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Reinforced Concrete

Reinforced Concrete

Fundamentals and Practical



Sayed Mahmoud
Reinforced Concrete Design: Fundamentals and Practical Examples

By Sayed Mahmoud

This book first published 2023

Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Lady Stephenson Library, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 2PA, UK

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

Copyright © 2023 by Sayed Mahmoud

All rights for this book reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without
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ISBN (10): 1-5275-3216-X

ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-3216-8

List of Figures xiv

List of Tables xxvi

Preface xxviii

Chapter One 1
RC Materials
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Advantages and disadvantages of RC
1.2.1 Advantages
1.2.2 Disadvantages
1.3 Mechanical properties of concrete
1.3.1 Compressive strength
1.3.2 Tensile strength The splitting tensile strength test The flexural strength test
1.3.3 Modulus of elasticity
1.3.4 Shear modulus of concrete
1.4 Mechanical properties of steel
1.4.1 Rebar sizes
1.4.2 Rebar grades
1.4.3 Types of steel
1.4.4 Steel bar marking system
1.4.5 Modulus of elasticity
1.5 Examples
1.6 Problems

Chapter Two 22
Structural Loads
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Load pattern
2.3 Load cases
2.4 Load combinations
2.5 Load factors
vi Table of Contents

2.6 Tributary area

2.7 Influence area
2.8 Dead loads
2.9 Live loads
2.9.1 Reduction in live loads
2.9.2 Reduction in roof live loads
2.10 Examples
2.11 Problems

Chapter Three 42
Architectural vs Structural Drawings
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Structural elements
3.2.1 Slabs
3.2.2 Beams
3.2.3 Columns
3.2.4 Shear Walls
3.2.5 Foundations
3.3 Rules of transferring architectural plans into structural ones
3.3.1 Columns
3.3.2 Beams
3.3.3 Slabs
3.4 Examples

Chapter Four 70
Load Distribution and Load Calculation
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Load Distribution
4.2.1 One-way load distribution
4.2.2 Two-way load distribution
4.2.3 Slabs with complex geometry
4.3 Load Calculation
4.3.1 Own weight of structural element Weight of a slab Weight of a beam Weight of a wall
4.3.2 Transferred loads from slabs to beams One-way slabs Two-way slabs Equivalent UDLs for a triangular slab load Equivalent UDLs for a trapezium slab load
Reinforced Concrete Design: Fundamentals and Practical Examples vii Conditions for applicability Simplified approach
4.4 Structural loads on beams
4.4.1 Dead loads on beams
4.4.2 Live loads on beams
4.5 Examples
4.6 Problems

Chapter Five 119

Structural Analysis
5.1 Introduction
5.2 ACI simplified method
5.3 Illustration diagrams for bending
5.4 Illustration diagrams for shearing forces

Chapter Six 127

Flexural Behavior
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Flexural behavior of a plain concrete beam
6.2.1 Examples
6.3 Flexural behavior of an RC beam
6.3.1 Elastic uncracked stage Examples
6.3.2 Elastic cracked stage Examples
6.3.3 Inelastic cracked stage
6.3.4 Ultimate cracked stage Examples
6.4 Problems

Chapter Seven 161

Design for Flexure
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Strength design method.
7.3 Design strength versus required strength
7.4 Nominal moment of an RC rectangular section
7.4.1 Equivalent stress distribution
7.4.2 Examples
7.5 Effective depth
7.6 Minimum concrete cover
7.7 Strain in steel
viii Table of Contents

7.8 Strength reduction factors (𝛟𝛟)

7.9 Modes of failure
7.9.1 Examples
7.10 Design procedures for 𝑨𝑨𝒔𝒔
7.10.1 Procedure 1
7.10.2 Procedure 2
7.10.3 Examples
7.11 The relationship between 𝛒𝛒, and 𝛆𝛆𝒔𝒔
7.12 Types of design
7.12.1 Balanced design
7.12.2 Under-reinforced design
7.12.3 Over-reinforced design
7.12.4 Examples
7.13 Steel ratios in an RC section
7.13.1 Minimum steel rRatio 𝝆𝝆𝒎𝒎𝒎𝒎𝒎𝒎
7.13.2 Balanced steel ratio 𝝆𝝆𝒃𝒃
7.13.3 Maximum steel ratio 𝝆𝝆𝒎𝒎𝒎𝒎𝒎𝒎
7.13.4 Examples
7.14 A beam’s cross-section dimensions
7.14.1 Minimum thickness
7.14.2 Minimum Width
7.15 Beam cross-section reinforcement
7.15.1 Stirrups
7.15.2 Secondary steel
7.15.3 Main steel 𝐀𝐀𝒔𝒔 .
7.15.4 Skin reinforcement
7.15.5 Bundled bars
7.15.6 Examples
7.16 Analysis and design
7.16.1 Design of a singly RC rectangular beam for
flexure Procedure 1 Procedure 2
7.16.2 Analysis of a singly RC rectangular beam for
flexure Procedure 1 Procedure 2
7.17 Examples
7.18 Problems
Reinforced Concrete Design: Fundamentals and Practical Examples ix

