A Study of Phonological Processes in Wassa

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I, Clement Kwaku Kumi, declare that this thesis, with the exception of quotation

and references contained in published works which have all been identified and duly

acknowledged, is entirely my own original work, and it has not been submitted, either in

part or in whole, for another degree elsewhere.




I hereby declare that the preparation and presentation of this work was supervised in

accordance with the guidelines for supervision of thesis as laid down by the University of

Education, Winneba.

NAME OF SUPERVISOR…………………………………..



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I am most grateful to God Almighty for the achievement of this academic feat. If

not by His abundant grace, I would not have come this far.

I express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Prof. Thomas Essilfie for his

comments and guidance that helped to improve upon the quality of this work. Despite his

busy schedule, anytime I approached him for assistance, he welcomed me with alacrity. I

am very appreciative of his contribution towards the success of this work. God richly bless

you. However, any errors or shortcomings in the work are solely mine.

I am also grateful to my consultants, Mr. Kofi Abakah and Mr. William Andoh for

their assistance, encouragement, and pieces of advice during my fieldwork. They did not

only cross-check my data for its authenticity, but they gave me numerous examples and

useful information which assisted me greatly in the writing of this work.

My next thanks go to my lecturers, Prof. Lawrence Boadi, Dr. Kwaku Ofori, Dr.

Rebecca Akpanglo-Nartey, Dr. Charles Owu-Ewie, Dr. Paul K. Agbedor and Dr. Fofo

Lomotey for their patience, love, and pieces of advice in the course of my study. Special

thanks go to my colleague graduate students.

I wish to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to my wife, Tawiah,

for her unflinching support, prayers, love, care and understanding in the course of my


Most of the time, when she needed me most, I was not there for her. To my father,

my late mother, siblings and to the whole family.

Finally, I am thankful to all those who helped me in diverse ways in the course of

my study, but whose individual names have not been mentioned here for the sake of space.

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I dedicate this thesis to my family especially, my wife and children.

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1.1 Overview 1

1.2 Background of the Study 1

1.3 The Wassa People and their Language 2

1.4 Statement of Problem 9

1.5 Objectives of the Study 9

1.6 Research Questions 10

1.7 Significance of the Study 10

1.8 Limitation 10

1.9 Delimitation of the Study 11

1.10 Organization of Thesis 11

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2.1 Overview 12

2.2 Generative Phonology 12

2.3 Autosegmental Phonology 13

2.4 Basic Tenets of Autosegmental Phonology 15

2.4.1 Skeletal Tier 15

2.4.2 Universal Association Convention (UAC) 16

2.4.3 Linkage Condition 18

2.4.4 Obligatory Contour Principle (OCP 19

2.4.5 Well Formedness Condition (WFC) 20

2.5 Motivation for Autosegmental Phonology 21

2.6 Tiers Used in this Thesis 21

2.7 Distinctive Features 23

2.7.1 The Major Class Features 23

2.7.2 Cavity Features 24

2.7.3 Manner Feature 25

2.8 Literature Review 29


3.1 Overview 37

3.2 Research Design 37

3.3 Selected Site 38

3.4 Population and Sampling 39

3.5 Data Collection 40

3.6 Data Analysis 40

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4.1 Overview 41

4.2 Assimilation Process 41

4.2.1 Vowel Harmony 42

4.2.2 Consonant Nasalization 52 Nasalization of Voiced Plosives and Affricates 53

4.2.3 Consonant Mutation 55

4.2.4 Labialization of Consonants 57

4.2.5 Palatalization 61

4.3 Syllable Structure Process 63

4.3.1 Elision 63

4.3.3 Insertion 71

4.3.4 Compensatory Lengthening 73



5.1 Overview 81

5.2 Summery of Findings 81

5.3 Conclusions Drawn from the Study 82

5.4 Contribution to Knowledge 82

5.5 Suggestions for Further Studies 83



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1: Oral Vowel in Word Examples 4

2: Nasal Vowel in Word Examples 5

3: Consonant Sound in Word Examples 6

4: The V Syllable Type 7

5: The CV Structure. 8

6: The C Structure. 8

7(a): Presents the Distinctive Feature Matrix for Vowel Sounds of Wassa 27

8: Presents the Distinctive Feature Matrix of Consonant Sounds in Wassa 28

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1: Family Tree Diagram of the Volta-Comoe Language 3

2: Wassa Vowel Chart 4

3: Consonant Chart 5

4: Structural representation of V syllable shape. 7

5: CV Syllable Shape. 8

6: Linear representation of segmental and suprasegmental features. 13

7: Autosegmental Representation of segmental and suprasegmentals features. 15

8: Skeletal Tier. 16

9: Universal Association Convention. 17

10: Linkage Condition. 18

11: Obligatory Contour Principles. 19

12: Well Formedness Condition 20

13: [+ ATR] Vowels within Root Morpheme. 43

14: [- ATR] Vowels within Root Morpheme. 44

15: Vowel Harmony across Morpheme Boundaries. 47

16: Vowel Harmony across Word Boundaries. 48

17: Vowel Harmony and Raising in Amenfi. 50

18: Nasalization of Voiced Plosives. 53

19: Bialabial b/m Lenition. 55

20: Cosonant Mutation. 56

21: Consonant Labialization. 58

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22: Autosegmental representation of Consonant Labialize before Non-rounded Vowels 60

23: Palatalization of Consonants. 62

24: Deletion of High Vowels. 65

25: Negative Vowel Deletion. 66

26: Deletion of final mid vowels. 67

27: Deletion of Intervocalic Nasal 69

28: Future Consonant Affix Deletion 70

29: Insertion of High Vowels 72

30: Progressive Affix Lengthening 75

31: Perfect Affix Lengthening. 78

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Affricate: A phonetic segment which consist of a phoneme. Each segment has different

realizations which are only partly distinguishable for speakers.

Alveolar: A classification of sounds which are formed at the alveolar ridge (the bone plate

behind the upper teeth). Alveolar sounds are formed with the tip or the blade of

the tongue.

Alveolo-palatal: A classification of sounds which are formed with the hard palate as

passive articulator and the blade of the tongue as active articulator.

Bilabial: Any sound produce using both lips.

Consonant: On of the two main classes of sounds. Consonants are formed by a constriction

in the supra-glottal trade.

Context: A term referring to the environment in which an element (sound, word, phrase)


Diachronic: Refers to language viewed over time and contrasts with synchronic which

refers to a point in time.

Economy: A principle of linguistic analysis with demands that rules and units are to be

kept to a minimum.

Fricative: A type of sound which characterized by air passing a constriction somewhere

between the glottis and the lips.

Generative: A reference to a type of linguistic analysis which relies heavily on formulation

of rules for the exhaustive description (generation) of the sentence of a


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Glide: A sound which from the point of view of phonological classification lies between a

vowel and a consonant. It is formed with little friction and has a high degree of

sonority which accounts for why glides are formed near the undams of syllables,

sometimes called a semi-vowel.

Homorganic: Any set of sound which are articulated at the same point in the vocal tract.

IPA: A system of transcribing the sounds of the languages which consists of some Latin

and Greek letters and a variety of additional symbols and diacritics.

Labial: A reference to a sound which is formed at the lips. It encompasses both bilabials

and labio-dentals.

Labio-dental: Describes a consonant which is formed by the lower lips making contact

with the upper teeth.

Language: A system which consist of a set of symbols (sentences) – realized phonetically

by sounds – which are used in a regular order to convey a certain meaning.

Manner of Articulation: One of the three conventional parameters (the others are place of

articulation and voice) which are used to specific how a sound is


Morpheme: the minimal grammatical unit of meaning. It is an abstract form.

Nasal: A sound, vowel or consonant, which is produced by opening the nasal cavity

(through lowering of the velum).

Natural Class: A group of sounds which behave similarly.

Oral: Articulated in the mouth. The term usually implies that the nasal cavity is not


Palatal: A place of articulation of the hard palate in the centre of the roof of the mouth.

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Phoneme: In traditional phonology the smallest unit in language which a sound is


Phonetic representation: the pronunciation of a word in speech.

Phonetics: The study of human sounds.

Phonological representation: the underlying form of a word.

Phonology: The study of the sound system of a language or languages.

Phrase: A linguistic unit made up of a word or words. The unit has a word whose word

class determines the class of the phrase.

Place of Articulation: The point in the vocal tract at which a sound is produced.

Plosive: A sound which is produced with a complete blockage of the pulmonic airstream.

Productivity: A reference to the extent that a given process is not bound in its application

to a certain input.

Prosily: A term which refers to all the suprasegmental properties of language such as pitch,

loudness, tempo and rhythm.

Root: In grammar the unalterable core of a word to which all suffixes are added.

Segment: A unit of speech which is identifiable and separate from others. It contrasts with

the term suprasegmental which refers to those aspects of phonetic structure above

the level of individual sounds.

Speech: The production of sounds using the organs of speech; contrasts directly with

writing which is a secondary medium for communication via language.

Supra-segmental: A reference to phenomenon which does not belong to the sound

segments of language but which typically is spread over several

segments, e.g. intonation, stress, tempo etc.

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Syllable: The most important structural unit in phonology. A syllable consists of a series of

sounds which are grouped around a nucleus of acoustic prominence (usually a


Synchronic: A reference to one point of a time in language.

Underlying Representation: A representation of what is assumed by the linguist to be the

structure which lies behind or forms the initial stage in the

generation of a surface structure item.

Underlying Structure: an initial structure of a phrase (spoken or unspoken), from which

another sentence is derived.

Voiced: Spoken with simultaneous vibration of the vocal folds.

Voiceless: Spoken without the vocal folds vibrating, the folds can either be open (the

normal state) or closed with the compression of air between them and the supra-

glottal stop position producing sounds.

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1PL First person plural

2PL Second person plural

3SG Third person singular

Affr Affricate

Alv Alveolar

Am Amenfi

Ant Anterior

ATR Advanced tongue root

BA Bachelor of Art

Bil Bilabial

Bt Both dialects

C Consonant

Cons Consonantal

Cont Continuant

Cor Coronal

CV Consonant Vowel

CCV Consonant Consonant Vowel

CVCV Consonant Vowel Consonant Vowel

CVNV Consonant Vowel Nasal Vowel

Fs. Fiase

Fut Future

H High tone

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IPA International Phonetic Alphabets

L Low tone

Lab Labial

Lat Lateral

M. A. Manner of Articulation

MPhill Master of Philosophy

N Nasal

NEG Negation

NV Nasal Vowel

Obs Obstruent

OCP Obligatory Contour Principle

Pal Palatal

P. A. Place of Articulation

Perf Perfect

PhD Doctor of Philosophy

PL Plural

Prog Progressive

SG Singular

SIL WL Summer Institute of Linguistics African Area Word List

Son Sonorant

SVO Subject Verb Object

Syll Syllabic

TBU Tone Bearing Unit

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UAC Universal Association Convention

V Vowel

WFC Well Formedness Condition

Low tone

High tone

Ó Syllable

// Phonological Brackets

[] Phonetic Brackets

() Brackets

# Word boundary

+ Morpheme boundary

→ Becomes

! Downstep

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This thesis presents some phonological processes in Amenfi and Fiase dialects of Wassa.

Wassa is one of the unwritten and least studied languages in Ghana. The language belongs

to the Niger Congo language family. The study is cast within the theoretical framework of

autosegmental phonology. The approach applied in this dissertation is qualitative. Data for

the analyses are drawn from both primary and secondary sources. The phonological

processes discussed in this work include vowel harmony, labialization, palatalization,

elision, insertion, compensatory lengthening and consonant mutation. Both dialects of

Wassa operate a limited stem-controlled Advanced Tongue Root (ATR) vowel harmony

system. There is also evidence of raising of the low vowel /a/ to mid back vowel in the

same compound name in Amenfi. The phenomenon where plosives and affricates change

into a nasal is a similar process in Amenfi and Fiase. Also, the phenomenon of consonant

mutation where obstruents becomes voiced in the environment of nasals is very productive

in Wassa. Bilabial lenition where bilabial /b/ lenites to [m] is also a phonological process in

Amenfi dialect. Future affix deletion in the environment of first personal pronoun and

deletion of the future and progressive in the environment of the negative are all similar

phonological processes shared by both dialects. Finally, the past and progressive affixes are

lengthened in both dialects.

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1.1 Overview

The section gives; a background to the study; a brief history of the Wassa people

and their language; the statement of the problem; the objectives; the research questions and

the significance of the study. The limitation and delimitations to the study as well as the

organization of the study are also presented in this chapter.

1.2 Background of the Study

According to Dophyne (1988), changes and adjustment in sounds are characteristics

of the Akan language. However, not much work has been done on the description of

changes that those sounds go through in the various dialect of Wassa.

Afful (2006), compared, aspects, of the sounds and tonal system of the Wassa

Amenfi dialect to the Asante and Bono dialects of Akan. Her main aim was to find out

whether the Wassa language is more related to the Asante or the Bono in terms of sounds

and tonal structure. Her findings prove that Wassa shares some differences and similarities

with both dialects.

Afful‟s work gives a good general phonological overview of the Wassa Amenfi

which is very helpful to major study as this. But her work could not point out some of the

unique phonological processes in Wassa. According to Schane (1973), combination of

morphemes to form words differs from one language to the other. One cannot use the

phonological process of one language to represent the other. There is therefore the need to

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investigate and verify these tentative since some premilary observation proves some

phonological processes in the dialects.

1.3 The Wassa People and their Language

Oral tradition indicates that Wassa takes it origin from the collapse of the Akwamu

Kingdom. According Bassaw (1994), the families of Wassa migrated from Takyiman in the

17th century but other setters from Asante, Ahanta, Nzema and Fante later settled in the


Geographically, Wassa is spoken in the western region of the republic of Ghana.

According to GSS (2014), their population is about six hundred and eighteen thousand

from hundred and twenty one (618,421).There are five districts in the area. There are also

two subdialects of the language namely, the Amenfi and Fiase subdialects. The Wassa

Fiase traditional area cut across two districts namely, Wassa Fiase West and Wassa

Mpohor East District. The traditional capital is Benso and that is where we the stool of the

Omanhene. The Wassa Amenfi traditional area is also designated Wassa Amenfi Central,

Wassa Amenfi East and Wassa Amenfi west district. The traditional capital of the Amenfi

is Akropong.

There are three main types of religions in the area Traditional, Islamic and Christian

religion. Traditional religion is the oldest but Christianity and Islamic is widely practice in

the area. There are a number of economic activities that take place but Agriculture is the

main productive activity engaged in by the majority of the people. Surface mining also

known as „galamsey‟ is another economic activity which gives employment particularly the


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Linguistically, Wassa is an umbrella term from two dialects: Amenfi and Fiase.

Speakers of the dialects understand each other. The wassa language forms a sub-group of

the Volta-Comoe. Boadi (2009) indicate that the languages that form the groups are

categorized into three: Western, Eastern and Central Comoe. Based on linguistics evidence

Wassa could be classified with group B of the central Comoe. Figure (1) below from Boadi

(2009) shows the classification of Volta-Comoe with few modifications.

