 988,000 2 1976000
Phase 1: 25% of units to be sold
Intermediate Showhouse (Phase 1) 1,335,000 1 1335000
Corner Showhouse (Phase 1) 1,390,000 1 1390000
Intermediate House (Phase 2) 968,000 136 131648000
Corner House (Phase 2) 1,150,000 12 13800000
Phase 2: 75% of units to be sold
Intermediate Showhouse (Phase 2) 1363000 3 4089000
Corner Showhouse (Phase 2) 1418000 1 1418000
Total 202656000

Category K - Net Profit

Figure 5.5: Total Revenue
No corporate tax from
Net Profit the20%)
(No markup Loisirs Project
60,778,657.86(Appendix A)
Profit Margin 29.99
Category K - Net Profit
No corporate tax Net
Net Profit (Mark up Profit (No markup
20%) 20%)
32,403,189.43 60,778,657.86
Profit Margin 15.99
Profit Margin 29.99
With Corporate Tax Net Profit (No markup 20%) 53,043,892.40
Profit Margin 26.17
Net Profit (Mark up 20%) 32,403,189.43
Profit Margin
Net Profit (Mark up 20%) 24,668,423.97
Profit Margin 12.17
With Corporate Tax Net Profit (No markup 20%) 53,043,892.40
Profit Margin 26.17

Net Profit (Mark up 20%) 24,668,423.97

Profit Margin 12.17

Figure 5.6: Net Profit and Profit Margin of the Loisirs Project (Appendix A).
As shown in the figure 5.5 and 5.6, the total revenue from selling a total
of 206 units is RM 202656000(Appendix A, E76) and the total cost is RM
177,987,576 (Appendix A, D64). Therefore, the profit margin is calculated as

The profit margin is 12.17% after marked up the total cost to 20% and
included the corporate tax to be charged by the government.

5.5 Justification on Costing

5.5.1 Land Acquisition
For land acquisition, a survey of the land cost in the Beranang, Semenyih area
has been done. There are a total of 15 different land values are obtained after
surveying the land cost in Beranang as shown in Table 13.

ACE Construction Bhd


Table 11: Land Values in Beranang Area (Appendix D).

The land values of these Beranang areas are mainly referred to Property Guru
and iProperty, the platform for selling and buying the land or the property. The
example of the references of the land values in Beranang obtained are shown in
Figure 5.2 and Figure 5.3

ACE Construction Bhd


Figure 5.7: Land Value in Beranang Area from iProperty.

Figure 5.8: Land Value in Beranang from Property Guru.

After surveying 19 different land values in Beranang area, it is found

that the minimum land cost per square feet in the Beranang area is about RM
17.94 while the maximum is about RM 48.29/sq ft. Then, the average land cost
in Beranang per square foot is obtained which is about RM 35.47. The proposed
project, it is covering an area of about 15.86 hectares to build up 206 units of
semi-detached houses. Thus, the average land cost per square feet is then used
to multiply by the proposed project area and the land cost is estimated as RM

ACE Construction Bhd


5.5.2 Class B: Environmental Protection and Enhancement

In this proposed housing development project, it is required to carry out the
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) as this project is fall in the category
stated under Section 34 A, Environmental Quality Act 1974 which mentions the
. The main purpose of carrying out this EIA is to give the
project proponent a clearer image in deciding the suitable project at the
respective site as well as to minimize the environmental impacts that might
cause during the development of the proposed project by providing the
mitigation measures that respect to the environmental issues caused. Apart from
that, it can also help the project proponent avoid taking costly mistakes while
implementing the development of the project by carrying the EIA. Also, there
is a must for the EIA to be approved before proceeding with the project
However, there must a cost to be paid to prepare EIA for the project site
and must be approved before entering to the development phases. According to
EIA Procedure and Requirements in Malaysia, it is mentioned that only the
individual registered with the Department of Environment under the EIA
Consultant Registration Scheme is able to conduct the EIA study. In this project,
we plan to hire two professional EIA consultants who is having 15 years of
experience in the preparation of the EIA report. By referring to the Kos
Perkhidmatan Perunding Kerajaan Malaysia, it has mentioned that the
maximum monthly salary paid for the professionals who have 15 years of
experience is RM 8,395 in the Lampiran 2 as shown in Figure 5.4. Thus, we
offer RM 6,500 monthly for the EIA consultants and it is estimated that the EIA

it is estimated roughly the cost I preparation of the Environmental Management

Plan (EMP) costs around RM 5,000. To summarize, it is estimated the costing
for the preparation of the EMP and the consultation fees for the EIA report
generation will cost about RM 44,000 as shown in Table 14.

ACE Construction Bhd


Figure 5.9: Maximum Monthly Salary paid for Professionals.

Table 12: Bill of Quantity on B100 (Appendix G).
Environmental Protection and Enhancement
Item No. Code No. Description Unit Qty. Rate


B110 Preparation of environmental

management plan which shall
include erosion and sediment
control plan (ESCP), flora
sum 1 5000 5000
and fauna management plan
by a consultant, registered
with the Department of

B120 Appointment of man-mth

environmental officer (EO)
2 6500 39000
for the duration of the contract

survey in order to prepare the EIA report. The existing environment baseline

ACE Construction Bhd


study can be categorized into two main groups which are the Physical
Environment and Biological Environment. For the Physical Environment, there
is a requirement to test the current air quality, water quality, and noise level
during daytime and night-time as well as for the geology map and the
topography of the proposed project site. After approaching Ts. Dr Lee Khia Min,
the adviser for the environmental impact assessment, we have got the rate of
water sampling, air quality assessment and noise level monitoring per test. For
the water quality assessment, there is a total number of six water sampling
stations provided at different locations of the nearby water source such as nearby
river and nearby lake. Thus, the cost for the water quality assessment is
calculated by multiplying the rate given from Ts. Dr Lee Khia Min with six for
each water sampling test to get the overall cost for the water quality assessment.
The overall cost for the water quality assessment is calculated as RM 17,400 as
shown in Table 15.
Table 13: Bill of Quantity on Water Quality Assessment (Appendix G).
Environmental Protection and Enhancement
Item No. Code No. Description Unit Qty. Rate

Water Quality Sampling

and Laboratory Testing

Water quality sampling and

monitoring by accredited
laboratory on a monthly basis
[at the effluent discharge
point at workmen
accommodation, workshop,
and canteen to comply with
the requirements of Standard
(A/B) of the Environmental
Quality Act for the following

B351 pH. nr 6 200 1200

B352 Total suspended solid (TSS). nr 6 200 1200

B353 Biochemical oxygen demand nr

6 350 2100

B354 Chemical oxygen demand nr

6 250 1500

ACE Construction Bhd


B355 Dissolved oxygen (DO). nr 6 150 900

B356 Escherichia coli (E.coli). nr 6 400 2400

Page Total carried to

Summary of Class B

B357 Ammoniacal nitrogen. nr 6 250 1500

B358 Oil and grease. nr 6 300 1800

On the other hand, it is total of 4 air sampling stations be set up at the

four corners of the project site. It was set up at four corners of the project site in
order to make sure the air sample are collected at a different area of the project
to ensure that overall of the air quality of the project site was tested. Therefore,
the rate that getting from Ts. Dr Lee Khia Min is then calculated by multiplying
the air quality assessment rate with four to estimate the cost to be paid for the
air quality assessment. The overall cost for the air quality assessment is
calculated as RM20,000 as shown in Table 16.

