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“Waser - Dimerrioual (3D) Heat Conduction equation ( Corctoriat Coordinates (119,2,4) Ayrton) Lena Comniden A 3-D body (ie. Cube) “4 OF dimenyion dx, dy aud dz. /_/| 7 Nou cepply » Energy bollauce On Carit Volume. 5? | Cte g Ly Md x a “el —* 4 3 + (talrsal=(ntem) Here, Loop ak Werkitis of teat = _- aT) 2 > = k dg.dz.( aT) 5 dy = -k rede (aT tz = -k dudy.( dt) Dandy = cK di.de (40) — (2 (kan).dx) dade IX, mw Ginaiteseby 2? doiag = ~k an de (at) - [$5 ("5} 12]: eae > Yaige =k andy (21) - [ 5 (H) 4?) ore alg Scanned with CamScanner =) Heat CGenwration J. = Z (Ax ds dz) > dE = Change fateunal = mer AT 2G8Oxd9 dz). T Crrrgy Now put all the Yaukibies tute the Crurgy balance, “Oo fkK kor + kat) 4 d= SG dT x a) * sa ( #2) dt Th Sk’ bb Courtaut = Pr oT, &€- 4,97) Svolek > — + a = sa 3 K “a at “AN 7 = + oT - i > VT +h = I} SD cqatin, Special Cones: IY Steady tate ith feat qenvration ak Ateady atat. IT z0 sus 15 Called “TOLBOn equation” 2) Undeady Hate crith We treat geunublon CE=0) ar Fourter's Cquation Vt = = x3 2) Sheacdly tate Oued no treat gewration daplace equation Scanned with CamScanner S-) heat Conduction Cquction in Cylindrical Coordinate C ¥, ze) Kye ot ¥ ef + sate [YH] + sh [FX TE = Cp aT ‘ * 2 => Tek’ is Constat, ~ Ty dT, aeT, 27 Ye 24 ar Vw vy ye DO ae ky ot Scanned with CamScanner es Coordinate €¥, 6,0), 3-D beak equation © ng IT a SLE eae alS I) tye ] +7 = Sep aT For 1-D, a) * aT P — Sp aT 4.2 [kr aT + ¢ e at Scanned with CamScanner

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