Figure 1: Family Tree Diagram of the Volta-Comoe Language

Volta – Comoe

Western Central Eastern

Group A Group B

1. Ahanta, Nzema 1. Akwapem, Akwamu 1. Akyem, Asante, Guan: Kyerepong

2. Aowin, Sehwi 2. Fante Wassa Larteh

3. Chakosi 3. Agona 2. Asen, Kwahu, Denkyira, etc

(Source: Boadi, 2009): Adapted and modified

Phonologically, ten (10) different vowel phonemes have been observed: /i, ɪ, u, ʋ,

e, ɛ, o, ɔ, a, æ/. The chart in figure two shows the Wassa vowel chart.

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Figure 2: Wassa Vowel chart


Front l ose u ack lose

ɪ ʋ

Close-mid e o Close-mid

Open-mid ɛ ɔ Open-mid

Open Open

The following words in table 1 below show examples of words in which oral vowels occur.

Table 1 shows word examples of the oral vowels in Wassa.

Table 1: Oral vowel in word examples

Vowel Example Gloss

/i/ t l head
/I/ ɕ to smoke, to burn
/u/ t uproot
/ʋ/ t throw
/e/ d d noise
/ɛ/ palm
/o/ dl medicine
/ɔ/ w cold
/æ/ d name
/a/ bʋ animal

Apart from the ten oral vowels, there are five nasal vowels in Wassa. These vowels are / ɪ,

u, ʋ and a/. Table 2 shows word examples of nasal vowels.

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Table 2: Nasal vowel in word examples

Vowel Example Gloss

f dirt
/ɪ/ ɛs tooth
u/ fu belly
/ʋ/ k war
a/ m a bed

There are twenty six (26) consonant phonemes /p, b, t, d, k, g, kw, ɕ, ɕɥ, ʨ, ʨɥ, ʥ, ʥɥ, j, f,

s, h, m, n, ɲ, ɲw, ŋw ŋ Ɩ r w/.

Table 3: Consonant chart

Labio- Pre-
Bilabial Alveolar Velar Glottal
dental Palatal
k g
Plosive P b t d
ʨ ʥ
Affricate f s
ʨɥ ʥɥ

Fricative ɕ ɕɥ h

Nasal m n ɲ ɲw ŋ ŋw

Lateral Ɩ

Approximate w r j

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Table 4: Consonant sound in word examples

Vowel Example Gloss

/p/ p break
/b/ bɪpɔ mountain
/t/ t tear
/d/ d no
/k/ kaɪ read
/g/ ŋg t dw knee
/kw/ ɛkwaɪ road
/f/ f home
/s/ sl dɛ fat
/r/ fʋfʋrɔ new
/Ɩ/ ɲ ɲ ʥ lɛ scorpion
/w/ w l mary
/j/ j lɛ yam
/ʨ/ tɕ tɕl tie
/ʥ/ ʥ t lion
/ʨɥ/ ɛnwɔtɕɥ eight
/ʥɥ/ eʥɥ louse
/ɕ/ ɕ to smoke
/ɕɥ/ ɕɥ to drain
/h/ h here
/m/ h ʋma thread
/n/ m ɪna hole
/ɲ/ ɲinaa all
/ɲw/ ɲwɔŋgʋɔ friend
ŋw aŋwa cooking oil
/ŋ/ ɛŋgʋnʋ nine

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The language is tonal and use two basic tones of High and Low (dá „sleep‟ and d „never‟ .

Each syllable bears its own tone which is realized on vowels and syllabic consonants.

Wassa belongs basically to the language group of V, CV and C syllable typology.

The syllable nucleus may stand alone as syllable as vowel (V) in Wassa. Every vowel

constitutes a syllable. It occurrence is at all word position (initial, medial and final).

Examples of this shape of syllables are given in table 4 below.

Table 5: The V syllable type

Word Gloss
t listen
sʋ car
p lizard
ɛwʋɔ Honey
sɔ hoe

The structural representation of V is shown below in figure 4 below:

Figure 3: Structural representation of V syllable shape

V Syllable Shape

Syllable Tier

CV Tier v c v

Segmental Tier s ɔ

„ ‟ in „ sɔ‟ constitute the V syllable structure in Wassa.

The CV structure constitutes a consonant and a vowel. The occurrence of the

structure is also at word initial, medial and final position. Examples of words of these

syllable shape attest in Wassa are given in the tables below.

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Table 6: The CV structure

Word Gloss
tʋ shoot
nʋ Cook (v)
jɛ do
s fʋɔ leader
hn employ

We should note that in the CV structure the syllable is placed on the vowel

Figure 4: CV syllable shape

Syllable Tier

CV Tier c v

Segment Tier t ʋ

This structure usually occurs when there is a deletion of a word (Boadi, 2009)

Consonants that are syllabic are liquids and nasals /l, r, n, m, ɱ ŋ . They also occur at word

initial and media position.

Table 7: The C structure

Word Gloss
ɛjƖi wife
ŋgƖ ma Am worm
ɱvƖ ma wind
ŋgɔ don‟t go

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The phenomenon of consonant mutation rule in which obstruent become voiced is very

common in all the language speaking area. The lenition of r to Ɩ is also common to ot h

dialects. The second and third person plural is all Fiase speaking communities is [bɛ] but

[mʋ] and [wɔʋ] are used in some part of the Amenfi dialect respectively. It is an SVO


Asante and Fante are widely spoken as a second language in all wassa speaking

communities. They are used as a medium of instruction in the school.

1.4 Statement of the Problem

So far the only linguistic work on Wassa I have come across is a B.A. long essay by

Afful (2006) on the phonology of Wassa in the Linguistics Department of the University of

Ghana. Her main aim was to find out which of the two dialects of Akan, Asante and Bono

is related to Wassa. Her findings indicated that Wassa shares some similarities and

differences with both dialects in terms of sound system and tonal pattern.

Phonological processes in Wassa may have unique features that could contribute

immensely to linguistic knowledge. However, the problem that exists is that these

interesting features of Wassa have not been scientifically studied. We are unable to

ascertain whether these tentative features actually exist in the Wassa language or not. It is

therefore certainly motivating to carry out phonological analyses in both dialects of Wassa.

1.5 Objectives of the Study

Having taken cognizance of the problem identified above, this study would seek to:

1. Expose the reader to the phonological processes that exists in Amenfi and Fiase

dialects of Wassa.

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2. Find out the variations that exist in the two dialects.

3. Identify the unique phonological processes in Wassa.

1.6 Research Questions

In order to achieve the objectives set above, the following research questions are

posed to guide the study:

1. What are the phonological processes in the Amenfi and Fiase dialects of Wassa?

2. What variations exist in the two dialects?

3. Does Wassa exhibit any unique phonological processes?

1.7 Significance of the Study

There is the need to document and preserve the grammar of a language so that it

would be possible for everyone to read or engage in a discussion. Agyekum (2012) posits

that every language should be will kept and saved for proper use and serve as a heritage for

posterity. Ofori (2014) is also of the view that the documentation of a language goes a long

way to ensure the sustenance of the language for posterity and for linguistic argumentation

even if the language is no more spoken.

1. This study would be added to the body of literature on Wassa and Akan

linguistic study in general.

2. Aside providing additional literature, it will also pave the way for a more

thorough analysis of the phonology of Wassa.

1.8 Limitation

Getting the data from the two dialects constituted a great challenge considering the

time available. This gave me much work to do when it came to transcription and glossing.

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As the data collection process involved a lot of movements, much time was also needed for

the study.

1.9 Delimitation of the Study

As a general rule, a research put boundaries to demarcate the extent of the study.

This study limits itself precisely to the confines of the phonological process and not

everything in phonology to be able to manage the data. Tone, for example, is not given

much attention in this thesis due to time. Morphology is also excluded though some of

these processes are related to morphology.

1.10 Organization of Thesis

The whole research is divided into four chapters. Chapter one serves as the

introductory chapter. Chapter Two discusses the literature review, theoretical framework

and phonological features used in the description of the data. We proceed to Chapter Three

to look at the methodology. Under Chapter Four, we discuss the phonological processes

which include: vowel harmony, nasalization, consonant mutation, labialization,

palatalization, elision, insertion and compensatory lengthening. Chapter Five presents the

summary of work done and

draws general conclusion.

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2.1 Overview

This chapter looks at existing works of relevance to the area of study. First, it

discusses the theoretical framework of some of the concepts and the motivation in relation

to Auto-segmental Phonology. Though the mode of phonological representation is within

Goldsmith‟s 1976 Auto-segmental Phonology a review of homsky and Halle‟s linear

generative approach to phonological representation is important since this theory generated

from Generation Phonology.

2.2 Generative Phonology

The Generative phonology theory was a dependable theory for phonetic and

phonological analysis before the emergence of autosegmental phonology. The theory

espoused in Chomsky and Halle (1968) Sound Pattern of English (SPE). It characterized

segment as unstructed homogenous matrices “where every segment has a specification for

each of the two dozen distinctive features orderly ound to gether as unit” Odden 2005 .

Phonological representations of segments in generation phonology, therefore,

consist of a string of segments arranged in a linear form like the serial arrangement of the

orthography. For instance for the Wassa and [ŋgá] ‘scent’, each segment is broken down

into their distributive features and arranged linearly with each representation of the entire

word. Figure 6 below shows the linear generative phonology representation of the word


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Figure 5: Linear representation of segmental and suprasegmental features

ŋ g a

+ cons + cons + sylla

+ nasal + voiced - ATR

+ back + back + high

In this representation, the high tone is lumped up with other features and considered

as part and parcel of the segment /a/. Viewing segments in this way implies that in the

event of segment deletion, every distinctive feature goes with the segment in question.

However sometimes, tone and other suprasegmental phonemes which are neither

vowels nor consonants resist the effect of deletion of a segment. Consequently, generation

phonology could not succeed in explaining such facts about sounds. It indeed fails woefully

in accounting for suprasegmental features of sounds such as tones in phonological analysis

(Odden 2005), thus the emergence of new phonological theories.

2.3 Autosegmental Phonology

Autosegmental phonology was developed within the tradition of classical

Generative phonological theory of Chomsky and Halle (1968), following the works of

Williams (1971) and Leben (1973) on tone systems in West African language such as

Margi, Igbo and Mende. But the principle and remarkable innovation of Autosegmental

phonology are exemplified in Goldsmith (1976) in his dissertation to Massachusetts

Institute of Technology (MIT). Autosegmental phonology is not a departure from the

principle of Generative phonology codified in homsky and Halle‟s Sound Pattern of

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English (SPE) in 1968. It is a non-linear version of phonological analysis of Generative

Phonology while SPE is a linear version of phonological analysis.

Indeed Goldsmith 1990 confesses that Autosegmental phonology is a “direct

confirmation of the traditional works in generative phonology codified in Chomsky and

Halle‟s Sound Pattern of English in 1968”. The only difference e tween the SPE and

Autosegmental theory is “the development of a multi-linear phonological analysis in which

the various tiers are organized y the „association lines‟ in Autosegmental phonology

Goldsmith 1979 ”. It can therefore best be viewed as an attempt to supply a more adequate

understanding of the phonetic side of linguistic representation (Goldsmith, 1979).

Goldsmith 1979 further explained that autosegmental phonology is a “theory of

how various components of articulatory apparatus, i.e. the tongue, the lips, the larynx and

the velum are coordinated” in the process of sound production. It therefore implies that

phonological features lead their own independent lives and not grouped together in ordered

bundles (segments) as it is made to believe in generative phonology.

In this vein therefore, Autosegmental phonology places segments and

suprasegmentals (especially tones and other prosodic features) on different tiers parallel to

each other with the suprasegmentals being linked to the segments by association lines.

Every segment on each tier is specified for a set of features specific and unique to that tier

and segment on each tier are associated with segment on another tier by association lines.

The Autosegmental phonological representation of the Wassa word ŋgá will therefore take

the form as in figure 6 below.

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Figure 6: Autosegmental representation of segmental and suprasegmentals


Tone tier L H

Skeletal tier X X X

Segmental tier ŋ g a

In figure 6 above, the segments are arranged on multiple separate and independent

tiers and each relates to the other tier by the association lines. The low tone and the

segment [ŋ] relate to each other via the skeletal tier signifying the simultaneous

coordination of the segment and the suprasegmental at the point of articulation. The same

applies to the high tone and the segment [á].

2.4 Basic Tenets of Autosegmental Phonology

The application of Autosegmental phonology is based on some fundamental

principles and conditions. These principles and conditions though originally meant for tone

analysis apply to all other phonological representations. They include the following

principles and conditions: the Skeletal Tier, Linkage Condition, Universal Principles of

Association, Obligatory Contour Principle and Well-Formedness Condition.

2.4.1 Skeletal tier

The skeletal tier play a crucial role in the organization of the entire phonological

structure.it is the mediating point on which the elements on the different tiers anchor. A

segment which is not linked to a position in the skeletal tier is not phonologically realized.

The skeletal tier hold units represented by consonants and vowels, hence they are

sometimes represented as C-slots, V-slots or X-slots. The skeletal tier can relate with other

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tiers on one-to-one, one-to-many or many-to-many basic. Figure 8 below illustrate the

position or relation of the skeletal tier to other tiers in autosegmental representation of the

word kùsù „cat‟ and ɛ „palm tree‟.

Figure 7: Skeletal tier

a. Tonal tier L

Skeletal tier x x x x

Segmental tier k u s u

b. Tonal tier L H

Skeletal tier x x x

Segmental tier a b ɛ

In 7(a) above, the Low tone on the tonal tier relate to /u/ on the segmental tier via

the V on the skeletal tier on one-too-many fashion. In 7(b), the Low tone on the tonal tier

relates to /a/ on the segmental tier on one-to-one fashion so as the High tone also relates to

/ɛ/ on the segmental tier via the V on the skeletal tier on one-to-one fashion.

2.4.2 Universal association convention (UAC)

These principles indicate the relationship between tones and Tone Bearing Units

(TBUs) and guide the assignment of a tone to TBUs as outlined by Durand (1990) below:

Mapping: Associate vowels with tones in a one-to-one fashion from left to right until we

run out of tones or vowels.

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Dumping: If after applying (mapping) some tones are still free (that is unassociated), link

the to the last vowel of the right.

Spreading: if after applying (mapping) some vowels are still free, link them to the last tone

on the right.

Line Crossing: Lines are not allowed to cross each other. The following data on Margi (a

Chadic language in Northern Nigeria) adopted from Oyebade (1998) best illustrate these

principles in Figure 8.

Figure 8: Universal Association Convention.

Tone tier H L HL H L

Segmental tier sa dla bdlu sa-na dla-na

a. Mapping Tone tier H L HL H L

Segmental tier sa dla bdlu sa-na dla-na

b. Dumping Tone tier H L HL H L

Segmental tier sa dla bdlu sa-na dla-na

c. Spreading Tone tier H L HL H L

Segmental tier sa dla bdlu sa-na dla-na

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2.4.3 Linkage condition

Though segments are represented on autonomous tier, they are not phonologically

realized if they are not linked to other tiers. This condition thus demands each tonal feature

and tone bearing segment on the separate parallel tiers be linked to each other via the

skeletal tier by association lines before it can be phonologically realizes (Goldsmith, 1990).

Association has represented concurrent articulations so that when tone is linked to

the segment thus it means that both tone and segment are articulated simultaneously. This

condition actually caters for the phenomenon of floating tone and tone stability.