Chapter Eight 237

Analysis and Design of Flanged Sections
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Effective flange width
8.3 Simplified flexural analysis of flanged-beams
8.3.1 Case 1
8.3.2 Case 2
8.4 Steps in designing a singly reinforced flanged beam for
8.4.1 Procedure 1
8.4.2 Procedure 2
8.5 Examples

Chapter Nine 278

Doubly Reinforced Section
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Nominal moment capacity, 𝑴𝑴𝒏𝒏 , of doubly reinforced section
9.3 Analysis of doubly RC sections
9.3.1 Case 1
9.3.2 Case 2 Neglecting concrete displaced by
compression steel Considering concrete displaced by
compression steel
9.4 Design of doubly RC sections
9.5 Examples
9.6 Problems

Chapter Ten 302

Designing for Shear
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Types of cracks
10.3 Principal stresses
10.4 Shear strength
10.4.1 Nominal shear strength by concrete, 𝑽𝑽𝒄𝒄 Axially loaded members with
minimum shear reinforcement Members with negligible axial load
and minimum shear reinforcement Axially loaded members with shear
reinforcement less than minimum
x Table of Contents

10.4.2 Nominal shear strength by stirrups, 𝑽𝑽𝒔𝒔

10.4.3 Maximum shear capacity by stirrups, 𝑽𝑽𝒔𝒔,𝒎𝒎𝒎𝒎𝒎𝒎
10.5 Critical section for shear design
10.6 Design for shear (stirrup reinforcement)
10.6.1 Case 1
10.6.2 Case 2
10.6.3 Case 3
10.7 Step-by-step procedure for performing shear design
10.8 Examples
10.9 Problems

Chapter Eleven 336

One-Way Solid Slabs
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Condition for one-way solid slabs
11.3 Analysis of one-way solid slabs
11.3.1 Load calculations
11.3.2 The thickness of the slab (𝒕𝒕𝒔𝒔 )
11.3.3 Minimum slab concrete cover (𝐜𝐜)
11.4 The design of one-way solid slab reinforcement
11.4.1 Main reinforcement (𝑨𝑨𝒔𝒔 )
11.4.2 Shrinkage and temperature reinforcement
11.4.3 Minimum reinforcement ratio (𝝆𝝆𝒎𝒎𝒎𝒎𝒎𝒎 )
11.4.4 Reinforcement spacing (𝑺𝑺) Main reinforcement Shrinkage and temperature
11.4.5 Shear reinforcement
11.5 Examples
11.6 Problems

Chapter Twelve 369

Short Columns
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Tied and spiral columns
12.3 Failure of tied and spiral columns
12.4 Short and long columns
12.5 Short columns
12.5.1 Axially loaded short Columns
12.5.2 Reinforcement Details
12.5.3 Limits for main reinforcement
Reinforced Concrete Design: Fundamentals and Practical Examples xi

12.5.4 Lateral ties or spirals

12.5.5 Examples
12.6 Uniaxial loaded short Columns
12.6.1 The analysis of sections with compression
failure Section of case 1 Section of case 2
12.6.2 The analysis of sections with balanced failure Section of case 3
12.6.3 The analysis of sections with tension failure Section of case 4
12.6.4 Examples
12.7 The interaction diagram
12.7.1 Section of Point (I)
12.7.2 Section of Point (II)
12.7.3 Section of Point (III)
12.7.4 Section of Point (IV)
12.7.5 Section of Point (V)
12.7.6 Section of Point (VI)
12.7.7 Examples
12.8 Design using interaction diagram
12.8.1 Reinforcement of a given column section
12.8.2 Steps of steel design of tied sections using IDs
12.8.3 Steps of steel design of circular sections using
12.8.4 Examples
12.9 Problems

Chapter Thirteen 458

Bond, Development and Splices
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Bond stresses
13.3 Mechanism of bond transfer
13.4 Bond failure
13.5 Relationship between development length and bond stress
13.6 Development length for bars in tension
13.7 Simplified formula for development length for bars in
13.8 Development length for bundled bars
13.9 Examples
13.10 Hooks development length
xii Table of Contents

13.10.1 Examples
13.11 Development length for bars in compression
13.11.1 Examples
13.12 Development of positive moment reinforcements
13.12.1 Continuing bars At supports At zero moment locations
13.12.2 Cut-off bars
13.13 Development of negative moment reinforcements
13.13.1 Continuing bars
13.13.2 Cut-off bars
13.14 Lap splice
13.14.1 Tension splices Examples
13.14.2 Compression splices Examples
13.15 Examples
13.16 Problems

