Yael English Test
Yael English Test
Yael English Test
This section consists of three types of questions: Sentence Completion, Restatement, and Reading
Hebrew Proficiency Test
עליכם לבחור מתוך ארבע התשובות המוצעות את התשובה.בכל אחד מן המשפטים הבאים חסרה מילה או יותר
.שתשלים את המשפט באופן הטוב ביותר
This part consists of sentences with one or more words missing in each. Choose from among
the four possible responses the one which best completes the sentence.
כובשת ) 1(
משפיעה )2(
מזיקה )3(
מסייעת )4(
The missing word is followed by the preposition על. The word ( כובשתresponse 1) takes אתas a
preposition, and the words ( מזיקהresponse 3) and ( מסייעתresponse 4) take - לas a preposition.
Only ( משפיעהresponse 2) takes עלas its preposition and therefore it is the correct response.
-בעוד ש ) 1(
אילו )2(
-עד ש )3(
כאילו )4(
Response (1) is grammatically correct, but creates an illogical sentence. Responses (2) and (3)
do not fit the syntax of the sentence. The only appropriate word is כאילו, which is response (4).
Guide For Examinees Inter-University Psychometric Entrance Test
בחרו את התשובה, מתוך ארבע התשובות המוצעות. ואחריו ארבע אפשרויות תשובה,בכל שאלה נתון משפט
.שתוכנה הוא הדומה ביותר למשפט הנתון
Each question consists of a sentence followed by four responses. Choose the one which best
expresses the meaning of the original sentence.
The word ייתכןmeans "probably," "perhaps," "possibly," or "it could be." Of the four responses
offered, ( אוליperhaps) is the word that best replaces it. Therefore, response (2) is the correct
The word אלאmeans "but" or "only." The sentence means that there are no flowers in the garden,
only fruit trees. Thus, (4) is the correct response.
Hebrew Proficiency Test
לפניכם קטע ,ובסופו שאלות .לכל שאלה מוצעות ארבע תשובות .עליכם לבחור את התשובה המתאימה ביותר
לכל שאלה.
This part consists of a text followed by several questions. For each question, choose from among
the four possible responses the one which is most appropriate, based on the text.
( )1במשפט שנערך לאחרונה בארה"ב ,הועלה לדיון נושא עקרוני הקשור לאיזון העדין שבין הזכות לחופש הביטוי
ובין זכותו של האדם לפרטיות .השאלה שבה עסק המשפט הייתה ,באיזו מידה יכול ביוגרף להשתמש במכתבים
של אדם שעליו הוא כותב ,בלא הסכמתו .פסק הדין במשפט עורר הרהורים וחששות בקהילה הספרותית
( )5במשפט נידונה תביעתו של הסופר ג'.ד .סאלינג'ר נגד הוצאת ספרים ידועה .ההוצאה ביקשה לפרסם ביוגרפיה
מקיפה על סאלינג'ר ,אשר היה נערץ על אמריקנים רבים ,בעיקר בשנות ה 50-וה 60-של המאה ה .20-סאלינג'ר,
שידע על הכנת הביוגרפיה ,סירב להתראיין או למסור מכתבים לכותב הביוגרפיה .למרות סירובו התקיף,
המשיך הכותב לאסוף חומר לצורך כתיבת הביוגרפיה .לפיכך מיהר סאלינג'ר להוציא צו זכויות יוצרים המגן על
התכתבויותיו האישיות ,השמורות בכמה ארכיונים של אוניברסיטאות ידועות בארה"ב .לאחר שהביוגרף סיים
( )10את מלאכתו והתברר שכלל בספרו ציטוטים נרחבים ממכתבים אלה על אף צו זכויות היוצרים ,תבע סאלינג'ר
את ההוצאה לאור בערכאות משפטיות ,וזכה בסופו של דבר בערעורו האחרון לפני בית המשפט העליון.
השופטים החליטו שאסור לצטט ציטוטים ארוכים ומדויקים מהמכתבים המוגנים על-ידי זכויות יוצרים ,כל
עוד סאלינג'ר לא הסכים לכך ,אולם ניתן להשתמש בחומר "שימוש הוגן" ,כלומר ללמוד ממנו על אירועים או על
תהליכים בחייו של סאלינג'ר .הצלחת התביעה של סאלינג'ר מדאיגה ביוגרפים ומוציאים לאור .הכותבים
( )15חוששים כי בעקבות תקדים זה יעמוד מעתה לרשותם חומר מצומצם ביותר .המוציאים לאור טוענים כי צפוי גל
תביעות משפטיות ,אשר יעלה את תעריפי הביטוח של חברותיהם .כך תיווצר מערכת שיקולים חדשה בבחירת
נושאים לפרסום ,ולאו דווקא לטובת הקוראים ,האוהבים ביוגרפיות.
(the person about whom he is writing).אדם שעליו הוא כותב (his agreement) refers toהסכמתו The word
Lines 2-3 mention this person's letters. Thus, response (3) is the correct response.