Figure 9: Linkage condition

Tone tier L H L H L H

Skeletal tier x x x x x x x x x x x x

Segmental tier b υ l ͻ b υ l ͻ b l ͻ

Tone tier L H L H

Skeletal tier x x x x x x x

Segmental tier b l ͻ b l ͻ

In figure 10 a ov e the segment υ is linked to the skeletal tier in the underlying

form but it is delinked during fast speech and for that matter it is not realized phonetically

in the pronunciation of the word. The υ therefore remains silent while its Low tone docks

onto the following sound /l/ hence the resultant is the syllabic consonant formation in the

language. The word therefore suffices as [b֙lͻˋ] rather than [bύlͻˋ] during past speech.

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2.4.4 Obligatory contour principle (OCP)

This principle spells out categorically that concentration of two or more adjacent,

identical tones are fused into a single tone e fore they are “mapped onto” their

corresponding vowels. What this means is that, a word with more than one High tone

vowel such as ὲpύnύ „door‟ have to e mapped onto one High tone that is one-to-many)

instead of a one-to-one mapping of the two high tones. The principle also applied perfectly

to other segments on the other tiers. The representation in Figure 11a is in consonance with

the OCP whilst 11b is a violation of the principles as shown below.

Figure 10: Obligatory contour principles

a. Tone tier L H

Skeletal tier x x x x x

Segmental tier ɛ p υ n υ

b. Tone tier * L H H

Skeletal tier x x x x x

Segmental tier ɛ p υ n υ

From the illustration above in Fig 11a, the OCP permits the two High tones to be

merged into just a single Low tone (one-to-many) representation.

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2.4.5 Well formedness condition (WFC)

Well formedness conditions are the universal principles which govern the multi-tier

structure of autosegmental representation. These conditions actually determine the way

tone and vowels are associated on the parallel tiers and allow the addition or deletion of

association lines at any point throughout a phonological derivation. These are stipulated in

Goldsmith (1979:207) as follows:

1. Each vowel must be associated with (at least) one toneme.

2. Each toneme must be associated with (at least) one vowel.

3. Association lines may not cross.

By the Well Formedness Condition, all the tiers remain independent throughout the

derivation with association lines linking them. At no point should the derivation with

association lines cross in the course of derivation.

The representation in figure 12a is a violation of the Well Formed Condition

because the High tone has crossed the Low tone to map onto the last tone bearing unit via

the skeletal tier, even though the two are not adjacent. The current configuration which

conforms to the Well Formedness Condition is 12b.

Figure 11: Well formedness condition

a. Tone tier * L L H

Skeletal tier x x x x x x

Segmental tier ͻ t a ɱ v o

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b. Tone tier L H L H

Skeletal tier x x x x x x

Segmental tier ͻ t a ɱ v o

2.5 Motivation for Autosegmental Phonology

The motivation for the use of autosegmental framework in this thesis is based on its

ability and flexibility in representing complex segments such as Contour tone, Tone

stability, Floating tones among others and also in providing explanations for their

occurrences which were otherwise problematic to deal with in linear generative phonology.

Since Wassa is a tonal language and also has floating tones, autosegmental phonology is

the best option for the phonological representation in this analysis.

2.6 Tiers Used in this Thesis

Tiers are the multi-levels at which the different phonological features are arranged

in non-linear generative phonology. They usually consist of sequences of features which

differ from one tier from one tier to the other. There are various kinds of tiers that can be

specified for various phonological analyses. In this thesis the following tiers are applicable

to the phonological representation:

i. Skeletal / CV Tier

It is the mediating point on which the elements on the different tiers anchor.

The skeletal / CV tier holds unit representation by consonants and vowels; hence

they are sometimes represented as C-slots and V-slots or X-slots. The skeletal / CV

tier can relate with other tiers on one-to-one or one-to-many basis.

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ii. Segmental Tier

This is the level at which phonetic representation relevant to the

description are arranged. In other words, the underlying phonetic segments occupy

this tier.

iii. Place / Manner of Articulation Tier (P.A / M.A Tier)

This tier specifies the Place or Manner of articulation features of the

segment that are significant to the phonological analysis. This implies in the

formalization of phonological process such as Homorganic Nasal Assimilation,

Labialization and Palatalization.

iv. Tonal Tier

The tonal tier specifies whether the underlying tone on the segment is high

(H) or low (L).

v. Tongue Root Tier

This tier spells out the tongue root position features of the phonological

segments whether it is an Advanced Tongue Root features [+ATR] or Un-advanced

Tongue Root features [-ATR]. This tier is very relevant in the discussion of vowel

harmony as a phonological process in Wassa.

vi. Syllable Tier

This tier indicates the units of sounds that make up a word. It is applicable

in the discussion of the syllable structure processes such as elision, insertion and

compensatory lengthening.

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2.7 Distinctive Features

Distinctive features are a set of articulatory and acoustic features sufficient to define

and distinguish, one from the other, the great majority of the speech sounds used in the

languages of the world (Halle & Clements, 1983).

The search for which distinctive features are really significant linguistically and

how these features combine is a sub theory in self. This theory of phonological features is

concerned with the discovery and explanation of the generalization about the phonological

behavior of phonological segments both in isolation, in sequence or as a member of a


Generative Phonology proposes twenty features which are loosely classified in

terms of major class features, place of articulation features, manner of articulation features,

tongue body features, lip features, acoustic features, state of the glottis features and other.

2.7.1 The major class features Syllabic / Non-syllabic: [+Syll]; [-Syll]

Syllabic sounds constitute a syllabic peak. The vowels are [+Syll]. All other sounds

are non-syllabic [-Syll . Some contextual variants of nasals and laterals are [ Syll

especially where a vowel would normally occur. For example the velar nasal [ŋ in [ŋgʋkɔ]

„fowls‟ is sylla i c. Consonantal / Non-consonantal: [+Cons]; [-Cons]

Consonantal segments are produced with a radical obstruction in the mid-saggital

region of the vocal tract (Chomsky & Halle, 1968). Segments implemented in this way in

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the Wassa languages are the plosives, affricates, nasal consonants and liquids. The vowels

and glides are non-consonantal. Sonorant: [+Son]; [-Son]

Obstruent or non-sonorants [-Son] are sounds produce with a cavity configuration

that makes spontaneous voicing impossible (Chomsky & Halle, 1968). Plosives, affricates

and fricative are [+Obs] or [-Son]. Non-obstruent or sonorants are sounds produced with a

vocal tract shape which makes spontaneous voicing possible. The vowels, liquids, nasals

and glides are sonorant or non-obstruent.

2.7.2 Cavity features Anterior / Non-anterior: [+Ant; -Ant]

According to Chomsky and Halle (1968), a consonant is anterior if it is produced

with an obstruction located in front of the palate-alveolar region of the mouth. No vowel is

[+Ant] on this definition since none involves obstruction. The [+Ant] consonants in Wassa

are the labials and alveolars. The palatals and velars are [Ant]. Coronal / Non-coronal: [+Cor]; [-Cor]

We shall use the term Coronal to refer to Wassa underlying alveolars /t d s n/, their

reflexes as well as their palatals and palatalized consonant. The velars and labials are non-

coronal. Back / Non-back: [+Back]; [-Back]

Back sounds are produce with the back of the tongue retracted. Non-back sounds

are produces with no such retraction of the tongue. In Wassa [+Back] segments include the

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back vowels [u ʋ o ɔ], and velars [k g kw gw h hw w]. The front vowels are [-Back], and so

are the palatal and palatalized consonants, the alveolars and labials. Rounded / Non-rounded: [+Round]; [-Round]

Rounded segments are produced with a protrusion of the lips. Non-rounded ones

are produced with lip-spread. In Wassa the back vowels are redundantly [+Round]. High / Non-high: [+High]; [-High]

High segments are those which are produced with body of the tongue raised

towards the roof of the mouth above the neutral position. In Wassa, they include the high

vowels, [i u ɪ ʋ], the glides, the velars, palatal and palatalized consonants. The non-high

segments are mid and low vowels [e ɛ o ɔ], [a] and [æ] as well as anterior consonants like

labials and alveolars. Advanced and non-advanced tongue root: [+ATR]; [-ATR]

Advanced tongue-root vowels are produced by drawing the root of the tongue

forward and raising the body of the tongue with a resulting expansion of the pharyngeal

cavity. The [+ATR] vowels are [i u e o æ], Non-Advanced Tongue Root ([-ATR]) vowels

are produced by retracting the tongue root and narrowing the pharynx. The Wassa [-ATR]

vowels are [ɪ ʋ ɛ ɔ a].

2.7.3 Manner feature Continuant / Non-continuant: [+Cont]; [-Cont]

Continuant refers to the vowels, glides, liquids and fricatives. Non-continuant

sounds are the oral and nasal stops (plosives, nasal and affricates). In producing non-

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continuants, the air-flow through the mouth is effectively blocked. This is true of all nasal

consonants and oral stops, but not of laterals, fricatives, glides and vowels. Lateral / Non-lateral: [_Lat]; [-Lat]

Lateral are produced with partial closure at some point in the mouth with the result

that the air-stream is allowed to escape on one or both side of the contact. In Wassa, the

only lateral sound, [l], is non-fricative and is alveolar, [+Cor, +Ant]. Nasal / Non-nasal: [+Nas]; [-Nas]

Nasal segments are produced with a lowered velum to allowed air to escape through

the nasal cavity. They include all the nasalized vowels, the nasalized glides as well as the

nasal consonants. The non-nasals are the oral vowels, oral liquids, glides and consonants

and produced with a velic closure or raised velum.

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Table 8 (a): Presents the distinctive feature matrix for vowel sounds of Wassa

i ɪ u ʋ e ɛ o ɔ æ a ἶ ɪ u ʋ a

round - - + + - - + + - - - - + + -

back - - + + - - + + - - - - + + -

high + + + + - - - - - - + + + + -

low - - - - - - - - + + - - - - +

ATR + - + - + - + - + - + - + - -

Son + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Cont + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Syll + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

nasal - - - - - - - - - - + + + + +

i ɪ u ʋ e ɛ o ɔ æ a ἶ ɪ u ʋ a

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Table 8(b): Presents the distinctive feature matrix of consonant sounds in Wassa

p t k kw b d g ɕ f s ʨ ʥ h ʨɥ ʥɥ m n ɲ ŋw ɲw r Ɩ w j ɕɥ ŋ

Syll - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Cons + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Son - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + - +

Ant + + - - + + - + + + + + - + + + + + + + + + + + + -

Cor - + - - - + - + - + - - - - - - + - - - + + - - - -

labial + + - - + + - + + + + + - + + + + + - - - - + - - -
- -
round - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - -

back - - + + - - + - - - - - + - - - - - + - - - - - - +

high - - + + - - + - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - +

cont - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + - - - - - + + + + + -

lateral - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - -

nasal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + - - - - - +

del.rel. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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2.8 Literature Review

The Wassa languages have not seen a lot of developmental or research work. The

only study we have come across so far has e en done y Afful 2006 . “A loser look at

the Phonology of Wassa” – A B.A long essay in the linguistics Department of the

University of Ghana. Afful (2006), in this work gives a good insight into the sound system

and some aspects of tones. Her main aim was to find out whether the Wassa language is

more related to the Asante or the Bono dialects of Akan. Her findings indicate that Wassa

shares some differences and similarities with both dialects.

The work identifies ten oral vowels, five nasal vowels and fourteen. She noted that

the Wassa sound system is not different from the other Akan dialects. It is the same as

Asante but has a slight difference with the Jaman subdialect of Bono and this difference is

the fact the /f, s/ have allophones, which are [v, z] respectively.

Afful further discusses types of tones, functions of tones and tonal patterns of

verbal forms. She identifies two basic tones (high and low). She identifies lexical and

grammatical as the two basic functions of tones in Wassa. Also in discussing tonal patterns

of verbal forms, she looks at progressive, past, perfect and future. She finds that the tonal

pattern of the progressive and past tense verbal forms in Wassa and Bono are similar.

Asante differs from Wassa in this area. Wassa and Bono have high tone on the progressive

marker but Asante has a low tone on it. The TBU of monosyllabic verb in Wassa and Bono

also carries a high tone whereas that of Asante carries a low tone.

Afful‟s work didn‟t do much work on the phonological processes which is very

unique to both dialects.

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Bota (2002) discusses aspects of Bono phonology within the autosegmental

phonology. She looks at the sound system, some of it phonological processes and tonal

structure. She looks at homorganic nasal assimilation, voicing assimilation, consonant

mutation, vowel harmony, compensatory lengthening, deletion and some reduplication

forms are looked at as the main phonological processes.

According to her, a nasal consonant adopts the same place of articulation of the

following consonant. She also points out voicing assimilation where the voicing on the

nasal also spreads to the preceeding consonant. Bota (2002), also points out both labial

toungue root harmony in the Atebubu sub-dialect of Bono. She identifies a situation where

the perfect affix is lengthened after a pronoun. According to her study, front vowels are

deleted in compound words where they preceed the second word.

This study is very useful to the present one since one of the processes and theory is


Owusu (2002) investigated some phonological processes in Asante, Akuapem and

Fante within the framework of autosegmental phonology. He discusses some assimilatory

processes, syllable structure.

Under assimilatory processes, he looks at vowel harmony, nasalization and

palatalization. He describes the vowel harmony in Akan as regressive assimilation where

advanced vowel assimilates un-advanced once that precedes them. According to him, Akan

has a type of vowel harmony in which the ten vowels fall into two set of five, each

distinguish by the advancement verses reaction of the tongue root where the two set of

vowel do normally occur together in the same word. He also claims that vowel harmony

rule also apply between words in sentences and in compound. He finds that in addition to

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the ATR vowel harmony in all the three dialects, Fante and Asante dialects also have an

additional type of vowel harmony called rounding harmony.

His study further probes five nasal vowels which occur independently nasalized

after non-nasal consonants. From the data he presented these vowels contrast with their oral

counterparts. The high vowel becomes nasalized when they occur before the nasal

consonant in all the dialects. In the Fante dialect, the non-high vowels become nasalized

when they occur before nasal consonants which do not, however, occur in the Akuapem

and Asante dialects. Owusu claims that glide in Akan, [w] and [j], can occur only with oral

vowels but due to this phenomenon in the Fante dialect, the nasalized vowel assimilates the

preceding glide into a nasal. Asante and Akuapem will, however, have glide in the position.

Also, in Asante and Akuapem dialects, when a voiced plosive or affricate is

preceded by a nasal that has the same place of articulation as the voiced plosive or

affricate, the oral consonant becomes nasal. This assimilation of a voiced plosive and

affricates into nasal does not, however, affect the vowels that follow the assimilated

consonant. He holds that homorganic nasal assimilation is a regular process in Akan.

His discussion on palatalization came across two types of palatalization in Akan,

one which is superimposition of high front tongue position on the initial non-palatal

consonant, and the other in which a non-palatal consonant becomes a complete palatal

consonant. The first type of palatalization (plural) occurs mainly in the Fante dialect, where

labial and alveolar consonants are palatalized when they occur before front vowels. Total

palatalization is when the non-palatal consonant that is affected by this assimilatory process

becomes a complete palatal consonant. The non-labialized back consonants in Akan

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become completely palatalized when they occur before front vowels. These consonants

occur mainly before back vowels and [a].

