PPP Book 2023
PPP Book 2023
PPP Book 2023
The information contained in this PPP Book was obtained in May 2023 along with the issuance of National Development
Planning Minister Decree Number KEP.67/M.PPN/HK/06/2023.
The project digests are based on the Project Owner’s data and may change simultaneously with the development of the
Indonesia as an emerging market has been well aware of infrastructure development as one of key essentials in
accelerating the growth of economics and lessening the gap of economic inequality between the eastern and western
parts of Indonesia. World Competitiveness Yearbook (WCY) 2022 states that the rank of Indonesia's infrastructure quality
has increased, from rank 57th in 2021 to rank 52nd in 2022. This achievement means that the Government of Indonesia
remains committed to strengthening infrastructure services.
The Government of Indonesia realizes the importance of private participation in accelerating infrastructure development
in Indonesia, especially considering the government's limitation to provide funding for infrastructure needs. Under the
current 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN), the government's main target is to reach the
average GDP growth of 6% and allocate IDR 6,445 Trillion or about 6,2% of GDP for infrastructure spending. In contrast, the
funding capacity of the government is only able to fund IDR 2,385 Trillion or about 37% of the total required investment.
This funding gap forces the government to maximize innovative financing schemes by encouraging the participation of the
private sector in infrastructure provision investment through the Public Private Partnership (PPP) scheme.
The Government of Indonesia strives to facilitate and support the Government Contracting Agency’s (GCA) capacity as well
as providing reliable information for the private sector as the potential investor. Aiming to give a better overview about
the PPP projects, the Government issues PPP Book annually. The preparation of this PPP Book is inseparable from the
close coordination with the Government Contracting Agency (PPP's Project Owner) as well as the PPP Joint Office of The
Republic of Indonesia (the coordination forum of PPP implementation in Indonesia).
In PPP Book, the projects are organized based on their readiness level and categorized into two; the ready to offer and the
under preparation projects. Moreover, PPP Book also provides information related to projects that are currently in the
tender or signing process (Already Tendered) and the success story of PPP projects in Indonesia. This year, the total
projects covered in PPP Book are 52 projects, with 50 categorized as under preparation projects and 2 categorized as
ready to offer projects.
Table of Contents
Foreword.................................................................................................................................................... i
Table of Contents ..................................................................................................................................... ii
Indonesia Country Profile ...................................................................................................................... vi
Regulatory Frameworks ....................................................................................................................... vii
PPP Stage .............................................................................................................................................. viii
PPP Joint Office ..................................................................................................................................... xii
Option on Investment Return for PPP Project ..................................................................................xiv
PPP Project Selection Criteria ............................................................................................................ xv
PPP Project Evaluation ........................................................................................................................ xvii
Semarang Harbour Toll Road Integrated with Water Resource Control System ........................ 74
Tuban-Babat-Lamongan-Gresik Toll Road ....................................................................................... 78
Preservation of Madiun Regency Road .............................................................................................. 82
Operational and Maintenance (OM) Surabaya-Madura (Suramadu) Bridge Bundling with
Bandara Juanda-Tanjung Perak Toll Road (Surabaya Eastern Ring Road/SERR) ...................... 86
Batam - Bintan Bridge .......................................................................................................................... 90
Development of Bodri Dam in Kendal Regency ................................................................................ 95
Development of Merangin Dam ........................................................................................................... 99
Komering Irrigation System ............................................................................................................... 104
High Level Diversion (HLD) Interconnection Channel Lombok .................................................... 108
40 MW Hydro Power Plant on Tiga Dihaji Dam ............................................................................... 112
Development of Kamijoro Regional Water Supply System ........................................................... 117
Development of Sinumbra Regional Water Supply System .......................................................... 122
Ir. H. Djuanda Regional Water Supply (Jatiluhur II)........................................................................ 127
Lau Biang/Lau Dah (Karo) Water Supply System .......................................................................... 131
Development of Jatigede Regional Water Supply System ............................................................ 135
Development of Denpasar City Water Supply System ................................................................... 141
Revitalization of Non-Revenue Water in Sukabumi City ............................................................... 166
Piyungan Waste Treatment ................................................................................................................ 167
Manggar Waste Management ............................................................................................................ 171
Development of Waste to Energy Facility in South Tangerang .................................................... 175
Integrated Hazardous and Specific Waste Management Facility in Sumatera .......................... 179
Development of Palapa Ring Integration ......................................................................................... 184
Natural Gas Distribution Network for Batam City Households .................................................... 190
Natural Gas Distribution Network for Palembang City Households ........................................... 194
Bandung Street Lighting ..................................................................................................................... 199
Revitalization & Development of Denpasar Street Lighting ......................................................... 203
Medan Street Lighting ......................................................................................................................... 207
Banyumas Street Lighting .................................................................................................................. 211
Ngawi Street Lighting ........................................................................................................................ 214
Development and Management of National Research Vessel Fleet ........................................... 218
Padjadjaran University (UNPAD) Teaching Hospital ...................................................................... 222
Banten Sports Center ......................................................................................................................... 228
Inche Abdoel Moeis Samarinda General Hospital .......................................................................... 233
Dr. Mohammad Zyn Sampang General Hospital ............................................................................. 237
Development of West Nusa Tenggara Correctional Institution .................................................... 241
Bina Harapan Cisaranten Housing .................................................................................................... 247
Sei Mangkei Public Housing ............................................................................................................... 251
Karawang Spuur Public Housing ...................................................................................................... 254
Additional Information
Batang - Semarang Toll Road............................................................................................................ 291
Pandaan - Malang Toll Road .............................................................................................................. 292
Jakarta – Cikampek II Elevated Toll Road ....................................................................................... 293
Krian – Legundi – Bunder - Manyar Toll Road................................................................................ 294
Balikpapan – Samarinda Toll Road ................................................................................................... 295
Semarang – Demak Toll Road ........................................................................................................... 296
Cileunyi – Sumedang – Dawuan Toll Road ...................................................................................... 297
Serang – Panimbang Toll Road ......................................................................................................... 298
Probolinggo – Banyuwangi Toll Road ............................................................................................... 299
Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF) Toll Transaction System ................................................................. 300
Duplication and/or Replacement of Callender Hamilton Bridges in Java Island Main Road ... 301
Eastern Sumatran Road Preservation in South Sumatra Province ............................................ 302
Serpong-Balaraja Toll Road .............................................................................................................. 303
Jakarta – Cikampek II South Toll Road ............................................................................................ 304
Yogyakarta – Bawen Toll Road .......................................................................................................... 305
Solo – Yogyakarta – Kulonprogo (NYIA) Toll Road ......................................................................... 306
Preservation of Eastern Sumatera National Road in Riau Province ........................................... 307
Gilimanuk - Mengwi Toll Road ........................................................................................................... 308
Development of West Semarang Water Supply System ............................................................... 309
Development of Bandar Lampung Water Supply System ............................................................. 310
Development of Umbulan Water Supply System ............................................................................ 311
Development of Pekanbaru Water Supply System ........................................................................ 312
Development of Jatiluhur I Regional Water Supply System ......................................................... 313
Nambo Regional Waste Management System ................................................................................ 314
Development of Palapa Ring West Package.................................................................................... 315
Development of Palapa Ring Central Package ............................................................................... 316
Development of Palapa Ring East Package..................................................................................... 317
Central Java Power Plant................................................................................................................... 318
Development of Multifunction Satellite ............................................................................................ 319
Madiun Street Lighting ........................................................................................................................ 320
1. Indonesia Country Profile
Indonesia, with a land area of 1,904,569 square kilometres, is the 14th largest country in the world, where it consists
of 38 provinces. Indonesia’s population — estimated of 277.2 million in 2023 makes it the world’s fourth-most-
populous country and the most populous in Southeast Asia. According to the World Bank, Indonesia’s GDP per capita
has steadily risen, from 4,362 USD in 2021 to 4,798 USD in 2022 (IMF, 2023). Indonesia is also a member of the G-20,
as a representative from emerging market countries that give an economic impact to the world.
In order to achieve the medium scenario of GDP growth target and infrastructure stock target in 2020-2024 RPJMN,
a total of IDR 6,445 Trillion is needed for infrastructure development or an average of 6.2 percent of the GDP. However,
the government’s ability to fund infrastructure development is only IDR 2,385 Trillion or 37% of the total needs (2020-
2024 RPJMN). It requires an innovative effort to encourage the participation of the non resource envelope fund/private
sectors to finance the remaining 63% of the infrastructure development needs.
By bridging the infrastructure gap, Indonesia can enhance connectivity, promote sustainable development, and
improve the citizen overall well-being. The infrastructure gap also presents an opportunity for collaboration between
the public and private sectors to create innovative solutions that address the country needs. As a developing nation,
Indonesia has a tremendous opportunity to grow and thrive by investing in the infrastructure sector to meet the
evolving needs of the population. To unlock its full potential, Indonesia need to prioritize infrastructure projects that
enhance connectivity, create employment opportunities, and improve the overall quality of life such as transportation,
healthcare, education, water & sanitation, energy and digital infrastructures.
Over the years, the investment climate for the private sector is getting better, as Indonesia has steadily increased its
Ease of Doing Business (EoDB) Ranks by the World Bank. Indonesian EoDB’s rank rose from 106 in 2016 to 73 in 2020.
In 2022, Indonesia is the Top 13 Japan Investment Destination (FDI rating) and had a total of 45.6 Billion USD in Foreign
Direct Investment (FDI) - a 44.2% increase from the previous years, amidst the highly volatile global economy through
the pandemic. Moreover, Indonesia’s Sovereign Credit Rating is rated by Moody’s (Baa2/Stable Outlook) and S&P
(BBB/Stable Outlook) in 2022, and also Fitch (BBB/Stable Outlook) in 2022.
Understanding the limitations of the government budget to boost Indonesia’s Economic Transformation, the
Government of Indonesia truly understand the importance of private sector participation in infrastructure provision.
Hence, in order to give optimal public services while keeping close engagement with private entity, the GoaIs is
offering the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) as an alternative financing scheme in developing infrastructure
projects. This scheme is provided through the Presidential Regulation Number 38/2015 alongside its derivative
regulations. Now, as the condition for PPP projects in Indonesia has matured and a steady pipeline of new projects
has come throughout the years, new opportunities for investment arise alongside the projects.
2. Regulatory Frameworks
The Government has taken a series of major steps to improve the attractiveness and competitiveness of the
Government's PPP program by refining the PPP policies and regulatory framework.. The regulations consist of:
a. Presidential Regulation Number 38/2015 regarding Public Private Partnership on Infrastructure Provision
contains general stipulation to support the implementation of national development in order to improve
the national economy, the welfare of society and the competitiveness of Indonesia in a global context. This
Presidential Regulation mandated to Bappenas, LKPP, MoF, MOHA to stipulate the technical regulation.
b. Minister of National Development Planning Number 4/2015 regarding operational guidelines for PPP on
infrastructure provision as amended by Minister of National Development Planning Regulation Number
2/2020. The key points of this amendment are:
c. Head of National Public Procurement Agency (LKPP) Regulation Number 19/2015 regarding guidelines for
procurement of business entities on PPP schemes in infrastructure provision. This regulation applies for
unsolicited project and preparation agencies.
d. National Public Procurement Agency (LKPP) Regulation Number 29/2018 regarding guidelines for
procurement of business entities on solicited PPP infrastructure projects. The key point of this regulation
is to make the guidelines more clear, especially regarding two stages bidding.
b) Minister of Home Affair Regulation Number 96/2016 regarding Availability Payment using the local budget
(APBD) on PPP scheme in Infrastructure Provision. Minister of Home Affair Regulation Circular letter
number 120/3890/SJ regarding Explanation of the Implementation of the Local Government Cooperation
with Third Parties.
b) Minister of Finance Regulation Number 8/2016 as an amendment of Minister of Finance Regulation Number
260/2010 regarding Guidelines on a Government Guarantee.
c) Minister of Finance Regulation Number 183/2018 regarding Operational Guidelines of Management Reserve
Fund Guarantee for the Government Obligation Guarantee Implementation.
b) Sectoral Regulations.
Figure 1: The Evolving Cross-sector PPP Regulatory Frameworks in Indonesia
3. PPP Stage
Based on Presidential Regulation Number 38/2015, there are two PPP project proposal schemes, which are Solicited
and Unsolicited. The stages comparison between the two schemes is shown below. Solicited project is initiated by the
Government, while the Unsolicited project is initiated by the private sector.
According to Minister of National Development Planning Regulation Number 2/2020, for solicited proposals, the PPP
Project Pipeline consists of four phases, namely Planning, Preparation, Transaction, and Implementation.
Figure 3: The Project Pipeline for Unsolicited Proposals
The unsolicited PPP proposal is initiated by the private sector or the project proponent. There are 3 stages of
unsolicited project: Preparation, Transaction, and Implementation. The preparation is being conducted by the private
sector as the initiator.
3.1 Planning
In solicited proses the planning phase consists of Project Identification and Preliminary Study. The first step is
used to choose a viable PPP project from a list of projects. Then, during the second step, the project will go
through a series of qualitative studies to determine whether the project is suitable for a PPP scheme. This phase
is estimated to take 1 to 2 months. During this phase, Public Consultation is required to be done to inform the
impacted parties on the planned PPP Project. More activities in planning phase are as follows:
The Minister/Head of Institution/Head of Regional Government/ Director of State Owned Enterprise (SOE)/
DIrector of Regional Owned Enterprise set up a budget for PPP that includes all stages from planning,
preparation, transaction and implementation. This step is crucial to ensure the continuity of the project.
Project identification, as the name implies, refers to the activities of finding a suitable infrastructure project
to be carried out using a PPP scheme. There are 21 sectors that are eligible to be provided using the PPP
scheme. PPP projects can be identified in three ways as follows:
b) Proposed by the Ministry of National Development Planning/ National Development Planning Agency
based on the National Development Priority Program.
c) Proposed to suitable GCA by the business entity itself, known as unsolicited projects.
In solicited PPP projects, determining whether the project is suitable for PPP or not, must be done using a
preliminary study. A preliminary study is an initial study conducted by the GCA to provide descriptions of the
requirements necessary for the infrastructure provision and its benefits if it is delivered under cooperation
with the business entity through the PPP scheme. Furthermore, the Preliminary Study should consist of:
a) Need analysis
b) Compliance criteria
c) Value for money analysis
d) Analysis of potential revenue and project funding scheme
e) Recommendation and follow-up plan
3) PPP planning phase budget disbursement
The GCA must set up and eventually disburse the budget for the planning phase, at least for preparation of
Preliminary Study and conducting Public Consultation.
4) Public consultation
Public consultation on the preparation stage will discuss the planned projects with related stakeholders. The
goal of the public consultation is to gather inputs and responses from stakeholders regarding the projects.
5) PPP screening
After completing the preliminary study including the public consultation, the GCA will decide whether the
planned project is suitable to be continued using PPP or other schemes. If the GCA decide that the Project
will be done through PPP scheme, the GCA could propose the project to be consider listed under PPP Book
by sending a letter attached with its required documentation to the Minister of National Development Planning
The Ministry of National Development Planning after receiving the project from GCAs will then check its
readiness and compile the projects. This document is issued annually.
7) PPP Categorization
The proposed project, will be categorized into two categories: under preparation projects and ready to offer
projects, according to its readiness and completion level.
3.2 Preparation
In solicited proposal, the project will undergo a series of quantitative studies to see the viability of the PPP
projects, in terms of financial value, economic value, risk analysis and mitigation, et cetera. In this phase, private
sectors are invited to give input in Market Sounding. It is to be noted that in special cases, Outline Business Case
(OBC) and Final Business Case (FBC) can be combined into one document, if the project is considered as a priority
project and/or national strategic project or if there are similar projects with proven high demand on the market.
In general, it is estimated to take 8 to 10 months for a project to finish the preparation phase.
1) Pre-Feasibility Study
Pre-Feasibility Study in solicited PPP Projects can be divided into 2 (two) documents: OBC and FBC, where
the FBC is the improvement of the OBC with more detailed data and analysis. Although in special cases, both
can be combined into one document, such as if the project is considered a priority project and/or national
strategic project or if there are similar projects with proven high demand on the market. The OBC/FBC
document must include at least:
2) Public Consultation
The purpose of Public Consultation is to review the compliance of the social standards. Moreover, the aim of
Public Consultation is to obtain inputs regarding public needs related to the PPP project and ensure the
readiness of the project.
3) Market Sounding
Market Sounding is intended to obtain inputs and responses from the PPP markets (business entities/
agencies/ institutions/ national or international organizations).
Unsolicited PPP starts from the time the project proponent proposes the project to GCA by submitting Letter of
Intent (LoI) and Pre-Feasibility Study or Feasibility Study. The Pre-Feasibility Study and Feasibility Study in
unsolicited proposal consist 8 kind of analysis, which are the same as the solicited’s OBC/FBC document (from
legal to outstanding issues). After receiving the Feasibility Study, the GCA then must do all internal assessments
and decide whether to approve the project or not. When the GCA approves the project after assessing and
evaluating the proposal, it must issue an Approval Letter.
The type of Approval Letter will depend on the level of Feasibility Study given. If the project proponent submit a
Pre-Feasibility Study, the government will issue a Pre-FS Approval Letter and give rights to the project proponent
to prepare the Feasibility Study. If the project proponent submit a Feasibility Study, the government will issue a
FS Approval Letter and announce the proponent as Project Initiator.
The Project Initiator may propose the incentives or benefits as compensation for their work on preparing the
project. The choices of incentives or benefits to the Project Initiator are as follows:
a) Right to Match
If another bidder has a better proposal wins the tender process after the evaluation, Project Initiator may, at
their own consideration, match their proposal.
The Project Initiator automatically gains an additional score of 10% during the proposal evaluation process.
GCA can purchase the intellectual property of the Feasibility Study at an agreed price from the Project
Initiator. The Feasibility Study document is then owned by the GCA. Then, Project Initiator can decide whether
to participate without any added incentives or not participate in the tender process at all.
While the Pre-FS/FS document is prepared by the project proponent (business entity), GCA still need to conduct
Public Consultation on the preparation stage to gather inputs and responses from stakeholders regarding the
projects. On the process of evaluating Pre-FS/FS, GCA could also conduct a Market Confirmation to make sure
the project is accepted and could attract the market.
Same as the solicited project, the GCA could propose the project to be consider listed under PPP Book by sending
a letter attached with its required documentation to the Minister of National Development Planning to be included
on the PPP Book whether it is in under preparation or ready to offer catgory, according to its readiness and
completion level.
3.3 Transaction
Transaction phase, both in solicited and unsolicited proposal, facilitates the project through a transaction to find
the suitable business entity, which include Market Consultation, Prequalification, Request for Proposal, Bid
Award, PPP Agreement Signing, and then Financial Close. It is estimated to take 12 months to finish the transaction
1) Market Consultation
Market consultation can be done to ensure the willingness of the prospective bidders and to gather inputs,
considerations, and responses regarding the PPP Project. This activity can be done by one-on-one meetings
with interested parties or formal project promotional events.
GCA must determine and set the location of the project before the procument process. Land acquisition is
one of the responsibilities of the GCA. The GCA must consult with any related institution to ensure that the
land acquisition and the ensuing relocation (if any) is compliant with the regulation. GCA must also ensure
that the project has obtained any applicable environmental permits and licenses.
The procurement process consists of pre-qualification of prospective participants, request for proposals,
and evaluation. After evaluating the bidding proposals, the GCA will then determine the winning bidder.
Before the winning bidder is awarded, usually the other bidders are given a chance to object to the result.
Eventually, the GCA will release a letter of award if there is no objection from other bidders or the objection
is considered invalid.
4) Agreement Signing
After the letter of award is issued, the winning bidder must establish a Special Purpose Company (SPC) as
legal entity to sign the PPP agreement. If there is some form of government guarantee, SPC must also sign
the guarantee agreement with PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia (PT PII) while the GCA signs a regress
agreement with PT PII.
5) Financial Close
After signing the agreement, the SPC should be able to secure the financing of the project. This must be
obtained no longer than 12 months after signing the PPP Agreement and could be extended from time to time
if its failure to obtain financing is not caused by negligence of the Implementing Business Entity. Every
extension given for financial close should be no longer than six months. Financial close could also be done
in stages according to the project cycle and the agreement between SPC and GCA.
3.4 Implementation
The implementation stage consists of 2 (two) activities in both solicited and unsolicited, that is:
To prepare for the implementation, GCA must establish the monitoring team, prepare and issue guidelines
on PPP implementation monitoring, hand over all project documentation to the monitoring team, and oversee
the progress of financial close from the SPC.
The monitoring will commence from the construction phase, operational phase, until the handover of the
asset after the cooperation period is finished.
The primary purpose of the Indonesia PPP Joint Office is to facilitate coordination among various stakeholders
engaged in PPP projects. It provides a platform for effective communication, collaboration, and decision-making
related to PPP initiatives. By centralizing coordination efforts, the Indonesia PPP Joint Office aims to streamline
processes, enhance efficiency, and promote a cohesive approach to PPP project implementation. Additionally, the
Indonesia PPP Joint Office offers facilitation and capacity-building support throughout the project lifecycle. It provides
assistance and guidance to stakeholders, starting from the planning stage through to the operation stage of PPP
projects. This support helps ensure that projects are well-planned, properly implemented, and effectively managed.
To strengthen the institutional coordination among PPP stakeholders, a Memorandum of Understanding on the
Synergy of Ministries and Institutions in the Implementation of Infrastructure Provision was signed by the seven
members of the Indonesia PPP Joint Office on September 18th, 2020. This agreement solidifies the collaborative efforts
between the government, regional government, and business entities in implementing infrastructure projects through
the PPP scheme. The establishment of the Indonesia PPP Joint Office and the signed Memorandum of Understanding
highlight the commitment of the Indonesian government to promote effective coordination, streamline processes, and
enhance the implementation of PPP projects for the development of infrastructure in the country.
c. Ministry of Finance.
Indonesia Infrastructure Guarantee Fund (IIGF/PT. PII) as the Indonesian Guarantee Agency is actively involved in
monitoring the implementation of the PPP Projects in Indonesia. Besides that, the PPP Joint Office Members can also
involve other parties under their authority, such as the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land
Agency under the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs and PT SMI, and/or LMAN under the Ministry of Finance.
In several conditions, The PPP Joint Office members invites the other related parties in the coordinating meetings
(high level and technical meeting).
5. Option on Investment Return for PPP Project
According to Minister of National Development Planning/Head of National Development Planning Agency Regulation
Number 4/2015 as amended by Minister of National Development Planning/Head of National Development Planning
Agency Regulation Number 2/2020, there are 3 (three) options for the return of investment method, namely:
The Special Purpose Company (SPC)’s income is directly paid through user charge.
2) Availability Payment
The SPC will receive payment from the government based on the agreed amount which linked to the SPC's
accomplishment of the level of service establish in PPP contract; and
In PPP projects, the option on investment return refers to the mechanism or arrangement that allows the private
sector participant (usually the Special Purpose Vehicle or SPV) to receive a return on their investment in the project.
6. PPP Project Selection Criteria
The PPP Book is a list of Public-Private Partnership projects planned in Indonesia. The list consists of two categories:
(i) Under Preparation Projects; and (ii) Ready to Offer Project.
In order to have a project registered in the PPP Book, the Minister, Head of Institution, or Head of Local Government
is required to submit a project proposal to the Ministry of National
Under Preparation Ready to Offer Development Planning/Bappenas. Along with the proposal, they must
Project Project provide a statement identifying the specific Ministry/Institution or
Local Government working unit that will be responsible for the
planning, preparation, and transaction of the proposed PPP project.
The project proposal should be accompanied by supporting
documentation, which may vary depending on the stage of planning.
The specific documentation required at each planning stage can be
found in Figure 6.
The projects inside the PPP Book 2023 has been develop in compliance
with Minister of National Development Planning/ National
Development Planning Agency Regulation Number 4/2015 as amended
by Minister of National Development Planning/ National Development
Planning Agency Regulation Number 2/2020, which governs the
procedures for the implementation of PPP projects and registration of
projects in the PPP Book respectively. The criteria in this regulation
have been designed to ensure that all projects are appropriately
analysed and help evaluate the project's feasibility, financial viability,
technical aspects, environmental impact, and other relevant
For each of the planning categories of the PPP Book, the following is a summary of assessment criteria for projects
to be included, along with requirements associated with environmental assessment, land acquisition and
resettlement, government support, and the government guarantee.
*) unsolicited project could be categorized as under preparation project if GCA has issued Pre-FS approval letter
containing: Potential Initiator exclusive rights for a certain period of time to complete PPP Pre-Feasibility Stud
become Feasibility Study, to obey procedures for unsolicited PPPs in accordance with General Guidelines and
proposing compensation form.
2) Ready to Offer Project**
**) unsolicited project could be categorized as ready to offer project if GCA has issued the final Approval Letter
which contains: Feasibility Study approval, stipulation of PPP proposal as Unsolicited PPP, stipulation of Potential
Initiator as Business Entities Initiator, stipulation of compensation form and SPC procurement prequalification
5) Important notes related to the Viability Gap Fund and Government Guarantee during the Procurement Process
6) Unsolicited Project
During 2023, line ministries and local governments submitted proposals for new infrastructure projects to
BAPPENAS. In compliance with the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of BAPPENAS Regulation
4/2015 as amended by the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of BAPPENAS Regulation 2/2020,
BAPPENAS reviewed and screened these proposals. Based on this review and screening process, 52 proposals
were qualified to be listed in the PPP Book 2023. These projects were categorized as Ready to Offer and Under
Preparation Projects, as per the regulations. In addition to these categories, there are also Already Tendered
projects and Success Story projects.
7. Development of Jatigede Regional Water Supply System
8. Development of Waste to Energy Facility in South Tangerang
9. Semarang Harbour Toll Road Integrated with Water Resource Control System (Unsolicited)
10. Piyungan Waste Treatment
11. Bina Harapan Cisaranten Housing
12. Integrated Hazardous and Specific Waste Management Facility in Sumatera
13. Sei Mangkei Public Housing
14. Development of Baubau Port
15. Batam-Bintan Bridge
16. Karawang Spuur Public Housing
17. Operational and Maintenance (OM) Surabaya-Madura (Suramadu) Bridge Bundling with Bandara Juanda-
Tanjung Perak Toll Road (Surabaya Eastern Ring Road/SERR)
18. Malang-Kepanjen Toll Road (Unsolicited)
19. Ir. H. Djuanda Water Supply/Jatiluhur II (Unsolicited)
20. Natural Gas Distribution Network for Batam City Households
21. Natural Gas Distribution Network for Palembang City Households
22. Cilacap-Yogyakarta Toll Road
23. Demak-Tuban Toll Road
24. Ngawi-Bojonegoro-Babat Toll Road
25. Development of Bodri Dam in Kendal Regency
26. Betan Subing Type A Bus Terminal Development
27. Purabaya Type A Bus Terminal Development
28. Bandung Metropolitan Urban Railway
29. Construction of Palapa Ring Integration
30. Development of Sinumbra Regional Water Supply System (Unsolicited)
31. Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Poris Plawad Type A Bus Station, Tangerang
32. Tuban - Babat - Lamongan - Gresik Toll Road
33. Komering Irrigation System, South Sumatera and Lampung Province (unsolicited)
34. High Level Diversion (HLD) Interconnection Channel Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat (Unsolicited)
35. Lau Biang/Lau Dah (Karo) Water Supply System
36. Manggar Waste Management, Balikpapan City
37. 40 MW Hydro Power Plant Infrastructure Delivery on Tiga Dihaji Dam, South Sumatera Province
38. Revitalization & Development of Denpasar Street Lighting (Unsolicited)
39. Bandung Street Lighting (Unsolicited)
In addition, there are 13 new projects, categorized as under preparation projects in PPP Book 2023:
The PPP Book 2023 includes projects that have either progressed or remained unchanged from the previous
edition, as well as new projects that have successfully completed the evaluation process.