Table 14: Bill of Quantity on Air Quality Assessment (Appendix G).

Environmental Protection and Enhancement
Item No. Code No. Description Unit Qty. Rate

Air Quality Sampling

Air quality sampling by

accredited laboratory on a
quarterly basis for the
following parameters:

B451 Total suspended particulates nr

4 2000 8000
(TSP) over a 24 hours period.

B452 Wind velocity and direction. nr 4 2000 8000

B453 Particulate matter (PM10). nr 4 1000 4000

ACE Construction Bhd


Page Total carried to

Summary of Class B

Noise Level Measurement

Noise level measurement and

monitoring by accredited
laboratory [including L10, L90,
and Leq on a quarterly basis

following parameters.

B531 Ambient noise level nr

4 3000 12000

B532 Spot noise level nr

4 3000 12000

Besides that, the noise monitoring station provided in this project is 4

stations which are also set up at the same location as the air sampling stations.
Thus, after knowing the number of the location to measure the noise level during
daytime and night-time. The cost for measuring the noise level around the
project site can be calculated as the rate of the noise level measurement per test
has been given. The cost for the noise monitoring in this project is then
calculated as shown in Table 17.

Table 15: Bill of Quantity on Noise Level Measurement (Appendix G).

Environmental Protection and Enhancement
Item No. Code No. Description Unit Qty. Rate

Noise Level Measurement

Noise level measurement and

monitoring by accredited
laboratory [including L10, L90,
and Leq on a quarterly basis

following parameters.

B531 Ambient noise level nr

4 3000 12000

B532 Spot noise level nr

4 3000 12000

ACE Construction Bhd


Lastly, we have also known the rate for preparing the environment report
on noise and vibration measurement, ambient air quality, quarterly water quality
assessment and as well as the Total Suspended Soild (TSS) at the discharge
outlet of the silt trap respectively. The cost for preparing five sets of

1,000. Meanwhile, the cost to get ready the environment report on the water
quality assessment quarterly is around RM 2,500 for five sets. However, the rate
for preparing the report on water quality assessment at the project site, the
ambient air quality of the project site and noise and vibration measurement are
RM 2,500, RM1,500 and RM 1,500 respective for five sets of the reports. As
the EIA required for the proposed housing project is under the category of
Preliminary EIA which requires 15 sets of EIA reports for submitting 12 reports
to the DOE state offices and 3 submitted to the DOE Headquarters. Thus, the
cost for preparing all environment reports can be calculated as shown in Table
Table 16: Bill of Quantity on Preparation of Environment Report (Appendix
Environmental Protection and
Item No. Code No. Description Unit Qty. Rate


B810.1 Environmental monitoring sum

report [in five sets on a
monthly basis for the TSS
3 1000 3000
content at the discharge
outlet of the silt
trap/sedimentation basin].

B810.2 Environmental monitoring sum

report [in five sets on a
quarterly basis for pH, TSS,
3 2500 7500
BOD, COD, DO, e.coli,
ammoniacal nitrogen, and oil
and grease, for the discharge

ACE Construction Bhd


point from the project site at

B810.3 Environmental monitoring sum

report [in five sets on a
quarterly basis for pH, TSS,
BOD, COD, DO, e.coli,
ammoniacal nitrogen, and oil 3 2500 7500
and grease, for the effluent
discharge point at workmen
accomodation, workshop
and canteen].

B810.4 Environmental monitoring sum

report [in five sets on a
3 1500 4500
quarterly basis for ambient
air quality].

B810.5 Environmental monitoring sum

report [in five sets on a
3 1500 4500
quarterly basis for noise and
vibration measurement].

All in all, the total cost for carrying out the Preliminary EIA can be
estimated after identifying out all the costs that required in the preparation of
the EIA. The total cost for the Preliminary EIA report is estimated as RM
132,400 which is about 0.001 % of the overall project cost of RM
141,877,342.14 before marked up for 20 % for conservative project cost. The
total cost of carrying out the Preliminary EIA is shown in Table 19.

Table 17: Total Cost for the Preliminary EIA (Appendix G).
Environmental Protection and Enhancement
Item No. Code No. Description Unit Qty. Rate


Water Quality Sampling
and In situ Testing

ACE Construction Bhd


Water quality sampling and

monitoring by accredited
laboratory on a monthly
basis [at the discharge outlet
of silt trap/sedimentation
basin to comply with the
requirements of Standard
(A/B) of the Environmental
Quality Act for the
following parameters].

Water Quality Sampling

and Laboratory Testing

Water quality sampling and

monitoring by accredited
laboratory on a monthly
basis [at the effluent
discharge point at workmen
accommodation, workshop,
and canteen to comply with
the requirements of Standard
(A/B) of the Environmental
Quality Act for the
following parameters].

Air Quality Sampling

Air quality sampling by

accredited laboratory on a
quarterly basis for the
following parameters:

Page Total carried to
Summary of Class B

Noise Level Measurement

Noise level measurement

and monitoring by
accredited laboratory
[including L10, L90, and Leq
on a quarterly basis near

following parameters.




ACE Construction Bhd


5.5.3 Class C: Traffic Management and Control

Selangor, hence the Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) is required. This is said
because the proposed project has exceeded the 200 dwelling units where the
TIA is needed before proceeding to the housing development and all the criteria
to determine the need for TIA are shown in Figure 5.5. The cost for the TIA
falls in Class C which is the Bill of Quantity for Traffic Management and

Figure 5.10: Criteria in Determining on Requirement of TIA.

The cost allocated for the TIA is mainly composed of printing fees of
the TIA report and wages paid to the traffic management Team. The printing
fees are estimated at about RM 80 for one TIA report generation which is printed
in colour. We have approached to the TIA advisor, Ir. Prof. Dr. Khoo Hooi Ling
and it is mentioned that there a total of 5 TIA reports have to be printed in colour.
Thus, the total cost for printing 5 reports in colour is estimated as RM 400 as
shown in Table 20.

Table 18: Bill of Quantity on Report Generation for Class C (Appendix H).


ACE Construction Bhd


Traffic Management and Control

Item Code unt
Description Unit Qty. Rate
No. No. (RM



Traffic management plan shall

be deemed to include emergency
response plan and the associated

C120 Preparation of traffic sum 5 80 400

management plan. Rate to
include the cost of any survey
required, literature, references,
consultations, and the
production of the document. It
shall also include the cost for the
engagement of qualified traffic
engineers required for carrying
out the respective study and the
preparation of the said plan.