In Akan, when a word that ends in a vowel is followed by another that begins with

the mid-vowels such as [e], [ɛ], [o] or [ɔ] (all dialects) or [i], [ɪ] (Fante), the initial mid-

vowel or [i], [ɪ] (Fante) of the second word is generally deleted. High vowels after nasals in

word final position in Akan also get deleted. When this happens, the final nasal becomes

syllabic and, therefore, carries the tone of the deleted high vowel. This vowel does not,

however, get deleted in the Asante dialect when the speaker is speaking slowly or


The work therefore provides information on some phonological processes and

theoretical framework in my discussion.

Ofori (2014) investigates a synchronic study of the grammar of Anum, one of the

Hill-Guan languages in Ghana in a PhD thesis in the Applied Linquistics Department in the

University of Education, Winneba. He combines the basic linguistic theory, autosegmental

and functional-typological theories to provide explanations for the structure of the


The phonology of Anum identifies the language as having some resemblance with

some related Kwa languages in Ghana like Akan, Ga, Gonja and Larteh. The phonological

processes discussed include vowel harmony, vowel mutation, vowel deletion, consonant

deletion, compensatory vowel lengthening and labialization.

According to Ofori (2014), the language operates a limited stem-controlled

Advanced Tongue Root (ATR) vowel harmony system with limited infractions. In his

discussion on consonant deletion and vowel mutation which occurs mainly with the second

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person singular pronoun subject wu/wʋ, he posits that the approximant /w/ is deleted and

the vowel mutates from the high back vowel to its variant mid vowel in completive

construction. Also, vowel deletion occurs with the first person singular subject pronoun

mi/mɪ where the vowel of the pronoun is deleted leaving the consonant which becomes

syllabic. Again he claims that vowel lengthening in Anum occurs when the vowel of an

aspect marker is deleted but its tone stabilizes and dumps on the vowel of the pronominal.

In his labialization process, a consonant is rounded when it is followed by a rounded

vowel. This type of labialization is mainly found in CV and some CVV stemss

The observations made by Ofori (2014) on Anum phonology have great

implications for the study of Wassa since they are all Kwa related languages.

Essien (2015) studies some word-formation processes that occur in Nzema. He

discusses derivation, compounding, reduplication and some phonological processes that

occurred during the word-formation processes.

The phonological processes discussed are vowel harmony, consonant alternation,

loss if final syllable, loss of vowels or nasal prefix, homorganic nasal assimilation and

vowel lengthening. From the data, Nzema operates on a stem controlled vowel harmony

system. Vowels and nasals occurring at morph initial position are deleted for the effortless

use of the organ of speech. Also, a nasal consonant adops the same place of articulation of

the following consonant and voicing on the nasal also spreads to the preceeding consonant.

From the data, it is observed that in Nzema, it is possible for two or more phonological

processes to occur in one morphological derivation.

The observations present quite interesting similarities and differences in respect to

the phonological processes in Wassa which needs attention and discussion.

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Abakah (2004) describes elision in Fante using the autosegmental phonology as a

theoretical framework. His discussion focused on elision of vowels, consonants and

syllables in the three major subdialects of Fante namely. Iguae, Anee, and Boka. He also

compared them to the Akuapem and Asante and concluded that these subdialects share

some similarities and differences with some dialects of Akan. He demonstrated that vowel

elision involving the truncation of one of two contiguous vowels at word boundary is very

productive process in Fante. Where it has been difficult to determine which of the two

identical vowels in a sequence at a word or a morpheme boundary is deleted in the

combinative style, he resorted to tonology to resolve the difficulty. He holds that to

determine which one of the two identical vowels in a sequence is deleted at word or

morpheme boundary is a near impossibility. He therefore demonstrated that it is not an

uphill task to place linguistic fingers on which one of the two identical vowels in question

is the likely candidate for elision.

However, the elision of post sonorant word-final [High] V has been noted to

operate differently in the various subdialect of Fante. The subdialect differences as well as

the differences between the three major dialects of Akan have been duly noted.

As regards the elision of consonants, he observes that any consonant that is deleted

in any of the varieties of Fante has to occur intervocalically at the underlying level of

representation. He also explains the elision of syllables. According to him, syllable elision

takes place word-internally and in imperative clauses containing associative phrases.

O‟keefe 2003 looks at the vowel harmony of Asante Akuapem and Fante dialects

of Akan using the optimality theory. He argues that Akan has two varieties of harmony:

tongue root position and rounding harmony where both systems are well-attested and

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highly consistent. He claims that all three dialects are clearly harmonic for the tongue root

position with infrequent and potentially explainable cases. Harmony for lip rounding does

not apply to stems but within affixes and is a persistent enough pattern that Asante and

Fante can be said to be harmonic for it as well. Akuapem, however, has no rounding


O‟keefe looks at the pattern of the harmony and demonstrates that it is easily

understood when its different domains – stems, prefixes and suffixes are examined

independently. From the data he presented, there is certainly good cause to accept the

existence of tongue root harmony in stems. He examines two consistent violators of

harmony within stems. The first is the low vowel /a/ which occurs at the right edge of the

word and violates harmony with the first syllable. The other harmony violator is /ɛ/ which

only appears to occur after palatalized consonants. He however could not identify rounding

harmony in stems.

According to him, Akan stems are generally quite short, and words often have a

large number of affixes. For this reasons he consider some verbal and nominal affixes since

they will provide valuable information. Verbal prefixes include: pronominal, future,

progressive, perfect, ingressive and regressive. For the verbal suffixes, he considered the

past and nominalizing. He also looks at singular for the nominal prefix and Asante

nominal, person, diminutive plural and kingship plural for nominal suffixes. He noted a

clear harmonic behavior with the most of the domains with minor exception in all three

dialects. This paper is very helpful to my thesis since vowel harmony in these dialects is

related to Wassa.

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Boadi (2009) does a comparative description of the phonology of the affixes that

co-occur with the finite in seven of the Central and Western dialects of Volta-Comoe using

generative phonology. He outlines their general phonological properties, the fact that they

are all vowel harmony and operate common processes like labialization and palatalization

under similar conditions.

oadi‟s description of the phenomenon of vowel harmony in all dialects shows that

of a cross-height type where only members of one set can co-occur in a root morpheme of

two or more syllables and across word boundary with minor but systematic exceptions.

According to him, Volta-Comoe had the following ten-vowel system [i, ɪ, e, ɛ, æ, a, ɔ, o, ʋ,


He discusses labialization and to him consonants could be rounded before a back

rounded vowel. His discussion also shows that some consonants may be fronted if followed

by a high front vowel. He also discusses consonant mutation where obstruents become

voiced if followed by a nasal consonant.

A look at the literature review above indicates that no studies have been made on

the phonological processes in Wassa. The work of Afful (2006) concentrates mainly on

comparing aspects of the sounds and tonal system of the Wassa language to the Bono and

Asante. Other works reviewed all discuss aspects of the phonology of related Kwa

languages. A major gap is therefore left and this is what this work attempt fills.

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3.1 Overview

To conduct research on the phonological processes in Wassa and to ensure that the

results are generalized, scientific methodology based on verifiable data must be used. This

chapter entails the research design, selected site, population and sampling, data collection

and data analysis.

3.2 Research Design

The research adopts a qualitative approach. Under qualitative research there are

several approaches. This study will make use of the inductive approach to qualitative data

analysis. Thomas (2006) stated the characteristics of qualitative research more clearly.

According to him the inductive approach can e st e defined as “approaches that primarily

uses detailed readings of raw data to derive concepts, themes or a model through

interpretation made from the raw data y an evaluator or researcher”. He further explains

that the primary purpose of the inductive approach is to allow research findings to merge

from the frequent dominant or significant themes inherent in raw data, without the

restraints by structured methodologies. He identifies the following purpose of an inductive


a. To condense extensive and varied raw text data into brief summary format;

b. To establish clear links between the research objectives and the summary findings

derived from the raw data to ensure that these links are both transparent and

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c. To develop a theme, model or theory about the underlying structure of experiences

or processes that is evident in the text data.

In the sense of the first purpose of inductive analysis, the language data represents

the extensive and varied raw data that is mentioned whilst the underlying language

structure that will be realized represents the condensed brief summary of the data. In the

context of this study, the research intends to seek the phonological processes that exist in


The second purpose of the inductive approach is to establish clear links between the

objectives and the summary of the findings gotten from the data. In this light the objectives

stated in the first chapter of this report are in direct correlation with the findings in the

chapter four (4). The findings represent the underlying patterns concerned with the

phonological processes exist in Wassa.

The third purpose of the induction approach is for the formulation of themes, model

and theories. In our context the current study seeks to contribute to the identification of the

grammar of Wassa.

3.3 Selected Site

Data for this study was collected through six trips to Wassa each lasting for three

days. This researcher visited two towns from each sub dialect. Data was elicited from

Damase and Anakom in the Amenfi Sub dialect. In the Fiase sub dialects, Nsuaem and

Benso were also selected. The reasons are that, these four villages have the indigenous

speakers, who speak the Wassa language. The trips also helped to ascertain the linguistic

differences that exist between the dialects and answer one of the research questions.

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3.4 Population and Sampling

Purposive sampling was used for this research as the subjects were selected

according to the purpose of the study. Purposive sampling is a type of non-probability

sampling. In non-probability sampling, participants are not chosen randomly. They are

selected through special procedures. They were selected through special procedures

because they can speak the language, hence they can provide the requisite information

needed by the researcher.

Eight (8) native speakers were sampled to represent the whole population due to

time, how to time, how to manage the population and accuracy. Two (2) native speakers

from each dialect were chosen within the age range of 40-70. The people below forty (40)

were left out in order to limit the language influence from other languages. The people

above seventy (70) were also left out because people at that age might begin to lose their

proper articulation due to teeth loss or some physiological factors.

In this study, a language consultant from each sub-dialect was selected. All the two

language consultants are native speakers of the Wassa born of wassa parentage who have

stayed there for a long time. The first is Mr. Kofi Abakah, a forty year old graduate teacher

who, hold a first degree in Akan from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and

Technology and is resident in Nsuem. The second consultant is Mr. William Andoh, a

retired teacher of Wassa Dunkwa D/A Junior High School (JHS). He is sixty five years old

and is currently the society steward of the Calvary Methodist Church in Wassa Dunkwa

and resident in Wassa Dunkwa. The selection of the consultant helped in the transcribing

and glossing since they have some basic linguistics background. The choice was to ensure

credibility and reliability of the results since the data that was collected from both dialects

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were cross-checked with consultants. These consultants also helped in the history of the

people and language since not much work has been done.

Further interactions were also made with two level 400 male students (native

speakers of Wassa Fiase dialect) of the University of Education, Winneba studying

English. These native speakers have some basic knowledge in linguistics and they helped

in some of the analysis.

3.5 Data Collection

The researcher took part in storytelling sessions. These were mostly short stories.

The storytelling was chosen so that the researcher will be able to pick the data from a

natural setting since it is a form of entertainment. Four (4) stories were recorded from

different story tellers. Two stories were transcribed from both dialects. Conversation were

also recorded and transcribed. Out of the four conversations recorded, two were transcribed

from both dialects. Also, elicitations were done using the summer institute of linguistics

West African Area Wordlist 1 (SILWL 1), through unstructured interviews with the native

speakers. The word list was also distributed to the individuals‟ consultants and other

assistants. The elicitations were recorded using an audio recorder.

3.6 Data Analysis

The data was analyzed with the inductive approach by focusing on rule

identification. The analysis was in line with the autosegmental phonology which gave the

researcher the chance to observe the data and summarize the observation into phonological


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4.1 Overview

Phonological processes refer to changes that take place in sounds when segment are

justaposed. According to Oyebade (1998) phonological processes are sound modifications

motivated by the need to maintain euphony in a language or to rectify violations of well-

formedness constraints in the production of an utterance. This section describes some

common phonological processes in the Wassa language. The phonological processes that

will be discusses in this dissertation are divided into assimilatory and syllable structure


4.2 Assimilation Process

A phonological process is called assimilation, if as a result of its application two or

more segments in form agree in their value for some phonological feature(s) or feature

class (es) (Bakovi, 2007:335). Katamba (1989: 80) further explains that, assimilation is the

modification of a sound in order to make it more similar to some other sound in its

neighbourhood, with the aim of making a smoother, more effortless, more economical

transition from one sound to another.

When a sound is modified to look more like the sound that precedes it, the

assimilation is in a progressive direction. On the other hand, when the sound is modified to

look more like the sound that follows it, the assimilation is in a regressive direction.

Assimilatory process will focus on vowel harmony, nasalization of consonants, consonant

mutation, labialization and palatalization.

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4.2.1 Vowel Harmony

Wassa, like many Volta-Comoe languages apply the vowel harmony rule. It is one

of the most important rules to observe in the pronunciation of words. Okeefe (2003)

defines it as a set of systematic co-occurrence restrictions. The vowels are divided into two

main sub-groups with regard to the advance tongue root specification. This type of

harmony would have the following harmonizing sets:

SET I [+ ATR] i u e o æ

SET II [- ATR I υ ɛ ͻ a Vowels sequence within root morphemes

The ATR rule in both dialects of Wassa requires that, only the members of one set

can co-occur in a root morpheme of two or more syllabus. This is in line with (Bota, 2002;

Owusu, 2002; Okeefe, 2003; Boadi, 2009; Ofori, 2014). The examples in (8) below

illustrate the harmony patterns in Wassa.


[ѐmwú] „inside‟

[ѐkwúnwú] „hus a nd‟

[ѐkwƖwó] „sore‟

[ѐpwƖˊwó] „squirrel‟

[ dwƖˊwó] „medicine‟

[kw dwú] „ a nana‟

[ nἵ] „eye‟

[b ŋgwú] „a kind of food made with maize‟

[ zwúó] „water‟

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[ētṹ] (fs) „ uttoc ks‟

The representation is in (13) below explains it:

Figure 12: [+ ATR] vowels within root morpheme

ATR Tier [+ ATR]

Skeletal Tier x x x

Segmental Tier è m ú


[ dɔkwá] „quarreling‟

[ŋgɔŋgɔ zã] „gossip‟

[mwɔwƖέ] „nails‟

[bɔƖàmmɔ] „ ott le‟

[έjƖÍ] „wife‟

[έtwƖá] (Am) „ utt ocks‟

[έkwƖá] „cala a sh‟

[ŋgátɪ] (Fs) „groundnut‟

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[ásɪέ] „under‟

[ánwʋ] „mouth‟

Figure 13: [- ATR] vowels within root morpheme

ATR Tier [- ATR]

Skeletal Tier x x x

Segmental Tier έ m ʋ

As observed in the data and representation above [e] and [u] which are advanced

vowels occur in the same word whereas the un-advanced [ɛ] and [ʋ] also follow similar

rule. This means that there is a restriction on the distribution of these vowels in both

dialects of Wassa, which does not allow the vowels of Set I to occur in the same word with

the vowels of Set II. Vowels sequence across morpheme boundaries

The occurrence of the vowels across morpheme boundaries is restricted in a similar

manner in both dialects. Reduced pronominal forms as well as noun and verb prefixes have

at least two alternates each, and their selection is condition by the feature specifications of

the vowels in the stem. This process also sometimes trigger vowel sequence where vowels

are sometime undefined. A very common context in which this occurs is when the

progressive aspect follows any subject pronoun in both dialects. The perfect vowel in the

Fiase dialect is also lengthened. The examples in (9) below attest to this.