Figure 8: PPP Book Evaluation
Project Summary
The following is the list of projects registered in PPP Book 2023 based on National Development Planning Minister Decree
No. KEP.67/M.PPN/HK/06/2023.
No Project Name Description
(per May 2023)
Table 2: Under Preparation Project Summary
No Project Name Description
(per May 2023)
In 2019 around 12.3 million trips per day were made in Greater
Bandung, only 12% of them were made by public transport. It is
estimated that about one third (36%) of the road network will
Bandung Metropolitan Under Preparation
4. be saturated by 2023 and this will increase to about two thirds
Urban Railway (OBC)
(70.5%) by 2030. The proposed mass transit project will
therefore make better use of limited urban space by moving
people faster and more reliably.
No Project Name Description
(per May 2023)
No Project Name Description
(per May 2023)
Operational and
The Suramadu Bridge, connecting Surabaya City and Madura
Maintenance (OM)
Island (Bangkalan), holds the distinction of being the longest
Surabaya - Madura
cable-stayed bridge in Indonesia. Spanning a length of 5,438
(Suramadu) Bridge
meters and designed for a service life of 100 years, the bridge Under Preparation
16. Bundling Bandara
requires ongoing operation and maintenance. There is a (FBC)
Juanda - Tanjung
potential opportunity to finance the operation and
Perak Toll Road
maintenance of the Suramadu Bridge by bundling it with the
(Surabaya Eastern
Juanda Airport - Tanjung Perak Toll Road (SERR).
Ring Road/SERR)
No Project Name Description
(per May 2023)
High Level Diversion High Level Diversion (HLD) is a water dividing system that
(HLD) Interconnection spans 12 watersheds. This system consists of two Under Preparation
21. Channel Lombok interdependent main channels and 24 dependent channels (Feasibility Study
(Unsolicited) which are connected to 490 headworks. HLD aims to transfer Evaluation)
water from surplus watersheds to deficit watersheds.
No Project Name Description
(per May 2023)
lps. The project will serve 4 areas, that consist of: DKI Jakarta
(2,054 lps), Bekasi City (1,051 lps), Bekasi Regency (1.371 lps),
and Bogor Regency (2.012 lps).
Lau Biang/Lau Dah Lau Biang / Lau Dah Drinking Water Supply System is planned
Under Preparation
26. (Karo) Water Supply to provide clean water services in Karo Regency and expand
(Preliminary Study)
System services to the Kabanjahe City area.
No Project Name Description
(per May 2023)
No Project Name Description
(per May 2023)
No Project Name Description
(per May 2023)
Summary of Estimated Investment for PPP Project
Ready to Offer
Under Preparation
5 Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Terminal Type A Poris Plawad, Tangerang 71.33
Estimated Project Cost
No Project Name
(USD Million)
Semanan-Balaraja Toll Road
Location: Tangerang, Banten Province
The Semanan - Balaraja Toll Road section,
which is part of the Inner Jakarta Toll Road
Network, will have a length of 32.39 km and
feature 4 interchanges and 2 junctions. The toll
road will start at the East Balaraja Interchange,
located at the end of the Serpong-Balaraja Toll
Road section.
Financial Feasibility:
Government Contracting Agency:
FIRR : 12.04%
Minister of Public Works and Housing
NPV : USD 4,37 Million
Type of PPP:
Unsolicited Estimated Concession Period: 40 years
Return of Investment:
User Charge
Project Digest
Project Title Semanan-Balaraja Toll Road
Government Contracting Agency Minister of Public Works and Housing
Implementing Unit Indonesia Toll Road Authority (BPJT)
Preparation Agency 1. PT Alam Sutera Realty
2. PT Perentjana Djaja
Project Cost USD 1,049.31 Million
Estimated Concession Period 40 Years
Location Tangerang, West Java
2. The Opportunity
2.1. Project Background
The development of the area in the west of Jakarta, specifically the city of Tangerang and the Regency of Tangerang,
needs a high level of accessibility both within the region and to/from outside the region. To date the development
of residential and industrial zones in the Pasar Kemis and surrounding areas is the cause of economic and social
growth, thus triggering an increase in the movement of people and goods.
Currently, the movement of traffic from Tangerang and other cities in the west of Jakarta is facilitated by the
Jakarta-Tangerang Toll Road, the Jakarta Inner City Toll Road, and the Jakarta Outer Ring Road Toll. The traffic flow
conditions on these roads are already quite congested. To overcome the congestion on these roads, it is necessary
to build alternative roads with an adequate level of accessibility and mobility. The Semanan- Balaraja Toll Road is
a continuation of the planned 6 inner city toll roads of Jakarta and can be an alternative to overcome the problem.
The Semanan- Balaraja Toll Road Plan is part of the Jabodetabek Toll Road Network which stretches 32.715 km. The
starting point of the project is the end of the Serpong-Balaraja toll road which is located at the Balaraja
Interchange east of the Tangerang-Merak toll road. From that point, the road heads north and turns east in the
Rajeg area. The road will then end in the Semanan area.
There will be 6 interchanges and 2 junctions on this toll road. The interchanges in this toll road are Pasar Kemis 1
Interchange, Pasar Kemis 2 Interchange, Rajeg 2 Interchange, Sepatan Interchange, Lebak Wangi Interchange, and
Batu Ceper Interchange. The two junctions are Balaraja Junction and Rajeg 1 junction. Starting from the Lebak Wangi
Interchange to Semanan on/off ramp, this toll road will be an elevated toll road running alongside the Cisadane
River and Mookervart River.
The objective of Semanan – Balaraja Toll Road is to support the development and accessibility of Tangerang and
the surrounding area west of Jakarta.
4. Technical Specification
No Facilities Capacity
1 Length 32.39 km
2 Design Speed 80 Km/hr
3 Number of Lane 2x2 (initial stage)
4 Lane Width 3.50 m
5 Outer Shoulder Width 3.00 m
6 Inner Shoulder Width 1.00 m
7 Median Width (including inner 4.50 m
9. Contact Information
Name : Denny Firmansyahs
Email : [email protected]
Cikunir-Karawaci Inner City Elevated Toll Road
Location: DKI Jakarta and Banten Provinces
The proposed project is to construct ±40 km of
Cikunir-Tomang-Karawaci Inner City Elevated
toll road using a PPP scheme. The toll road plan
will be positioned above the existing toll road
section, starting from Cikunir (at the junction
between JORR and the Jakarta - Cikampek toll
road) and ending after the Alam Sutera
intersection. The Business entity will be
responsible for implementing the toll road
project under the BOT scheme.
Return of Investment:
Estimated Concession Period: 40 years
User Charge
Project Digest
Project Title Cikunir-Karawaci Inner City Elevated Toll Road
Government Contracting Agency Minister of Public Works and Housing
Implementing Agency Indonesia Toll Road Authority (BPJT)
Preparation Agency PT Earth Investment Indonesia – PT Lintas
Indonesia Sejahtera
Project Cost USD 1,766.89 Million
Estimated Concession Period 40 Years
Location DKI Jakarta and Banten
2. The Opportunity
2.1. Project Background
The development of the Jabodetabek Area (Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi) has grown rapidly, especially in the
east-west corridor, starting from Bekasi District, Bekasi City, DKI Jakarta, Tangerang City, and Tangerang District,
which require a high level of accessibility. At present, the traffic flow on the Jakarta-Tangerang Toll Road, Jakarta
Inner Ring Road, and Jakarta Outer Ring Road is very congested (already saturated) with V / C Ratio already greater
than 0.8. In addition, the construction of the Jakarta-Cikampek Elevated Toll Road is currently underway, one of
which ends in Cikunir.
Cikunir-Karawaci Inner City Elevated Toll Road Section will be an additional alternative to the existing Toll Road
section in Jakarta. This toll road will be located above the existing Toll Road, therefore it can improve the
performance of the road network in Jabodetabek and it can overcome congestion problems.
Cikunir-Karawaci Toll Road Section (± 40 km) is located in Banten Province (Tangerang City and Tangerang District),
DKI Jakarta Province, and Banten Province (Bekasi City). The proposed toll road plan will be above the existing toll
road section. The starting point of the project is located in Cikunir (at the junction between JORR and the Jakarta-
Cikampek toll road), which is the beginning of the Jakarta - Cikampek elevated toll road. The end of the project is
located after the Alam Sutera intersection. Location of main on/off ramp points as follows:
• East Pondok Gede;
• Cawang Junction;
• Pancoran;
• Semanggi;
• Palmerah;
• Tomang;
• Meruya; and
• Kembangan.
The objectives of the Cikunir-Karawaci Inner City Elevated Toll Road are to improve the performance of the road
network in Jabodetabek and to overcome traffic congestion in the western area of Jakarta.
Business entity shall be responsible to perform the toll road project, including designing, financing, construction,
operating, and maintenance.
4. Technical Specification
Planning standards use all regulations and specifications that apply in Indonesia, such as regulations issued by The
Directorate General of Highways, SNI, and other regulations.
No Facilities Capacity
1 Length ± 40km
2 Lane number 2+2
3 Design Speed
Main road 80 Km/hr
Ramp (toll-to-toll) 40-60 Km/hr
Ramp (toll-to-non toll) 40-60 Km/hr
4 Lane Width 3.50 m
5 Outer Shoulder Width 2.00 m
6 Inner Shoulder Width 0.50 m
7 Median Width
Median concrete barrier 0.80 m
Median width including inner shoulder 1.80 m
6. Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action Plan
The study indicated Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action Plan needs for land acquisition of 82,204 m2.
9. Contact Information
Name : Denny Firmansyah
Email : [email protected]
Development of Singkawang Airport
Location : Singkawang, West Kalimantan Province
Financial Feasibility:
Type of PPP:
IRR : 15.36%
Solicited NPV : USD 15.50 Million
Project Digest
Project Title Construction of Singkawang Airport
Government Contracting Agency Minister of Transportation handed over to
Director General of Civil Aviation
Implementing Agency Directorate General of Civil Aviation
Preparation Agency Directorate General of Civil Aviation with
support from PT PII (PDF assignment by the
Ministry of Finance)
Project Cost USD 117.00 Million
Estimated Concession Period 33 years of operation including 3 years of
Location Singkawang, West Kalimantan
2. The Opportunity
2.1. Project Background
Singkawang City is a city in West Kalimantan Province. It is approximately 153 km from the Provincial Capital,
Pontianak City. Singkawang City which is well-known in Chinese culture has several events that are very famous
and attract many tourists. Singkawang City also has Simping Island in Sedau Beach with the title of the smallest
island in the world that has been recognized by the United Nations (UN).
The variety of attractions that are now starting to interest domestic and foreign tourists in the city, will automatically
also have an impact on aspects of the availability of transportation facilities and infrastructure in the City of
Singkawang. However, for now, access from the City of Singkawang to the nearest capital or airport namely Supadio
International Airport ("PNK") can only be reached by land. Road access that is traversed has many connecting
bridges, and if there is damage there will be economic paralysis in Singkawang City and surrounding areas.
Therefore, alternative modes of transportation are needed, such as air transportation to support economic and
tourism activities in Singkawang City.
2.2. Project Description
The development of the Singkawang Airport will consist of Air Side and Land Side. Air Side development includes
Runway, Runway Strip, Runway End Safety Area (RESA), Taxiway, Apron, Airside Service Road, Airside Perimeter
Road, and Airside Operation Road. Landside development includes Passenger Terminal, Passenger Parking Area,
Conning Tower, Operation Office, Powerhouse, Security Office, Cargo Terminal, and other facilities. The construction
of the Project facilities will be based on an agreed design capacity which determine by using the forecast results.
The agreed Design Years (DY) are currently 2030; 2040; and 2050, to plan three phases during the concession period.
• To support connectivity and accommodate the need for air transportation services in the area of Singkawang
City, as well as Bengkayang Regency and Sambas Regency (“SINGSEBAS”) with a population of approximately
1 million residents. The nearest airport currently is Supadio Airport, which is located at a distance of 153 km
or about 3-4 hours of travel time by road from Singkawang City.
• To improve the accessibility for people and goods movement will increase economic growth.
• To support several other local development plans, including for Singkawang City to be a food produce hub,
with tourism potential, potential international passenger demand, etc.
4. Technical Specification
The technical specifications for Singkawang Airport are as follow:
No Facilities Capacity
1 Aerodrome Reference Code 4C
2 Runway Dimension 2500 x 45 m
3 Runway Strip Dimension 2740 x 45 m
4 Runway Strength 60 F/C/X/T
5 Runway End Safety Area (RESA) 90 x 90 (Threshold 16); 90x90 (Threshold 34)
6 Taxiway 2 (Phase 1)
7 Apron Dimension 190 x 100 m (Phase 1)
8 Total Parking Stand 4 (Phase 1)
9 Facilities Domestic Passenger Terminal (Phase 1)
Infrastructure Provision Cooperation (KSPI in Indonesia abbreviation) scheme through the use of BMN/D
(Government Owned Asset) in the form of land.
In terms of project guarantee by IIGF, the indicative risk that needs to be guaranteed are:
9. Contact Information
Name : Arief Mustofa
Position : Vice head of Airport Partnership and Business Division, Directorate of Airport
Email : [email protected]
Email : [email protected]
Development of Bintan Airport
Location : Bintan Island, Riau Archipelago Province
Bintan Airport Project is Unsolicited PPP
Project. Based on the Decree of the Minister of
Transportation No. KP 144 Tahun 2018 , Bintan
Airport will be located in Busung Village, Seri
Kuala Lobam District. Master Plan has
prepared land for the development of the
Aerospace Industrial Park to the northwest of
the runway; Working Area to be prepared
immediately to accommodate the Aerospace
Industrial Park
Government Contracting Agency:
Minister of Transportation handed over to Estimated Project Cost: USD 755.26 Million
Director General of Civil Aviation
Financial Feasibility:
Type of PPP: Project IRR : 12.82%
Unsolicited Project NPV : USD 193.45 million
Return of Investment: Estimated Concession Period: 80 years
User Charge (Pre-FS Study – Subject to change)
Project Digest
Project Title Construction of Bintan Airport
Government Contracting Agency Minister of Transportation handed over to
Director General of Civil Aviation
Implementing Agency Directorate General of Civil Aviation
Preparation Agency PT. Bintan Airport Investments (BAI)
Project Cost USD 755.26 Million
Estimated Concession Period 80 Years Based on Pre-FS Study (Subject to
Location Bintan Island, Riau Islands Province
2. The Opportunity
2.1. Project Background
Bintan is an Regency in Bintan Island – Riau Archipelago Province. It is approximately 47 km from the Provincial
Capital, Tanjung Pinang City. Bintan Island is developed into a tourist area that covers 3.000 ha of the planned 23.000
ha with several large and small resorts developed with the concept of integrated services resorts.
Bintan as a tourists destination that attracts the interest form domestic and foreign tourists, will automatically also
have an impact on aspects of the availability of transportation facilities and infrastructure in the Bintan Island.
However, for now, access from resorts to the nearest capital or airport namely Raja Haji Fisabililah (TNJ) in Tanjung
Pinang can only be reached by land. The other alternatives is Hang Nadim Airport (BTJ) in Batam only be reached
by sea transportation. Therefore, alternative modes of transportation are needed, such as air transportation to
support economic and tourism activities in Bintan Island.
The development of the Bintan Airport will consist of Airside and Landside. Airside development includes Runway,
Runway Strip, Runway End Safety Area (RESA), Taxiway, Apron, Airside Service Road, Airside Perimeter Road, and
Airside Operation Road. Landside development includes Passenger Terminal, Passenger Parking Area, Conning
Tower, Operation Office, Powerhouse, Security Office, Cargo Terminal, and other facilities. The construction of the
Project facilities will be based on an agreed design capacity which determine by using the forecast results.
• To Support infrastructure for tourism activities and industrial activities on Bintan Island.
• To Increase the development of potential resources, especially Bintan Island in the Riau Archipelago Province
• to support economic, social and cultural development.
• To provide the need for fast, efficient and comfortable transportation in addition to existing transportation.
3. Business Entity’s Scope of Work
D-B-F-O-M-T (Design – Build – Finance – Operation – Maintenance – Transfer) with user charge payment method
(Subject to Change)
4. Technical Specification
8. Government Support and Guarantee
The Pre-FS document indicates the project doesn’t need Government Support and Government Guarantee.
9. Contact Information
Name : Arief Mustofa
Position : Vice head of Airport Partnership and Business Division, Directorate of Airport
Email : [email protected]
Development of Baubau Port
Location: Baubau City, Southeast Sulawesi Province
Financial Feasibility:
Government Contracting Agency: FIRR : 13.47%
Minister of Transportation handed over to the NPV : USD 2.94 Million
Director General of Sea Transportation
Estimated Concession Period: 30 years
Type of PPP:
Return of Investment:
User Charge
Project Digest
Project Title Development of Baubau Port
Government Contracting Agency Minister of Transportation handed over to Director General
of Sea Transportation
Implementing Agency Directorate General of Sea Transportation
Preparation Agency Directorate of Ports
Project Cost USD 16.95 Million
Estimated Concession Period 30 years
Location Southeast Sulawesi
2. The Opportunity
2.1. Project Background
Baubau Seaport is located in Wolio District, Baubau City, Southeast Sulawesi Province. This port is one of the
strategic transportation nodes in the Eastern Indonesia region. Due to this geographical position, Baubau
Seaport is in the line of sea transportation movement from western regions of Indonesia such as Jakarta,
Surabaya, and the central region like Makassar to the eastern part of Indonesia such as Maluku, North Maluku,
Central Sulawesi, and North Sulawesi. Baubau Port is also a gateway for maritime transport for Southeast
Sulawesi Province where most of the passenger and goods movement transit at this port.
As stated in the Baubau development roadmap, the Port of Baubau will be further developed to fulfill the need
for better service to support the long-term plan of making Baubau the gateway for the economy and tourism
area in Southeast Sulawesi. In order to achieve that, the facilities of Baubau Port will need to be upgraded
periodically to sustain the demand. The upgrade will include land reclamation, commercial area development,
and port terminal development.
2.2. Project Description
4. Technical Specification
Landside facilities consist of:
a. Container Yard
b. Container Freight Station
c. Cargo Warehouse
d. Open Storage
e. Parking Area
f. Passenger Terminal
g. Parking Area
8. Government Support and Guarantee
The government guarantee review will identify the GCA's financial obligations in the PPP structure and the form of
risk guarantee required by BUP. It can be guaranteed by PT PII as the Infrastructure Guarantee Business Entity
appointed by the Ministry of Finance—meanwhile, the government support regarding the licensing process and
coordination with other government agencies.
9. Contact Information
Name : Muhammad Masyhud
Phone :-
Email : [email protected]
Bandung Metropolitan Urban Railway
Location: Greater Bandung, West Java Province
In 2019 around 12.3 million trips per day were
made in Greater Bandung, only 12% of them
were made by public transport. It is estimated
that about one third (36%) of the road network
will be saturated by 2023 and this will increase
to about two thirds (70.5%) by 2030. The
proposed mass transit project will therefore
make better use of limited urban space by
moving people faster and more reliably.
Project Digest
Construction of Mass Transportation System in
Project Title
Greater Bandung City
Government Contracting Agency Governor of West Java Province
Implementing Agency Transportation Agency of West Java Province
Preparation Agency Government of West Java Province
Project Cost USD 785.74 Million
Estimated Concession Period 34 years (4 years construction and 30 years
Location Greater Bandung, West Java Province
Picture 1 – BBMA Mass Transportation Master Plan
2. The Opportunity
2.1. Project Background
The development of mass transit transportation in Bandung is aimed to provide more efficient and effective
transportation system. In addition, the provision of this transportation infrastructure will be carried out through a
Public Private Partnership scheme. This project will support the strategy implementation of an integrated
transportation system stated under West Java Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD) 2018-2023.
The Mass Transit Transportation project in greater Bandung is located in West Java Province that consists of five
regencies/cities, namely Bandung City, Cimahi City, Bandung Regency, West Bandung Regency, and five sub-
districts in Sumedang Regency. The first line to be developed from the Mass Transportation System in the Greater
Bandung Urban Area is the Babakan Siliwangi Corridor (Bandung City)-Margahayu (Bandung Regency). The
estimated total project cost is USD 810,38 Million and LRT depot land area of 72,000 Sqm. The project concession
will last for 34 years which divided into 4 years construction and 30 years operation.
The project objective is to provide Greater Bandung with an affordable, efficient, effective, integrated,
environmentally friendly, and secure public transportation system to serve the mobility needs of the population,
reduce congestion, accelerate growth, and support economic, social and cultural development.
Business entity shall be responsible to perform the Bandung Metropoloitan Urban Railway project, including
financing, construction, operating, and maintenance.
4. Technical Specification
The technical specifications for Mass Transit Transportation project in greater Bandung are as follows:
No Facilities Capacity
1 Track Gauge 1,435mm
2 Axle load 12 ton
3 Min. curve radius
a) Main line 80 m
b) Depot 60 m
4 Max. gradient
a) Main Line 40
b) Access Depot 60
5 Relative humidity 40 – 98%
Temperature 18 – 40Hai C
Rolling stock indicative dimensions
1 Car set length 110,000 mm
2 Car length will be decided, based on the estimated demand
3 carriage width 2,700 mm
4 The height of the train from the top of 3,700 mm
the rail
5 Max. train floor from above the rail 1,000 mm
Rolling stock performance
1 Max. fast operation 80 km/jam
2 Design speed 90 kpj
3 Acceleration rate 1 m/s2
4 Braking rate (emergency) 1 m/s2 (1,3 m/s2)
The land area that needs to be expanded including underground will be assessed in the subsequent studies.
7. Project Cost Structure
Estimated Project Cost USD 785.74 Million
Indicative Debt to Equity Ratio
- Debt Level 75%
- Equity Level 25%
IRR 13.3%
NPV USD 330 Million
9. Contact Information
Name : Ir. A. Koswara, MP
Phone : +62-8112269119
Email : [email protected]
Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Poris Plawad Type A Bus Station
Location : Tangerang, Banten Province
With its strategic location, Poris Plawad Type A
Bus Station has the potential to become a
Transit Oriented Development Area (TOD), as
listed in the Jabodetabek Transportation
Master Plan (RITJ). The construction plan for
the Poris Plawad Type A Bus Station aims to
develop the area into an integrated urban
transportation node, creating a seamless and
sustainable transportation system.
Return of Investment:
Other Form
Project Digest
Project Title TOD Poris Plawad Type A Bus Station
Government Contracting Agency Greater Jakarta Transport Authority, Ministry of
Implementing Agency Ministry of Transportation
Preparation Agency Ministry of Transportation
Project Cost USD 71.33 Million
Estimated Concession Period 25 years
Location Tangerang, Banten Province
2. The Opportunity
2.1. Project Background
Poris Plawad Type A Bus Station with a strategic location has the potential to become a Transit Oriented
Development Area (TOD) listed in the Jabodetabek Transportation Master Plan (RITJ). The area will be developed
as an integrated urban transportation node in the TOD Poris Plawad Type A Bus Station construction plan to create
seamless and sustainable transportation. Greater Jakarta Transport Authority has also been delegated as the
Government Contracting Agency through the Ministry of Transportation Decree Number 65 of 2019 concerning
Delegation of Authority of the Ministry of Transportation as the Government Contracting Agency.
The development of the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Poris Plawad Type A Bus Station in Tangerang City,
Banten Province is an initiative of the Ministry of Transportation under the Public Private Partnership (PPP) scheme.
In 2021, a Preliminary Study and Outline Business Case (OBC) for the PPP Construction of TOD Poris Plawad Type
A Bus Station have been carried out. The land area that can be utilized for Bus Station functions is in Greater
Jakarta Transport Authority land with an area of approximately 19,000 m². In this area, an integrated area will be
developed with Bus Station, Transportation Functions, Commercial, Office Rental, and Residential Functions Zones.
The Business Entity implementing this project must comply with the TOD provisions stipulated in the Agrarian
Affairs and Spatial Planning / National Land Agency Ministerial Regulation Number 16 of 2017 concerning and
Regulation of the Head of the Greater Jakarta Transport Authority Number: PR.377/AJ.208/BPTJ-2017. The
timeframe from project preparation to Financial Close is planned for 24 months. Furthermore, the construction
implementation is planned for about 2 years and the PPP Project for the Construction of TOD Poris Plawad Type A
Bus Station in Tangerang City, Banten Province will start operating in 2026.
The objective of Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Poris Plawad Type A Bus Station project plan is to Develop
an Integrated Urban Transportation System by developing Transportation nodes connected to the Main Corridor of
the Mass Public Transport Network. Referring to the Jabodetabek Transportation Master Plan, integration between
Poris Plawad Type A Bus Station and Batu Ceper Station is important as an Integrated Urban transportation node
in the TOD Poris Plawad Type A Bus Station development plan.
4. Technical Specification
Mixed-use concept implementation:
Building Development Area of
Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Poris Plawad Type A Bus Station
8. Government Support and Guarantee
Government support and guarantee will be identified during FBC preparation.
9. Contact Information
Name : Rachmat Susilo
Ministry of Transportation
Email : [email protected]
Betan Subing Type A Bus Terminal Development
Location : Betan Subing, Lampung Province
Project Digest
Project Title Betan Subing Type A Bus Terminal Development
Government Contracting Agency Minister of Transportation
Implementing Agency Directorate General of Land Transportation
Preparation Agency Ministry of Transportation
Project Cost USD 16.22 Million
Estimated Concession Period 30 years
Location Central Lampung Regency, Lampung Province
2. The Opportunity
2.1. Project Background
In the National Medium-Term Development Plan 2020-2024 (Presidential Regulation No. 18/2020) it is mandated
that the Government needs to encourage public participation, including the private sector and local governments
in the service and implementation of the facilities and infrastructure sector. The Ministry of Transportation as the
person in charge of the transportation sector, including land transportation, describes the government's plan using
the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) scheme. The Corona Virus 19 (Covid-19) pandemic at the beginning of 2020
was contributing to the further suppressed of funding needs for the infrastructure development. Thus, PPP scheme
became one of the alternative funding options to build, operate and maintain infrastructure facilities at the Ministry
of Transportation.
Through Presidential Regulation No. 38 of 2015 concerning Procedures for Implementing Government Cooperation
with Business Entities in the Provision of Infrastructure, regulates sectors that can provide economic and social
infrastructure services, including land transportation, specifically terminals.
Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation No. 24 of 2021 concerning the Operation of Road Transport
Passenger Terminals, the person in charge of the type A passenger terminal service is the Minister of
Transportation / Director General of Land Transportation. The operation of type A terminals that are spread
throughout Indonesia has varying conditions so that they are also divided into several classes. In terms of the
development of the type A Terminal PPP project, the Ministry of Transportation as the GCA has chosen the Betan
Subing Terminal located in Central Lampung Regency, Lampung Province to be developed as one of the pilot PPP
projects in the type A terminal.