On the other hand, there is also a plan on hiring the staff of the traffic
management team. The minimum year of experience for at least 8 years for the
traffic manager. According to Kos Perkhidmatan Perunding Kerajaan Malaysia,
the maximum salary paid for a professional is about RM 5,290. In our case, we
offer 60 % of the maximum salary paid to all the project staff for the traffic
management team. The salary offers to the Traffic Manager, Ir. Dr Mohd Shafiq
bin Hamdi will be RM 3,174 multiplied by the multiplier of 2.5 and the final
monthly salary offered to the traffic manager is RM 7,395. While the traffic
management officer we looking for are those professionals with at least 3 years
of experience and it is then obtained that the maximum monthly salary is RM
3795. Similarly, the 60 % of the maximum salary which is about RM 2277 is
offered to the traffic management officer and is multiplied by the multiplier of
2.1 and hence getting the actual amount of monthly salary offered to the traffic
management officer is RM 4,781.70. Meanwhile, the targeted supervisor to hire
is having 5 years of experience and the maximum salary paid is about RM 4,600.
Thus, RM 2,760 of monthly salary is then offered to the traffic management

ACE Construction Bhd


team supervisor based on 60 % of the maximum salary paid. Last but not least,
there is a survey on the traffic volume is required in order to generate a TIA
report. In our project, the survey is divided into three days to collect the traffic
volume data. The total surveyors allocated for this traffic volume data collection
is 12 people and the time taken for the first day, second day and third-day traffic
volume collection are tabulated in Table 21.

Table 19: Number of Surveyors Allocated for Different Hours for Traffic
Volume Collection.
Surveyor allocated for 8 Surveyor allocated for 6 hours
hours survey survey
Day 1 12 -
Day 2 4 8
Day 3 - 8

Then, the overall cost allocated for the traffic management team can be
calculated as RM 48,222.10 as shown in Table 22.

Table 20: Total Cost Allocated for Traffic Management Team (Appendix H).

Traffic Management and Control

Item Amount
Code No. Description Unit Qty. Rate
No. (RM)

C130 Traffic Management Team

C131 Traffic manager. man-mth 3 7935 23805

C132 Traffic management officer. man-mth 3 4781.7 14345.1

C133 Supervisor. man-mth 3 2760 8280

C134 Traffic controller. hours - 12 ppl 224 8 1792


ACE Construction Bhd


Then, the overall cost allocated for the TIA assessment is about RM
48,622.10 where the total cost for generating 5 reports and the cost to be paid

Table 23.

Table 21: Overall Cost for TIA Assessment (Appendix H).

Traffic Management and Control

Item Amount
Code No. Description Unit Qty. Rate
No. (RM)



C130 Traffic Management Team

Total of Class C carried to Grand
Summary 486222.1

5.5.4 Class E: Demolition and Site Clearance

In the project, earthwork have mainly remark on costing of each activity
included site clearance, excavation work, geotechnical work, purchasing of
material, consultant fee and rental of machinery.
In Table 24, the table showed the site clearance of preliminary work.
The code number E100 have showed the general clearance that above ground.
Code E101 is the general clearance on removing trees, stumps, roots and
undergrowth in site area. The rate was referenced from Kontrak Water and
provided that RM 2,690.00 per hectare showed in Figure 5.6 (DEMOLITION
& SITE CLEARANCE (CLASS E), 2013). The total area of our site is 15.19
hectares. The total cost of Class E is RM 40,861.10.

ACE Construction Bhd


Table 22: Bill of quantities of Class E, site clearance (Appendix F).

Demolition and Site Clearance
Code Amount
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate
No. (RM)

Above Ground

101 General clearance. Rate to include the removal ha 15.19 2690.00 40,861.10
of trees and stumps, undergrowth, shrubs,
roots, and the likes.

Total 40,861.10

Figure 5.11: Rate of site clearance (DEMOLITION & SITE CLEARANCE

(CLASS E), 2013)

5.5.5 Class F: Earthwork

Costing in Class F is under earthwork with consist of excavation work,
landscaping and material fee. The total cost in Class F is RM 1,012,826.62 that
occupied 35% of overall cost of Earthwork. Excavation of earth have included
the work of trimming, preparation of excavated surfaces and transportation from
cut area to the place for filling. Table 25 showed the bill of quantities of
excavation under Class F. In F101, the rate of excavation of earth material from
original ground level to designated level is RM 3.50 per m3 and multiply with
total cut volume, the amount is RM 509,050.50 followed the Figure 5.7 (View
of Construction Cost for Soil Excavation, 2021). For sediment control, the cost
of construct sediment basin is estimated for RM 3,000.00.

Table 23: Bill of Quantities of Class F, Earthwork (Section 1) (Appendix F).


ACE Construction Bhd


Code Amount
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate
No. (RM)
Cut to Fill

Excavation in cut shall be deemed to

include trimming and preparation of
excavated surface and transportation
from source to place of fill or disposal.

101 Excavate in earth material from original m3 145443 3.50 509,050.50

ground level [to designed level].

102 Sediment basin for sediment control. Nos. 1 3000.00 3,000.00


Total 512,050.50

Figure 5. 12: Rate for fill excavation (View of Construction Cost for Soil
Excavation, 2021).

For landscaping (F200), it deemed to include the digging, planting,

bedding, protection, watering and required fertilising. The purpose of turfing is
to beautify and recovered the vegetation that damage in demolition and site
clearance phase. Between spot turfing and close turfing, we have choose for spot
turfing as most of turfing area is flat area as closed turfing only suitable for slope
stabilization. From Table 26, the costing of spot turfing is refer to the rate of
RM 2.50 per m2 and total cost is RM 207,465.95 with total area for turfing is
82,986 m2. The rate of spot turfing was followed Figure 5.8(Construction Basic
Price, 2019).
Figure 5. 13: Bill of Quantities of Class F, Earthwork (Section 2) (Appendix

ACE Construction Bhd


Code Amount
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate
No. (RM)

Items for landscaping shall be

deemed to include digging, planting
media, bedding, stalking, protection,
watering, weeding, required
fertilising, and replacement of dead
item until the vegetation is

201 Spot turfing to flat areas. m2 82986 2.50 207,465.95

Total 207,465.95

Figure 5.14: Turfing rate (Construction Basic Price, 2019).

For the material costing showed in Table 27, code F301 for project
signboard and F302 for hoarding have the rate of RM3, 000.00 and RM 165.00
per m respectively. Each unit price can be referred to rate price provided by
Quantity Survey Online in Figure 5.9 (Preliminaries Rates, 2021). Besides that,
we also provided the cabin for different purpose such as site office, guard post,
worker quarter and portable toilet. The amount of site office and worker quarter
are required for one unit while guard post and portable toilet required for 2 units.
This material fee are compulsory as fulfilled site facility requirements. The price
in estimated and finalized by referencing to Figure 5.10, Figure 5.11 and Figure
Table 24: Bill of Quantities of Class F, Earthwork (Section 3) (Appendix F).
Code Amount
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate
No. (RM)
Construction material and pre-con structure for
site facility purpose.

