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SCHOOLING Ministry of Education and Sports



Ministry of Education and Sports

Ministry of Education and Sports


LESSON 1: Major Fishing Grounds and Figure 1: Map showing major fishing grounds of East Africa, fill in the second
Factors Favouring Fishing in East Africa places and ports of East Africa column of the table.
The places where fishing is carried out are 3. Put a tick in either the third or fourth
called fishing grounds. Fresh water lakes, column to indicate whether the fishing
Learning Outcomes rivers and swamps are called inland or fresh ground you have listed is a fresh water or
By the end of this lesson, you should be able to: water fishing grounds whereas oceans and seas marine ground. The first row has been filled
i) identify the major fishing grounds and are marine fishing grounds. to guide you.
types of fish caught.
ii) explain the factors favouring fishing in East Activity 1: Identifying fishing grounds and
Country Fishing Type of fishing
Africa. types of fish in East Africa ground ground
Study Figure 1 and do the following: Fresh Marine
Materials you need: water
• geography textbook 1. Copy the map into your notebook and on it Uganda Lake Victoria
• photographs mark and name:
• diagrams i) Fresh water fishing grounds. River Nile
• notebook ii) Marine fishing grounds.
• pen iii) Major fishing ports/landing sites.
• pencil 2. Identify the countries with marine fishing
• rubber grounds. Kenya
• ICT tools (where possible) 3. Using the knowledge of fishing in British
Columbia and any other background
Introduction knowledge, describe how the following
In Senior One you learnt about the utilization Tanzania
of natural resources in British Columbia, and factors could have led to the development
among the resources was fish. In this lesson of fishing activities in East Africa:
you are going to learn about fishing as an i) Nature of the fishing ground
economic activity in East Africa. Furthermore, ii) Abundant fish species
you will learn about major fishing grounds, the iii) Warm temperatures
Total number for East Africa
fish species caught, and the factors favouring iv) Market
fishing activities. In your note book, first find out v) Government policy
vi) Transport system Using the information, you have created,
the meaning of the fishing. estimate the percentage of:
vii) Capital
viii) Technology i) fresh water.
Fishing Grounds
You have probably eaten fish before or seen ii) marine fishing grounds in East
fish being sold in a local market. Have you ever Africa.
Activity 2: Types of fish caught in East 4. Using the percentages you have got in (4)
bothered to find out where it is got from? Fish
Africa above, draw a pie chart to illustrate the
is not caught in all water bodies. It is caught in
specific water bodies, collectively called fishing 1. In your notebook, make a list of the types proportion of fishing grounds in East Africa
grounds. Figure 1 shows some of the fishing of fish caught or sold in your home market. by type.
grounds of East Africa. Which type is the commonest? Summary
2. Using textbooks, magazines, newspapers
In this lesson, you have learnt that:
or ICT, find out the types (species) of fish • fishing is the extraction of animals living in water.
caught in each of the major fishing grounds • fishing is carried out in both fresh water and marine
of East Africa. water bodies.
3. Construct a table with two columns to • two of the three East African countries have marine
classify the fish types (species) in relation to fishing grounds.
fresh water and marine. • Tanzania has a larger marine fishing ground than
4. Determine the commonest type of fish Kenya.
caught in East Africa. • the development of fishing in East Africa has been
favoured by both physical and human factors.

Follow-up Activity: Locating fresh water LESSON 2: Fishing Methods and Fish
and marine fishing grounds in East Africa Preservation in East Africa
1. Draw a table similar to the one below in
your notebook. Learning Outcomes
2. Using your knowledge of the fishing
By the end this lesson, you will be able to

2 ©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020

describe the:

(i) fishing methods used in East Africa.

(ii) methods used to preserve fish in East

Materials you need:

• textbook (c) Sun drying (d) Smoking
• photographs
• diagrams Figure 3: Methods used to preserve fish
• notebook
Activity 2: Methods of preserving fish in
• pen
East Africa
• pencil
• graph paper Study Figure 3 and do the following tasks:
• rubber
1. Write at least four sentences describing each
Introduction method of preserving fish shown in Figure 3.
2. Outline the likely advantages and
In the previous lesson you learnt about the major
disadvantages of each method.
fishing grounds of East Africa and the types of
3. Suggest other methods of preserving fish
fish caught in each country. In this lesson you
used in East Africa which are not shown in
are going to learn about the fishing methods
Figure 3.
and how fish is preserved so that it can be sold
4. For each method you have suggested,
to far away markets.
explain how it is used to preserve fish.
5. Determine which of the methods shown in
Methods Used to Catch Fish Figure 3 and those you have described in
There are many methods of catching fish. (4) above should be promoted in Uganda.
Some of the methods are traditional while Give reasons to support your opinion.
others are modern. Each method uses different Summary
tools or equipment (technology) depending
on the type and size of fish to be caught. To In this lesson you have learnt that:
understand this better, do the following activity.
• the modern methods of fishing include
purse seine net, drifting, trawling. These
methods ensure a large catch.
Activity 1: Methods of catching fish in East • the traditional methods include: gill netting,
Africa use of bows and arrows, spears, cast nets,
Study Figure 2 and do the following: fish basket and traps, beach seine netting.
• most fresh water fishing grounds use
1. Copy each picture into your notebook.
traditional methods of preserving fish like
2. Write at least two paragraphs to describe salting, sun drying and smoking.
each of the fishing methods you have
drawn in your notebook. Follow-up Activity
3. Suggest other methods of catching fish Study the table below showing fishing
used in East Africa which are not shown in methods used in East Africa and do the tasks
Figure 1. that follow.
4. For each method you have suggested in (3) Figure 2: Some of the methods (a-d) used to
Fishing methods Estimated catch in tonnes
above, describe how it is used. catch fish
Gill net motorized 25359
5. Suggest which of the methods shown in
Figure 1 and those you have described Gillnet/sail 30746
in (4) above might lead to exhaustion of Gill net/ paddle 28942
fish in the fishing grounds. Give reasons to Long line sails 23646
support your suggestions. Beach seines 15747
Total 124440
(a) Salting (b) Icing

1. Draw a bar graph to represent the

©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020 3

information shown in the table. Figure 4: Packaged fish products for sale a special fisheries protection unit (FPU) to
2. Which method is used to catch the: fight illegal fishing on all major lakes in the
(i) largest amount of fish? Silver fish (mukene/omena) is sold at country to end the vice that was reaching
(ii) least amount of fish? commercial scale to make fishmeal and crisis proportions. The President’s action
3. Explain what would happen to the East animal feed, but it is also an important part was promoted by a petition from a team of
African fish stocks if the amount of fish of the local diet. Recent advances in drying fishermen from Kalangala islands, who had
caught by beach seines doubled. technology—raising the nets off the ground— accused operatives charged with fighting
have improved product quality. Packaging illegal fishing of selling immature fish to Allied
silver fish to sell in the market is a relatively new Democratic Forces (ADF) rebels in eastern
LESSON 3: Contribution of Fishing to the innovation that adds value to the product. Democratic Republic of Congo.
Economy of East Africa
Summary Indeed the indiscriminate fishing had generally
Learning Outcome
In this lesson you have learnt that fishing has placed immense pressure on the fish varieties
By the end of this lesson, you should be able greatly contributed to the economy of East
to explain the contribution of fishing to the and threatening their extinction on some lakes.
Africa through creating jobs for fishers, fish
economy of East Africa. traders, and transporters. 1. From the extract above, why do you think
fishermen use forbidden fishing nets to
Instructions LESSON 4: Problems Facing the Fishing catch fish?
Industry of Fishing in East Africa 2. Suggest measures that can be taken to
• Read the instructions carefully before
you begin doing each activity. improve the fishing sector in Uganda.
Learning Outcome
• In case you find an activity difficult, ask
By the end of this lesson, you should be able
a resourceful person around you for
to explain the problems facing the fishing Summary
assistance. In this lesson you have learnt that the problems
industry of fishing in East Africa.
Materials you need: facing the fishing industry are both physical
• Textbook and human in nature.
• Photographs
• Try to do all activities in this lesson.
• Diagrams
• Read the instructions carefully before you
• Notebook LESSON 5: Major Areas of Wild Life
begin doing each activity.
• Pen Conservation and Tourism in East Africa
• In case you find an activity difficult, ask
a knowledgeable person around you for
Introduction assistance. Learning Outcomes
Fish and fishing have grown into a big economic By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
sector in East Africa. Did you know that fish Materials you need:
has become a major non-traditional export for i) identify and locate the major areas of
• textbook wildlife conservation and tourism in
Uganda? For instance, in 2006 Uganda earned • photographs
US dollars 145.8 million from fish, while fish by- East Africa.
• diagrams ii) explain the factors leading to the
products accounted for 15.2% of the country’s • notebook
total exports. The fishing sector provides development of the tourism industry in
• pen East Africa
employment to over 700,000 people in the
country. In this lesson you are going to learn
more about the contribution of the fishing Introduction Instructions
industry to the development of Uganda and the You have learnt about the methods used for • You will be studying one lesson each
rest of East Africa. catching and preserving fish. You have noted day. Try to do all activities programmed
that fishermen go through a lot of hardship for each day.
Activity 1: Contribution of fish to economic to extract fish from the water bodies. In this
development • Remember that some activities may take
lesson you are going to learn more about the more than one hour to complete.
Study Figure 4 below and explain the problems fishermen face when carrying out • Read the instructions carefully before
contribution of the fishing industry to the fishing. you begin doing each activity.
economic development of East Africa. • In case you find an activity difficult, ask
Activity 1: Reading about the problems of
fishing a knowledgeable person around you for
Extracted from Daily Monitor newspaper of
Monday July 3, 2017 page 11.
Materials you need:
Hundreds Flee Kalangala Islands as Army • textbook
Pursues Illegal Fishermen • photographs
• diagrams
In January, President Museveni instituted
4 ©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020
• notebook 2001 993.6
• pen
2002 1001.3
• pencil
2003 1146.1
• eraser
2004 1358.1
2005 14790
2006 1556
Many people come to East Africa especially Source: Central Bureau of Statistics
during the summer holiday from Europe, North
America and Asia. Who are they? Why do they 1. Draw a line graph to show the trend of
come to East Africa? In this lesson you are tourist arrival.
going to learn that not all people that come to 2. Describe the trend of tourism arrivals in
East Africa are tourists. Some are visitors and Kenya.
have a particular reason for coming. You will
also learn the location of major areas of wildlife
conservation and tourist attractions, and
explain the factors leading to the development In this lesson, you have learnt that:
of tourism industry. • East Africa is blessed with a number of
Activity1: Finding about tourism tourist attractions ranging from wildlife,
physical features, landscape to artificial
(human-made) tourist attractions.
• the major tourist attraction of East Africa is
wildlife, that is, wildlife forms the basis for
the tourism industry.
• the factors leading to the development
of the tourism industry are physical and
Figure 5: Scenes of tourism human in nature
1. Who are tourists?
LESSON 6: Contribution and Challenges of
2. Using Figure 5, write short notes on
the Tourism Industry in East Africa
Learning Outcomes
3. Are all people who visit East Africa
tourists? By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
4. What places do tourists go to? i) describe the challenges facing the tourism
industry in East Africa.
Did you know that tourism is an activity that
ii) explain the contribution of the tourism
involves moving from one place to another either
within or outside one’s country for purposes of industry in East Africa.
pleasure, curiosity and discovery or research study?
A tourist is a person who travels to a place purely for Instructions
pleasure. The major tourist attraction in East Africa • Try to do all activities programmed in this
is wildlife. Wildlife refers to all undomesticated
plants and animals.
• Remember that some activities may take
more than one hour to complete.
Activity 2 • Read the instructions carefully before you
1. In your note book , draw a sketch map of begin doing each activity.
east Africa and locate the major tourist • In case you find an activity difficult, ask
attractions a knowledgeable person around you for
2. Explain the factors leading to the assistance.
development of the tourism industry. Materials you need:
• Textbook
• Photographs
Follow-up Activity • Diagrams
• Notebook
Study the table below showing tourist arrivals • Pen
in Kenya • Pencil
• Rubber
year Tourist arrivals(000)
2000 1036.7

©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020 5

Introduction Other constraints include inadequate physical learn about the major towns and ports of East
In the previous lesson you have learnt about infrastructure support, narrow product Africa. You will be able to describe the urban
the tourist potentials of East Africa. Is tourism diversity, and inadequate research on emerging sites and their location, explain the factors that
of any economic importance to the economy trends, market and consumer surveys as well led to the growth of ports and towns of East
of your country? In this lesson, you are going as regular statistical information required to Africa.
to learn about the contribution of the tourism inform decision makers, investors and tourists
sector to the economy and problems facing and negative perception about Uganda’s image
the industry. due to past insecurity.

Activity 1: Finding the economic 1. Explain the problems facing the tourism
importance of tourism sector in Uganda.
Read the extract below (Sunday Monitor 2. Sebunya’s report points out some tourist
13th/2011 p.8 and do the tasks that follow. attractions. Identify and note them in your
If Uganda does not take the necessary steps 3. What advice would you give the
to improve its tourism sector, according to Government of Uganda to attract more
Mr Sebunya, the country will cede even more tourists. (a) Mombasa port
ground to some of her its neighbours who 4. Why do you think the government should
had already been using their comparative develop the tourism industry?
advantage to market some of Uganda’s tourist
sites. Summary
In this lesson, you have learnt that the:
He cited the example of Rwanda which he said
had made it easier for tourists to their country • tourism sector in East Africa has a number
to visit even sites within Uganda. of constraints.
• contribution of the tourism sector is both
“People don’t want us to talk about Rwanda
positive and negative
so much here but Rwanda has made a lot of
things easier and we need to challenge that,”
he explained. “They are selling Queen Elizabeth LESSON 7: Site and Location of Major Ports
National Park in Kasese district in Uganda by and Towns in East Africa (b) Kampala City
saying that you can land in Kigali and go to
see Queen Elizabeth. Why are they selling Learning Outcomes Figure 1: Some urban areas of East Africa
it? It takes ten hours for someone who lands By the end of this lesson, you should be able to: Activity 1. Locating major towns and ports
in Entebbe to go and see Queen Elizabeth
i) describe the site and location of ports and of East Africa
National Park.”
towns in East Africa. Study Figure 1 above and do the following
From Kigali it takes four or five hours so it’s ii) explain the factors that led to the growth of tasks:
half the time. The government has laid out ports and towns in East Africa.
its plans for the tourism sector in the national 1. Write two paragraphs explaining the
development plan (NDP) 2010/11–2014/15. distinction between a town and a port.
The five-year NDP identifies the constraints 2. Urban centres have features that differentiate
to the performance of the tourism sector as The number of people living in towns them from villages. Write those features in
inadequate public and institutional capacity is growing every day. About 80% of the your notebook.
to initiate meaningful tourism development, population of East Africa lives in rural areas 3. With the aid of a map from the Internet, or
inadequate policy framework to conserve where most of them are employed in an atlas, draw the sketch map of East Africa
Uganda’s cultural heritage which is presently agriculture. But there is a growing attendance and locate major ports and towns.
threatened to extinction, and limited funding, of rural-urban migration in search of gainful
lack of adequate skilled human resources employment and better standards of living
particularly in tourism promotion of leisure and in towns and cities. Most people believe that
hospitality. better employment opportunities and services
are in towns. In this lesson you are going to

6 ©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020

HISTORY FOR SENIOR 3 the war included Britain, France, Russia, Italy Armies grew in size and number of guns and
Term 1 2020 and the United States. These countries fought underwent frequent training. The armies,
LESSON 1: Events of World War 1 in East against the Central Powers, which included therefore, felt they had the power and might to
Africa Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman engage in war. See Figure 3.3 below.
Empire and Bulgaria. Nationalism also caused the First World War.
Topic: World War 1 in East Africa Each country wanted to prove their dominion
Is there any other country not mentioned and power, hence prolonging the war.
that was involved in World War 1?
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this lesson you should be able to: Task 1
1. Find out the one incident that sparked
i) know the meaning of World War 1
off World War 1.
ii) explain the causes of World War 1
2. Use the diagram below to explain the
iii) mention the impact of World War 1in
different stages of World War 1.
East Africa

Materials you will need:

• a pen Figure 3.3: World War 1 Troops
• a pencil
• a world atlas Imperialism was one of the issues that caused
• a notebook the outbreak of the war. Imperialism is when
a country increases its power and wealth
Instructions Figure 3.1: Timelines of World War 1 by bringing additional territories under its
1. Make sure you have nothing distracting Step 2: Causes of the First World War control. European powers had an interest in
you. Switch off the TV and create a quiet most African and Asian countries because
environment for yourself that is suitable for of the abundance of raw materials found in
The First World War was primarily sparked off by them. Therefore, the struggle to gain control
the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand over other countries partly contributed to the
2. Take time to study and understand the
of Austria, but there were several other factors outbreak of the war.
information given for each step.
that led to the war. They include the following:
3. In case you find difficulty, it is all right to
seek help from any adult that is near you. Mutual defence alliances were agreements
between countries that would bind them to
Step 1: Introduction support each other. If any of the countries
There are different wars that world history has was attacked, the other country in alliance
kept on record; and the First World War is one with it would defend it. The countries which
of them. By the end of this topic, you should be were already in alliance before the war began
able to know what it was that sparked off World include the following: Russia and Serbia;
War 1, which countries were involved, and what Germany and Austria-Hungary; France and
impact the war had on East Africa. Russia; and Britain, France and Belgium. See the
• Think of any conflict that you have heard figure below.
about before. Figure 3.4: Cecil Rhodes
• Did that conflict ever get bloody with Task
intense fighting and people losing lives? 1. Why was East Africa involved in World
• Think of what could have caused that War 1?
conflict. 2. Was it proper for these colonial powers
• It is possible that the cause was even trivial, to involve East Africans in World War 1?
yet it sparked such a terrible conflict.
• How did the conflict get resolved in the Step 3: Impact of World War 1 in East
end? Figure 3.2: Alliances of World War 1 Africa
The First World War was a global war that Another cause of the war was militarism. By
 Think of what happens whenever there is
broke out on 28 July 1914 and ended on 11 the 20th century most countries in Europe
conflict, and especially when it involves
November 1918. The countries involved in had experienced an increase in militarism.

©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020 7

weapons of mass destruction. government. Some of the Africans who
 Think of circumstances in your area such as participated in the war gained exposure and LESSON 2: The Development of
a fight between the police and protesters. were now able to stand up and fight for their Nationalism in Uganda
Were some people shot dead in the scuffle? rights.
 What about the areas surrounding the Topic: Rise of Nationalism in Uganda
There was increased exploitation of the Africans
location where the incidents take place? by the colonialists. Those who supported their
 A case in point is a scuffle between the imperial masters in the war did not get the
Uganda Police and rioting Makerere Learning Outcomes
rewards that had been promised them, and this
University students. The police disperse intensified their bitterness towards the white By the end of this lesson you should be able to:
the protesting students with gunshots and man.
teargas. i) know the meaning of nationalism.
 This does not only affect the students in ii) identify the factors responsible for
Makerere but their parents, the surrounding Study the above pictures and note down the rise of nationalism in Uganda.
businesses, and the local residents as well. your observations on the impact of the iii) define the role played by political
war. parties in Uganda.
See the pictures below showing the police
using teargas and force to disperse rioters. Task Materials you will need:
1. Classify the above effects into social • a pen
political and economic effects. • a pencil
2. Study the puzzle below and identify any • coloured pencils
words related to World War 1. • a notebook where you will write down
U E H A L L I A N C E O your findings
A D O L F A R M S I T P • any newspaper, magazine or book that
F E R D N A N D E N T I talks about nationalism in Uganda
A A R I E A H I T L E R Instructions
E D A R M U M W A R D C 1. Make sure you have nothing distracting
you. Switch off the TV and create a quiet
V E R S A I L L E S S F environment for yourself that is suitable
A R C H D U K E O T T O for study.
2. Take time to study and understand the
Lesson Summary information given for each step.
World War 1 did not have an impact only on 3. Read the instructions carefully before
the countries that were involved in it but also attempting each activity.
Figure 3.5: Riots in Kampala 4. In case you find difficulty, it is all right
on their colonial territories across the world,
East Africa inclusive. The European colonial to seek help from any adult who is near
Whenever there is a conflict, it does not affect powers did not have enough manpower to you.
only the parties to the conflict but also the participate in the First World War and thus
people around them. The First World War recruited manpower from East Africa to boost Step 1: Introduction
similarly had a great impact on people in the their troop numbers. The impacts of the war Nationalism can be defined as loyalty and
following respects: were economic, political and social. As a result, devotion to a nation. It is a feeling that people
there was mass destruction of human lives have of being loyal to and proud of their
The war brought every economic activity
and property, leading to widespread trauma. country, often with the belief that it is better
worldwide to a standstill; so there was no
The war also had a long-lasting effect on East and more important than other countries. Or
economic development during the war.
Africa’s economy and politics, among others. it can be a sense of national consciousness
Trade and commerce also suffered greatly;
that exalts one nation above all others and
trade could not go on. Agriculture also
places primary emphasis on the promotion of
greatly declined. European plantations were Follow-up Activity
its culture and interests as opposed to those
abandoned in order to concentrate on fighting. 1. Make reference to any other conflicts in of other nations.
Very many lives were lost and a lot of property Uganda and discuss their effects on the  Is there anything like an item or
destroyed. In the midst of such intense global people. activity that you love so much and put
fighting, very many people were killed in a 2. Look for any old newspapers that before any other thing?
brutal way and their property demolished. reported an incident that occurred  This can be your sibling, your friend, or
during one such conflict and an activity that you enjoy doing.
Africans’ attitude towards Europeans changed;
summarise it in your notebook, taking  Think of moments when the love for
the Africans became very critical and started
note of how people were affected by any of the above has influenced the
questioning Europeans regarding everything.
the conflict. decisions and actions that you have
That is why the Africans rose up and started
demanding power and representation in taken.