The development of the Type A Betan Subing Terminal in Lampung Province was initiated by the Ministry of
Transportation. In 2020, a Preliminary Study on the Development of a Type A Terminal in Lampung Province has
been conducted. Of the three candidate type A terminals in Lampung Province, the Betan Subing type A terminal in
Central Lampung was selected to be developed under the PPP scheme.
The development of the Type A Betan Subing Terminal in Lampung Province was planned in the form of activities to
build and operate a terminal with a building area of around 15,900 m² of terminal building and mixed-use as well as
attracting development around the terminal to increase crowds and generate new transportation. This project gets
a terminal financing refund from the services regulated in the Minister of Transportation Regulation No. 24 of 2021.
Business Entities Implementing this project are required to achieve the Minimum Service Standards regulated in
the Minister of Transportation Regulation No. 40 of 2015 and the director general of land transportation Regulation
No. KP722 / AJ.005 / DRJD.2021. The project preparation period up to financial close is planned for 24 (twenty-
four) months. Furthermore, the construction implementation is planned for about 1 year and it is estimated in 2025,
the Government and Business Entity Cooperation Project for the Development of the Type A Betan Subing Terminal
in Lampung Province has started operating.
The Development of Type A Betan Subing Terminal in Lampung Province aims to:
4. Technical Specification
Building Type Multi-storey Building Complex
Number of Floors 2
Building Area 15.900 M2
Building Function Hotel, Grocery Center and Recreation (Sport)
5. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA/AMDAL) Findings
The Betan Subing Type A Bus Terminal Development in Lampung Province is categorized as business activities that
are required to have an EIA/AMDAL. The Ministry of Transportation will prepare an EIA/AMDAL document for this
9. Contact Information
Name : Susanty Pertiwi
Email : [email protected]
Purabaya Type A Bus Terminal Development
Location: Sidoarjo, East Java Province
To improve the quality of the terminal to provide
better transportation service, the Ministry of the
Transportation is planning to develop Purabaya
Type A Bus Terminal at Sidoarjo, East Java
Province through Public-Private Partnership
Scheme. The development of this terminal drives
an increase in transportation access and
economic development through a mixed-use
terminal scheme.
Project Digest
Project Title Purabaya Type A Bus Terminal Development
Government Contracting Agency Minister of Transportation
Implementing Agency Directorate General of Land Transportation
Preparation Agency Ministry of Transportation
Project Cost USD 23.65 Million
Estimated Concession Period 20 years
Location Sidoarjo, East Java Province
2. The Opportunity
2.1. Project Background
To improve the quality of the terminal as well as to provide better transportation service, the Ministry of
Transportation has planned to develop Purabaya Type A Bus Terminal at Sidoarjo, East Java Province through
Public-Private Partnership Scheme. The development of this terminal can encourage increased transportation
access and economic development through mixed-use terminal scheme.
The development of the Purabaya Type A Terminal in East Java Province is an initiative of the Ministry of
Transportation. In 2020, a Preliminary Study of Type A Terminal Development in East Java Province has been
conducted. Out of all the four candidates for type A terminals in East Java province, The Purabaya type A terminal
in Sidoarjo district was selected to be developed under the PPP scheme. The development of the Purabaya Type A
Terminal in East Java Province is planned in the form of activities to build and operate a terminal with a building
area of approximately 34,349 m² which consists of terminal and mixed - use buildings. This project obtains a source
of terminal financing from services regulated in Minister of Transportation Regulation No. 24/2021. Implementing
Business Entity for this project are required to achieve the Minimum Service Standards regulated in the Minister of
Transportation Regulation No. 40/2015 and General Director of Air Transportation Regulation No.
KP722/AJ.005/DRJD.2021. The starting period of project preparation until Financial Close is planned for 24 months.
Furthermore, the construction implementation is planned for about 1 year and the PPP Project for Purabaya Type A
Terminal Development in East Java Province will start operating in 2025.
The objectives of Purabaya Type A Bus Terminal Development project plan is to improve the quality of infrastructure
terminal in providing services especially in achieving security and comfort aspects for users. In addition, the
development of this terminal can improve transportation access and economic development through mixed-use
terminal scheme.
a. Design, funding, and construction of new buildings (mixed use) and supporting infrastructure
b. Design, funding, and terminal construction including terminal facilities
c. Terminal facility service operations
d. Terminal maintenance (buildings, parking area, etc)
e. Payment for electricity, Local Water Company, and provision of fuel for terminal operations
f. Operational management of mixed use and old buildings
g. Operation of mixed-use services and old buildings Operation and maintenance of new buildings (mixed use)
and old buildings
h. Operation and maintenance of new building infrastructure (mixed use) and old building (electric generator,
WWTP, clean water system, and others)
i. Payment of electricity, Local Water Company, and provision of fuel for new buildings (mixed use) and old
4. Technical Specification
Mixed-use concept implementation :
2 Shopping Center ✔
3 Restaurant/Café ✔
4 Reflexy ✔
Building Development Area of Purabaya Bus Terminal
Number of Floors 7
Building Function Hotel, Business & Shopping Center, Restaurant, Parking Area.
7. Project Cost Structure
Estimated Project Cost USD 23.65 Million
Indicative Debt to Equity Ratio
- Debt Level 70%
IRR 12%
NPV USD 4.93 Million
9. Contact Information
Name : Susanty Pertiwi
Email : [email protected]
Makassar-Maros-Sungguminasa-Takalar Toll Road
Location: South Sulawesi Province
The project entails the construction of a
Mamminasata toll road, spanning
approximately 48 km. This toll road will
establish a direct connection between Maros
Sub-district and Takalar Sub-district,
bypassing Makassar City. It is expected to
significantly reduce the logistics distance
between these two regions. The Mamminasata
Toll Road is designed to feature four trumpet-
type interchanges.
Project Digest
Project Title Makassar-Maros-Sungguminasa-Takalar Toll Road
Government Contracting Agency Minister of Public Works and Housing
Implementing Agency Indonesia Toll Road Authority (BPJT)
Preparation Agency Indonesia Toll Road Authority (BPJT)
Project Cost USD 722.21 Million
Estimated Concession Period 50 Years
Location South Sulawesi Province
2. The Opportunity
2.1. Project Background
The Mamminasata Bypass Road (approximately 48 Km) has begun construction since 2015 and is still constrained
by several things, one of which is land availability. Therefore, there is a plan to raise the status of this road to be a
toll road in order to accelerate its development and the PPP scheme is expected to be a solution.
This Toll Road will connect Maros Sub-district and Takalar Sub-district without passing through Makassar City, will
shorten the logistics path between the two regions, so that it will have a positive impact on the economies of both
2.2. Project Description
Mamminasata is an urban area consisting of Makassar, Maros, Sungguminasa, and Takalar. This Toll Road will
connect Maros Sub-district and Takalar Sub-district without passing through Makassar City. It is planned to have
four trumpet-type interchanges.
1. To shorten the logistics path between Maros Sub-district and Takalar Sub-district;
2. To increase the economy in both Maros Sub-district and Takalar Sub-district; and
Business entity shall be responsible to perform the toll road project, including design, construction, finance,
operation, maintenance during the concession period, and transferring the asset to the government at the end of
the concession period.
4. Technical Specification
The length of this toll road is 48.123 km. The technical specifications for toll roads will refer to Minister of Public
Works and Housing Regulation Number 19 Year 2011. Some technical specifications include:
1. Design speed
2. Number of Lane
3. Lane Width
4. Outer Shoulder Width
5. Inner Shoulder Width
6. Median Width
8. Government Support and Guarantee
Outline business case study indicates possible business model options, which are user charge with government
support or availability payment (AP). The government support identified in this OBC study are Viability gap fund
(VGF) and construction support from the Ministry of Public Works and Housing. The business model selected and
the need for government support shall be provided in subsequent studies.
9. Contact Information
Name : Ira Ariani Chaerunisa
Email : [email protected]
Cilacap - Yogyakarta Toll Road
Location: Central Java Provinces
The project aims to construct a 121.75 km toll road
connecting Cilacap and Yogyakarta, completing the toll
road network in the south of Central Java Province. This
infrastructure development is expected to stimulate
growth in the central-south region, leveraging its
various potentials. The toll road will commence from the
endpoint of the Gedebage-Tasikmalaya-Cilacap Toll
Road and feature 6 interchanges. Additionally, there will
be 1 on/off ramp at the end section, connecting to the
NYIA-Yogyakarta-Solo Toll Road.
Project Digest
Project Title Cilacap-Yogyakarta Toll Road
Government Contracting Agency Minister of Public Works and Housing
Implementing Unit Indonesia Toll Road Authority (BPJT)
Preparation Agency 1. Directorat General of Highway, MPWH
2. Directorat General of Infrastructure
Financing, MPWH
Project Cost USD 3.379,05Million
Estimated Concession Period 50 Years
Location Central Java Province
2. The Opportunity
Cilacap-Yogyakarta Toll Road is mentioned in article 20B in Regional Regulation of Central Java Province Number
16 of 2019 about Spatial Plan of Central Java Province. In addition to Presidential Regulation Number 79 of 2019,
Cilacap Regency also is a part of Barlingmascakeb Regional Development which become one of the area aimed to
support the acceleration of economic development in Central Java.
Cilacap-Yogyakarta Toll Road are in the administrative area of Central Java Provinces. It is planned to have ±121.75
km length and will connect two provinces. Based on traffic analysis in FBC, the traffic volume is estimated 10.821
vehicles/day in the first year of operation and will become around 85.500 vehicles/day in final consession period
(50 years). This toll road is equipped with 6 interchanges and 1 on/off ramp.
- To increase the development of the area traversed by the toll road; and
The business entity is responsible for the implementation of the toll road project, with the scope of the PPP portion
of construction, finance, operation, and maintenance all toll road segments during the concession period.
4. Technical Specification
The technical specifications for Cilacap-Yogyakarta Toll Road are as follows:
No Facilities Capacity
1 Length 121.75 km
2 Design Speed 100 km/hr
3 Number of Lane 2x2
4 Lane Width 3.60 m
5 Outer Shoulder Width 3.00 m
6 Inner Shoulder Width 1.50 m
7 Median Width (including inner shoulder) 5.50 m
8 Interchange/Junction Starting Point at IC Kebumen
Cilacap IC Kutoarjo
IC Maos IC Purworejo
IC Soempioeh On/Off Ramp Kulon
IC Gombong Progo
5. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA/AMDAL) Findings
Based on the planned schedule, AMDAL study will be conducted during Q2 2022 – Q4 2022.
Land Acquisition plans have been made with a cost of approximately USD 261.98 Million.
9. Contact Information
Name : Ira Ariani Chaerunisa
Email : [email protected]
Demak - Tuban Toll Road
Location: Central Java Province and East Java Province
The project involves the construction of a 179.55 km
toll road connecting Demak and Tuban, which aims
to support Presidential Regulation Number 79/2019
and Presidential Regulation Number 80/2019, while
fostering economic and regional growth. This toll
road will feature 7 interchanges and 1 junction,
enhancing connectivity and accessibility in the area.
Project Digest
Project Title Demak-Tuban Toll Road
Government Contracting Agency Minister of Public Works and Housing
Implementing Unit Indonesia Toll Road Authority (BPJT)
Preparation Agency 1. Directorat General of Highway, MPWH
2. Directorat General of Infrastructure
Financing, MPWH
Project Cost USD 3.440,27 Million
*before Government support
Estimated Concession Period 50 Years
Location Central Java Province and East Java Province
2. The Opportunity
Demak-Tuban Toll Road is the continuation of Semarang-Demak Toll Road, the planned Ngawi-Bojonegoro-Babat
Toll Road, and the planned Tuban-Gresik Toll Road. The existence of this toll road will eliminate the missing link for
north side of the trans java toll road network. Demak-Tuban Toll Road will support Presidential Regulation Number
79/2019 and Presidential Regulation Number 80/2019.
Demak-Tuban Toll Road is in the administrative area of Central Java Province and East Java Province which connect
Demak Regency and Tuban Regency. This toll road is equipped with 6 interchanges and 1 junction. Demak-Tuban
Toll Road will be constructed in two stages, the first stages included Section 1,2,3,7 and constructed in 2026 (total
length 93 Km) while the rest (87 Km, Section 4,5,6) will be constructed in 2030.
Business entities shall be responsible to perform the toll road project, including design, financing, construction,
operation, and maintenance during the concession period.
4. Technical Specification
The technical specifications for Demak-Tuban Toll Road are as follows:
No Facilities Capacity
1 Length 179.55 km
2 Design Speed 100 km/hr
3 Number of Lane Initial Stage 2x2
4 Number of Lane Final Stage 2x3
5 Lane Width 3.60 m
6 Outer Shoulder Width 3.00 m
7 Inner Shoulder Width 1.50 m
8 Median Width (including inner shoulder) 5.50 m
9 Interchange 1. IC Kudus
2. IC Pati
3. IC Rembang
4. IC Pamotan
5. IC Kerek
6. IC Tuban
7. JC Babat
7. Project Cost Structure
The feasibility study of the project indicates the need for government support in terms of land
acquisition and SBOT 1,1% (IDR 395 M). Government guarantee through the Indonesia
Infrastructure Guarantee Fund (IIGF) will also be necessary.
9. Contact Information
Email : [email protected]
Malang – Kepanjen Toll Road
Location: East Java Province
The project is to construct a ±29.787 km toll
road of Malang-Kepanjen which is expected to
overcome traffic problems and boost economic
and regional growth. This toll road is equipped
with 2 junctions and 4 interchanges.
Financial Feasibility:
IRR : 9.69%
NPV : USD 87.67 Million
Government Contracting Agency:
Minister of Public Works and Housing Estimated Concession Period: 45 years
Type of PPP:
Return of Investment:
User Charge
Project Digest
Project Title Construction of Malang – Kepanjen Toll Road
Government Contracting Agency Minister of Public Works and Housing
Implementing Agency Indonesia Toll Road Authority (BPJT)
Preparation Agency PT. PP (Persero) Tbk
Project Cost USD 726.91 Million
Estimated Concession Period 45 years
Location East Java Province
2. The Opportunity
2.1. Project Background
Malang-Kepanjen Toll Road is a continuation of Pandaan-Malang Toll Road. It will become an alternative road from
Malang City to Kepanjen District in East Java Province to support acceleration growth in the tourism and industrial
2.2. Project Description
Malang-Kepanjen Toll Road is located in the administrative area of East Java Province which connects Malang City
and Malang Regency, 6 Districts, and 17 Villages. Malang-Kepanjen Toll Road has a length ±29.787 km. It is one of
the projects that have been listed in Presidential Regulation Number 80/2019. Based on the analysis in 2026, the
volume of traffic is 23.692 vehicles/day. It is estimated to increase to 158.936 vehicles/day in 2067. This toll road is
equipped with 2 junctions and 4 interchanges. Malang-Kepanjen Toll Road is planned to operate in 2026.
- To increase the development of areas that are passed by toll roads; and
The business entity shall be responsible to perform the toll road project, including financing, construction,
operation, and maintenance during the concession period.
4. Technical Specification
The technical specifications for Malang – Kepanjen Toll Road are as follows:
No Facilities Capacity
1 Length ±29.787 km
2 Design Speed 80 km/hr
3 Number of Lane 2x2x3.60
4 Lane Width 3.60 m
5 Outer Shoulder Width 3.00 m
6 Inner Shoulder Width 1.50 m
7 Median Width (including inner shoulder) 5.50 m
Based on the planned schedule, the AMDAL study will be conducted in 2022.
7. Project Cost Structure
Estimated Project Cost USD 726.91 Million
Indicative Debt to Equity Ratio
- Debt Level 70%
- Equity Level 30%
IRR 9.69%
NPV USD 87.67 Million
9. Contact Information
Name : Ira Ariani Chaerunisa
Email : [email protected]
Ngawi–Bojonegoro-Babat Toll Road
Location: East Java Province
The project involves the construction of a
106,409 km toll road known as Ngawi-
Bojonegoro-Babat, which has been designated
under Presidential Regulation Number 80/2019.
This toll road will feature 2 junctions and 3
interchanges, and it is strategically positioned
to pass through key areas such as the Gas
Unitization Field Development of Jambaran-
Tiung Biru in Bojonegoro Regency and the Cepu
Area Block.
Return of Investment:
Estimated Concession Period: 50 years
User Charge
Project Digest
Project Title Ngawi-Bojonegoro-Babat Toll Road
IC Babat
IC Cepu
IC Bojonegoro
JC Ngawi
2. The Opportunity
Business entities shall be responsible to perform the toll road project, including design, financing, construction,
operation, and maintenance during the concession period.
4. Technical Specification
The technical specifications for Ngawi-Bojonegoro-Babat Toll Road are as follows:
No Facilities Capacity
1 Length 106,409 km
2 Design Speed 100 km/hour
3 Number of Lane of Initial Stage 2x2
4 Number of Lane of Final Stage 2x3
5 Lane Width 3.60 m
6 Outer Shoulder Width 3.00 m
7 Inner Shoulder Width 1.50 m
8 Median Width (including inner shoulder) 5.50 m
9 Interchange and Junction JC Ngawi IC Bojonegoro
IC Ngawi JC Babat
IC Cepu
9. Contact Information
Name : Ira Ariani Chaerunisa
Email : [email protected]
Semarang Harbour Toll Road Integrated with Water Resource Control System
Location: Central Java Province
The project is to construct ± 20.16 km of
Semarang Harbour toll road which connects
the Semarang-Batang Toll Road and
Semarang-Demak Toll Road to complete the
Ring Road around the City of Semarang. This
toll road will be integrated with the sea dike
and retention pond in the city of Semarang. The
return of investment of the sea dike comes
from the development of the reclamation area
given to the winner of the auction while the
retention pond will be financed by the
government of Semarang city and other
Government Contracting Agency:
financing schemes.
Minister of Public Works and Housing
Estimated Project Cost: USD 1,298.52 Million
Type of PPP:
Financial Feasibility:
FIRR : 11.12%
Return of Investment: NPV : USD 6.17 Million
User Charge and Right of Reclamation Area
Estimated Concession Period: 50 years
Project Digest
Project Title Semarang Harbour Toll Road Integrated with Water
Resource Control System
Government Contracting Agency Minister of Public Works and Housing
Implementing Unit Indonesia Toll Road Authority (BPJT)
Preparation Agency The Consortium of PT. Sumber Mitra Jaya and PT. Waskita
Toll Road
Project Cost USD 1,298.52 Million
(For Land Cost, Toll Road, and Sea Dike Construction)
Estimated Concession Period 50 years
Location Central Java
2. The Opportunity
2.1. Project Background
Economic growth in the Semarang area had an impact on regional development and travel demand growth in recent
years. The road network in the Semarang region also shows a declining performance. In addition, the existence of
the Trans Java Toll Road will also increase the traffic load on the road network significantly. This condition indicates
the need to develop a new road network to respond to the high growth in travel demand in the Semarang and
surrounding areas. Therefore, the Semarang Harbour Toll Road Development Plan has been prepared. This toll road
is planned to be circular on the northern side of Semarang City, from Kaliwungu, Ahmad Yani Airport, and Tanjung
Mas Port.
Kendal’s Industrial Zone (KIK), Ahmad Yani Airport, Tanjung Mas Port, and Semarang Toll Road Section A, B, C. This
toll road will also be integrated with the sea dike and retention pond in the Semarang City.
The Semarang Harbour Toll Road starts from Kaliwungu Area of Kendal Regency which connecting the Semarang
Batang Toll Road and the Semarang Harbour Toll Road, then ends at Kaligawe of Semarang City which connecting
Semarang Demak Toll Road and Semarang Harbour Toll Road.
The length of the Semarang Harbour Toll Road is 20.16 km which is divided into:
This project is proposed to use a PPP scheme with user charge and the other form of investment return which is
right of reclamation area development. The toll road will be operating with a closed toll collection system. The
return of investment of the sea dike comes from the development of the reclamation area given to the sponsor
(tender winner) while the retention pond will be financed by Government of Semarang City.
4. Technical Specification
A business entity is required to meet the minimum toll road service standard as stipulated in Minister of Public
Works Regulation No. 16/PRT/M /2014 concerning Toll Road Minimum Service Standards. Minimum toll service
standards include the following service substances: toll road conditions, average travel speed, accessibility,
mobility, safety, rescue unit and service assistance, environment, and rest area and rest area and service.
The technical specifications for toll roads will refer to all regulations and specifications that apply in Indonesia,
such as regulations and codes issued by the Directorate General of Highways, Indonesian National Standard (SNI),
and other regulations. Some technical specifications for the main road including:
No Facilities Capacity
1 Length 20.16 km
2 Design Speed 80 Km/hr
3 Number of Lane 2 x2 (initial stage)
3 x3 (final stage)
4 Lane Width 3.6 m
5 Outside Shoulder Width 3.0 m
6 Inner side Shoulder Width 1.5 m
7 Design Speed 80 Km/hr
8 Median Width (include inner side 5.5 m
9 Cross slope 2%
10 Shoulder slope 2%
The technical specifications for dyke and retention polder will refer to all regulations and specifications that apply
in Indonesia, such as regulations and codes issued by the Directorate General of Water Resources, Indonesian
National Standard (SNI), and other regulations.
This study indicates the need for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA/AMDAL). The preliminary EIA document
is already prepared and based on scope of works, the EIA study will be prepared by SPV/Toll Road Company.
9. Contact Information
Name : Ira Ariani Chaerunisa
Email : [email protected]
Tuban-Babat-Lamongan-Gresik Toll Road
Location: East Java Province
Tuban – Babat – Lamongan - Gresik toll road
will form a crucial linkage along the northern
coast of Java Island, connecting Surabaya,
Semarang, and Jakarta. The primary purpose
of this toll road is to enhance accessibility,
particularly for PT Pertamina Rosneft's Tuban
Oil Refinery development plan and the Gresik
Special Economic Zone (SEZ).
Project Digest
Project Title Tuban-Babat-Lamongan-Gresik Toll Road
Government Contracting Agency Ministry of Public Works and Housing
Implementing Agency Indonesia Toll Road Authority (BPJT)
Preparation Agency 1. Directorate General of Highway, MPWH
2. Directorate General of Infrastructure Financing,
Project Cost USD 1,618.08 Million
Estimated Concession Period 50 Years
Location East Java Province
2. The Opportunity
2.2. Project Description
Tuban-Babat-Lamongan-Gresik Toll Road length 61,97 Km (Section Tuban-Gresik 54,31 Km and including the
length of Section IV Bunder-Manyar 7,7 Km). Tuban-Gresik Toll Road will be constructed in two stages, the
first stages included Section 3-4 and constructed in 2026 (total length 24,62 Km) while the rest (37,35 km,
Section 1-2) will be constructed in 2030.
It is in East Java Province passing through 3 regencies, Tuban regency, Lamongan regency and Gresik regency.
The toll road will be connected to 2 planned toll roads and 2 existing toll roads. It would complete the
connection of the toll road in Java island.
2. Supporting accessibility of Special Economic Zone Gresik and PT Pertamina Rosneft’s Tuban Oil Refinery
Development Plan (Strategic National Plan)
3. Improving the surrounding economy and become a national level trade traffic
4. Technical Specification
The technical specifications for South Tangerang Waste to Energy are as follows:
No Facilities Capacity
1 Length 61,97 Km (Section Tuban-Gresik 54,31 Km and
including the length of Section IV Bunder-
Manyar 7,7 Km)
2 Design Speed 80 Km/Hr
3 Number of Lane (initial and final stage) 2x2
4 Lane Width 3,6 m
5 Outer Shoulder Width 3m
6 Inner Shoulder Width 1m
7 Median Width (including inner shoulder) 4,5 m
8 Interchange/Junction IC Babat (STA 12+275)
IC Paciran (STA 28+050)*
IC Lamongan (STA 37+350)
IC Manyar (STA 53+225)
*IC Paciran will be stage-wise constructed
Based on the planned schedule, AMDAL study will be conducted during Q4 2022-Q1 2024
Based on the planned schedule, LARP study will be conducted during Q4 2022 – Q4 2023.
7. Project Cost Structure
Estimated Project Cost USD 1,618.08 Million
Indicative Debt to Equity Ratio
- Debt Level 70%
- Equity Level 30%
IRR 11%
9. Contact Information
Name : Ira Ariani Chaerunisa
Email : [email protected]
Preservation of Madiun Regency Road
Location: Madiun Regency, East Java Province
In order to support Presidential Regulation No.
80 of 2019 related to the Selingkar Wilis and
Lingkar Selatan Priority Areas having the
theme of developing agro-industry and
agropolitan added value through the provision
of supporting infrastructure that connects with
growth centers, the Madiun Regency
Government is implementing a project for
Preservation of Madiun Regency Roads which
is expected to improve modes of transportation
in Madiun Regency.
Project Digest
Project Title Preservation of Madiun Regency Road
Government Contracting Agency Regent of Madiun
Implementing Agency Departement of Transportation, Madiun Regency
Preparation Agency Departement of Transportation, Madiun Regency
Project Cost USD 92.70 Million
Estimated Concession Period Under Review
Location Madiun Regency, East Java Province
2. The Opportunity
Of the various types of pavements, roads are divided into 4 types of conditions, namely roads in good condition,
moderate, slightly damaged, and heavily damaged. The road is in good condition and is classified as a steady road,
while roads in a slightly damaged and heavily damaged condition are classified as unstable road conditions. Due to
budget, technology and human resource limitations, innovation and breakthroughs are needed in road preservation
using the Public Private Partnership (PPP) scheme.
2.2. Project Description
The description of this project is as follows:
4. Technical Specification
Project technical specification will be further studied during the OBC/FBC report.
The detailed acquisition and resettlement action plan will be will be provided in the OBC/FBC
9. Contact Information
Name : Ageng Kurnia
Phone : +62-811-3677-353
Email : [email protected]
Operational and Maintenance (OM) Surabaya-Madura (Suramadu) Bridge
Bundling with Bandara Juanda-Tanjung Perak Toll Road (Surabaya Eastern
Ring Road/SERR)
Location: East Java Province
The Suramadu Bridge, connecting Surabaya City
and Madura Island (Bangkalan), holds the
distinction of being the longest cable-stayed
bridge in Indonesia. Spanning a length of 5,438
meters and designed for a service life of 100
years, the bridge requires ongoing operation and
maintenance. There is a potential opportunity to
finance the operation and maintenance of the
Suramadu Bridge by bundling it with the Juanda
Airport - Tanjung Perak Toll Road (SERR).
Project Digest
Project Title OM Suramadu Bridge Bundling Bandara Juanda-Tanjung Perak Toll Road
(Surabaya Eastern Ring Road/SERR)
Government Minister of Public Works and Housing
Contracting Agency
Implementing Unit Indonesia Toll Road Authority (BPJT)
Preparation Agency Directorate General of Public Works Infrastructures and Housing Financing
Investment Cost USD 721.35 Million
Estimated Concession 50 Years
Location East Java Province
2. The Opportunity
The Bandara Juada - Tanjung Perak Toll Road (Surabaya Eastern Ring Road/SERR) has been listed in Presidential
Regulation Number 80/2019. It will complement the connectivity between transportation’s node and reduce the
volume of urban road networks.
The life of Suramadu Bridge which is planned for 100 years must be supported by maintenance and strengthening
of bridge structure which was originally operated with the minimum toll road service standards. Other than that,
the bridge components at sea causes the risk of corrosion of the bridge foundation.