ACE Construction Bhd


301 Project Signboard Nos. 1 3000.00 3,000.00

302 Hoarding m 1602 165.00 264,310.17

303 Site office Nos. 1 26000.00 26,000.00
304 Guard house Nos. 2 5000.00 10,000.00
305 Worker quarter Nos. 1 30000.00 30,000.00
306 Portable toilet Nos. 2 2300.00 4,600.00

Total 337,910.17

Figure 5. 15: Rate for project signboard and hoarding (Preliminaries Rates,

Figure 5. 16: Rate for cabin site office (40ft Container Site Office -
Commercial Properties for sale in Miri, Sarawak, 2022)

ACE Construction Bhd


Figure 5. 17: Rate for cabin guard house (G4' Portable Guard House Suitable
for Security / Park / Outdoor / Factory, 2022)

Figure 5. 18: Rate for cabin portable toilet (Portable Toilet Cabin for sale,
Table 28 is showing the summary of Class F earthwork. The overall cost
for Class F is RM 1,012,826.62 which have covered the excavation work,
landscaping and material cost required in facility purpose.

Table 25: Bill of Quantities of Class F, Earthwork (Summary) (Appendix F).

Code Amount
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate
No. (RM)

Total 1,012,826.62

5.5.6 Class G: Geotechnical Work

The geotechnical work have included the construction of retaining wall
structure. After analyse the site condition, we have proposed the retaining wall

ACE Construction Bhd


construction for solving the level difference in designed level. As the level
difference have over 1 m height, slope gradient with 1:1 ratio are not allowed
followed the standard of slope design. In addition the backfill of retaining wall
are required to construct housing unit. So, double cell crib wall are proposed in
our design. In Table 29, it showed the cost required for construct the crib wall
structure. Total area of crib wall is 4000 m2 and with the estimated rate of RM
350.00 per m2 and overall cost for geotechnical work is RM 1.4 million.

Table 26: Bill of quantities of Class G, Geotechnical Work (Appendix F).

Geotechnical Work
Code Amount
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate
No. (RM)

Crib wall

Item for crib wall shall be deemed to include

precast reinforced concrete (Grade 30)
components and granular infill material.

201 Double cell with [1200 mm + 1200 mm] header. m2 4000 350.00 1,400,000.00

Total 1,400,000.00

5.5.7 Class P: Drainage Work

In drainage part, code P601 is concrete pipe culvert for junction in temporary
drainage. From manufacturer ATKC ewarehouse showed in Figure 5.13, the
rate given is around RM 130 per unit cost required for purchase and installation
is RM 14,300.00.
Table 27: Bill of quantities of Class P, Drainage Work(Appendix F).
Drainage Work
Code Amount
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate
No. (RM)

Item for culverts shall be deemed to include all joints,

water stop, concrete base, and concrete surround
unless otherwise stated.
Concrete Pipe Culvert

ACE Construction Bhd


601 [450 mm] diameter single precast concrete pipe Nos. 110 130 14,300.00
culvert, Class [X] in standard length of 1.52 m.
Total 14,300.00

Figure 5. 19: Sample price from concrete pipe manufacturer (Concrete Pipe
Culvert, n.d.)

5.5.8 Class U: BIM

Table 28: Bill of Quantity for Class U (Appendix E).


Item Amount
Code No. Description Unit Qty. Rate
No. (RM)

Rate for reinforcement shall be
deemed to include labour for cutting,
bending, and placing.

Supply and cast reinformed concrete

Grade 35 as bliding in foundations,
beams and column with 20mm to
m3 202.64 346.44 70202.60
10mm granite normal mixed,
including working around rod or
fabric reinforcement

Supply and erect steel formwork to

surface for Pile Cap/Footing, Ground
m2 1237.5 29.63 36667.13
Beam, Suspended Beam,
Column/Column Stump, and Slab
TOTAL 106869.73

ACE Construction Bhd


U60 Wall
Item for brickwork shall be deemed to
include joint reinforcement,
movement joints, fixing ties, bonds to
existing work, and fixing clamps.

230mm thick brickwall in cement &

sand brick reinforced with expanded
m2 772.5 61.07 47176.58
metal brickwork reinforcement at
every 4th course
TOTAL 47176.58

U70 Ceiling
Rate for ceiling shall be deemed to
include labour for plastering

Supply and install 9mm thick

approved moisture resistant
plasterboard ceiling including
aluminiumm suspension tee system
m2 290 35 10150.00
levelling and setting out
symmetrically from centre of the
room and necessary trimming and
cutting for light points.
TOTAL 10150.00

U90 Roof
Rate to include preparing surfaces,
forming joints, overlaps, mitres,
angles, fillets, built-up edges, and
laying to falls or cambers, cutting,
notching, bending, and bedding.

Steel roof truss system 25 degree m2 60 197 11820.00

Concrete roof tile m2 60 40 2400.00
G.I. Rain Gutter
m2 18 304 5472.00

Cemboard fascia m2 43 82 3526.00

TOTAL 23218.00

Rate for windows and doors to
include fixing, supply of fixing
components, drilling or cutting of
associated work, and all associated
glazing work.

U101.1 [750mm * 750mm] Fixed Window pieces 6 250 1500.00

U101.2 [1500mm * 750mm] Fixed Window pieces 2 500 1000.00

ACE Construction Bhd


U102.1 [1500mm * 2200mm]Aluminum pieces 4 995 3980.00

powder coated casement window

U103.1 [2000mm * 2000mm] Window pieces 3 1192 3576.00

Casement Triple Middle Transom

U103.2 [3000mm * 2000mm] Window pieces 1 1788 1788.00

Casement Multi Sash Horizontal

U104.1 [610mm * 2200mm] WINSOR pieces 5 405 2025.00

Window Single Casement

Labor fee for window installation pieces 21 85 1785.00

TOTAL 15654.00

Rate for windows and doors to
include fixing, supply of fixing
components, drilling or cutting of
associated work, and all associated
glazing work.

U111 Interior door single 2 panel wood pieces 11 186 2046.00

U112 shorter door - storage pieces 1 140 140.00
Labor fee for doors installation pieces 12 50 600.00

U113 3 panel patio door pieces 2 2629 5258.00

Labor fee for doors installation pieces 2 100 200.00

U114 [1200mm * 2000mm] Main door - pieces 1 924 924.00

double full glass wood
Labor fee for doors installation pieces 1 60 60.00

TOTAL 9228.00


Rate for floor finishes to include
fixing, supply of fixing components,
drilling or cutting of associated work,
preparing surfaces, forming joints,
mitres, angles, fillets, built-up edges,
and laying to chambers or falls.