8 ©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020

represented the Catholic population;
Look at the photograph below and the Uganda People’s Congress (UPC), which
describe what you see with regard to was supported mainly by groups from the Figure 3.7: A political rally
nationalism. northern and western parts of the country; and
the KabakaYekka (KY) (meaning ‘king only’), Political parties organised peaceful
which was a Buganda nationalist party. demonstrations to oppose colonial policies
like taxation, cash crop growing (forced)
The foreign systems of government that
etc. They also called for the independence
neglected African interests aroused feelings
of Uganda and won massive support for
of resistance, resulting in nationalism. There
the independence movement. They sent
were unfair colonial policies of taxation, forced
representatives to the pre-independence
labour and compulsory growing of cash crops,
Figure 3.6: A show of nationalism negotiations and last-minute constitutional
which caused discontent among the Africans,
preparations. Through constant participation,
who thus developing a desire to fight for self-
After many years of being ruled and they took up common positions on the issues
controlled by Britain, Uganda, like her under discussion and requested self-rule.
neighbouring African countries, felt a deep Colonialists had come with developments such
desire to end all forms of foreign control and as construction of roads and railways. These
influence; they felt a need to take charge led to improved means of transport that eased
of their own political, social and economic the movement of nationalists. Whenever they
affairs. This need stirred a love for their wanted to move to sensitise the masses and
country and set off a wave of efforts to attain carry out some of their activities, they would do
independence. it with ease.
Formal education also introduced Ugandans
Task 1 to new ideas. They were now enlightened and Figure 3.8: A peaceful demonstration
1. Suggest possible reasons as to why developed the desire to fight for their rights.
Ugandans developed the spirit of The nationalists in the Diaspora also gave They also mobilised funds to finance political
nationalism. support to their countrymen back home. activities, including campaigns for the pre-
2. Ask your parents or any of the elders near independence elections.
you to share with you what happened to Christianity also led to the rise of nationalism.
Christian missionaries came with the aim of Party slogans and songs became key
Uganda just before independence.
preaching against the ills in society like slave attractions for large gatherings. This made the
trade, forced and unpaid labour, corruption and flow of information about the struggle very
Step 2: Factors responsible for the rise of
all inhuman acts. The nationalists, therefore, easy. The parties recruited the youths into
nationalism in Uganda
based themselves on this to rise up and fight active party service, thus training a generation
 Think of a scenario at your school or
against these inhumanities that were majorly that was to lead Uganda to independence.
a neighbouring school. The school
inflicted on them by colonialists. In this generation were people like Jehoash
administration has introduced rules
Mayanja Nkangi, Ignatius Musaazi etc.
that seem harsh and unfriendly to Uganda was characterised by ethnic and
the students. The students therefore tribal divisions. These divisions, however, were Violent action organised by the various
decide to resist. This is similar to a unifying factor that brought Ugandans parties pressured the colonialists to grant
resistance in the form of nationalism together and they were able to fight for self- independence. Boycotts, attacks on foreigners
that Ugandans took up after feeling rule. and torching (burning) of houses all sped up
the impact of the oppression inflicted the process to decolonise Uganda.
by the colonialists.
Task 2
List some of the grievances that Ugandans had Task
The growing grievances by Ugandans towards Carry out research about the following parties
against the colonialists.
the colonial state and the economic structures and discuss their activities in the struggle for
Reflect on the colonial administrative systems
it created paved the way for the rise of men the independence of Uganda: UNC, UPC, DP,
you studied previously, and state the system
who would lead the agenda for reform and KY.
that was used by the British in Uganda.
and political change. Political parties were Write short notes about the following
What were some of the shortcomings of that
organised to force self-rule or independence personalities highlighting their role in Uganda’s
from a reluctant colonial government. struggle for independence:
In Uganda there had been some demands Step 3: Role played by political parties - Ignatius Musaazi
for greater self-rule, but these were mostly Parties trained leaders who helped to mobilise - Apollo Milton Obote
expressed by local nationalists surrounding the masses to demand independence. They - Benedicto Kiwanuka
the five constituent kingdoms of the colony. sensitised and educated Ugandans on the
The political parties included the following: politics in the country. This aroused political Chapter Summary
The Democratic Party (DP) modelled on awareness in Ugandans and everyone Deep feelings of anger and resentment
Germany’s Christian Democrats, which developed the spirit to fight for self-rule. developed owing to the conditions that

©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020 9

Ugandans were subjected to by the colonial  The Devonshire White Paper was, communal basis).
administrators. The people who had attained therefore, an agreement of some sort. 3. The Legislative Council was to have
western education took on the role of A “White Paper” is an authoritative eleven Europeans, five Asians, one Arab
mobilising their fellow Africans to fight for self- document or guide that informs readers and one missionary to represent African
rule. This led to the formation of political parties briefly of a difficult issue and presents the interests. See Figure 3.10 below.
that saw Uganda getting her independence in issuing body’s viewpoint on the matter. Its
1962. purpose is to help readers understand an
issue, solve a problem or make a decision.
Follow-up Activity
Mention the difficulties faced in the struggle for
independence in Uganda and hand in this work Step 2: Reasons for the issuance of the
to your teacher when schools re-open. Devonshire White Paper in 1923

The Devonshire White Paper was a document

written in March 1923 during a conference Figure 3.10: The Legco of Devonshire
in London by the colonial secretary Victor
LESSON: The Devonshire White Paper Cavendish, the ninth Duke of Devonshire, 4. There were to be no more restrictions
regarding the status of settlers and natives in on Asian immigration into Kenya since
Topic 3: The Devonshire white Paper (1923)
Kenya Colony (see Figure 3.9 below). The they were also subjects of the British
Learning Outcome paper stated that whenever the interests of Empire.
By the end of this lesson you should be able to: the native Africans clashed with those of Asian, 5. There was to be no more racial
European or Arab settlers, those of the Africans segregation or discrimination in all
i) know the meaning of the Devonshire should prevail. Although the paper had little residential areas. Settling in these areas
White Paper. effect on the welfare of native Africans, it still was now to be open to all people –
ii) identify the reasons why the Devonshire set a standard for future conflict resolution Africans Asians and Europeans alike.
White Paper was issued. between the various groups living in the 6. A missionary (Dr Arthur) was to be
iii) state the terms of the Devonshire White colony. nominated to the Legislative Council to
represent the interests of the Africans.
iv) outline the effects of the Devonshire
7. Africans were allowed to be members
White Paper.
of the local councils.
8. The Colonial Office in London was to
Materials you will need watch over the Kenyan affairs in order
a textbook to ensure that the interests of the
a pen Africans were protected and given first
a notebook priority.
9. The document recognised the
Instructions contribution made by the European
Figure 3.9: Devonshire White Paper meeting community to the development of
1. Make sure you have nothing distracting
you. Switch off the TV and create a quiet Kenya.
Task 1 10. However, the document also warned
environment for yourself that is suitable
1. Why do you think it was called the the settlers against making further
for study.
Devonshire White Paper? advances towards self-rule. It made
2. Take time to study and understand the
2. Identify the key parties that took
information given for each step. it clear that all racial groups must
part in the Conference of March gradually work towards this goal.
3. Understand each activity before you
1923. 11. The paper clearly stated that Kenya
attempt it; it is then that you will easily
3. Carry out research and find out the was primarily an African territory and
approach the tasks given.
key events that led to the signing of that the interests of the Africans were
4. Read the instructions carefully before
the Devonshire White Paper. paramount.
attempting each activity.
5. In case you find difficulty, it is all right 12. It also stated clearly that the settlers
to seek help from any adult that is near would no longer have a controlling
you. influence on the government (so
Step 3: Terms of the Devonshire White that it would always serve the settlers’
Step 1: Introduction
Paper of 1923 interests).
 What comes to your mind when you 1. The Kenyan Highlands were exclusively
hear the term “White Paper”? 13. The paper ruled out any constitutional
reserved for the white settlers. changes in favour of the settlers.
 Anyone would straightaway think of a 2. The Asians were allowed to elect five
paper with information written on it. members to the Legislative Council Task 2
 Think of any written official document, (Legco) but were not put on the 1. Which party benefited a lot? Support
such as an agreement over something. same voters roll as the whites (on a

10 ©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020

your answer. The paper fostered unity among Africans and
2. Outline the terms that were applied to Asians as it affected them equally since the
Africans, Asians and British respectively. paper favoured the white settlers against them.
The colonial government started training
Step 3: Effects of the Devonshire White Figure 3.11: The Kenya Highlands
and educating Africans, a measure that was
intended to prepare them for the future
The Asians failed to win equality with the The giving of the highlands to the whites
responsibilities they would hold and for
stimulated plantation farming and,
whites; they were denied the right to occupy independence. See Figure 3.13 below.
the Kenyan Highlands. They were given subsequently, the growth of a cash crop
a few representatives on the Legislative economy. The paper clarified that neither the
Council and had to play a different role since settlers nor the Asians would gain a monopoly
inequality persisted. The paper was a great in the administration of Kenya whatsoever.
disappointment to the Asian community. The free immigration policy resulted in many
The white settlers lost their dream of Indians coming into Kenya and these became
a major force in Kenya’s economy. The paper
controlling Kenya as a racist colony; they had Figure 3.13: A colonial school
been warned against further advances towards failed to address the land and labour problems.
self-rule since Kenya was still under the colonial Africans were to continue providing labour
Africans started sharing in the running of their
government in London. They had to shelve the on settlers’ farms, something that the Africans
country through the native councils and in
idea for at least some time. strongly hated and had hoped the paper would 1931 they were allowed to send representatives
address. See a photo of African labourers
The paper confirmed Kenya as a settler colony to the Legislative Council (Legco).
and this led to an increase in the number of
Europeans coming in. It also recognised the Task 3
contribution made by the settler community 1. How did the terms of the White Paper aid
towards the economic development of Kenya. the rise of African nationalism in Kenya?
It served as a warning to the settlers and the 2. Find out the memories of the Devonshire
Indians that their effort to colonise Kenya White Paper of 1923 in today’s
would not be acceptable. Kenya was for government of Kenya and present to class.
Kenyans and their interests were to be given
priority. Lesson Summary
Figure 3.12: African labourers The Devonshire White Paper was written to
After being frustrated politically, the settlers
solve a conflict that existed between Africans,
resorted to controlling the finance, agriculture Owing to increased pressure and thee influx of Arabs and whites in Kenya Colony. Much as the
and industrial sectors. The Africans and the immigrants, the East African High Commission terms stated in the paper seemed to advocate
Asians were denied settlement in the Kenyan was established to promote cooperation equality among the different racial groups, it
Highlands since the paper had reserved them between the Africans, Asians and settlers. The left some gaps which later led to the rise of
exclusively for the whites. See Figure 3.11 Asians continued to voice their dissatisfaction African nationalism in Kenya.
below. with the white settlers, and were not happy
with the inequality that the paper had failed Follow-up Activity
to address. They, for example, refused to pay How did the terms of the 1923 Devonshire
a different tax from what the settlers were White Paper aid the rise of African nationalism
in Kenya?
The paper laid the foundation for the future
independence struggle in Kenya. Armed
groups like the Mau-Mau were formed by the
Africans to fight to regain their lost lands and
for independence. Finally, independence was
achieved in 1963.

In what other ways do you think the

paper laid the foundation for Kenya’s
independence struggle?

©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020 11

Entrepreneurship Education
PROJECT: Making charcoal briquettes, failure to feed their families. Consequently, 6 Plastic cup Mug 1
designing a poster for advertising them government provided food for such families. (tumpeco) =
½ litre
and making a package for the briquettes However, due to the lock down, fuel specifically
charcoal, became expensive and scarce yet Instructions
By the end of this project, you should be able to: majority of families especially in the urban
areas use it as a source of energy. As a learner of 1. Make charcoal briquettes using some of the
1. Identify the right materials needed for
entrepreneurship, you are expected to provide readily available materials at your home.
making charcoal briquettes.
solutions to business challenges. 2. Use the cup (tumpeco) or mug to measure
2. Make charcoal briquettes.
the materials.
3. Explain three benefits of using charcoal Activity one 3. Place the materials in different containers.
briquettes in relation to ordinary charcoal. At your home, you have several resources like 4. In case you do not have charcoal dust you
4. Write a brief report on making charcoal domestic waste, peelings and soil which you can use cow dung in the same quantities.
briquettes explaining some of the challenges can use to make charcoal briquettes, to solve 5. Make sure you do not miss out on any step.
faced while making the briquettes, how the problem at hand. 6. Record every step followed in the making of
these were overcome and any lessons learnt
briquettes in your note book, because you
from the project work. Task
will have to write the report for submission
5. Design a poster for advertising your charcoal i. Identify the right materials needed for making
to your teacher.
briquettes. the charcoal briquettes.
7. Using your note book or a sheet of paper,
6. Identify the right materials for making ii. Make charcoal briquettes using the materials
design an advert for your charcoal briquettes.
packages, design a package for your charcoal you have identified following the step by step
8. Design a package for your charcoal briquettes.
briquettes and Label it. procedure provided below.
You will submit the report, the advert and
iii. Write a report, explaining some of the
NOTE: You can use any material you think will the package to your teacher on the day of
challenges you faced while doing the project
make your package attractive. reporting to school.
work. How did you overcome the challenges?
Read the scenario below and respond to Mention any lessons you have learnt from the
Step by Step Procedure of Making Charcoal
the instructions given. project work.
SCENARIO iv. Explain three benefits of using charcoal
Please pay attention to every detail outlined in
the step by step process provided below.
HOME MADE SOLUTIONS TO EFFECTS OF THE v. Assuming you want to make briquettes for
CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC sale, design a poster to advertise your charcoal
Step one: Preparing the waste materials
The world registered the first case of Coronavirus briquettes, using either your exercise book or
Using a pair of gloves, polythene bags or your
(COVID 19) in December 2019, in Wuhan City a plain sheet of paper whichever is available.
free hands collect the waste materials to use as
in China. The disease was declared a global Make your poster as attractive as possible.
guided below. Be very careful with the safety of
pandemic by the World Health Organisation vi. Design a labelled package for your charcoal
your hands.
on 11th March 2020. By 14th April 2020, the briquettes. You will present your report, the
pandemic had spread to 210 countries infecting poster and the package to your class teacher
over 2,000,000 people with close to 120,000 when schools reopen after the lockdown.
deaths registered. Note: The project may not be finished in one
day, you may choose to take a few days doing
To mitigate the spread of the virus and to it. You can keep some of the briquettes for
avoid creating a fertile ground for its spread, home use but keep some for presenting to
His Excellency the President of the Republic of your teacher as part of your project work when
Uganda, Mr. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni ordered schools reopen.
the closure of public gatherings like Schools, Fig. 1. Putting on Gloves
Churches and Bars, and suspended public MATERIALS REQUIRED
SN ITEM ALTERNATIVE QUANTITY Collect four cups of charcoal dust and put it in
transport on 20th March 2020. He further put
1 charcoal dust Fresh cow dung 4 (tumpeco) a container. If you do not have charcoal dust,
in place a Task Force to steer the fight against cups
the spread of the disease. Among the measures you can use carbonized charcoal dust or fresh
2 Soil Anti-hill soil/brown 2 (tumpeco)
taken, was to declare a national lock down and soil/Clay cups cow dung in the same quantities and follow the
curfew from 7:00pm to 6:30am for 14 days. 3 Water 4 (tumpeco) same procedure.
The effects of the coronavirus are enormous, 4 Basins Container 3
ranging from health, social and economic 5 Gloves Polythene bag/ 1pair
among others. Indeed, following the lockdown, open hand
a number of people have complained about

12 ©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020

Fig. 2. Charcoal dust mix them well using your hands until they are charcoal pieces. When it is hot enough add the
thoroughly mixed. briquettes and cook.

Fig.10 Mixing Charcoal dust, soil & water Fig. 15. Lighting the charcoal briquettes
and cooking.
Add water. Start with a small amount of water
Fig.3. Carbonized charcoal dust and mix it into the mixture using your hands. Summary
Keep adding water until the mixture becomes After going through the step by step process, it
easily moldable. When squeezed, your mixture is assumed that you now know what briquettes
should hold together easily. When the mixture are. Below is an explanation of what briquettes
is too soft add more charcoal or soil, and if it is are.
too hard add more water.
Fig. 4. Fresh Cow dung Fig. 5. Plastic cup These are small, compact blocks made from
organic waste which you can use for cooking in
Step six: Molding the briquettes the charcoal stove or fire. While some briquettes
Step two: preparing the charcoal dust Take a hand full of your mixture and mold using require expensive machinery to make, others
your two hands until it is hard enough. The mold can easily be made at home from the locally
Sieve/filter the charcoal dust and remove the or briquette can be in a round shape or any available waste materials with no machinery
big particles, plastics and any other unwanted other shape you want. You can make briquettes required.
materials using your hands to remain with fine of any reasonable size.
charcoal dust. (You can also crash the bigger
particles into powder form and use it).

Fig. 12. Picking a handful of mixture

Fig. 16. Sample of Charcoal briquette
Fig. 6. A boy sieving charcoal dust.
Step three: preparing the soil
Collect two cups of soil preferably brown or
anthill soil or Clay soil if its available but normal
soil can also be used. Put it in a second container.
Fig. 13. Molding the mixture into
Sort the soil removing the bigger particles, briquettes
sticks, broken glass, stones and plastics. Fig. 17. Briquettes burning in a charcoal
Step seven: Drying the briquettes stove
Place the molded briquettes on a flat surface
ready for drying. Set your briquettes in a dry Follow up activity
place. Briquettes need 2-3 days to dry properly i. Continue practising the making of charcoal
before you can use them. If placed in an open briquettes until you perfect the process.
place do not leave them outside because in case ii. You can sell the excess briquettes to your
Fig.7. Brown Soil Fig. 8. Any other soil neighbours at the end of the lockdown. This
it rains they can get spoilt. Alternatively, you can
dry them under a shade. will help you to save your earnings.
iii. In case you have access to the internet, you
can make further research using Google on
the other ways and materials you can use to
make charcoal briquettes.
Fig. 9. Clay Soil iv. Practice designing several adverts for the
Step four: Measuring the quantity of water briquettes to have a variety from which to
choose the best.
Get a small Jerrycan/Jug or any other container v. Practice designing several packages for the
Fig.14. Laying molded briquettes on a flat
and pour in four cups of water. briquettes to have a variety from which to
surface for drying.
choose the best.
Step five: Making the mixture
Step eight: Using your briquettes
Measure off two cups of charcoal dust and one NOTE: This project will enable you to answer
cup of soil. Put them in a third container and Light your charcoal stove using a few usual Paper one at senior four during examinations.

©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020 13

English Language
ENGLISH LANGUAGE LESSONS ‘Mukisa, how can you travel all the way from of you has had time to talk with me, yet I am
Kagulu to come and sleep on the lawn? Let’s your only maternal uncle’ I reasoned with now
Before we start our lesson, do not forget that go inside,’ she said as she led me into the house. attentive children. ’I am leaving tomorrow
COVID19 is a disease affecting every country in the morning but none of you even knows my
world: I was surprised when we got inside the name!’ I continued.
We are advised: house only to find four children glued to the TV.
• not touch our soft parts (eyes, nose, mouth) My greetings were answered with sullen grunts. ‘I am sorry, uncle,’ the youngest child
because the virus can pass through them and enter Only one or two looked up briefly to see who pleaded.
the body
• to wash our hands thoroughly with soap and water the stranger was.
‘I am not against your watching TV, but you
• not to spit anywhere
• to cover our mouth with a tissue when we are
My sister excitedly introduced me to the need to plan your time properly so that you
coughing children as their uncle. They shouted and don’t end up watching TV the whole day. You
• to use a tissue for our nose when sneezing. screamed, but I was scandalised to realise that must select the programmes you are going
I was not the cause of their excitement. Their to watch carefully; otherwise you’ll end up
pop star had just taken the stage in the music watching all the programmes, including those
LESSON 1 program they were watching, causing all the meant for adults only!’ I concluded.
LESSON OUTCOMES: excitement. This infuriated me.
As I went to sleep that evening, all the
By the end of this lesson, you should be able to: For the next three days I witnessed the children followed suit. The next morning, as my
1. use demonstratives as pronouns and as children wake up early in the morning and sister and her four children escorted me to the
determiners watch TV till late into the night. I observed that bus station, I told her that she needed to create
2. identify demonstratives from the given during prayers for meals, all the children did time to discuss with the children what they
passage. was to mute the sound on the TV and then watched on TV.
TOPIC: USE OF DEMONSTRATIVES pretend to be praying while they continued to
watch the TV. I heard very little conversation Activity 2
either among themselves or their mother. Reread the passage and write down the
These children had become ‘TV zombies’. demonstrative pronouns used.
Demonstratives are words that identify
someone or something. A demonstrative word On the last evening of my visit I decided to Activity 3
separates one thing from others or describes intervene. After supper I demanded that they Write two sentences using each of the
a noun. They tell who or what you may be switch off the TV. This was met with disbelief demonstratives as determinants and as
referring to. There are four demonstratives: this, and open hostility. Nobody made any effort to pronouns.
that, these and those. Demonstratives can be switch off the TV, but I was not going to relent.
used as pronouns or determiners. Activity 4
So I took the remote control unit and switched In a paragraph of about 50 words, summarise
Examples of demonstratives as determiners. off the TV. the effect that unlimited watching of TV has
Here the demonstratives identify nouns. ‘What is wrong with watching TV?’ the had on the children and the entire family.
a. Who brought this marker here?
eldest girl protested, looking at me with LESSON 2
b. Take that book to the library.
murderous eyes. LESSON OUTCOMES:
c. We were advised not to watch those
programmes. ‘The TV itself is not the problem,’ I said firmly, By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
d. Take these clothes to the tailor. ‘but the way you use it’. 1. identify derived nouns used in the passage.
Examples of demonstratives as pronouns. Here At least I now had their attention. The 2. derive nouns from nouns
the demonstratives take the position of nouns. house was deadly silent. This was the first time 3. derive nouns from verbs
a. Do you want to eat this? in three days that the children were talking 4. derive nouns from adjectives
b. Can you clean that! with me, albeit in a hostile environment.
I explained to them that television was
d. Give those to the electrician. INTRODUCTION
a positive tool only to a certain extent. First,
it is certainly a good source of education. What are derived nouns? They are nouns
Activity 1
There are many well researched documentary formed from other words. To derive is to form/
Read and enjoy the passage below.
programmes which viewers can benefit from. obtain/get/create something from another.
Battle Against Televisions Second, TV is a good source of entertainment. Therefore, these are nouns obtained from other
There are numerous sports and drama words that could be other nouns, verbs or
Recently, I visited my sister who lives in
programmes which are quite entertaining. adjectives. For example:
Jinja. I arrived at about 3.00 o’clock in the
afternoon. After asking around I was directed On the other hand, TV can be a negative • Motherhood is a noun derived from another
to her house. I knocked on the door for quite force. When you sit for hours on end watching noun, mother
some time but no one answered. However, every programme without discrimination, • Information is a noun derived from the verb,
I could hear some music playing inside the thus this is very dangerous. Some of the inform
house. I got frustrated, and being very tired, I programmes may not be appropriate and may • Popularity is a noun derived from the
decided to sit on the beautiful lawn that made corrupt your morals. You also run the risk of adjective, popular
up the large compound. I must have dosed off becoming a zombie.
because the next thing I heard was my sister’s Activity 1
voice waking me up. ‘Since I came here three days ago none Read and enjoy the passage below.