Suramadu Bridge is one of the supporting infrastructures to develop and increase the growth of the economy in
Madura Island. Several planned development areas are Madura Special Zone (Kawasan Khusus Madura), Tainan
Suramadu, Indonesia Islamic Science Park, and others.
There is potential for Madura development by integrating the Suramadu Bridge with the planned SERR Toll Road.
The SERR Toll Road will be bundled to cross finance the Suramadu operational and maintenance. The Feasibility
Study (FS) of bundling between OM Suramadu Bridge and SERR Toll Road started in Q2 2021 and will be finalized in
Q3 2022.
- To strengthen the structure and foundation of Suramadu Bridge, which most of the components are located
at sea.
- To complement connectivity between transportation’s node and reduce the volume of urban road networks.
Business entity shall be responsible to finance, operate, and maintain the Suramadu Bridge and SERR Toll Road
during the concession period.
4. Technical Specification
The technical specifications for Suramadu Bridge are as follows:
No Facilities Capacity
1 Length 5,438 m
2 Bridge Width 2x15 m
3 Number of Lane 2x2x3.5 m
4 Motorbike lane 2x3.05 m
5 Maximum slope 3%
The technical specifications for SERR Toll Road are as follows:
No Facilities Capacity
1 Length 23.5 km
2 Design Speed 100 km/hour
3 Lane Width 3.60 m
4 Outer Shoulder Width 3.00 m
5 Inner Shoulder Width 1.50 m
6 Median Width (including inner shoulder) 5.50 m
9. Contact Information
Name : Ira Ariani Chaerunisa
Email : [email protected]
Batam - Bintan Bridge
Location: Riau Islands Province
The project aims to construct a bridge
connecting Batam and Bintan, which are
located in the Riau Islands province. The
project will utilize a Public-Private Partnership
(PPP) scheme, with a user charge as the return
of investment scheme.
Financial Feasibility:
Government Contracting Agency:
IRR : 10.44%
Minister of Public Works and Housing
NPV : USD 51.15 Million
Type of PPP:
Solicited Estimated Concession Period: 50 years
Return of Investment:
User Charge
Project Digest
Project Title Batam-Bintan Bridge
Government Minister of Public Works and Housing
Contracting Agency
Implementing Agency Indonesia Toll Road Authority (BPJT)
Preparation Agency Directorate General of Public Works Infrastructure and Housing Financing (DJPI)
Project Cost USD 1,029.60 Million
Estimated 50 years
Concession Period
Location Riau Islands Province
Sauh –
Island –
Island –
2. The Opportunity
2.1. Project Background
Connectivity is one of the most important things in growing economic activities. Batam is planned to be developed
into a national industrial zone and Batam as a Free Trade Zone (FTZ) area with major advantages in the field of
trade and industry. Batam is also a strategic area because its location is near Singapore and Malaysia. Bintan Island
is also a strategic area and also has some Free Trade Zone (FTZ) areas. This project will be built with the PPP
terms of partial construction from the Ministry of Public Works and Housing and Government Guarantee by PT PII.
The scope of work for the business entity will be Design-Build-Finance for PPP Segment, Operate-Maintenance of
all segments Batam-Bintan Bridge (Include Government Support Segment), and Transfer of the Asset after the final
concession period.
1) Designing a Detailed Engineering Design (DED) of the Batam-Bintan Bridge Construction Project for PPP
Portion based on the basic design provided by GCA;
3) Maintenance of the Batam-Bintan Bridge during the concession period, after the construction phase has been
completed for the all of segment of Batam-Bintan Bridge; and
4) Sign and commit in the Guarantee Agreement with Indonesia Infrastructure Guarantee Fund (IIGF)
4. Technical Specification
The Batam-Bintan Bridge operation will be used as a toll road with dedicated motorcycle lanes thus the technical
specifications will refer to all regulations and specifications in the geometric planning of roads (main road, ramp
and access road). Some technical specifications for the main road including:
No Facilities Capacity
1 Bridge Length 7,684 m
2 Road Length 7,064 m
3 Design Speed 80 Km/hr
4 Number of Lane 2x2
5 Lane Width 3.6 m
6 Outside Shoulder Width 3.0 m
7 Inner side Shoulder Width 1.5 m
8 Median Width (include inner side shoulder) 4.0 m
9 Cross slope 2%
10 Outside Shoulder slope 4%
7. Project Cost Structure
Estimated Project Cost USD 1,029.60 Million
Indicative Debt to Equity Ratio
- Debt Level 70%
- Equity Level 30%
IRR 10.44%
NPV USD 51..15 Million
9. Contact Information
Name : Ira Ariani Chaerunisa
Email : [email protected]
Development of Bodri Dam in Kendal Regency
Location: Kendal, Central Java Province
The Bodri River, situated in a coastal area and
intersected by 12 rivers, holds great potential for
multiple purposes, including irrigation, raw water
supply, electricity generation, and flood control in
Kendal district. The project aims to encompass the
design, construction, financing, and maintenance of
the dam, as well as the associated infrastructure
and transfer systems. Its primary objective is to
harness the resources of the Bodri River effectively,
providing sustainable solutions for water
management, power generation, and flood
mitigation in the region.
Pre- Financial
FBC RfP Bid Award Construction
Qualification Close
Q2 2023 Q4 2023 Q1 2024 Q1 2025
Q3 2023 Q3 2024
Project Digest
Project Title Construction of Bodri Dam in Kendal Regency
Government Contracting Agency Minister of Public Works and Public Housing
Implementing Agency Directorate General of Water Resources (DGWR)
Preparation Agency Directorate General of Infrastructure Financing
Project Cost USD 117.82 Million
Estimated Concession Period 18 years (4 years construction, 2 years reservoir
filling & 12 years maintenance)
Location Kendal, Central Java Province
2. The Opportunity
its territory, t he Bodri River has the potential to be used as a dam for irrigation, raw water supply, the potential
electric power and flood control in overcoming floods that occur in Kendal district.
4. Technical Specification
The technical specifications for Bodri Dam in Kendal Regency are as follows:
No Facilities Capacity
1 Length of crest dam 396.67 m
2 Height 73.50 m
3 Effective holding volume 24.08 Million m3
4 Reservoir capacity at Normal Water Level 41.7 Million m3
5 Dam Body Volume 2,119,458.68 m3
6 Inundation area 240.20 hectares
7 Area 259.55 Ha
8 Raw water supply 0.497 m³/det
9 Flood reduction (Q100) 8.36%
10 Elevation of normal water level + 160,00 m
e) Management office facility building
f) Access roads
g) Reservoir/reservoir
h) Powerhouse/PLTM
Final business case study indicates that this project will require government guarantee.
9. Contact Information
Name : Arvi Argyantoro
Email : [email protected]
Development of Merangin Dam
Location: Jambi
The Merangin Dam project is a multifunctional
dam designed to serve various purposes. It will
provide irrigation for an area of 12,000 hectares,
effectively control floods with a capacity of
approximately 583.5 cubic meters per second in
the densely populated lower part of the Merangin
basin. The dam will also serve as a raw water
source, supplying approximately 2 cubic meters
per second, and has the potential to generate
electricity with a capacity ranging from 90 to 107.5
Project Digest
Project Title Construction of Merangin Dam
Government Contracting Agency Minister of Public Works and Housing
Implementing Agency Directorate General of Water Resources
Preparation Agency Directorate General of Public Works and
Housing Infrastructure Financing (DJPI) and PT
Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (PDF assignment by
the Ministry of Finance)
Project Cost USD 429.77 Million
Estimated Concession Period 20 years
Location Renah Pembarap District, Merangin Regency,
Jambi Province
Picture 2 – Map of Merangin Dam
2. The Opportunity
The proposed Merangin multipurpose dam is considered to meet the high demand of new agriculture irrigation, to
address the impacts of climate change on the reliability of water supply as well as to mitigate flood risks,
agriculture, and energy generation as well as renewable energy needs in a green and sustainable manner.
The Merangin Dam provision aims to support Visium PUPR 2030, which increases the resistance of national water
with a capacity of 120 m3/capita/year and in accordance with the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development
Plan regarding the Development of 18 Multipurpose Dams as Major Project.
The USD 262,98 million program involves a PPP scheme with a DBFOMT modality that includes financing, designing
and building, operating and maintaining a multi-purpose dam to provide water for an irrigation scheme covering
about 12,000 hectares in Merangin Regency, control floods of approximately 583.5 m3/s in the Merangin basin,
impound water for a 90 – 107.5 MW hydropower. Other program components include local water supply until 2 m3/s
and tourism. The Government will provide land acquisition of ± 853.22 ha.
The option in this project development is to build a dam, and the payment mechanism through Availability Payment
covers the private’s investment, risks and returns.
4. Technical Specification
Basic Design features of the Merangin Multipurpose Dam is the following.
Length of crest dam 335 m Effective inundation area 686.76 ha
100.17 million m3
Width of crest dam 12 m Effective inundation volume
75.0 million m3
Height of main dam 94 m Minimum inundation volume
El+225.9 m
Peak Elevation dam +229m QPMF Elevation
583.5 m3/s
Spillway Elevation +220 m Flood Control (QPMF)
Type of Dam Earthfill with clay
Irrigation discharge 25.75 m3/s
measures required during design, construction and operation of the project; (iii) Development of cost estimates of
the mitigation measures; (iv) Preparation of a project-specific Environment Management Plan/ Mitigation
Management Action Plan.
The government has conducted the drafting process of the EIA Study by the year 2020. The progress of EIA is waiting
for the suitability of Space Utilization Activities (Kesesuaian Kegiatan Pemanfaatan Ruang/KKPR) for certification of
EIA document.
6. Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action Plan
The government has conducted the LARAP Study on an area of ±853.22 ha by the year 2020, consisting of (i) a Social
Economic survey; (ii) a census of the population to be affected by the project and preparation of desegregated data;
(iii) identification of socio-economic impacts of the project to the stakeholders; (iv) carrying out of an aerial survey
of the project area and cadastral survey of the land parcels to be affected and accompanying list of the registered
land owners; and (v) determination of the land to be acquired and the tentative compensation values for both land,
permanent, semi-permanent and temporary structures and both cash/subsistence crops. The government (MPWH)
is drafting Land Acquisition Planning Documents for submission of location determination to the Governor of Jambi.
Land Acquisition will be carried out in 2023.
9. Contact Information
Name : Arvi Argyantoro
Email : [email protected]
Komering Irrigation System
Location: South Sumatera and Lampung Province
Komering Irrigation Area has a potential of
121,500 Ha. From 1990 to 2015, a functional
irrigation network covering an area of 59,148
Ha has been built, consisting of Komering
Primary Channel, Secondary Channel, as well
as Rehabilitation of Secondary and Tertiary
Channel. Komering Irrigation system supports
the government's target in the MPWH Strategic
Plan 2020-2024, which is the rehabilitation of
2,000,000 hectares.
Project Digest
Project Title Komering Irrigation System
Government Contracting Agency Minister of Public Works and Public Housing
Implementing Agency Directorate General of Water Resources (DGWR)
Preparation Agency Directorate General of Infrastructure Financing
Project Cost USD 163.78 Million
Estimated Concession Period 15 years (2 years construction/rehabilitation & 13 years
operation and maintenance)
Location Location: Region of East Ogan Komering Ulu
and Ogan Komering Ilir, South Sumatera Province, Region of
Way Kanan, Lampung Province
2. The Opportunity
The implementation of Phase-I was completed in October 1996, while Phase-II Phase-1, namely PIK (II-1), was
carried out from 1996 to 2001. Phase-II Phase-2 construction began in 2005 and was completed in mid-2013. In 2019,
studies began and continued the construction of the Lempuing II Irrigation Area covering an area of 8600 Ha.
Currently, the Lempuing II Irrigation Network is under construction and is planned to be completed in 2025.
PPP Based on Sharia Principles of Komering Irrigation Area Project of South Sumatra Province (Unsolicited) will
be intended to assist the PUPR Minister's program in accelerating and improving water use for irrigation.
2.2. Project Description
Komering Irrigation Area has a potential of 121,500 Ha. From 1990 to 2015, a functional irrigation network covering
an area of 59,148 Ha has been built, consisting of Komering Primary Channel, Secondary Channel, as well as
Rehabilitation of Secondary and Tertiary Channel.
Scope of Operation and Maintenance of total 67.648 Ha of irrigation area. The project includes implementation of
Smart Irrigation Asset Management System.
Project will maximize the supply of irrigation water for an irrigation area of around 120,000 Ha. This project also
supports infrastructure development for multi-purpose reservoirs and irrigation modernization as stipulated in the
National Medium-Term Development Planning, through a strategy for building and rehabilitating irrigation
1. Revitalization/rehabilitation: includes secondary and sub secondary channels spread across d.I. Komering
area of 53,148 ha obtained from the total area of the existing d.I. Commercial 59,148 Ha;
2. Irrigation modernization: procurement, installation of smart irrigation asset management system (SIAMS).
3. Operation and maintenance: the komering irrigation area covering an area of 67,648 Ha, including the existing
irrigation area covering an area of 59,148 Ha and the new lempuing irrigation area covering 8,500 Ha;
4. Conduct studies related to water allocation and smart water management system;
5. Institutional social strengthening.
4. Technical Specification
The technical specifications for Komering Irrigation System are as follows:
1. Rehabilitation of:
a) Perjaya Weir (landscape);
b) Irrigation System, Broken Lining of 84.236 m, broken dike of 1.522 m, sedimentation of 77.116 m;
c) Sluice replacement of 147 pieces, rehabilitation of 566 pieces and repaint of 717 pieces; and
d) Inspection pavement of 450,78 km.
2. Modernization of Perjaya Weir and Komering Irrigation System of 122 sluice using sensors and robotization.
3. Operation and Maintenance of Perjaya Weir and Komering Irrigation System of 926,47 km include Lempuing
II subirrigation area in 2026.
6. Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action Plan
Land acquisition is carried out if the land to be used to build the Project does not yet belong to the
Government/Regional Government. Referring to Article 10 paragraph (1) of Presidential Decree 38/2015, land
acquisition for PPPs is carried out by the Government in accordance with statutory provisions regarding land
acquisition for development in the public interest.
In relation to the Project, land acquisition activities do not need to be carried out because the Project is implemented
in a brownfield location and based on technical studies, no additional land is needed.
9. Contact Information
Name : Arvi Argyantoro
Email : [email protected]
High Level Diversion (HLD) Interconnection Channel Lombok
Location: Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara Province
High Level Diversion (HLD) is a water dividing
system that spans 12 watersheds. This system
consists of two interdependent main channels
and 24 dependent channels which are
connected to 490 headworks. HLD aims to
transfer water from surplus watersheds to
deficit watersheds.
Financial Feasibility:
IRR : 11.84%
Government Contracting Agency: NPV : USD 12.42 Million
Minister of Public Works and Public Housing
Estimated Concession Period: 2 years
Type of PPP:
construction/rehabilitation period, 13 years of
Return of Investment:
Availability Payment
FS Pre- Construction
RfP Bid Award Financial Close
Q3 2022 - Qualification Q2 2024-
Q4 2023 Q1 2024 Q2 2024
Q1 2023 Q3 2023 Q1 2026
Regress MPWH Evaluation of
Agreement Service Level
Sharia Sharia PPP Availability
Guarantee Agreement Payment
Equity SPV of Existing OM
Sharia Lenders
Rehabilitazion OM
Irrigation Service
Project Digest
Project Title Revitalization and Modernization of High Level
Diversion (HLD) Interconnection Channel PPP Project
Government Contracting Agency Minister of Public Works and Public Housing
Implementing Agency Directorate General of Water Resources (DGWR)
Preparation Agency Directorate General of Infrastructure Financing
Project Cost USD 112.05 Million
Estimated Concession Period 15 years (2 years construction/rehabilitation, & 13 years
operation and maintenance)
Location Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara
2. The Opportunity
1. Upper HLD is administratively located in two districts, namely Central Lombok Regency and East Lombok
Regency. The length of the HLD Babak - Rutus main channel is 16.5 km with a maximum discharge of 6
2. Lower HLD is administratively in two districts, namely West Lombok Regency and Central Lombok
Regency. The length of the main channel HLD Jangkok - Babak is 43.5 km with a maximum discharge of 12
7. Operation and Maintenance of Lower and Upper HLD Channels, Supply Channels, West Diversion Canal,
and Headworks
4. Technical Specification
The technical specifications for HLD Interconnection Channel are as follows:
No Facilities Capacity
1 Upper HLD Channel 16,5 km
2 Lower HLD Channel 43,5 km
3 West Diversion Canal 21,32 km
4 Supply Channel (24 channels) 51,52 km
5 HLD Headworks 55 location
6 Non-HLD Headworks 435 location
For HLD Interconnection Channel Lombok PPP Project, it is necessary to prepare an Environmental Impact Analysis
(AMDAL) study in order to obtain an Environmental Permit in view of the regulations in accordance with Law
Number 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management (“UU No. 32/2009”). But currently the
AMDAL study has not been prepared.
6. Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action Plan
Land acquisition is carried out if the land to be used to build the Project does not yet belong to the
Government/Regional Government. Referring to Article 10 paragraph (1) of Presidential Decree 38/2015, land
acquisition for PPPs is carried out by the Government in accordance with statutory provisions regarding land
acquisition for development in the public interest. Therefore, further assessment is needed in order to define land
acquisition area and if there is resident affected by the construction of West Diversion Canal. If there is affected
resident then resettlement action plan will be needed.
9. Contact Information
Name : Arvi Argyantoro
Position : Director of Water Resource Infrastructure Financing
Phone : +62 21-7264-267
Email : [email protected]
40 MW Hydro Power Plant on Tiga Dihaji Dam
Location: South Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Regency, Banten Province
The Project is located on Tiga Dihaji Dam,
Komering River Basin, South Ogan Komering
Ulu (OKU) Regency, South Sumatera Province.
The Project is proposed by using Unsolicited
PPP through Design, Build, Finance, Operate,
Maintain and Transfer (DBFOMT) scheme. It is
estimated generating electricity with 40 MW
Financial Feasibility:
IRR : 12.53%
NPV : USD 12.25 Million
Return of Investment:
User Charge
Request for
Pre- Agreement Financial Construction
Proposal Bid Award
Qualification Signing Close Q4 2024 - Q4
Q4 2023-Q1 Q1 2024
Q3 2023 Q132024 Q4 2024 2026
Project Digest
Project Title 40 MW Hydro Power Plant on Tiga Dihaji Dam
Government Contracting Agency Minister of Public Works and Housing
Implementing Agency Director General for Water Resources
Preparation Agency Directorate General of Financing of Public
Works Infrastructure and Housing
Project Cost USD 76.08 Million
Estimated Concession Period 27 years (2 years of construction, 25 years of
service period)
Location South Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Regency,
Banten Province
2. The Opportunity
In accordance with long term program of the State Electricity Company - PT. PLN (Persero) to
get affordable tariff of electricity, the use of water resources needs to be utilized for the welfare and society. Hydro
power plant has been managed by the government through the PT PLN (Persero) as the main supplier of electricity
for both household and industrial needs. Even though, PLN has not been able to meet the demand for electricity for
all regions in Indonesia, so some areas have not yet been reached by electricity.
In order to fulfill the supply of 35 GW of electricity as outlined in the 2015-2034 National Electricity Master Plan
(RUKN), additional generators, transmission & substations and distribution have been planned as stated in
Electricity Supply General Plan (RUPTL). So, in 2034 it is expected that electricity can reach all regions in Indonesia.
To realize this plan, the Business Entity as project initiator proposes a PPP Project of 40 MW Hydropower Plant
Infrastructure Delivery on Tiga Dihaji Dam which is located in South Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Regency, South
Sumatra Province. The PLTA development plan is expected to increase the availability of electrical energy for both
household and industry, so it will increase economic society around South OKU Regency, South Sumatra
2.2. Project Description
The description of this project is as follows:
The development of Tiga Dihaji Hydropower Plant is also in line with the energy transition plan, which is currently
being pushed to reduce dependence on the use of fossil energy and replace it with renewable energy generation,
with a target of 23% renewable energy by year 2025 from the achievement of the renewable energy mix of 14.02%
4. Technical Specification
The technical specifications for South Tangerang Waste to Energy are as follows:
No Facilities Capacity
1 Type With reservoir
2 Normal water level +315.674 m
3 TWL +207.650 m
4 Estimated Planned Discharged (m3/s) 45.50
5 Water Elevation (m) 108.02
6 Estimated Power (MW) 40
7 Annual Estimated Energy (GWh) 209.223
8 Transmission cable Power house to Muara Dua Substation through 150 kV
high voltage transmission lines (SUTT)
5. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA/AMDAL) Findings
The construction of the high voltage transmission lines (SUTT) of Tiga Dihaji Hydro Pwer Plant requires
approximately 225 m2 (44 towers) of land for each tower and 6000 m2 of switchyard land which is outside of the
Tiga Dihaji Dam area. So, according to the Regulation of Minister of Environment and Forestry No. 4/2021 about List
of Business and/or Activities Required to Have an Analysis of Environmental Impacts, Environmental Management
Efforts and Environmental Monitoring Efforts or Statement of Capability for Environmental Management and
Monitoring, this project is required to have Environmental Management Efforts and Environmental Monitoring
Efforts with B category.
The Tiga Dihaji Dam area is located in the Area for Other Uses (APL) where a Borrow-to-Use Forestry Permit
(IPPKH) is not required. Meanwhile, the construction of the high voltage transmission lines (SUTT) requires
approximately 225 m2 (44 towers) of land for each tower and 6000 m2 of switchyard land which is outside of the
Tiga Dihaji Dam area. The land acquisition will be carried out by Business Entity as initiator project (BUP) and it is
also responsible to provide compensation costs for land under the SUTT route to affected communities.
9. Contact Information
Name : Arvi Argyantoro
Email : [email protected]
Development of Kamijoro Regional Water Supply System
Location: Kulon Progo and Bantul, Special Region of Yogyakarta
Return of Investment:
Estimated Concession Period: 25 years
User Charge
Regress Agreement
Project Digest
Project Title Construction of Kamijoro Regional Water Supply System
Government Contracting Agency Governor of Special Region of Yogyakarta hand over to
Perumda Air Bersih Tirtatama DIY
Implementing Agency Public Works, Housing, and Energy and Mineral Resources
Agency, Special Region of Yogyakarta
Preparation Agency National Development Planning Agency and PT Sarana Multi
Infrastruktur (PDF assignment by the Ministry of Finance)
Project Cost USD 21,9 – 23,7 Million
Estimated Concession Period 25 years
Location Kulon Progo Regency and Bantul Regency, Special Region of
Bantul District
Along with its development, there was an updated plan to integrate 2 different systems into one regional water
supply system, described in the schematic diagram above. The project utilized 500 lps raw water from the Progo
river. Subsequently, with the assumption of 95% production efficiency, Kamijoro Regional Water Supply Project is
forecasted to distribute 475 lps bulk water to Regencies of Bantul and Kulon Progo. The supply capacity for Bantul
is 189 lps using 2 reservoirs, Beji and Gunting, while the supply capacity to Kulon Progo is 286 lps using 2 pools,
Tuksono and Jekeling.
2. The Opportunity
2.1. Project Background
• The needs of the project were driven by the water shortage in the Regencies of Bantul and Kulon Progo,
while at the same time, the quality and continuity of existing water available have been deteriorated.
• Overexploitation of groundwater by local people is not suitable for drinking. The current water pipeline
service is considered low, approximately 35% of the Special Region of Yogyakarta population.
• Based on FBC Preliminary Report, the current coverage area of the Regional-Owned Drinking Water
Company (Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum/”PDAM”) in Kulon Progo Regency and Bantul Regency are
49,84% and 21,72% (2018), respectively. These percentages are considered significantly below the
government target to fulfill 100% of the drinking water supply in Indonesia, as mandated on RPJMN 2020
- 2024.
• The development of Yogyakarta International Airport (“YIA”) and Sentolo Industrial Area establishes
significant water demand for Kulon Progo Regency. Similarly, the development of the Pajangan – Sedayu
Industrial Area also creates water demand for Bantul Regency.
2.2. Project Description
• The project will use raw water from the Progo River. The water intake facility is near Kamijoro Dam
(on the west side). The intake facility has been constructed by Directorate General of Water
Resources (Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Serayu Opak) through multi-years contract scheme from
2017-2019 with a capacity of 500 liters per second.
• Assuming 95% production efficiency from intake, the WTP is designed to supply 475 lps, which will
serve Kulon Progo Regency (286 lps) and Bantul Regency (189 lps).
• The estimated sub-districts within Bantul Regency which covered by this project are Pajangan,
Pandak, Sedayu, Bantul, Sanden, Srandakan, Pundong, Kretek, Bambangliouro and Jetis.
• The estimated sub-districts within Kulon Progo Regency which covered by this project are Sentolo,
Lendah, Galur, Panjatan, Wates, and Temon.
• The scope of the distribution unit (from reservoirs onwards) will be procured through the central
or local government’s budget.
• Furthermore, the scope of House Connection unit will be undertaken by the Region-Owned Drinking
Water Company (Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum/”PDAM”).
• In line with PPP preparation stage, Provincial Government has already established the Provincial
Government Water Supply Company (Perusahaan Air Minum Daerah /”PDAB”) as operator, which
will be assigned to manage the supply of bulk water to PDAMs. PDAB will also further be assigned
as Government Contracting Agency (“GCA”).
2.3. Project Scope
Based on FBC Preliminary Report, below are the indicative scope of the project:
raw water Reservoar Beji
pipe S.Progo
Reservoar Gunting
The Special Purpose Company (“SPC”) will be responsible for constructing, operating and maintaining the
Water Treatment Plant, Clean Water Transmission pipe, and reservoirs until the handover points to PDAM.
The SPV scope also includes operating and maintaining the intake facilities constructed by the Ministry of
Public Works and Housing.
1. Operate and Maintain intake facilities built by the Ministry of Public Works and Housing.
2. Construct, Operate and Maintain Water Treatment Plant with the capacity to produce 475 lps.
3. Construct, Operate and Maintain transmission pipeline.
4. Construct, Operate and Maintain two reservoirs (Beji and Gunting) to serve 189 lps to Bantul Regency.
5. Construct, Operate and Maintain two reservoirs (Tuksono and Jekeling) to serve 286 lps to Kulon Progo
With the project’s inclusion as National Strategic Project as stipulated within PP No. 109/2020, current regulation
requires different process of AMDAL through Kegiatan Kesesuaian Pemanfaatan Ruang (“KKPR”) document, which
is still processed by GCA.
7. Project Cost Structure
Based on Final Business Case, the project cost structure will be as follow:
9. Contact Information
Name : Agus Priono, M.Ec
Development of Sinumbra Regional Water Supply System
Location: West Java
The Greater Bandung Metropolitan Regional
Water Supply Project West Region-1 Sinumbra
(Sinumbra Water Supply) is a Drinking Water
Supply System that will supply bulk water to
western parts of the Bandung Metropolitan
area with a capacity of 1,200 Liters/second to
serve 120,000 house connections. The
Sinumbra Regional Water Supply System
supplies water from 3 springs in Sinumbra
Plantation at 1,300-1,428 m asl to Metropolitan
Bandung Area (approx. 700 m asl).