Chapter Fourteen 523

14.1 Introduction
14.2 Deflection control
14.3 Gross, cracked and effective moments of inertia
14.3.1 Gross moment of inertia, 𝐼𝐼𝑔𝑔 .
14.3.2 Crack moment of inertia, 𝑰𝑰𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄 . 𝐈𝐈𝐜𝐜𝐜𝐜 considering only 𝐀𝐀𝐬𝐬 . Icr considering both As and 𝐴𝐴′𝑠𝑠 .
14.3.3 Effective moment of inertia, 𝑰𝑰𝒆𝒆 .
14.4 Short-term deflection
14.5 Long-term deflection
14.6 Calculation procedures for various deflection values
14.6.1 Short-term deflection
14.6.2 Long-term deflection
14.6.3 Total deflection
14.7 Deflection limits and control
14.8 Examples
14.9 Problems
Reinforced Concrete Design: Fundamentals and Practical Examples xiii

Chapter Fifteen 568

Working Stress Design Method
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Singly reinforced sections
15.2.1 Neutral axis depth ratio 𝑘𝑘
15.2.2 Reinforcement ratio 𝝆𝝆
15.2.3 Internal moment 𝐌𝐌𝐫𝐫
15.2.4 Effective depth of the section 𝐝𝐝
15.2.5 Reinforcement steel 𝐀𝐀𝒔𝒔
15.3 Types of singly reinforced Sections
15.3.1 Balanced sections
15.3.2 Over-reinforced sections
15.3.3 Under-reinforced sections
15.3.4 Examples
15.4 Problems

Appendices 580


1.1 Typical stress–strain curves of concrete.

1.2. Cylinder splitting test
1.3. Flexural strength test
1.4. A typical stress–strain curve for concrete material
1.5. Steel bar marking system.
1.6. A typical stress–strain curve for mild steel.
1.7. A typical stress–strain curve for high-tensile steel.
1.8. Simply supported plain concrete beam loaded by a concentrated load
1.9. Simply supported plain concrete beam loaded by two concentrated
1.10 Fixed supported steel beam subjected to tensile load.
1.11. Fixed supported steel beam after elongation under the applied tensile

2.1. Tributary area of interior, edge, and corner columns

2.2. Influence area of interior, edge, and corner columns
2.3. Slope of an inclined roof
2.4. Structural plan of a 10-story residential building
2.5. Tributary area (hatched) of the considered columns
2.6. Structural plan of a 3-story residential building

3.1. Architectural view.

3.2. Structural view.
3.3. Main structural elements
3.4. 3D view showing secondary beams resting on main beams.
3.5. 3D view showing load transfer through structural elements.
3.6. Architectural view of a small residential building and the
corresponding structural view.
3.7. (a) Variation of stresses under a footing with depth as a bulb shape;
(b) overlapping between stresses under foundations as the separation
distance decreases and are close.
3.8. Distance between columns represents beam length 𝐿𝐿.
3.9. Direction of columns with respect to walls
3.10. Column in between two openings as suggested by the architecture.
Reinforced Concrete Design: Fundamentals and Practical Examples xv

3.11. Column dimensions (a) contradict with the window opening

(b)adjusted to fit the window opening
3.12. Disconnected and planted columns at story levels above the
3.13. Configuration of a building to show the arrangement of beams below
the walls.
3.14. Use of a beam to allow the smooth transition between two different
levels in a floor’s slab.
3.15. Beams at floor and mid-floor levels to carry stair loads.
3.16. Beams rested on columns and/or other beams.
3.17. Different configurations showing variations in the height and depth
of secondary beams.
3.18. Slab with inverted beams.
3.19. A drop in the slabs to allow the installation of isolation drainage and
isolation systems as it appears in (a) architectural, (b) structural, and
(c) section view.
3.20. Architectural and the corresponding structural plan views of
Example 1.
3.22. Architectural and the corresponding structural plan views of
Example 2.
3.23. Architectural plan view of Example 3.
3.24. Structural plan view of Example 3.
3.25. Architectural plan view of Example 4.
3.26. Structural plan view of Example 4.
3.27. Architectural and structural views of Example 5..
3.28. Architectural plan view of Example 6.
3.29. Structural plan view of Example 6.
3.30. Architectural plan view of Example 7.
3.31. Structural plan view as a solid slab system of Example 7.
3.32. Structural plan view as solid slab and flat plate systems of Example
3.32. Structural plan view as solid and ribbed slab systems of Example 7.

4.1. Schematic representation of one-way slabs and load distribution on

supporting beams.
4.2. Schematic representation of two-way slabs and load distribution on
supporting beams
4.3. Schematic representation of a unit area of slab and flooring
4.4. Schematic representation of a unit length of a beam.
4.5. Schematic representation of a unit length of a wall.
4.6. Rectangular segment area of slabs of intensity, 𝑤𝑤𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 or 𝑤𝑤𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙 .
xvi List of Figures