Guide For Examinees Inter-University Psychometric Entrance Test
Lines 9-10 state that the biographer included extensive quotations from these letters in his book.
These letters are from Salinger's personal correspondence mentioned in line 9. The correct response
is therefore (2).
- וזאת משום שהקוראים מעוניינים ב," "ולאו דווקא לטובת הקוראים: כתוב17 בשורה.3
Line 17 states that readers like biographies. From this we understand that they want many
biographies to be available. The correct response is therefore (1).
Hebrew Proficiency Test
In this part of the Hebrew Proficiency Test you are required to write a composition on a given topic.
The score on the composition constitutes a third of your total Hebrew Proficiency Test score.
In this section you are given a topic for a composition. Write 12-15 lines on this topic.
Make sure that the composition is relevant to the topic. Try to write in an organized manner, using
grammatically correct language.
Write the composition on the back of the answer sheet.
The time allotted for writing the composition is 15 minutes.
Copy the topic of the composition to the back of the answer sheet.
Hebrew proficiency is required for studies at institutions of higher learning in Israel. Not only will
you need to understand the lectures, which are given in Hebrew, and the Hebrew reading material, but
you will also need to complete exercises, take exams, and write papers in Hebrew.
In this section you are required to write a short composition (12-15 lines) that will reflect your ability
to express your view on a given topic, develop an idea or present an argument. It makes no difference
what idea you choose to express, as long as it is well supported and clearly worded. Writing in a
personal vein or presenting personal experiences is generally inappropriate for the type of writing
required in studies at institutions of higher education.
The compositions are evaluated by experienced raters, all of whom teach Hebrew as a foreign language.
The raters have received professional training designed to ensure that their evaluations are objective
and fair. Two raters independently evaluate each composition. Each composition is evaluated on the
basis of four components: content, organization, richness of language and precise use of language
(see below).
Each of these components is given a score on a scale of 1 to 7. If the content is very poor, it will
receive a score of 1, if it is excellent it will receive a score of 7. The same holds true for the other
components. The composition score is the sum of the evaluations of the two raters. In the case of a
major discrepancy between raters of any composition, the composition will be evaluated by a third rater.
A composition that does not relate to the topic or that is totally incomprehensible will be disqualified.
Guide For Examinees Inter-University Psychometric Entrance Test
General explanation
Compositions are evaluated in terms of four components: content, organization, richness of language
and precise use of language. Each component is evaluated separately and independently of the
other components.
Each component is given a score on a scale ranging from 1 (the lowest) to 7 (the highest).
Determine to what extent the composition expresses an idea, focuses on the assigned topic, and
makes its intended meaning clear to the reader. In other words, does the composition cover the
topic in a detailed manner and are the details it contains relevant?
* A composition that meets the above requirements will receive a score of 7.
* Points will be deducted for failures and shortcomings in the above requirements, down to a
score of 1.
Note: The writer's viewpoint regarding the topic is not at all relevant for purposes of evaluation.
Determine to what extent the composition has a clear structure, there is a logical connection
between the sentences, each sentence adds something new to the previous sentence without being
unnecessarily repetitious or wordy, and the writing is organized according to the allotted space.
* A composition that meets the above requirements will receive a score of 7.
* Points will be deducted for failures and shortcomings in the above requirements, down to a
score of 1.
Richness of language
For this component, the starting point is a score of 1. The richer the language, the greater the
number of points that are added.
Evaluate the following:
Semantics: varied vocabulary; word choice that is appropriate for the context; use of diverse
words, expressions, idioms, and figures of speech, where appropriate for the style of writing and
the topic – all contribute to a high score.
On the other hand, repetition of the same words; use of vague words instead of more precise ones;
exaggerated use of reference words, such as "" "זה," "הדבר, "הנושאand so on; poor vocabulary (even
if not incorrect) – all detract from the score.
Morphology: Correct and appropriate use of the construct state and verbal nouns will raise the
Syntax: Use of a variety of sentence types – simple, compound, complex – will raise the score.
Unnecessarily complex sentences, or long, cumbersome sentences will not raise the score.
Hebrew Proficiency Test
Sample Topic:
Below are several examples of compositions written on this topic and evaluations.
Guide For Examinees Inter-University Psychometric Entrance Test
The composition expresses an idea that relates to the assigned topic. The writer describes what he
feels to be the negative influence of television programs on teenagers. The writer expresses the
idea clearly, relates to the topic in detail, and the details presented throughout the composition are
relevant: addiction to television programs, the desire to be like celebrities, the negative influence
of programs which broadcast violence. But even though the writer notes at the beginning of the
composition that opinions are divided on this topic, he presents only those aspects that relate to
the harm that television programs cause teenagers; he does not discuss the positive aspects of
television programs, which would relate to the other opinions he refers to at the beginning of the
composition. As a result, one point is deducted in the content evaluation.