U121 [600mm * 600mm] Ceramic tiles - pieces 803 10 8030.00

dining room, living room, bedroom,
wet kitchen, dry kicthen, bathroom

U122 [1200mm * 600mm] Homogeneous pieces 180 78 14040.00

Tiles - Car porch & balcony

ACE Construction Bhd


Labor fee for tiles installation m2 418 50 20900.00

U123 25mm thick cement and sand (1:3) m2 30 13.98 419.40

rendering to floor trowelled to a
smooth finish including coved and
rounded angles

U124 Supply and apply three coats of m2 30 23.49 704.70

cementitous waterproofing system to
bathroom floor including 25mm x
25mm angle fillets; in cement and
sand (1:3); applied at rate of
minimum 1.0kg/m2 per coat;
including preparing substrate fee from
debris, oil, laitance, etc. and including
working around scupper drain
TOTAL 44094.10


Rate for wall finishes to include
fixing, supply of fixing components,
drilling or cutting of associated work,
preparing surfaces, forming joints,
mitres, angles, fillets, and built-up

U131 [300mm * 600mm]Ceramic wall tiles m2 192.5 3.5 673.75

- Wet kitchen, bathroom, powder
Labor fee m2 192.5 50 9625.00

U132 25mm thick cement and sand (1:3) m2 580 17.98 10428.40
rendering to wall in 3 coats trowelled
to a smooth finish including coved
and rounded angles
TOTAL 20727.15

Prepare and apply [one] coat of sealer
and [two] coats of emulsion paint or
arcylic paint include labor fee

U141 Prepare and apply 1 undercoat and 2 m2 421 2.55 1073.55

finishing coats of emulsion paint to
plastered surface internally

U142 Prepare and apply 1 undercoat and 2 m2 427 5.39 2301.53

finishing coats of emulsion paint
weather bond to plastered surface

TOTAL 3375.08

ACE Construction Bhd


U150 Railing
Rate for railing to include fixing,
supply of fixing components, drilling
or cutting of associated work, and all
associated glazing work.

U151 Supply and install mild steel balcony m 13 110 1430.00


U152 Balcony & Staircase Glass Railing m 35.5 201.6 7156.80

TOTAL 8586.80

Items for gates shall be deemed to
include excavation, preparation of
surfaces, disposal of excavated
material, upholding sides of
excavation, backfilling, concrete,
formwork, reinforcement, posts and
foundations, hinges, bolts, rollers,
lockplates, and all necessary welding.

U161 Metal grille gate pieces 1 3400 3400.00

Labor fee pieces 1 100 100.00
TOTAL 3500.00

Rate for miscellaneous to include
fixing, supply of fixing components,
drilling or cutting of associated work,
and all associated glazing work.

U171 Alarm system c/w 13A power supply nos 1 90 90.00

U172 Booster pump c/w 13A power supply nos 1 90 90.00

TOTAL 180.00


Rate for sanitary and plumbing
fittings to include bottom inlet
overflow cistern with flapper valve
internal fittings including medium
duty plastic seat and cover.

U181 Sitting WC pieces 5 300 1500.00

Labor fee 50 250.00

U182 Washbasin pieces 5 135 675.00

Labor fee 40 200.00

ACE Construction Bhd


U183 Double bowl kicthen sink pieces 2 628 1256.00

Labor fee 40 80.00

U184 Shower points pieces 4 200 800.00

Labor fee 50 200.00
TOTAL 4961.00

U190 Electrical Installation and Internal

telecommunication Trunking and
Rate to include forming holes,
cutting, and making good for
services, preparing surfaces, forming
joints, mitres, angles, fillets, built-up

Ceiling light point c/w switch - ceiling nos 66 90 5940.00


2-way switch for light - staircase nos 1 170 170.00

Outdoor wall light point nos 4 85 340.00

Fan points nos 7 85 595.00

13-amp power points for nos 43 90 3870.00

15-amp water heater point nos 5 190 950.00

15-amp air-con points (without nos 8 190 1520.00


T.V. aerial points nos 2 90 180.00

Unifi point nos 1 90 90.00

Doorbell point nos 1 90 90.00

3 phase electrical supply 1 3500 3500.00

TOTAL 17245.00

TOTAL FOR 1 UNIT 314965.43

TOTAL FOR 200 UNIT 200 314965 62993086.32

The overall budget of BIM (Class U) for a total of 200 units is RM

62993086.32. The categories included in Class U included structure (U50), wall
(U60), ceiling (U70), roof (U90), windows (U100), doors (U110), floor finishes

ACE Construction Bhd


(U120), wall finishes (U130), paint (U140), railing (U150), gates (U160),
miscellaneous (U170), sanitary and plumbing fittings (U180) and electrical
installation and internal telecommunication trunking and cabling (U190).
Based on structure (U50), it will be deemed to include the labour for
cutting, bending and also the placing cost. By referring to Figure 5.14, the
concrete used is concrete of grade 35 with 20 mm to 10 mm granite normal
mixed which includes the working rod or fabric reinforcement and it cost about
RM 346.44/m3. The steel formwork used for this project is RM29.63/m2. A unit
of Double Storey Semi-detached House required 202.64 m3 of concrete and
1237.5 m2 of steel formwork hence the total cost for both concrete and steel
formwork is RM70202.60 and RM36667.13 and the total estimated cost is

Figure 5. 20: Price of concrete and steel (Quantity Surveyor Online, 2021).

For the wall (U60), the rate of items used for the brickwork are included
the joint reinforcement, movement of joints, fixing ties, bonds to existing work
and also fixing of clamps. The wall used in the Double Storey Semi-detached
House is 230 mm thick of brickwall with cement and sand brick reinforced and
every 4th course was expended with the metal brickwork reinforcement. Since,
the price for the brickwall is RM61.07/m2 as shown in Figure 5.15, the area
needed for 770.5 m2 will has the total price of RM47176.58.

Figure 5. 21: Price of brickwall (Quantity Surveyor Online, 2021).

The ceiling (U70) the rate is assumed to comprise the labour for
plastering. For this project, each of the Double Storey Semi-detached House will

ACE Construction Bhd


needed 290 m2 of ceiling. The ceiling chosen to be used is 9 mm thick of

approved moisture resistant plasterboard ceiling with the comprise of
aluminium suspension tee system levelling, symmetrical setting out from the
centre of each room and the trimming and cutting for light points. According to
Figure 5.16, the ceiling will cost RM35/m2. Hence, the total cost of ceiling for
a house will be RM10150.00.

Figure 5. 22: Price of ceiling. (Quantity Surveyor Online, 2021).

For roof (U90), the rate will be deemed as including the preparing
surfaces, forming joints, overlaps, mitres, angles, fillets, built-up edges, laying,
cutting, notching, bending and also bedding. By consulting with the owner of
the Banley Renovation which is Mr. Jimmy, he provide us the estimation of cost
for steel roof truss system 25 degree, concrete roof tile, G.I. rain gutter and
cemboard fascia as shown in Figure 5.17. The rate for each of the materials is
estimate as RM197/m2, RM40/m2, RM304/m2 and RM82/m2. According to the
design of BIM department, the quantity of each material is calculated as 60 units,
60 units, 18 units and 43 units for a Double Storey Semi-detached House. Thus,
the total cost for roof (U90) is calculated as RM23218.00.