4.7. Rectangular segment area of slabs of intensity, 𝑤𝑤, transferred to

equivalent UDL of intensity, 𝑤𝑤𝑒𝑒 .
4.8. Trapezoidal and triangular segments of slabs of intensity 𝑤𝑤𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 or 𝑤𝑤𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙 .
4.9. Triangular segment area of slabs of intensity, 𝑤𝑤𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 or 𝑤𝑤𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙 transferred
to equivalent UDL of intensity, 𝑤𝑤𝑒𝑒 .
4.10. Trapezium segment area of slabs of intensity, 𝑤𝑤𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 or 𝑤𝑤𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙 transferred
to equivalent UDL of intensity, 𝑤𝑤𝑒𝑒 .
4.11. Illustrative cases for transferred slab portions that do not satisfy the
4.12. Structural plan of Example 1.
4.13. Load distribution of structural plan of Example 1.
4.14. Structural plan of Example 2.
4.15. Load distribution of roof plan of Example 2.
4.16. Structural plan of Example 3.
4.17. Load distribution of Example 3.
4.18. Structural plan of Example 4.
4.19. Load distribution of Example 4.
4.20. Structural plan of Example 5.
4.21. Load distribution of Example 5.
4.22. Structural plan of Example 6.
4.23. Load distribution of Example 6.

5.1. Locations and conditions of supports and spans of continuous beams

and one-way solid slabs.
5. 2. Discontinuous ends in the case of (a) a column as an exterior support
and (b) a beam as an exterior support.

6.1. A simply supported plain concrete beam carries uniformly distributed

low loads. The corresponding strain and stress along the beam cross-
section at the linear elastic uncracked stage are shown.
6.2. A beam of a simple span of Example 3
6.3. Cantilever beam of Example 4
6.4. Stress-strain curve showing elastic and inelastic stages for concrete
6.5. A simply supported RC beam carries uniformly distributed low loads.
The corresponding strain and stress along the beam cross-section at
the linear elastic uncracked stage are shown.
6.6. Transformed beam section at the linear elastic uncracked stage.
6.7. A simply supported RC beam carries uniformly distributed low loads.
The corresponding strain and stress along the beam cross-section at
the linear elastic cracked stage are shown.
Reinforced Concrete Design: Fundamentals and Practical Examples xvii

6.8. Transformed beam section at linear elastic cracked stage.

6.9. A simply supported RC beam with increased loads. The
corresponding strain and stress along the beam cross-section at
nonlinear inelastic cracked stage are shown.
6.10. A simply supported RC beam with increased loads. The
corresponding strain and stress along the beam cross-section at failure
stage are shown.

7.1. Schematic representation of strain and actual stress distributions of a

singly RC section subjected to an ultimate moment at the failure
7.2. Strain and actual stress distributions with developed internal forces of
a singly RC section subjected to an ultimate moment at the failure
7.3. Schematic representation of strain, actual stress, and equivalent stress
distributions of a singly RC section subjected to an ultimate moment
at the failure stage
7.4. Strain, actual stress, and equivalent stress distributions with developed
internal forces of a singly RC section subjected to an ultimate moment
at the failure stage.
7.5. Variations of effective depth, 𝑑𝑑, with steel layers in beams
7.6. Variation of ε𝑠𝑠 and ε𝑡𝑡 with the distribution of steel bars in one row
7.7. Variation of ε𝑠𝑠 and ε𝑡𝑡 with the distribution of steel bars in two rows
7.8. Variation of ε𝑠𝑠 and ε𝑡𝑡 with the distribution of steel bars in three rows
7.9. Variation of ϕ with net tensile strain in extreme tension reinforcement,
7.10. Variation of ϕ with net tensile strain in extreme tension
reinforcement, ε𝑡𝑡 , for steel of Grade 420, i.e., f𝑦𝑦 = 420 𝑁𝑁/𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚2 .
7.11. Schematic representation of the loaded simply supported beam of
Example 1.
7.12. Schematic representation of the loaded slab of Example 2.
7.13. Schematic representation of the RC rectangular section of Example
7.14. Coefficient of nominal resistance, 𝑅𝑅𝑛𝑛 , against ratio of steel, ρ, in
section for different values of fc′ and 𝑓𝑓𝑦𝑦 = 420 𝑁𝑁/𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚2 .
7.15. Strain of steel bars distributed in one-row.
7.16. Balanced strain condition for a singly reinforced section
7.17. Over-reinforced strain condition for a singly reinforced section
7.18. Details of RC beam sections with one- and two-layers of steel bars
7.19. Stirrups of rectangular shape
7.20. Location of secondary steel
xviii List of Figures

7.21 Arrangement of steel bars in more than one-layer

7.22. Distribution of steel bars at each corner of the tension side of the
beam cross-section
7.23. Skin reinforcement for beams with ℎ > 900 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚
7.24. Different configurations of bundled bars in one and two layers.
7.25. Equivalent diameter of bundled bars in in a 2-bar, 3-bar, or 3-bar

