Austenitic Stainless Steels
Austenitic Stainless Steels
Austenitic Stainless Steels
removed routinely. Likewise, 302 gave way to nickel equivalents (manganese, nitrogen, carbon,
the lower-carbon 304, for which the even lower- etc.) must also be added in matching amounts,
carbon 304L is commonly substituted and du- austenite stability is also increased. If molybde-
ally certified to qualify as either grade. While num, a chromium equivalent, is added, corro-
low carbon prevents sensitization, stabilized sion resistance but not oxidation resistance is
grades may still be preferred for special applica- enhanced. And, if nitrogen is the austenite stabi-
tions such as type 321 in aerospace and type lizer added to balance increases chromium or
347 in refinery service. Similar inertia keeps the molybdenum, then corrosion resistance is also
higher-nickel 300 series as the de facto standard increased. With small exceptions, that is the
when the more cost-efficient high-manganese rationale of austenitic grade design. Silicon
200 series is the logical basic grade. The rele- is used as an alloy to promote oxidation resist-
vant types of austenitic alloys can nonetheless ance and resistance to corrosion by oxidizing
be rationalized with this diagram. acids. Copper is used to promote resistance to
As chromium is added, oxidation resistance sulfuric acid. Rare earths make a more stably
and corrosion resistance increase. Because oxidation-resisting scale. Niobium increases
72 / Stainless Steels for Design Engineers
Table 1 Typical compositions of the most commonly used lean austenitic alloys
Alloy Designation C N Cr Ni Mo Mn Si Other Other Other
201 S20100 0.08 0.07 16.3 4.5 0.2 7.1 0.45 0.001 S 0.03 P 0.2 Cu
201 drawing S220100 0.08 0.07 16.9 5.4 0.02 7.1 0.5 0.001 S 0.30 P 0.6 Cu
201LN S20153 0.02 0.13 16.3 4.5 0.2 7.1 0.45 0.001 S 0.03 P 0.5 Cu
301 tensile S30100 0.08 0.4 16.6 6.8 0.2 1.0 0.45 0.001 S 0.03 P 0.3 Cu
301 drawing S30100 0.08 0.04 17.4 7.4 0.02 1.7 0.45 0.007 S 0.03 P 0.6 Cu
303 S30300 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
304 S30400 0.05 0.05 18.3 8.1 0.3 1.8 0.45 0.001 S 0.03 P 0.3 Cu
304 drawing S30400 0.05 0.04 18.4 8.6 0.3 1.8 0.45 0.001 S 0.03 P 0.3 Cu
304 extra drawing S30400 0.06 0.04 18.3 9.1 0.3 1.8 0.45 0.001 S 0.030 P 0.4 Cu
304L tubing S30403 0.02 0.09 18.3 8.1 0.3 1.8 0.45 0.013 S 0.030 P 0.4 Ci
305 S30500 0.05 0.02 18.8 12.1 0.2 0.8 0.60 0.001 S 0.02 P 0.2 Cu
321 S32100 0.05 0.01 17.7 9.1 0.03 1.0 0.45 0.001 S 0.03 P 0.4 Ti
316L S31603 0.02 0.0 16.4 10.5 2.1 1.8 0.50 0.010 S 0.03 P 0.4 Cu
Chapter 6: Austenitic Stainless Steels / 73
deformation is more than offset by greater lo- such as occurs when they are sensitized or when
calized strain hardening. solute segregation occurs, as from welding, then
These grades are best viewed as a continuum the equation applies on a microscopic scale.
with a lower boundary at 16%Cr-6%Ni and an Sensitized zones (i.e., the regions near grain
upper boundary at 19%Cr-12%Ni. This repre- boundaries where chromium carbides have pre-
sents the range from minimum to maximum cipitated) will have a much higher tendency to
austenite stability. Since that is the main distinc- transform to martensite. Figures 3(a) and (b)
tion within this grade family, let us examine its show the changes in phase structure as a func-
basis. tion of composition over ranges that encompass
Martensite and Austenite. Stability. The these alloys.
formation of martensite at room temperature Martensite can be present in two different
may be thermodynamically possible, but the forms. The -form is the bcc magnetic form,
driving force for its formation may be insuffi- while is a nonmagnetic, hcp (hexagonal close-
cient for it to form spontaneously. However, packed) version. The formation of versus is
since martensite forms from unstable austenite related to the stacking fault energy of the alloy,
by a diffusionless shear mechanism, it can occur which is given by (Ref 6):
if that shear is provided mechanically by exter-
nal forces. This happens during deformation, Y300SF (mJ m-2) = Y0SF + 1.59Ni 1.34Mn
and the degree to which it occurs varies with + 0.06Mn2 1.75Cr + 0.01Cr2
composition according to (Ref 4): + 15.21Mo 5.59Si
Md30 (C) = 551 462(%C + %N) 60.69(C + 1.2N)1/2
9.2(%Si) 8.1(%Mn) 13.7(%Cr) + 26.27(C + 1.2N)
29(%Ni + Cu) 18.5(%Mo) (Cr + Mn + Mo)1/2
68(%Nb) 1.42 (GS 8) (Eq 1) + 0.61[Ni(Cr + Mn)]1/2 (Eq 2)
This is the temperature at which 50% of the Epsilon martensite formation is favored in
austenite transforms to martensite with 30% alloys of lower stacking fault energy. The fcc
true strain (Ref 5). It should be noted that even structures deform by slip between (111)
elements that are chromium equivalents in pro- planes. Viewed from these planes, the structure
moting ferrite are austenite stabilizers in that is a series of ABCABC atom arrangements.