ACE Construction Bhd


Figure 5. 23: Cost estimation provided by Banley Renovation.

For windows (U100) and doors (U110), both of the rate will include the
fixing, supply of fixing components, drilling or cutting of associated work, and
also glazing work. In this project, we used 6 units of aluminium casement
window with top hung (U101.1) with the size of 750 mm x 750 mm and 2 units
with size of 1500 mm x 750 mm (U101.2). By referring to Figure 3.8.5, the price
for 600 mm x 600 mm is RM156/pieces therefore the price for 750 mm x 750
mm can be estimate as RM250/pieces.

Figure 5. 24: Price of aluminium casement window x top hung (Shopee, n.d.)

ACE Construction Bhd


The other window used is 4 units of aluminium powder coated casement

window 2 panels (U102.1) with the size of 1500 mm x 2200 mm. The price for
this window can be estimate by using the price of 1200 mm x 1200 mm window
in Figure 5.19 and the price is determined as RM995/pieces.

Figure 5. 25: Price of aluminium powder coated casement window 2 panels

(Shopee, n.d.).
Next is 3 units of window casement triple middle transom (U103.1) with
the size of 2000 mm x 2000 mm. Referring to Figure 5.20, it states the price of
window casement triple middle transom for size of 1800 mm x 1200 mm so we
can easily define the price for 2000 mm x 2000 mm as RM1192/pieces.

Figure 5. 26: Price of window casement triple middle transom (Shopee, n.d.).

Furthermore, there are also 1 unit of window casement multi sash

horizontal (U103.2) with the size of 3000 mm x 2000 mm according to the
design. By calculation, the price of window casement multi sash horizontal can
be defined by the price state on Figure 5.21. The calculated price for the size of

ACE Construction Bhd


3000 mm x 2000 mm is RM1788/pieces. The WINSOR window single

casement (U104.1) is required for 5 units in the design for the house and the
prices is RM405/pieces. All the labour fee for the installation of 21 pieces of
window will be assumed as RM85/pieces as we consult with Mr. Jimmy from
the renovation company of Banley Renovation. The total cost needed for
window (U100) is RM15654.

Figure 5. 27: Price of window casement multi sash horizontal (Shopee, n.d.).

For the design of doors (U110) according to the design by using

Autodesk Revit, there will be 11 pieces of interior single 2 panel wooden door
(U111). Based on the information from Figure 5.22, the wooden door has the
price of RM210 when the size is 857 mm x 2108 mm, therefore the estimation
price for the size of 800 mm x 2000 mm could be RM 186. The same for the
shorter door in 800 mm x 1500 mm (U112), 1 unit will need for the house and
the price was estimated by the same way and define as RM140/pieces. The
labour fee for installation of 11 pieces of interior single 2 panel wooden door
and 1 unit of shorter will be RM600 in total.

Figure 5. 28: Price of interior single 2 panel wooden door (Lazada, n.d.).

ACE Construction Bhd


There is also 2 units of 3 panel patio door with size of 3640 mm x 2440
mm (U113) was installed in the house. Since we are ordering for size of 3640
mm x 2440 mm for 206 units of Double Storey Semi-detached House, we can
get the price of $70.16/m2 which is RM296/m2 by referring to Figure 5.23, the
price for 3640 mm x 2440 mm is RM2629/pieces and the labour fee for
installation of door will be RM100/pieces.

Figure 5.29: Price of 3 panel patio door (Alibaba, n.d.).

For the main door, we are using double full glass wooden door with the
size of 1500 mm x 2000 mm (U114). As the total area we need to order for 206
units of houses had exceeded 500m2, the price for each will be $73 which is
RM308 and the price per piece for double full glass wooden door is RM924.
The labour fee will be defined as RM60/pieces after consulting with Mr. Jimmy.
Hence, the total cost need for the door (U110) part is RM9228.
All the rate of floor finishes (U120) will be included the fixing, supply
of fixing components, drilling or cutting of associated work, preparing surfaces,
forming joints, mitres, angles, fillets, built-up edges and also the laying to
chambers or falls. For indoor such as living room, room, kitchen, etc, the total
area is 289m2 by the calculation. As the area of ceramic tiles we used is 600 mm
x 600 mm (U121), the unit of homogeneous title needed can be calculated by
dividing the total area of indoor area by the area of one ceramic tile, the unit of
homogenous tile needed is 803 units and the price is RM10/pieces referring to
Figure 5.24.

ACE Construction Bhd


Figure 5.30: Price of ceramic tiles (HOMA2U, n.d.).

For outdoor area such car porch and balcony, the total area calculated is
129 m2. We choose to use homogeneous tiles with the size of 1200 mm x 600
mm (U122). By dividing the total area of outdoor with the area of homogeneous
tiles, the unit needed for the homogeneous tiles is calculated as 180 units and
the price is RM78/pieces. After consultation with Mr. Jimmy, the labour fee for
the installation of tiles is stated as RM50/m2. Other than that, we also used 25
mm thick of cement and sand rendering to the floor trowelled to a smooth
finished including the coved and rounded angles (U123) with the price of
RM13.98/m2 as shown in Figure 5.24, and also applying three coats of
cementitious waterproofing system to the bathroom which included 25 mm x 25
mm angle fillets (U124) with the price of RM23.49/m2 as shown in Figure 5.25.
The total cost for the floor finishes (U120) is RM44094.10.

Figure 5. 31: Price of cement and sand screed and coats (Quantity Surveyor
Online, n.d.).

ACE Construction Bhd


For wall finishes (U130), the rates are deemed to include the fixing,
supply of fixing components, drilling or cutting of associated work. Preparing
surfaces, forming joints, mitres, angles, fillets and built-up edges. At the area of
wet kitchen bathroom and powder room, the ceramic wall tiles of 300 mm x 600
mm (U131) were applied and the total area need in the Double Storey Semi-
detached House is 192.5 m2. The price is estimated as RM3.50/pieces which
stated at Figure 5.26. The labour fee for the installation of wall tiles is estimated
as RM50/m2. There is also applying of cement and sand of 25 mm thick render
to the wall in 3 coats trowelled to a smoother finish including the coved and
rounded angles (U132) with the prices of RM17.90/m2 as stated in Figure 5.27.
The whole wall finishes part has the total price of RM2072.15.

Figure 5. 32: Price of ceramic wall tiles (HOMA2U. n.d.).

Figure 5. 33: Price of cement and sand rendering (Quantity Surveyor Online,

For the paint (U140) part, we had prepared and applied 1 undercoat and
2 finishing coats of emulsion paint to plastered the surface internally (U141)
with the area of 421 m2 and the prices of RM2.55/m2 as shown in Figure 5.28.
The same goes for the applying of emulsion paint weather bond (U142) to
plaster the surface internally with RM5.39/m2 for 427 m2 for the house. All the
cost are assumed to including the labour fee. Hence, the total cost spend for the
paint (U140) is stated as RM3375.08.