14 ©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020

The Man with Loud Hiccups connection between him and the children. The in those sentences. A pronoun can be either
When little children know terror, it usually children feared him. In their minds, he was the a subjective case or objective case. In the
comes in forms that, as they learn later in life, representation of all that was terrible. subjective case the pronoun acts as the subject
are harmless. As a little boy, Pamba’s terror came of the sentence while in the objective case
The old man knew this and he used it to his own the pronoun takes the place of objects. For
in the form of an old man who had a terrifying advantage. First was as if he had entered into a
condition of loud hiccups. example:
secret pact with parents whereby he would be
used as a whip to beat back to line wayward a. She likes Mathematics. She is the subject.
It was said that since he was a boy, the old It is in the subjective case.
man had hiccups that progressively grew louder children. So when Pamba saw the man coming
at him he started to run away. The man went b. The policeman arrested them. Them is
and became more frightening as he grew older. the object. It is in the objective case.
As a grandfather, the hiccups were loud and after him, hiccupping louder and louder as he
pronounced. They popped out in loud bursts so ran. Pamba had never known that kind of terror. Activity 1
that he seemed to purr like a motorcycle, as he He ran as fast as he could, but he could still hear Read and enjoy the following passage.
walked. the man behind him. When he realised that the
man would catch up with him anyway, he started A Careless Cook
The hiccups came in phases. At one time the wailing, but he did not stop running. It was the satisfied ducklings of chickens
man would have the calmness of a swimming finishing the remains of a great feast that
pool. At other times he would break out in loud, When he reached home, he realised that the
reminded me of the groundnuts. Yes, every
sporadic hiccups that would bring contortions man was not behind him. Unbeknown to him,
nut was gone. How stupid I had been to leave
to the old man’s face that one would have the man had branched off into another path and
them uncovered with the kitchen door wide
thought was pain. When he was in that state, he gone on with his business. Pamba’s brother later
open. But such self-reproach did not occur to
could not talk. His face, already furrowed with told him that it was not only his eyes that were
me at the time, for I was filled with a terrible
old age, would become rough and unpleasant wet, but his pants too. They say that if you see
anger and an overwhelming desire to punish
to look at. a child wetting his pants, he must have been in
the greedy offenders.
an acute state of fear. Shortly afterwards, Pamba
The old man never minded his hiccups. In fact, went to bed, wondering how he was expected I seized a pestle and raised it high above
he seemed to enjoy them, and he was never to live with the man with loud hiccups always my head. By this time, they had seen me and
bothered when people wondered why he appearing on his way. were flying in disorder all over the kitchen.
would occasionally explode into loud sounds. They tumbled over each other through the
Sometimes he used the hiccup to tease and Today, Pamba looks at the whole episode as
doorway. I let down my powerful weapon just
scare children. For good measure, parents used a moment of stupidity in his growing up. But he
in time to hit the last one right on the head.
him to terrorize wayward children. The man’s also realises that little children can be knocked
I did hit! It was the most active hen of the lot
hiccups were easily the worst form of terror that into shape by something as harmless as an old
and therefore my bitterest enemy. ‘Got you
many little children had ever encountered in man with hiccups.
this time!’ I gasped in triumph as it croaked
their lives. Activity 2 painfully. But my victory song did not last, for in
Pamba first encountered the terror of the man’s Go through the passage above and write down a minute the poor thing was staggering about
hiccups one fine morning. The old man was all the derived nouns that have been used. the kitchen, and after a while it fell lifeless just
headed for the garden. From a distance, the near the fire. I leapt to rescue it from the eager
hiccups started rolling out like muted gunshots: Activity 3 flames. I shook it, examined it, shook it again
‘hic, hic, hic, hic, hic,’ the man went. As he Write two sentences using each of the derived and then tried to open its closed eyes with my
hiccupped, he grimaced in a way that made him nouns you have written down in your note finger. It would not move.
look subhuman. The hiccups gathered speed as book.
I raced with it to the house, got hold of
they rolled out so that the time lapse between Activity 4 the baby’s Vaseline and rubbed a lump on
one and the next became almost non-existent. Re-read the passage above, identify the words the wound. No response. I put it down to try
Pamba had heard stories of people who and expressions that are new to you. Study and make it walk but it gave a feeble ‘coo’ and
ate others. He was convinced that this old man how they have been used and explain their fell over. I applied another lump of Vaseline,
was one of the man-eaters that he had heard meaning. and carried it to the quiet part of the garden,
about. As the man drew closer, the hiccups grew rocking it like a baby. Seeing this had no effect I
Follow up Activity put it down and fanned it with a banana leaf.
louder and more rapid in their frequency. The
Create sentences using the new words and
man sounded like a machine that was stirring All this time I was dreading what my
expressions identified above.
to life. Pamba looked back hoping there would father would do to me. Of course the hen
be some people to rescue him from the man LESSON 3 had offended and deserved a punishment,
whom he was convinced would now devour LESSON OUTCOMES: I told myself. Mother would be angry with
him. He looked behind. There was no one there. By the end of this lesson, you should be able to: me because of the groundnuts which were
He looked sideways, there was no one either, to make up the sauce for supper. But then
though there was a small path he could sneak 1. differentiate between the subjective and
objective cases. punishing or killing the hen would not make
into. her less angry with me. In short I was going
2. identify the subjective and objective cases to bring both my mother’s and, worse still, my
Pamba could not understand the old man’s from the given passage.
excitement at his fear. father’s anger against me by my foolish action.
3. compose sentences using the two cases. After five minutes’ vigorous fanning without
The man rejoiced at seeing terror in small boys.
any change, a thought struck me. Back to the
He approached Pamba theatrically. This, as Pamba TOPIC: USE OF PRONOUNS AND CASE kitchen I raced and returned with a basin of
learnt later, was what used to give the man the INTRODUCTION water in which I dipped the poor thing. At long
energy to go on with his life. The terror that A case is the function that a pronoun performs last, I was rewarded. Having drunk some water,
formed on children’s brows rekindled his energy in a sentence. Therefore, the pronouns used the hen became normal again although it
and rejuvenated him. Since he knew that he was to refer to the same person or people differ showed great disgust at my conduct especially
essentially harmless, he used terror as the only because of the function the pronouns have at being wetted ruthlessly.

©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020 15

‘I could have sworn there were no Go through the passage again and write down Follow Up Activity
groundnuts in that source last night,’ said my all the subjective and objective cases which Imagine your classmate has lost his father
mother the next morning. ‘One could detect have been used. and you are the leader of a group of five
the tomatoes and eggplant all right, but no representing your class for burial. Write a
groundnuts.’ I kept quiet. Activity 3 condolence message that you will read out at
Write three sentences using each of the cases the funeral.
Activity 2 that you have listed in your notebook.

Art and Design

Theme: Graphic Design ly for commercial purposes. It is eye catching, velop the drawings.
Topic: Poster Designing contains clear and precise content with vary- 4. Combine written message and image:
Introduction ing ratio of image to text and rich in colour. Combining text and image is done ar-
See the two examples of posters example giv- tistically with variations. Varying ideas
Poster designing is part of Graphic design
en in figure 3.1. come when you add or remove letter-
which is a broad area of art. Poster art com-
bines the use of lettering and illustrations ing or image. They also change when
to communicate a message to the public. the paper orientation, size, font style,
Today, Poster design is a main part of late colours are manipulated.
20th-21st-century visual communication. Post- 5. Refine the final design: Refining the
ers are found all around us. Poster design is design adds to its effectiveness. You
closely associated with modern information need to consider the following prin-
and communication technologies (ICT), and ciples of art and design (balance, con-
uses the computer and internet to commu- trast, emphasis, gradation, harmony,
nicate its messages. Good visual communica- Fig. 3.1 Examples of Posters proportion, variation, unity). Clean up
tion is measured by the ability of the message Making a Poster any clutter as you keep asking yourself
to be readily understood. Poster making being part of graphic design these questions; is the message clear?
You will develop the skill of creating Poster follows the same process as given in this book- Are any of the colours overpowering?
designs by practicing the process skill of let. You must follow them while creating your Do the graphics look clean and well
transforming the verbal and text information graphic designs. placed?
into artistic graphic works of posters to com- 6. Present your design: Do not forget to
Stages in Poster making process
municate information. autograph your work. Do not forget to
1. Identification of a topic and research
Resources refer to your sketches which must be
process: This is the formulation stage
You will need: part of your presentation to check au-
• Note book, pencils, coloured pencils of an idea or message you may want to
thenticity of your creativity. This helps
• Paper, mathematical set communicate. Where the topic, theme
the viewers to assess the amount of
• Paints, markers and brushes if possible or design brief is given it involves de-
• Computer with internet if possible
thought you put into your work, the
termining your poster format. Your
techniques used and your ability to
topic, theme or brief will help you to
Why Poster designing? make intelligent design choices.
determine the colour scheme, the
It is one of the modern means employed in type of lettering or fonts suited for the
the media and industries where advertising is design and the image or illustration Create
often used. It is always specific, eye catching that will best complement the letter- Task: The invasion of Corona virus to the
and includes commercial and non-commer- ing. best suit world population claimed thousands of lives.
cial activities. The population live with a mixture of facts and
2. Plan your Content: Select your written
myths. Basing on the information you have
message. Write all the key information
Practice gathered from reliable government source,
that relate to what you intend to tell
If you can access any ICT gadget for ex- design and create an illustrated poster in-
the audience. Consider the type of let-
ample the cellphone or computer with forming your local residents on the dangers
tering suitable for your design. A short
internet check for the graphic images and of covid-19 illustrating the three strategies of
catchy slogan is great for drawing peo-
consider how the ideas connect to the combating the pandemic.
ples’ attention. Be clear and concise
elements of art, the words and the imag- Practice
but having all the relevant information
ery. You can also look at the magazines or that your readers need. Make another Poster design to improve
newspapers for the same. your graphic design ability through practice.
3. Select your image: The image or illus-
Where possible try using a computer aided
trations must relate to the main idea
Project description: Poster Designing design approach to create new designs.
or theme of your graphic design. Make
A Poster is a graphical art work which provides rough sketches of your ideas, then de-
specific information for a special event, usual-
16 ©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020
Ministry of Education
and Sports

2. For example; BY. Duplicate the tins to Follow-up exercise:
ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR STRUCTURES have say 3 tins labelled A, repeat this for B Aluminium has atomic number 13 while
and C. Develop more tin combinations for Chlorine has atomic number 17.
Learning outcome example A3X, if contents of 3 tins labelled A a) Write the electron configuration of the
are added to tin X to make eight beans. elements.
By the end of these lessons, you should be able to: b) Using valence shell electrons show the
Combinations formation of the compound formed.
1. Define the term chemical bonding. beans beans picked
picked from tin c) Write the formula of the compound formed.
2. Explain how ionic, chemical and metallic d) Which type of bond is this?
bondings occur. from tin
Tin A X
3. Demonstrate the role of valence electrons Number of 1 5 Lesson 2
in bonding. beans b) Covalent bonding:
Number of tins 3 1
Total beans 3 5
Lesson 1: Chemical bonding Combination A3Y Sometimes atoms cannot donate or gain electrons
formed but instead share them to attain stability. A
Introduction: chemical bond that involves the sharing of electron
Of your brother or sister and a friend at school, 4. Redraw this table to form more 5 pairs between atoms is called a covalent bond, or
to whom would you tell your secret? Just like combinations. molecular bond. The electron pairs shared between
you have a stronger connection with one person Results and conclusion: atoms are known as shared pairs or bonding pairs,
than another, an atom, ion or molecule either is • Why should beans add up to 8 in each and the stable balance of attractive and repulsive
strongly or weakly attracted to another atom, ion or case? forces between atoms, when they share electrons,
molecule. This lasting force of attraction between • What do the beans in each tin represent? is known as covalent bonding. Carbon has 4
atoms, ions or molecules which results into the • Which type of bonding has been electrons in its valance shell, it neither loses nor
formation of chemical compounds is termed as demonstrated? gains electrons to maximally fill their shell but
chemical bond. When the force of attraction is instead share their bonding electrons with other
strong, the type of bond is called ionic bond. When atoms.
the force of attraction is weak, such a bond is called Summary:
a covalent bond. Chemical bonds are formed by We can now relate beans to atoms, the outermost Consider:
sharing or loss and gain of electrons. electrons or valence electrons in atoms participate
in bonding. During ionic bonding, atoms
a) Ionic bonding: completely gain or lose electrons. An atom that
You earlier learnt that atoms use valence shell loses electrons becomes positively charged while
electrons to participate in chemical bonding. Metals those that gain attain a negative charge. For
have valence shells with 1, 2 or 3 electrons. Non- example, the electron configuration of sodium is
metals have valence shells with 5, 6 or 7 electrons. 2:8:1 and that of chlorine is 2:8:7, using the valence a)
When atoms of metals combine with atoms of shell this can be demonstrated as: b) Formation of methane (CH4) from
non-metals, metals completely lose electrons while covalent bonding of carbon, 6 , and
non-metals completely gain electrons. The type of 1 C
hydrogen, 1 H .
bonding is called ionic bonding.
Carbon has 4 electrons in its outermost or valence
Activity 1.1: Demonstrating bonding with beans shell while hydrogen has only 1. These two atoms
Electron configuration of atoms 2:8:1 share the valence shell electrons.
Materials needed: 2:8:7
• Six tins labelled A, B, C, X, Y and Z Electron configuration of ions 2:8
• Six different types of beans 2:8:8 c) Formation of a chlorine molecule as two
• Pen and paper Ions formed Na+ Cl 17
atoms of chlorine, 37
l , bond with each
Procedure: other.
1. Put beans in tins as below: Cl + Cl
Cl2 (g)
A B C X Y Z The valence shell electron in sodium is lost, leaving 2:8:7 2:8:7
1 2 3 5 6 7 the shell empty while the lost electron is gained by
2. Combine beans from two tins such that
the total number is 8. Ensure that when the valence shell of chlorine to attain a maximum
combining beans, one tin remains empty number of electrons on a shell.
when all the beans are transferred to
another tin.
3. Write down the tin combinations that
make eight, holding on to the rules in step

©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020 1

carbon atoms hence leading to a wide diversity of c. Pentane
c) Metallic bonding compounds being formed.
   Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons i.e. all the
      Important Terms: atoms exert their usual combining power with
other atoms and have only single covalent bonds.
1. Hydrocarbons

These are organic compounds containing hydrogen Lesson two: General properties of Alkanes
and carbon atoms only. They have a general
molecular formula CXHy where x and y are the Introduction
Metallic bonding is a type of chemical bonding whole numbers. The main classes of hydrocarbons
that rises from the sharing of free electrons are alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes. Physical properties
among a structure of positively charged ions
(cations). For example, since sodium has one 2. Homologous series 1. The first four members are gases, the next
free electron on its outer most shell, eight twelve members are liquids and the rest are
sodium atoms share their free electrons This is a group of organic compounds of similar waxy solids at room temperature.
creating a lump of sodium. Electrons in this structure which possess the same functional group
structure are said to be delocalized. Metallic and each member differs from the next by –CH2 2. They are insoluble in water but soluble in
bonding accounts for many physical properties group. organic solvents.
of metals, such as strength, ductility, heat
and electrical conductivity, denseness, and Characteristics of a homologous series: 3. They are less dense than water.
shiny nature. Metal alloys are created through
metallic bonding, for example, brass (zinc and (i) members conform to the same general mol Chemical properties
copper) and steel (carbon and iron). formula
1. Alkanes burn in oxygen forming carbon dioxide
Follow –up activity (ii) each member differs in molecular formula
1. The diagram below shows the electron from the next by a CH2 group     e.g CH4 (g) + 2O2 (g) CO2 (g) +
arrangements of magnesium and oxygen: 2H2 O(g)
(iii) members show similar chemical reactions but
vary in vigour In a limited supply of oxygen, carbon
a) Draw a diagram showing how a bond is
monoxide is formed.
made between magnesium and oxygen.
(iv) The physical properties of members
change gradually in the same direction       2CH4(g) + 3O2 (g) 2CO2 (g)
along the series. + 4H2 O(g)

     ALKANES During combustion, a lot of heat is liberated hence

alkanes are used as fuels for industrial and domestic
  Alkanes are hydrocarbons with the general purposes, for example:
b) What name is given to this type of chemical
bond? molecular formula, Cn H2n+2 where n≥1.Their names
end with the suffix –ane. • Butane is used in gas cigarette lighters

2. a) What type of chemical bond would you expect Examples, Methane in which n=1, so its formula is • Methane is found in natural gas and bio gas
in hydrogen fluoride, HF? C1 H(2X1)+2 hence CH4. and is used in gas appliances.
b) Draw a diagram to show how this bond is
formed.                   Ethane in which n=2, so its formula is C2 • Butane found in petrol is used to run petrol
3. Look at the diagram below:
H(2X2)+2 hence C2 H6 engines.

Activity This table gives the first six members of ISOMERISM

alkanes. Fill in the gaps This is the occurrence of two or more compounds
with the same molecular formula but different
Number Name of alkane Molecular structural formulae.
of carbon formula All alkanes with more than four carbon atoms have
atoms more than one structural for a given molecular
1 Methane formula i.e exhibit isomerism.
2 Ethane
a) Which type of structure is shown in the diagram? 3 Propane The easiest way of finding isomers is to draw the
4 Butane
b) Will a material with this structure be able to 5 Pentane longest chain of carbon atoms first and then reduce
conduct electricity? Explain your answer. 6 Hexane it by one carbon atom at a time.
Topic: Organic Chemistry Structural formula
Activity 3
Lesson One:      This shows the sequence and arrangement of Write the structural formulae and names of possible
atoms in a molecule. isomers of compounds with the given molecular
Introduction formulae
For example, the molecular formula of propane is C3 i) C4 H10
Organic Chemistry is a branch of H8. The structural formula of Propane is; -C-C-C ii) C5 H12
chemistry dealing with compounds of carbons OR CH3CH2CH3
except oxides, carbonates, hydrogen carbonates
and carbides. Activity Lesson four: Preparation of alkanes

Carbon has the ability to form bonds to itself. Write the molecular and structural formula for each There are mainly three ways of preparing alkanes i.e
These bonds are very strong and can be single, of the following alkanes;
double or triple bonds. Carbon forms four covalent a. Fractional distillation of crude oil or petroleum
bonds making it possible making it possible to a. Hexane Petroleum is a mixture of hydrocarbons with
have different groups attached to the chains of b. Butane differing chain lengths. It was formed from the

2 ©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020

remains of plants and animals which lived millions a. Describe how bio-gas can be obtained from IV. Ethene burns in plenty of oxygen to give
of years ago and decomposed. cow dung carbon dioxide and steam.
Fractional distillation of petroleum gives various b. Mention any three advantages of bio-gas
fractions or products. production    C2H4(g) + 3O2(g)
c. Give the disadvantages of bio-gas production
  Activity 2CO2(g) + 2H2O(g)

1. Use the internet or chemistry text books to Lesson Five: ALKENES Because alkenes burn with a sooty flame, they are
research and write the uses of the various not suitable as fuels.
fractions obtained after fractional distillation of These are members of a homologous series of a
petroleum. Present your work in a table. general molecular formula
Activity 6
Fraction Uses Cn H2n where n≥2.They have a carbon-carbon
1.Gas (propane and butane) double bond as their functional group. They are Linda carried out some tests on ethane gas and
3.Paraffin unsaturated compounds-some atoms do not exert below are her results;
4.Gas oil all their combining powers with other atoms.
5.Diesel oil Test Observation
6.Lubricating oil -appearance Colourless gas
7.Waxes and bitumen Examples: Ethene, Propene, Butene -smell No smell
-a lighted splint is Gas burns with a
1. Cracking Task 5.1……Using the general molecular formula applied to the neck of sooty flame and
Due to the increasing demand for petrol worldwide, for alkenes, write the molecular formulae for the first the gas jar of ethene condensation forms at
it has become necessary to devise a new process of three alkenes. the top of the gas jar.
obtaining it i.e by cracking of gas oil. -chlorine water is added Chlorine water
Alkenes are named by dropping the suffix –ane of to a gas jar of ethene instantly changes
Cracking is the process of breaking down the long the corresponding alkanes and replacing it with the gas from pale yellow to
chain hydrocarbons into shorter chain molecules by suffix –ene. colourless.
-acidified potassium The potassium
using heat or a catalyst.
Lesson six: Preparation of alkenes manganate (vii) is manganate (vii)
2. Bio-gas added to the gas jar of solution changes from
Ethene gas can be prepared by the dehydration of ethene. purple to colourless.
Under anaerobic conditions, bacteria feed on ethanol by concentrated sulphuric acid at 180oC
waste organic products for example animal wastes, i. What is the colour and smell of ethene gas?
CH3CH2OH (l) ii. What kind of flame does ethene burn with?
human wastes and make them decompose. One
of the products formed from this decay is methane iii. What forms at the neck of the gas jar?
gas which is a component of bio-gas. iv. What is observed when chlorine water is
CH2=CH2(g) +H2O(g) shaken with ethene gas?
Methane is an alkane and is used as a fuel for v. What is observed when ethene is shaken with
cooking and lighting purposes.   Properties of Ethene acidified potassium manganate (vii) solution?