8.1. Three-dimensional schematic representation of intermediate and

marginal flanged beams.
8.2. Schematic representation of T- and L-beams.
8.3. Compressive stress distribution (a) over a relatively wide flange and
(b) assumed uniform stress over a simplified equivalent flange with
reduced width.
8.4. Strain and stress distributions and internal compression and tension
forces of a flanged section subjected to an ultimate moment at the
failure stage for (a) 𝑎𝑎 < 𝑡𝑡𝑠𝑠 and (b) 𝑎𝑎 = 𝑡𝑡𝑠𝑠
8.5. Strain and stress distributions and internal compression and tension
forces of a flanged section subjected to an ultimate moment at the
failure stage for 𝑎𝑎 > 𝑡𝑡𝑠𝑠 .
8.6. Stress and strain distributions and internal forces of the section in
Example 1
8.7. Stress and strain distributions and internal forces of the section in
Example 2
8.8. Stress and strain distributions and internal forces of the section in
Example 3
8.9. Stress and strain distributions and internal forces of the section in
Example 4
8.10. Stress and strain distributions and internal forces of the section in
Example 5
8.11. Stress and strain distributions and internal forces of the section in
Example 6
8.12. Schematic representation of Example 7
8.13. Stress and strain distributions and internal forces of the L-section in
Example 7
8.14. Stress and strain distributions and internal forces of the T-section in
Example 7.
8.15. Structural plan of Example 8
8.16. Stress and strain distributions and internal forces of the R-section in
Example 8
Reinforced Concrete Design: Fundamentals and Practical Examples xix

8.17. Stress and strain distributions and internal forces of the L-section in
Example 8
8.18. Structural plan of Example 9
8.19. Stress and strain distributions and internal forces of the R-section in
Example 9
8.20. Stress and strain distributions and internal forces of the T-section in
Example 9.

9.1. A doubly reinforced section divided into two parts

9.2. A doubly reinforced section with yielded tension and compression
steel reinforcements
9.3. An RC section with a portion of tension steel reinforcements
As1 = Asmax
9.4. An RC section with a portion of tension steel reinforcements, As2 ,
equivalent to compression reinforcement, Asc
9.5. A doubly reinforced section with only yielded tension steel
9.6. Stress and strain distributions and internal forces of the doubly RC
section in Example 1.
9.7. Stress and strain distributions and internal forces of the doubly RC
section in Example 2.
9.8. Stress and strain distributions and internal forces of the doubly RC
section in Example 3.
9.9. Stress and strain distributions and internal forces of the doubly RC
section in Example 4.
9.10. Stress and strain distributions and internal forces of the doubly RC
section in Example 5.
9.11. Stress and strain distributions and internal forces of the doubly RC
section in Example 6.

10.1. Crack formation in a loaded RC beam

10.2. Stresses in a given coordinate system and the corresponding
principal stresses
10.3. Shear and moment distribution of a uniformly loaded beam
10.4. Bending and shear stresses due to flexural M and shear V at a
specified section.
10. 5. Normal and shear stresses at selected elements a, b and c
10. 6. Principal stresses (diagonal tension) at selected elements a, b and c
10.7. Components of shear strengths resisted (a) by concrete 𝑉𝑉𝑐𝑐 and (b)
stirrups 𝑉𝑉𝑠𝑠
10.8. Types of stirrups
xx List of Figures

10.9. Location of critical section for shear design.

10.10. Schematic representation for shear reinforcement requirements.
10.11. Uniformly loaded simply supported beam with span L.

11.1. Solid slab systems as (a) a one-way supported by two beams, (b) a
one-way supported by four-beams and, (c) a two-way.
11.2. Two-way slabs as (a) a flat plate system and, (b) a flat slab system
11.3. Hollow block slabs as (a) one-way and, (b) two-way slabs
11.4. Deflection of a simply supported one-way slab.
11.5. Strips of single- and multiple-spans of one-way solid slabs.
11.6. Thickness calculation of one-way slabs according to deflection
requirements for different support conditions.
11.7. Top and bottom slab concrete cover.
11.8. Strip of 1.0 m width showing total thickness, 𝑡𝑡𝑠𝑠 , effective depth, 𝑑𝑑𝑠𝑠 ,
main steel, 𝐴𝐴𝑠𝑠 , and secondary steel.
11.9. Schematic representation of the one-way solid slab in Example 1.
11.10. Reinforcement details of the designed one-way solid slab in
Example 2
11.11. Schematic representation of the one-way solid slab in Example 3.
Fig. 11.12. Reinforcement details of the designed one-way solid slab in
Example 3.
11.13. Schematic representation of the one-way solid slab in Example 4.
11.14. Reinforcement details of the designed one-way solid slab in
Example 4.
11.15. Schematic representation of one-way solid slab in Example 5.
11.16. Design strips, applied ultimate load and design moments of the one-
way solid slab in Example 5.
11.17. Reinforcement details of the designed one-way solid slab in
Example 5 in the elevation view.
11.18. Reinforcement details of the designed one-way solid slab in
Example 5 in the plan view.