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9a. Amenfi

/mɪ/ + /bέ/ + /dí/ [médí]

„1SG‟ „Fut‟ „eat‟ „I will eat it‟

/wɔ/ + /rɪ/ + /bá/ [wɔ ɔbá]

„3PL‟ „Prog‟ „come‟ „They are coming‟

/jɛ/ + /rɪ/ + /tú/ [jѐѐtwú]

„1PL‟ „Prog‟ „fly‟ „We are flying‟

/mɪ/ + / w [m w

„1SG‟ „Perf‟ „die‟ „I have died‟

/ɔ/ + /bɛ/ + /tùm [ twùm

„3SG‟ „Fut‟ „ e a le ‟ „He will e a le to ‟

m t [ m tw ]

„1SG‟ „Perf‟ „uproot‟ „I have uprooted it‟

/ɔ r d [ d

„3SG‟ „Prog‟ „eat‟ „He is eating it‟

/wɔ/ + /bɛ f [wɔbɛf

„3PL‟ „Fut‟ „take‟ „They will take it‟

/wɔ/ + /bɛ h [w hù

„3PL‟ „Fut‟ „ low‟ „They will low it ‟

/jɛ/ + f [jɛfwʋ]

„1PL‟ „clim ‟ „We clim it ‟

/bɛ/ + w [ w

„3PL‟ „die‟ „They die‟

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9b. Fiase

/mɪ/ + /bέ/ + /dí/ [médí]

„1SG‟ „Fut‟ „eat‟ „I will eat it‟

/bɛ/ + /rɪ/ + /bá/ [bɛɛbá]

„3PL‟ „Prog‟ „come‟ „They are coming‟

/jɛ/ + /rɪ/ + /t [ jѐ t wú]

„1PL‟ „Prog‟ „fly‟ „We are flying‟

/mɪ/ + / w [m w

„1SG‟ „Perf‟ „die‟ „I have died‟

/ɔ/ + /bɛ/ + /tùm [ twùm

„3SG‟ „Fut‟ „ e a le ‟ „He will e a le to ‟

m t [m tw ]

„1SG‟ „Perf‟ „uproot‟ „I have uprooted it‟

/ɔ/ r d [ d

„3SG‟ „Prog‟ „eat‟ „He is eating it‟

/bɛ/ + /bɛ f [ ɛbɛf

„3PL‟ „Fut‟ „take‟ „They will take it‟

/wɔ/ + /bɛ h [ h

„3PL‟ „Fut‟ „ low‟ „They will low it ‟

/jɛ/ + f [jɛfwʋ]

„1PL‟ „clim ‟ „We clim it ‟

/bɛ/ + w [ w

„3PL‟ „die‟ „They die‟

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Figure (15) shows the autosegmental representation of vowel harmony across morpheme

boundaries in the Fiase dialect:

Figure 14: Vowel harmony across morpheme boundaries

Underlying Form Pronoun Vowel Deletion

Syllable Tier [- ATR] [+ ATR] [- ATR] [+ ATR]

Skeletal Tier x x x x x x x x x x

Segmental Tier m w m w

[+ ATR] Spreading and [- ATR] Delinking

Syllable Tier [- ATR] [+ ATR] [+ ATR]

Skeletal Tier x x x x x x x x

Segmental Tier m w m w u

As can be seen from (14) above, the underlying form of the vowel in the first

person singular is deleted. After this deletion the [+ATR] value of the vowel in the verb /u/

spread leftwards to delink the perfect affix /a/ to /æ/ causing it to value the quality of its

vowel in accord with the ATR value of the vowel in the stem. It is important to note that

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affixes in both dialect have two different pronunciations depending on whether they occur

with a verb stem that has a [+ATR] or [-ATR]. Vowels sequence between words

Sequences of two stem morphemes forming a compound also follow the ATR rule

in the Amenfi and Fiase dialects. ATR harmony is not limited to only vowels in the stem

but operates in words and across word boundary (Abakah, 2005). Vowel(s) in the second

word transmits its ATR feature to those in the first word. This situation describe so far is

found in example (10) below:

10. s ɛjɛ [ z jɛ t

„hand‟ „stomach‟ „palm‟

s k [z ŋg Am

„hand‟ „left‟ „left hand‟

The representation in figure (15) below describes the phonological process above.

Figure 15: Vowel harmony across word boundaries

Underlying Form:

ATR Tier [-ATR] [+ATR]

Skeletal Tier x x x x x x x x x

Segmental Tier z b e k

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[+ATR] Spreading:

ATR Tier [-ATR] [+ATR]

Skeletal Tier x x x x x x x x x

Segmental Tier z b ŋ g

[-ATR] Feature Delinking:

ATR Tier [-ATR] [+ATR]

Skeletal Tier x x x x x x x x x

Segmental Tier z b ŋ g

Output Form:

ATR Tier [+ATR]

Skeletal Tier x x x x x x x x x

Segmental Tier z æ b ŋ g

University of Education,Winneba http://ir.uew.edu.gh The low vowel and the raising rule in Amenfi dialect

The low vowel /a/ is a central vowel (Dolphyne, 1988; Marfo 2013). In the Wassa

Amenfi dialect however, /a/ may be raised to the next higher mid-back vowels [o] or [ɔ] in

some compound names. The alternation of this low vowel is accounted for by the feature

specification of the vowel in the second word. That is, if the second word has a [+ATR]

word. /a/ will be raised to [o], if it is [-ATR], it moves to the next higher [ɔ]. Examples in

(11) illustrate this point.


11. j : f [j : f

j : m r [jɔ:mƖ

/bʋ nù [ :n

k sṹ [ k sṹ

f nm [ f m

m t ùt [ m:t

j : ʋ [jɔ:bʋ

j kumi [j : kù

Figure 16 the autosegmental representation of the above data

Figure 16: Vowel harmony and raising in Amenfi

A. ATR Tier [-ATR] [+ATR] [-ATR] [+ATR] [+ATR]

Skeletal Tier x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Segmental Tie j a: k u m j a: k u m j æ: k u m

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B. æ o

From the above, the ATR value of the vowels in the second word spread leftwards

and raises the vowel /a/ to [o]. Boadi (2009), however identifies the raising of /a/ to the

next higher [+ATR] vowel [e] in some Fante dialects of the Volta-Comoe in certain

environment of a verb containing a [+ATR]. Some infractions of the vowel harmony rule

The low vowel [a] in both dialects violates the ATR harmony rule. This is similar to

the claim made by (Dolphyne, 1988; Bot, 2002; Owusu, 2002; Okeefe, 3003; Afful, 2006;

Boadi 2009; Ofori, 2014). Examples in (12) are:

[d f „talisma‟ [s k „money‟

[ it n „deep hatred‟

Boadi (2009) argues with evidence from some of the Fante dialects that the two low

vowels were distinct in most of the dialects of the Volta-Comoe. He claims that in the

course of historical development, the opposition between them has disappeared from most

varieties in favor of [a].

Another violation could also be found in the direction of harmony flow of those

vowels. In nearly all cases, the vowel in a morpheme or a word on the immediate right of

the boundary transmits its [+ATR] feature specification to the vowel of the morpheme or

word on the immediate left of the boundary as seen in some of the example above.

However, if a vowel occurs in suffix and is not protected by a consonant (Boadi, 2009) it

assimilates to the root vowel. The direction of assimilation could be rightward

(progression) in some limited cases. These are usually seen in the past affirmative suffix

and perfect negative suffix in both dialects. The examples in (13) illustrate this point.

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13. di [d

„eat‟ „past‟ „ate‟

w [wù

„die‟ „past‟ „died‟

di [n

„NEG‟ „eat‟ „past‟ „have not eaten‟

w [ŋwùù

„NEG‟ „die‟ „past‟ „have not died‟

4.2.2 Consonant nasalization

Nasalization is the perceived nasal resonance heard on speech sounds that are not

originally nasal. Consonant nasal assimilation is the process whereby an oral consonant

acquires nasality from a neighboring nasal consonant (Annan, 2009). Since a lowered

velum determines the production of a nasal segment, an adjacent oral sound found in the

environment of the nasal may adopt the feature of nasality. This is a common feature in the

Wassa language.

Phonetically, all the Wassa dialects have [m], [ɱ], [n], [ɲ and [ŋ . However oadi

(2009) recognizes two underlying nasal consonants: /m n/ where /m/ is [-Cor] and /n/

[+Cor] in which both are redundantly [-High, -Back]. This means that the labiodental [ɱ],

palatal [ɲ and velar [ŋ are conditioned variants: They adopt the place of articulation of

the initial consonant.

University of Education,Winneba http://ir.uew.edu.gh Nasalization of voiced plosives and affricates

In both dialects, when a voiced plosive or an affricate is preceded by a nasal that

has the same place of articulation as the voiced plosive or affricate, the oral consonant

becomes nasal. The following examples in (14) below attest to this:

14. /m-/ + /bɔ [mmɔ]

„NEG‟ „kick‟ „don‟t kick‟

/m-/ + /ɔ [mm

„PL‟ „female‟ „females‟

n- d [n

„NEG‟ „eat‟ „don‟t eat it‟

s ɛm s [ sɛmm s

„matter‟ „ask‟ „question‟

Figure 17 illustrates this phonological process in both dialects.

Figure 17: Nasalization of voiced plosives

Underlying Form: [+Nasal] Feature Spreading Rightwards:

M. A. Tier [+Nasal] [-Nasal] [+Nasal] [-Nasal]

Skeletal Tier x x x x x x

Segmental Tier m b ɔ m b ɔ

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[+Nasal] Feature Delinking: Output Form:

M. A. Tier [+Nasal] [-Nasal] [+Nasal]

Skeletal Tier x x x x x x

Segmental Tier m b ɔ m m ɔ

Since the negative nasal /m/ has the same place of articulation as the plosive /b/, the nasal

quality spreads to the following consonant for it to be nasalized. Bilabial lenition

Bilabial /b/ lenities to [m] in the Amenfi dialect. Examples are illustrated in data

(15) below:

15. Fiase Amenfi

[ ɲdʑ [m ɲdʑ „cassava‟

[m [mm „shoe‟

[ t [m t „a piece of‟

[bʋtɕ [mʋtɕ „three stoned stove cooker‟

[bƖ ʋɔ] [mƖ ʋɔ „liver‟

[bɔɔdʋw ] [mɔɔdʋw „plantain tu e r‟

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Below is the autosegmental representation:

Figure 18: Bialabial b/m lenition

P. A. Tier [+Bil] [+Alv] [+Vl] [+Bil] [+Alv] [+V1]

Skeletal Tier x x x x x x x x x x

Segmental Tier ɲ ʥ m ɲ ʥ

4.2.3 Consonant Mutation

Boadi (2009) defined consonant mutation under the general umbrella of consonant

alternation where morph-initial obstruents become voiced after a nasal or vowel which is

part of a specifiable grammatical affix. In wassa, obstruents become voiced if preceded by

a nasal in every environment. It applies more consistently and in large portions of stems

morphemes and across word boundaries. This rule is similar to Bono and Nzema but does

not operate in many of the Akan languages. This can be illustrated by the following


16. s [ z „hands‟

k mf ʋɔ [ŋg ɱvʋɔ „a kind of food‟

kùr ùm [ŋglùm „okro‟

t [d „ e cause‟

mf r m [ɱvl m „wind‟

n- kr [ŋgl

„PL‟ „send‟ „spoken message‟

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m- fidi [ɱv d

„PL‟ „machine‟ „machines‟

/n-/ + /kɔ [ŋgɔ]

„NEG‟ „go‟ „don‟t go‟

/n-/ + /kɛn/ [ɲʥɥɛn Fs

„NEG‟ „wait‟ „don‟t wait‟

n- k [ŋg

„NEG‟ „say‟ „don‟t say it‟

ɛ k n [ ɛŋgw n Fs

„palm‟ „soup‟ „palm-nut soup‟

The phonological process above can be represented in autosegmental representation as in

Figure 19 below.

Figure 19: Cosonant mutation

Underlying Form: [Dorsal] Feature Leftward Spreading:

P. A. Tier [Coronal] [Dorsal] [Coronal] [Dorsal]

Skeletal Tier x x x x x x

Segmental Tier k k

[Coronal] Feature Delinking: Assimilation at Point of Articulation:

P. A. Tier [Coronal] [Dorsal] [Coronal] [Dorsal]

Skeletal Tier x x x x x x

Segmental Tier k ŋ k

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[+Voiced] Feature Rightward Spreading: [-Voiced] Feature Delinking:

M. A. Tier [+Voiced] [-Voiced] [+Voiced] [-Voices]

Skeletal Tier x x x x x x

Segmental Tier ŋ k ŋ k

Output Form:

M. A. Tier [+Voiced]

Skeletal Tier x x x

Segmental Tier ŋ g

From the representation above, two processes occur at the same time. Both

progressive and regressive assimilation occur under this phenomenon in Wassa.In the

context where the underlying nasal has lost its vowel, the nasal /n/ assimilates to the

following velar consonant in the point of articulation. This follows a consonant alternation

rule by which velar stop /k/ changes to voiced [g].

4.2.4 Labialization of consonants

Labialization refers to the phonological case where a sound which is not normally

rounded is articulated with a degree of lip rounding. It is phonetically marked with a

superscripted „w‟ on the speech sound to e la ia lized. In Wassa a consonant is rounded

when it is followed by a rounded vowel. Such consonants are said to be labialized. The

following in (17) are some examples:

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17. /dʋ/ [dwʋ „to ripe‟

/kɔ p ɔ/ [kwɔ w
ɔ „goiter‟

pù ɛ [ pwù ɛ „east‟

/kʋsɛ/ [kwʋsɛ „sorry‟

/bɔkɔɔ/ [bwɔkwɔɔ „calm‟

kùr [kwĺw „city center‟

d ʋm [ d wʋm „cloth‟

d ʋndʋ [ d wʋndwʋ „mosquito‟

k [ ŋ gw „left‟ Am.

Figure 20 shows an illustration of the consonant labialization assimilation process in the

auto segmental representation.

Figure 20: Consonant labialization

Underlying Form: [+Round] Leftward Spreading

M. A. Tier [-Round] [+Round] [-Round] [+Round]

Skeletal Tier x x x x

Segmental Tier d ʋ d ʋ

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[-Round] Feature Delinking: Output Form:

M. A. Tier [-Round] [+Round] [+Round]

Skeletal Tier x x x x

Segmental Tier d ʋ dw ʋ

The alveolar /d/ is unrounded in the underlying form but it is however rounded in

the environment of a following back vowel /ʋ/ as can be seen in the representation above.

However, there is evidence that shows that the back stop consonant is labialized

before non-rounded vowels in Wassa. This is in line with oadi 2009 who claims that we

interpret every la ializ ed consonant as a sequence of a simple consonant and a ack vowel

in the underlying phonology. For instance in slow speech the word [ŋgw is pronounced

[ŋgʋ with some prominence on the back vowel. Examples are in (18) below:

18. ŋkʋ [ŋgw „life‟

/kɔ s [ kw s „foolish‟

/kʋ [kw „polish‟

kʋ t / [ŋgw d „junction‟

/ɛkʋ n [ɛkw n „road‟ Fs

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Figure 21: Autosegmental representation of consonant labialize before non-

rounded vowels

Underlying Form: Deletion of [ʋ]:

M. A. Tier [-Round] [+Round] [-Round] [-Round] [+Round] [-Round]

Skeletal Tier x x x x x x

Segmental Tier k ʋ k ʋ

[+Round] Leftward Spreading [-Round] Feature Delinking

M. A. Tier [-Round] [+Round] [-Round] [-Round] [+Round] [-Round]

Skeletal Tier x x x x

Segmental Tier k k

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Output Form:

M. A. Tier [+Round] [-Round]

Skeletal Tier x x

Segmental Tier kw

Indeed in the examples above, the high back vowel /ʋ/ becomes weakened in the

development of such morpheme until it finally loses its resonance, leaving a reflex on the

adjacent consonant /k/ as labialization.