Activity I. It is a colourless, sweet smelling and non-

poisonous gas.
With reference to the internet and chemistry text II. It is slightly less dense than air.
books, III. It is insoluble in water but soluble in
organic solvents.

Chapter: Motion Speed, distance and time. house?

Lesson 1 Jane is to walk 500m in five minutes as shown in the What you need:
illustration below. How many metres does she cover
Competence: in one minute? Explain how you arrived at the an- • Tape measure or meter rule or calibrated
swer. The answer you obtain is how fast Jane moves. stick
Suggest also the units of your answer.
By the end of this lesson, you should be able to • Watch/Stop watch/clock
apply the relationship between speed, distance,
and time In case you cannot get a tape measure or meter
rule, ask an adult at home to count the number of
Introduction paces round the house.
Motion occurs in many aspects of life. When an ob- How fast should she walk if she is to cover this dis-
ject changes its position, it is said to have moved. tance in 10 minutes?
When this happens, distance and time change.
There are some natural phenomena which cause Suggest a term for your answer and state its SI unit.
destruction as a result of motion, for example earth- Convert your answer to:
quakes and erupting volcanoes. These experiences
help us understand motion. In this chapter, you will i. km/h
study the relationship between distance and time, ii. m/s
and use it to calculate speed and acceleration and
explain their implications. Activity 1.0
Question: At what speed will you walk round the
©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020 3
Procedure: A to B through C, which is 300 km away, the • Acceleration is defined as the change of veloci-
journey will take 5 hours. ty per unit time. Its unit is the meter per second
1. Measure the distance round the house. per second (m/s2).
2. Walk round the house and using a clock/watch At what rate does she cover this distance?
Acceleration = Change of velocity
to note the time it will take you to go round the Suggest the term that represents the rate at which
house. this journey is covered. Time taken
3. Determine your speed.
4. Repeat this activity while walking faster, and 2. If she drives due east from town A to B it will
be a distance of l00 km in half an hour. At what
then running. rate does she cover this distance? Interpreting motion graphs:
5. Compare the three results. What do you con-
clude? Suggest the term that represents the rate at which Activity
this journey is covered.
Apply your understanding of displacement and
velocity to explain and demonstrate the motion
Application Summary: indicated.
1. Cars and motorcycles are fitted with speedom- • Displacement is distance moved in a specified
eters so that the driver/cyclist is able to know at direction.
what speed they are moving. Why is it neces- • The magnitudes of other paths, ACB and ADB,
sary for the driver/cyclist to know their speed? are known as the distances travelled from A to
B because the direction is not specific.
• Rate of change of displacement is called veloc-
2. Have you seen such a road sign? What is its ity.
importance? • Rate of change of distance is called speed.

Demonstrating acceleration

You are among a group of friends that are planning

Summary: a competition in a relays game at the village foot-
ball pitch. During the game, you realize that some
• Jane’s speed was the distance she moved every are gaining distance ahead of the others.
unit time
• The smaller the value of speed, the slower Jane • Explain why some are gaining distance ahead
of the others.
was and vice versa.
• How did you arrive at the answer?
Lesson 2


By the end of this lesson, you should be able to

explain the terms displacement, velocity and accel-

Demonstrating displacement, velocity and


What is the difference between the following state-

1. When traffic lights turn green, cars begin to
a. Jane moved 500m move. What is happening to the velocity of the
b. Jane moved 500m in the southern direction cars? Explain your answer.
Activity 2.0 2. When the light turns red, the cars gradually
stop. What happens to the velocity of the cars?
Explain your answer.

When a driver steps on the accelerator, the car
moves faster. In other words, its velocity increases
with time. This is called Acceleration.
• When a driver steps on the brake, the car slows
down. In other words, its velocity reduces over
1. If Hope drives a car along the road from town time. This is called Deceleration.
4 ©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020
Using the 1st equation of motion you obtained earlier, substitute for v and make
the subject of the formula. The expression you obtain is the second equation of
Use the 1st and 2nd equations of motion you obtained to eliminate t. The expres-
sion you get is the 3rd equation of motion.
Lesson 3

Competence: Exercise:

By the end of this lesson, you should be able to use equations of motion. 1. Starting from rest, Kiprotich reaches his maximum velocity in 3 seconds. He
runs a distance of 24m in the 3 seconds. What is his acceleration?
2. By applying the brakes, a driver reduces the velocity of his car from 20m s–1
to 10m s–1 after a distance of 30m. Calculate the deceleration of the car.
3. Dan is riding his motorcycle at a velocity of 10m s–1 when he sees a cow
ahead. He brakes the motorcycle and it stops.
4. If the deceleration of the motorcycle is 2m s–2, what is the distance the
motorcycle covers before it comes to rest?
5. If the cow was 30m ahead, did Dan miss it?
6. Briefly advise cyclists on how to avoid accidents.

The equations of motion are:
The illustration above shows John’s initial velocity at position A as u, which v = u + at………………… 1st equation of motion
increases steadily to a final velocity, v, at position B in a time t.
= ut + 1/2at2……………..2st equation of motion
v2 =u2 + 2as………………. 3rd equation of motion where
Activity 4: u is the initial velocity, v is the final velocity, t is time, a is acceleration and S is
the distance covered.
1. Represent this information on a velocity-time graph and use it to get an
expression for acceleration. This will give you the first equation of motion.
Make v the subject of this formula.
Lesson 4
2. From a constant velocity of 40 m s–1, the velocity of a bus increases to 90
m s–1 in 5 s. The acceleration of the bus is 10ms-1. Explain to your grand- Competence:
mother, what this value of acceleration means in terms of the movement of
the bus. By the end of this lesson, you should be able to demonstrate, explain, and
3. Aziz cycles at a uniform speed of 20 m s–1. He then stops pedaling and his apply linear momentum.
bicycle comes to a stop after 8 s. What is his average deceleration?
Activity 1

You are training as a goalkeeper of your village football team. Your coach
throws two balls for you to catch, one at a time.

Ball 1: Mass 0.5 kg at a velocity of 10 ms-1

Ball 2: Mass 0.5 kg at a velocity of 30 ms-1

If he threw the two balls with the same strength, which of the two balls would
you prefer to catch and why?

Activity 2
The second and third equations of motion:
The following day he throws two balls with the same strength as follows:
Using the expression: average velocity =
Ball 1: Mass 0.5 kg at a velocity of 10 ms-1

Ball 2: Mass 1.0 kg at a velocity of 10 ms-1

©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020 5

If he threw two balls with the same strength, which you are. If your mass is 60kg and your friend’s mass • A smooth cardboard (you can also fold a piece
of them would you prefer to catch and why? is 45kg, find the velocity with which the two of you of paper)
will gradually fall to the ground.
1. Place a coin on a smooth cardboard and place
Summary: it over a cup.

The moving balls produce an effect on your hands

which are there to stop the motion of the ball. This
effect is due to the momentum of the moving ball.
Momentum depends on mass and velocity of an
Momentum = mass x velocity
Derive the unit of momentum.
Conservation of linear momentum occurs when the
Exercise: 2. Push the card slowly and observe what hap-
total momentum of the objects before a collision pens to the coin.
equals that after the collision.
1. 3. Repeat the activity, but this time push the card
away suddenly. Observe what happens to the
Your momentum before collision = 60 x 5 coin.
= 300ms-1
Your friend’s momentum before collision = 45 x -7

= -315 kgms-1…….. (1)

What does the negative sign mean?

Total momentum before collision = 300 - 315
= -15
Total momentum after collision = (60 + 45)v
(2) 4. Why does the coin behave differently in these
If momentum is conserved, (1) = (2)
-15 = 105v
A ball of mass 1.0 kg strikes a wall at a velocity of Exercise:
v = -0.14 ms-1; where v is your common velocity.
20m s–1 and rebounds at 10 m s–1.
Explain each of the following:
What is its momentum: Question: Why is your common velocity negative? 1. A passenger sways backwards when a car ini-
tially at rest suddenly starts moving forward.
i. before it strikes the wall, and 2. When a bus is moving very fast and suddenly
1. A–1trolley of mass 3kg moving at a velocity of 2m negotiates a corner in one direction, the pas-
s collides with another trolley of mass 0.5kg sengers sway to the opposite direction.
ii. after the rebound? which is moving at a velocity of 1m s–1 in the
same direction. If –1the 0.5kg trolley moves at a
velocity of 2.5m s in the same direction after 3. If the brakes of the fast moving car are applied
the collision, what is the velocity of the 3kg suddenly, the passengers jerk forward. This can
trolley? result into a fatal accident as shown below.
2. A lorry loaded with matoke and a saloon car 2. A butterfly rests on a leaf floating on the surface
are moving at the same speed. The two have to of a pond. The butterfly then starts moving to 4. Suggest how a passenger’s safety in the above
stop at a police check point. Which of the two the tip of the leaf at a speed of 5cm s–1 while cases can be ensured.
the leaf moves at 3cm s in the opposite direc-
will be easier to stop? Explain your answer. tion. If the mass of the leaf is 8g, determine the
mass of the butterfly.
3. In the Bible, 1Kings 17: 49, David, a small man,
was able to kill Goliath, a giant using a small
stone! Discuss with a friend, how possible this
could have been.

Lesson 5 Summary:

Competence: Newton’s first law of motion-the law of inertia: A

body continues in its state of rest or uniform motion
Conservation of linear momentum in a straight line unless compelled by some external
By the end of the lesson, you should be able to force to act otherwise.
Activity demonstrate and apply Newton’s laws of motion.

1. What does it mean to ‘conserve’? Newton’s 1st law of motion

Lesson 6
2. What is conservation of linear momentum? Activity :Demonstrating Newton’s 1st law of Newton’s 2st law of motion
Example Activity1
You see a friend you have not seen in a long time.
The two of you run towards each other with open What you need:
arms. When you meet, you hug each other for two Two cars, A and B are labeled at their rear as follow:
minutes as you exchange greetings and slowly fall • A coin A: 1500 cc
on the side of your friend because he is lighter than • A beaker
6 ©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020
B: 3000 cc A car of–2.mass 1200kg is moving at an acceleration
of 2m s If the frictional force acting on the car is
What do these labels mean? You can ask someone 750N, find
who is knowledgeable about cars at home or in the its engine thrust.

Lesson 7
Activity 2 Newton’s third law of motion
The figure below shows two cars: A and B of the Explain how a boat is able to move forward (or
same mass at the same starting line. The engine backwards) on water.
capacity of sports car A is much bigger than car B.
A’ and B’ shows their new positions after 3 seconds.
Explain why this is possible.

Explain why this is possible.

The picture shows a squid. Do some research and
Using activity 3, draw a conclusion on the relation- find out how it is able to propel itself in water.
ship between the mass and the acceleration on the

The acceleration of an object is directly propor-
tional to the force applied if the mass is constant (a
∝ F).
The acceleration of an object is inversely propor-
tional to its mass when the force acting on it is
constant (a∝ 1/F).
You can also try out this activity by using an empty Explain how your chair in your classroom, or at home
box, a few masses (e.g. books) and a string. is able to sustain your weight without collapsing.
Task: Using the two relationships above, establish a
relationship between force, mass and acceleration.
Tie the string to the box and put some masses in
the box. The net force Fnet = ma is the mathematical expres-
sion of Newton’s second law of motion.

Activity Explain what happens when the air in an inflated

balloon is released.
Recall: The first equation of motion is: v = u + at

Using the 1st equation of motion, substitute for a in Summary:

F = ma
i. Hold the string and drag the box with a big When a body exerts a force on another body, the
effort in 1 minute. Note the distance the box Exercise other body exerts an equal but opposite force on
covered. the first body.

ii. Using a less effort, drag the box in 1 minute and This is sometimes stated as: to every action there is
note the distance the box covered. Try to move an equal and opposite reaction.
in a straight line in both cases.

Using activity 1 and 2, draw a conclusion on the Discuss and make short notes on other real life situ-
relationship between the force applied to the mass ations where action and reaction apply.
and its acceleration.

Lesson 8
Activity 3 Okello pushes a 15kg box with a force of 60N. If the Competence:
floor is frictionless, find the acceleration with which
The figure below shows two similar lorries, A the box moves. By the end of this lesson, you should be able to
(loaded) and B(not loaded) in front of a traffic light. differentiate between vector and scalar quantities.
When the light turns green, both drivers step on the
accelerator at the same time with the same effort. Activity 1
Three seconds later, Lorry B is ahead of A.
Consider the following statements:

i. Our home is 35km from the trading center.

ii. Our home is 35km east of the trading
©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020 7
Addition of scalar quantities

What is the difference between these two state-


Activity 2

Will Jose be able to reach the health center using Town B is 50km is away town A while town C is 3. If Quinci pulls the concrete slab with a force of
Ali’s help? Explain your answer. 52km from town B. How far is town C from town A? 85N at an angle of 45o to the horizontal, find
the vertical and horizontal components of this
Addition of vector quantities:

1. What is the total force F, with which the load is

being pulled? In which direction does the load

Help Jose reach the health center!

Using the above two activities, define:

i. A scalar quantity

ii. A vector quantity

2. Find the resultant force F, with which the box
Give three examples of each. is being moved. Suggest the direction of its

BIOLOGY SELF-STUDY MATERIALS the bottle top (cover of the bottle). i) What does this action represent in
v) Insert the remaining open end of the the human respiratory system?
Senior Three straw through the hole at the bottle cap. ii) Why should the bottom of the bal-
Glue / cellotape the straw to make it firm loon be pulled?
on the cap. iii) State what you have observed.
vi) Cut the larger balloon in half. Keep the iv) Explain your observation.
Topic: Gaseous Exchange
bottom half. v) What is the equivalent of this action
By the end of this topic, you should be able to vii) Attach the bottom half of the larger in breathing process?
demonstrate the mechanism of breathing. balloon firmly around the cut end of the 3. Now release the balloon to return to origi-
bottle. nal position.
i) What is this action equivalent to?
Introduction ii) What do you notice?
Breathing involves two actions; breathing in (inhala- iii) Give reasons for your observation.
tion) and breathing out (exhalation) of air. 4. What is the scientific principle behind the
breathing action?
Activity: Demonstrating breathing
In the following activity, you are going to make a Part B
model and use it to demonstrate breathing in the
human respiratory system. 1. Fill your mouth with water.
2. Push the water from your mouth into the
Things you will need: 2 balloons (one small and small balloon through the straw.
one large), straw, empty plastic bottle, rubber band/ 3. Pull the larger balloon at the bottom
string. downwards and then release it back to its
Procedure position.
Set up of the experiment Part A 4. What do you observe?
1. What do the following represent? 5. Give reasons for your observation.
i) Measure 7 cm from the bottom of the i) Balloon in the bottle
water bottle and cut it off. ii) Straw
ii) Insert a straw of length 5 cm into the iii) Bottle Follow-up activity
open end of the small balloon. iv) Piece of balloon at the bottom of the Corona virus causes accumulation of fluid in the
iii) Tie the balloon onto the straw using a bottle human lungs. Patients suffering from Corona virus
rubber band. Make sure not to squeeze/ disease – 19 (COVID-19) have difficulty in breathing.
block the straw. 2. Pull the larger balloon at the bottom down- How do you explain this?
iv) Pierce a hole - the size of the straw - on wards.
8 ©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020
Class: SENIOR THREE Y-coordinates: 4 strides upwards =+4 The graph below shows us the vector ST and
the position vectors OS and OT of points S and T
Mathematics respectively.
Topic: Position Vectors The position vector of point C (-3, 1) is the column
vector of OC.
Lesson 1
X-coordinate is 3 strides to the left = -3
Learning outcome Y-coordinate is 1 stride upwards = 1

By the end of this lesson, you should be able to

describe two things:
The position vector of any point P(x, y), is written
i) A position vector as a column
as OP with O as the origin (0, 0) and
ii) To represent the position vector on
a graph. Using addition (combination) of vectors
Materials needed: 1. Using the x- and y-axes on a squared paper, ST = OT–OS
a) Show the position vectors of the From the graph:
Graph papers, a ruler and a pencil. following points D (4, 6), E (-2, 5), F (1,-
b) Write down the position vectors OD,
In S2, you looked at vectors and how they are OE, OF as column vectors, where O is And
represented as column vectors, with letters and the origin.
also on a graph (geometrically). You also handled
2. Write down the coordinates of the points
operations on vectors such as addition, subtraction
whose position vectors are:
and multiplying a vector with a scalar. The length or
magnitude of vectors was also shown you.
Position vectors are also represented as column
vectors, with letters and geometrically. A vector has
both magnitude and direction. A position vector
shows the position of a point from the origin. The Lesson 2
position vectors are represented with letters such as
OP, OA, OD, p, a, d or as column vectors such as Learning outcome Writing the vector ST directly from the graph
By the end of this lesson you, should be able to X-Coordinates- 8 strides to left = -8
, , write a column vector of a vector when the position Y – coordinates- 4 strides upward =4
vectors of the end points of the vector are provided
Instructions to you.
We are going to plot points on the x and y axes and Materials you will need
write down their position vectors. This agrees with the method of using position
• Graph paper or squared paper
• Ruler Therefore, the column vector of any vector is
• pencil obtained by subtracting the position vector of
the starting point form the position vector of the
end point.
In the last lesson, we wrote position vectors of
Also without using the axes, we obtain the column
points as OP, OA and in vector form
vector of a vector given the coordinates of the end
points. Given two points A (-3, -2) and B (4, 2) to
, obtain the column vector AB.

We also represented them on graphs. We first write the position vectors of the end points

We are now going to obtain column vectors of any A and B as ,

The coordinates of the origin O are (0, 0). given vectors using the position vectors of the end
points of the vector. In senior two, you handled
The position vector of point B (2, 4) is the column combination of vectors such as AB +BC= AC. This
vector OB. idea will also enable us to find the column vector. Also AB= OB – OA
X -coordinates: 2 strides to the right = +2 Instructions
©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020 9
The position vector of a mid-point of a line segment
is got by adding ½ of the position vectors of the
end points of the line segment. Draw a line segment PQ. Divide the line segment
in a ratio 2:3.

OC = , OD= ,

OM = ½ + ½

Multiplying a scalar by a vector In the ratio 2:3, there is 2+3 portion, so 4 divide the
ACTIVITY line PQ into 5 equal proportions
1) On a graph with x and y axes Length PR= 2/5 PQ also RQ= 3/5 PQ
a) Plot the points V (3,-2) and W (-1, 4).
b) Show the column vector of DE PQ= PR + RQ
c) Draw the combination of position
vectors that make up the vector DE Using position vectors
d) Write the column vector for DE.

2. Point R has position vector ,

vector RQ=

Write the position vector of Q.