ACE Construction Bhd


Figure 5. 34: Price of emulsion pant and weather bond (Quantity Surveyor
Online, n.d.).

For railing (U150), we estimated that the rate is comprising the fixing,
supply of fixing components, drilling or cutting of associated work, and also all
the associated glazing work. We provided the installation of mild steel balcony
(U151) with the size of 1200 mm high and the stated size in Figure 5.29. The
price for the mild steel balcony railing is estimated as RM110/m and the
designed length for this railing is 13 meter in the project. Other than that, we
also utilize the aluminium u channel frameless glass railing in Figure 5.30 as the
balcony and staircase glass railing (U152). The length needed in the design of
one unit of Double Storey Semi-detached House is 35.5 m and the price
estimated is RM201.60/m. Thus, the total cost for railing (U150) in this project
is RM8586.80.

Figure 5. 35: Price of supply and installation of mild steel balcony railing
(Quantity Surveyor Online, n.d.).

ACE Construction Bhd


Figure 5. 36: Price of aluminium u channel frameless glass railing (Alibaba,


For gates (U160), all the items for the gates are considered as including
the excavation, preparation of surfaces, disposal of excavated materials,
upholding sides of excavation, backfilling, concrete, formwork, reinforcement,
posts and foundations, hinges, bolts, rollers, lockplates and all the necessary
welding. We provided the CFA fully aluminium swing gate mono as the metal
grille gate (U161) for the Double Storey Semi-detached House. The price of the
gate cost RM3400/pieces referring to Figure 5.31 and the labour fee for the
installation of gate was define as RM100/pieces after consulting with Mr.
Jimmy from the Banley Renovation by number of 016-2195565. The total cost
in the gate (U160) section is RM3500.

Figure 5. 37: Price of CFA Fully Aluminium Swing gate Mono (Lazada, n.d.).

For miscellaneous (U170) part, we had applied alarm system c/w 13A
power supply (U171) and booster pump c/w 13A power supply (U172). After
we consult with Mr. Jimmy from Banley Renovation, both of the power supply

ACE Construction Bhd


is estimated as the price of RM90/nos. Hence, the total price for miscellaneous
(U170) is RM180.
For sanitary and plumbing fittings (U180), for all the rates in this part
will be considered as involving the bottom inlet overflow cistern with flapper
valve internal fittings including the medium duty plastic seat and cover. For the
washroom, we are using 5 units of Hafer Close Couple Series WS 1202 as the
sitting wc (U181) and 5 units of Hafer Above Counter Basin WS2408 as the
washbasin (U182). The prices are defined as RM300/pieces and RM135/pieces
and it is shown in Figure 5.32 and Figure 5.33, the labour fee is estimated as
RM 50/pieces and RM40/pieces.

Figure 5.38: Price of sitting wc and washbasin (Heap Wah, n.d.).

Other than that, we are using 2 units CAM Double Bowl 60 40 Stainless
Steel Handmade Sink HUNA351892L as the double bowl kitchen sink (U183)
in the kitchen area. The price for each of the bowl will be cost RM628/pieces as
shown in Figure 5.34 and the labour fee is estimated as RM40/pieces.

Figure 5.39: Price of double bowl kitchen sink (Heap Wah, n.d.).

There is also 4 units of Paffoni Soffioni Series ZSAL 194CR as the

shower point (U184) for the washrooms in the Double Storey Semi-detached

ACE Construction Bhd


House. Each of the shower point will be cost RM200/pieces referring to Figure
5.35 and the labour fee will be RM50/pieces. All the labour fee in sanitary and
plumbing fitting part is decided after the consultation with Mr. Jimmy. The total
cost calculated in this section is RM4961.

Figure 5.40: Price of shower points (Heap Wah, n.d.).

For electrical installation and internal telecommunication trunking and

cabling (U190), all the rate should include the forming holes, cutting, making
good foe services, preparing surfaces, forming joints, mitres, angles, fillets and
built-up edges. By the consultation and Figure 5.36 which provided by owner
of Banley Renovation, Mr. Jimmy, we had determined all the prices for the
electrical appliances in the Double Storey Semi-detached House. The electrical
appliance included such as ceiling light point c/w switch, 2-way switch for light,
outdoor wall light point, fan point, 13-amp power points, 15-amp water heater
point, 15-amp air-con points (without starter), T.V. aerial points, unifi point,
doorbell point and 3 phase electrical supply. After we gain the information from
Mr. Jimmy, the total cost for electrical installation and internal
telecommunication trunking and cabling (U190) has the total cost of RM17245.

ACE Construction Bhd


Figure 5.41: Price of electrical appliances.

After the cost estimation for all parts, we concluded the total cost for the
BIM department on a unit of Double Storey Semi-detached House without
furniture is RM314965.43. For 200 units of the Double Storey Semi-detached
House, the total cost without the furniture will be RM62993086.32. There will
be another 6 units of houses acting as the show house, 4 of them are intermediate
units and 2 of them are corner units. All of the show houses are fully furnitured.
For the intermediate unit it will cost RM382075 for each while for the corner
unit it will cost RM382979 for each.
In other fee, we have concluded consultant fee and machinery cost
required during earthwork phase. Table 5.4.19 have showed the bill of quantities
of consultant fee and required staff. The recruitment of project manager is to
manage the project with given salary per month is RM 4,500.00. The
recruitment of geotechnical engineer is to operate the site activity and provide
assistance between project manager and site supervisor. The given salary is RM
3,500.00 per month. For site supervisor, the salary is RM 2,500 per month as
similar to safety officer in item 5.0. For salary of land surveyor is RM 2,800.00.
The recruitment of machine operator and security guard are 2 person with
different salary. The salary of machine operator is RM 1,500.00 per month while
salary of security guard is RM 1,200.00 per month. The required general
workers is 8 person with monthly salary RM 1,300.00. Due to the duration of

ACE Construction Bhd


project is 8 months, the overall cost of consultant fee is RM 252,800.00. The

salary mentioned on above is refer to Table 5.32 and estimated from past project.

5.5.9 Justification on Market Plan

The traditional physical sale is adopted as one of the markets for this propose
project. This proposed project is planned to be publicized via the showcasing of
the architectural model. This strategy is adopted because it cannot be denied that
the consumers are more willing to purchase the houses with provided the model
for the preview of the houses. Furthermore, there are 6 units from the proposed
206 units semidetached houses are built as the show houses for those the
consumer who are expected to have house visit before buying the house unit.
Apart from that, there are numerous ways and the channel to be used for
promoting the sale of housing unit. One of the channels used for promoting the
proposed development is via the internet such as the social media like Facebook,
Instagram as well as the Youtube. Apart from that, the pre-launching and the
progress of the project will be always keep updated to the company official
website and this is done to inform the consumer who are interested with the
proposed project. Also, the attractive photography, videography and the 3D
virtual housing tour will also be provided in the website. This is because by
providing these services the consumer can more understand on the overview of
the proposed housing project. Besides that, these strategies that implied on the
internet is believed that can get more people to know about the proposed project
as there is no barrier on the internet in term of the distance, language as well as
the communication as the consumer can always inquiry their concern to the
customer support on the company official website.
Lastly, the sale agents will be hired as well as the advertisement on the
billboard along the highway nearby the proposed project site will be rented for
promoting the proposed housing development. The sale agents are believed that
having a good experience to satisfy the consumer on their need when they have
no idea on whether buying the corner house or the intermediate house. Also,
Beranang is located nearby the Semenyih and also it is not far from the main
city in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. Thus, the billboard set up along the highway
nearby the project site can approach to more people to know the proposed

ACE Construction Bhd


project as there must be plenty of people use the highway nearby the site to
travel to Kuala Lumpur for working and leisure on the weekend.