4.2.5 Palatalization

Palatalization is another regressive assimilatory process in Wassa. Katamba (1989)

describe it as a process where a velar consonant which is followed by front vowel, attains

some slight anticipatory fronting of the part of the tongue that makes contact with the roof

of the mouth. It is the simultaneous raising of the front part of the tongue towards the hard

palate during the production of a non-palatal sound.

Even though distinction is made between back and non-back consonants is applied

in both dialects. The back consonants are /k g h w/ and in the environment of the following

underlying non-back non-low back consonants are fronted. That is, they are pushed forward

to the palatal region. It should be noted that the stops among these consonants could be

further affricated. Examples are:

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19. /kɛ/ [tɕ „present as gift‟

k [tɕ „catch‟

k n [ɲʥ n „salt‟

/kɛns [tɕɛnz „silver for cooking‟

/hɛ/ [ɕɛ] „wear‟

Below shows the autosegmental representation:

Figure 22: Palatalization of consonants

Underlying Form: [+Front] Feature Leftward Spreading:

M. A. Tier [-Front] [+Front] [-Front] [+Front]

Skeletal Tier x x x x

Segmental Tier k k

[-Front] Feature Delinking: Affrication Accompanying Palatalization:

P. A. Tier [-Front] [+Front] [+Round]

Skeletal Tier x x x x

Segmental Tier t t

M. A. Tier [+Affr]

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Output Form:

P. A. Tier [-Front]

Skeletal Tier x x

Segmental Tier tɕ ɪ

M. A. Tier [+Affr]

4.3 Syllable Structure Process

Syllable structure processes are those processes that lead to the lost or addition of a

sound in the word for morphophonological reasons. For instance, morphological process of

compounding, and also some times in fast speech, sometimes results in segments lost.

Similarly, the adaption of loan words into a language also results in segments insertations.

These processes affect the basic syllable structure of words in a language by altering

syllable shape of words. The syllable structure process that will be discussed here will

include elision, insertion, and compensatory lengthening.

4.3.1 Elision

Elision is a phonological process through which a sound is lost. Abakah (2004)

defines it a sed on how it operates in Fante as “a phonological process y which a vowel a

consonant and sometimes a syllable, which is an intrinsic property of morpheme in the

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isolative style is dropped in the com ination style.” In Wassa, the vowel, consonant or the

whole syllable may be elided for economic use of speech. Vowel elision Deletion of high vowel preceded by a lateral

High vowels are deleted if they are preceded by [1] in the surface realization in both

dialects. In fast speech one will conclude that, this language involves a consonant cluster

following Dolphyne (1988), who made an attempt to discuss the elision of high vowels

before [r] with the claim that Akan does not have a basic CCV structure, but only at the

surface realization of it. Marfoh (2013) also argues that it should be analysis into CVCV

because of application of economy-motivated process of vowel elision that results in

syllable reduction. In a bid to ascertain that the elision of high vowel before [1] in Wassa

ensues from a basic CVCV structure, there is the need to explore data from both dialects to

give some piece of evidence. The data in (20) below illustrates this in both dialects.

20. r [ĺ „come‟

kr [kĺ „ask permission to leave‟

kùr ùm [ŋglùm „okro‟

/bʋrɔ [lɔ „ eatings‟

/pɪr [pl „sweep‟

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The representation in 23 represents this phenomenon:

Figure 23: Deletion of high vowels

Underlying Form: Deletion of Low Vowel

Syllable Tier


Skeletal Tier O N C O N C O N C O N C

Segmental Tier p I Ɩ a p Ɩ a

It is evidence in the above representation that the deletion of the High vowel does

not affect the tone. The tone spreads to re-syllabify the [r] which also lenite to [l].Marfo

(2013), identifies [l], [w], [y] in Anyi and Nzema which occur in the same environment but

the vowel before it is never elided for the succeeding syllable has to be only a labio-dental

approximant, [r] for the realization of CCV. According to him, [l] is not a traditional speech

sound in Akan but [l] and [r] are free variants due to the strong influence of English on

Akan. We take the position here that all high vowels are elided between two consonants

where the sound consonant is [l] in the surface form.

Dolphyne (1988) also identified that [r] carries the tone of the deletion vowel preceding it

in Akuapem and Asante while Fante it carries the tone of the deleted vowel following it. Negative vowel deletion

The negative affix is a nasal segment homorganic with the following initial

consonant. It leaves its voicing reflex on the o st ruent that follows it in all environments in

almost all Wassa speaking towns. According to oadi 2009 the nasal segment is a reduce

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form of its full NV form as appears in Sehwi and Aowin. The negative is [n or [nɛ] in the

context of command and perfect. For example: [nɛ! „don‟t come‟ or [n di „don‟t eat

it‟. The alternation of the vowel is accounted for y the ATR Vowel Harmony Rule. The

autosegmental representation illustrates this point:

Figure 24: Negative vowel deletion

Underlying Form: Syllabic Vowel Deletion: Negative Consonant Syllabicity: Output Form:

Syllable Tier:

Skeletal Tier x x x x x x x

Segmental Tier n ɛ n ɛ n

As can be seen from the representation above, the vowel [ɛ] is deleted through the

historical development of a language (Boadi, 2009). The nasal therefore absorbs the

syllabicity by an assimilatory process. We should note that in the present of a vowel, this

negative nasal segment is non-syllabic because there is already a [+syllabic] segment in the

syllable. Deletion of high vowels after nasals in word final position

High vowels after nasals in word final positions in Wassa also get deleted. When

this happen, the finial nasal become syllabic and, therefore, carries the tone of the deleted

high vowel. The following examples illustrate this:

21. /tɪa m [tɪ

„shout‟ „inside‟ „shout‟

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/ɔm n n t m [m d

„country‟ „PL‟ „twin‟ „inside‟ „region or state‟ Deletion of final mid vowels in fiase

Final mid vowels are elided in words in the Fiase dialect. Below we attempt to

account for this deletion process in the Fiase dialects.

22. Fiase Amenfi

[ŋg t [ŋg t ɛ „groundnut‟

[ tṹ [ɛtʋɔ „ utt ocks‟

[ d z [ d z ɛ „witness‟

The representation below proves this point:

Figure 25: Deletion of final mid vowels

Final mid vowel deletion:

Syllable Tier

Skeletal Tier x x x x x x

Segmental Tier ŋ g t ɪ ɛ

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Output Form:

Syllable Tier

Skeletal Tier x x x x x

Segmental Tier ŋ g t ɪ Deletion of intervocalic nasal in Amenfi

In the Amenfi dialect if a nasal realized as /n/ occur intervocalically as in CVNV,

the nasal spread to the following vowel and is deleted. This nasalized vowel also

assimilates to the preceding vowel of the deleted nasal. The examples below illustrate this


22. Fiase Amenfi

[ɔm n [ɔmaɪ „country‟

[k n [kaɪ „read‟

[tɔn [tɔʋ] „sell‟

[ dini [ d „name‟

[m ŋg ni [m ŋg „cocoyam‟

[k n [kaɪ „count‟

[dini [d „difficult‟

[nd n [d „veins‟

[ɛkw n [ɛkw ɪ „road‟

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The autosegmental representation illustrates this rule

Figure 26: Deletion of intervocalic nasal

[+Nasal] Feature Rightward Spreading: Deletion of Intervocalic Nasal:

Syllable Tier

Skeletal Tier x x x x x x x x x x

Segmental Tier d n d n

M. A. Tier +Nas -Nas

[+Nasal] Feature Leftward Spreading: Output Form:

Syllable Tier

Skeletal Tier x x x x x x x x

Segmental Tier d d

M. A. Tier +Nas -Nas

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In the above, the consonant /t/ alternates to /d/ due to present of the voiced alveolar

nasal. The intervocalic nasal /n/ also spreads to the final high vowel and deletes. This

nasalized vowel also assimilates to the vowel preceded by the deleted nasal. Consonant elision Future consonant affix deletion

The future affix in the environment of the first person pronoun is deleted in both


Examples of this phenomenon are represented in (23) below:

23. m ɛ/ + /kɔ/ [mɛkɔ]

„lSG‟ „Fut‟ „go‟ „I will go‟

m + /bɛ/ + /fɪrɛ/ [mɛflɛ]

„lSG‟ „Fut‟ „call‟ „I will call‟

The representation below represents this point.

Figure 27: Future consonant affix deletion

a. Deletion

Syllable Tier


Skeletal Tier O N C O N C O N C O N C O N C O N C

Segmental Tier m ɪ b ɛ k ɔ m _ _ ɛ k ɔ

b. Re-syllabification

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Syllable Tier


Skeletal Tier O N C O N CON C O N C O N C

Segmental Tier m ɛ k ɔ m ɛ k ɔ

From the above representation, there are two process involves. The pronounce

subject vowel [I] and the future consonant affix [b] is first deleted. The second process is

re-syllabification where the pronoun subject [m] draws the vowel of the future affix [ɛ] to

itself to produce [mɛkɔ]. The future and progressive affix deletion

The future and progressive affix deletes in the environment of a negative. They are

identical in both dialects. Examples are seen below:

24. m ɛ/ + /n/ + /di/ [minni]

„lSG‟ „Fut‟ „NEG‟ „eat‟ „I will not eat it‟

m r n di [m nni

„lSG‟ „Prog‟ „NEG‟ „eat‟ „I will not eat it‟

/m-/ + /bɛ [mm

„NEG‟ „Fut‟ „come‟ „don‟t come‟

4.3.3 Insertion

Languages tend to simplify their syllable structure for ease of discourse or speech.

Sapaty (2005), claims that insertion occurs when an extra consonant or a vowel find its way

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into the stem of a word when it originally have not been there. In Wassa when words are

loaned from other languages, there is a tendency to resyllabify these words to suit it

structure. The result is insertion and this marks such words which allow it to conform to the

syllable structure of wassa. According to Owusu (2002), Akan does not have a constant

cluster or word-final non-sonorant consonant, so consonant cluster in borrowed words are

broken by insertion by usually, a high vowel. This phonological phenomenon is applicable

in both dialects of Wassa. The data below support the claim:

25. /bʋk [ ùkù „ ook ‟

/nɛɛs/ [nɛɛs „nurse‟

sku:l [sùk ù „school‟

/mɪlk [mlɪkɪ „milk‟

Figure 28: Insertion of High Vowels

Underlying Form: Output Form:

Syllable Tier

Skeletal Tier x x x x x x x x x x

Segmental Tier m ɪ l k m ɪ l ɪ k ɪ

From the above, the consonant cluster is broken by inserting /ɪ/ between /l/ and /k/.

The final vowel /ɪ/ is also inserted since /k/ does not end in a word in this language. It

should be noted that most vowels involved in insertion are [+High] vowels and they follow

the ATR rule.

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4.3.4 Compensatory lengthening

Compensatory lengthening is an attested process in many languages including the

Wassa languages. According to Hayes (1989), it is the lengthening of a segment triggered

by the deletion or shortening of a nearby segment. When an underlying segment within a

syllable is deleted, an adjacent syllable is lengthened to fill the gap created as a result of the

deletion. Compensatory lengthening in Wassa is found with the realization of the past,

progressive and perfect affixes. The progressive affix lengthening

The progressive affix in it underlying form has a CV. According to Boadi (2009),

the affix is represented in the central dialect of the Volta-Comoe language as [rɪ] derived

from /dɪ/ by consonant lenition.

In both dialects, the derivation of the phonetic forms of the progressive underlying

/rɪ/ is completely deleted to prepare the way for the realization of the various allomorphs.

The progressive affix consonant is first deleted follow by the vowel. This follows the

incorporation of another segment to fill the gap of the lost progressive affix. The choice of

a particular allomorph of the progressive depends on the phonological segment

immediately preceding it and the ATR value of the vowel(s) occurring in the verb on the

right of the affix. In addition to the loss of the progressive affix and segment incorporation,

the Fiase dialect incorporate segment pulls the high tone of the deleted progressive vowel

onto itself.

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The data below provides evidence in both dialects:

26. Amenfi

/ɔ/ + /rɪ d [ d

„3SG‟ „Prog‟ „eat‟ „he is eating‟

/mɪ/ + /rɪ/ + /kɔ/ [mɪɪkɔ]

„1SG‟ „Prog‟ „go‟ „I am going‟

/ɔ/ + /rɪ [ɔɔ

„3SG‟ „Prog‟ „come‟ „he is coming‟


/ɔ/ + /rɪ d [ d

„3SG‟ „Prog‟ „eat‟ „he is eating‟

/mɪ/ + /rɪ/ + /kɔ/ [mɪɪ!kɔ]

„1SG‟ „Prog‟ „go‟ „I am going‟

/ɔ/ + /rɪ [ɔɔ

„3SG‟ „Prog‟ „come‟ „he is coming‟

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The autosegmental phonology below accounts for the Wassa data

Figure 29: Progressive affix lengthening

Underlying Form: Progressive Affix Consonant Deletion:

Syllable Tier

Skeletal Tier x x x x x x x x x x

Segmental Tier ɔ r ɔ r

Progressive Affix Vowel Deletion: Segmental Incorporation

Syllable Tier

Skeletal Tier x x x x x x x x

Segmental Tier ɔ ɔ b

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High Tone Dumping: Output Form:

Syllable Tier

Skeletal Tier x x x x x x x

Segmental Tier ɔ: ɔɔ: b

Tone Tier [-High] [+High]

From the representation above, the progressive affix consonant /r/ is first deleted

followed by the vowel /ɪ/. The third person plural vowel /ɔ/ incorporates another segment to

fill the gap of the loss progressive affix. Past affix lengthening

The past suffix in Wassa is realized as [ɪ]. In both dialects a segment becomes long if

it is verb-stem final and is followed by the past suffix and another word. The past suffix

vowel is elided and the elision process is compensated for by a lengthening of the stem-

final vowel or consonant. Examples below illustrate the point:

26. /ɔ h ɪ/ # /nʋ [ hùù

„3SG‟ „see‟ „Past‟ „3SG‟ „he saw him‟

/ɔ k ɪ/ # /nʋ [ kùmm nʋ]

„3SG‟ „kill‟ „past‟ „3SG‟ „he killed him‟

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Vowel Lengthening: Output:

Syllable Tier

Skeletal Tier x x x x x x x x

Segmental Tier h h : Perfect affix lengthening in fiase

Another difference between Fiase, on the one hand, and Amenfi on the other hand,

is that whereas in the former the perfect in lengthened after the pronoun or noun vowel is

deleted, there is no such lengthening in the latter. Examples below illustrate this point:


27. m [ m

„lSG‟ „Perf‟ „come‟ „I have come‟

/wɔ t [w t

„3PL‟ „Perf‟ „uproot‟ „They have uprooted‟


/mɪ [m

„lSG‟ „Perf‟ „come‟ „I have come‟

/wɔ t [w t

„3PL‟ „Perf‟ „uproot‟ „They have uprooted‟

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The autosegmental phonology below represents this phenomenon.