The composition has a clear structure. The writer presents the topic in general terms, and then
discusses the negative aspects of television programs on teenagers. Each sentence adds something
new to the previous sentence. However, although there are logical connections between the
sentences, no conjunctions are used. For example,
תכניה של הטלוויזיה אשר מוקרנים.ההתמכרות של בני נוער לתכניות הטלוויזיה היום מזיקה ואף חמורה כאחד
.(lines 3-6) בכל שעות היממה הולכים והופכים לאלימים יותר ויותר
The composition is not unnecessarily repetitious or wordy, and the writing is organized according
to the allotted number of lines.
Richness of language:
The composition contains a variety of expressions, idioms, and figures of speech that are appropriate
for the style of writing. For example,
.(line 11) עקב היצע האשרויות האין סופי, (line 3) ... ההתמכרות של בני הנוער לתכניות טלוויזיה
The writer uses a variety of sentence types – simple, compound and complex. For example,
.(lines 1-2) אך הדעות בנושא חלוקות... מחקרים רבים נערכו ועדיין נערכים בנושא השפעת
Score 7 (excellent)
Score 7 (excellent)
Hebrew Proficiency Test
The composition begins with the assertion that televisions are found in every house, and sometimes
even in every room. This introduction leads to a discussion about the influence of television on
teenagers. The writer argues that children should be supervised in their television viewing, and
should be allowed to watch only programs that are educational and instructive, but not programs
that could be harmful. The idea is expressed clearly and is well developed, and most of the details
are relevant. The content, however, is not well organized and the writer jumps from one point
to another. The concluding sentence is unclear and it is difficult to understand what the writer is
trying to say in that sentence.
The composition is structured as one long paragraph. While there is an introductory sentence that
presents the topic and a concluding sentence, there is little punctuation, and the conjunctions are
not always appropriate. For example,
.(lines 8-9) כי הציפיה לשעות ארוכות תוך שימוש ראייה ושמיעה וכמעט רוב החושים זה נגמר בלמידה...
There are occasional repetitions, and the short conclusion is written in a low register. The last
sentence is fragmented, requiring the reader to reread the composition.
Score: 5 (good)
Guide For Examinees Inter-University Psychometric Entrance Test
Richness of language:
The vocabulary is rich and varied, but not over the entire composition. The writer uses a complex,
though flawed, syntactical structure. For example,
ולא לכל הילדים יש הורים שמשגיחים על ילדיהם ואלו ילמדו חברים שלהם איך לצפות בתוכניות אחרות
.(lines 10-11) ... שיכולות לגרום נזק לילדים
There is also inappropriate use of certain expressions. For example, ( לא קיבלו עליהםline 12) is
incorrect in the context in which it is used, and therefore no points will be given for use of this
Score: 5 (good)
Score: 5 (good)
Hebrew Proficiency Test
The composition expresses an idea – that television is a harmful influence on teenagers: Teenagers
forget to do their homework, television harms the eyes, and the programs which are broadcast are
not very good. Parents should prevent their children from watching too much television. However,
the writer does not substantiate his statements and hardly discusses the effect of the television
programs themselves on teenagers. He repeatedly states that television is disturbing, but does not
clarify or explain why.
Score: 4 (average)
The composition is organized to fit the space allotted to it, but is poorly structured. The ideas are
scattered throughout the text and are not closely connected. There are unnecessary repetitions,
some of the sentences add nothing to the previous sentences, the conjunction גםis used repeatedly
to connect sentences. For example, ( וגם הטלוויזיה היא משפיעהline 7),
( וגם הטלוויזיה היא סכנהline 9). Correct conjunctions are missing.
Score: 4 (average)
Richness of language:
Vocabulary is poor and word choice is repeatedly imprecise. The television ( מפריעהinstead of
)מזיקה, ( מסתכלים על הטלוויזיהinstead of )צופים בטלוויזיה. There is no variation of sentence types,
verbal nouns are incorrect, and the construct state and pronominal suffixes are not used.
Guide For Examinees Inter-University Psychometric Entrance Test
From the little that can be understood from the material, the influence of television on teenagers
seems to be both positive (in the areas of sports and studies) and negative, but no explanation or
details are provided. The conclusion states that we must( לקחת את הטוב ולזרוק את הרעlines 14-15).
Score: 2 (poor)
It is difficult to evaluate the organization component because of the incomprehensible language.
Conjunctions are wrong and incomprehensible. There is some attempt to summarize.
Score: 2 (poor)
Richness of language:
There are very few clear words. Two points are given for the little that is understandable.
Score: 2 (poor)
Hebrew Proficiency Test
In summary, a good composition is one that presents one idea or several connected ideas that relate
directly to the topic of the composition. There is a logical connection between sentences and each
sentence adds something new to the previous sentence. The writing is organized according to the
allotted space and is not unnecessarily repetitious or wordy. The language is rich and appropriate to
the required style, sentences are syntactically varied, there are no sentence fragments or sentences
that are unnecessarily cumbersome, and there are no mistakes.