Pre-Qualification Bid Award Financial Close Construction
Q3 2023 Q1 2024 Q4 2024 Q2 2025
Q2 2024
Project Digest
Project Title Development of Sinumbra Water Supply
Government Contracting Agency Governor of West Java Province
Implementing Agency PT. Tirta Jabar (PT. Tirta Gemah Ripah)
Preparation Agency PT. Waskita Karya Infrastruktur and PT. Tirta
Anugrah Utama
Project Cost USD 49.69 Million
Estimated Concession Period 2 years construction and 35 years operation
Location Bandung, West Java
2. The Opportunity
The Sinumbra Regional Water Supply will serve Bandung Regency, West Bandung Regency, Cimahi City, and
Bandung City, and is included in the Regional Water Supply criteria so that it is the responsibility of the West Java
Provincial Government in preparing the development plan of the Sinumbra Regional Water Supply. The number of
priorities that must be met by the Government is one of the obstacles in the development of water supply. Therefore,
a breakthrough is needed in terms of the obligation to provide basic infrastructure, one of the alternative solutions
is through the Public Private Partnerships (PPP) scheme.
Project Name : Sinumbra Water Supply
Project Location : West Java
Project Method : Design - Build – Finance - Operate – Maintenance - Transfer (DBFOMT)
Financing scheme : Public Private Partnership
Government Contracting Agency : Governor of West Java Province
Concession : 37 years (including 2 years construction)
4. Technical Specification
The technical specifications for Sinumbra Water Supply System are as follows:
6. WTP
- Processing unit Rapid sand filter (RSF) and chlorination
- RSF Type Options: gravity with an open tub/tank, pressure with a closed
tub/tank, or a continuous sand filter
- Filtration speed 15- 20 m/hour
- Chlorination type Using chlorine gas
7. Reservoir
- Type and material Tank (glass to Steel, with mild steel roof) or concrete with K300
- Capacity Raw water reservoir: 7 hours* (30,000 m3) Clean water reservoir: 2
hours (10,000 m3)
8. Automation System SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) and online
monitoring, with human machine interface (HMI) control room
9. Real Time Monitoring Residual chlorine, pH, turbidity, pressure and water flow
10. Building construction SNI 2847:2019 concerning Requirements for Structural Concrete for
Buildings; SNI 03-6764 -2002 concerning Structural Steel
Specifications; SNI 03-6861.2-2002 concerning Specifications of
Building Materials; SNI 2052-2017 concerning Concrete
The Sinumbra Regional Water Supply System PPP project requires a Government Guarantee for the fulfillment of
the Government Contracting Agency 's financial obligations caused by risks, including the following:
1. Delays in obtaining licenses or approval permits.
2. Changes in laws and regulations.
3. Violation of the project agreement.
4. There is no integration with the downstream distribution network (delays in the absorption of bulk water).
5. Risks from competing facilities or infrastructure or the emergence of restrictions or changes from the
Government Contracting Agency to the agreed service coverage for reasons of matters related to other
Cooperation Projects.
6. The non-implementation of tariff adjustments in accordance with the agreed plan in the financial analysis,
resulting in reduced Implementing Business Entity profits and/or cash flow due to the difference in payments
between the Government Contracting Agency and each off taker.
7. Risk of takeover
8. Risk of default by Government Contracting Agency.
9. Prolonged political events.
10. Prolonged force majeure.
11. Government Contracting Agency unilaterally decides to take over the Project and terminate the PPP
In principle, the business entity submits a risk proposal guaranteed by the Government against the risk of default
and termination.
9. Contact Information
Name : Dr. Indra Maha, S.T., M.T.
Phone : +62-81111113055
Email : [email protected]
Ir. H. Djuanda Regional Water Supply (Jatiluhur II)
Location: DKI Jakarta and West Java Province
Ir H Djuanda (Jatiluhur II) project aims to improve water access
and service to the public through applying the end-to-end
method (construction from upstream to customer connections).
Ir. H. Djuanda Water Supply has a production capacity of 6,790
lps, with a raw water capacity around 7,000 lps. The project will
serve 4 areas, that consist of: DKI Jakarta (2,054 lps), Bekasi City
(1,051 lps), Bekasi Regency (1.371 lps) & Bogor Regency (2.012 lps).
Financial Feasibility:
Upstream Phase
IRR: 10.7%
NPV: USD 32.84 Million
Downstream Phase – DKI Jakarta
IRR: 11.9%
NPV: USD 22.43 Million
Downstream Phase – Bekasi City
IRR: 11.8%
Government Contracting Agency: NPV: USD 12.50 Million
Upstream phase: Minister of Public Works and Housing Downstream Phase – Bekasi Regency
Downstream phase: Head of Province/Regency/City IRR: 12.1%
NPV: USD 27.831 Million
Downstream Phase – Bogor Regency
Type of PPP: IRR: 11.7%
Unsolicited NPV: USD 26.82 Million
Project Digest
Project Title Ir. H. Djuanda Water Supply (Jatiluhur II)
Government Contracting Agency Upstream phase: Minister of Public Works and
Downstream phase: Head of
Implementing Agency Directorate General of Infrastructure Financing
Preparation Agency Maynilad, Metropac, Varsha, PT PP Persero Tbk,
and Ranhill (MMVP) Consortium
Project Cost USD 1,144.12 Million
Estimated Concession Period 30 years including 2 years of construction
Location DKI Jakarta and West Java Province
2. The Opportunity
2.1. Project Background
SPAM Ir. H. Djuanda/Jatiluhur II will used 7.000 lps of raw water from the Jatiluhur Reservoir in Purwakarta
Regency, West Java Province. This system will produce 6.673 lps of clean water. Bulk water will be distributed in
the areas of DKI Jakarta, Bekasi City, Bekasi Regency, Bogor Regency.
This project is an integration of two different project scopes. The upstream scope is the construction of intake units,
treatment plant and water distribution units. The upstream project GCA is the Minister of Public Works and Housing
and using a BTO contract. The downstream scope includes the construction of downstream piping networks, new
house connections and piping maintenance. The downstream GCA is the regional head of offtaker. The partnership
will use Performance-Based Contract and Trade Credit Contract (Build Transfer).
The Project’s goal is to expand the water service by 5% for DKI Jakarta, 10% for Bekasi City, 11% for Bekasi Regency,
and 9% for Bogor Regency. The payment mechanism is “take and pay”.
2.2. Project Description
Ir H Djuanda (Jatiluhur II) project aims to improve water access and service to the public through applying the end-
to-end method (construction from upstream to customer connections).
Ir. H. Djuanda Water Supply has a production capacity of 6,673 lps, with a raw water capacity around 7,000 lps. The
project will serve 4 areas, that consist of: DKI Jakarta (2,054 lps), Bekasi City (1,051 lps), Bekasi Regency (1.371 lps),
and Bogor Regency (2.012 lps).
- Expanding the water service area by 5% for DKI Jakarta, 10% for Bekasi City, 11% for Bekasi Regency, and 9%
for Bogor Regency;
- Increasing the economic activity;
- Improving public health by providing drinking water;
- This project also doesn't burden the Government budget because this is an unsolicited project.
4. Technical Specification
• Upstream scope: Intake, Water Treatment Plant (WTP), WTP Reservoir, Distribution Pipe for Raw Water,
and Distribution Pipe for Bulk Drinking Water.
• Downstream scope: Distribution Reservoir, Main Distribution Network Pipeline, and Distribution Pipe.
7. Project Cost Structure
Estimated Project Cost USD 1,144.12 Million
Upstream Downstream
DKI Jakarta Bekasi Bekasi Bogor
City Regency Regency
IRR 10.7% 11.9% 11.8% 12.1% 11.7%
NPV (USD Million) 32.84 22.43 12.50 27.83 26.82
Note: The detailed risk coverage of the Djuanda Water Supply Project will be reviewed and consulted with PT PII.
9. Contact Information
Name : Annisa Dian Pratiwi
Position : Head of Sub-directorate of Investment Plan Legalization, Directorate General of Infrastructure
Financing, Ministry of Public Works and Housing
Phone : +62 811-943-848
Email : [email protected]
Lau Biang/Lau Dah (Karo) Water Supply System
Location: Karo District, North Sumatera Province
Lau Biang/Lau Dah Drinking Water Supply
System is planned to provide clean water
services in Karo Regency and expand services
to the Kabanjahe City area.
Financial Feasibility:
IRR : Under Calculation
NPV : Under Calculation
Type of PPP:
Return of Investment:
User Charge
Project Digest
Project Title Lau Biang/Lau Dah (Karo) Water Supply System
Government Contracting Agency Director of Perumda Air Minum Tirta Malem
Implementing Agency Perumda Air Minum Tirta Malem
Preparation Agency Perumda Air Minum Tirta Malem
Project Cost USD 7.68 Million
Estimated Concession Period Under Review
Location Karo District, North Sumatera Province
2. The Opportunity
At the regional government level, achievement targets have been set for integrating national drinking water
infrastructure development priorities as stated in the Karo Regency Regional Medium-Term Development Plan
(RPJMD) for 2022-2026, namely through expanding the scope of SPAM services by upgrading or building new ones
as well as managing assets in an integrated manner. effective in reducing the level of Non-Revenue Water (NRW)
to below 25%.
Drinking water services in the city of Kabanjahe have experienced problems since PDAM Tirta Malem was
established in 1990. Poor governance caused the company to suffer losses and ultimately the quality of clean water
services decreased and service coverage was unable to catch up with the growth of the city of Kabanjahe. PDAM
Tirta Malem customers receive a rotating supply of water, and several customer zones have their services stopped
because the water supply is insufficient because they only rely on water sources that flow by gravity. In 2022, most
Kabanjahe residents, including PDAM Tirta Malem customers, rely on providing clean water from deep wells
independently or buying water from clean water retailers at a price of 30,000/m3.
To increase the availability of affordable piped water for the community, the Government of Karo Regency has made
improvements to governance at PDAM Tirta Malem, including imposing an FCR (Full Cost Recovery) rate since
December 2022 which was adjusted from the old rate of Rp. 1,250/m3 to Rp. 6,000/m3. The tariff adjustment was
made so that the energy costs for pumping water from SMA, which has a lower position than Kota Kabanjahe, can
be met. At this time there is only one WTP facility available with a capacity of 50 l/d and PDAM Tirta Malem only
serves active and inactive subscribers of 12,000 RTs out of 23,000 RTs in Kabanjahe.
The plan for implementing SPAM in Karo Regency is mainly based on the still low performance of PDAM and the
minimal coverage of piped drinking water services in this area. This is caused by the continued increase in demand
by the people in the Karo Regency area for the provision of access to proper drinking water, but the level of service
and development of the existing drinking water supply has not been able to meet this need. Based on the Preliminary
Study of the Project (2021), it is known that the coverage of piped water services in Karo Regency is currently only
13.72% of the total population of 404,998 people.
Thus, it can be concluded that there is still a gap between the provision and service of drinking water and the needs
of the people of Karo Regency. Therefore, the construction of a SPAM is a crucial step for the local government to
meet the increasing needs of the community.
4. Technical Specification
Project technical specification will be further studied during the OBC/FBC report.
7. Project Cost Structure
Estimated Project Cost USD 7.68 Million
Indicative Debt to Equity Ratio
- Debt Level Under Calculation
- Equity Level Under Calculation
IRR Under Calculation
NPV Under Calculation
9. Contact Information
Name : Jusup Sukatendel
Phone : +62811627290
Email : [email protected]
Development of Jatigede Regional Water Supply System
Location: West Java Province
The Jatigede Water Supply Project is designed to
address the growing water demand in West Java by
increasing the water supply capacity. The project
serves as a water source for five regional areas:
Sumedang Regency, Majalengka Regency, Cirebon
Regency, Indramayu Regency, and the City of
Cirebon. The project aims to provide a drinking
water capacity of 2,000 liters per second (lps) at
Kadipaten in Majalengka Regency. This increased
capacity will ensure a reliable and sufficient water
supply to meet the needs of the communities in the
respective regions.
Government Contracting Agency:
Governor of West Java and will be mandated to Director Estimated Project Cost: USD 139.69 Million
of PT Tirta Jabar (PT Tirta Gemah Ripah)
Financial Feasibility:
Type of PPP: IRR : 15%
Solicited NPV : USD 4.39 Million
Return of Investment:
Estimated Concession Period: 30 years
User Charge
Project Digest
Project Title Construction of Jatigede Regional Water Supply
Government Contracting Agency Governor of West Java hand over the authority to
Director of PT Tirta Jabar (PT Tirta Gemah Ripah)
Implementing Agency PT Tirta Jabar (PT Tirta Gemah Ripah)
Preparation Agency PT. Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (PDF assignment by
the Ministry of Finance)
Project Cost USD 139.69 Million
Estimated Concession Period 30 years
Location West Java Province
2. The Opportunity
2.1. Project Background
The implementation of regional Water Supply is one of the efforts for a more efficient and adequate water supply in
terms of technical and economic aspects. In addition, the limited funding sources for the water supply
implementation would be carried out through the Public Private Partnership scheme.
Jatigede Regional Water Supply is a National Strategic Project, where the governments both central and regional
will coordinate and establish a series of policies to accelerate the implementation of the project.
2.2. Project Description
The service area for Jatigede regional water supply are as follows:
● Sumedang Regency;
● Majalengka Regency;
● Cirebon sub Regency;
● Indramayu Regency; and
● Cirebon city
Jatigede regional water supply will be implemented by the DBFOMT mechanism. The scope of activities that will be
cooperated for the Jatigede Regional Water Supply include:
● Special Purpose Company sell treated water (bulk water) to PDAM through GCA using the ‘take or pay’ method;
● Target Area: Sumedang sub district, Majalengka sub district, Indramayu sub district, Cirebon sub district,
Cirebon city;
● Water treatment plant phase I: 3 x 500 lps;
● Main distribution network: 56.3 km;
The distribution reservoir has three locations at each off-taker (Tomo, Jatitujuh, and Jatiwangi). WTP will be located
in Kadipaten. The production capacity of 1,500 lps consists of 3 WTPs with a capacity of 500 lps. Each WTP consists
of processing units: coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation and filtration. The construction phase is planned to be
carried out in 2020 for three years and will start operating in 2022.
4. Technical Specification
The technical specifications for Jatigede Regional Water Supply are as follows:
6. Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action Plan
In Jatigede Regional Water Supply, the initial identification of the project development intake location, transmission
pipeline, and the reservoirs is as follows:
4. Pipeline (from WTP to Total area 2.74 will be placed Inspeksi irigasi road: permit for
each reservoir) 20.42 ha on Inspeksi utilization of roads from the
irigasi road 0.84 will be MoPWH and a lease agreement
placed on Rumija Toll with the MoPWH. Rumija Tol:
land Permit for utilization of roads
from the PT. Lintas Marga
5. Tomo Reservoir 0.09 ha Owned by Sumedang Built on Sumedang’s LG
sub-district land.
8. Government Support and Guarantee
The project is indicated to require government support in the form of fiscal and non-fiscal. Government support
includes VGF from the Ministry of Finance, Government Guarantee from PT PII, and Technical Support from the
Ministry of Public Works and Housing.
9. Contact Information
Name : Dr. Indra Maha, S.T., M.T.
Phone : +62-81111113055
Email : [email protected]
Development of Denpasar City Water Supply System
Location: Denpasar City, Bali Province
The amount of water loss (NRW) is quite large,
namely 40.43%, so that the benefits felt by
customers are not optimal. In addition, the current
population of Denpasar City who uses drinking
water from the Regional Company of Denpasar
City is only around 67.84% or 89,126 customers
(Domestic & Non-Domestic), the rest prefer to use
drilled wells.
Financial Feasibility:
Option 1 (Non-Drinkable)
Government Contracting Agency: IRR : 14.80%
Mayor of Denpasar City NPV : USD 6.89 Million
Option 2 (Drinkable)
Type of PPP:
IRR : 18.12% (without VGF)
14.21% (with VGF)
Return of Investment: NPV : USD 21.55 Million
User Charge
Estimated Concession Period: 4 years.
Project Digest
Project Title Development of Denpasar City Water Supply System
Government Contracting Agency The Mayor of Denpasar City
Implementing Agency Tirta Sewaka Dharma Regional Public Company Denpasar City
Preparation Agency Tirta Sewaka Dharma Regional Public Company Denpasar City
Project Cost Option 1: USD 20.86 Million (Non-Drinkable)
Option 2: USD 55.09 Million (Drinkable)
Estimated Concession Period 4 years construction and 16 years operation
Location Denpasar City, Bali Province
Picture 1 – Development of the Drinking Water Suplly System for the City of Denpasar
2. The Opportunity
quantity and continuity of service so that it can meet water needs and become a proper drinking water for the people
in Denpasar City.
2.2. Project Description
The description of this project is as follows:
The development of a drinking water system in Denpasar City aims to reduce the level of water loss (NRW), which
is currently around 40,43%. This development is carried out by replacing pipes and drinking water networks through
the D-B-F-M-T (Design-Build-Finance-Maintenance-Transfer) scheme with a user charge return scheme. With the
development of drinking water areas, improving the quality, quantity and continuity of services can meet the needs
of proper drinking water for the people in Denpasar City.
4. Technical Specification
The technical specifications Development of Denpasar City Water Supply System are as follows:
No Facilities Capacity
1 Pipe Rehabilitation - Option 1: 35.739 Meter (Non-Drinkable)
- Option 2: 1.457.849 Meter (Drinkable)
2 Zoning Block System 40 unit
3 Non Revenue Water (NRW) reduction 15,47 %
5. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA/AMDAL) Findings
The documents will be prepared by the Special Purpose Company.
Option 1 (Non-Drinkable)
Estimated Project Cost USD 20.86 Million
Indicative Debt to Equity Ratio
- Debt Level 70%
- Equity Level 30%
IRR 14.80%
NPV USD 6.89 Million
Option 2 (Drinkable)
Estimated Project Cost USD 55.09 Million
Indicative Debt to Equity Ratio
- Debt Level 70%
- Equity Level 30%
IRR 14.21%
NPV USD 21.55 Million
9. Contact Information
Name : Ida Bagus Gede Arsana, ST
Phone : 087860060099
Email : [email protected]
Revitalization of Non-Revenue Water in Sukabumi City
Lokasi : Sukabumi City, West Java
Regional Public Water Company Tirta Bumi
Wibawa Sukabumi City. Regional owned
enterprise engaged in the distribution of clean
water to the general public. Non-Revenue
Water Revitalization Planning in the
Cinumpang, Cigadog and Batu Karut Systems
to provide maximum drinking water services to
the community. The scope of this project is to
design, build, finance, operate, maintain
supporting infrastructure.
Project Digest
Project Title Revitalization of Non-Revenue Water in Sukabumi
Government Contracting Agency Director of Perumda TBW of Sukabumi City
Implementing Agency Perumda TBW of Sukabumi City
Preparation Agency Perumda TBW of Sukabumi City
Project Cost Under Calculation
Estimated Concession Period Under Review
Location Sukabumi City, West Java
2. The Opportunity
: 3. Revitalization of NRW Batu Karut
: 2. Subdistrict Cikole
: 3. Subdistrict Citamiang
: 4. Subdistrict Warudoyong
: 5. Subdistrict Baros
4. Technical Specification
4.1. The technical specifications of the Cinumpang System are as follows:
No Facilities Capacity
1 Area Gunung Puyuh Subdistrict, Cikole Subdistrict,
Lembursitu Subdistrict, Warudoyong Subdistrict
2 Capacity 250 lps
3 Water Produced 250 lps
4 Sold Water 125 lps
4.3. The technical specifications for the Karut Stone System are as follows:
No Facilities Capacity
1 Area Cibeureum Subdistrict, Citamiang Subdistrict, Baros
Subdistrict, Cikole Subdistrict
2 Capacity 150 lps
3 Water Produced 150 lps
4 Sold Water 60 lps
9. Contact Information
Name : Ila Rahayu, ST
Telepon : 08164632797
Email : [email protected]
Piyungan Waste Treatment
Location: Special Region of Yogyakarta
Due to the increase in waste volume entering
Piyungan Landfill, the capacity of the landfill has
been exceeded. It is essential to implement
appropriate waste management technology and
professional operation management to address this
issue effectively. Piyungan Landfill currently
receives approximately 600 tonnes of waste per day
from Yogyakarta City, Sleman Regency, and Bantul
Regency. With the implementation of suitable waste
management practices, including efficient waste
segregation, recycling, and disposal techniques, the
landfill's operations can be improved to handle the
increasing waste volume in a sustainable manner.
Project Digest
Project Title Piyungan Waste Treatment
Government Contracting Agency Governor of Special Region of Yogyakarta
Implementing Agency Department of Environment and Forestry, Special
Region of Yogyakarta
Preparation Agency MONDP & World Bank Facilitates OBC, and
Indonesia Infrastructure Guarantee Fund (PDF
assignment by the Ministry of Finance) for FBC and
Project Cost USD 30.00-40.00 Million
Estimated Concession Period 20 years
Location Special Region of Yogyakarta
2. The Opportunity
• Piyungan Landfill receives around 650 - 700 tonnes per day of waste from Yogyakarta City, and Sleman
Regency and Bantul Regency.
• The area of existing Piyungan Landfill is 12.5 ha, which 10 ha used for landfill area that consist of 2 cells and
another 2.5 ha used for supporting facilities (offices, workshops, leachate treatment plant, weighbridges, and
buffer zone).
• The landfill area that can be filled with waste is ± 72.620.83 m2 (in 2017). However, this landfill area is estimated
to be full in 2022. At this time the landfill area gradually start closing down.
• There was an expansion of new land of approximately 1,9 ha. This expansion land is planned to be used
for temporary waste disposal area before the new waste processing technology operates.
• In 2021-2022, the Local Government will add new land approximately 5 ha which is planned for the new waste
treatment technology.
4. Technical Specification
This project aims to manage domestic waste based on the following regulations:
1. Compliance with Indonesian regulation
2. The proposed technology should be able to achieve more than 90% of landfill diversion
3. Produced a circular economy by product such as recyclates, compost, biogas
4. Able to meet international or Indonesian environmental standard (whichever higher)
8. Government Support and Guarantee
Government support are in the form of:
• Land provision, DIY Government provides land for construction of the project in Sitimulyo village,
• Permittance, the government is committed to providing necessary permits for the investors to
implement this project.
• Government Guarantee from Indonesia Infrastructure Guarantee Fund (IIGF).
A government guarantee may be required to mitigate the project’s risks from changes in demand risk and
shifts in political scenario. In this regard, the level of risk perceived from investors will be determined at
market sounding.
9. Contact Information
Name : Agus Priono, M..Ec
Email : [email protected]
Email : [email protected]
Manggar Waste Management
Location: Balikpapan, East Kalimantan Province
The waste management facility, Manggar Landfill,
located in Balikpapan City, East Kalimantan,
handles a daily waste volume of 415 tonnes. The
project encompasses the design, construction,
financing, operation, and maintenance of waste
processing using sustainable technology. It
involves the processing and disposal of waste, as
well as generating additional income through the
sale of by-products derived from the waste
treatment process.
Project Digest
Project Title Manggar Waste Management
Government Contracting Agency The Mayor of Balikpapan City
Implementing Agency Environment Office of Balikpapan
Preparation Agency Environment Office of Balikpapan
Project Cost USD 33.24 Million
Estimated Concession Period 2 years construction and 13 years operation
Location Balikpapan, East Kalimantan Province
2. The Opportunity
Estimated Cost : 492 billion IDR
Financing scheme : Public Private Partnership
Government Contracting Agency : Mayor of Balikpapan City
Concession : 15 years (2 years construction and 13 years operation)
Waste volume / capacity : 400 - 450 tonnes/day in 2022
4. Technical Specification
The technical specifications for Manggar Waste Management are as follows:
No Facilities Capacity
1 Area 49 hectares
2 Sanitary Landfill Zona 1: 2,6 hectares
Zona 2: 3 hectares
Zona 3: 0,6 hectares
Zona 4: 1,5 hectares
Zona 5: 2,56 hectares
Zona 6: 3,25 hectares
Zona 7: 3,25 hectares
3 Electricity generated 2.000 VA/watt
8. Government Support and Guarantee
Outline Business Case study indicates the government support options for this project, Viability Gap Fund (VGF) will
be sponsored by The Minister of Finance and tax incentives by local government.
9. Contact Information
Name : Drs. Sudirman Djayaleksana, M.M
Phone : 08121338136
Email : [email protected]
Development of Waste to Energy Facility in South Tangerang
Location: South Tangerang, Banten Province
Outline Final Business Pre-Qualification Bid Award Agreement Financial Close Construction
Business Case Case Q3 2023 Q2 2024 Signing Q2 2025 Q3 2025
Q2 2019 Q2 2023 Q2 2024
Project Digest
Project Title Construction of Waste to Energy Facility in
South Tangerang
Government Contracting Agency Mayor of South Tangerang City
Implementing Agency Environment Agency of South Tangerang
Preparation Agency Environment Agency of South Tangerang (MoF’s
Project Cost USD 120.8 Million
Estimated Concession Period 20 years
Location South Tangerang, Banten Province
2. The Opportunity
2.1. Project Background
Population growth and continuous industrialization in South Tangerang will increase the amount of waste
generated. The capacity of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) in South Tangerang is estimated around 970 tonnes/day,
with the infrastructure condition is inadequate and has a negative impact of environment. South Tangerang City
needs a stable and efficient waste management plan to use solid waste to produce renewable energy. This is the
reason South Tangerang City has planned to build and operate Waste to Energy facilities.
Transfer (DBFOMT)
Project Area : 4 hectares
Estimated Cost : 120.8 Million USD
Financing scheme : Public Private Partnership
Government Contracting Agency : Mayor of South Tangerang City
Concession : 20 years
Waste volume / capacity : 800 tonnes/day
1. To design, build, finance, operate and maintain WtE plant and its supporting infrastructures at Cipeucang
landfill. In the end of concession period, the facility must be handed over to the GCA;
2. To build a transmission line and hand it over to PT. PLN upon completion; and
3. To handle the residue produced by the WtE plant.
4. Technical Specification
The technical specifications for South Tangerang Waste to Energy are as follows:
No Facilities Capacity
1 Area 4 hectares
2 Incineration capacity 800 tonnes/day
3 Electricity generated 11.7 MW
4 Electricity sold 10.0 MW
7. Project Cost Structure
Estimated Project Cost USD 120.8 Million
Indicative Debt to Equity Ratio
- Debt Level 75%
- Equity Level 25%
IRR 10%
NPV USD 35.72 Million
Government guarantee will be provided for this project. Government will support by giving Feed-in Tariff
and Tipping Fee.
9. Contact Information
Name : Rastra Yudhatama,S.STP
Phone : 0812218993000
Email : [email protected]
Integrated Hazardous and Specific Waste Management Facility in Sumatera
Location: North Sumatera Province
This project aims to develop the Integrated
Hazardous and Specific Waste Management
Facility in Sumatera Area with PPP scheme.
The project scheme implemented will be build-
operate-transfer. The proposed location for
this project will be at Simalungun Regency,
North Sumatera (indicative option).
Financial Feasibility:
IRR : 15.57%
Government Contracting Agency:
NPV : USD 31.90 Million
Minister of Environment and Forestry
Return of Investment:
User Charge
Project Digest
Project Title Integrated Hazardous and Specific Waste
Management in Sumatera
Government Contracting Agency Minister of Environment and Forestry
Implementing Agency Directorate General for Solid Waste, Hazardous
Waste and Hazardous Substance Management
Preparation Agency Directorate General for Solid Waste, Hazardous
Waste and Hazardous Substance Management
(National Development Planning Agency
Facilitate the OBC)
Project Cost USD 66.98 Million
Estimated Concession Period 10 years
Location Simalungun Regency, North Sumatera
2. The Opportunity
To achieve B3 waste management that could be done collectively and efficiently, the government needs to develop
an infrastructure facility called B3 Waste Management Center. For the first step, B3 waste generated from industry
will be separated from other non-B3 waste, and it will sent to the B3 Waste Management Center. In this facility, B3
waste will be sorted into recyclable and non-recyclable materials, so that each material can be processed using
the right method. B3 Waste Management Center needs to be built on a location that meets specific technical
requirements so that the risk of pollution impacts can be minimized. Considering the substantial risks posed by B3
Waste, the government is trying to manage B3 Waste in a comprehensive, integrated, and sustainable manner.