Lesson 3
I can also use only the coordinates of C and D to
Learning outcome obtain the position vector of M. PR = PQ

By the end of this lesson, you should be able to Start with getting the coordinators of the midpoint Also
write the position vector of the mid-point of a line M. Using C (-2, 3) and D (4, -1).
segment. RQ = PQ
x- Coordinators of M is = m -2+4 / 2 =
Materials you will need: 2/2 = 1 OR=OP +PR
1) Graph paper or squared paper Y-coordinators of M is = 3+-1 /2
2) Ruler =2/2 = 1 But PR = -PQ
3) Pencil
4) Introduction M (1, 1). And PQ=OR-OP

A line segment has a mid-point. This is a point

found halfway the line segment. A line segment AB, Position vectors OM = , PR= (OQ-OP) = OQ- OP
has two end points A and B.
1. On a graph paper draw the x and y axes
between -6 and 6. Plot the points F ( -4, -2 )
and G (4, 6) and join the line segments.
M is the mid-point of the line segment AB. Mark at point H as the mid-points of F and
G. But OP = and OQ =
The position vector of the mid-point M, is found by a) Use the position vectors of F and G, on the
using the position vectors of end points A and B. graph to obtain OH where O is the origin.
b) Use the position vectors of F and G, without OR = +
Instructions using the graph to obtain OH.
c) Use only the coordinates of F and G,
On a graph with x and y axes, have a drawn line without using the graph to obtain OH.
segment CD and you are going to find the position 2. The position vector of the midpoint of two
vector of M the mid-point of CD. OR = +
points P (-5, -4) and Q ( x, y) is (3, -2) obtain
the values of x and y coordinates of point Q.
OM = OC + CM
But CM = ½ CD
OR = = =
Learning outcome
CD = OD - OC ( In the last
lesson, we looked at this with end points ) Coordinates of R which divide point PQ in the ratio
By the end of this lesson, you should be able to use of 2:3 are (0, 1)
the vectors to widen a line in a given ratio.
OM = OC + ½ (OD – OC)
= OC + ½OD - ½ OC
Point E divides the line segment KL in the ratio 1:3.
A line segment is divided into a given proportion or
OM = OC - ½ OC + ½ OD
ratio. Vectors are used to help in dividing any line in The coordinates of K are (4, 1) and L are (-5, 2). Use
OM = ½ OC + ½ OD a given proportion or ratio. vectors to get the coordinates of E
10 ©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020
National Curriculum
Development Centre ,
P.O. Box 7002,
Ministry of Education and Sports


Topic 1: The Climate of Africa 5 – 19 Moderate the equatorial region are mainly influenced
by the hot temperatures and heavy rainfall.
Instructions: More than 20 Large  there are certain problems associated
with equatorial climate. These problems
• You will be studying one lesson each are brought about by heavy rainfall, hot
day. Try to do all activities programmed Rainfall
temperatures, and high humidity.
for each day. Annual Rainfall (mm) Term used
• Remember that some activities may take More than 1500 Very wet Follow-up Activity
you more than one hour to complete. Study Figure 3 and do the tasks that follow.
• Read the instructions carefully before 1001 - 1500 Wet
you begin doing each activity. 501 - 1000 Moderate Month M A M J J
• In case you find an activity difficult, ask
an older person around you to assist you. 250 – 500 Dry Temp 27 27 26 25 25
Less than 250 Very dry (oC)
Lesson1: Types of climate in Africa Rainfall 85 150 250 225 125
Equatorial Climate Monthly Rainfall Term used (mm)
Materials you need: A S O N D
Notebook, map of Africa showing climate Less than 0 - 50 Dry
regions, graph paper, pen, pencil, foot ruler and More than 50 Wet 25 26 27 27 26 26
a rubber Figure 2: Temperature and Rainfall 75 75 75 112 125 125
conditions and Terms used to describe them Figure 3: Mean monthly Temperature and
Introduction Rainfall for Station E
In Senior One you learnt about the major 1. Using the information in Figures 1 and 2, 1. Draw a suitable graph to represent the
climatic regions of the world while in Senior describe the climate of Station L in your information in the table.
Three you learnt about the climate of East notebook. 2. Using the graph you have drawn, describe
Africa. Do you still remember these climates? To assist you with this, consider the the climate of Station E.
Which of those climate types do you think are following things: 3. In your opinion, does Station E experience
found in Africa? In this lesson you are going to o The total amount of rainfall received an Equatorial climate or not? Give reasons
explore Equatorial climate in Africa and how it o Rainfall distribution pattern; including to support your view.
affects people’s ways of life. peak seasons, hottest and coolest
months of the year Lesson 2: Savannah (Tropical Continental)
Activity 1 o Expected levels of relative humidity Climate
o Temperature conditions and their Materials you need:
Study the information in Figure 1 and Figure 2, pattern over the year; including the Textbooks, map of Africa showing climate
and do the tasks that follow. annual temperature range. regions, notebook, graph paper, pen, pencil,
Month J F M A M o The hottest and coolest months of foot ruler and a rubber
the year
Temp(oC) 30 31 31 31 30 2. Using the characteristics of climate you Introduction
Rainfall(mm) 250 250 325 300 213 have described for station L as a guide, In the Geography of East Africa, you learnt
suggest the likely economics activities about Savanna lands; including their location,
carried out in the area where the station climate, economic activities, and how the
J J A S O N D is located. Give reasons to support each climate affects people’s life styles. Do you
activity you have suggested. remember the areas found in the Savannah
29 28 28 29 29 29 30 3. Explain the likely problems facing the region of East Africa? Is your home found in
people living in the area where Station L is one of the Savanna lands of East Africa? In
25 25 25 100 275 380 200 located. this lesson, you are going to learn more about
Figure 1: Mean monthly Temperature and 4. Carry out textbook or internet research Savannah climate with special focus on Africa.
Rainfall for Libreville, Gabon about Equatorial climate and crosscheck
your responses to this Activity. Have you Activity 1
got it right? Study Figure 3 and do the tasks that follow.
The climate you have described for Station L Month J F M A M J
Temperature(oC) Term used
Below -10 Very cold
is a typical Equatorial climate. The economic Temp 22 24 27 32 31 26
activities and the problems you have suggested (oC)
-10 – 0 Cold are also similar to those found in the areas of Rainfall 0 0 0 25 75 125
1 – 10 Cool Africa experiencing an Equatorial climate. (mm)
11 - 21 Warm Summary
In this lesson you have learnt that: J A S O N D
22 - 30 Hot
 areas with an Equatorial type of climate 26 25 26 26 25 23
More than 30 Very hot receive rainfall throughout the year, have 200 325 150 25 0 0
Annual Temperature Term used
two seasons with maximum rainfall called Figure 1: Mean monthly Temperature and
rainfall peaks. Rainfall for Station K
range (oC)  equatorial regions experience hot
Less than 5 Small temperatures throughout the year. 1. Draw a suitable graph to represent the
 the activities carried out by people living in

2 ©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020

climate of Station K. remember the areas found in the Savannah Figure 2: Mean monthly Temperature and
2. Using the graph you have drawn and Figure region of East Africa? Is your home found in Rainfall for Station H
2 in the previous lesson (the table showing one of the Savanna lands of East Africa? In
Temperature and Rainfall conditions and this lesson, you are going to learn more about 1. Draw a suitable graph to represent the
Terms used to describe them), describe the Savannah climate with special focus on Africa. information in the table.
climate of Station K. 2. Determine the:
3. Using the characteristics of climate you Activity 1 (iii) wettest month, and
have described for station K as a guide, Study Figure 3 and do the tasks that follow. (iv) driest months at Station H.
suggest the likely economics activities Month J F M A M J 3. How many rain seasons does Station H
carried out in the area where the station experience?
is located. Give reasons to support each Temp 22 24 27 32 31 26 4. Why is it correct to say that Station H
activity you have suggested. (oC) experiences a Savannah climate?
4. Explain the likely problems facing the Rainfall 0 0 0 25 75 125
people living in the area where Station K is (mm) Topic: The Natural Vegetation of Africa
5. Carry out textbook or internet research J A S O N D Lesson4: Equatorial or Tropical rain forest
about Savannah climate and crosscheck Vegetation
26 25 26 26 25 23
your responses to this Activity. Have you
got it right? 200 325 150 25 0 0 Materials you need:
Figure 1: Mean monthly Temperature and
The characteristicsof climate you have Rainfall for Station K Textbooks, atlas, map of Africa showing natural
described for Station Kare typicalof Savannah vegetation, notebook,pen, pencil, foot ruler and
climate. The economic activities and the 1. Draw a suitable graph to represent the a rubber
problems you have suggested are also similar climate of Station K.
to those found in the Savanna lands of Africa. 2. Using the graph you have drawn and Figure Introduction
2 in the previous lesson (the table showing In the Geography of East Africa, you learnt
Summary Temperature and Rainfall conditions and about Savanna lands; including their location,
In this lesson you have learnt that: Terms used to describe them), describe the climate, economic activities, and how the
 areas with a Savannah type of climate climate of Station K. climate affects people’s life styles. Do you
receive moderate rainfall, one rainy season 3. Using the characteristics of climate you remember the areas found in the Savannah
stretching for about seven month followed have described for station K as a guide, region of East Africa? Is your home found in
by a dry season lasting about four months. suggest the likely economics activities one of the Savanna lands of East Africa? In
This is called unimodal climate. carried out in the area where the station this lesson, you are going to learn more about
 Savannah regions experience hot is located. Give reasons to support each Savannah climate with special focus on Africa.
temperatures for most of the year. activity you have suggested.
 the activities carried out by people living in 4. Explain the likely problems facing the Activity 1
the savannah lands are mainly influenced people living in the area where Station K is Study Figure 3 and do the tasks that follow.
by the hot temperatures and moderate located.
rainfall. 5. Carry out textbook or internet research Temp (oC) 22 24 27 32 31 26
 there are unique problems which are about Savannah climate and crosscheck Rainfall J F M A M J
brought about by the climate. your responses to this Activity. Have you (mm)
got it right?
Follow-up Activity
Study Figure 2 and do the tasks that follow. The characteristics of climate you have 26 25 26 26 25 23
Month J F M A M J described for Station K are typical of J A S O N D
Mediterranean climate. The economic activities
Temp 24 23 22 21 20 18 and the problems you have suggested are also
(oC) similar to those found in the Savanna lands of for station K as a guide, suggest the likely
Africa. economics activities carried out in the area
Rainfall 200 175 100 25 20 0 where the station is located. Give Figure 1:
(mm) Mean monthly Temperature and Rainfall for
In this lesson, you have learnt that: Station K
 areas with a Savannah type of climate 1. Draw a suitable graph to represent the
17 18 20 23 24 24 receive moderate rainfall, one rainy season
0 0 0 50 100 175 stretching for about seven month followed climate of Station K.
by a dry season lasting about four months. 2. Using the graph you have drawn and Figure
Figure 2: Mean monthly Temperature and 2 in the previous lesson (the table showing
Rainfall for Station H This is called unimodal climate. Temperature and Rainfall conditions and
 Savannah regions experience hot Terms used to describe them), describe the
1. Draw a suitable graph to represent temperatures for most of the year. climate of Station K.
the information in the table.  the activities carried out by people living in 3. Using the characteristics of climate you
2. Determine the: the savannah lands are mainly influenced have described reasons to support each
(i) wettest month, and by the hot temperatures and moderate activity you have suggested.
(ii) driest months at Station H. rainfall. 4. Explain the likely problems facing the
3. How many rain seasons does Station  there are unique problems which are people living in the area where Station K is
H experience? brought about by the climate. located.
4. Why is it correct to say that Station 5. Carry out textbook or internet research
H experiences a Savannah climate? Follow-up Activity
Study Figure 2 and do the tasks that follow. about Savannah climate and crosscheck
Lesson 3: Mediterranean Climate in Africa your responses to this Activity. Have you
Materials you need:
Month J F M A M J got it right?
Textbooks, notebook, map of Africa showing Temp ( C)
24 23 22 21 20 18 The characteristics of climate you have
climate regions, graph paper, pen, pencil, foot described for Station K are typical of Savannah
Rainfall 200 175 100 25 20 0 climate. The economic activities and the
ruler and a rubber (mm) problems you have suggested are also similar
Introduction to those found in the Savanna lands of Africa.
Africa, you learnt about Savanna lands;
including their location, climate, economic 17 18 20 23 24 24 In this lesson ,you have learnt that:
In the Geography of East activities, and how 0 0 0 50 100 175 areas with a Savannah Summary
the climate affects people’s life styles. Do you  type of climate receive moderate rainfall,
©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020 3
one rainy season stretching for about seven Month J F M A M J 6. Determine the:
month followed by a dry season lasting (v) wettest month, and
about four months. This is called unimodal Temp (oC) 24 23 22 21 20 18 (vi) driest months at Station H.
climate. Rainfall 200 175 100 25 20 0 7. How many rain seasons does Station
 Savannah regions experience hot (mm) H experience?
temperatures for most of the year. 8. Why is it correct to say that Station
 the activities carried out by people living in H experiences a Savannah climate?
the savannah lands are mainly influenced J A S O N D
by the hot temperatures and moderate 17 18 20 23 24 24
 there are unique problems which are 0 0 0 50 100 175
brought about by the climate.
Figure 2: Mean monthly Temperature and
Follow-up Activity Rainfall for Station H
Study Figure 2 and do the tasks that follow. 5. Draw a suitable graph to represent
the information in the table.

4 ©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020

LESSON 1: The Influence of the 19th Century The number of pagans was increasing steadily had been living in the Hausa states since the early
Islamic Movements and it created a need to convert them to Islam 1400s in what is now northern Nigeria.
Topic: Islamic Movements of the 19th Century with force where it was necessary. There was
Learning Outcomes an increase in evil practices such as adultery,
By the end of this lesson you will be able to: alcoholism and corruption. Some leaders of
1. Define Jihad. the Hausa were greedy and their mission was
2. Explain causes of Jihads in the 19th self-enrichment. Leaders such as Uthman dan
century in West Africa. Fodio launched Jihads because they were sure of
3. Outline the importance of Uthman defeating the corrupt ones.
dan Fodio and Mohammed Bello in the Jihads were also caused by political factors such
Islamic movements of West Africa. as interstate conflicts. The Fulani were tired of
being dominated by the Hausa and, therefore,
Materials you will need: Figure 4.2: Uthman dan Fodio
wanted to get rid of Hausa domination. The Jihad
• textbooks
leaders wanted to protect people from all forms
• Pens
of oppression and exploitation. War became He was the leader of the first Jihad in Western
• Notebooks
one of the means of bringing about meaningful Sudan Hausa land in the 19th century. He was
• the internet
changes in society. The 19th century recorded a Fulani preacher and scholar. He played an
• the Atlas of West Africa
unfair judgements in courts of law. The Muslim important role in the wide spread of the West
leaders were, therefore, focused on ending these African Jihad movements. He was a great teacher,
Instructions scholar and Islamic reformer. He was very
unfair judgements since they were against the
1. Use a handbook for Senior 4 history.
practices of Islam. eloquent and highly learned; he, therefore, built
2. You can make reference to other related
books. up a large number of followers who looked to
The 19th century Jihads also had some economic
3. If possible, consult an adult and Google/ him as a saviour. He preached against unfairness
causes. Governments such as that of Western
internet while doing an activity. in Hausa land, such as over-taxation of the poor;
Sudan overtaxed their subjects. Fulani town
Step 1: Introduction he also revived Islam throughout Hausa land and
merchants always complained of heavy taxes in
brought together the different states that were
A Jihad is a holy war ordained by God with the their trade while Fulani pastoralists were opposed
under Fulani leadership.
intention of purifying Islam. In simple terms, to high taxes on their cattle. Worse still, the
it is an effort made by believers to live out the methods of collecting taxes were ruthless. He brought about national unity in the Sokoto
Muslim faith as well as possible, to build a good caliphate. As a leader, he treated others fairly,
There were also intellectual causes. The Jihad
Muslim society and to defend Islam with force if and eventually everyone started treating others
movements aimed at spreading Islamic
necessary. The holy Quran teaches that soldiers as citizens. He preached against all forms of
education in West Africa. They hoped to make an
who die in Jihad go to heaven immediately. The unfairness and became extremely popular.
ideal Islamic society through education.
Muslim leaders in West Africa tirelessly worked for Uthman was a great scholar who encouraged
a spirit of oneness as they fought to purify Islam. A look at the above factors shows that the
education. He advocated the building of many
See Figure 4.1 below. situation was ripe for a revolution. All that was
Koran schools in the Sokoto caliphate which
needed was a spark to set things ablaze.
concentrated on the teaching of Islam and
Arabic. He was also a good leader who managed
1. Why were Jihads called Holy Wars? to delegate power and responsibility to other
2. Mention any developments that West leaders.
Africa experienced during the Jihad
movements. Importance of Mohammed Bello

Step 3 Muhammad Bello was the second Sultan of

Figure 4.1: Jihadists in Central Mali The Islamic movements of West Africa were Sokoto and reigned from 1817 until 1837. He
largely spearheaded by Muslim leaders such as was also an active writer of history, poetry and
Step 2: Causes of the 19th century Jihads in Uthman dan Fodio and Mohammed Bello. They Islamic studies. He was the son and primary aide
West Africa committed themselves to ensuring that Islam is to Uthman dan Fodio, the founder of the Sokoto
Although Jihads were religious movements, spread all over West Africa. caliphate and the first sultan.
they had a mixture of political, economic and He was a great believer in Islam and Islamic
intellectual causes. The Muslim leaders of Usuman (Uthman dan Fodio)
reforms. He worked hand in hand with Uthman
the Jihads also had an important mission of Shaihu Uthman dan Fodio, born Usuman ɓin
dan Fodio to establish and administer the Sokoto
spreading Islam. They looked at war essentially Foduye, was a religious teacher, revolutionary,
caliphate. He was a scholar of dan Fodio and
as a religious duty. The war was an extension of military leader, writer and Islamic promoter, and
the founder of the Sokoto caliphate. Dan Fodio when dan Fodio died, Mohammed took on the
intensive teaching and preaching. leadership of the Sokoto caliphate.
was one of a class of urbanised ethnic Fulani who

©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020 5

He concentrated on the establishment of a Lesson Summary Nazareth. Its believers, known as Christians, believe
modern and competent army (see Figure 4.4 The Islamic Jihad movements in West Africa that Jesus is the Christ, the messiah, whose coming
below). The army was trained with a promotion resulted largely from the need to spread Islam was prophesied in the Hebrew Bible, called the Old
strategy based on merit. For every soldier to as far as possible and also to purify the Muslim Testament in Christianity, and narrated in the New
be promoted, he would first undergo the right religion. In the process of spreading and purifying Testament.
training and prove that he was competent enough Islam, the Jihad leaders made an effort to wipe A Christian mission is an organised effort to spread
to serve as required. He also ensured that the army out all forms of injustice in the communities. This,
Christianity to attract new converts. Missions
was well supplied with military equipment. Owing however, was not a smooth operation for some
involve sending individuals and groups, called
to its being competent and well-equipped, the people required force to get them to convert
missionaries, across boundaries, most commonly
Sokoto caliphate army was able to survive on the to Islam and follow some of its principles. Much
as the movement brought about remarkable geographical boundaries, to carry on evangelism
changes, some of the results were negative, such or other activities, such as educational or health
as the big death toll that the population suffered. work.
The activities of Christian missionaries in West
Follow-up Activity Africa first became evident as early as 1456 when
1. Discuss the impact of the Jihad the Portuguese launched their mission there.
movements on the people of West Africa. However, they were not successful in their work
2. Describe the changes that occurred in owing to a number of factors, including the wide
West Africa during the Jihad movements. spread of Islam. It was only in the 19th century that
the activities of the Christian missionaries proved
LESSON 2: The Influence of Christian successful. The initiative to embark on missionary
Missionaries in the History of West Africa work was first taken by the Protestant churches of
Europe, with the Catholic Church following later.
Figure 4.4: Modern soldiers undergoing Topic: Christian Missionary Activities in West
training Africa
Learning Outcomes 1. Outline the different European Christian
Mohammed Bello held peaceful negotiations with
By the end of the lesson you should be able to: missionary groups that operated in West
hostile tribes in order to get them to accept his
1. identify the Christian missionary groups Africa.
peaceful administration. This strategy was very that operated in West Africa. 2. Identify the challenges that the Christian
favourable, since he did not have to do much to 2. explain the motives for their coming. missionaries faced in West Africa.
convince the people to practise the good values of 3. find out the activities of Christian
Islam. missionaries in West Africa. Step 2: Motives and activities of Christian
He improved education by encouraging the 4. explain the problems which they faced. missionaries in West Africa
establishment of Quranic schools (see photos The main purposes of missionaries were: First, to
below). He made sure that the teachers in those Materials you will need: make converts to Christ; to build up the Church in
schools were well facilitated so that they would • a pen the entire world; and to extend Christ’s influence
deliver efficiently and effectively. Many mosques • a pencil by pervading non-Christian societies with his
were also built during his time. • a notebook standard of right and wrong. The primary motives
of Christian missionaries in West Africa were
religious. Many people viewed Africa as a dark
Instructions continent (see Figure 5.1 below). The European
1. Make sure you have nothing distracting missionaries, therefore, wished to save the souls of
you. Switch off the TV and create a quiet Africans by converting them to Christianity with
environment for yourself that is suitable for the hope to bring them light.
2. Take time to study and understand the
Figure 4.5: Class time in an Islamic school information given for each step.
Figure 4.6: An Islamic school 3. In case you find difficulty, it is all right to
seek help from any adult that is near you.
Mohammed Bello fought corruption and ensured
that all forms of injustice were wiped out from the Step 1: Introduction
face of West Africa.  What do you understand by Christianity?
 Think of the different Christian religions Figure 5.1: The African dark continent
Task around you and the differing beliefs they
Using the library and research, describe the have. Christian missionary interest in West Africa was
contribution of the following personalities in West  These religions started a long time ago and
further stimulated by the desire to stop the spread
Africa: they continue to grow.
of Islam. In the 19th century, Islam was spreading
i) Seku Ahmadu like a bushfire in West Africa following the Jihad
ii) Al Hajj Umar Christianity is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion
movements. Christian missionaries, therefore,
based on the life and teachings of Jesus of wanted to halt the spread of Islam in West Africa.

6 ©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020

European missionaries wanted to wipe the Missionaries did not have enough funds to carry
images of slave trade (see Figures 5.2 and 5.3 out their missionary activities. They depended
below) from the face of West Africa and clear on alms that came from their mother countries.
their name before the Africans. They looked at These alms would always take very long to reach
their effort to spread Christianity in Africa as a them, thus causing them to lead very difficult
way to compensate for the horrible crimes that Figure 5.4: A missionary school Figure 5.5: A Christian church lives. When the missionaries came to West Africa,
Europe had committed against Africa. most of the roads and railways were not yet
developed so they faced difficulties in moving
from place to place to carry out their activities.
The missionaries faced the problem of
language barrier. It was very difficult for them
Figure 5.6: A mission church
to communicate with Africans yet they had to
Figure 5.2: A slave caravan Figure 5.3: A slave ship work closely with them. They used interpreters
The missionaries also had humanitarian motives. The missionaries taught local people many who were not reliable sometimes. In addition, the
In the process of spreading Christianity, they languages, such as English and French. Many Africans who worked for them as porters were
hoped to stop all inhuman acts that were people learnt the languages through missionary not honest; they would run away with some of
rampant in Africa through preaching against education. These languages became very the missionaries’ items.
them and preaching the love of Christ to Africans important in the development of West Africa. The missionaries also met resistance from
who had been dehumanised. The missionaries also played a significant role Africans who looked at all whites as connected to
in the development of agriculture by teaching
Missionaries had economic motives, too. Through slave trade. It took some time for the missionaries
Africans better methods of farming. The
their teaching and preaching, they wanted to to convince these Africans that they had come
missionaries taught Africans by example because
create an atmosphere that was conducive to for a good cause.
they knew farming. The missionaries also taught
carrying out legitimate trade in Africa. They also many skills, such as bricklaying and carpentry, The missionaries also faced the problem of
encouraged Africans to grow cash crops, which which Africans later used as sources of livelihood, natural vegetation such as thick forests which
would be a great boost to the economy. hence improving their livelihoods. were difficult for them to penetrate. They would
The missionaries also wanted to spread western sometimes encounter wild animals which were a
Task threat to their lives. This put their lives at risk and
education so as to spread western cultures and
Carry out internet research and find out the interfered with their activities.
values. That is why they established many schools
careers of the following missionaries in West
in West Africa.
Christians also came to West Africa to facilitate i) Bishop Samuel Ajai Crowther Task 3
the establishment of colonial rule. They worked ii) Bishop Joseph Shanahan 1. Discuss the social, economic and political
impact of Christianity on West Africa.
hand in hand with the colonial governments and
2. Carry out research and find out the
even helped them to identify areas in West Africa different measures that Christian
that were rich in raw materials. missionaries used to preach their
Christian missionaries made an intentional message.
effort to lead others to the saving faith in Jesus
Christ. This was their primary task but, in order
to accomplish it, they had to do quite a number Figure 5.7: A brick-making project Lesson Summary
of things. They cared for freed slaves, and other Christian missionaries in West Africa came with
vulnerable people that needed help. Step 3: Problems faced by missionaries in a major intention of spreading the gospel of
West Africa Jesus Christ. However, they paved the way for
They spread Christianity and preached the good
Missionaries faced a number of challenges as the colonisation of West Africa and influenced
news of Jesus Christ and made an effort to
they performed their activities. They included the Africans to adopt foreign cultures and practices.
convert as many people as possible. They shaped
following: This left African culture partly eroded and
the attitude of people towards many things. The
western culture and successfully established
Africans changed their attitude towards certain The greatest problem faced by the early western education. Regardless of the challenges
practices such as polygamy, witchcraft and European Christian missionaries were faced by European missionaries, they successfully
traditional African practices. the tropical climate and health hazards. accomplished their mission.
The missionaries encouraged the development Many missionaries died because of the climate.
of education, establishing many schools, such This single problem made missionary work very
as Fourah Bay College, which was set up by the difficult. The missionaries were also affected by
Church Missionary Society and where prominent tropical diseases such as malaria. Most of them
historical figures such as Samuel Ajayi Crowther contracted the tropical diseases and because
received their education. The missionaries also they had no access to medicines, some of
built many churches in West Africa. them succumbed to the diseases during their
missionary work.