5.5.10 Justification on Exit Plan

Exit plan is a backup strategy when facing bad performance marketing and sales.
The initiative recommends are rebate and discount, early bird promotion and
advertisement. Firstly, rebate and discount can attract new sources of client and
enrich the property market. Secondly, early bird promotion can maximize the
profit earned and stimulate the performance of sales. Lastly, advertisement can
introduce the project to public effectively. Hence, exit plan is a standby plan for
our project to prevent low selling rate.

ACE Construction Bhd



6.1 Recommendation of Architecture Plan

Figure 6.1 below is the 3D view of the architectural model while Figure 6.2 and
Figure 6.3 are the architectural and structural plan which are designed by
Building Information Modelling (BIM) department.

Figure 6.1: 3D View of Architectural Model.

Figure 6.2: Ground and First Floor of Architecture Plan.

ACE Construction Bhd


Figure 6.3: Ground and First Floor of Structural Plan.

6.2 Recommendation of Environment Care

There are a few recommendations that have been made to ensure the
environmental impacts caused by this project development are minimized or
reduced. The project is advised to rent a water truck to spray the water on the
project ground regularly and also provide washing facility on the exit of the
project site to avoid the dust be blown and being carried out from the site to
cause the air pollution. Also, it is also encouraged that to plan a proper dispose
management on the solid wastes produced during the development. Lastly, the
noise pollution during the demolition and the construction can be reduced by set
up the sound barrier around the project site.

6.3 Recommendation of Earthwork

For earthworks, the proposed cut and fill method to be used will be grid line
method. Grid boxes of 10m x 10m will be plotted and the suitable platform level
will be proposed based on the surrounding contour lines. Besides, the temporary
drainage, sediment basin must be well designed based on the surface runoff
direction from a higher region area to lower area region to prevent flooding on
site. The choosing of retaining wall is also important to protect the building and
for the project, the most suitable retaining wall to be used is crib wall which can
be constructed up to 12m and it is economical in terms of its design and costing.

ACE Construction Bhd


6.4 Traffic Impact Assessment

There are two junctions are needed to be applied the mitigation measures. These
junctions are Junction J3 on Jalan Semenyih and Jalan Bangi Lama and Junction
R1 on Lingkaran Eco Majestic, Persiaran Ecohill Timur and Persiaran Ecohill
Barat. The level of service of junction J3 is upgraded from Level F to Level E
by expanding the carriageway to 8.5 m in which the road capacity increase up
to 4025 pcu. The level of service of junction R1 is upgraded from Level F to
Level C by adding the additional short lane and amending the traffic discipline.
The level of service of Kajang-seremban highway is also required to apply the
mitigation measure to upgrade its level of service from Level F to Level E by
extending the carriageway to about 2m and 4 lanes for 3.28m on the road
sections of Kajang-seremban highway that near to the development site.

6.5 Recommendation of Exit plan

The exit plan have concluded out these initiatives, rebate and discount, early
bird promotion, focus on advertisement and organised seminar. Among these
initiatives, we have come out a most suitable exit plan, focus on advertisement.
Advertisement can enlarge the exposure of project and reputation on property
brands. Besides these benefits, advertisements can attracts new clients or buyers
that interest on purchase new property for investment or residential purpose.
Shortly, exit plan will be start using when we having bad performance in sales
and marketing.

6.6 Overall Schedule and Costing

In the pre-construction phase, there will be analysis for environmental impact
and traffic impact as well as the building information modelling in duration of
91 days started from 1st September 2022. Construction phase is then proceeded
at 1st December 2022 after the pre-construction phase with the earthwork site
clearance, mobilization of machinery, preliminary work, excavation and the
retaining of structure until 14th June 2023. Post-construction which is the last
phase in the project will be start from 1st July 2024 and carried out in 62 days
with the jobs of site clearance, complete of inspection and closeout of project.

ACE Construction Bhd


By referring to appendix A,D63, the total estimation cost with included tax is
calculated as RM149,612,107.60 and the cost mark up by 20% including the tax
is RM177,987,576.03.

6.7 Marketing Plan and Channel Recommendation

There are few marketing channel that will be proposed by our company for the
Loisirs Housing Project, such as physical sales, company website, project
website, social media advertisement and billboard. According to the modern era
nowadays, internet will a great way to proposed our development project to the
people nowadays as everyone will take the phone as part of their daily life. The
major goal of our company strategy is to use the least amount of money feasible
to contact as many customers as possible. To extend our marketing period and
encourage money generation early on, we will announce the start of our project
on our own corporate website during the pre-construction phase. To optimize
our profit, the early bird period should not be too long, and it will be limited to
the first 25 buyers. Early bird sales will begin on December 1, 2022, and end on
February 30, 2023.

6.8 Operation plan

License (APDL) need to get from the government department. Then the
business owner need to delegate power to the developer company. Next, the
development proposal plan needs to get planning permission from One-Stop
Centre (OSC). The planning permission include of 5 drawing which are layout
plan, building plan, road & drainage plan, earthwork plan, and landscape
plan.The Certificate of Completion and Compliance (CCC) will be issued to the
architect once the construction is completed.

ACE Construction Bhd


6.9 Recommendation of Selling Price

Intermediate House (Phase 1) 940,000 50 47000000

Corner House (Phase 1) 988,000 2 1976000
Intermediate Showhouse (Phase 1) 1,335,000 1 1335000
Corner Showhouse (Phase 1) 1,390,000 1 1390000
Intermediate House (Phase 2) 968,000 136 131648000
Corner House (Phase 2) 1,150,000 12 13800000
Intermediate Showhouse (Phase 2) 1363000 3 4089000
Corner Showhouse (Phase 2) 1418000 1 1418000
Total 202656000

Figure 6.4: Selling Price for Selling Units (Appendix A).

The selling price recommended for intermediate house and corner house
in phase 1 are RM 940,000 and RM 988,000 while in the phase 2 are
RM968,000 and RM 1,150,000 in phase 2 respestively. The selling price
recommended for intermediate showhouse and corner showhouse in phase 1 are
RM 1,335,000 and RM 1,390,000 respectively while in the phase 2 are RM
1,363,000 and RM 1,418,000 respectively. The total revenue from the selling
units are estimated to be RM 202,656,000.

ACE Construction Bhd



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