Figure 30: Perfect affix lengthening0.

Underlying Form: Pronoun Vowel Deletion:

Syllable Tier

Skeletal Tier x x x x x x x x x x

Segmental Tier b ɛ t b ɛ t

Perfect Vowel Lengthening: [+ATR] Spreading:

Syllable Tier

Skeletal Tier x x x x x x x x x x

Segmental Tier b : t : t

Tongue Root Tier [-ATR] [+ATR] [-ATR] [+ATR]

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[-ATR] Delinking: [+High] Tone Dumping:

Syllable Tier

Skeletal Tier x x x x x x x x x x

Segmental Tier b t b æ: t

Tongue Root Tier [-High] [+High]

Output Form:

Syllable Tier

Skeletal Tier x x x x x

Segmental Tier b æ: t

In both dialects, the vowel deletion rule applies to delete the morph-final vowel

preceding the perfect prefix vowel. In the Fiase dialect, the prefix becomes long by

incorporating another vowel unto itself. Tone formation rule copies the high tone of the

verb on the right of the low of the perfect prefix to produce a compound gliding tone on the

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prefix. Finally, the automatic downstep rule applies to drop the tone on the verb from high

to downstep.

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5.1 Overview

The chapter summarizes the finding of the study; outline the conclusion drawn from

the findings; states their contribution to knowledge; makes recommendations and suggests

area for further study.

5.2 Summery of Findings

This thesis describes the phonological processes in the Amenfi and Fiase dialects of

Wassa, The phonological processes discussed in this work include vowel harmony,

nasalization, consonant mutation, labialization, elision, insertion, and compensatory


1. The tongue root harmony is very consistent in both dialects. There is also evidence

of raising of the low vowel /a/ to mid back vowel in the same compound name in

Amenfi. We should remember that this raising rule depends on the ATR feature

specification of the vowel in the second name.

2. The proces where plosives and affricates change to a nasal is one of the processes

observed in both Amenfi and Fiase dialects of Wassa. Also, the phenomenon of

consonant mutation where obstruents becomes voiced in the environment of nasals

is very productive in Wassa. However, bilabial lenition where bilabial /b/ lenites to

[m] is another difference within the Amenfi dialect and Fiase dialect.

3. A phonological process where a consonant is labialized is also similar to both


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4. Palatalization where consonants are pushed forward to the palatal region is another

phonological process shared by both dialects.

5. Elision of high vowels before a lateral, future consonant affix deletion in the

environment of first person pronoun, deletion of future and progressive affix in the

environment of negative and deletion of a high vowel after a nasal are seen as

similar processes in both dialects. The deletion of a final mid vowel in Fiase and

deletion of intervocalic nasal in Amenfi are the areas of differences.

6. Also, compensatory lengthening in the past and progressive is also similar in both

dialects. However, lengthening of the perfect vowel in Fiase is different from


7. The insertion of high vowel in loan words to conform to the syllable structure of

Wassa is similar in both dialects.

5.3 Conclusions Drawn from the Study

Based on the findings of the research we can conclude that;

8. Consonant mutation is a common phonological process to both dialects.

5.4 Contribution to Knowledge

The study contributes to knowledge in the following ways;

9. It is known in Akan linguistics that the low vowel is raised to the next front vowel

(Dolpyne, 1988; Boadi, 2009) in Fante. But data in Amenfi dialect shows that the

low vowel /a/ could be raised to the mid back vowel.

10. Bilabial lenition where /b/ lenites to [m] in Amenfi has not received attention in


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11. Also, lenition of /r/ to [I] is also very productive in both dialects of Wassa.

5.5 Suggestions for Further Studies

One study cannot exhaust everything that is worthy of being known. Based on this,

the following areas for further studies are suggested. These areas include;

12. Further studies into the tonal structure of both dialects. The current study captured

phonological processes at the segmental level.

13. A study into the morphology of Wassa. Such a study can take into consideration the

claims made concerning the relation of phonology and morphology.

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1 10 eye n n
2 20 ear sũ sũ
3 30 nose ὲɕɥ n ὲɕɥ n
4 40 mouth ànũ ànũ
5 43 tooth ὲs ὲs
6 45 tongue tὲtɕὶlὲma tὲtɕὶlὲma
7 48 lips nũfafa nũfafa
8 60 chin àbɔʥɥ ɛ àbɔʥɥ
9 70 jaw pa da pa da n
10 80 beard àbɔʥɥ sɛ àbɔʥɥ sɛ
11 90 cheek àfʋnʋ àfʋnʋ
12 100 face n n
13 110 forehead mʋma mʋma
14 120 head tl tl
15 150 hair (head) t l ɲɥ t l ɲɥ
16 160 hair (body) hʋna ɲɥ hʋna ɲɥ
17 170 fur ɲɥ ɲɥ
18 180 feather tkl tkl
19 190 horn ὲmɛ ὲmɛn
20 200 neck ɛkɔʋ ɛkɔʋ
21 210 throat ɛm n ɛm n
22 220 shoulder tl tl
23 230 armpit m ɔtʋ m ɔtʋ
24 236 the bush ŋwùl ŋwùl
25 250 breast nṹfṹ nṹfṹ
26 252 udder nṹfṹ nṹfṹ
27 262 milk animal‟s nṹfṹ z o nṹfṹ z o
28 265 butter sl dɛ sl d
29 280 chest kʋkʋɔ kʋkʋɔ
30 310 belly fṹ fṹ
31 320 navel fùnùm fùnùm
32 340 side of 89 body ʥ ʥ
33 342 rib ɱv ɱv
34 360 back ætɕ ætɕ
35 370 buttocks ɛtʋɔ ɛtʋɔ
36 380 tail dɥ dɥ
37 400 leg naɪdɥ naɪdɥ
38 420 thigh ɛs lɛ ɛs lɛ
39 440 knee ŋg t dw ŋg t dw
40 450 foot ɛnaɪ ɛnaɪ
41 500 arm s s
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42 505 wing t aɪ t a nɪ
43 550 hand z z
44 560 palm z jɛ z jɛ
45 580 finger z t a z t a
46 582 thumb k kùl m t k kùl m t
47 585 toe n zʋ n zʋ
48 590 fingernail z mɔwɥ lɛ z mɔwɥ lɛ
49 591 claw mɔwɥilɛ mɔwɥilɛ
50 600 body n m dɥ n m dɥ
51 610 skin (of man) hʋn hʋn
52 611 hide (animal skin) ŋwʋma ŋwʋma
53 620 wound kl kl
54 621 scar t ɕɥ t ɕɥ
55 630 bone dm dm
56 640 meat ɛn ɛn
57 650 fat sl dɛ sl dɛ
58 651 oil ŋw ŋw
59 660 vein d d n
60 680 egg ksɥ ksɥ
61 700 blood m ʥ m ʥ
62 710 saliva d s d s
63 720 tears ni z ni z
64 740 urine ʥɥʋ z ɔ ʥɥʋ z ɔ
65 750 sweat ɱv fil ɱv fil
66 760 feces / excrement
67 800 heart k ʋma k ʋma
68 830 liver m lɛbʋɔ m lɛbʋɔ
69 860 guts / bowels jɛm d ɛ jɛm d ɛ
70 890 brain ʥɥ n ʥɥ n
71 1000 person nm nm
72 1050 children ɔf l ɔf l
73 1080 elder p ɲini p ɲini
74 1101 husband kn kn
75 1150 son ɛ l m ɛ l m
76 1151 boy l ma l ma
77 1200 woman ɛ ɛ
78 1201 wife ɛj l ɛj l
79 1250 daughter ɛa s ɛa s
80 1251 girl s s
81 1300 father p p p p
82 1310 mother m m m m
83 1320 brother nɥ i l m nɥ i l m
84 1321 elder brother nɥ i l m nɥ i l m
p ɲn p ɲn
85 1322 young brother nɥ i l m k t w nɥ i l m k t w

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96 1330 sister nɥ b si nɥ b si
87 1331 elder sister nɥ b si p ɲ n nɥ b si p ɲ n
88 1332 younger sister nɥ b si k t w nɥ b si k t w
89 1340 friends ɲwɔŋgʋɔ ɲwɔŋgʋɔ
90 1350 mother‟s r other wɔf wɔf
91 1355 father‟s sister sw sw
92 1360 child (offspring) ɛ ɛ
93 1365 twins d fʋɔ d fʋɔ
94 1380 stranger ɔhɔhʋɔ ɔhɔhʋɔ
95 1390 enemy ɔt ɱv ɔt ɱv
96 1400 chief / king ɛh n ɛh n
97 1410 owner wùl wùl
98 1415 slave kʋ kʋ
99 1430 judge t mm f ʋɔ t mm f ʋɔ
100 1450 god ɲ m ɲ m
101 1460 spirit / ghost s maɪ s maɪ
102 1461 shadow s nz s nz
103 1470 name d d
104 1480 voice ɛn ɛn
105 1485 language k s k s
106 1490 story (tale) n z sɛ n z sɛ
107 1500 animal ʋ ʋ
108 1502 wild animal wùl ʋ wùl ʋ
109 1505 domestic animal fi ʋ fi ʋ
110 1508 sacrifice f ɔl ɔ f ɔl ɔ
111 1610 dog k l maɪ k l maɪ
112 1630 hyena p t k p t k
113 1650 cat kùsù kùsù
114 1660 lion ʥ t ʥ t
115 1670 leopard s ɔ s ɔ
116 1710 rat kùsi kùsi
117 1720 bat paɪ paɪ
118 1750 elephant ɛsʋnʋ ɛsʋnʋ
119 1790 baboon k dùl ɱvi k dùl ɱvi
120 1810 goat p ɔ ʥɪ p ɔ ʥɪ
121 1820 sheep ʥɥaɪ ʥɥaɪ
122 1850 pig pl k pl k
123 1890 horse pɔŋgɔ pɔŋgɔ
124 1900 cow (cattle) n ʥɥ n ʥɥ
125 1910 cow (female) n ʥɥ ɪd ɛ n ʥɥ ɪd ɛ
126 1920 bull n ʥɥ ɲ n n ʥɥ ɲ n
127 2000 bird n ʋmaa n ʋmaa
128 2010 chicken k ʋkɔ k ʋkɔ
129 2012 hen k ʋkɔbɪd ɛ k ʋkɔbɪd ɛ
130 2015 cock k ʋkɔɲ n k ʋkɔɲ n

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131 2020 eagle kɔd ɛ kɔd ɛ

132 2030 vulture pɛtɛ pɛtɛ
133 2040 guinea fowl akɔɱvɛ akɔɱvɛ
134 2050 dove l l
135 2060 pigeon ʋlɔnʋma ʋlɔnʋma
136 2110 tortoise t ɕ tɕ d ɛ t ɕ tɕ d ɛ
137 2120 lizard p p
138 2130 crocodile dɛ ʥɛ dɛ ʥɛ
139 2150 snake ɛwɔ ɛwɔ
140 2190 worm (earth) ŋg l m ŋg l m
141 2200 fish nz n nz n
142 2250 crab kɔtɔ kɔtɔ
143 2310 louse eʥɥ eʥɥ
144 2320 fly (house) ŋw z n ŋw z n
145 2330 honey ɛwʋɔ ɛwʋɔ
146 2332 honeybee mɔbʋlɔ mɔbʋlɔ
147 2340 grasshopper ɛbɛ ɛbɛ
148 2350 ant (soldier) d ɛt d ɛt
149 2360 termite ɱvɔt ɛ ɱvɔt ɛ
150 2370 spider n z n z
151 2380 scorpion ɲ ɲ ʥ lɛ ɲ ɲ ʥ lɛ
152 2500 tree dɥ dɥ
153 2510 bark (tree) d ɥ t ɕi d ɥ t ɕi
154 2520 leaf ŋg mɔ ŋg mɔ
155 2530 branch ŋgʋl t ŋgʋl t
156 2535 stick
157 2540 root nd nd
158 2550 thorn k sɛ k sɛ
159 2580 fruit dɥ dɥ
160 2590 seed
161 2620 millet t ʋkʋɔ t ʋkʋɔ
162 2640 maize ùl ùl
163 2650 rice s k s k
164 2660 banana kw d kw d
165 2665 plantain bɔɔd ɛ bɔɔd ɛ
166 2670 palm tree ɛ ɛ
167 2680 yam j lɛ j lɛ
168 2685 cassava m ʥ m ʥ
169 2690 groundnut ŋg t ɛ ŋg t ɛ
170 2710 tobacco d d
171 2720 grass nz nzaɪ nz nzaɪ
172 2750 forest kw ɛ kw ɛ
173 2760 “the ush” ɱvʋfʋ ɱvʋfʋ
174 2790 field (s) ŋwùl ŋwùl
175 2810 country ɛmaɪ ɛmaɪ

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176 2820 tribe / ethnic group ùs ɥ k ùs ɥ k

177 2830 village kùl s kùl s
178 2840 home f f
179 2850 house ɛd ɛd
180 2860 roof nʥɛnz d i nʥɛnz d i
181 2880 wall ɛaɪ ɛaɪ
182 2890 door ɛpʋnʋ ɛpʋnʋ
183 2900 gate ɛpʋnʋkɛs ɛ ɛpʋnʋkɛs ɛ
184 2910 fence ɛaɪ ɛaɪ
185 2930 path n mɔʋ kwaɪ n mɔʋ kwaɪ
186 2940 road ɛkwaɪ ɛkwaɪ
187 2970 well (water) ɛ l ɛ l
188 3000 thing (object) dɛ dɛ
189 3100 clothing t lɛ t dɛ t lɛ t dɛ
190 3120 shirt t lɛ t dɛ t lɛ t dɛ
191 3130 trousers tʋlɔz tʋlɔz
192 3150 shoe (s) mm ʋ mm ʋ
193 3180 ring (finger) k w k w
194 3200 rope h ʋma h ʋma
195 3210 string / thread h ʋma h ʋma
196 3220 mat (sleeping) m m
197 3310 chair kŋw kŋw
198 3320 stool s s ʥɥ s s ʥɥ
199 3350 drum (n) tɕɥ n tɕɥ n
200 3360 boat / canoe ɕɛma ɕɛma
201 3410 calabash / gourd ɛkʋl ɛkʋl
202 3420 basket kɛndɛɪ kɛndɛɪ
203 3430 load d sʋ d sʋ
204 3450 rubbish / garbage bɔl bɔl
205 3460 hole (in ground) m ɪna m ɪna
206 3510 mortar (grinding) w dl w dl
207 3520 pestle ʥɥʋma ʥɥʋma
208 3550 medicine dl dl
209 3555 poison wdl wdl
210 3570 salt ʥn ʥn
211 3600 pot (cooking) kk kk
212 3610 water pot (earthen) h na h na
213 3620 cooking pot (metal) tɕɛ z ɪɪ tɕɛ z ɪɪ
214 3700 iron (metal) d dɛ d dɛ
215 3710 knife s kaɪmm s kaɪmm
216 3720 bush-knife s kaɪ s kaɪ
217 3730 axe kuma kuma
218 3740 hoe sɔ sɔ
219 3750 arrow ʥaɪ ʥaɪ
220 3770 spear p p