they impede martensite formation. This temper- Slip between planes can result in an
ature is the common index of austenite stability. ABCA/CAB structure. This so-called stacking
This regression analysis was generated for ho- fault generates an hcp structure. With lower
mogeneous alloys. If alloys are inhomogeneous, stacking fault energies, these are more readily
Fig. 3 (a) Iron-chromium phase diagram at 8% nickel; (b) iron-nickel phase diagram at 18% chromium
74 / Stainless Steels for Design Engineers
Fig. 4 Variation of martensite formation with temperature and true strain for 304. Source: Ref 7
formed, and predominates. The stacking fault and tensile strength, respectively, are reported
can also be viewed as two partial dislocations (Ref 10) to follow the equations:
with the material between them faulted. These
partial dislocations, when generated in abun- YS( MPa) = 15.4[4.4 + 23(%C) + 32(%N)
dance, cannot readily slip past one another + 0.24(%Cr ) + 0.94(%Mo)
and thus pile up, increasing work-hardening + 1.3(%Si ) + 1.2(%V)
rates. + 0.29(%W ) + 2.6(%Nb)
As in carbon and alloy steels, the martensite
+ 1.7(%Ti ) + 0.82(%Al )
transformation can take place simply by cool-
ing, but in the lean austenitic alloys the temper- + 0.16(%Ferrite )
atures are well below ambient. The more stable + 0.46(d 1/1/ 2 )
(Eq 3)
alloys do not transform even with cryogenic
treatment. Figure 4 shows the variation of TS ( MPa) = 15.4[29 + 35(%C) + 55(%N)
martensite formation with temperature and true
+ 2.4(%Si ) + 0.11((%Ni ) + 1.2(%Mo)
strain for 304. Martensite formed in these alloys
is quite stable and does not revert until heated + 5.0(%Nb) + 3.0(%Ti ) + 1.2(%Al )
well above the temperatures (Fig. 5) at which it + 0.14(%Ferrite ) + 0.82(d 1/ 2 ) (Eq 4)
was formed. The carbon levels of austenitic
stainless steels are always relatively low, so In each case, d is the grain diameter in mil-
strain-induced martensite is self-tempering and limeters.
not brittle. Another researcher (Ref 11) gave the rela-
Martensite has been found to form in unstable tionships as:
austenite due to the electrochemically induced
supersaturation by hydrogen (Ref 9). Under YS ( MPa ) = 120 + 210 N + 0.02 + 2 Mn + 2Cr
conditions of cathodic charging, superficial lay- + 14 Mo + 10 Cu + (6.15 0.054)
ers were found to transform to under condi- + (7 + 35(N + 0.2))d 1/ 2 (Eq 5)
tions of intense hydrostatic compression. Dur-
ing subsequent outgassing, was found to
form due to reversals in the stress state. Marten- TS = 470 + 600( N + 0.2)
site thus formed is, of course, susceptible to + 14 Mo + 1.5 + 8d 1/ 2 (Eq 6)
hydrogen embrittlement.
Mechanical Properties. The tensile proper- Again, d is grain diameter in millimeters, and
ties in the annealed state not surprisingly relate is percent ferrite. The claimed accuracy for
well to composition. The 0.2% yield strength the latter set of equations is 20 MPa and is said
Chapter 6: Austenitic Stainless Steels / 75
material, surpassing the 9% nickel martensitic tion in austenite, and diffusion rates are suffi-
steels in cost, toughness, and, of course, corro- cient for carbon and chromium to segregate into
sion resistance. precipitates. The solubility of carbon in austen-
Precipitation of Carbides and Nitrides. ite is over 0.4% at solidification but decreases
Carbon is normally considered as an undesir- greatly with decreasing temperature. The solu-
able impurity in austenitic stainless steel. While bility is given by (Ref 12):
it stabilizes the austenite structure, it has a great
thermodynamic affinity for chromium. Because 6272
log (C ppm ) = 7771 (Eq 7)
of this affinity, chromium carbides, M23C6, form T (K )
whenever carbon reaches levels of supersatura-
The equilibrium diagram for carbon in a basic
18%Cr10%Ni alloy is shown in Fig. 7. At room
temperature, very little carbon is soluble in
austenite; even the 0.03% of L grades is mostly
in a supersaturated solution. The absence of car-
bides in austenitic stainless is due to the slow
diffusion of carbon and the even slower diffu-
sion of chromium in austenite. At a carbon level
of 0.06%, which is found in most 304, supersat-
uration is reached below about 850 C. Below
this temperature, supersaturation increases ex-
ponentially, while diffusion decreases exponen-
tially. This results in precipitation rates that vary
with temperature and carbon level as shown in
Fig. 8. At these temperatures, grain boundary
diffusion is much more rapid than bulk diffu-
sion, and grain boundaries provide excellent nu-
cleation sites, so precipitation occurs along
grain boundaries. And, because carbon diffuses
several orders of magnitude more rapidly than
chromium, carbon diffuses to and combines
Fig. 7 Carbon solubility in 1810 austenitic stainless. Source: with chromium essentially in situ, depleting the
Ref 13 grain boundaries of chromium in solution.