©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020 7

Entrepreneurship Education
PROJECT: Making charcoal briquettes, government provided food for such families. 1. Make charcoal briquettes using some of the
designing a poster for However, due to the lock down, fuel specifically readily available materials at your home.
advertising them and making charcoal, became expensive and scarce yet 2. Use the cup (tumpeco) or mug to measure
a package for the briquettes majority of families especially in the urban the materials.
areas use it as a source of energy. As a learner of 3. Place the materials in different containers.
By the end of this project, you should be able entrepreneurship, you are expected to provide 4. In case you do not have charcoal dust you
to: solutions to business challenges. can use cow dung in the same quantities.
1. Identify the right materials needed for 5. Make sure you do not miss out on any step.
Activity one 6. Record every step followed in the making of
making charcoal briquettes. At your home, you have several resources like
2. Make charcoal briquettes. briquettes in your note book, because you
domestic waste, peelings and soil which you will have to write the report for submission
3. Explain three benefits of using charcoal can use to make charcoal briquettes, to solve
briquettes in relation to ordinary charcoal. to your teacher.
the problem at hand. 7. Using your note book or a sheet of
4. Write a brief report on making charcoal
briquettes explaining some of the Task paper, design an advert for your charcoal
challenges faced while making the i. Identify the right materials needed for making briquettes.
briquettes, how these were overcome and the charcoal briquettes. 8. Design a package for your charcoal
any lessons learnt from the project work. ii. Make charcoal briquettes using the materials briquettes. You will submit the report, the
5. Design a poster for advertising your you have identified following the step by step advert and the package to your teacher on
charcoal briquettes. procedure provided below. the day of reporting to school.
6. Identify the right materials for making iii. Write a report, explaining some of the
packages, design a package for your Step by Step Procedure of Making Charcoal
challenges you faced while doing the project
charcoal briquettes and Label it. Briquettes
work. How did you overcome the challenges?
Mention any lessons you have learnt from the Please pay attention to every detail outlined in
NOTE: You can use any material you think will
project work. the step by step process provided below.
make your package attractive.
iv. Explain three benefits of using charcoal Step one: Preparing the waste materials
Read the scenario below and respond to the briquettes. Using a pair of gloves, polythene bags or your
instructions given. v. Assuming you want to make briquettes free hands collect the waste materials to use as
SCENARIO for sale, design a poster to advertise your guided below. Be very careful with the safety of
charcoal briquettes, using either your exercise your hands.
HOME MADE SOLUTIONS TO EFFECTS OF THE book or a plain sheet of paper whichever is
CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC available. Make your poster as attractive as
The world registered the first case of possible.
Coronavirus (COVID 19) in December 2019, in vi. Design a labelled package for your charcoal
Wuhan City in China. The disease was declared briquettes. You will present your report, the
a global pandemic by the World Health poster and the package to your class teacher Fig. 1. Putting on Gloves
Organisation on 11th March 2020. By 14th when schools reopen after the lockdown.
April 2020, the pandemic had spread to 210 Collect four cups of charcoal dust and put it in a
Note: The project may not be finished in one container. If you do not have charcoal dust, you
countries infecting over 2,000,000 people with day, you may choose to take a few days doing
close to 120,000 deaths registered. can use carbonized charcoal dust or fresh cow
it. You can keep some of the briquettes for dung in the same quantities and follow the
home use but keep some for presenting to same procedure.
To mitigate the spread of the virus and to your teacher as part of your project work when
avoid creating a fertile ground for its spread, schools reopen.
His Excellency the President of the Republic of
Uganda, Mr. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni ordered MATERIALS REQUIRED
the closure of public gatherings like Schools, SN ITEM ALTERNATIVE QUANTITY
Churches and Bars, and suspended public 1 charcoal dust Fresh cow dung 4 (tumpeco) cups Fig. 2. Charcoal dust
transport on 20th March 2020. He further put in 2 Soil Anti-hill soil/brown 2 (tumpeco) cups
place a Task Force to steer the fight against the soil/Clay
spread of the disease. Among the measures 3 Water 4 (tumpeco) cups

taken, was to declare a national lock down and 4 Basins Container 3

curfew from 7:00pm to 6:30am for 14 days. 5 Gloves Polythene bag/open 1pair
The effects of the coronavirus are enormous, 6 Plastic cup Mug 1
(tumpeco) =
ranging from health, social and economic ½ litre
among others. Indeed, following the lockdown,
a number of people have complained about Instructions
failure to feed their families. Consequently,
Fig.3. Carbonized charcoal dust

8 ©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020

briquettes and cook.

Fig. 4. Fresh Cow dung Fig. 5. Plastic cup

Fig.10 Mixing Charcoal dust, soil & water Fig. 15. Lighting the charcoal briquettes and
Step two: preparing the charcoal dust cooking.
Add water. Start with a small amount of
Sieve/filter the charcoal dust and remove the water and mix it into the mixture using your Summary
big particles, plastics and any other unwanted hands. Keep adding water until the mixture After going through the step by step process, it
materials using your hands to remain with fine becomes easily moldable. When squeezed, is assumed that you now know what briquettes
charcoal dust. (You can also crash the bigger your mixture should hold together easily. are. Below is an explanation of what briquettes
particles into powder form and use it). When the mixture is too soft add more charcoal are.
or soil, and if it is too hard add more water.
These are small, compact blocks made from
organic waste which you can use for cooking
Step six: Molding the briquettes in the charcoal stove or fire. While some
Take a hand full of your mixture and mold briquettes require expensive machinery to
Fig. 6. A boy sieving charcoal dust. using your two hands until it is hard enough. make, others can easily be made at home from
The mold or briquette can be in a round shape the locally available waste materials with no
Step three: preparing the soil or any other shape you want. You can make machinery required.
Collect two cups of soil preferably brown briquettes of any reasonable size.
or anthill soil or Clay soil if its available but
normal soil can also be used. Put it in a second

Sort the soil removing the bigger particles, Fig. 16. Sample of Charcoal briquette
Fig. 12. Picking a handful of mixture
sticks, broken glass, stones and plastics.

Fig.7. Brown Soil Fig. 8. Any Fig. 13. Molding the mixture into briquettes Fig. 17. Briquettes burning in a charcoal
other soil stove
Step seven: Drying the briquettes
Place the molded briquettes on a flat surface Follow up activity
ready for drying. Set your briquettes in a dry
place. Briquettes need 2-3 days to dry properly i. Continue practising the making of charcoal
before you can use them. If placed in an open briquettes until you perfect the process.
place do not leave them outside because in ii. You can sell the excess briquettes to your
Fig. 9. Clay Soil case it rains they can get spoilt. Alternatively, neighbours at the end of the lockdown.
you can dry them under a shade. This will help you to save your earnings.
Step four: Measuring the quantity of water iii. In case you have access to the internet, you
can make further research using Google on
Get a small Jerrycan/Jug or any other container the other ways and materials you can use to
and pour in four cups of water. make charcoal briquettes.
iv. Practice designing several adverts for the
Step five: Making the mixture
briquettes to have a variety from which to
Measure off two cups of charcoal dust and one choose the best.
cup of soil. Put them in a third container and v. Practice designing several packages for the
mix them well using your hands until they are briquettes to have a variety from which to
Fig.14. Laying molded briquettes on a flat
thoroughly mixed. choose the best.
surface for drying.
NOTE: This project will enable you to answer
Step eight: Using your briquettes
Paper one at senior four during examinations.
Light your charcoal stove using a few usual
charcoal pieces. When it is hot enough add the

©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020 9

Art and Design
Theme: Graphic Design • Determining your format
Topic: Designing a Flier • Brainstorming the content
Introduction (idealisation)
A Flier is one category of graphic designs • Picking suitable template (orientation)
which is relatively inexpensive and quick • Choosing colours
passage of information. Fliers contain • Integrating graphics with typography
selective information in an eye-catching (craftsmanship) and
manner. It is usually passed by hand and • Cleaning up any clutter (finishing)
may have a varying ratio of image to text Practice: Analysing Key features of graphic
all put on a single sheet. By practicing this designing Figure 4.1(a) Examples of Fliers
topic, you will be able to create functional 1. Study and discuss examples of fliers 4.1(b)
designs for the purpose of self-expression presented in figure 4.1a and 4.1b)
and to communicate ideas, information and regarding lay out, choice of fonts, images,
messages. You will also develop the skill of and clarity of message.
2. Examine the concept, practices, and Create
transforming verbal and text information into Using colour, shape, typography and
vocabulary associated with graphic
graphic design works that communicate ideas designing shapes to communicate a message
3. Study the interrelationship of images and 1. Study the stages in the graphic making
or symbols to take the place of words, process.
and consider the effect of illustrations in 2. If you have access to a computer with
You will need: relation to text. internet, search information on the use of
• Note book, pencils, coloured pencils 4. List the common criteria and key purpose fliers.
of Fliers.
• Paper, mathematical set 3. List terms associated with graphic design.
• Paints, markers and brushes if possible Artists choose to communicate information
and or ideas differently to the public depending As part of the campaign to fight the
• Computer with internet if possible ‘COVID-19’ the public is being told to keep
on the given circumstances and the targeted
audience. Why do you think fliers and posters indoors and avoid gatherings. The cause is
Project Description: Flier Designing can serve the same purpose but differently? not known but the information available is
Fliers being part of graphic designing has How are the two designs different? contained in the strategies laid down by the
similar characteristics and follows the same government to containing the pandemic.
process of designing like the rest of graphic Create and design a Flier to be circulated to
communications. To remind you of some of the public illustrating the given strategies to
contain the spread of the virus.
the key steps include:

10 ©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020

English Language
SENIOR 4 Activity 1 1. The minister donated to the school
Before we start our lesson, do not forget A) Identify and underline the subject many books.
that COVID19 is a disease affecting every in each of the following sentences. 2. The headmistress asked the new teacher
country in the world: Number 1 has been done for you as a number of questions.
We are advised: an example. 3. The citizens lent the school money after
• not touch our soft parts (eyes, nose, 1. The early bird catches the worm. the pandemic.
mouth) because the virus can pass 2. Wooden houses are temporary. 4. The speaker promised the listeners cash
through them and enter the body 3. Muzeeyi Kyijana was a man of awards.
• to wash our hands thoroughly with courage. 5. My grandmother told George an
soap and water 4. After we had been waiting for three interesting story.
• not to spit anywhere hours, the guest of honour arrived. 6. The school bought us new textbooks
• to cover our mouth with a tissue when
5. The concert ended at midnight. this term.
we are coughing
6. Should physical eduation be 7. I will write Mother a letter soon.
• to use a tissue for our nose when
sneezing. examined in the examination room? 8. The missionaries built the community a
7. Developed countries attract job nursing home.
LESSON 1 seekers from developing countries. 9. The magistrate gave the lawyer a
TOPIC: The Use of Nouns 8. Mathematics lessons should always warning.
LESSON OUTCOMES: be taught in the morning. 10. The doctor wrote the patient a
By the end of this lesson, you should be able to: 9. The little girl in a red dress is my prescription.
1. use nouns as subjects and objects in niece. Activity 4
sentences 10. Do the inhabitants of the islands Rewrite each of the following sentences using
2. use nouns as complements in grow food crops? the italicized noun as the subject of your
sentences sentence.
B) Use the following nouns and noun 1. The head teacher gave the street
INTRODUCTION phrases to make sentences. The children food.
The subject of a sentence is the part which noun or noun phrase should be the 2. Auntie Jessica baked Cissy a cake.
names the person or thing that we are subject of your sentence. 3. My mother sold the stranger ripe
speaking about. Usually the subject comes 1. Swimming girls tomatoes.
first in a sentence, just before the verb. For 2. The school captain 4. Racheal will write the manager an
example: 3. Water application letter.
1. Mary has a good memory. 4. Mrs Baale 5. The government built the street families
2. Nature is the best cure. 5. The papers on the table houses.
In the examples above, Mary and Nature Activity 2 Activity 5
are the subjects in the two sentences, Look at the words in italics in Look at the sentences below:
Sometimes, however, other introductory each of the sentences below: i. Anna Mugoya is the director of
phrases can come before the subject. When i. The doctor treated the patient. Kampala Medical Centre.
this happens, the introductory phrase ii. The students took the books. ii. She became a professor of infectious
is separated from the subject by use of a iii. The Board of Governors built the diseases at the University of
comma. For example: classroom. Bostwana.
1. On Monday morning, Winfred left The nouns in italics in each of the sentences iii. She will remain the director of
for Nairobi. above is the direct object of the verb in Kampala Medical Centre for four
2. When the pandemic was over, the that sentence. Some verbs in English have years.
schools reopened. two objects. For example: iv. The United Nations General
In questions, the auxiliary verb comes i. Mwesigwa gave Apio oranges. Assembly elected her director.
before the subject as shown in the following ii. The tailor made Raynor a new The words in italics are used as complements.
examples: suit. They describe a noun or pronoun in the earlier
1. Has Winfred left for Nairobi? iii. The students cooked the parents part of the sentence. The director in (i), refers
2. Did the schools reopen after the a tasty meal. to Anna Mugoya; a professor in (ii) refers to the
pandemic? In each of the sentences above, the verbs: pronoun she; the director in (iii) refers to the
In compound and complex sentences, gave, made and cooked have two objects pronoun she; and director in (iv) refers to the
which have more than one clause, each which are written in italics. However, while pronoun her.
clause has its own subject. For example: the nouns oranges, new suit and tasty The director in sentence (i) and a professor in
1. Although Paul came in late for the meal are direct objects, the nouns Apio, sentence (ii), are called subject complements.
lesson, the teacher looked calm. Raynor and the parents are indirect Director in sentence (iv) which refers to her is
2. Martin will tell his mother the truth objects which answer the questions to called an object complement.
before Habiba is punished. whom, for whom respectively. Now identify the nouns used as complements
For the sentences above, the words in Activity 3 in the following sentences.
thick ink are the subjects while those in In these sentences below, identify the verb, 1. Dushabe became a director last year.
italics are the verbs. the direct object and the indirect object. 2. Kasule was appointed principal this year.
©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020 11
3. The meeting named my father a national questions do not need a question mark. For 6. We don’t know ------------- uniform was found
representative. example: hidden near the gate.
4. Judas turned traitor when he found he i. He asked me what the problem was. 7. I want to find out ------------ match will be
could earn money that way. ii. Eria wanted to know which team played in the afternoon.
5. Luzze is a medical doctor. had won the match.
6. The singer was a rebel soldier. iii. My boss wanted to know whom I Activity 3
7. They named the baby Emmanuel. had met at the interview.
Complete each of the following sentences by
Follow Up Activity iv. Ruth wanted to know who was
supplying the correct interrogative pronoun.
After the pandemic you have realized that you attending the party.
need to come up with a family business to Study the table below and see the difference 1. -------- dress is yours and ----------- is
support the money earned by your guardian/ between the interrogative as it is used in the mine?
parents. Write a letter to the manager of an direct and indirect questions. 2. ---------- is the matter with Jane?
investment bank in your area, requesting for a Direct question Indirect question 3. ------------ is performing tonight?
loan for a business project. Include in your letter 1. Whom do you He/She asked me 4. ------------ of those four actors is still in
the following: want to see? whom I wanted to see. primary school?
i. Start by saying who you are and 5. ----------- wrote this book?
mention very briefly what you need 2. What do you He/She/They asked me
6. ----------- subject do you like most in
the loan for. want? what I wanted.
ii. Summarize in a couple of sentences 3. Who is reading He/Ṣhe asked me who 7. ------------ bus goes to the showground?
your business plan. the novel? was reading the novel. 8. ------------ knows the answers to both
iii. State your own contribution to questions?
the project (what you are going to In the direct question, the interrogative 9. ----------- colour is the gate?
provide). pronoun is at the beginning of the sentence 10. Here are the books. ---------- is yours?
iv. State exactly how much you need and is followed by an auxiliary verb. In the
to borrow and what you need the indirect question, the interrogative pronoun is Activity 4
money for. at the beginning of a subordinate clause and is
v. Mention that you have enclosed a followed by the subject. Read the passage and answer the questions
copy of your business plan. Activity 1 which follow.
vi. Request for an appointment at the Why Is Africa So Poor?
bank to discuss your business plan. Complete each of the questions below using an
vii. Close the letter. appropriate interrogative pronoun. What is poverty? Is it the horde of chokoras
NB: Remember that this is a formal letter and 1. -------------- knows what will happen next? struggling at the rubbish heap for morsels of
should include the address of the manager. 2. -------------- is better, honour or riches? rotten food? Or is it the army of underpaid
3. --------------- have you decided to do? labourers; barefoot, in ragged trousers and
LESSON 2 4. --------------- of the schools voted against tattered shirts, toiling away with crude
TOPIC: Interrogative pronouns holiday work? implements in the scorching sun? One could
LESSON OUTCOMES: 5. --------------- is to blame for wasting so also suggest that the myriads of scruffy people
By the end of the lesson, you should be able to: much public funding? crammed in hovels in smelly, unhygienic slums
1. use interrogative pronouns in direct 6. --------------- else knew of the existence of are a face of poverty. Out in the countryside,
questions the plans? a caring observer may be left heartbroken by
2. use interrogative pronouns in indirect 7. -------------- else did you see during your those scenes of the semi-starved peasants
questions journey to West Africa? scratching the denuded soil with sticks and
INTRODUCTION 8. -------------- was the head teacher talking worn-out jembes, trying to eke out a living from
Interrogative pronouns are used when asking about? what they call ‘agriculture’. A herdsman chasing
questions. Words such as what, who, which 9. -------------- about stopping for a cup of around a few head of scrawny cattle in the name
and whom are some of the interrogative tea? of livestock-keeping is yet another image of
pronouns used with different meanings. 10. --------------- is this? poverty. Then you have the perennial gallery of
Interrogative pronouns are used with direct and 11. -------------- am I speaking to, please? spindle-limbed children with bloated stomachs
indirect questions. We usually use who, whom, 12. ------------- of these boys did you speak to? and wrinkled faces, dying of kwashiorkor,
whose to ask direct questions about people. For 13. ------------- did she say is the winner? diarrhoea, malaria, measles whooping cough
example: and a hundred other preventable diseases, just
i. Who is at the door? Activity 2 because their parents cannot afford available
ii. Whom did you see in the morning? simple cures.
iii. Whose shirt was sold yesterday? Fill the gaps in the following sentences with the
We use what to ask questions about things. For appropriate interrogative pronoun. Are these familiar scenes in Africa? That is
example: perhaps an understatement. They are the most
i. What are you talking about? 1. The doctor asked me ------------- had familiar images of Africa. Poverty seems to be
ii. What did father buy at the market? happened to my eye. almost synonymous with Africa. Even the most
Which is used with both people and things. It is 2. The police officer wanted to know ------------ optimistic and sympathetic assessments of the
used to ask questions about a fixed number of ---had invited the troublemaker to the party. state of the world’s economy list Africa as the
things or people. For example: 3. His boss asked him --------------- he spoke to poorest continent on the planet. The situation
i. Which is your friend? at the airport. begs three important questions. The first is: Why
ii. Which is your pen? 4. The head teacher asked the senior teacher is Africa so poor? The second is whether we
Interrogatives are also used to ask indirect ----------- class the new student had joined. are going to let the situation continue like this
questions. However the difference between the 5. The leader of the band wanted to know ----- forever, or if we can and should do something
direct and indirect questions is that the indirect -------- I thought of the performance. about it. The last, of course, is: What can we do
12 ©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020
and how do we go about it? Secondly, Africa must unite. The scores of c) Denuded
tiny units into which Africa was broken by d) Scrawny
The reasons for Africa’s poverty are many and colonialists, without any consideration for the e) Understatement
varied. Some are historical, some political and interests of the Africans, are a major cause of f) Squandering
others psychological. Historically Africa was, African weakness and poverty. To begin with, g) Hoard
over 500 years, subjected to the dreadful evils a lot of resources are squandered on running h) Gratification
of slavery and colonization. First, people came services and institutions for tiny countries, some 2. How does the author’s description of the
from outside Africa, captured a large number of them with less than a million people. Besides, labourers show their poverty?
of Africans and took them to their countries to these countries impoverish one another and the 3. In about 30 words, explain how historical
work for them. Since it is obvious that the slavers ordinary African by placing all sorts of barriers I factors made Africa poor.
wanted people who could work, it can be argued the way of anyone who wants to do business 4. Do you agree with the writer that
that Africa was robbed of its best human power and earn a living across artificial borders created African destitution is not due to lack of
and labour force. Then when the outsiders came by the colonialists. If Africa was united into one, resources? Explain your answer.
and settled in Africa. They took the best African viable, political and economic entity, or at least
lands to themselves, collected all her riche s, into large, viable regions, Africans would find it Follow Up Activity
including gold, diamonds and other precious great deal easier to earn a living anywhere on
minerals, and took them to their countries. Thus Read the following text and then paraphrase it.
the continent. We would be building up our
Africa was not created poor, and was not always Notice that in a paraphrase you need to:
resources instead of squandering them on petty
poor. It became poor because it was plundered competitions against one another. Moreover, i. rewrite the original text in your own
of its human power and its natural resources. even those outsiders who want to exploit us words
would find it difficult to bully and exploit us ii. convey the content of the original
Though many African countries got their
would find it difficult to bully and exploit a big, text accurately.
independence over 40 years ago, the
strong united Africa. Today, the transnationals iii. use reported speech
‘independent’ Africa which the colonialists left
and other international bodies can intimidate
behind was a continent riddled with problems.
any African country because none of these What is poverty? Is it the horde of beggars
To begin with, it was-- and still is -- fragmented
countries is big or strong enough to stand up to struggling at the rubbish heap for morsels of
into tiny ‘states’ and areas of influence, all
them on its own. rotten food? Or is it the army of underpaid
competing and often fighting against each
labourers, barefooted and in ragged trousers
other and geared towards the interests of their Finally, Africans must start getting their priorities and tattered shirts, tolling away with crude
‘home’ countries. Africans were never pins to right. Many Africans, especially African leaders, implements in the scorching sun? One could
aeroplanes – from Britain, France or America. are not poor. Some of them, indeed, are very rich. also suggest that myriads of scruffy people
This situation has not changed much since But what they do with their riches? They kept crammed in hovels in smelly, unhygienic slums
independence. their money in Swiss bank accounts. Some buy are a face of poverty. Out in the countryside, a
houses and castles in Europe. Others buy fleets caring observer may be left heartbroken by those
Indeed, some people argue that the colonialists
of limousines, even in countries where there are scenes of semi-starved peasants scratching the
all never left at all! They left by the front door,
no roads fit for use even by bicycles. Do these denuded soil with sticks and worn-out jembes.
only to come back through the back door. This
people, especially in leadership positions, ever Trying to eke out a living from what they call
is what is called ‘neocolonialism’; a new form of
stop to ask themselves which is more important; ‘agriculture’. A headsman chasing around a few
colonialism. This becomes obvious when you
buying a new customized limousine for their herd of scrawny cattle in the name of live-stock-
look closely at the people who took control
teenage daughter or son, saving five thousand keeping is yet another image of poverty. Then
business and trade in Africa, and the economy
starving children who could be fed for the next you have the perennial gallery of spindle-limbed
in general. These are mostly from the same old
twelve months using the money spent on the children with bloated stomachs and wrinkled
countries which enslaved and colonized Africa.
car? faces, dying of kwashiorkor, diarrhea, malaria,
These days they do not come directly as rulers,
but as transnational monetary organizations measles, whooping cough and a hundred other
We are not talking about charity. We are talking
or international monetary organizations. These preventable diseases, just because their parents
about honesty and fairness. The starving,
companies and organizations have a lot of cannot afford the available simple cures.
diseased and dying people did not elect
money and power. Once they are in Africa, they those leaders so that the leaders could enrich
tell us what they want us to do or not to do, if themselves at the people’s expense. The people
we want to get any of their money. Quite often, expect their leaders to be selfless and lead the LESSON 3
what they want us to do is not what is best for way out of the cycle of poverty. Much of the so-
our people, but is likely to benefit them and called African destitution is not due to lack of TOPIC: Relative Clauses
their countries. resources. It is due to the greed and dishonesty of LESSON OUTCOMES:
some African leaders who loot and hoard all the
What can Africa do in the face of such
available resources for their selfish gratification. By the end of this lesson you should be able to:
disadvantages? First and foremost, we must free
our minds from the dependency syndrome. Adopted from: Head Start Secondary English 1. use relative clauses as subjects and
We can, and we must, learn to do things for Form 4 by Austin Bukenya, Angelina Kioko and objects in sentences
ourselves. We cannot always run to our former David Njeng’ere 2. use relative clauses as conjunctions in
enslavers and colonizers, and beg them to give sentences
us knowledge, technology and money. As long Now answer the questions below: 3. know when to omit a relative clause.
as we continue doing that, the neocolonialists
will continue to despise and exploit us. If Africans 1. Find the sentences in the passage INTRODUCTION
can show that we can stand on our own and run containing the following words and
work out their meanings. Relative clauses are sometimes called adjective
our own business, outsiders will cooperate with
a) Horde clauses and follow the noun which they
us fairly and respectfully. Otherwise, beggars
b) Morsels describe. They are dependent clauses which
cannot be choosers.
©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020 13
give additional information about a noun in b. James found the keys that my brother 3. The official gave me a travel warrant and
the main clause, and they follow that noun in had lost. some other documents. I needed them
the complex sentence they create. Dependent for my journey.
clauses start with a relative pronoun: that, Note that the second sentences given in part ‘a’ 4. She bought a new tennis racquet. It was
which, where, when, who. Whose is also used are made into a relative clause and joined to the quiet expensive.
as a relative pronoun but must be followed by first sentences to make the sentences in ‘b’. 5. Do you like suit? I’ve just bought it.
a noun in the dependent clause. The correct 6. Here are the tablets. The doctor
relative pronoun depends on what noun the Activity 1 prescribed them.
relative clause describes. 7. We crossed the river. We crossed it at a
For example: Use relative pronoun to join each of the following point where it was narrow.
pairs of sentences. 8. He learnt to speak French. It is the official
1. I saw the man who came yesterday.
2. I saw the man whom you met at the river. language in some West African countries.
1. I know a man. The man has been to the
3. Wambuzi bought the car which was on 9. He didn’t give me any reason. He said I
sale. should wear a tie.
2. My friend migrated to Zambia. I loved
4. The books that you gave me are here. 10. You were telling me about a singer. How
my friend.
old is he?
3. I saw a soldier. He has lost an arm.
In each of the sentences above, the relative 4. The man is deaf. You spoke to the man.
pronouns in italics refer back to a noun in the Activity 4
5. The ladies have arrived. I was speaking
same sentence without repeating the noun. of them. Read and enjoy the passage below.
This repetition is clearly seen in the sentences 6. I heard some news. The news astonished
below which do not have the relative pronouns me. Traditional African Values
used. From these sentences you can see how 7. This is my cousin. I was speaking of her.
ridiculous the sentences are as a result of the This text is written by the first president
8. We got into a bus. It was full of people.
repetition of the noun phrases: the man, the of Zambia, Dr Kenneth Kaunda. In it, he
9. A man came running up. He heard me
car and the books. describes traditional values and compares
them with those of modern Western society.
1. I saw the man. The man came yesterday. 10. The grapes were very sweet. You bought
2. I saw the man. You met the man at the them. The traditional community was an accepting
river. and inclusive community. It did not take account
3. Wambuzi bought the car. The car was of failure in an absolute sense. The slow, the
on sale. Activity 2 less able, and the incapable were accepted as
4. The books are here. You gave me the any other member in community life, provided
books. Fill in the blanks with the suitable relative that they were socially well-behaved. Social
pronoun. qualities weighed much heavier in the balance
These examples show that the noun phrases than individual achievement. In the best tribal
that are replaced by relative clauses in numbers 1. He has gone to Tororo --------- is his home society, people were values not for what they
1 and 3 are subjects, while the nouns replaced district. could achieve but because they were there.
by relative clauses in 2 and 4 are direct objects. 2. I do not know the man ------ answered Their contribution, however limited, to the
the question. material welfare of the village was acceptable,
The relative pronoun who is always used as 3. I know the girl ------ left a message for but it was their presence not their achievement
a subject, whom is always used as an object, you. which was appreciated.
while, which and that can be used as either 4. Is this the road --- leads to Kamdin?
subject or object pronouns. 5. Truth provokes those ---------- it does not Take, for instance, the traditional African attitude
convert. to old people. Here it should be pointed out
When the relative pronoun is an object, it can 6. Bring the letters ------- the postman how horrified an African is, in most cases, on
be left out without losing the meaning of the delivered. the first occasion of his acquaintance with the
sentence. In this case sentences in 2 and 4 can 7. We met the sailors -------- ship wrecked. Western phenomenon of old people’s homes.
be rewritten as follows: 8. He plays the game ----- he liked best. In traditional societies, old people are respected
- I saw the man you met at the river. 9. Only she ------ bears the burden knows and it is respected and regarded as a privilege
- The books you gave me are here. the weight. to look after them. Their counsel is sought on
10. I know to ---- this box belongs. many matters and, however infirm they might
Relative pronouns are also used to link clauses. be, they have valued and constructive role play
They function as clause connectors by linking s Activity 3 in teaching and instructing their grandchildren.
relative clause to a main clause. See the following Indeed, to deny a grandparent the joy of the
Rewrite the following pairs of sentences into
examples: company of his grandchildren is a terrible sin.
relative clauses. Use a relative pronoun only
The fact that old people can no longer work,
1. a. The coffee is from Tanzania. I bought when necessary and remember to use the
or not as alert as they used to be or even have
the coffee from the supermarket. essential commas.
developed the handicaps of old age, in no
b. The coffee which I bought at the 1. This is a beautiful piece of music. It was way affects our regard for them. We cannot do
supermarket is from Tanzania. compared by Beethoven. enough to repay them for all they have done for
2. The bomb exploded in the cinema us.
2. a. James found the keys. My brother had
lost the keys. yesterday evening. At the time there
The experts have all kinds of standards by which
were several hundred people present.

