Homework Chapter 2

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Homework: Chapter 2

(For multiple choice questions, choose the most correct option, and explain clearly
why you choose or not choose each option)
2.1 Optical transmission in optical fiber has following characteristics:
a. Based on the phenomenon of internal total reflection with the angle of incident ray that
is greater than the critical angle.
b. Light travels from the lower refractive index medium to the higher refractive index one.
c. The receiving angle of incident light at the fiber must be greater than the maximum
receiving angle (  max ) where sin  max = NA.

d. Sentences a and c are both correct

2.2 Multimode fiber and single mode fiber have following characteristics:
a. Single-mode fiber has material and polarization dispersion but has no waveguide
b. In multimode fiber there are more kinds of dispersion than that in single mode fiber
c. Chromatic dispersion (group velocity dispersion) includes material dispersion and
polarization dispersion
d. Sentences a and b are both correct
2.3 Wavelength regions used in fiber optic communication systems (FOCS) over its
development period are:
a. 800 nm, 1550 nm, 1300 nm
b. 1300 nm, 1550 nm, 800 nm
c. 1300 nm, 800 nm, 1550 nm
d. 800 nm, 1300 nm, 1550 nm
2.4 Dispersion in fiber optic communication systems has following characteristics:
a. Inversely proportional to fiber length
b. Proportional to the dispersion coefficient D of the fiber
c. Inversely proportional to the spectral width of the optical source.
d. Sentences b and c are correct
2.5 Dispersion in fiber optic communication systems has following characteristics:
a. Inversely proportional to the data bit rate
b. Reduces the signal power at the receiver input
c. Proportional to the spectral width of the source and the fiber length
d. Sentences b and c are correct.
2.6 Optical fibers have following characteristics:
a. Multimode fiber has larger capacity than single-mode fiber because it has more modes
of light transmission
b. Absorption loss due to (OH) is one of the main losses in multimode fiber but it can be
ignored in single mode fiber.
c. In single mode fiber, mode dispersion is much smaller than its other type of dispersion
d. Sentences a, b and c are incorrect.
2.7 L-band is the light wavelength region with following properties:
a. Minimum dispersion
b. Minimum loss
c. Minimum dispersion and attenuation
d. Sentences a, b and c are incorrect.
2.8 Attenuation and dispersion in optical fibers affect signal quality as follows:
a. Attenuation reduces the transmission bit rate
b. Dispersion severely reduces the distance between two intermediate stations
c. Dispersion increases the bit error rate (BER).
d. Attenuation reduces the bandwidth of the transmitted signal
2.9 NA digital aperture has following characteristics:
a. NA is proportional to the refractive index n2 of the cladding
b. The larger NA is the smaller the light receiving angle achieves
c. NA is inversely proportional to the refractive index n1 of the fiber core
d. All answers a, b, c are incorrect
2.10 Draw the cross-section diagram and shape of the refractive index of single-mode and
Step-index (SI) multimode optical fiber and Graded-index (GI) multimode optical fiber.
Specify characteristics for above cases.
2.11 Based on ray theory (geometric optics), present conditions for light transmission.
Explain how to reduce mode dispersion that effects by using decreased-index (GI)
multimode optical fiber
2.12 Definition of terms: numerical aperture, critical angle, total reflection, transmission
modes, macro and micro bending in optical fiber.
2.13 Explain the terms: dispersion-shifted and dispersion-flattened in optical fibers. How
to achieve two properties above. Why do we need these kinds of optical fibers?
2.14 List some kinds of optical fibers popularly used in today's communication systems.
2.15 We suppose that a single-mode fiber operating at the wavelength of 1300 nm. If the
core refractive index is 1.505 and a cladding refractive index is 1.502, find the radius of
the fiber core and the numerical aperture.
2.16 A Step-index (SI) optical fiber has n1 = 1.48 and n2 = 1.45. Calculate numerical
aperture. Find the largest incident angle if the external environment is air.
2.17 After transmission through an optical fiber, the optical signal loses 80% of its power
corresponding to the distance of 600 meters. Calculate the attenuation coefficient in dB/km
of this fiber.

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