Therefore, the Integrated Hazardous and Specific Waste Management Facility in Sumatera Area is developed.
The development of the Integrated Hazardous and Specific Waste Management Facility in Sumatera Area with PPP
scheme aims to manage hazardous and specific waste, including storage, collecting, transporting, processing,
utilization, and stockpiling, as elaborated on the Project Technical Specification. The Business Entity will receive a
return of investment in the form of user charge, during the 10 years of cooperation period. The project scheme
implemented will be build-operate-transfer.
To prevent and mitigate the environmental pollution/damage caused by the hazardous waste and the restoration of
environmental quality that has been polluted, so that it is in accordance with its original function;
1. A comprehensive, integrated and sustainable management of hazardous waste;
2. Accelerating the procurement of the Hazardous Waste Management and Specific Waste on a large scale
However, considering the land availability, potential location of users, and existing transportation business, it
is necessary to reassert the following in carrying out the finalization of the scope of services:
2. The possibility of carrying out the transportation activities in accordance with the licenses issued by the
Regional Government.
3. The possibility of land being provided by the Regional Government for the use of Transfer Station in each
service area, so the services provided by Business Entity in the Project did not include the provision of
the Transfer Station.
4. The possibility of the inclusion of a specific waste (e-waste) into one of hazardous waste to be managed.
4. Technical Specification
The technical specifications for this project are as follows:
No Item Specification
1 Storage The activity of temporarily storing the hazardous waste carried out by
the hazardous waste producers
4 Processing Process to reduce and/or eliminate the hazardous and/or toxic nature
of the waste
5 Utilization Reuse, recycling and/or recovery activities aimed to turn the hazardous
waste into a substitute product to a safe material for human health and
the environment
6 Stockpiling Placing the hazardous waste on the landfill facility so it doesn’t
endanger human health and the environment.
5. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA/AMDAL) Findings
The Project falls under the ‘Hazardous Waste management service industry which conducts a combination of 2
(two) or more activities including utilization, processing and/or landfilling of the Hazardous Waste’ category, which
requires an AMDAL. The AMDAL needed is a Category A AMDAL (if the stockpiling is included).
• Land provision, central government provides land for construction of the project in Sibaganding village,
Girsang Sipangan Bolon, Simalungun, North Sumatera
• Permittance, the government is committed to provide necessary permits for the investors in the
implementation of this project.
• Support from central government:
➢ Ministry of Public Works and Housing in providing potential access road from main road to the location;
➢ National Electric company (PLN) in providing in connecting electricity supply from the grid to the project
• Support in the policy on building an integrated waste management infrastructure.
To mitigate the project’s risks from changes in demand risk and shifts in political scenario, government guarantee
may be required. In this regard, the level of risk perceived from investors will be determined at market sounding.
9. Contact Information
Name : Sri Murwani Nurfadilastuti
Position : Head of Program, Evaluation, Legal and Technical Cooperation, Directorate General for Solid Waste,
Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Substance Management
Email : [email protected];
Development of Palapa Ring Integration
Location: National
Project Digest
Project Title Development of Palapa Ring Integration
Government Contracting Agency Minister of Communications and Informatics
Implementing Agency BAKTI
Preparation Agency BAKTI
Project Cost USD 518.35 Million
Estimated Concession Period 13 months construction and 15 years operation
Location National
The below picture shows the Palapa Ring Integration connecting the existing Palapa Ring and improve the resiliency
and connectivity of national backbone.
2. The Opportunity
Availability Payment (AP), during the 15 years of cooperation period. The Project scheme implemented will be build-
4. Technical Specification
Palapa Ring Integration will deliver telecommunication technology consists of
No Technology Details
1 Sub-Marine Fiber Optic Cable (SFOC)Repeaterless/24 cores
ITU-T G.654B/C standard
Follow the National Corridor of SFOC
Beach Man Hole following environment standard
2924 km length
2 Fiber Optic Communication System 48 cores
(FOCS) ITU-T G.652 standard
Follow the National/Regional Corridor
inter POP 80 to 120 km
8258 km length
3 Microwave Radio Communication System Radio communication with high tower
Follow National regulation for frequency spectrum used
46 hops
4 POP for DWDM and tributary POP should has power supply
POP of SFOC could be on landing point or separated in km
10x10 m2 area required
Permanent/Semi-permanent building
5 Active Network (L2/L3 Network/Router Follow technology evolution
and OTN/DWDM) n x 100/200Gbps
Implementing OTN
L2/L3 IP/MPLS to support VPN
6 Network Management System (NMS) EMS (Element Management System) / NMS (Network
Management System) for centralized Operation and
Implementing Fiber Monitoring System/F-MON
Implementing Network Inventory & Asset Management System
NMS/EMS, F-MON, PRI, NIAMS, DCIM placed in Network
Command Center or Network Operation Center
8. Government Support and Guarantee
Policies related to the imposition of telecommunication Usage Rights Fees and Universal Service Obligation (USO)
for the Palapa Ring Integration Project are supported by the Ministry of Communication and Information. The
support from Ministry of Finance given by the approval of the use of the Availability Payment (AP) scheme in the
form of a Preliminary Confirmation Letter and Final Confirmation Letter.
9. Contact Information
Name : Harris Sangidun
Email : [email protected]
Natural Gas Distribution Network for Batam City Households
Location: Batam, Riau Island Province
Construction and operation network
distribution of household gases from the tie-in
to stove connection for 307,749 home
connections in Batam City. There are 2 (two)
business activities related to piped gas, as a
transporter and as a gas distributor through
Financial Feasibility:
IRR : Under Calculation
Government Contracting Agency: NPV : Under Calculation
Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources
Estimated Concession Period: 30 years
Type of PPP:
Return of Investment:
Under Review
Project Digest
Project Title Construction of Natural Gas Distribution
Network for Batam City Households
Government Contracting Agency Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources
Implementing Agency Directorate General of Oil and Gas
Preparation Agency Indonesia Infrastructure Guarantee Fund (PDF
Facility assignment by the Ministry of Finance)
Project Cost USD 160.14 Million
Estimated Concession Period 30 years
Location Batam, Riau Province
Picture 1 – Layout of Natural Gas Network for Batam City Household
2. The Opportunity
2.1. Project Background
To support the government program in reducing the LPG imports, the provision of natural gas. To support the
government program in reducing LPG imports, the construction of a natural gas distribution network for households
in Batam City will be continued. The choice of Batam City is because it is located near the gas distribution network,
the availability of natural gas sources, population density, and the support from the local government, as well as
the great potential to develop a commercial gas network. For that reason, Batam City was selected as one of the
regions where the gas distribution network to be carried out through PPP.
Batam City has 410,000 households with an area of 3,848.97 km². In 2016, a total of 4.100 households has been
connected with the gas distribution network through State Budget (APBN). Furthermore, a State-Owned Enterprise,
PT PGN (Persero), has built for 795 household connections through its program called Program Sayang Ibu. The
GCA plans to build the gas distribution network for 307,749 household connections under PPP scheme.
- Meeting the target of the National Mid-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2020-2024;
- Increasing the access to household fuel services, especially the gas pipeline to the public;
- Supporting the energy diversification program in reducing the consumption of subsidized LPG;
- Supporting the government's program in providing the cleaner and more secure energy.
• building assets;
• securing minimum income guarantees and / or additional income if service performance exceeds the
4. Technical Specification
Project technical specification will be further studied during finalization on FBC report.
9. Contact Information
Name : Retna Aribawani
Position : Sub Coordinator of Oil and Gas Infrastructure Development Planning, Directorate of Oil and Gas
Infrastructure Planning and Development
Phone : 081310700953
Email : [email protected]
Natural Gas Distribution Network for Palembang City Households
Location: Palembang, South Sumatera Province
Construction and operation network
distribution of household gases from the tie-in
to stove connection for 354,441 home
connections in Palembang City. There are 2
(two) business activities related to piped gas,
as a transporter and as a gas distributor
through pipelines.
Financial Feasibility:
IRR : Under Calculation
Government Contracting Agency: NPV : Under Calculation
Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources
Estimated Concession Period: 30 years
Type of PPP:
Return of Investment:
Under Review
Project Digest
Project Title Construction of Natural Gas Distribution
Network for Palembang City Households
Government Contracting Agency Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources
Implementing Agency Directorate General of Oil and Gas
Preparation Agency Indonesia Infrastructure Guarantee Fund (PDF
Facility assignment by the Ministry of Finance)
Project Cost USD 216.22 Million
Estimated Concession Period 30 years
Location Palembang, South Sumatera Province
2. The Opportunity
Palembang City has 388,330 households with an area of 400.61 km². In 2009, a total of 3,311 households has been
connected with the gas distribution network. The number was added with 4,315 household connections in 2018, 6,034
household connections in 2019, and 10,161 household connections in 2020. All of which was built through State
Budget (APBN).
On the other hand, a State-Owned Enterprise, PT PGN (Persero), has built the gas distribution network for 6,106
household connections through its program called Program Sayang Ibu. In addition, a Regional-Owned Enterprise,
PT Sarana Pembangunan Palembang Jaya, has built for 4,569 household connections. The GCA plans to build for
354,441 household connections under PPP scheme. That is 100% if the potential household connections.
- Meeting the target of the National Mid-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2020-2024;
- Increasing the access to household fuel services, especially the gas pipeline to the public;
- Supporting the energy diversification program in reducing the consumption of subsidized LPG;
- Supporting the government's program in providing the cleaner and more secure energy.
• building assets;
• operating within a certain period;
• providing services at an agreed level to the community;
• transferring ownership to the government after the cooperation period ends;
• securing minimum income guarantees and / or additional income if service performance exceeds the
4. Technical Specification
Project technical specification will be further studied during the finalization of the FBC report.
7. Project Cost Structure
Estimated Project Cost USD 216.22 Million
Indicative Debt to Equity Ratio
- Debt Level 70%
- Equity Level 30%
IRR Under Calculation
NPV Under Calculation
9. Contact Information
Name : Retna Aribawani
Position : Sub Coordinator of Oil and Gas Infrastructure Development Planning, Directorate of Oil and Gas
Infrastructure Planning and Development
Phone : 081310700953
Email : [email protected]
Bandung Street Lighting
Location: Bandung Regency, West Java Province
In order to improve infrastructure services,
Bandung District Government will build and
repair public street lighting. From the existing
13,432 units of street lighting, it will be added to
28,250 units of lamps using LED technology.
This project is planned using the PPP scheme.
Financial Feasibility:
IRR : 9.41%
Government Contracting Agency: NPV : USD 218,108.10
Regent of Bandung
Return of Investment:
Availability Payment (AP)
Project Digest
Project Title Bandung Street Lighting
Government Contracting Agency Regent of Bandung
Implementing Agency Department of Public Works, Bandung Regency
Preparation Agency PT Surya Energi Indotama
Project Cost USD 16.01 Million
Estimated Concession Period 10 years
Location Bandung Regency, West Java Province
2. The Opportunity
2.1. Project Background
The existing condition of Public Street Lighting in Bandung Regency is that there are 13,432 units of street lighting
which is only 13% of the total units of street lighting use LED technology. To improve the service of Public Street
Lighting, the Bandung Regency Government plans to carry out the construction of street lighting on city roads that
have not received adequate street lighting services replace the conventional lamps with LED technology.
4. Technical Specification
The technical specifications for Bandung Street Lighting are as follows:
No Facilities Capacity
5. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA/AMDAL) Findings
Based on study, this project does not require to have AMDAL document.
9. Contact Information
Name : Fahrizal Sofyan, ST. MAP
Position : Head of Street Lighting Sub Division in Department of Publick Works and Spatial Planning
Phone : 085101406472
Email : [email protected]
Revitalization & Development of Denpasar Street Lighting
Location: Denpasar City, Bali Province
Current condition of street lighting in Denpasar
City is still using old technology, which consume
a lot of energy and lead to waste in financing.
Besides, there are still many areas that have not
been illuminated by street lights.
Financial Feasibility :
IRR : 10.15%
NPV : USD 5.74 Million
Government Contracting Agency:
Mayor of Denpasar City Estimated Concession Period :
11 years including 3 years construction
Type of PPP:
Return of Investment:
Availability Payment
Project Digest
Project Title Revitalization & Development of Denpasar Street Lighting
Government Contracting Agency Mayor of Denpasar City
Implementing Agency Denpasar City Regional Development Agency (BAPPEDA)
Preparation Agency PT Wahana Multitron
Project Cost USD 34.52 Million
Estimated Concession Period 11 years including 3 years construction
Location Denpasar City, Bali Province
2. The Opportunity
By replacing all lamps into LED lamps can result in energy / cost savings up to greater than 50%, currently
electricity payments for street lights are USD 1,14 Million per year. It means the savings that can be done in 11
years are USD 6.2 Million.
So, it is considered necessary to replace the street lighting with LED technology to save energy.
Project Name : Revitalization and Development of Denpasar Street
Project Location : Denpasar City, Bali Province
Project Method : DBFOMT (Design Build Finance Operate Maintenance
Project Area : Denpasar City
Estimated Cost : USD 34,52 Million
Financing scheme : Public Private Partnership
Government Contracting Agency : Mayor of Denpasar City
Concession : 11 Year including 3 Years Construction
4. Technical Specification
The technical specifications for Revitalization and Development of Denpasar Street Lighting are as follows:
No Facilities Capacities
1 Street Lamp 21.600 Lamps
2 Pole 14.018 Poles
3 Control Panel 404 Units
7. Project Cost Structure
Estimated Project Cost USD 34.52 Million
9. Contact Information
Name : I Putu Wisnu Wijaya Kusuma, ST. MT
Email : [email protected]
Medan Street Lighting
Location: Medan City, North Sumatera
The Medan City Government plans to build
124,038 public street lighting and install Light
Emitting Diode (LED) lamp technology
equipped with smart systems. The City
Government also build a command center to
control and operate the street lighting.
Financial Feasibility:
IRR : 10.69%
Government Contracting Agency: NPV : USD 9.43 Million
Mayor of Medan
Estimated Concession Period: 13 years
Type of PPP:
Return of Investment:
Availability Payment (AP)
Project Digest
Project Title Medan Street Lighting
Government Contracting Agency Mayor of Medan
Implementing Agency Medan City Government
Preparation Agency Apex Cakra Buana Consorsium
Project Cost USD 98.61 Million
Estimated Concession Period 13 years
Location Medan City, North Sumatera
2. The Opportunity
In addition to adding public street lighting units, there are other components that will be built such as CCTV, Speaker,
Free-Wifi and Command Center for the Smart Roadway System Monitoring in Medan.
2.3. Project Objectives
The purpose of the development of Medan Street Lighting is :
• To provide security, comfort for road users and community social activities;
• To encourage the progress of infrastructure facilities;
• To facilitate the monitoring of Street Lighting facilities;
• To provide street lighting that uses energy-saving lamps;
• To increase Medan City Original Revenue.
4. Technical Specification
The technical specifications for Medan Street Lighting are as follows:
No Facilities Capacity
1 Public Street Lighting 124,038 units with LED and solar panel
technology. Lamppost specification 5m, 7m,
2 Luminaire 124,038 units (130 watt, 100 watt, 80 watt and
60 watt)
3 CCTV 42 units
4 Speaker 42 units
5 Free-Wifi 42 units (The internet network will be divided
into 2 bandwidths)
6 Smart System Monitoring Application and Command Center.
7. Project Cost Structure
Estimated Project Cost USD 98.61 Million
Indicative Debt to Equity Ratio
Debt Level 75%
Equity Level 25%
IRR 10.69%
NPV USD 9.43 Million
9. Contact Information
Name : Benny Iskandar
Email : [email protected]
Banyumas Street Lighting
Location: Banyumas Regency, Central Java Province
The Banyumas Regency Government are plan
to build around 10,000 public street lighting and
install Light Emitting Diode (LED) lamp
technology on each environmental road section
in 331 Villages and in 27 Districts.
Financial Feasibility:
IRR : Under Calculation
NPV : Under Calculation
Type of PPP:
Return of Investment:
Availability Payment (AP)
Project Digest
Project Title Banyumas Street Lighting
Government Contracting Agency Regent of Banyumas
Implementing Agency Transportation Office of Banyumas Regency
Preparation Agency Transportation Office of Banyumas Regency
Project Cost Under Calculation
Estimated Concession Period 10 years
Location Banyumas Regency, Central Java Province
2. The Opportunity
3. Business Entity’s Scope of Work
D - B – F – O - M – T (Design – Build – Finance – Operate - Maintenance – Transfer).
4. Technical Specification
Project technical specification will be further studied during the OBC/FBC report.
9. Contact Information
Name : Wahyudiono, S.ST
Email : [email protected]
Ngawi Street Lighting
Location: Ngawi, East Java
The street lighting services in Ngawi Regency is
inadequate. Only 18.3% have been served by street lighting
out of 604 km of national and regency roads. Through the
PPP Scheme, the Ngawi Regency Government planned to
add new street lighting points to increase the coverage of
services as well as replacing existing lamp types to LED
to increase energy efficiency. Based on the initial study,
the street lighting project is planned to be implemented
with the scope of 5,700 new lamp points and 2,048
replacement points. The increase in public street lighting
coverage is expected to increase travel security and
safety, which will then have an impact on regional
economic growth.
Project Digest
Project Title Ngawi Street Lighting
Government Contracting Agency Regent of Ngawi
Implementing Agency Ngawi Regency Government
Preparation Agency Evercoss – Fokus – Perwira
Project Cost USD 5.6 Million
Estimated Concession Period 1 year construction and 10 years operation
Location Ngawi Regency, East Java Province
2. The Opportunity
In order to improve services, especially in road infrastructure, the regional government plans to build public
street lighting on several roads that have not been served by this infrastructure. Public street lighting
infrastructure will also be equipped with LED lights to promote energy efficiency.
3. Business Entity’s Scope of Work
Design – Build – Finance – Operate – Maintain – Transfer
• Transfer all partnership asset to the government at the end of partnership period
4. Technical Specification
The technical specifications for Ngawi Street Lighting are as follows:
Building new Street Lighting with 9 m height hexagonal pole c/w LED 90 W auto dimming at Regency Roads and
retrofitting from sodium lamp with variants wattage between 250 W till 400 W into 120 W LED auto dimming at
National Road and into LED 90 W at Regency Roads.
9. Contact Information
Name : Hangga Agung Otto Fandian, S.STP, M.Si
Position : Head Of Infrastructure and Regional Development Planning Agency for Ngawi Regency
Email : [email protected]
Development and Management of National Research Vessel Fleet
Location: West Java Province
The project will support marine research conducted
by the National Research and Innovation Agency
(BRIN) and its partners, in the areas of supporting
marine research activities, which will focus on four
types of marine research, namely: marine
geosciences, marine fisheries, oceanography and
Financial Feasibility:
Government Contracting Agency: IRR : 14.5%
Head of Research and Inovation Agency NPV : USD 5.87 Million
Type of PPP:
Estimated Concession Period: 20 years
Return of Investment:
Availability Payment
Project Digest
Project Title Development and Management of Research
Vessel Fleet
Government Contracting Agency Head of Research and Inovation Agency (BRIN)
Implementing Agency Deputy for Research and Innovation
Infrastructure BRIN
Preparation Agency Head of Research and Inovation Agency (BRIN)
Project Cost USD 257.30 Million
Estimated Concession Period 20 years
Location West Java Province
2. The Opportunity
The research consortium is committed to building cooperation related to research programs, infrastructure
development and marine data. For efficiency and effectiveness of ocean research institutions and financing, the
research consortium activities are carried out synergistically and systematically to produce an integrated ocean
research program by all parties by linking the interaction between the ocean and atmosphere with the impacts of
climate change. Therefore, the available resources must be well managed and structured. These resources fall into
two main categories: i) a national marine data centre to store and exchange data in the marine sector, and ii) newly
built research vessels or modernized existing vessels and research equipment. The research consortium is also
committed to formulating a marine research roadmap based on the National Research Master Plan 2045 that
includes developing research resources and strengthening research institutions in the marine sector.
To meet these research needs, it is necessary to modernize and add to the existing fleet of ships and marine
research facilities. In addition, it is necessary to improve the management of the fleet and research activities in the
marine sector. The fulfillment of these needs will be carried out using the Public-Private Partnership (PPP)
financing scheme. It is expected that the PPP scheme in managing the fleet of ships and marine research facilities
will improve the quality and management of marine research results in Indonesia.
4. Technical Specification
The fleet management unit will operate a research vessel equipped with updated marine research equipment and
capable of accommodating portable instruments. The scope of operations is as follows:
6. Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action Plan
The project does not require a land acquisition or resettlement action plan.
9. Contact Information
Name : Prakoso Bhairawa Putera
Phone : 081373600029
Email : [email protected]
Padjadjaran University (UNPAD) Teaching Hospital
Location: West Java Province
To improve the quality of health services in
West Java Province, Padjadjaran University is
planning to build a UNPAD Teaching Hospital
on an approximate area of 4.2 hectares. The
project will be carried out in two stages with
the second phase to build building B
consisting of 5 floors and 2 basements will be
implemented through PPP scheme.
Financial Feasibility:
Government Contracting Agency:
IRR : 14% (Under Review)
Padjadjaran University
NPV : USD 2.82 Million (Under Review)
Type of PPP:
Solicited Estimated Concession Period: 17 years
1. Development
Return of Investment: and Management of National Research
Under Discussion
Vessel Fleet
Indicative Project Schedule
In Structuring Process
Project Digest
Project Title Universitas Padjadjaran Teaching Hospital
Government Contracting Agency Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and
Technology with delegation to Rector of
Universitas Padjadjaran
Implementing Agency Padjadjaran University
Preparation Agency Padjadjaran University
Project Cost USD 25.58 Million
Estimated Concession Period 17 years 0 months (include 2 years of
Location West Java Province
2. The Opportunity
Referring to the WHO standard, West Java ideally requires 49,936 beds. This means that up to now there is still a
shortage of around 4,647 beds and when compared to the total population, it is 1 bed for every 40,931 residents of
West Java. Padjadjaran University is one of the tertiary institutions in West Java which has a study program in the
field of health (medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, midwifery, and psychology). It is hoped that the hospital that
will be built in addition to providing services, also conducts education and research in overcoming problems in
health sector, especially in West Java Province and developing national and global recognition as the goal of
developing the Unpad Teaching Hospital in partnership with the private sector through the PPP scheme.
2.3. Project Objectives
The construction of the Unpad Teaching Hospital is necessary in addition to serving the community as well as a
vehicle for the development of education, research and innovation in the health sector which is supported by the
fields of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, and midwifery as well as other fields of science that support
program activities. It is hoped that the Unpad Teaching Hospital will be Unpad's effort to gain global recognition and
benefit the world community.
• building assets;
4. Technical Specification
In early design, Building B will consist of 8 floors and 2 basements:
a) Parking space
a) Parking space
3. 1st floor
a) Lobby
b) Patient Waiting Area
c) Admission Room
d) Outpatient Polyspecialist
e) Promkes
f) Cafeteria
g) ATM Center
h) Banks
4. 2nd floor
5. 3rd floor
Operating Room
6. 4th Floor
a) Inpatient Room
b) Nurse Station
7. 5th floor
a) Office Space
b) Meeting Room
c) Support Room
d) Perceptor Room
8. 6th floor
a) Inpatient Room
9. 7th floor
a) Inpatient Room
a) Inpatient Room
More detailed technical specifications will be further studied in the OBC/FBC report.
9. Contact Information
Name : Dr. Prita Amalia, S.H., M.H.
Phone : 081122301388
Email : [email protected]
Banten Sports Center
Location: Banten Province
Banten Sports Center Complex to become one
of international-standard sports complex in
Indonesia within the area of ±68 ha. This project
has an objective to build sports center complex
in Banten with high-demand sports venue and
commercial area
Financial Feasibility:
IRR : 10.38%
Government Contracting Agency: NPV : USD 3.49 Million
Banten Provincial Government
Estimated Concession Period: 25 years
Type of PPP: (including 2 years construction)
2. Development
Return of Investment: and Management of National Research
Other Form
Vessel Fleet
Indicative Project Schedule
Project Digest
Project Title Banten Sports Center
Government Contracting Agency Banten Provincial Government
Implementing Agency Banten Provincial Government
Preparation Agency Banten Provincial Government
Project Cost USD 34.86 Million
Estimated Concession Period 25 years (incld. 2 years construction)
Location Banten Province
2. The Opportunity
2.1. Project Background
Banten Sports Center is an action by the Banten Provincial Government in order to improve their citizen health,
both physically and spiritually. This is even more important considering the rank of Banten Province at the XX Papua
2021 National Sports Week (PON) which is quite low despite the area and the large number of areas within Banten
Province. Banten Province is ranked 14th out of a total of 34 provinces participating in the 2021 PON XX Papua. This
section describes the rationale for building the Banten Sports Center from a technical and economic perspective.
3. Business Entity’s Scope of Work
The Project will implement the Design - Build – Finance – Operate – Maintenance (DBFOM) scheme. The business
entity is responsible for:
Sports Venue:
• Main Stadion (only operational)
• Practice field
• Aquatic
• Tennis
• Volley and Basketball
• Badminton
• Martial Sports
• Archery
• Futsal dan Skates
• Rock Climbing
• Hotel (4-star)
• Mall (Shopping center)
• Mosque
• Banten Government Office
• Athlete’s Mess
• Clinic
• Security Center
4. Technical Specification
All the sports venue follow the technical specifications of each governing body of sports association.
7. Project Cost Structure
Estimated Project Cost USD 34.86 Million
Indicative Debt to Equity Ratio
- Debt Level 70%
- Equity Level 30%
IRR 10.38%
NPV USD 3.49 Million
Government guarantee from Indonesia Infrastructure Guarantee Fund (IIGF) / PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur
Indonesia (PT PII).
9. Contact Information
Name : DR. Isvan Taufik, ST, MT
Position : Secretary of Public Works and Housing Banten Province (Sekretaris Dinas Pekerjaan Umum dan
Penataan Ruang Provinsi Banten)
Phone : 0818621815
Email : dpupr.bantenprov.go.id
Position : Head of Building and Environment Arrangement (Kasi Penataan Bangunan dan Lingkungan, Dinas
Pekerjaan Umum dan Penataan Ruang Provinsi Banten)
Phone : 081906482045
Email : dpupr.bantenprov.go.id
Inche Abdoel Moeis Samarinda General Hospital
Location: East Kalimantan Province
Inche Abdoel Moeis Samarinda General
Hospital is in the development stage of
becoming an international standard hospital.