14 ©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020

judge the degree of civilization of a people. In Activity 5 other words. Such adjectives are easy to identify
African traditional society the test is this. How because they have typical endings. We will start
does that society treat its old people and, Now answer these questions with adjectives formed from nouns. These are
indeed, all its members who are not useful and formed by the addition of a suffix to a noun as
1. In what ways do you think modern
productive in the narrowest sense? Judged by seen in Table I below:
society (for example, in towns) is different
this standard, the so-called advanced societies
from traditional society (in rural areas)? Table I
have a lot to learn that the so-called backward
Make a list.
societies could teach them.
2. What do you think are the writer’s
suffix noun Adjective Sentence example
The traditional society was an Inclusive society. attitudes towards traditional and
In other words, the web of relationships which modern societies? Find evidence from
Environmental factors
involved some degree of mutual responsibility the passage to support your choice of -al environment Environmental
influence character.
was widely spread. One could describe industrial attitude.
society as an exclusive society because its Mazrui is an influential
members’ responsibilities are often confined to 3. Comment on what the author means by -ial Influence influential

the immediate family, and it may be a self-entire these phrases:

little universe, preventing the acceptance of a) Socially well-behaved (paragraph 1) Scientist give us factual
-ual Fact factual
wider commitments. b) Old people’s homes (paragraph 2) information.

c) The handicaps of old age (paragraph 2)

Here is an example of the inclusiveness of the d) The so-called advanced societies
traditional society. An African does not restrict (paragraph 3) There are also adjectives formed from other
the title ‘father’ to his male parent. He also e) Literal parents (paragraph 5) adjectives as seen in Table II below:
addresses his father’s brothers as father. And he
calls his mother’s sisters as ’mother’ also. Only his 4. Explain the following in your own words. Table II
father’s sisters would be addressed as ‘aunt’ and a) Horrified (paragraph 2)
suffix verbs adjectives Sentence example
his mother’s brothers as ‘uncle’. ‘Brothers’ would b) Acquaintance (paragraph 2)
include not only male children but also certain c) Counsel (paragraph 2) -able manage manageable
The work I need to do
cousins and even members of the same clan d) Infirm (paragraph 2) today is manageable.

who have no blood relationship in the western e) Alert (paragraph 2) The rebels were subjected
sense. Now the eastern mind, confusing state -less relent relentless to relentless bombarding
affairs is not merely a matter of terminology. 5. Do you agree with the writer’s viewpoint by the loyal soldiers.

These are not just courtesy titles. With the title of about the advantages of the extended She was resentful at
‘father’, for example, goes all the responsibilities family? -ful resent resentful having been ignored at
the party.
of parenthood and in return all the ‘fathers’,
receive parental devotion. Hence, no child in 6. Do the traditional values the writer
a traditional society is likely to be orphaned. describes in the text apply to your Lastly there are a few adjectives formed from
Should his literal parents die, then others society in today’s modern world? other adjectives such greenish from the
automatically assume the responsibility for his adjective green; wearisome from the adjective
upbringing? By the same token, no old person is Follow Up Activity. weary and elderly from the adjective elder.
likely to end his days outside a family circle. If his
The Local Council chairperson has identified Activity 1
own offspring cannot care for him then other
you to help develop a radio announcement to
‘children’ will accept the duty and privilege.
help the members of the community to stay Draw a table similar to the Table I and II above
The extended family provides for richness safe during the CORONA virus pandemic. Write and use the following suffixes to create your
in knowledge and experience for those the announcement which will be aired on the own examples of nouns, adjective and sentence
fortunate enough to be part of it. Granted, the local FM station in your area. examples.-al, ial, -ual, -less, -en, -ese, -ful, -ly,
characteristics of small-scale societies have -ic, -some.
been described and it could be argued that
such a scheme would not work where hundreds Activity 2
TOPIC: Forming adjectives from other
of thousands people are gathered together in words Form adjectives from the following words:
cities and towns. But the attitudes to human
beings as described above are not solely a LESSON OUTCOMES: Compassion hope swell demonstrate examine
function of social organization. They are now awe child rebel prevent fear.
part of the African psychology. By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
Activity 3
From; Kenneth Kaunda: Humanism in 1. form adjectives from nouns
Zambia Adopted from English in Use by 2. form adjectives from verbs and other Use the adjectives you have formed above to
B Webb, et al. adjectives make sentences.
There are many adjectives that are formed from

©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020 15

National Curriculum
Development Centre ,
P.O. Box 7002,
Ministry of Education
and Sports

Topic: Reaction Rates and Reversible Reactions present. In this lesson, you will focus on the main
rate changing contributors: temperature, concen-
By the end of this topic, you should be able to ob- tration, surface area, and catalysts.
serve and explain the effects of different factors on
reaction rates. (If you were to draw a graph for this reaction,
the slope of the line would be negative, because Temperature
the concentration of our reactant is constantly Activity 1: You will investigate the effect of tem-
Introduction decreasing). perature on the rate of the reaction.
Why are some reactions much faster than others? Is
it possible to change how fast a reaction occurs? In If we were expressing reaction rate in terms of ap- Things you will need: An anti-acid tablet (e.g.
this lesson, you will learn what the rate of a chem- pearance of hydrogen gas, we would write: magnesium/activated charcoal tablets) two plastic
ical reaction is. You will also discover how factors cups labelled A and B, cold/iced water, hot water
such as temperature, concentration, surface area,
and catalysts impact reaction rates.
(If you were to draw a graph for this reaction, 1. In cup A, put the iced/cold water and add ½
Reaction Rate the slope of the line would be positive, because a tablet of anti-acid tablet.
the concentration of our reactant is constantly 2. In cup B, put the hot water add ½ a tablet of
When you hear the word rate, what do you think of?
increasing.) anti-acid tablet.
A loan interest rate? A rate of speed? A growth rate?
3. Observe which reaction is the quickest.
Or maybe a rate of pay? Most rates have something
This reaction happens quickly, but think ... What are
happening in a specific amount of time, like the Questions
some ways that we could increase the rate of reac-
percentage of interest you pay on a bank loan every
tion? What are some ways that we could decrease
month, how far you drive in an hour, how fast you 1. Which reaction had the fastest rate? How
the rate of reaction?
grow in a year, or how much you are paid every were you able to tell this?
hour. Before we talk about factors that influence reac- 2. Explain what could be occurring at the mo-
tion rate, let us look at a chemical reaction on the lecular level. (How are the molecules moving
In Chemistry, the rate of a reaction describes how or acting?)
molecular level.
fast a reaction proceeds over time. In other words,
a rate of reaction measures how quickly reactants
are changed into products. Chemical Reactions: A Molecule’s View Concentration
Remember, molecules are made up of atoms Activity 2: You will investigate the effect of con-
Reaction rate is the change in concentration of centration on the rate of a reaction.
bonded together by the sharing of electrons. These
reactants over time or the change in concentration
bonds are relatively strong and require a certain You will use the different concentrations of vinegar
of products over time. Units for reaction rates are in
amount of energy to break. The random bumping and baking soda for these reactions.
terms of Mass/time. For faster reactions, seconds are
and colliding of molecules with each other general-
used for units of time; for longer reactions, minutes
ly does not contain enough energy to break these Things you will need: Vinegar/lemon juice, baking
are used.
bonds and cause a chemical reaction. Additionally, soda, water, cup, tea spoon
Reaction rates may be expressed in terms of any molecules must collide with proper orientation.
chemical substances involved in the reaction. Reac- Procedure:
According to the collision theory, in order for a
tion rate can be written for the disappearance of a 1. In one cup, use pure vinegar/lemon
chemical reaction to happen, there needs to be
reactant or the appearance of a product. juice (3mL) and place one tea spoonful
an effective collision between the reactants. To be
As an example of a reaction, take the reaction effective, a collision must meet the following two of baking soda.
between hydrochloric acid and zinc metal. When requirements: 2. In another cup, add pure vinegar/
combined, the acid “eats away” the metal to pro- lemon juice (1.5mL) and water (1.5 mL)
i) Molecules collide with enough energy before you add the tea spoonful of
duce hydrogen gas and some dissolved metal
to break bonds baking soda.
salts. The rate of this reaction could be measured in
terms of the disappearance of the zinc or the rate of 3. Observe what is happening in the cups.
ii) Molecules collide with a favourable
appearance of hydrogen gas. orientation Questions
If we were expressing reaction rate in terms of dis- Any factor that affects the likelihood of an effective 1. Which reaction had the fastest rate?
appearance of zinc metal, we would write: collision also affects the rate of reaction. Chemical How were you able to tell this?
reaction rates can differ when different factors are

©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020 1

2. Explain what could be occurring moving or acting?) Things you will need: Vinegar, baking soda, yeast,
at the molecular level in each 3. If left to burn for more than 10 seconds, balloon, plastic bottle
example. (How are the molecules which would take longer, the balled piece or Procedure
moving or acting?) the spread-out piece? Explain your answer.
3. Why are high concentration reac- 1. In a small plastic bottle, use pure vinegar
tions faster than low concentra- and place one tea spoonful of baking soda
Pressure and cover with a balloon.
How does pressure affect the reaction rate? 2. In another small plastic bottle, add pure
vinegar and add catalysts (yeast) before you
Surface area The concentration of a gas is a function of the add the tea spoonful of baking soda covered
What is surface area? Surface area is the exposed pressure on the gas. Increasing the pressure of a gas with a balloon.
matter of a solid substance. Imagine that you are is exactly the same as increasing its concentration. 3. Make observations of what happens in both
holding a perfect cube of magnesium. The surface If you have a certain number of gas molecules, you cases.
area is the sum of the area of all six sides of the can increase the pressure by forcing them into a
cube. The surface area of the cube can be increased smaller volume.
by dividing the cube into smaller cubes. Surface Questions
area is maximized when a single large cube is
1. Which reaction had the fastest rate? How
crushed to fine powder.
were you able to tell this?
Activity 3: You will investigate the effect of sur- 2. Explain what could be occurring at the
face area on the rate of a reaction. molecular in each example. (How are the
molecules moving or acting?)
You will use steel wool and the lighter/source of 3. How does the catalyst cause this effect?
heat for the reactions. Under higher pressure or at a higher concentration, (Hint: Think of the structure of the catalyst)
gas molecules collide more frequently and react at
Things you will need: Steel wool, box of matches a faster rate. Conversely, increasing the volume of a Follow-up Activity
gas decreases pressure which in turn decreases the 1. Utilise your knowledge of reaction rates to
collision frequency and thus reduces the reaction explain why we keep most foods in the refrig-
Procedure rate. erator.
2. Utilise your knowledge of reaction rates to
1. Ball up pea size amount of steel wool. Burn It is important to note, however, that there are re- explain why highly concentrated medications
the piece for 10 seconds. actions involving gases in which a pressure change can be deadly.
2. Spread out the same amount of steel wool. does not affect the reaction rate. For this reason, 3. If the temperature, concentration or surface
Burn the spread-out piece for another ten the rates of reactions involving gases have to be de- area were increased in the following scenario,
seconds. termined by experiment. Also note that solids and hypothesize how it would change the reaction.
3. Make observations of what happens in both liquids are not affected by pressure changes. Reactant A + Reactant B -> Product

Questions Catalyst
1. Which reaction had the fastest rate? How Activity 4: You will investigate the effect of cata-
lysts on the rate of a reaction.
were you able to tell this?
2. Explain what could be occurring at the mo- You will use the catalyst provided with the vinegar
lecular level for the balled piece versus the and baking soda for these reactions.
spread-out piece. (How are the molecules

without the dry cell(s)? What is it that these dry cells have iii. A torch bulb or a LED
INTRODUCTION TO CURRENT ELECTRICITY that make the torch to light? iv. Connecting wires.

