This document contains data on 151 pesantren in the regency of Balen, Baureno, Bojonegoro, Bubulan, Dander, Gondang, Kalitidu, Kanor, Kapas, Kasiman, Kedungadem, and Kepohbaru in 2020. It lists the name of each pesantren, number of students (santri), and number of teachers (ustad) for each location. The majority of pesantren have between 100-200 students and 10-15 teachers.
This document contains data on 151 pesantren in the regency of Balen, Baureno, Bojonegoro, Bubulan, Dander, Gondang, Kalitidu, Kanor, Kapas, Kasiman, Kedungadem, and Kepohbaru in 2020. It lists the name of each pesantren, number of students (santri), and number of teachers (ustad) for each location. The majority of pesantren have between 100-200 students and 10-15 teachers.
This document contains data on 151 pesantren in the regency of Balen, Baureno, Bojonegoro, Bubulan, Dander, Gondang, Kalitidu, Kanor, Kapas, Kasiman, Kedungadem, and Kepohbaru in 2020. It lists the name of each pesantren, number of students (santri), and number of teachers (ustad) for each location. The majority of pesantren have between 100-200 students and 10-15 teachers.
This document contains data on 151 pesantren in the regency of Balen, Baureno, Bojonegoro, Bubulan, Dander, Gondang, Kalitidu, Kanor, Kapas, Kasiman, Kedungadem, and Kepohbaru in 2020. It lists the name of each pesantren, number of students (santri), and number of teachers (ustad) for each location. The majority of pesantren have between 100-200 students and 10-15 teachers.