The hospital service coverage area can
potentially become a Regional Referral for the
Provinces of East Kalimantan and North
Financial Feasibility:
IRR : 12.78%
Government Contracting Agency: NPV : USD 15.60 Million
Mayor of Samarinda c.q Health Office of
Samarinda Estimated Concession Period: Under Review
Type of PPP:
3. Development and Management of National Research
ReturnVessel Fleet
of Investment: User Charge
Project Digest
Project Title Inche Abdoel Moeis Samarinda General
Hospital/General Hospital
Government Contracting Agency Mayor of Samarinda
Implementing Agency Health Office of Samarinda
Preparation Agency Health Office of Samarinda
Project Cost USD 56.3 Million
Estimated Concession Period Under Review
Location East Kalimantan Province
2. The Opportunity
2.2. Project Description
Inche Abdoel Moeis Samarinda General Hospital is in the development stage of becoming an international standard
hospital. The hospital service coverage area can potentially become a Regional Referral for the Provinces of East
Kalimantan and North Kalimantan.
The potential target range for patients at Inche Abdoel Moeis Samarinda General Hospital is very large based on
the service coverage area of Inche Abdoel Moeis Samarinda General Hospital, which covers Samarinda City to the
border of Kutai Kartanegara and East Kutai Regencies. It is hoped that with the construction of Class B hospitals
with international standard education, the quality, quantity, and types of health services provided will be increased,
as well as by adding facilities, infrastructure, medical devices, human resources, and both medical and paramedical
4. Technical Specification
In the PPP Scheme, Inche Abdoel Moeis Samarinda General Hospital will consist of:
A. Main Gate
General Hospital Building & Site Development
1. General Hospital Building
2. Parking Building
3. Cancer Center
4. Healing Garden
5. Bridge
6. Site Development (Access Road, Drainage, Street Lighting, Landscape)
B. IPAL (Wastewater Treatment Plan)
C. Incenerator
D. Hardware SIM & RS
More detailed technical specifications will be further studied in the FBC report.
6. Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action Plan
The development process of I.A. Moeis General Hospital in the PPP Project for the Development of the Samarinda
City Hospital, almost all of the land is owned by the Samarinda City Government as the GCA, but requires a small
amount of land acquisition of 1,125 m2 for the plan to build the Main Gate of the Hospital.
The agency responsible for land acquisition is the GCA, which can be carried out before construction. The GCA is
responsible for preparing land acquisition planning documents which are a requirement for obtaining location
determination in accordance with statutory provisions.
9. Contact Information
Name : dr. Hj. Syarifah Rahimah, Mkes.,AAAK
Phone : 08115549444
Email : [email protected]
Dr. Mohammad Zyn Sampang General Hospital
Location: East Java Province
Dr. Moh Zyn General hospital is a type B
hospital and plans to relocate due to frequent
flooding in the current location. The only
referral hospital for clinics/hospitals around it.
However, the current condition is challenging
to develop into a standard Type B, and there is
a need for additional beds and an area of 27,040
m2. In the new location, apart from hospitals,
offices, parks and Islamic centers will be built.
Project Digest
Project Title dr. Mohammad Zyn Sampang General Hospital
Government Contracting Agency Regent of Sampang
Implementing Agency Sampang Regency Government
Preparation Agency Sampang Regency Government
Project Cost USD 16.89 Million
Estimated Concession Period 20 years
Location East Java Province
2. The Opportunity
2.1. Project Background
The PPP scheme is expected to be an alternative financing for the development of Dr. Mohammad Zyn
Sampang General Hospital through the relocation program. This development plan is expected to fill the
shortage of beds per 1000 population. At the moment, bed needs in Sampang Regency still lack around 635
beds. Therefore, Dr. Mohammad Zyn Sampang General Hospital needs to improve fulfillment hospital beds,
infrastructure tools, and human resources according to the Class B Hospital criteria technical standards and
service quality improvement in accordance with the latest hospital accreditation instrument. In addition, Dr.
Mohammad Zyn Sampang General Hospital can become a more representative Referral Hospital if it has
services competitive advantage for first tier healthcare facilities and Class D Hospitals in Sampang Regency,
even referrals from hospitals in Pamekasan Regency, Bangkalan Regency and Sumenep Regency.
3. Business Entity’s Scope of Work
The Project will implement the Design - Build – Finance – Operate (Partially) – Maintenance - Transfer (DBFOMT)
scheme. The business entity is responsible for:
• building assets;
4. Technical Specification
More detailed technical specifications will be further studied in the OBC/FBC report.
9. Contact Information
Name : dr. Agus Akhmadi
Phone : 0811314949
Email :-
Development of West Nusa Tenggara Correctional Institution
Location: Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara
The Ministry of Law and Human Rights (KemenkumHAM)
plans to build a LAPAS by utilizing land located on the
island of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara Province. This
location is currently used as an Assimilation and
Education Facility (SAE) for Correctional Assisted
Residents (WBP) at Selong LAPAS, East Lombok
Regency. The main thought of the scope of the assigned
PPP project is to provide LAPAS by utilizing the tourism
potential at the SAE location which will be managed by
private companies. Seeing the situation from the SAE
location, the land area on the Right to Use Certificate
owned by the Ministry of Law and Human rights is 153,500
m2. The land around the beach is used for recreation by
local residents with an area of around 25.000 m2 and the
Government Contracting Agency:
remaining 130.000 m2 is dry land without irrigation.
Minister of Law and Human Rights
Estimated Project Cost: USD 10.14 million
Type of PPP: Financial Feasibility:
Solicited IRR : 29.1%
NPV : USD 148,266
Return of Investment:
User Charge Estimated Concession Period: 20 years
Project Digest
Project Title Development of West Nusa Tenggara
Correctional Institution
Government Contracting Agency Ministry of Law and Human Rights
Implementing Agency Director General of Correctional
Preparation Agency Director General of Correctional
Project Cost USD 10.14 Million
Estimated Concession Period 20 years
Location Selong , West Nusa Tenggara
Figure 1 – Map of Illustration of the respondent's tourism activity profile, including visits to the protection
(criminal) beach
2. The Opportunity
2.1. Project Background
Based on the preliminary study report that has been prepared, an indication of the scope of
the Land Use PPP in the West Nusa Tenggara Region includes the construction of Correctional Institutions
(LAPAS) facilities and other supporting facilities by the private sector and the exploitation of commercial
activities around LAPAS in the form of tourism activities to get a return on investment.
In the Regulation of the Minister of National Development Planning/Bappenas No. 4 of 2015, sources of return
on investment, borrowing costs and reasonable profits from the business entity can be grouped into 3 sources
of return, namely:
In this Land Utilization PPP project in the West Nusa Tenggara Region, sources of returns will be discussed with
the GCA and also need to be provided with a legal basis so that they do not conflict with laws and regulations
and can accommodate private interests in running their business and returning investments in the PPP project.
Financial and commercial studies as well as risks will also be influential in determining the source of returns
that will attract investors to invest in this Land Utilization PPP project in the West Nusa Tenggara Region.
2.2. Project Description
The Ministry of Law and Human Rights (KemenkumHAM) plans to build a LAPAS by utilizing land located on the
island of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara Province. This location is currently used as an Assimilation and Education
Facility (SAE) for Correctional Assisted Residents (WBP) at Selong LAPAS, East Lombok Regency. The main thought
of the scope of the assigned PPP project is to provide LAPAS by utilizing the tourism potential at the SAE location
which will be managed by private companies. Seeing the situation from the SAE location, the land area on the Right
to Use Certificate owned by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights is 153,500 m2. The land around the beach is used
for recreation by local residents with an area of around 25,000 m2 and the remaining 130,000 m2 is dry land without
irrigation.Project Objectives.
a. Construction of a new LAPAS building on the land of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights
i. The Ministry of Law and Human Rights through the Directorate General of Corrections
carries out LAPAS Operations;
ii. Business Entities carry out Planning, Development, Financing and Maintenance of LAPAS
and will be submitted to the GCA after the concession period ends (PPP form: Design –
Build – Finance – Maintenance – Transfer / DBFMT);
b. Development of commercial activities
The Business Entity carries out the Planning, Development, Financing, Operation and
Maintenance of commercial activities by the Business Entity and will be submitted to the GCA
after the concession period ends (Design – Build – Finance – Operation – Maintenance –
Transfer / DBFOMT).
4. Technical Specification
The technical specifications for Correctional Institutions are as follow:
Based on Article 1 paragraph (3) of Law 12/1995, a penitentiary is a place to carry out coaching for prisoners and
correctional students. The implementation of correctional institutions is carried out in order to form correctional
inmates who can become whole human beings, realize mistakes, improve themselves and no longer repeat criminal
acts so that they can be accepted again in the community, can play an active role in development and live normally
to become good and responsible citizens. answer. Guidance and guidance of correctional inmates includes activities
in the form of personality development and independence. Personality development includes mental and character
development so that the inmates become whole human beings, while the development of independence includes
skills and talent development so that the inmates can return to their roles as free and responsible members of
society. Correctional institutions were established in each district or municipal capital.
In carrying out coaching for convicts in correctional institutions, the necessary facilities and infrastructure are
provided, which include coaching, worship equipment, educational equipment, workshop equipment and sports and
arts equipment. Article 4 paragraph (1) Decree of the Minister of Justice No. M.01.PR.07.03/1985 states that the
classification of correctional institutions is divided into capacity, location and place of work.
Based on these provisions, the PPP Business Entity as the party responsible for the business and/or activities to
be carried out related to the Project, is required to obtain Environmental Approval by preparing AMDAL Documents
to be able to carry out the SEAP Project. For this reason, Bappenas Regulation No. 4/2015 places the responsibility
for the GCA to prepare the AMDAL document which consists of:
7. Project Cost Structure
Provision of government incentives/support has been taken into account in the financial analysis where in the
return on investment scheme with Availability Payment (AP), in the AP-2 scenario the provision of
incentives/support from the government of 30% of the Capex cost component (Rp 48,516 billion) will reduce the
value of the AP that GCA must pay to Business Entities from IDR 34.42 billion in the first year (in the AP-1 scenario)
to IDR 23 billion in the first year (in the AP-2 scenario). This also applies to the AP scenario with an optimistic
income assumption (scenarios AP-3, AP-4, and AP-5).
It should be noted that if the AP scheme is used, the PPP project is not allowed to receive Viability Gap Fund (VGF)
support from the Ministry of Finance so that support/incentives must come from other sources such as from the
GCA, in this case the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. Whereas in the return on investment scheme with other
income (unregulated tariff), support/incentives from the government are needed so that the project is still
financially feasible (Equity IRR reaches 14%) with the amount of incentive/support needed is 33% of the value of
Capex (Rp 53,922 Billion).
9. Contact Information
Name : Agung Ardiansyah
Phone : 082112344564
Email : [email protected]
Phone : 085830911864
Email : [email protected]
Bina Harapan Cisaranten Housing
Location: Bandung, West Java Province
On a 5-hectare land parcel, a development project
is underway to construct affordable housing units
alongside commercial facilities. The project
encompasses eleven towers, and it is estimated to
have a potential of accommodating approximately
2,738 housing units. This endeavor aims to provide
affordable housing options while also incorporating
commercial spaces, creating a vibrant and
sustainable community within the development.
Project Digest
Project Title Bina Harapan Cisaranten Housing
Government Contracting Agency Minister of Public Works and Housing
Directorate General of Public Works and
Housing Infrastructure Financing
Preparation Agency Directorate General of Public Works and
Housing Infrastructure Financing (MoF’s PDF)
Project Cost USD 54.05 Million
Estimated Concession Period 15 years
Location Komplek Pusjatan. Jalan. AH. Nasution,
Bandung City, West Java
2. The Opportunity
As more people transition to urban areas, well-planned urbanization and an increase in the supply of
affordable housing in well serviced and well-connected neighborhoods will be critical to enhancing living
standards. Also, as income rises and existing large metropolitan cities such as Jakarta and Surabaya become
saturated, there is a need to provide affordable housing facilities to the next big cities. Bandung, which is the
third largest city in Indonesia is growing fast and needs urgent interventions in the development of
infrastructure and provision of affordable housing stock for its citizens. This project is proposed by the GCA
to meet the residential needs of persons in the low-income segment in Bandung.
4. Technical Specification
This housing project falls in the form of a Flat building under the classification of High Rise. Regulations to set
minimum service standards for flats are contained in the provisions of Article 80 letter f of Law 20 of 2011. The
regulation includes the specification for Residential Services, Managing Office, Utilities, Cleaning and Waste
Management, Information, Security, Safety, Accessibility for Disabled People, Parking, and Maintenance Code.
Project construction refers to MPWH Regulation 2/PRT/M/2012 Green Building.
8. Government Support and Guarantee
Indicative government support will be in the form of Environmental Permit, Location Permit, Design Certifications,
Project Development Facility, Land Acquisition, Rent Agreement, Guarantee etc.
9. Contact Information
Name : R Haryo Bekti Martoyoedo
Phone : 021-7264348
Email : [email protected]
Sei Mangkei Public Housing
Location: North Sumatera Province
To cater to the housing requirements of workers
in the Sei Mangkei Industrial Area, a project has
been planned to construct three towers of rental
flats. Each tower will be comprised of 18 floors
and accommodate a total of 672 units.
Additionally, one of the apartment towers will
have 16 floors with 132 rooms, while the other
tower will be a 15-floor hotel. The project will be
developed on a land area spanning 3.3 hectares,
providing an adequate living space for the
industrial area's workforce.
Government Contracting Agency:
Governor of North Sumatera Estimated Project Cost: USD 76.63 Million
Project Digest
Project Title Sei Mangkei Public Housing
Government Contracting Agency Governor of North Sumatera
Implementing Agency Housing Agency of North Sumatera
Preparation Agency Housing Agency of North Sumatera (MoF’s PDF)
Project Cost USD 76.63 Million
Estimated Concession Period 20 years
Location North Sumatera Province
2. The Opportunity
3. Business Entity’s Scope of Work
4. Technical Specification
a. Rusunawa consists of 3 towers (each tower consists of 18 floors and 224 units)
b. 1 tower apartment consists of 16 floors with 120 units (60 units of type 64 m² and 60 units of type 36 m²
c. The hotel consists of 15 floors with a swimming pool facility
d. The shopping center consists of 3 floors in 3500 m² area
e. The Green area of 7500 m²
f. Mosque
g. Gas station
h. Playground 1.050 m²
9. Contact Information
Name : Ida Mariana Harahap
Position : Coordinator of Experts KPBU Public Housing Sei Mangkei North Sumatera
Email : [email protected]
Karawang Spuur Public Housing
Location: Karawang Regency, West Java Province
Karawang Spuur Housing PPP Project is a public
housing project on a 1.9 ha Ministry of MPWH-owned
land. The location of the PPP project is located on Jalan
Karawang Spuur, Wadas Village, East Telukjambe
District, Karawang, West Java. The land is located in
the urban area of Karawang, a few minutes from
schools, universities, and industrial areas. Besides
that, the location has high accessibility, minutes away
from the West Karawang 1 toll gate, and the Karaba
Indah bus stop. The project will cover the construction
of 2 towers, resulting in 1.175 residential units.
FBC Agreement
Pre-Qualification Financial Close Construction
Q1 2022 - Q3 2023 Q3 2023 Q4 2024 Q1 2025
Q3 2024
Project Digest
Project Title Karawang Spuur Public Housing
Government Contracting Agency Minister for Public Works and Housing
Implementing Agency Directorate General of Public Works and
Housing Infrastructure Financing
Preparation Agency Directorate General of Public Works and
Housing Infrastructure Financing
Project Cost USD 27.25 Million (Under Review)
Estimated Concession Period 22 Years (include 2 years of construction period)
Location Karawang Regency, West Java Province
1. Lobby Tower
2. Lobby Tower
12 10
3. Lobby Retail
4. Prayer Room
7 7. Playground (outdoor)
10 10 8. Playground (outdoor)
12 9
9. Public Park
dan JASA
12. Tread Aperture
12 13. Basement Parking Area
YA 14. Development Area
2. The Opportunity
The direction of housing finance policy focused on national development priorities, which are mainly for the
region/region: (a). Industrial zone / KEK, (b). Tourism area, (c). the development of a green city with climate
and disaster resistance, (d). A Smart city that is competitive and based on Communication Technology, (e).
village and city linkages (f). border area with 10 (ten) neighboring countries 187 (one hundred eighty-seven)
priority locations, including 92 (ninety- two) outer islands), (g). disadvantaged areas, and (h). support for
reducing the burden of the poor and vulnerable population, as well as a program to accelerate national
development strategic projects by the formulation of the objectives of the Ministry of Public Works and Public
Housing is to expand access to adequate housing financing facilities for MBR that are equipped with adequate
facilities and infrastructure for all community groups in a fair manner and approach demand management
with national priorities.
For this reason, the government continues to strive to realize decent housing for MBR that is in line with the
direction of the housing finance policy in the priority development areas/regions, and one of them is Karawang
This project is structured to make the National Mid-Term Development Plan more concrete in resolving
development issues, measurable and the benefits can be directly understood and felt by the community. These
projects have strategic value and high leverage to achieve development priority targets. One of the major
projects of the Ministry of PUPR is the construction of Urban Flats.
Karawang Spuur Housing PPP Project located in the Karawang Transit Oriented Development (TOD)
development area. The land is located in the urban area of Karawang, a few minutes from schools, universities,
and industrial areas. Besides that, the location has high accessibility, minutes away from the West Karawang
1 toll gate, and the Karaba Indah bus stop. The project will cover the construction of 2 towers, resulting in 1.175
residential units and several public purposes, such as co-working spaces, green areas, commercials, and
other social facilities.
4. Technical Specification
Karawang SPUUR Public Housing
Public Housing Type Public Housing for Rent Mixed use
Allocation Occupancy • Low Income Communities
• Non - Low Income
Non-Occupancy • Green Open Space
• Shops
• Sports Facilities
• Clinic
• Shopping Center
Number of Towers 2 Towers
Number of Floors 27 Floors per Tower
Number of Units 1,450 Units
9. Contact Information
Name : R Haryo Bekti Martoyoedo
Phone : 021-7264348
Email : [email protected]
Summary of Already Tendered Projects
The following list consists of projects that have already been tendered as of May 2023.
No Project Name Description
(per May 2023)
No Project Name Description
(per May 2023)
No Project Name Description
(per May 2023)
Bintang Bano Dam MHPP Bintang Bano is the first Unsolicited Water Resources
Maintenance and PPP project using a user charge return on investment scheme.
15. Provision of Mini The project scope are provision of Mini Hydro Power Plant Already Tendered
Hydro Power Plant in Capacity 6,3 MW which implemented under Design-Build- (RfP)
West Nusa Tenggara Finance-Operate-Maintenance-Transfer (DBFOMT) scheme
(Unsolicited) and maintenance of Bintang Bano Dam.
Expansion of Hang Nadim International Airport Passenger Terminal
Location: Batam, Riau Islands Province
The project is to expand the passenger
terminal of Hang Nadim International Airport
and designated to handle up to 24.7 million
passengers in 2046.
Scope of work:
• Refurbishment and expansion of
Passenger Terminals;
• Operation and Maintenance Passenger
Terminal; and
• Operation and Maintenance Cargo
Government Contracting Agency:
Chairman of Batam Indonesia Free Zone Estimated Project Cost: USD 466.14 Million
Financial Feasibility:
Type of PPP:
IRR : 14,73%
NPV : USD 3.17 Million
Return of Investment:
User Charge Consession period: 25 years
Project Schedule
Project Structure
New Airport in Kediri
Location: Kediri District, West Java
The New Airport Project is proposed with a
3.300 m x 45 m of runway and 70.000 m2
passenger terminal building for serving 10
mppa. The airport aims to increase the
economic and social activities of the
community through the development of
connectivity between Kediri District and
centers of economic activity both at the
national and global levels.
Project Schedule
Project Structure
Contact Information : Arief Mustofa (Deputy Director Airport Business and Management)
+62 815 9419511
[email protected]
Patimban Port
Location: Subang, West Java Province
Patimban Port in Subang (West Java)
designated as a national strategic project
(PSN) located near Cikarang Industrial Zone to
support trading activities in Java, the country's
most populated island and center of its
manufacturing activities.
Financial Feasibility:
Government Contracting Agency: IRR : 14.9%
Minister of Transportation hand over to NPV : USD 100.34 Million
Director General of Sea Transportation
Estimated Concession Period: 40 years
Type of PPP:
Return of Investment:
User Charge *) Capex
Project Schedule
Project Structure
Gedebage – Tasikmalaya – Cilacap Toll Road
Location: West Java - Central Java
The project is to construct 206.65 km toll road
of Gedebage-Tasikmalaya-Cilacap which is
expected to overcome traffic problems and
encourage economic and regional growth. This
toll road is equipped with 1 junction and 10
Project Schedule
Project Structure
The New Patimban Port development plan is to
provide accessibility that facilitates direct
access to and from Patimban Port. The port is
planned to be connected with industrial zones,
economic zones, urban areas, and the
surrounding rural areas. Patimban access toll
road will connect Patimban Port with Cikopo -
Palimanan Toll Road Section. This toll road will
be 37.05 km long with 4 interchanges and 1
Project Schedule
Project Structure
The project is to construct ± 21.5 km of The
Cikunir-Ulujami Jakarta Outer Ring Road
(JORR) Elevated Toll Road with PPP scheme.
The starting point is located at Ulujami Junction
and the end point is located at Jati Asih
Financial Feasibility:
FIRR : 12.54 %
NPV : USD 533.69 Million
Government Contracting Agency:
Head of Indonesia Toll Road Authority (BPJT) Concession Period: 45 years
Type of PPP:
Return of Investment:
User Charge
Project Schedule
Project Structure
The project is to construct ± 61.5 km of The
South Sentul – West Karawang Toll Road which
connect Sentul Junction and Karawang
Junction. At the South Sentul – West Karawang
Toll Road there are 3 junctions that connect to
the Bogor Ring Road Toll Road, the Jakarta –
South Cikampek Toll Road, and the existing
Jakarta - Cikampek Toll Road.
Financial Feasibility:
Government Contracting Agency: FIRR : 12.08%
Minister of Public Works and Housing
NPV : USD 105.16 Million
Type of PPP:
Estimated Concession Period: 40 years
Return of Investment:
User Charge
Project Schedule
Project Structure
Bogor – Serpong (Via Parung) Toll Road
Location: West Java Province and Banten Provinces
Financial Feasibility:
Government Contracting Agency: FIRR : 12.38%
Minister of Public Works and Housing NPV : USD 79.13 Million
Return of Investment:
User Charge
Project Schedule
Project Structure
Kamal - Teluk Naga - Rajeg Toll Road
Location: DKI Jakarta and Banten Provinces
38.6 km Kamal-Teluknaga-Rajeg Toll Road is
located in North Jakarta (DKI Jakarta Province)
and Tangerang Regency (Banten Province).
This toll road is planned as part of the toll road
network system in the Jabodetabek (Jakarta,
Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi) area and will
support Pantura strategic area.
Financial Feasibility:
Government Contracting Agency: FIRR : 10.58%
Minister of Public Works and Housing NPV : USD 45.33 Million
Return of Investment:
User Charge
Project Schedule
Project Structure
North Penajam Paser – Balikpapan Toll Road Bridge
Location: East Kalimantan Province
The construction of the bridge (which functions
as a toll road) will connect the North Penajam
Paser Regency with Balikpapan City across the
Bay of Balikpapan. The North Penajam Paser -
Balikpapan Toll Road Bridge will not only
eliminate the geographical obstacle between
the North Penajam Paser Regency and the
Balikpapan City, but also between East
Kalimantan and South Kalimantan Provinces.
Project Schedule
Project Structure
Kediri - Tulungagung Toll Road
Location: East Java Province
The project is to construct a ±44.51 km toll road
of Kediri-Tulungagung which is expected to
encourage economic and regional growth for
the south part of East Java and also become an
access road to Kediri Airport. This toll road plan
is equipped with 2 junctions and 3
Financial Feasibility:
Government Contracting Agency: IRR : 9.69%
Minister of Public Works and Public Housing NPV : USD 1.66 Million
Return of Investment:
User Charge
Project Schedule
Project Structure
Development of The Trans Papua Jayapura - Wamena Road
Location: Papua Province
The Trans Papua Mamberamo – Elelim road
section is located in Papua Province which is
part of the Trans Papua Road section that
connects the Jayapura area with Wamena. The
location of the road preservation work starts
from the direction of Wamena KM 366+690
with a handling length of 50.14 Km.
Financial Feasibility:
Government Contracting Agency: IRR : 10.81%
Minister of Public Works and Public Housing NPV : USD 5.72 Million
Return of Investment:
Availability Payment (AP)
Project Schedule
Project Structure
Karian - Serpong Regional Water Supply System
Location: Lebak, Banten Province
Financial Feasibility
Government Contracting Agency:
Minister of Public Works and Housing IRR : 10.87%
Project Schedule
Project Structure
Description :
Management of 1,853 – 2,131 tonnes waste per
day of sourced from 6 municipalities (Bandung
Regency, Bandung City, Sumedang Regency,
Cimahi City, West Bandung Regency, and Garut
Regency) located in Legok Nangka, Nagreg,
West Java. Scope: Design, Build, Finance,
Operate, maintain the Waste Treatment Plant
and supporting infrastructure.
Financial Feasibility:
Government Contracting Agency: IRR : 13.30%
Governor of West Java NPV : USD 48.98 Million
Type of PPP:
Solicited Concession Period: 25 years
Return of Investment:
User Charge
Project Schedule
Project Structure
Contact Person : Arief Perdana (Head of West Java Regional Solid Waste Management)
[email protected]
Bintang Bano Dam Maintenance and Provision of Mini Hydro Power Plant
Infrastructure Capacity 6,3 MW
Location: West Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara Province
Sector : Water Resources and Irrigation Sub-Sector : Mini Hydro Power Plant
MHPP Bintang Bano is the first Unsolicited Water
Resources PPP project using a user charge return
on investment scheme. The project scope are
provision of Mini Hydro Power Plant Capacity 6,3
MW which implemented under Design-Build-
Finance-Operate-Maintenance-Transfer (DBFOMT)
scheme and maintenance of Bintang Bano Dam.
Estimated Project Cost: USD 11.23 Million
Financial Feasibility:
Government Contracting Agency: IRR : 12.50%
Minister of Public Works and Housing NPV : USD 3.87 Million
Type of PPP: Estimated Concession Period: 27 years
Return of Investment:
User Charge
Project Schedule
FS Request for Request for Agreement Signing Agreement Signing Financial Construction
Evaluation Qualification Bid Award
Proposal (PPA) (PPP) Date Q1 2025-Q1
Q4 2020 Q4 2022 Q2 2023 Q2 2023 Q4 2023
Q1 2023 Q1 2025 2026
Project Structure
Contact Person : Arvi Argyantoro (Director for Water Resources Infrastructure Financing)
+62-21-7264-267, [email protected]
Surakarta Street Lighting
Location: Surakarta, Central Java Province
The Municipal Government of Surakarta is
proposing to revitalize the PSL public services
within the city, covering 976 km city road
network needs around 31,890 lamp points. The
project will be implemented in PPP Scheme.
The scheme will include PPP agreement
between the Municipal and the Business Entity
along the specified concession period that
requires the Business Entity to finance, design,
develop, operate, and maintain the PSL service.
Project Schedule
Project Structure
The West Lombok regent has an annual
problem in electricity payment due to street
lighting. Nevertheless, the amount of street
lighting is deemed inadequate.
The West Lombok Regency planned to install
and maintain its street lighting using Public
Private Partnership. It is hoped that this street
project lighting will help increase the economy
and public welfare in the regency by ensuring
road safety by street lighting during the night.