12.1. Configurations of (a) tied columns and (b) spiral columns.

12.2. Load-deformation capacity of (a) tied columns and (b) spiral
12.3. The sign of (a) single curvature and (b) double curvature of
structural elements
12.4. Material and stability failures
12.5. An axially loaded short column
12.6. Clear spacing between longitudinal bars.
12.7. Arrangements of enclosing ties based on the provided bar spacing.
Reinforced Concrete Design: Fundamentals and Practical Examples xxi

12.8. Closed loop stirrups of a 135° hook and 90° hook.

12.9. Vertical spacing for (a) tied columns, 𝑆𝑆𝑣𝑣 , (b) for spiral columns, 𝑆𝑆𝑝𝑝
and (c) diameters of circular columns.
12.10. Reinforcement details of Example 1
12.11. Reinforcement details of Example 2 part (i)
12.12. Reinforcement details of Example 2 part (ii)
12.13. Reinforcement details of Example 3.
12.14. Reinforcement details of Example 4
12.15. Strain distributions of the eccentrically loaded column
(compression controlled).
12.16. Strain distributions of the eccentrically loaded column (balanced
12.17. Strain distributions of the eccentrically loaded column (tension
12.18. Stress and strain distributions of the eccentrically loaded column
(compression-controlled Case 1).
12.19. The equilibrium of moments of Case 1.
12.20. Stress and strain distributions of the eccentrically loaded column
(compression-controlled Case 2).
12.21. The equilibrium of moments of Case 2.

12.22. Stress and strain distributions of the eccentrically loaded column

(balanced failure Case 3).
12.23. The equilibrium of moments of Case 3.
12.24. Stress and strain distributions of the eccentrically loaded column
(tension failure of Case 4).
12.25. The equilibrium of moments of Case 4.
12.26. Stress and strain distributions of the eccentrically loaded column in
Example 1
12.27. Stress and strain distributions of an eccentrically loaded column in
Example 2.
12.28. Stress and strain distributions of the eccentrically loaded column in
Example 3.
12.29. Stress and strain distributions of the eccentrically loaded column in
Example 4.
12.30. Stress and strain distributions of the eccentrically loaded column in
Example 5.
12.31. Stress and strain distributions of the eccentrically loaded column in
Example 6.
12.32. Schematic representation of Example 7.
xxii List of Figures

12.33. Stress and strain distributions of the eccentrically loaded column in

Example 7.
12.34. The schematic representation of an interaction diagram with
common points to construct.
12.35. Stress and strain distributions of the section of Point I.
12.36. Stress and strain distributions of the section of Point II.
12.37. Stress and strain distributions of the section of Point III.
12.38. Stress and strain distributions of the section of Point IV.
12.39. Stress and strain distributions of the section of Point V.
12.40. Stress and strain distributions of the section of Point VI.
12.41. Schematic representation of interaction diagram of Example 1.
12.42. Stress and strain distributions at Point III.
12.43. Schematic representation of interaction diagram of Example I1.
12.44. The schematic representation of an interaction diagram with the
main regions of failure.
12.45. Schematic representation of the distances ℎ and ℎ′ in the direction
of the applied moment.
12.46. Schematic representation of assigning a percentage of steel 𝜌𝜌.
12.47. Schematic representation of reinforcement details of Example 1.
12.48. Schematic representation of reinforcement details of Example 2.
12.49. Schematic representation of reinforcement details of Example 3.
12.50. Schematic representation of reinforcement details of Example 4.

13.1. Bar slip against bond stress for plain and deformed bars
13.2. Internal forces in a beam and forces on reinforcing bar.
13.3. Bond forces (a) adhesion and frictional forces (b) bearing forces on
reinforcement bars, and (c) bearing forces acting on concrete.
13.4. Radial and tangential forces distribution
13.5. (a) Splitting bond failure due to radial stresses (b) pullout bond
failure due to tangential stresses.
13.6. (a) The bottom cover is greater than the side cover and half bar
spacing (b) the half bar spacing is greater than the side and bottom
covers (c) the bottom cover is smaller than the side cover and half bar
13.7. The development length of reinforcement bars on concrete
13.8. Values of ψt for the two different locations of reinforcement bars.
13.9. Schematic representation of (a) clear spacing and clear covers; and
(b) centered spacing and centered covers
13.10. Transverse reinforcement Atr
Reinforced Concrete Design: Fundamentals and Practical Examples xxiii