Lesson 1 Materials you need: 2. Pick a lemon or an orange fruit (You can buy one
Competence: • A lemon/orange fruit from the market).
By the end of this lesson, you should be able to: • A dry cell (e.g. Tiger head) 3. Connect the circuit shown in Figure 1.1. (In
1. Explain what is meant by electromotive force • Two copper nails absence of the crocodile clips you may connect
(emf ). • Two zinc nails the connecting wires directly to the nails and the
2. Construct a simple electric cell using local • Four crocodile clips terminals of the LED or bulb).
materials. • A torch bulb or LED
3. Describe how dry cells convert chemical energy • Two connecting wires
into electrical energy. Procedures:
1. Look around your home/community and get the
Introduction: following:Two copper nails
Have you ever used a torch that uses a dry cell (battery)? i. Two zinc nails
Have you ever noticed that such a torch does not work ii. Four crocodile clips

2 ©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020

3. Study Figure 1.2 and identify the primary and 6. Compare and contrast the electrochemical cells
secondary cells/batteries. as a source of electricity to the source of energy
Figure 1.1: The lemon cell shown in Figure 1.1 (b).

4. Explain what you observe. For your knowledge

5. Remove the crocodile clip from the zinc nail. 1. Direct current is the type of electricity in which
Explain what you observe. the electrons (charges) flow in only one direction.
6. Replace the copper nail with another zinc nail. All electrochemical cells and solar cells produce
What happens to the LED? direct current.
7. Replace the zinc nails in procedure 5 with two Hydro electricity and all electricity produced from
copper nails. What happens to the LED? generators are alternating currents. Alternating currents
8. Reconnect Figure 1.1, this time replacing the vary continuously in magnitude and direction with time.
connecting wires with pieces of cotton thread. Project
What do you observe?
9. Replace the lemon fruit with a dry cell e.g. a Tiger
head cell and repeat procedures 3 to 8.

1. Explain your observations in procedures 6, 7 and
2. Describe the energy transformations that take Figure 1.2: Primary and secondary cells/batteries
place in Figure 1.1. 4. Name the equipment in which each type of cell/
battery shown in Figure 1.2 is applied in your
For your knowledge: home/community.
1. An electrochemical cell is a device which can 5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Figure 1.4
convert chemical energy into electrical energy. using primary cells over secondary cells?
The lemon acts like an electrochemical cell. 1. State the economic activities taking place in
2. A closed path connected to an electric cell is Project: Figure 1.4.
called an electric circuit. Visit a place where batteries are charged (e.g. where car 2. Discuss the suitability of the choice of the source
3. The energy which the lemon cell produces to or phone batteries are charged). Ask the mechanic or the of electricity used in Figure 1.4.
drive the electrons round the electric circuit person charging the phone batteries to explain to you 3. Design an economic activity which requires use
connected to it is called electromotive force what happens during discharging and recharging of a of electricity. Suggest with reasons, the source of
(emf ). battery and take notes. electricity you would employ for your project.
4. The rate of flow of electrons in an electric circuit
is known as electric current or simply electricity. Lesson 3
5. Electric current cannot flow through an open
circuit or an insulator like the cotton thread. By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
1. Identify instruments used for measuring current
Activity: and voltage.
Connect Figure 1.1 using an apple, a pineapple, a 2. Draw the circuit symbols in circuit diagrams.
mango, an Irish potato and a tomato. Explain your
observations in relation to the brightness of the bulb. Introduction:
An electric circuit has got many components like the
Lesson 2 source of emf, the connecting wires, the gadget used for
measuring the amount of current flowing in the circuit,
By the end of this lesson, you should be able to: the bulbs and many others. Scientists have developed
1. Identify the different types of electric cells. standard symbols to identify these components in the
2. State the uses of electric cells and their limitations. electric circuit. In this lesson you will appreciate the use of
3. Describe different sources of emf. symbols in circuit diagrams.
Other sources of electricity Circuit symbol for sources of emf
Introduction: The emf sources that generate direct currents have one
In lesson 1, you learnt that electricity is the rate of flow of their terminals (ends or connecting points) labelled
of electrons in an electric circuit. Can you name some of positive (+) and the other terminal is labelled negative (-).
the equipment in your home or community which needs The circuit symbols are shown below:
electricity to operate? You will now need to understand
the different sources of electricity used in different

For your knowledge

1. When two or more electrochemical cells are
connected together, they form a battery. Figure 1.3: Some sources of electricity
2. There are two types of electrochemical cells/
batteries, namely:
i. Primary cells/batteries which are not Procedures: Figure 1.5: Circuit Symbols
rechargeable. 1. Study images shown in Figure 1.3. Identify the Activity:
ii. Secondary cells/batteries which are sources of electricity in (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e). • Draw a circuit symbol for a battery with six (6)
rechargeable. 2. Which of these sources of electricity are cells.
commonly used in your home/community?
Materials you need: 3. Describe how the device shown in (e) produces As you learnt earlier, the emf produced by electric
• Primary cells/batteries. electricity. (You may ask some technical person generators yield alternating currents. The circuit symbol
• Secondary cells/batteries. in your community to assist you). for emf sources that generate alternating currents is as
4. Do you have some people in your community below:
Procedures: who use the source of electricity shown in (d)?
1. Name some of the commonly used primary 5. Inquire on the advantages and disadvantages
cells/batteries in your home or community. of using the source of electricity in (d) over the
2. Repeat procedure 1 for the commonly used source of electricity in (e), and take notes in your
secondary cells/batteries. notebook.
©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020 3
All these components can be drawn in a single circuit 1. Replace the dry cell with a lemon fruit and repeat
diagram as shown in Figure 1.6: the procedures 1 to 8 above.
2. If you can get Ammeters, replace all the switches
with Ammeters as shown in the Figure 1.8:

Note that the terminals of the source of an alternating emf

do not have + or – signs. Figure 1.8
Switch Figure 1.6: Components of an electric circuit 3. Compare the readings of Ammeters A1, A2 and
A switch in a circuit component is used to open or close Procedures A3. What conclusion can you draw?
the circuit. The circuit symbol is shown below: 1. Identify the components A, R, V, X and Y in Figure 4. Look for Voltmeters and connect the circuit
1.6. shown in Figure 1.9.
2. Draw a circuit diagram for Figure 1.1.

For your knowledge

Electrical Appliances 1. Not all circuit components are very necessary
When any electrical appliance like a bulb, flat iron, radio, in a circuit e.g. if you do not want to measure
heater, etc is connected in an electric circuit, it opposes the current in the circuit, you can remove the
the flow of current through itself. Therefore, work must be Ammeter from the circuit and hence you do not Figure 1.9
done to force electric current through the appliance. Such include it in the circuit diagram.
an appliance which opposes the flow of electric current 2. Some circuits have a combination of the same 5. Compare the readings of Voltmeters V1, V2, V3
through itself is called a resistor in the circuit. components e.g. different brands of bulbs. These and V4. What conclusion can you draw?
must be drawn as resistors with their different
The circuit symbol for any resistor in a circuit is as below: resistance values indicated. For your knowledge
1. The same current flows through all resistors
Lesson 4 connected in a series.
Competence: 2. The sum of the potential drops across the
By the end of this lesson, you should be able to explain individul resistors is equal to the emf of the
A measure of the amount of opposition to the flow of the series connection of electrical appliances (Resistors). source of electricity.
current through any electrical appliance is called the
3. The potential drop across each resistor is directly
Electrical Resistance (R) of the appliance. The unit for Introduction: proportional to the resistance of the resistor.
measuring resistance is Ohm (Ω). At times you may have many components to connect in Project
a circuit. One of the ways to connect these components is Check the electrical appliances in your home or
Measurement of Current to arrange them in a series. community which are connected in series to an emf
The instrument used to measure the amount of current
source. What happens when one of them blows? Explain
flowing in a circuit is called an Ammeter. The unit for Series arrangement of resistors: your response.
measuring electric current is the Ampere (symbol A). The In this case, the electrical appliances (resistors) are
circuit symbol for an Ammeter is shown below: connected in line, one following the other as shown in
Figure 1.7. Lesson 5

By the end of this lesson, you should be able to explain
parallel connection of electrical appliances (Resistors).
The Ammeter has a positive and a negative terminal. In Introduction:
a circuit, the positive terminal of the Ammeter must be Figure 1.7: Series connection of resistors In lesson 4, you learnt that one way to connect many
connected to the positive terminal of a direct current components in a circuit is to arrange them in a series.
source of electricity. Traditionally, the positive terminal of Materials you need: Another alternative of arranging these components is to
the Ammeter was always coloured red while the negative • One dry cell (1.5V size 3D) connect them in parallel.
terminal had a black clolour. To measure the amount of • Three torch bulbs
current flowing through an appliance, the appliance and • Three switches Parallel arrangement of resistors:
the Ammeter must be connected in line (series). • Seven connecting wires In this case, the electrical appliances (resistors) are
connected side by side as shown in Figure 1.10.
1. Connect the circuit shown in Figure 1.7 using the
Potential difference materials listed above.
This is the amount of energy required to move current 2. Close switch K1. Do the bulbs R1, R2 and R3 light?
through an electrical appliance against its opposition 3. Open switch K1.
to the flow of current through itself. Potential difference 4. Repeat procedures 2 and 3 for switches K2 and
(pd) is measured in volts (V) using an instrument called K3.
the voltmeter. The circuit symbol for a voltmeter is shown Figure 1.10: Parallel connection of resistors
5. Now, close all the three switches K1, K2 and K3.
below: Comment on your observation.
Materials you need:
6. Remove bulb R3 from the circuit and close all
• One dry cell (1.5V size 3D)
the switches. Compare the brightness of bulbs
• Three torch bulbs
R1 and R2 before and after removing bulb R3.
• Three switches
7. Remove bulb R2 so that only bulb R1 remains in
• Seven connecting wires
the circuit. Close all the switches and compare
When measuring the potential difference across an the brightness of bulb R1 to its brightness in
appliance, the voltmeter should be connected opposite cases 5 and 6 above.
1. Connect the circuit shown in Figure 1.10 using
(parallel) to the appliance with the positive terminal of 8. What conclusions can you draw from your
the materials listed above.
the voltmeter connected to the positive terminal of the observations in 5, 6 and 7?
2. Close switch K1. Do the bulbs R1, R2 and R3 light?
source of emf.
3. Open switch K1.
4. Repeat procedures 2 and 3 for switches K2, K3
4 ©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020
and K4.
5. Close switch K1. Lesson 6
6. Close switch K2 as switches K3 and K4 remain
open. Comment on your observation. Competence:
7. Open switch K2. By the end of this lesson, you should be able to explain a
8. Repeat procedure 6 and 7 for K3 and K4. series connection of sources of emf. Figure 1.15: Current generated by cells in series
9. Close switches K2 and K3, leaving switch K4
open. Comment on your observation. Introduction: 1. Connect the circuit in Figure 1.15 (a). Read and
10. Close all the switches and comment on your Most batteries in the market produce emf of up to 1.5V. record the Ammeter reading.
observation. This value is often written on the cell or battery. However, 2. Connect the circuit in Figure 1.15 (b). Read and
some of the electrical appliances you use at home require record the Ammeter reading.
Activity: more emf than this to operate. The only way to obtain 3. Explain the variations in the ammeter readings in
1. Replace the dry cell with the lemon fruit and these high voltages is by combining the cells/batteries. procedures 1 and 2 above.
repeat procedures 1 to 10 above.
2. If you can get Ammeters, replace all the switches Series arrangement of cells: Materials you need:
with Ammeters as shown in the Figure 1.11: In case a higher voltage is required to operate an • Three dry cells
appliance, the cells are connected in line, one following • Four Voltmeters
the other as shown in Figure 1.13. • One torch bulb
• Six connecting wires


Figure 1.11
Figure 1.13: Series connection of resistors
3. Compare the readings of Ammeters A1, A2, A3
Figure 1.16: Potential different across a bulb
and A4. What conclusion can you draw? Materials you need: connected to cells in series
4. Look for Voltmeters and connect the circuit as • Three lemon fruits
shown in Figure 1.12; • One torch bulb or LED 1. Connect the circuit shown in Figure 1.16.
• Four connecting wires 2. Read and record the readings of the Voltmeters
• Eight crocodile clips V1, V2, V3 and V4.
• Three copper nails 3. Remove cell E1 and Voltmeter V1 from the circuit.
• Three zinc nails 4. Close the circuit and take the readings of the
remaining Voltmeters V2, V3 and V4.
Procedures: 5. What conclusion can you draw?
1. Connect the circuit showm in Figure 1.13 (a).
Observe the brightness of the bulb/LED. For your knowledge
Figure 1.12 2. Connect the circuit shown in Figure 1.13 (b). When cells are connected in series:
Compare the brightness of the bulb/LED now 1. They supply more current to the circuit.
5. Compare the readings of Voltmeters V1, V2, V3 and in case 1 above. 2. They supply more energy to drive the charges
and V4. What conclusion can you draw? 3. What conclusion can you draw? round the circuit.
6. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a Materials you need:
series connection over the parallel network of • Three dry cells Project
resistors. • Two switches Check the electrical appliances in your home or
• One torch bulb community which use sources of emf that are connected
For your knowledge • Six connecting wires in series. What happens:
1. The potential drop across each of the resistors in 1. When the terminals of one of the emf sources
a parallel network is the same. Procedures: is reversed?
2. The current flowing through each resistor is 2. To the aging of the individual sources of emf?
inversely proportional to the resistance of the
resistor. This means that less current flows
through components with higher resistance. Lesson 7
3. The current in the circuit is the algebraic sum
Figure 1.14: Cells in series
of the currents flowing through the individual Competence:
1. Connect the circuit shown in Figure 1.14 (a)
resistors. By the end of this lesson, you should be able to explain
using the materials listed above.
2. Close switch K and note the brightness of bulb B. the parallel connection of sources of emf.
3. Open switch K1.
Check the electrical appliances in your home or Introduction:
4. Add a third cell E3 to the circuit so that the circuit
community which are connected in a series to an emf In lesson 6, you learnt that one way to connect many
is as shown in Figure 1.14 (b).
source. What happens when one of them blows? Explain sources of emf in a circuit is to arrange them in series.
5. Close switch K1 leaving switch K2 open.
your response. Many cells can also be connected in a circuit in parallel.
Comment on your observation.
6. Repeat procedure 5 with switch K1 open and
Project Parallel arrangement of cells:
switch K2 closed.
1. Construct two model houses using ply wood or In this case, the cells are connected side by side as shown
7. Close both switches K1 and K2. Comment on
hard paper with each house having four rooms. in Figure 1.17.
your observation.
Wire the houses such that each room has one
8. Compare your observations in procedure 2 to
bulb. In one house the bulbs should be wired
that in procedure 7.
in series while in the other the bulbs should be
wired in parallel.
Materials you need:
2. Two tenants, A and B, live in different rooms but
• Three dry cells
in the same house. Whenever tenant A switches
• An Ammeter
on his electric stove to start cooking, the bulbs
• One torch bulb
in the room of tenant B go dim. This has brought
• Six connecting wires
about conflict between the two tenants. As a
Physician, write an explanation to the landlord Figure 1.17: Parallel connection of emf sources
on the root cause of this problem and suggest
Procedures Materials you need:
a solution.
• Three lemon/orange fruits
©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020 5
• One torch bulb/LED b) 12 Ω and 28 Ω.
• Seven connecting wires 1. Connect the circuit shown in Figure 1.21. c) 3Ω, 8 Ω and 9 Ω.
2. Read and record the readings of the Voltmeters 2. The effective resistance of two resistors
Procedures: V1, V2, and V3. connected in series is 15 Ω. If the resistance of
1. Connect the circuit shown in Figure 1.17 (a) 3. What conclusion can you draw? one of the resistors is 7Ω, find the resistance of
using the materials listed above. the other resistor.
2. What happens to the bulb/LED? 3. The resistance of one resistor is twice the
3. Add a third lemon to obtain the circuit shown in Activity: resistance of another resistor. When the two
Figure 1.17 (b). Check the electrical appliances in your home or resisitors are connected in series, their effective
4. What happens to the bulb/LED? community in which the cells are connected in a parallel resistance is 21Ω. Find the resistance of each of
5. Comment on the brightness of the bulb/ LED in arrangement. Did you locate these appliances easily? Give the resistors.
procedures 1 and 3. reasons for for response.
Effective resistance of resistors in parellel
Materials you need: arrangement
• Two dry cells CHAPTER 2
• One torch bulb/LED
• Seven connecting wires VOLTAGE, RESISTANCE AND OHM’S LAW
• Three switches
Lesson 1
Competence: Figure 2.2: Resistors in parallel
By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
1. Calculate the electric current or charge flowing If two resistors of resistances R1 and R2 are in a parallel
through a conductor. arrangement as shown in Figure 2.2, their effective
2. Determine effective resistances. resistance, R, is given by addition:

Figure 1.19: The behaviour of cell in parallel Introduction:

connection In chapter 1, you learnt that electric current is the rate
of flow of electric charges. Mathematically this can be Special case:
1. Connect the circuit shown in Figure 1.19. expressed as: If there are only two resistors in parallel arrangement, the
2. Close switch K3. What happens to the bulb? effective resistance, according to equation (3) is given by:
3. With switch K3 closed, close switch K1 and leave
switch K2 open. Comment on your observation.
4. Open switch K1 and close switch K2. Comment
on your observation.
5. Close all the switches K1, K2 and K3. Comment
on your observation.
The symbol for electric charge is I, and that for the
6. Compare the brightness of the bulb in
quantity of charge is Q. Therefore, the above equation can
procedures 2, 4 and 5.
be expressed as:
From equation (4), the effective resistance, R, is given by:
Connect three (3) cells in parallel to a bulb and carryout
the investigations as prescribed in the above procedures.
The unit of current is Amperes if the quantity of charge
Materials you need: is measured in Coulombs (C) and time is measured in
• Two dry cells seconds (s).
• One torch bulb
• Seven connecting wires Exercises 2.1:
• Three Ammeters 1. Find the current flowing through a point in a
circuit if: Exercise 2.3:
Procedures: i. 20C of charge flows through the point in 1. Find the effective resistances of the following
3min. resistors if connected in a parallel arrangement:
ii. It takes 5s for 20C of charge to flow through a) 3Ω and 6Ω
the point. b) 6 Ω and 6 Ω
iii. 1.2 x 10-6C of charge flows through the point c) 8 Ω and 12 Ω
in 4 x 10-3s. d) 2 Ω, 5 Ω and 10 Ω
Figure 1.20: Current supplied by cells in parallel
2. A current of 2.4A flows through a circuit for 2. The effective resistance of two resistors in a
parallel arrangement is 2.4 Ω. If the resistance of
1.Connect the circuit shown in Figure 1.20. 1hour, 30min, 10s respectively. Find the charge
one of the resistors is 4 Ω, find the reisitance of
2.Read and record the readings of the Ammeters that flows through a point in the circuit in the
the other resistor.
A1, A2 and A3. respective times.
3. Comment on the values of current read from Resistors in both series and parallel arrangement
Ammeters A1, A2 and A3. Effective resistance of resistors in series arrangement
Now that you can find the effective resistance of resistors
4. What conclusion can you draw? in a series arrangement or in a parallel arrangement, try
Materials you need:
to find the effective resistance of the following resistors:
• Two dry cells
• One torch bulb Figure 2.1: Resistors in series
• Seven connecting wires
• Three Voltmeters If two resistors of resistances R1 and R2 are connected in
series as shown in Figure 2.1, their effective resistance, R,
Procedures: is given by addition:
R = R1 + R2

Recall the unit of resistance is the Ohm (Ω).

Exercise 2.2:
Figure 1.21: Pd across a bulb connected to cells in 1. Given that the following resistors are in a series
parallel arrangement, find their effective resistance:
a) 5Ω and 7 Ω.
6 ©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020
Topic: Growth and Development 4. Put soil in the remaining part of the bottle. Time after Dry weight of Weight of Total dry
5. Put maize grains in the soil but on the side nearer planting (days) endosperm (mg) embryo (mg) weight
Introduction the wall of the bottle where you can see. (mg)

By the end of this topic, you should be able to con- 6. Sprinkle water onto the soil. Why is this so? Keep 0 43 2 45
duct an experiment on plant growth over time. You checking on the seeds. 2 40 2 42
should also be able to plot a growth-time graph on the 7. Note down when the shoot appears. Record this as
4 33 7 40
growth observed. day 0 in the table.
6 20 16 37
Time (days) Length of shoot (cm)
You can easily determine the growth in plants by using a 8 10 25 35
Day shoot appears (day 0) 0
germinating seedling. The rate at which a seedling grows Day 2
10 6 33 39
shows the availability of nutrients in the soil and the Day 4
overall health of the plant. Day 6
1. On the same axes, draw a graph of the dry
Day 8
weight of the endosperm, weight of the
Activity: Determining the growth rate of a seedling embryo and the total dry weight against
Day 10
In the activity below, you will germinate seeds and take 8. Then after two days, measure the height of the time.
measurements on the shoot of the seedlings to deter- shoot in millimeters. Continue with measurement 2. Determine the total dry weight on day 5
mine the rate of growth. and record the result after every two days for the 3. Explain:
next 5 days. i) the decrease in dry weight of the
Things you will need: Maize grains, empty plastic water
9. From the records obtained, plot a graph of growth endosperm from days O to 10.
bottle, water, knife or razor blade, ruler, pen / pencil,
graph paper
rate against time (number of days). ii) the increase in dry weight of embryo
from days O to 10.
Follow-up activity iii) the decrease in total dry weight from
Procedure During germination and growth of maize, the dry weight day O to 8.
of the endosperm, the weight of the embryo and the iv) the increase in total dry weight after 8
1. Half way the length of the water bottle, make a
total dry weight were determined at two-day intervals. days.
mark with pencil / pen.
The results are shown in the table below.
2. Cut the bottle using a knife or razor blade from the
marked part.
3. Remove the top part of the bottle.


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