Project Schedule
Project Structure
Contact Information : Rusditah, S.Sos (Assistant of Economy and Development of West Lombok
+62 82341650685
Dharmasraya Street Lighting
Location: Dharmasraya, West Sumatera
Replacing Mercury type Street Lamps with
LEDs with Total of 4.135 in 11 Districts in
Dharmasraya. The project scope are design,
build, finance, operate, maintain and transfer
the Street Lamps.
Financial Feasibility:
IRR : 15.37%
NPV : USD 126,635.13
Return of Investment:
Availability Payment (AP)
Project Schedule
Project Structure
The following list consists of projects that categorized as success story as of May 2023.
No Project Name Description
(per May 2023)
4. Manado – Bitung Toll Manado-Bitung toll road is one of the longest in Northern Success Story
Road Sulawesi connecting Manado City to Bitung City, approximately (Operation)
39.9 km.
No Project Name Description
(per May 2023)
No Project Name Description
(per May 2023)
West Semarang Water Supply project is built with a capacity Success Story
23. West Semarang of 1,000 liters per second. The service area is planned to serve (Operation)
Water Supply System three (3) subdistricts divided into five (5) service zones.
No Project Name Description
(per May 2023)
No Project Name Description
(per May 2023)
Development of Makassar – Parepare Railway
Location: South Sulawesi Province
• PT Indonesia Infrastructure Finance
• PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero),
• PT Bank Syariah Indonesia (Tbk)
Implementation Schedule:
Financial Close : 2021
Operation : October 2022 (1st COD)
Opeartion : May 2023 (2nd COD)
Contact Person : Ir. Mohammad Risal Wasal, A.TD., M.M., IPM (Director General of
Railways) Merdeka Barat Street No 8, Karsa Building 2th Floor,
Central Jakarta, email: [email protected]
Development of Anggrek Port
Location: Gorontalo Province
Anggrek Port as a goods gateway and a
regional economic driver needs to be
supported by the development of the hinterland
area including its accessibility. Trading
activities and distribution of foods especially in
the North Gorontalo district depend on this
port. It is non-commercial port and operated
under the Directorate of Sea Transportation of
the Ministry of Transportation.
PT Anggrek Gorontalo Internasional Terminal Project Structure
PT BNI (Persero)
Indonesia Infrastructure Fianance (IIF)
Government Guarantee:
Implementation Schedule:
Construction : Q2 2023
Proving Ground Motor Vehicle Roadworthiness Testing And Certification
Location : Bekasi, West Java Province
This BPLJSKB Proving Ground is planned as a
certification and testing facilities for motor
vehicles to improve motor vehicle's safety and
road worthiness and also to reduce level of
emission. It will adopts UNECE standards and
it will comprise high speed tracks, brake-
testing, noise emission testing, crash test, and
other testing facilities.
Financial Feasibility:
Project Status: IRR : 11%
Project is currently Under Construction
Concession Period:
Government Contracting Agency: 2 years construction + 15 years operation
Minister of Transportation hand over to *) IRR=WACC
Director General of Land Transportation
PT Indonesia International Automotive Proving Project Structure
Ground (IIAPG)
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG)
Government Guarantee:
Government Guarantee From IIGF (PT PII)
Implementation Schedule:
Construction Q2 2023
Manado - Bitung Toll Road
Location: North Sulawesi Province
Manado-Bitung toll road is one of the longest
in Northern Sulawesi connecting Manado City
to Bitung City, approximately 39.9 km.
Financial Feasibility:
IRR : 12.23%
NPV : USD 13.51 Million
Project Status:
Project is partially operational
PT Jasamarga Manado Bitung
Project Structure
1. PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk;
2. PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk;
3. PT Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero) Tbk.
Refinance BNI, BCA, Bank Mandiri and PT SMI
Implementation Schedule:
1. Preparation : 2015
2. Land Acquisition : 2016 - 2017
3. Construction : 2017 - 2019
4. Operation : 2019
Batang - Semarang Toll Road
Location: Central Java Province
Description :
Batang-Semarang Toll Road (75 km) is a
section of the Trans-Java Toll Road Network
that will connect Jakarta and Surabaya. Batang
is a regency on the north coast of Central Java
Province while Semarang is the largest and
the capital city of Central Java Province.
Financial Feasibility:
IRR : 13.70%
NPV : USD 226.89 Million
PT Jasamarga Semarang-Batang
Project Structure
1. PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk;
2. PT Waskita Toll Road.
Financial close through Contractor Pre-
Financing (CPF)
Implementation Schedule:
1. Preparation : 2016
2. Land Acquisition : 2016
3. Construction : 2016 - 2018
4. Operation : 2019
Pandaan - Malang toll road is designed to
improve connectivity in the region. In addition,
the toll road is expected to facilitate industrial
transportation from Pandaan to Malang which
are connected directly to Surabaya, and vice
Financial Feasibility:
IRR : 13.81%
NPV : USD 97.66 Million
Project Status:
Project is currently operational Concession Period: 35 years
PT Jasamarga Pandaan Malang
1. PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk;
Project Structure
2. PT PP (Persero) Tbk;
3. PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero).
Refinancing with syndication of BNI, BCA, and
Bank Mandiri
Implementation Schedule:
1. Preparation : 2015
2. Land Acquisition : 2016 - 2017
3. Construction : 2017 - 2019
4. Operation : 2019
Description :
The project is a 36.4 km elevated toll road to be
built over the existing Jakarta - Cikampek toll
road, which is being operated by PT Jasa
Jakarta – Cikampek II
Elevated Toll Road Project Marga. The Jakarta-Cikampek road is part of
High Speed Train (HST) the Trans-Java toll road network connecting
Jakarta and Surabaya. The existing road’s
capacity has already been excedeed, but there
Light Rail Transit (LRT)
are limitations to widening it thus the proposed
solution is to expand the road’s capacity by
building over it.
Syndication of bank on investment credit
Implementation Schedule:
1. Preparation : 2015
2. Land Acquisition : 2016
3. Construction : 2017 - 2019
4. Operation : 2019
Krian – Legundi – Bunder - Manyar Toll Road
Location: East Java Province
Part of the Trans-Java Toll Road is located in
East Java with a length of approximately 38.29
km from Krian to Manyar. One of the
attractiveness of this toll road project is the
residential areas and commercial areas along
the corridor.
Financial Feasibility:
IRR : 14.59%
NPV : USD 283.12 Million
Project Structure
PT Waskita Bumi Wira
1. PT Waskita Toll Road;
2. PT Panca Wira Usaha Jawa Timur
Financial close through Contractor Pre-
Financing (CPF)
Implementation Schedule:
1. Preparation : 2015
2. Land Acquisition : 2016
3. Construction : 2016 - 2019
4. Operation : 2020
Balikpapan – Samarinda Toll Road
Location: East Kalimantan Province
Description :
TOLL ROAD Balikpapan-Samarinda toll road (99 km) will
Package 1 connect the two largest cities in East
Package 3
Kalimantan Province, Balikpapan and
Samarinda. This project is divided into two
Package 4 Package 2
sections, Section 1 consists of Package 1 (25.07
km) and Package 5 (11.09 km) and Section 2
consists of Package 2 (23.26 km), Package 3
(21.90 km), and Package 4 (17.70 km).
Package 5
Financial close through Contractor Pre-
Financing (CPF)
Implementation Schedule:
1. Preparation : 2015
2. Land Acquisition : 2016
3. Construction : 2016 - 2019
4. Operation : 2019
Contact Person : Denny Firmansyah (Head of Investment Division)
[email protected]
Semarang – Demak Toll Road
Location: Central Java Province
Description :
The proposed project will connect Semarang
(Capital of Central Java Province) and the city
of Demak. This Project has a high traffic volume
of ±27 km in length. Semarang is the capital city
of Central Java Province and is well-developed
with industrial goods and trading activities. On
the other side, Demak is a region that is rich in
natural resources. This project is also
integrated with the development of the
Semarang Sea Wall.
Project Status:
Project is partially operational. Estimated Project Cost: USD 166.54 Million
Project Structure
Financial close through Contractor Pre-
Financing (CPF)
Implementation Schedule:
1. Preparation : 2018
2. Land Acquisition : 2019 - 2021
3. Construction :
• Section 1 (Gov. Support) = Semarang –
Sayung (Q4 2024)
• Section 2 = Sayung – Demak (Q2 2022)
4. Operation : 2023
Cileunyi – Sumedang – Dawuan Toll Road
Location: West Java Province
The Cileunyi – Sumedang – Dawuan Toll Road
project will provide direct access for
transporting agricultural and manufactured
goods as well as services produced from these
areas to the port city of Cirebon. This toll road
is urgently required to shift some of the
development to the east side of Bandung.
Financial Feasibility:
IRR : 13.11%
NPV : USD 17.66 Million
Project Structure
PT Citra Karya Jabar Tol
1. PT Citra Marga Nusaphala Persada Tbk;
2. PT Waskita Toll Road;
3. PT Pembanguan Perumahan (Persero);
4. PT Jasa Sarana.
Implementation Schedule:
1. Preparation : 2017
2. Land Acquisition : 2017 - 2019
3. Construction : 2017 - 2021
4. Operation : 2021
Serang – Panimbang Toll Road
Location: Banten Province
Serang – Panimbang Toll Road is located in
Banten Province where the toll reaches
Jakarta to Tanjung Lesung Special Economic
Zone. Furthermore, one of the attractive
development points of this toll road is that it
will have tremendous facilities, such as the
development of residential areas and
commercial areas along the corridor.
Financial Feasibility:
Project Status: IRR : 13.96%
Project is partially operational NPV : USD 38.57 Million
PT Wijaya Karya Serang Panimbang
1. PT Wijaya Karya (Persero); Project Structure
2. PT PP (Persero) Tbk;
3. PT Jababeka Infrastruktur.
Contractor Pre-Financing (PT WIKA & PT PP)
Implementation Schedule:
1. Preparation : 2016
2. Land Acquisition : 2017
3. Construction : 2019
4. Operation : 2021 and 2023
Probolinggo – Banyuwangi Toll Road
Location: East Java Province
Description :
This project is expected to play an integral part
of the East Java Road System. It is 171.52 km in
length which connected Probolinggo and
Banyuwangi, crossing three districts in East
Java including Situbondo district. Each district
has different potential resources which can be
developed further.
Project Status:
Project is under construction
Estimated Project Cost: USD 1,553.43 Million
USD 377.8 Million
Government Contracting Agency:
Head of BPJT (Indonesia Toll Road Authority)
Financial Feasibility:
Investor: IRR : 11.17%support)
PT Jasamarga Probolinggo Banyuwangi
NPV : USD 244.88 Million
1. PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk
2. PT JAwamarga Transjawa Tol
3. PT Daya Mulia Turangga Concession Period: 40 years
4. PT Brantas Abipraya
Financial close through Contractor Pre-Financing (CPF) Project Structure
Indicative Government Support & Guarantee:
- Land acquisition risk - Land fund risk
- Tariff adjustment risk - Ramp up period
- Political risk - Termination risk
Implementation Schedule:
1. Preparation : 2015
2. Land Acquisition :
• Section 1 Probolinggo – Paiton (Q4 2018 – Q3 2022)
• Section 2.1 Paiton – Besuki (Q3 2019 – Q3 2022)
• Section 2.2 Besuki – Bajulmati (Q3 2019 – Q4 2023)
• Section 3 Bajulmati – Ketapang (Q1 2020 – Q4 2024)
3. Construction :
• Section 1 Probolinggo – Paiton (Q4 2021 – Q3 2023)
• Section 2.1 Paiton – Besuki (Q1 2022 – Q4 2023)
• Section 2.2 Besuki – Bajulmati (Q1 2023 – Q3 2025)
• Section 3 Bajulmati – Ketapang (Q1 2024 – Q3 2025)
4. Operation :
• Section 1 Probolinggo – Paiton (Q1 2024)
• Section 2.1 Paiton – Besuki (Q2 2024)
• Section 2.2 Besuki – Bajulmati (Q1 2025)
• Section 3 Bajulmati – Ketapang (Q1 2026)
Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF) Toll Transaction System
Location: National
The project is to establish a new toll collection
system, which replaces the existing manual
toll collection method. The project scope is
Design, Build, Finance, Operate, and Transfer
(DBFOT). The proposed system has the
technical requirement of MLFF using the Global
Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) for toll
Financial Feasibility:
Project Status: IRR : 12.5 %
Project is currently under construction NPV : USD 0*
*) assuming IRR = MARR
Government Contracting Agency:
National Toll Road Authority (BPJT) Concession Period: 9 years since COD
PT Roatex Indonesia Toll System (Indonesia)
Project Structure
Roatex Ltd. Zrt. (Hungary)
Implementation Schedule:
1. Starting Transition Period : Dec 2022
2. Full Implementation MLFF : Dec 2023
Duplication and/or Replacement of Callender Hamilton Bridges in Java
Island Main Road
Location: Java Region
This project is to replace and/or duplicate 37
Location Callender Hamilton Bridges on the
Java Island Main Road. The location of the
bridges is on the national road connecting the
provincial capital and are the main logistics
route to Sumatera Island in order to increase
national economic activity. The bridges are
located in the provinces of Banten, West Java,
Central Java, and East Java.
Implementation Schedule:
1. Preparation : 2019
2. Land Acquisition : 2020
3. Construction : 2021 – 2023
4. Operation : 2024 - 2033
The location of this project is on the East side
of South Sumatra Road in Palembang City,
namely Srijaya Raya Road, Mayjen Yusuf
Singadekane Road, Letjen H. Alamsyah Ratu
Perwiranegara Road, Soekarno Hatta Road,
Terminal of Alang-alang Lebar Road and
Sultan Mahmud Badarudin II Road. The
approximate total length of this project will be
29.87 km. Investment return is in form of
Availability Payment.
Project Status:
Project is currently under construction Estimated Project Cost: USD 61.92 Million
1. Bank Syariah Indonesia
2. PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)
3. PT Bank Panin Dubai Syariah
Implementation Schedule:
1. Preparation : 2017
2. Land Acquisition : 2020
3. Construction : 2021 - 2023
4. Operation : 2024 - 2035
Serpong-Balaraja Toll (30 km) is part of the
Jabodetabek toll road network. This toll road is
located in Banten Province and will support
rapid development in that area.
Financial Feasibility:
IRR : 15.89%
NPV : USD 227.88 Million
PT Trans Bumi Serbaraja
1. PT Bumi Serpong Damai; Project Structure
2. PT Astratel Nusantara;
3. PT Transindo Karya Investama;
4. PT Sinar Usaha Mahitala.
Syndication between PT Bank Mandiri, PT Bank
Implementation Schedule:
1. Preparation : 2015
2. Land Acquisition : 2016
3. Construction : 2016 - 2023
4. Operation : 2024
Jakarta – Cikampek II South is a toll extending
36.4 km. Traffic volume through the Jakarta-
Cikampek toll road capacity has exceeded the
V/C ratio high of 1.51. The Corridor plan of this
toll road section is located in the administrative
area of the West Java Province, namely: Bekasi
City, Bogor Regency, Bekasi Regency,
Karawang Regency, and Purwakarta Regency.
Financial Feasibility:
IRR : 11.17%
NPV : USD 45.28 Million
Project Status:
Project is currently under construction Concession Period: 35 years
PT Jasamarga Japek Selatan Project Structure
1. PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk;
2. PT Wiranusantara Bumi
Refinancing with syndication of BNI, BCA, and
Bank Mandiri
Implementation Schedule:
1. Preparation : 2017
2. Land Acquisition : 2018 - 2019
3. Construction : 2018 - 2023
4. Operation : 2023 and 2024
Yogyakarta – Bawen Toll Road
Location: Yogyakarta & Central Java Provinces
Yogya–Bawen toll road will connect
Semarang-Solo toll road to Yogyakarta. It is
planned to reduce heavy traffic on the arterial
road. It will also support the industrial area in
Ungaran–Bawen corridor and Joglosemar
(Yogyakarta–Solo–Semarang) tourism area.
Furthermore, this project is included in the
Indonesia National Strategic Project (PSN).
Financial Feasibility:
Project Status: IRR : 12.48%
Project is currently under construction NPV : USD 45.85 Million
PT Jasamarga Jogja Bawen
1. PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk Project Structure
2. PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk
3. PT Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero) Tbk
4. PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk
5. PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)
Financial Close: deadline 17 Sept 2022
Implementation Schedule:
1. Land Acquisition : 2019 - 2021
2. Construction :
• Section 1 (Gov. Support) = Semarang –
Sayung (Q4 2024)
• Section 2 = Sayung – Demak (Q2 2022)
3. Operation : 2024
The development of Solo–Yogyakarta–Kulon
Progo (New Yogyakarta International
Airport/NYIA) Toll Road is part of the Southern
Java Road Network, stretching from Gede Bage
in West Java province to Solo in Central Java.
The toll road will run for 96.57 km, divided into
three sections: Kartasura–Purwomartani,
Purwomartani–Gamping, and Gamping–Kulon
Progo (NYIA).
PT Yogyasolo Marga Makmur
1. PT Daya Mulia Turangga-Gama Group
Project Structure
2. PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk
3. PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk
Financial Close : Deadline 10 Juli 2022
Implementation Schedule:
1. Land Acquisition : Jateng Aug 2020-Dec
2022, DIY Jan 2021-Sep 2023
2. Construction :
Kertosuro-Purwomartani Jan 2021-Dec 2023
Purwomartani-Sleman Oct 2021-Dec 2023
Sleman-Purworejo Dec 2022-Dec 2024
3. Operation :
Kertosuro-Purwomartani Jan 2024
Purwomartani-Sleman Jan 2024
Sleman-Purworejo Jan 2025
One of the Eastern Sumatra Roads in the
Province starting from the Kayu Ara
Intersection (Pekanbaru City) to Lago
Intersection (Pelalawan Regency) consists of
three streets that could be categorized as a
National Road which is correlated towards the
national economic growth. The approximate
total length of this project will be 43 km.
Investment return is in form of Availability
Payment .
PT Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) Syndicate PT.
Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (SMI)
Implementation Schedule:
5. Preparation : 2017
6. Land Acquisition : 2019
7. Construction : 2021-2024
8. Operation : 2024-2036
Gilimanuk - Mengwi Toll Road
Location: Bali Province
Financial Feasibility:
IRR : : 11.46%
NPV : USD 10.65 Million
PT Jagat Kerthi Bali
1. PT Sumber Rhodium Perkasa
2. PT Cipta Sejahtera Nusautama,
3. PT Bumi Sentosa Dwi Agung.
Financial Close : Deadline Q1 2024
Implementation Schedule:
1. Construction : Q3 2023
2. Operation : Q3 2025
Development of West Semarang Water Supply System
Location: Semarang City, Central Java Province
West Semarang Water Supply project is built
with a capacity of 1,000 liters per second. The
service area is planned to serve three (3)
subdistricts divided into five (5) service zones.
Financial Feasibility:
IRR : 9.07%
NPV : USD 15.86 Million
Project Structure
PT. Air Semarang Barat:
1. PT Aetra Air Jakarta; dan
2. PT Medco Gas Indonesia
Bank Central Asia (BCA)
Implementation Schedule:
1. Preparation : 2017
2. Land Acquisition : 2019
3. Construction : 2019 - 2021
4. Operation : 2021
Contact Person : E. Yudi Indardo, ST, MPPM, M. Ak (Director of Tirta Moedal Water
Supply Company) +62-24-8315514
[email protected]
+6221 – 7264230
Development of Bandar Lampung Water Supply System
Location: Bandar Lampung, Lampung Province
The Project scope includes the financing,
construction, operation and maintenance of water
supply systems, covering raw water intake with
the capacity of 825 lps; water treatment plant with
a production capacity of 750 lps; ±22 km of Ø 1,000
mm water transmission pipeline; reservoir with a
capacity of ±10,000 m3; and the development of parts
of distribution network with pumping system
(primary and secondary distribution network).
Financial Feasibility:
IRR : 16%
NPV : USD 20.42 Million
1. Bangun Cipta Contractor;
2. Bangun Tjipta Sarana.
Implementation Schedule:
1. Preparation : 2017
2. Land Acquisition : 2018
3. Construction : 2019
4. Operation : 2020
Contact Person : Supardji (Technical Director of Way Rilau Regional Water Company)
[email protected]
Development of Umbulan Water Supply System
Location: East Java Province
The Umbulan Water Supply Project aims to
increase the water supply capacity to meet the
demand in the East Java Province. The capacity
Estimated Project Cost: USD 138.92 Million
Financial Feasibility:
Project Status: IRR : 12.09%
Project is partially operational NPV : USD 33.74 Million
PT IIF and PT SMI (Persero)
Implementation Schedule:
1. Preparation : 2011 - 2016
2. Land Acquisition : 2016 - 2019
3. Construction : 2017 - 2021
4. Operation : 2021
Development of Pekanbaru Water Supply System
Location: Pekanbaru City, Riau Province
The purpose of the Pekanbaru Drinking Water
Supply System is to provide reliable drinking water
infrastructure and increase economic activities in
Pekanbaru City. The Main Project Scope is to
Rehabilitation Uprating Existing Water Treatment
Plants (WTP) into 500 l/s, Construction of New
Water Treatment Facility of 250 l/s, and construct of
pipe distribution network until 162 km.
The total Capacity of this Project is 750 l/s and will
Coverage of 61.000 House connections for 7 districts
in Pekanbaru City.
PT PP Tirta Madani (Consortium of PT PP Project Structure
Infrastruktur - PT Memiontec Indonesia)
Syndication of PT Indonesia Infrastructure
Finance (Persero) and PT Sarana Multi
Infrastruktur (Persero)
Implementation Schedule:
Operation start : July 16, 2021
Commercial Operation Date : Sept 30, 2022
Contact Person : Agung Anugrah (Director of Tirta Siak Water Supply Company)
+62-761-23825 / +62-8215526-2431
[email protected]
Development of Jatiluhur I Regional Water Supply System
Location: West Java and DKI Jakarta Provinces
Jatiluhur I Regional Water Supply system has
an outflow of 4,750 lps that will supply
Karawang Regency, Bekasi Regency, Bekasi
City, and DKI Jakarta. The project covers the
construction of intake, transmission pipeline,
water treatment plant (WTP), and the
development of the main network.
Financial Feasibility:
IRR : 12.46 %
Project Status: NPV : USD 26.62 million
Project is currently under construction
Concession Period: 30 years
Government Contracting Agency:
Minister of Public Works and Housing
1. PT Jaya Konstruksi Manggala Pratama Tbk
2. PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk Project Structure
3. PT Tirta Gemah Ripah
1. PT Bank Mandiri Tbk (Lead Lenders)
2. PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur
3. PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat Regional Governments
& Banten
Minister of Public Works
and Housing (GCA)
Nambo Regional Waste Management System
Location: Bogor Regency, West Java Province
The capacity of Nambo waste processing
technology is 1,650-1,800 tonnes/day. Targeted
facility is to produce some recycled products
such as compost, refused derived fuel (RDF)
and other recyclable materials.
Financial Feasibility:
IRR : 13.60%
NPV : USD 4.74 Million
PT Jabar Bersih Lestari
• Consortium of Euwelle Environmental Project Structure
Technology and PT Jasa Sarana
Implementation Schedule:
1. Preparation : 2014
2. Land Acquisition : 2015
3. Construction : 2017 - 2023
4. Operation : 2022 (40% capacity)
2023 (full capacity)
Contact Person : Arief Perdana, ST. MT (Head of Regional Waste Management Divison)
+62-22-7319782; +62-22-7319735
[email protected]
Development of Palapa Ring West Package
Location: Sumatera and West Kalimantan Region
Development of fiber optic-based broadband
WEST PACKAGE telecommunication network which will connect
Riau Province, Riau Islands, and the Natuna
Island with a total length of 2,123 km.
Financial Feasibility:
IRR : 15.08%
NPV : USD 8.48 Million
1. PT Mora Telematika Indonesia Project Structure
2. PT Ketrosden Trasmitra
PT Bank Mandiri
Implementation Schedule:
Operation : 2018
Development of Palapa Ring Central Package
Location: Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Maluku Region
Development of fiber optic-based broadband
CENTRAL PACKAGE telecommunication network covering 17
regencies across Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and
Maluku. with a total length of 3,103 km.
Financial Feasibility:
IRR : 12.63%
NPV : USD 11.34 Million
Consortium of Pandawa Lima Project Structure
1. PT Len Industri (Persero)
2. PT Teknologi Riset Global Investama
3. PT Multi Kontrol Nusantara
4. PT Bina Nusantara Perkasa
Syndication of PT Indonesia Infrastructure
Finance (Persero), PT. Bank BNI (Persero), and
PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)
Implementation Schedule:
Operation : 2018
Development of Palapa Ring East Package
Location: East Nusa Tenggara, Maluku and Papua Region
Development of fiber optic-based broadband
EAST PACKAGE telecommunication network covering 35
regencies across East Nusa Tenggara, Maluku,
West Papua, and remote areas in Papua with a
total length of 7,002 km.
Financial Feasibility:
IRR : 14.30%
NPV : USD 22.49 Million
1. PT Mora Telematika Indonesia
2. PT Infrastruktur Bisnis Sejahtera Project Structure
3. PT Inti Bangun Sejahtera
4. PT Smart Telecom
Syndication of PT Bank BNI ICBC Indonesia,
Bank Papua, Bank Maluku Malut and Bank
Implementation Schedule:
Operation : 2019
Central Java Power Plant
Location: Batang Regency, Central Java Province
This project is the development of a coal-fired
power plant in Batang Regency, Central Java
with a capacity of 2x1,000 MW. It is considered
the largest PPP electricity project by capacity
in Asia.
Financial Feasibility:
IRR : 11.12%
NPV : USD 926.01 Million
1. PT J-Power Project Structure
2. Adaro Power
3. Itochu Corporation
Bank Mandiri
Implementation Schedule:
1. Land Acquisition : 2011
2. Construction : 2016 - 2021
3. Operation : 2022
Development of Multifunction Satellite
Location: National
Description :
The Multifunction Satellite Project, known as
Satellite of Republic Indonesia (Satria). The
satellite, designed to have a throughput capacity of
150 billion bits per second (Gbps), is expected to
provide internet services to 150,000 public facilities,
including schools and health centers, as well as
defense establishments, security administrations,
and all regional government offices all over
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, The
Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Corporation Project Structure
Limited, The Korea Development Bank and
Banco Santander, S.A dan BPI France
Assurance Export
Implementation Schedule:
Land Acquisition : Q1 2021 - Q2 2022
Construction : Q3 2020 - Q4 2023
Operation : Q4 2023
Madiun Street Lighting
Location: Madiun Regency, East Java Province
Provide convenience and public services
to the community by providing ideal APJ
conditions and it is expected to grow a new
economic center in Madiun district from all
sectors. Development of new APJ with a total of
7,459 APJ points spread across 15 Districts.
Financial Feasibility:
IRR : 10,67 %
NPV : USD 0.61 Million
Investor :
PT Tri Tunggal Madiun Sejahtera
Project Structure
NTB Syariah Bank
Implementation Schedule:
Operation : Juli 2023
Abbreviation Definition
Availability Payment
Pembayaran Ketersediaan Layanan
Feasibility Study
Studi Kelayakan
Abbreviation Definition
Ministry of Finance
Kementerian Keuangan
Pre Qualifcation
Pra Kualifkasi
Pre-Feasibility Study
Pra Studi Kelayakan
Abbreviation Definition
PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)