13.11. (a) Clear spacings and covers of at least ϕb and provided stirrups
satisfying the code minimum (b) clear spacings and covers of at least
13.12. Equivalent diameter, ϕeq , for 2-bar, 3-bar, and 4-bar bundles and
spacings and covers of a 3-bar bundle
13.13. Schematic representation of Example 1.
13.14. Calculated development length of Example 1.
13.15. Schematic representation of hooked steel bars.
13.16. Schematic representation of Example 3.
13.17. Steel bars of standard hooks with 90° or 180° bends and tail
extensions after the bend.
13.18. Stirrups, ties, and hoops of standard hooks with 135°, 180° or 90°
13.19. Confinement reinforcement is placed (a) parallel to the bar being
developed (b) perpendicular to the bar being developed.
13.20. Bars being developed by a standard hook at discontinuous ends of
members with both side and top covers to hook less than 65 mm.
13.21. Schematic representation of Example 4.
13.22. Calculated development length of Example 4.
13.23. Schematic representation of Example 5.
13.24. Calculated development length of Example 5.
13.25. Critical sections for the development of steel bars
13.26. Embedment length of continuing bars beyond the theoretical point
of the cutoff of the terminated bars
13.27. Minimum tension reinforcement and length required to be
extended into (a) discontinuous support (b) continuous support.
13.28. Continuing bars developing requirements at end supports
13.29. Continuing bars developing requirements at inflection points.
13.30. Positive reinforcements cutoff requirements.
13.31. Negative reinforcements cutoff requirements.
13.32. Transfer of stresses in a tension splice
13.33. Classes of lap splices in tension
13.34. Allowable spacing between adjacent two bars in a splice
13.35. Schematic representation of continuous beam reinforced by
9 Ø 18.
13.36. Schematic representation of splicing two bars at supports and the
remaining two bars are spliced at specified location from zero
13.37. Schematic representation of column with tensioned bars.
13.38. Schematic representation of column with bars in compression.
13.39. Schematic representation of the RC slab of two equal spans of
Example 1.
xxiv List of Figures

13.40. Schematic representation of Example 2

13.41. Schematic representation of Example 3.
13.42. Calculated development lengths of Example 3.
13.43. Schematic representation of Example 4.
13.44. Schematic representation of Example 5.
13.45. Schematic representation of Example 6.
13.46. Bending moments and the corresponding shearing forces for (a)
case of maximum positive moment (b) case of maximum negative
13.47. Schematic representation of continuing and cutoff of positive and
negative reinforcements of Example 6.

14.1. Transformed beam section at the linear elastic uncracked stage.

14.2. Transformed beam section at the linear elastic cracked stage.
14.3. Transformed beam section with compression steel at the linear
elastic cracked stage.
14.4. A simply supported beam of rectangular cross-section
14.5. Multipliers for time-dependent deflections.
14.6. Schematic representation of the simply supported beam of Example
14.7. Schematic representation of the beam’ cross-sections of Example 2.
14.8. Schematic representation of the cantilever beam of Example 3.
14.9. Schematic representation of the simply supported beam of Example
14.10. Schematic representation of the continuous three-span RC beam
and the corresponding moment diagram under full dead and live loads
of Example 5.
14.11. Longitudinal and cross-sections showing concrete dimensions and
reinforcement details of the continuous three-span RC beam of
Example 5.
14.12. Schematic representation of M0 and M1 for the continuous three-
span RC beam of Example 5.
14.13. Structural members of (a) both-end continuous and (b) one-end

15.1. Schematic representation of strain and actual stress distributions of a

singly reinforced section subjected to a working load.
15.2. Strain and actual stress distributions with developed internal forces
of a singly reinforced section subjected to a working load.
15.3. Balanced strain condition for a singly reinforced section to a working
Reinforced Concrete Design: Fundamentals and Practical Examples xxv

15.4. Over-reinforced strain condition for a singly reinforced section to a

working load
15.5. Under-reinforced strain condition for a singly reinforced section to a
working load
15.6. Stress and strain distributions for a singly reinforced section in
Example 1
15.7. Stress and strain distributions for a singly reinforced section in
Example 2
15.8. Stress and strain distributions for the designed over-reinforced
section in Example 2.

1.1. Bar sizes and the corresponding nominal diameters

1.2. Rebar grades and corresponding minimum yield strength
1.3. Steel mark and reinforcing bar grades

2.1. Load combinations for for designing structures using strength design
2.2. Minimum uniformly distributed live loads
2.3. Live load element factor 𝐾𝐾𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿

5.1: Provided approximate moments by ACI-318-19

5.2: Provided approximate shear forces by ACI-318-19
5.3. Approximate moment values for continuous beams and one-way solid
slabs with discontinuous end unrestrained
5.4. Approximate moment values for continuous beams and one-way solid
slabs with discontinuous end integral with support
5.5. Approximate moment values for continuous beams of specified
stiffness ratio and one-way solid slabs of limited spans following ACI
318-19 requirements
5.6. Approximate shear force values for continuous beams and one-way
solid slabs following ACI 318-19 requirements

7.1. Minimum concrete cover of non-prestressed concrete members

7.2. ϕ-values versus strength conditions
7.3. Minimum ratios of steel, ρ𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 , for different values of fy and fc′
7.4. Balanced ratios of steel, 𝜌𝜌b , for different values of fy and fc′
7.5. Maximum ratios of steel, ρ𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 , for different values of fy and fc′
7.6. Minimum thickness of non-prestressed beams

9.1. Maximum coefficient of nominal resistance, 𝑅𝑅𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛 , for different

values of fy and fc′

10.1. Commonly used diameters and corresponding steel areas of one

Reinforced Concrete Design: Fundamentals and Practical Examples xxvii

11.1. Minimum thickness of one-way slabs

11.2. Minimum concrete cover of non-prestressed slabs
11.3. Relation between yield strength fy and shrinkage reinforcement ratio

