Ibt Prelim Reviewer
Ibt Prelim Reviewer
Ibt Prelim Reviewer
clothes and ate vegetables, fruits, fish, First recognizable metal coins
and animal meat. There was no need appeared in CHINA during 1000BC.
for exchange of goods, as their needs The earliest currency of China of the
were limited. eighth century BC was consisted of
Intergroup interaction started and this miniature hoes and billhooks (pruning
paved the way for a system trading, implements), with inscriptions indicating
where groups started exchanging their the authority
goods for what they needed, which the Around 770 BC, miniature replicas of
groups had. tools and weapons cast in bronze were
After years of NOMADIC LIFE used by the Chinese as a medium of
(migratory, mobile, wandering), people exchange. The small bronze celts
started settling down in areas, where (prehistoric tools resimbling chisels) and
they began growing plants and raising bronze rings played a monetary value.
farm animals. As cultivation and Due to impracticality, these tiny
farming flourished, people then had daggers, spades, and hoes were
enough time to spend on other work, eventually abandoned for objects in the
like pottery, carpentry, weaving, and be shape of circle. These objects became
like. some of the first coins.
Around 700 BC, the Chinese moved
from coins to paper money. By the time
Can be traced back to 6,000 BC. It was MARCO POLO (the venetian, explorer
introduced by the tribes of MESOPOTAMIA, and writer) visited China in
then adopted by the PHOENICIANS who aaproximately AD 1271, the emperor of
bartered their goods to people in other cities China had a good handle on both the
located across the oceans. money supply and various
IMPROVED SYSTEM of bartering was The first region of the world to use an
developed in BABYLONIA. industrial facility to manufacture coins (a
People used to exchange their goods for mint) was in EUROPE in the region
weapons, tea, spices, and food items. called LYDIA.
Sometimes, even human skulls¸ were used MINTING is the process of making a coin by
for barter. Another popular item used for stamping metal.
exchange was salt. Salt was so valuable at
that time that the salary of Roman Soldiers In 600 BC, around the time China
was paid in salt. started using paper money, Lydia’s
KING ALYATTES minted the first
official currency, non-standardized
LESSON 1.3 ORIGIN OF MONEY coins from electrum (a naturally
occurring alloy of gold and silver)
Even trade was done through barter, people KING CROESUS (son of King Alyattes)
started confronting some problems with the of Lydia is credited with installing the
system. So people started stacking certain world’s first bimetallic monetary
valuable things that were acceptable for a system
majority. They unclude salt, metal, farm
animals, and the like. Materials like
of pure gold and pure silver coins,
shells, feathers, and animal teeth were also Foundation deposit of the Artemisium
used as money. However, it became difficult (temple of Artemis) at Ephesus shows
to carry and use these materials. SO traders, that electrum (which the Greeks called
wanted something that was not perishable “white gold”) coins were in production
and easy to carry, and this led to use of even before Croesus, possibly under
metal pieces as money. King Gyges.
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Ethereum or Ether (ETH) was
first described in a 2013
whitepaper by Vitalik Buterin. What is needed is an electronic
Buterin, along with other co- payment system based on
founders, secured funding for the cryptographic proof instead of
project in anonline public crowd trust, allowing any two willing
sale in the summer of 2014 and parties to transact directly with
officially launched the each other without the need for a
blockchainon July 30, 2015. trusted third party. Transactions
that are computationally
impractical to reverse would
protect sellers from fraud. The
system is secure as long as
honest nodes collectively control
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more CPU power than any 2024 it goes down to the sixth
cooperating group of attacker place.
5. Stellar (XLM)
4. Ripple (XRP) Stellar (XLM) is a decentralized
Ripple better known as XRP, is blockchain platform for faster and
the odd duckling of the cheaper cross-border payments.
cryptocurrency world. It is a It aims to connect banks,
centralized Cryptocurrency payment systems, and individuals
founded in 2012 mined,managed for seamless money transfer. It is
and administered by Ripple Labs developed by the Stellar
used by Ripple payment network. Development Foundation and
established in the year 2014.
Its success comes from XRP's
Misfortune. In january, the office
of the Comptroller of the
Currency (OCC) allowed banks to
start using the independent node
verification networks. The same
week, the Ukrainian government
announced a partnership with the
stellar development to create a
national digital currency which
results Xrp being the top
cryptocurrency for 2021
The Value of 1 XLM now .13
XRP is designed to allow a large dollars and 7.52 in terms of
sum of money to be sent securely Philippine Peso Stellar is the Fifth
and quickly at a little cost. The Biggest in the top 6 5-star cryptos
currency is used by financial in terms of Market Capitalization
institutions as an alternative to in 2020.
SWIFT ( Society for Worldwide Cryptocurrencies are generally designed
Interbank Financial with a purpose in mind. XRP is the Token
Telecommunications network). used by Ripple to facilitate banking
In 2021 here is the list of banks transactions, while XLM is used to facilitate
and payment providers which use cross-border and cross-asset transactions
the XRP: American Express on the Stellar blockchain.
bank, Bank of America Merill
Lynch, HSBC, Barclays,Royal 6. Cardano (ADA)
bank of Scotland,Santander, Cardano (ADA) is one of the
UniCredit, moneygram and also largest third-generation
Visa. As of the year 2023, here is cryptocurrencies, and it is packed
a list of financial Institutions with plenty more upside potential
including banks and e-wallets in 2021. Third-generation
that are considered as crypto- cryptocurrency may also be
friendly here in the Philippines called Blockchain 3.0. ADA,
Gcash, Maya, RCBC( Rizal which runs on the Cardano
Commercial Bank Corp), Security network, was established in
Bank, Union Bank, Uno Digital 2017.
Bank It is one of the most
Ripple (XRP) Market Data* XRP technologically exciting
is the 4th Largest in terms of cryptocurrencies to date. And its
Capitalization in 2020 But as of use of smart contracts means
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