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221 3775 fish-spear d d

222 3780 shield (n) ŋg t sʋɔ ŋg t sʋɔ
223 3799 war kʋ kʋ
224 3810 law ɛm l ɛm l
225 3910 charcoal d d
226 3920 fire ʥ ʥ
227 3940 smoke ŋwùs ŋwùs
228 3950 ash(es) zʋ zʋ
229 4010 night (time) anaʥɥʋ anaʥɥʋ
230 4011 darkness s s
231 4050 moon bʋsʋmɪ bʋsʋmɪ
232 4051 month bʋsʋmɪ bʋsʋmɪ
233 4050 star z ʋlʋma z ʋlʋma
234 4070 sun æwɥ æwɥ
235 4071 heat of day ɛɕ ʋ ɛɕ ʋ
236 4120 morning n ɔap n ɔap
237 4180 evening æɲɥùm l æɲɥùm l
238 4210 sky w ɥi w ɥi
239 4220 cloud (s) mṹnṹŋgṹm mṹnṹŋgṹm
240 4230 fog / mist kùsùk k kùsùk k
241 4250 wind ɱvil ma ɱvil ma
242 4260 storm hṹ hṹ
243 4300 water z z
244 4316 thunder gl d gl d
245 4340 dew s s
246 4460 sea ɛpʋ ɛpʋ
247 4510 mountain p ɔ p pɔ p ɔ p pɔ
248 4512 rock ɔbʋtaɪ ɔbʋtaɪ
249 4520 stone bʋ bʋ
250 4551 ground ɛfɔm ɛfɔm
251 4560 sand ɛɲwaɪ ɛɲwaɪ
252 4570 dust ɱv t l ɱv t l
253 4585 mud atɛtɕɛ atɛtɕɛ
254 4600 year f f
255 4610 rainy season z ùtɔ l ɛ z ùtɔ l ɛ
256 4620 dry season ɛpɛ l ɛ ɛpɛ l ɛ
257 5000 how many ɛjɛ sɛɪ ɛjɛ sɛɪ
258 5010 one kʋ kʋ
259 5020 two mi nù mi nù
260 5030 three m ɛnza m ɛnza
261 5040 four ɛnaɪ ɛnaɪ
262 5050 five n n
263 5060 six nz a nz a
264 5070 seven ɛnzʋʋ ɛnzʋʋ
265 5080 eight ɛnwɔtɕɥ ɛnwɔtɕɥ

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266 5090 nine ɛŋgʋnʋ ɛŋgʋnʋ

267 5100 ten d d
268 5120 twelve d m i nu d m i nu
269 5150 fifteen d nu d nu
270 5160 twenty dù nu dù nu
271 5170 thirty dù sa dù sa
272 5180 hundred ɛh ɛh
273 5190 thousand p p
274 5210 hot weather ɛɕ ɛɕ
275 5220 cold (weather) wɔ wɔ
276 5310 long (thing) t dn t dn
277 5311 tall t d ɪɪ t d ɪɪ
278 5312 deep m dɔ m dɔ
279 5320 short (thing) t t t t
280 5330 big kɛs ɛ kɛs ɛ
281 5240 wide ɛtilɛ ɛtilɛ
282 5350 small ktw ktw
283 5352 thin (thing) ɕɥɪaa ɕɥɪaa
284 5380 round (adj.) kùl kùl w kùl kùl w
285 5410 heavy dldl dldl
286 5412 difficult d d ɪɪ d d ɪɪ
287 5420 light in weight h l h l
288 5422 easy m lɛ m lɛ
289 5432 strong dɪɪ dɪɪ
290 5440 soft (surface) m lɛ m lɛ
291 5450 smooth tʋlʋ t ʋlʋ tʋlʋ t ʋlʋ
292 5455 shiny ɕilɛɪ ɕilɛɪ
293 5470 clean / pure ɛhʋ t ɛhʋ t
294 5475 defiled gù hʋ f gù hʋ f
295 5480 good p p p p
296 5490 bad ɛɲɛ ɛɲɛ
297 5510 bitter ɲɥʋnʋ ɲɥʋnʋ
298 5520 sour s s
299 5540 sweet dɛɛdɛɛ dɛɛdɛɛ
300 5565 truth nʋkʋlɛ nʋkʋlɛ
301 5580 false k ɕɥ k ɕɥ
302 5650 right (side) nifa s nifa s
303 5660 left side ŋ g s ŋ g s
304 5710 new fʋfʋlɔ fʋfʋlɔ
305 5720 young kùmaa kùmaa
306 5750 old (worn) p ɲn p ɲn
307 5810 all ɲinaa ɲinaa
308 5820 many / much p l p l
309 5830 crowd (of people) ɛdɔm ɛdɔm
310 5850 few k kl k kl

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311 5860 some

312 5870 other / different fʋfʋlɔ fʋfʋlɔ
313 5910 red kɔkɔɔ kɔkɔɔ
314 5930 yellow k ʋkɔsɪl d ɪɛ k ʋkɔsɪl d ɪɛ
315 5940 green h a ɪmʋnʋ h a ɪmʋnʋ
316 5950 black tu du tu du
317 5960 blue ùlùù ùlùù
318 5980 white ff ff
319 6000 who? hwaɪ hwaɪ
320 6010 i mɪ mɪ
321 6020 you wʋ wʋ
322 6030 (s)he ɔnʋ ɔnʋ
323 6060 we jɛɪ jɛɪ
324 6070 you (pl.) mʋ mʋ
325 6080 they wɔʋ wɔʋ
326 6100 what? dɛɪ dɛɪ
327 6110 this w w
328 6120 that ɛnʋ ɛnʋ
329 6200 where? ɛhɪ ɛhɪ
330 6210 here ɛh ɛh
331 6220 there ɛhɔ ɛhɔ
332 6240 at ɛwɔ ɛwɔ
333 6250 (going) towards ɛɛkɔ ɛɛkɔ
334 6260 (coming) from ɛɛ ɛɛ
335 6280 near ɛbɛɪ ɛbɛɪ
336 6290 far nʋhʋa nʋhʋa
337 6300 before n n
338 6310 behind / after tɕil tɕil
339 6350 in mu mu
340 6370 above ɛsʋlʋ ɛsʋlʋ
341 6380 below sɛ sɛ
342 6400 how? sɛɪ sɛɪ
343 6420 with ɛn ɛn
344 6430 also ɛnzʋ ɛnzʋ
345 6435 and ɛn ɛn
346 6440 if sɛ sɛ
347 6450 when d ɛɪ d ɛɪ
348 6460 then / that time s l ɛ nʋ s l ɛ nʋ
349 6470 today ɛnɛ ɛnɛ
350 6480 yesterday ɛnʋl ɛnʋl
351 6490 tomorrow ɛtɕɪna ɛtɕɪna
352 6500 why? d ɛɪ d ɛɪ
353 6510 because d d
354 6550 no, not d d
355 6610 alive, to be t sɪ t sɪ

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356 6615 life ŋgʋa ŋgʋa

357 6620 dirty / to become jɛ f jɛ f
358 6630 become dry wʋ wʋ
359 6640 full / filled ɛma ɛma
360 6650 ripe, be dʋ dʋ
361 6660 botten pʋlɔ pʋlɔ
362 6670 sharp na na
363 6679 blunt, dull ku ku
364 6690 become wet fɔ fɔ
365 6790 sit (down) tn s tn s
366 6770 stand up ʥɪna hɔ ʥɪna hɔ
367 6771 to be standing ʥɪna hɔ ʥɪna hɔ
368 6772 to stop ʥ ʥ
369 6780 lie down d hɔ d hɔ
370 6781 to be lying ɔd hɔ ɔd hɔ
371 6840 sleep (v) d d
372 6850 dream sʋm d sʋm d
373 6860 fear sùl sùl
374 6870 anger; be angry bʋ f bʋ f
375 6880 hunger; be hungry ɛkɔ ɛkɔ
276 6890 thirst; be thirsty z ùkɔ z ùkɔ
377 6900 shame; be ashamed n w n w
378 6910 illness; be ill jl ɛ jl ɛ
379 6920 sorrow; be sad w lɛhʋɔ w lɛhʋɔ
380 6930 joy; be joyful nʥ nʥ
381 7010 to bite k k
382 7020 eat d d
383 7025 food dɥ anɪ dɥ anɪ
384 7030 drink za za
385 7032 to smoke (something) h h
386 7050 vomit f f
387 7110 to cough; a cough bɔ ɛw bɔ ɛw
388 7115 sneeze hwɪtɪ hwɪtɪ
389 7150 suck f f
390 7152 suck (breast) nu nu
391 7170 spit t d s t d s
392 7190 blow h h
393 7192 the wind blows ɱv l ma ɔ ɱv l ma ɔ
394 7195 breathe hʋmɪ hʋmɪ
395 7230 yawn (v) hl m hl m
396 7315 song ɛɲwʋ ɛɲwʋ
397 7320 dance (v) s s
398 7325 dance (n) s s
399 7340 play (v) d g ʋlɔ d g ʋlɔ
400 7350 laugh (v) sl sl

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401 7360 weep su su

402 7370 to bark p p
403 7372 cry out su su
404 7375 make noise j d d j d d
405 7400 say ka ka
406 7410 to talk / speak k s k s
407 7420 answer ji nʋ ji nʋ
408 7450 ask (question) s s
409 7455 ask for s ma s ma
410 7460 to command ɕɛ sʋ ɕɛ sʋ
411 7465 to rule d sʋ d sʋ
412 7470 obey d sʋ d sʋ
413 7475 refuse dù sʋ dù sʋ
414 7480 to swear an oath ka da ka da
415 7490 to curse (someone) bɔ kʋlɔ bɔ kʋlɔ
416 7495 insult d atɛ d atɛ
417 7510 see hu ad ɛ hu ad ɛ
418 7520 look at ɕɥɛ ɕɥɛ
419 7535 teach tɕ lɛ tɕ lɛ
420 7550 hear t t
421 7560 listen to t t
422 7570 to smell (something) hua hua
423 7575 smell; stink bɔʋ bɔʋ
424 7600 know (something / one) n n
425 7610 learn sua sua
426 7614 remember k ɪ k ɪ
427 7615 forget w lɛ f w lɛ f
428 7620 count (v) kaɪ kaɪ
429 7622 read kaɪ kaɪ
430 7625 book ŋwʋma ŋwʋma
431 7630 write tɕɥ lɛ tɕɥ lɛ
432 7650 think ʥɥ n ʥɥ n
433 7700 to love dɔ dɔ
434 7730 need (v) h a h a
435 7750 to seek ɕɥ ɕɥɛ ɕɥ ɕɥɛ
436 7790 carry sʋ sʋ
437 8000 take ta ta
438 8004 catch tɕ tɕ
439 8005 hold s s
440 8010 to lift / raise p ʥ p ʥ
441 8020 give ma ma
442 8022 gift atɕɛd ɛ atɕɛd ɛ
443 8030 pay tɥ tɥ
444 8035 money sk sk
445 8040 cost ɛbʋɔ ɛbʋɔ

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446 8050 to get / receive ʥ ʥ

447 8060 steal wɥi wɥi
448 8070 to hide (something) f s f s
449 8080 lie (tell lies) k ɕɥ k ɕɥ
450 8090 deceive d d d d
451 8100 buy tɔ tɔ
452 8105 sell tɔʋ tɔʋ
453 8110 to marry (a wife) w l w l
454 8130 bear child wʋ wʋ
455 8131 bear twins wʋ d wʋ d
456 8135 be born wʋ wʋ
457 8210 to die w w
458 8220 kill ku ku
459 8250 to live t s t s
460 8310 to leave, depart ʥ hɔ kɔ ʥ hɔ kɔ
461 8320 to go (somewhere) kɔ kɔ
462 8340 arrive
463 8341 return saɪ saɪ
464 8342 go out p p
465 8334 enter dl dl
466 8344 go up kɔ sʋlʋ kɔ sʋlʋ
467 8346 follow d tɕ d tɕ
468 8347 bring f l f l
469 8350 send (someone) sʋma sʋma
470 8410 fly (v) t t
471 8415 jump hùl hùl
472 8430 swim bʋlʋ bʋlʋ
473 8431 dive tɕɥ tɕɥ
474 8432 float tɛ n tɛ n
475 8450 walk na d na d
476 8460 run tù m l k tù m l k
477 8470 fall tɔ tɔ
478 8480 turn danɪ danɪ
479 8510 scratch t t
480 8512 scratch oneself t t t t
481 8530 rub w s w s
482 8550 wipe pp pp
483 8650 pour ɕɥ ɕɥ
484 8660 wash hʋlʋ hʋlʋ
485 8662 to bathe (oneself) ʥɥ l ʥɥ l
486 8662 wash one‟s hands hʋlʋhʋ wʋ z hʋlʋhʋ wʋ z
487 8665 wash (clothes) hʋlʋ t dɪɛ hʋlʋ t dɪɛ
488 8670 sweep pl pl
489 8675 broom p l jɛ p l jɛ
490 8710 open (v)

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491 8720 shut (v) tu tu

492 8800 break (tr)
493 8810 split (wood) p p
494 8812 tear (v tr) t t
495 8814 divide tɕɛ tɕɛ
496 8820 cut tɕɥ tɕɥ
497 8840 chop tɕɥ tɕɥ
498 8850 stab (pierce) wɔ wɔ
499 8880 fight kʋ kʋ
500 8900 hit, strike bɔ bɔ
501 8910 beat bʋ bʋ
502 8930 to hurt someone pl pl
503 8940 help (v) bʋ bʋ
504 8950 heal s s
505 8955 healer s fʋɔ s fʋɔ
506 9010 throw (v) tʋ tʋ
507 9015 throw away tʋ tɕɥɪnɪ tʋ tɕɥɪnɪ
508 9020 push (v) p a p a
509 9030 pull (v) tɕɥɪ tɕɥɪ
510 9050 press hʋ hʋ
511 9052 squeeze tɕi tɕi
512 9100 tie tɕ tɕl tɕ tɕl
513 9200 build s s
514 9210 make jɛ jɛ
515 9220 do jɛ jɛ
516 9230 work (v) jɛ ʥɥuma jɛ ʥɥuma
517 9235 work ʥɥuma ʥɥuma
518 9240 to create ɲɥ n ɲɥ n
519 9255 blacksmith ɔtʋɱvʋɔ ɔtʋɱvʋɔ
520 9260 begin ɕɛ as ɛ ɕɛ as ɛ
521 9270 finish w w
522 9280 to sew pa pa
523 9290 weave ɲɥɪnɪ ɲɥɪnɪ
524 9295 weaver ɔɲɥɪnɪfʋɔ ɔɲɥɪnɪfʋɔ
525 9400 dress ɕɛ ɕɛ
526 9450 to braid, to plait ŋwa ŋwa
527 9500 hunt (v) kɔ h kɔ h
528 9505 hunter bɔmmɔfʋɔ bɔmmɔfʋɔ
529 9510 shoot tʋ tʋ
630 9520 gun t t
531 9550 cook (v) nʋa nʋa
532 9700 cultivate dɥ dɥ
533 9710 to plow fu da m fu da m
534 9720 plant (v) dɥ dɥ
535 9730 to dig (a hole) tù m ɪna tù m ɪna

University of Education,Winneba http://ir.uew.edu.gh

536 9750 bury s s

537 9800 burn (something) ɕ ɕ
538 9810 kindle sɔ sɔ
539 9830 extinguish du du
540 9900 shiver pʋ pʋ
541 9950 swell hʋnʋ hʋnʋ


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