13.1. Lap splice length for columns of tensioned steel bars

14.1. Maximum immediate deflection formulas for simply supported,

cantilever, and fixed beams to specific loads.
14.2. Time-dependent factors for sustained loads
14.3. Minimum depth of non-prestressed beams
14.4. Minimum thickness of solid non-prestressed one-way slabs
14.5. Minimum thickness of non-prestressed two-way slabs with beams
spanning between supports on all edges.
14.6. Minimum thickness of non-prestressed two-way slabs without
interior beams (mm).
14.7. Minimum thickness of non-prestressed two-way slabs without
interior beams (mm).

The primary objective of this book is to present subject matter related

to the analysis and design of reinforced concrete (RC) structures. The book
provides the fundamentals of designing different structural elements
subjected to flexure, shear, and axial loads. The book also presents the
elements’ reinforcement details in a simple way with the aid of practical
examples and two- and three-dimensional figures.
The main goal of a structural designer is to achieve design safety and
economy. Although design codes are adopted to provide structural engineers
with the necessary requirements to minimize the occurrence of failure, it is
necessary for structural designers to thoroughly understand the fundamentals
of RC design along with the provisions to achieve a safe and economical
design. For this purpose, familiarity with both design skills and codified
procedures for RC elements is essential to establish a solid understanding of
structural elements’ design fundamentals and develop a professional design
practice. The Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-
19) was utilized in the design procedures. The book addresses the design
fundamentals of individual structural elements, including horizontal elements
such as beams and slabs and vertical elements such as columns, that are
exposed to flexure, shear, and axial forces. The book is intended for use by
undergraduate civil and architectural engineering students studying RC
design courses. Moreover, fresh graduates and practicing engineers who are
interested in structural design are also targeted.
The book includes a unique chapter, which works as a guide for
converting architectural drawings to structural ones. This is a fundamental
step to the success of distributing and calculating the loads acting on
different elements. Several examples of real architectural drawings are used
to clearly demonstrate the conversion process and to emphasize some of the
issues raised. One of the strengths of the book is the inclusion of a chapter
devoted to load distribution and calculations, clarifying the transfer of
gravity loads from slabs to supporting beams for design. The book contains
abundant two- and three-dimensional figures to simplify problem
explanation and analysis procedures. In addition, several practical real-life
examples are provided to enable the reader to deeply understand the
discussed topic. Another strength of the book is that it provides data sheets
Reinforced Concrete Design: Fundamentals and Practical Examples xxix

in the Appendices that include tables for performing analysis and design and
figures for typical reinforcement details of the designed elements.
Throughout the book, the presented design procedures for structural
elements follow the most updated code requirements. Moreover, they
provide a roadmap enabling students and practicing engineers to create their
own programming codes or to implement any of the available computer
tools to increase the productivity of design practice.
Presented in Chapter 1 are the mechanical properties of the constituent
materials of RC in terms of concrete and steel reinforcing. Minimum design
loads for buildings and other structures following the American Standard
(ASCE-7-16) are summarized in Chapter 2. A guide for converting
architectural drawings to structural ones is presented in Chapter 3.
Understanding load distribution and its transfer throughout different
structural elements is discussed in Chapter 4. Approximate methods for
calculating the bending moment and shear forces are covered in Chapter 5.
General information regarding the analysis and behavior of RC elements
subjected to flexure is provided in Chapter 6. Chapter 7 contains the
analysis and design of singly reinforced rectangular sections. Concepts of
the strength design method, its design assumptions, and the procedures to
calculate the nominal strength of RC elements subjected to flexure are also
presented in Chapter 7. Load factors, load combinations, and strength
reduction factors are also covered. Chapters 8 and 9 respectively present
the analysis and design of flanged and doubly reinforced sections to flexure.
Chapter 10 covers the design and details of the reinforcement of one-way
slabs. The design of RC sections subjected to shear forces is provided in
Chapter 11. The principles and design requirements of RC short columns
are presented in Chapter 12. Additionally, the design of axially loaded
short columns is presented together with the corresponding reinforcement
details. The design assumptions and techniques to determine the nominal
strength of RC short columns subjected to flexure, axial load, or a
combination of them are covered in detail, including the method of creating
Interaction Diagrams of a specific RC column section. Chapter 13 presents
the bonding, development anchorage, and splicing of reinforcing steel bars.
Deflection of structural elements, including the code limits as well as the
methods of calculation for both short- and long-term deflections are
illustrated in Chapter 14 following the requirements of the ACI 318-19.
Chapter 15 explains the use of the working stress design method (allowable
stress design) in designing RC elements that are subjected to flexural.
My sincere thanks to Dr. Hossam El-Sokkary, an Associate Professor at
Ain-Shams University, Egypt, for his insightful suggestions for improvement.
—Prof. Sayed Mahmoud

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